Lineage for d1blbc1 (1blb C:-8-85)

  1. Root: SCOP 1.55
  2. 6992Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (93 folds)
  3. 11845Fold b.11: gamma-Crystallin-like [49694] (1 superfamily)
  4. 11846Superfamily b.11.1: gamma-Crystallin-like [49695] (5 families) (S)
  5. 11847Family b.11.1.1: Crystallins/Ca-binding development proteins [49696] (4 proteins)
  6. 11848Protein beta-Crystallin [49702] (3 species)
  7. 11849Species Cow (Bos taurus) [TaxId:9913] [49703] (2 PDB entries)
  8. 11856Domain d1blbc1: 1blb C:-8-85 [23610]

Details for d1blbc1

PDB Entry: 1blb (more details), 3.3 Å

PDB Description: close packing of an oligomeric eye lens beta-crystallin induces loss of symmetry and ordering of sequence extensions

SCOP Domain Sequences for d1blbc1:

Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)

>d1blbc1 b.11.1.1 (C:-8-85) beta-Crystallin {Cow (Bos taurus)}

SCOP Domain Coordinates for d1blbc1:

Click to download the PDB-style file with coordinates for d1blbc1.
(The format of our PDB-style files is described here.)

Timeline for d1blbc1: