Lineage for Protein: automated matches

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2685877Class a: All alpha proteins [46456] (290 folds)
  3. 2718075Fold a.74: Cyclin-like [47953] (1 superfamily)
    core: 5 helices; one helix is surrounded by the others
  4. 2718076Superfamily a.74.1: Cyclin-like [47954] (4 families) (S)
    duplication: consists of two domains of this fold
  5. 2718077Family a.74.1.1: Cyclin [47955] (9 proteins)
  6. 2718557Protein automated matches [227027] (3 species)
    not a true protein


  1. 2718558Cow (Bos taurus) [TaxId:9913] [226306] (7 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3tnw:
      1. 2718559Domain d3tnwb1: 3tnw B:176-308 [216908]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3tnwa1, d3tnwa2, d3tnwc_
        automated match to d3ddqb1
        complexed with f18, na
      2. 2718560Domain d3tnwb2: 3tnw B:309-432 [216909]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3tnwa1, d3tnwa2, d3tnwc_
        automated match to d1vina2
        complexed with f18, na
      3. 2718561Domain d3tnwd1: 3tnw D:176-308 [216911]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3tnwa1, d3tnwa2, d3tnwc_
        automated match to d3ddqb1
        complexed with f18, na
      4. 2718562Domain d3tnwd2: 3tnw D:309-432 [216912]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3tnwa1, d3tnwa2, d3tnwc_
        automated match to d1vina2
        complexed with f18, na
    2. Domains for 4bco:
      1. 2718563Domain d4bcob1: 4bco B:175-308 [219433]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4bcoa1, d4bcoa2, d4bcoc1, d4bcoc2
        automated match to d2cchb1
        complexed with sgm, so4, t6q
      2. 2718564Domain d4bcob2: 4bco B:309-432 [219434]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4bcoa1, d4bcoa2, d4bcoc1, d4bcoc2
        automated match to d2cchb2
        complexed with sgm, so4, t6q
      3. 2718565Domain d4bcod1: 4bco D:177-308 [219436]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4bcoa1, d4bcoa2, d4bcoc1, d4bcoc2
        automated match to d2cchb1
        complexed with sgm, so4, t6q
      4. 2718566Domain d4bcod2: 4bco D:309-432 [219437]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4bcoa1, d4bcoa2, d4bcoc1, d4bcoc2
        automated match to d2cchb2
        complexed with sgm, so4, t6q
    3. Domains for 4bcq:
      1. 2718567Domain d4bcqb1: 4bcq B:176-308 [219439]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4bcqa1, d4bcqa2, d4bcqb3, d4bcqc1, d4bcqc2
        automated match to d2cchb1
        complexed with tjf
      2. 2718568Domain d4bcqb2: 4bcq B:309-431 [219440]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4bcqa1, d4bcqa2, d4bcqb3, d4bcqc1, d4bcqc2
        automated match to d2cchb2
        complexed with tjf
      3. 2718569Domain d4bcqd1: 4bcq D:176-308 [219442]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4bcqa1, d4bcqa2, d4bcqb3, d4bcqc1, d4bcqc2
        automated match to d2cchb1
        complexed with tjf
      4. 2718570Domain d4bcqd2: 4bcq D:309-431 [219443]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4bcqa1, d4bcqa2, d4bcqb3, d4bcqc1, d4bcqc2
        automated match to d2cchb2
        complexed with tjf
    4. Domains for 6gub:
      1. 2718579Domain d6gubb1: 6gub B:172-309 [360866]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6guba1, d6guba2, d6gubc1, d6gubc2
        automated match to d3ddqb1
        complexed with f9z
      2. 2718580Domain d6gubb2: 6gub B:310-432 [360867]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6guba1, d6guba2, d6gubc1, d6gubc2
        automated match to d3ddqb2
        complexed with f9z
      3. 2718581Domain d6gubd1: 6gub D:172-309 [360780]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6guba1, d6guba2, d6gubc1, d6gubc2
        automated match to d3ddqb1
        complexed with f9z
      4. 2718582Domain d6gubd2: 6gub D:310-432 [360781]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6guba1, d6guba2, d6gubc1, d6gubc2
        automated match to d3ddqb2
        complexed with f9z
    5. Domains for 6guc:
      1. 2718575Domain d6gucb1: 6guc B:172-309 [360990]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6guca1, d6guca2, d6gucc1, d6gucc2
        automated match to d3ddqb1
        complexed with su9
      2. 2718576Domain d6gucb2: 6guc B:310-432 [360991]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6guca1, d6guca2, d6gucc1, d6gucc2
        automated match to d3ddqb2
        complexed with su9
      3. 2718577Domain d6gucd1: 6guc D:172-309 [360810]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6guca1, d6guca2, d6gucc1, d6gucc2
        automated match to d3ddqb1
        complexed with su9
      4. 2718578Domain d6gucd2: 6guc D:310-432 [360811]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6guca1, d6guca2, d6gucc1, d6gucc2
        automated match to d3ddqb2
        complexed with su9
    6. Domains for 6gue:
      1. 2718571Domain d6gueb1: 6gue B:171-309 [360827]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6guea1, d6guea2, d6guec1, d6guec2
        automated match to d3ddqb1
        complexed with fb8
      2. 2718572Domain d6gueb2: 6gue B:310-432 [360828]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6guea1, d6guea2, d6guec1, d6guec2
        automated match to d3ddqb2
        complexed with fb8
      3. 2718573Domain d6gued1: 6gue D:171-309 [360918]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6guea1, d6guea2, d6guec1, d6guec2
        automated match to d3ddqb1
        complexed with fb8
      4. 2718574Domain d6gued2: 6gue D:310-432 [360919]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6guea1, d6guea2, d6guec1, d6guec2
        automated match to d3ddqb2
        complexed with fb8
    7. Domains for 6guf:
      1. 2718583Domain d6gufb1: 6guf B:172-309 [360857]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6gufa1, d6gufa2, d6gufc1, d6gufc2
        automated match to d3ddqb1
        complexed with 23d
      2. 2718584Domain d6gufb2: 6guf B:310-432 [360858]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6gufa1, d6gufa2, d6gufc1, d6gufc2
        automated match to d3ddqb2
        complexed with 23d
      3. 2718585Domain d6gufd1: 6guf D:172-309 [360895]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6gufa1, d6gufa2, d6gufc1, d6gufc2
        automated match to d3ddqb1
        complexed with 23d
      4. 2718586Domain d6gufd2: 6guf D:310-432 [360896]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6gufa1, d6gufa2, d6gufc1, d6gufc2
        automated match to d3ddqb2
        complexed with 23d
  2. 2718587Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [225840] (19 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3mia:
      1. 2718624Domain d3miab1: 3mia B:7-150 [247710]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3miaa_
        automated match to d2pk2a2
        complexed with anp, mg, zn
      2. 2718625Domain d3miab2: 3mia B:151-261 [247711]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3miaa_
        automated match to d2pk2a1
        complexed with anp, mg, zn
    2. Domains for 4bck:
      1. 2718592Domain d4bckb1: 4bck B:176-308 [219421]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4bcka1, d4bcka2, d4bckc1, d4bckc2
        automated match to d2cchb1
        complexed with sgm, t3e
      2. 2718593Domain d4bckb2: 4bck B:309-432 [219422]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4bcka1, d4bcka2, d4bckc1, d4bckc2
        automated match to d2cchb2
        complexed with sgm, t3e
      3. 2718594Domain d4bckd1: 4bck D:178-308 [219424]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4bcka1, d4bcka2, d4bckc1, d4bckc2
        automated match to d2cchb1
        complexed with sgm, t3e
      4. 2718595Domain d4bckd2: 4bck D:309-430 [219425]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4bcka1, d4bcka2, d4bckc1, d4bckc2
        automated match to d2cchb2
        complexed with sgm, t3e
    3. Domains for 4bcm:
      1. 2718600Domain d4bcmb1: 4bcm B:176-308 [201605]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4bcma1, d4bcma2, d4bcmc1, d4bcmc2
        automated match to d2cchb1
        complexed with sgm, t7z
      2. 2718601Domain d4bcmb2: 4bcm B:309-432 [201606]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4bcma1, d4bcma2, d4bcmc1, d4bcmc2
        automated match to d2cchb2
        complexed with sgm, t7z
      3. 2718602Domain d4bcmd1: 4bcm D:176-308 [201607]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4bcma1, d4bcma2, d4bcmc1, d4bcmc2
        automated match to d2cchb1
        complexed with sgm, t7z
      4. 2718603Domain d4bcmd2: 4bcm D:309-428 [201608]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4bcma1, d4bcma2, d4bcmc1, d4bcmc2
        automated match to d2cchb2
        complexed with sgm, t7z
    4. Domains for 4bcn:
      1. 2718588Domain d4bcnb1: 4bcn B:176-308 [219427]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4bcna1, d4bcna2, d4bcnc1, d4bcnc2
        automated match to d2cchb1
        complexed with so4, t9n
      2. 2718589Domain d4bcnb2: 4bcn B:309-432 [219428]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4bcna1, d4bcna2, d4bcnc1, d4bcnc2
        automated match to d2cchb2
        complexed with so4, t9n
      3. 2718590Domain d4bcnd1: 4bcn D:177-308 [219430]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4bcna1, d4bcna2, d4bcnc1, d4bcnc2
        automated match to d2cchb1
        complexed with so4, t9n
      4. 2718591Domain d4bcnd2: 4bcn D:309-431 [219431]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4bcna1, d4bcna2, d4bcnc1, d4bcnc2
        automated match to d2cchb2
        complexed with so4, t9n
    5. Domains for 4bcp:
      1. 2718596Domain d4bcpb1: 4bcp B:176-308 [201609]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4bcpa1, d4bcpa2, d4bcpc1, d4bcpc2
        automated match to d2cchb1
        complexed with sgm, so4, t3c
      2. 2718597Domain d4bcpb2: 4bcp B:309-432 [201610]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4bcpa1, d4bcpa2, d4bcpc1, d4bcpc2
        automated match to d2cchb2
        complexed with sgm, so4, t3c
      3. 2718598Domain d4bcpd1: 4bcp D:176-308 [201611]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4bcpa1, d4bcpa2, d4bcpc1, d4bcpc2
        automated match to d2cchb1
        complexed with sgm, so4, t3c
      4. 2718599Domain d4bcpd2: 4bcp D:309-432 [201612]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4bcpa1, d4bcpa2, d4bcpc1, d4bcpc2
        automated match to d2cchb2
        complexed with sgm, so4, t3c
    6. Domains for 4cjy:
      1. 2718634Domain d4cjya1: 4cjy A:22-157 [307119]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4cjyc_, d4cjyd_
        automated match to d2i53a1
      2. 2718635Domain d4cjya2: 4cjy A:158-260 [307120]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4cjyc_, d4cjyd_
        automated match to d2i53a2
      3. 2718636Domain d4cjyb1: 4cjy B:22-157 [307121]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4cjyc_, d4cjyd_
        automated match to d2i53a1
      4. 2718637Domain d4cjyb2: 4cjy B:158-260 [307122]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4cjyc_, d4cjyd_
        automated match to d2i53a2
    7. Domains for 4cxa:
      1. 2718648Domain d4cxab1: 4cxa B:20-157 [256728]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4cxaa_, d4cxac_
        automated match to d2i53a1
        complexed with anp
      2. 2718649Domain d4cxab2: 4cxa B:158-265 [256729]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4cxaa_, d4cxac_
        automated match to d2i53a2
        complexed with anp
      3. 2718650Domain d4cxad1: 4cxa D:22-157 [256730]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4cxaa_, d4cxac_
        automated match to d2i53a1
        complexed with anp
      4. 2718651Domain d4cxad2: 4cxa D:158-262 [256731]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4cxaa_, d4cxac_
        automated match to d2i53a2
        complexed with anp
    8. Domains for 4un0:
      1. 2718644Domain d4un0a1: 4un0 A:22-157 [263963]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4un0c_, d4un0d_
        automated match to d2i53a1
      2. 2718645Domain d4un0a2: 4un0 A:158-260 [263964]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4un0c_, d4un0d_
        automated match to d2i53a2
      3. 2718646Domain d4un0b1: 4un0 B:22-157 [263965]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4un0c_, d4un0d_
        automated match to d2i53a1
      4. 2718647Domain d4un0b2: 4un0 B:158-260 [263966]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4un0c_, d4un0d_
        automated match to d2i53a2
    9. Domains for 5acb:
      1. 2718626Domain d5acba1: 5acb A:20-157 [318434]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5acbc_, d5acbd_
        automated match to d2i53a1
        complexed with 5i1
      2. 2718627Domain d5acba2: 5acb A:158-260 [318435]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5acbc_, d5acbd_
        automated match to d2i53a2
        complexed with 5i1
      3. 2718628Domain d5acbb1: 5acb B:20-157 [318452]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5acbc_, d5acbd_
        automated match to d2i53a1
        complexed with 5i1
      4. 2718629Domain d5acbb2: 5acb B:158-267 [318453]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5acbc_, d5acbd_
        automated match to d2i53a2
        complexed with 5i1
    10. Domains for 5efq:
      1. 2718610Domain d5efqb1: 5efq B:21-157 [344210]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5efqa_, d5efqc_
        automated match to d2i53a1
        complexed with adp, af3, mg
      2. 2718611Domain d5efqb2: 5efq B:158-262 [344211]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5efqa_, d5efqc_
        automated match to d2i53a2
        complexed with adp, af3, mg
      3. 2718612Domain d5efqd1: 5efq D:21-157 [344212]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5efqa_, d5efqc_
        automated match to d2i53a1
        complexed with adp, af3, mg
      4. 2718613Domain d5efqd2: 5efq D:158-259 [344213]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5efqa_, d5efqc_
        automated match to d2i53a2
        complexed with adp, af3, mg
    11. Domains for 5l2w:
      1. 2718638Domain d5l2wb1: 5l2w B:88-227 [321842]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5l2wa1, d5l2wa2
        automated match to d1w98b2
        complexed with 1qk, gol
      2. 2718639Domain d5l2wb2: 5l2w B:228-357 [321843]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5l2wa1, d5l2wa2
        automated match to d1w98b1
        complexed with 1qk, gol
    12. Domains for 6b3e:
      1. 2718640Domain d6b3eb1: 6b3e B:20-157 [349794]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6b3ea_, d6b3ec_
        automated match to d2i53a1
        complexed with cjm, edo, mg
      2. 2718641Domain d6b3eb2: 6b3e B:158-259 [349795]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6b3ea_, d6b3ec_
        automated match to d2i53a2
        complexed with cjm, edo, mg
      3. 2718642Domain d6b3ed1: 6b3e D:21-157 [349926]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6b3ea_, d6b3ec_
        automated match to d2i53a1
        complexed with cjm, edo, mg
      4. 2718643Domain d6b3ed2: 6b3e D:158-261 [349927]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6b3ea_, d6b3ec_
        automated match to d2i53a2
        complexed with cjm, edo, mg
    13. Domains for 6ckx:
      1. 2718630Domain d6ckxb1: 6ckx B:22-157 [356704]
        automated match to d2i53a1
        complexed with 8m1, mg
      2. 2718631Domain d6ckxb2: 6ckx B:158-259 [356705]
        automated match to d2i53a2
        complexed with 8m1, mg
      3. 2718632Domain d6ckxd1: 6ckx D:22-157 [356690]
        automated match to d2i53a1
        complexed with 8m1, mg
      4. 2718633Domain d6ckxd2: 6ckx D:158-259 [356691]
        automated match to d2i53a2
        complexed with 8m1, mg
    14. Domains for 6xbz:
      1. 2718618Domain d6xbzi1: 6xbz I:1-161 [393293]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6xbzj_
        automated match to d1kxua1
        complexed with ags, mg
      2. 2718619Domain d6xbzi2: 6xbz I:162-284 [393294]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6xbzj_
        automated match to d1jkwa2
        complexed with ags, mg
    15. Domains for 7b5o:
      1. 2718614Domain d7b5oi1: 7b5o I:1-161 [398417]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7b5oj_
        automated match to d1kxua1
        complexed with i74
      2. 2718615Domain d7b5oi2: 7b5o I:162-284 [398418]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7b5oj_
        automated match to d1jkwa2
        complexed with i74
    16. Domains for 7b5q:
      1. 2718616Domain d7b5qi1: 7b5q I:1-161 [398365]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7b5qj_
        automated match to d1kxua1
        complexed with i74
      2. 2718617Domain d7b5qi2: 7b5q I:162-284 [398366]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7b5qj_
        automated match to d1jkwa2
        complexed with i74
    17. Domains for 7kjs:
      1. 2718604Domain d7kjsb1: 7kjs B:88-227 [405413]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7kjsa_
        automated match to d1w98b2
        complexed with wg1
      2. 2718605Domain d7kjsb2: 7kjs B:228-357 [405414]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7kjsa_
        automated match to d1w98b1
        complexed with wg1
    18. Domains for 7nxj:
      1. 2718606Domain d7nxjb1: 7nxj B:21-157 [403786]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7nxja_, d7nxjc_
        automated match to d2i53a1
        complexed with 5i1, tpo
      2. 2718607Domain d7nxjb2: 7nxj B:158-264 [403787]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7nxja_, d7nxjc_
        automated match to d2i53a2
        complexed with 5i1, tpo
      3. 2718608Domain d7nxjd1: 7nxj D:21-157 [403806]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7nxja_, d7nxjc_
        automated match to d2i53a1
        complexed with 5i1, tpo
      4. 2718609Domain d7nxjd2: 7nxj D:158-267 [403807]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7nxja_, d7nxjc_
        automated match to d2i53a2
        complexed with 5i1, tpo
    19. Domains for 7nxk:
      1. 2718620Domain d7nxkb1: 7nxk B:20-157 [403790]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7nxka_, d7nxkc_
        automated match to d2i53a1
        complexed with uub
      2. 2718621Domain d7nxkb2: 7nxk B:158-265 [403791]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7nxka_, d7nxkc_
        automated match to d2i53a2
        complexed with uub
      3. 2718622Domain d7nxkd1: 7nxk D:21-157 [403788]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7nxka_, d7nxkc_
        automated match to d2i53a1
        complexed with uub
      4. 2718623Domain d7nxkd2: 7nxk D:158-261 [403789]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7nxka_, d7nxkc_
        automated match to d2i53a2
        complexed with uub
  3. 2718652Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId:10090] [226547] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4i3z:
      1. 2718657Domain d4i3zb1: 4i3z B:175-309 [202534]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4i3za_, d4i3zc_
        automated match to d1finb1
        complexed with adp, cl, gol, mg
      2. 2718658Domain d4i3zb2: 4i3z B:310-431 [202535]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4i3za_, d4i3zc_
        automated match to d1oiub2
        complexed with adp, cl, gol, mg
      3. 2718659Domain d4i3zd1: 4i3z D:175-309 [202536]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4i3za_, d4i3zc_
        automated match to d1finb1
        complexed with adp, cl, gol, mg
      4. 2718660Domain d4i3zd2: 4i3z D:310-431 [202537]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4i3za_, d4i3zc_
        automated match to d1oiub2
        complexed with adp, cl, gol, mg
    2. Domains for 4ii5:
      1. 2718653Domain d4ii5b1: 4ii5 B:175-309 [223185]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ii5a_, d4ii5c_
        automated match to d1finb1
        complexed with adp, gol, mg
      2. 2718654Domain d4ii5b2: 4ii5 B:310-430 [223186]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ii5a_, d4ii5c_
        automated match to d1oiub2
        complexed with adp, gol, mg
      3. 2718655Domain d4ii5d1: 4ii5 D:175-309 [223188]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ii5a_, d4ii5c_
        automated match to d1finb1
        complexed with adp, gol, mg
      4. 2718656Domain d4ii5d2: 4ii5 D:310-431 [223189]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ii5a_, d4ii5c_
        automated match to d1oiub2
        complexed with adp, gol, mg

More info for Protein automated matches from a.74.1.1: Cyclin

Timeline for Protein automated matches from a.74.1.1: Cyclin: