Lineage for Species: Chicken (Gallus gallus) [TaxId: 9031]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.06
  2. 2250849Class f: Membrane and cell surface proteins and peptides [56835] (59 folds)
  3. 2253332Fold f.21: Heme-binding four-helical bundle [81344] (3 superfamilies)
    core: four transmembrane helices, up-and-down bundle, binds one or two heme groups in between the helices
  4. 2253424Superfamily f.21.2: Fumarate reductase respiratory complex transmembrane subunits [81343] (2 families) (S)
    two distinct families: in one family the common fold is contained in a single-chain subunit, in the other it is formed by two chains
  5. 2253444Family f.21.2.2: Succinate dehydrogenase/Fumarate reductase transmembrane subunits (SdhC/FrdC and SdhD/FrdD) [81373] (7 proteins)
    consists of two homologous non-identical subunits that form a heterodimer; may or may not contain heme groups
  6. 2253524Protein automated matches [254461] (3 species)
    not a true protein
  7. 2253525Species Chicken (Gallus gallus) [TaxId:9031] [254987] (6 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Chicken (Gallus gallus) [TaxId: 9031]:

  1. Domain(s) for 1yq3:
    1. 2253532Domain d1yq3c_: 1yq3 C: [238601]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1yq3b1, d1yq3b2
      automated match to d1zoyc_
      complexed with bhg, f3s, fad, fes, gol, hem, pee, sf4, teo, unl, uq
    2. 2253533Domain d1yq3d_: 1yq3 D: [238602]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1yq3b1, d1yq3b2
      automated match to d1zoyd_
      complexed with bhg, f3s, fad, fes, gol, hem, pee, sf4, teo, unl, uq
  2. Domain(s) for 1yq4:
    1. 2253538Domain d1yq4c_: 1yq4 C: [241055]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1yq4b1, d1yq4b2
      automated match to d1zoyc_
      complexed with 3np, bhg, f3s, fad, fes, gol, hem, pee, sf4, uq
    2. 2253539Domain d1yq4d_: 1yq4 D: [241056]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1yq4b1, d1yq4b2
      automated match to d1zoyd_
      complexed with 3np, bhg, f3s, fad, fes, gol, hem, pee, sf4, uq
  3. Domain(s) for 2fbw:
    1. 2253528Domain d2fbwc_: 2fbw C: [241821]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2fbwb1, d2fbwb2, d2fbwo1, d2fbwo2
      automated match to d1zoyc_
      complexed with azi, bhg, cbe, f3s, fad, fes, gol, hem, k, pee, sf4, teo, unl
    2. 2253529Domain d2fbwd_: 2fbw D: [241822]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2fbwb1, d2fbwb2, d2fbwo1, d2fbwo2
      automated match to d1zoyd_
      complexed with azi, bhg, cbe, f3s, fad, fes, gol, hem, k, pee, sf4, teo, unl
    3. 2253530Domain d2fbwp_: 2fbw P: [241825]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2fbwb1, d2fbwb2, d2fbwo1, d2fbwo2
      automated match to d1zoyc_
      complexed with azi, bhg, cbe, f3s, fad, fes, gol, hem, k, pee, sf4, teo, unl
    4. 2253531Domain d2fbwq_: 2fbw Q: [241826]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2fbwb1, d2fbwb2, d2fbwo1, d2fbwo2
      automated match to d1zoyd_
      complexed with azi, bhg, cbe, f3s, fad, fes, gol, hem, k, pee, sf4, teo, unl
  4. Domain(s) for 2h88:
    1. 2253526Domain d2h88d_: 2h88 D: [242010]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2h88b1, d2h88b2, d2h88o1, d2h88o2
      automated match to d1zoyd_
      complexed with azi, bhg, f3s, fad, fes, gol, hem, k, sf4, teo, unl
    2. 2253527Domain d2h88q_: 2h88 Q: [242013]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2h88b1, d2h88b2, d2h88o1, d2h88o2
      automated match to d1zoyd_
      complexed with azi, bhg, f3s, fad, fes, gol, hem, k, sf4, teo, unl
  5. Domain(s) for 2h89:
  6. Domain(s) for 2wqy:
    1. 2253534Domain d2wqyc_: 2wqy C: [244220]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2wqyb1, d2wqyb2, d2wqyo1, d2wqyo2
      automated match to d1zoyc_
      complexed with azi, bhg, cbe, f3s, fad, fes, gol, hem, k, oaa, pee, sf4, unl
    2. 2253535Domain d2wqyd_: 2wqy D: [244221]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2wqyb1, d2wqyb2, d2wqyo1, d2wqyo2
      automated match to d1zoyd_
      complexed with azi, bhg, cbe, f3s, fad, fes, gol, hem, k, oaa, pee, sf4, unl
    3. 2253536Domain d2wqyp_: 2wqy P: [244224]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2wqyb1, d2wqyb2, d2wqyo1, d2wqyo2
      automated match to d1zoyc_
      complexed with azi, bhg, cbe, f3s, fad, fes, gol, hem, k, oaa, pee, sf4, unl
    4. 2253537Domain d2wqyq_: 2wqy Q: [244225]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2wqyb1, d2wqyb2, d2wqyo1, d2wqyo2
      automated match to d1zoyd_
      complexed with azi, bhg, cbe, f3s, fad, fes, gol, hem, k, oaa, pee, sf4, unl

More info for Species Chicken (Gallus gallus) [TaxId:9031] from f.21.2.2 automated matches

Timeline for Species Chicken (Gallus gallus) [TaxId:9031] from f.21.2.2 automated matches: