Lineage for Protein: automated matches

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.03
  2. 1253684Class a: All alpha proteins [46456] (284 folds)
  3. 1270513Fold a.45: GST C-terminal domain-like [47615] (1 superfamily)
    core: 4 helices; bundle, closed, left-handed twist; right-handed superhelix
  4. 1270514Superfamily a.45.1: GST C-terminal domain-like [47616] (3 families) (S)
    this domains follows the thioredoxin-like N-terminal domain
  5. 1270515Family a.45.1.1: Glutathione S-transferase (GST), C-terminal domain [47617] (19 proteins)
  6. 1271151Protein automated matches [226848] (9 species)
    not a true protein


  1. Blood fluke (Schistosoma haematobium) [TaxId:6185] [225081] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2c8u:
      1. 1271154Domain d2c8ua1: 2c8u A:85-205 [130124]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c8ua2, d2c8ub2
        automated match to d2f8fa1
        complexed with bme, so4; mutant
      2. 1271155Domain d2c8ub1: 2c8u B:85-205 [130126]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c8ua2, d2c8ub2
        automated match to d2f8fa1
        complexed with bme, so4; mutant
    2. Domains for 2cai:
      1. 1271156Domain d2caia1: 2cai A:85-211 [130155]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2caia2, d2caib2
        automated match to d2f8fa1
        complexed with bme, pg4, so4; mutant
      2. 1271157Domain d2caib1: 2cai B:85-211 [130157]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2caia2, d2caib2
        automated match to d2f8fa1
        complexed with bme, pg4, so4; mutant
    3. Domain for 2caq:
  2. 1271158Blood fluke (Schistosoma mansoni) [TaxId:6183] [224992] (1 PDB entry)
  3. 1271160Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [224956] (27 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1tdi:
      1. 1271220Domain d1tdia2: 1tdi A:81-221 [202918]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1tdia1, d1tdib1
        automated match to d1agsa1
        complexed with gsh
      2. 1271221Domain d1tdib2: 1tdi B:81-221 [202920]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1tdia1, d1tdib1
        automated match to d1agsa1
        complexed with gsh
    2. Domains for 2j9h:
      1. 1271235Domain d2j9ha2: 2j9h A:80-210 [205002]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2j9ha1, d2j9hb1
        automated match to d1gssa1
        complexed with gtx; mutant
      2. 1271236Domain d2j9hb2: 2j9h B:80-210 [205004]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2j9ha1, d2j9hb1
        automated match to d1gssa1
        complexed with gtx; mutant
    3. Domains for 2vct:
      1. 1271205Domain d2vcta2: 2vct A:81-222 [206285]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcta1, d2vctb1, d2vctc1, d2vctd1, d2vcte1, d2vctf1, d2vctg1, d2vcth1
        automated match to d1agsa1
        complexed with asd
      2. 1271206Domain d2vctb2: 2vct B:81-222 [206287]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcta1, d2vctb1, d2vctc1, d2vctd1, d2vcte1, d2vctf1, d2vctg1, d2vcth1
        automated match to d1agsa1
        complexed with asd
      3. 1271207Domain d2vctc2: 2vct C:81-222 [206289]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcta1, d2vctb1, d2vctc1, d2vctd1, d2vcte1, d2vctf1, d2vctg1, d2vcth1
        automated match to d1agsa1
        complexed with asd
      4. 1271208Domain d2vctd2: 2vct D:81-222 [206291]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcta1, d2vctb1, d2vctc1, d2vctd1, d2vcte1, d2vctf1, d2vctg1, d2vcth1
        automated match to d1agsa1
        complexed with asd
      5. 1271209Domain d2vcte2: 2vct E:81-222 [206293]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcta1, d2vctb1, d2vctc1, d2vctd1, d2vcte1, d2vctf1, d2vctg1, d2vcth1
        automated match to d1agsa1
        complexed with asd
      6. 1271210Domain d2vctf2: 2vct F:81-222 [206295]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcta1, d2vctb1, d2vctc1, d2vctd1, d2vcte1, d2vctf1, d2vctg1, d2vcth1
        automated match to d1agsa1
        complexed with asd
      7. 1271211Domain d2vctg2: 2vct G:81-222 [206297]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcta1, d2vctb1, d2vctc1, d2vctd1, d2vcte1, d2vctf1, d2vctg1, d2vcth1
        automated match to d1agsa1
        complexed with asd
      8. 1271212Domain d2vcth2: 2vct H:81-222 [206299]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcta1, d2vctb1, d2vctc1, d2vctd1, d2vcte1, d2vctf1, d2vctg1, d2vcth1
        automated match to d1agsa1
        complexed with asd
    4. Domains for 2vcv:
      1. 1271173Domain d2vcva2: 2vcv A:81-222 [206301]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcva1, d2vcvb1, d2vcvc1, d2vcvd1, d2vcve1, d2vcvf1, d2vcvg1, d2vcvh1, d2vcvi1, d2vcvj1, d2vcvk1, d2vcvl1, d2vcvm1, d2vcvn1, d2vcvo1, d2vcvp1
        automated match to d1agsa1
        complexed with asd, gsh
      2. 1271174Domain d2vcvb2: 2vcv B:81-222 [206303]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcva1, d2vcvb1, d2vcvc1, d2vcvd1, d2vcve1, d2vcvf1, d2vcvg1, d2vcvh1, d2vcvi1, d2vcvj1, d2vcvk1, d2vcvl1, d2vcvm1, d2vcvn1, d2vcvo1, d2vcvp1
        automated match to d1agsa1
        complexed with asd, gsh
      3. 1271175Domain d2vcvc2: 2vcv C:81-222 [206305]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcva1, d2vcvb1, d2vcvc1, d2vcvd1, d2vcve1, d2vcvf1, d2vcvg1, d2vcvh1, d2vcvi1, d2vcvj1, d2vcvk1, d2vcvl1, d2vcvm1, d2vcvn1, d2vcvo1, d2vcvp1
        automated match to d1agsa1
        complexed with asd, gsh
      4. 1271176Domain d2vcvd2: 2vcv D:81-222 [206307]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcva1, d2vcvb1, d2vcvc1, d2vcvd1, d2vcve1, d2vcvf1, d2vcvg1, d2vcvh1, d2vcvi1, d2vcvj1, d2vcvk1, d2vcvl1, d2vcvm1, d2vcvn1, d2vcvo1, d2vcvp1
        automated match to d1agsa1
        complexed with asd, gsh
      5. 1271177Domain d2vcve2: 2vcv E:81-222 [206309]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcva1, d2vcvb1, d2vcvc1, d2vcvd1, d2vcve1, d2vcvf1, d2vcvg1, d2vcvh1, d2vcvi1, d2vcvj1, d2vcvk1, d2vcvl1, d2vcvm1, d2vcvn1, d2vcvo1, d2vcvp1
        automated match to d1agsa1
        complexed with asd, gsh
      6. 1271178Domain d2vcvf2: 2vcv F:81-222 [206311]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcva1, d2vcvb1, d2vcvc1, d2vcvd1, d2vcve1, d2vcvf1, d2vcvg1, d2vcvh1, d2vcvi1, d2vcvj1, d2vcvk1, d2vcvl1, d2vcvm1, d2vcvn1, d2vcvo1, d2vcvp1
        automated match to d1agsa1
        complexed with asd, gsh
      7. 1271179Domain d2vcvg2: 2vcv G:81-222 [206313]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcva1, d2vcvb1, d2vcvc1, d2vcvd1, d2vcve1, d2vcvf1, d2vcvg1, d2vcvh1, d2vcvi1, d2vcvj1, d2vcvk1, d2vcvl1, d2vcvm1, d2vcvn1, d2vcvo1, d2vcvp1
        automated match to d1agsa1
        complexed with asd, gsh
      8. 1271180Domain d2vcvh2: 2vcv H:81-222 [206315]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcva1, d2vcvb1, d2vcvc1, d2vcvd1, d2vcve1, d2vcvf1, d2vcvg1, d2vcvh1, d2vcvi1, d2vcvj1, d2vcvk1, d2vcvl1, d2vcvm1, d2vcvn1, d2vcvo1, d2vcvp1
        automated match to d1agsa1
        complexed with asd, gsh
      9. 1271181Domain d2vcvi2: 2vcv I:81-222 [206317]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcva1, d2vcvb1, d2vcvc1, d2vcvd1, d2vcve1, d2vcvf1, d2vcvg1, d2vcvh1, d2vcvi1, d2vcvj1, d2vcvk1, d2vcvl1, d2vcvm1, d2vcvn1, d2vcvo1, d2vcvp1
        automated match to d1agsa1
        complexed with asd, gsh
      10. 1271182Domain d2vcvj2: 2vcv J:81-222 [206319]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcva1, d2vcvb1, d2vcvc1, d2vcvd1, d2vcve1, d2vcvf1, d2vcvg1, d2vcvh1, d2vcvi1, d2vcvj1, d2vcvk1, d2vcvl1, d2vcvm1, d2vcvn1, d2vcvo1, d2vcvp1
        automated match to d1agsa1
        complexed with asd, gsh
      11. 1271183Domain d2vcvk2: 2vcv K:81-222 [206321]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcva1, d2vcvb1, d2vcvc1, d2vcvd1, d2vcve1, d2vcvf1, d2vcvg1, d2vcvh1, d2vcvi1, d2vcvj1, d2vcvk1, d2vcvl1, d2vcvm1, d2vcvn1, d2vcvo1, d2vcvp1
        automated match to d1agsa1
        complexed with asd, gsh
      12. 1271184Domain d2vcvl2: 2vcv L:81-222 [206323]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcva1, d2vcvb1, d2vcvc1, d2vcvd1, d2vcve1, d2vcvf1, d2vcvg1, d2vcvh1, d2vcvi1, d2vcvj1, d2vcvk1, d2vcvl1, d2vcvm1, d2vcvn1, d2vcvo1, d2vcvp1
        automated match to d1agsa1
        complexed with asd, gsh
      13. 1271185Domain d2vcvm2: 2vcv M:81-222 [206325]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcva1, d2vcvb1, d2vcvc1, d2vcvd1, d2vcve1, d2vcvf1, d2vcvg1, d2vcvh1, d2vcvi1, d2vcvj1, d2vcvk1, d2vcvl1, d2vcvm1, d2vcvn1, d2vcvo1, d2vcvp1
        automated match to d1agsa1
        complexed with asd, gsh
      14. 1271186Domain d2vcvn2: 2vcv N:81-222 [206327]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcva1, d2vcvb1, d2vcvc1, d2vcvd1, d2vcve1, d2vcvf1, d2vcvg1, d2vcvh1, d2vcvi1, d2vcvj1, d2vcvk1, d2vcvl1, d2vcvm1, d2vcvn1, d2vcvo1, d2vcvp1
        automated match to d1agsa1
        complexed with asd, gsh
      15. 1271187Domain d2vcvo2: 2vcv O:81-222 [206329]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcva1, d2vcvb1, d2vcvc1, d2vcvd1, d2vcve1, d2vcvf1, d2vcvg1, d2vcvh1, d2vcvi1, d2vcvj1, d2vcvk1, d2vcvl1, d2vcvm1, d2vcvn1, d2vcvo1, d2vcvp1
        automated match to d1agsa1
        complexed with asd, gsh
      16. 1271188Domain d2vcvp2: 2vcv P:81-222 [206331]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vcva1, d2vcvb1, d2vcvc1, d2vcvd1, d2vcve1, d2vcvf1, d2vcvg1, d2vcvh1, d2vcvi1, d2vcvj1, d2vcvk1, d2vcvl1, d2vcvm1, d2vcvn1, d2vcvo1, d2vcvp1
        automated match to d1agsa1
        complexed with asd, gsh
    5. Domains for 2wju:
      1. 1271224Domain d2wjua2: 2wju A:81-222 [206858]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wjua1, d2wjub1, d2wjuc1, d2wjud1, d2wjue1, d2wjuf1, d2wjug1, d2wjuh1
        automated match to d1agsa1
        complexed with gsh
      2. 1271225Domain d2wjub2: 2wju B:81-222 [206860]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wjua1, d2wjub1, d2wjuc1, d2wjud1, d2wjue1, d2wjuf1, d2wjug1, d2wjuh1
        automated match to d1agsa1
        complexed with gsh
      3. 1271226Domain d2wjuc2: 2wju C:81-222 [206862]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wjua1, d2wjub1, d2wjuc1, d2wjud1, d2wjue1, d2wjuf1, d2wjug1, d2wjuh1
        automated match to d1agsa1
        complexed with gsh
      4. 1271227Domain d2wjud2: 2wju D:81-222 [206864]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wjua1, d2wjub1, d2wjuc1, d2wjud1, d2wjue1, d2wjuf1, d2wjug1, d2wjuh1
        automated match to d1agsa1
        complexed with gsh
      5. 1271228Domain d2wjue2: 2wju E:81-222 [206866]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wjua1, d2wjub1, d2wjuc1, d2wjud1, d2wjue1, d2wjuf1, d2wjug1, d2wjuh1
        automated match to d1agsa1
        complexed with gsh
      6. 1271229Domain d2wjuf2: 2wju F:81-222 [206868]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wjua1, d2wjub1, d2wjuc1, d2wjud1, d2wjue1, d2wjuf1, d2wjug1, d2wjuh1
        automated match to d1agsa1
        complexed with gsh
      7. 1271230Domain d2wjug2: 2wju G:81-222 [206870]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wjua1, d2wjub1, d2wjuc1, d2wjud1, d2wjue1, d2wjuf1, d2wjug1, d2wjuh1
        automated match to d1agsa1
        complexed with gsh
      8. 1271231Domain d2wjuh2: 2wju H:81-222 [206872]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wjua1, d2wjub1, d2wjuc1, d2wjud1, d2wjue1, d2wjuf1, d2wjug1, d2wjuh1
        automated match to d1agsa1
        complexed with gsh
    6. Domains for 3kxo:
      1. 1271191Domain d3kxoa2: 3kxo A:76-199 [212576]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3kxoa1, d3kxob1
        automated match to d1pd211
        complexed with gsh, kxo, mg
      2. 1271192Domain d3kxob2: 3kxo B:76-199 [212578]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3kxoa1, d3kxob1
        automated match to d1pd211
        complexed with gsh, kxo, mg
    7. Domains for 3lfl:
      1. 1271202Domain d3lfla2: 3lfl A:103-240 [232830]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3lfla1, d3lflb1, d3lflc1
        automated match to d1eema1
        complexed with dtt, gsh
      2. 1271203Domain d3lflb2: 3lfl B:103-230 [232829]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3lfla1, d3lflb1, d3lflc1
        automated match to d1eema1
        complexed with dtt, gsh
      3. 1271204Domain d3lflc2: 3lfl C:103-228 [232832]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3lfla1, d3lflb1, d3lflc1
        automated match to d1eema1
        complexed with dtt, gsh
    8. Domain for 3o3t:
    9. Domain for 3p8w:
    10. Domain for 3p90:
    11. Domain for 3qr6:
    12. Domain for 3swl:
    13. Domains for 3tgz:
      1. 1271222Domain d3tgza2: 3tgz A:92-241 [216814]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3tgza1, d3tgzb1
        automated match to d1k0ma1
      2. 1271223Domain d3tgzb2: 3tgz B:92-241 [216816]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3tgza1, d3tgzb1
        automated match to d1k0ma1
    14. Domains for 3uvh:
      1. 1271214Domain d3uvha2: 3uvh A:92-241 [217532]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3uvha1, d3uvhb1
        automated match to d1k0ma1
      2. 1271215Domain d3uvhb2: 3uvh B:92-237 [217534]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3uvha1, d3uvhb1
        automated match to d1k0ma1
    15. Domain for 3vln:
    16. Domains for 3zfb:
      1. 1271193Domain d3zfba2: 3zfb A:81-209 [218282]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zfba1, d3zfbb1
        automated match to d1agsa1
      2. 1271194Domain d3zfbb2: 3zfb B:81-209 [218284]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zfba1, d3zfbb1
        automated match to d1agsa1
    17. Domains for 3zfl:
      1. 1271199Domain d3zfla2: 3zfl A:81-209 [218286]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zfla1, d3zflb1
        automated match to d1agsa1
      2. 1271200Domain d3zflb2: 3zfl B:81-209 [218288]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zfla1, d3zflb1
        automated match to d1agsa1
    18. Domains for 4acs:
      1. 1271216Domain d4acsa2: 4acs A:81-222 [218800]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4acsa1, d4acsb1, d4acsc1, d4acsd1
        automated match to d1agsa1
        complexed with gsh; mutant
      2. 1271217Domain d4acsb2: 4acs B:81-220 [218802]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4acsa1, d4acsb1, d4acsc1, d4acsd1
        automated match to d1agsa1
        complexed with gsh; mutant
      3. 1271218Domain d4acsc2: 4acs C:81-222 [218804]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4acsa1, d4acsb1, d4acsc1, d4acsd1
        automated match to d1agsa1
        complexed with gsh; mutant
      4. 1271219Domain d4acsd2: 4acs D:81-220 [218806]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4acsa1, d4acsb1, d4acsc1, d4acsd1
        automated match to d1agsa1
        complexed with gsh; mutant
    19. Domains for 4ec0:
      1. 1271189Domain d4ec0a2: 4ec0 A:76-199 [220411]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ec0a1, d4ec0b1
        automated match to d1pd211
        complexed with 7pq, gsh, mg
      2. 1271190Domain d4ec0b2: 4ec0 B:1076-1199 [220413]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ec0a1, d4ec0b1
        automated match to d1pd211
        complexed with 7pq, gsh, mg
    20. Domains for 4edy:
      1. 1271167Domain d4edya2: 4edy A:76-199 [220423]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4edya1, d4edyb1
        automated match to d1pd211
        complexed with 9pq, dms, gsh, mg
      2. 1271168Domain d4edyb2: 4edy B:76-199 [220425]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4edya1, d4edyb1
        automated match to d1pd211
        complexed with 9pq, dms, gsh, mg
    21. Domains for 4edz:
      1. 1271195Domain d4edza2: 4edz A:76-199 [220427]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4edza1, d4edzb1, d4edzc1, d4edzd1
        automated match to d1pd211
        complexed with 0o5, gsh, mg
      2. 1271196Domain d4edzb2: 4edz B:76-199 [220429]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4edza1, d4edzb1, d4edzc1, d4edzd1
        automated match to d1pd211
        complexed with 0o5, gsh, mg
      3. 1271197Domain d4edzc2: 4edz C:76-199 [220431]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4edza1, d4edzb1, d4edzc1, d4edzd1
        automated match to d1pd211
        complexed with 0o5, gsh, mg
      4. 1271198Domain d4edzd2: 4edz D:76-199 [220433]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4edza1, d4edzb1, d4edzc1, d4edzd1
        automated match to d1pd211
        complexed with 0o5, gsh, mg
    22. Domains for 4ee0:
      1. 1271169Domain d4ee0a2: 4ee0 A:76-199 [220435]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ee0a1, d4ee0b1
        automated match to d1pd211
        complexed with 0o4, gsf, mg
      2. 1271170Domain d4ee0b2: 4ee0 B:76-199 [220437]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ee0a1, d4ee0b1
        automated match to d1pd211
        complexed with 0o4, gsf, mg
    23. Domains for 4iqa:
      1. 1271233Domain d4iqaa2: 4iqa A:92-240 [223305]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4iqaa1, d4iqab1
        automated match to d1k0ma1
      2. 1271234Domain d4iqab2: 4iqa B:92-240 [223307]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4iqaa1, d4iqab1
        automated match to d1k0ma1
    24. Domain for 4is0:
    25. Domains for 4jzq:
      1. 1271162Domain d4jzqa2: 4jzq A:92-241 [238371]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4jzqa1, d4jzqb1
        automated match to d3o3ta2
      2. 1271163Domain d4jzqb2: 4jzq B:92-238 [238374]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4jzqa1, d4jzqb1
        automated match to d3o3ta2
    26. Domain for 4k0g:
    27. Domain for 4k0n:
  4. 1271237Malaria parasite (Plasmodium falciparum) [TaxId:5833] [225818] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3fr3:
      1. 1271238Domain d3fr3a2: 3fr3 A:86-204 [210059]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3fr3a1, d3fr3b1
        automated match to d1pa3a1
        complexed with gds
      2. 1271239Domain d3fr3b2: 3fr3 B:86-204 [210061]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3fr3a1, d3fr3b1
        automated match to d1pa3a1
        complexed with gds
    2. Domains for 3fr6:
      1. 1271240Domain d3fr6a2: 3fr6 A:86-206 [210063]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3fr6a1, d3fr6b1
        automated match to d1pa3a1
        complexed with mg
      2. 1271241Domain d3fr6b2: 3fr6 B:86-206 [210065]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3fr6a1, d3fr6b1
        automated match to d1pa3a1
        complexed with mg
  5. 1271242Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId:10090] [225047] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2cz2:
    2. Domains for 2cz3:
      1. 1271244Domain d2cz3a2: 2cz3 A:88-215 [203849]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2cz3a1, d2cz3b1
        automated match to d1fw1a1
      2. 1271245Domain d2cz3b2: 2cz3 B:88-215 [203851]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2cz3a1, d2cz3b1
        automated match to d1fw1a1
  6. 1271246Salmonella enterica [TaxId:99287] [225743] (1 PDB entry)
  7. 1271248Schistosoma japonicum [TaxId:6182] [225615] (1 PDB entry)
  8. 1271250Shigella flexneri [TaxId:198215] [226693] (1 PDB entry)
  9. 1271255Wuchereria bancrofti [TaxId:6293] [226430] (1 PDB entry)

More info for Protein automated matches from a.45.1.1: Glutathione S-transferase (GST), C-terminal domain

Timeline for Protein automated matches from a.45.1.1: Glutathione S-transferase (GST), C-terminal domain:

  • Protein automated matches from a.45.1.1: Glutathione S-transferase (GST), C-terminal domain is new in SCOPe 2.03-stable
  • Protein automated matches from a.45.1.1: Glutathione S-transferase (GST), C-terminal domain appears in SCOPe 2.04
  • Protein automated matches from a.45.1.1: Glutathione S-transferase (GST), C-terminal domain appears in the current release, SCOPe 2.08