Lineage for Species: Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2923792Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (396 folds)
  3. 2967616Fold d.104: Class II aaRS and biotin synthetases [55680] (1 superfamily)
    contains large mixed beta-sheet
  4. 2967617Superfamily d.104.1: Class II aaRS and biotin synthetases [55681] (5 families) (S)
  5. 2968016Family d.104.1.0: automated matches [227172] (1 protein)
    not a true family
  6. 2968017Protein automated matches [226887] (24 species)
    not a true protein
  7. 2968077Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [225403] (12 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606]:

  1. Domain(s) for 3bju:
    1. 2968090Domain d3bjua2: 3bju A:222-576 [208648]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3bjua1, d3bjub1, d3bjuc1, d3bjud1
      automated match to d1bbua2
      complexed with atp, ca, lys
    2. 2968091Domain d3bjub2: 3bju B:223-574 [208650]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3bjua1, d3bjub1, d3bjuc1, d3bjud1
      automated match to d1bbua2
      complexed with atp, ca, lys
    3. 2968092Domain d3bjuc2: 3bju C:222-575 [208652]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3bjua1, d3bjub1, d3bjuc1, d3bjud1
      automated match to d1bbua2
      complexed with atp, ca, lys
    4. 2968093Domain d3bjud2: 3bju D:222-575 [208654]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3bjua1, d3bjub1, d3bjuc1, d3bjud1
      automated match to d1bbua2
      complexed with atp, ca, lys
  2. Domain(s) for 4dpg:
    1. 2968106Domain d4dpga2: 4dpg A:222-575 [219906]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4dpga1, d4dpgb1, d4dpgc1, d4dpgd1, d4dpge1, d4dpgf1, d4dpgg1, d4dpgh1
      automated match to d1bbua2
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with ala, apc, lys, mg
    2. 2968107Domain d4dpgb2: 4dpg B:222-576 [219908]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4dpga1, d4dpgb1, d4dpgc1, d4dpgd1, d4dpge1, d4dpgf1, d4dpgg1, d4dpgh1
      automated match to d1bbua2
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with ala, apc, lys, mg
    3. 2968108Domain d4dpgc2: 4dpg C:222-575 [219910]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4dpga1, d4dpgb1, d4dpgc1, d4dpgd1, d4dpge1, d4dpgf1, d4dpgg1, d4dpgh1
      automated match to d1bbua2
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with ala, apc, lys, mg
    4. 2968109Domain d4dpgd2: 4dpg D:222-575 [219912]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4dpga1, d4dpgb1, d4dpgc1, d4dpgd1, d4dpge1, d4dpgf1, d4dpgg1, d4dpgh1
      automated match to d1bbua2
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with ala, apc, lys, mg
    5. 2968110Domain d4dpge2: 4dpg E:222-575 [219914]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4dpga1, d4dpgb1, d4dpgc1, d4dpgd1, d4dpge1, d4dpgf1, d4dpgg1, d4dpgh1
      automated match to d1bbua2
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with ala, apc, lys, mg
    6. 2968111Domain d4dpgf2: 4dpg F:222-575 [219916]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4dpga1, d4dpgb1, d4dpgc1, d4dpgd1, d4dpge1, d4dpgf1, d4dpgg1, d4dpgh1
      automated match to d1bbua2
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with ala, apc, lys, mg
    7. 2968112Domain d4dpgg2: 4dpg G:222-575 [219918]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4dpga1, d4dpgb1, d4dpgc1, d4dpgd1, d4dpge1, d4dpgf1, d4dpgg1, d4dpgh1
      automated match to d1bbua2
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with ala, apc, lys, mg
    8. 2968113Domain d4dpgh2: 4dpg H:222-575 [219920]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4dpga1, d4dpgb1, d4dpgc1, d4dpgd1, d4dpge1, d4dpgf1, d4dpgg1, d4dpgh1
      automated match to d1bbua2
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with ala, apc, lys, mg
  3. Domain(s) for 4hwt:
    1. 2968080Domain d4hwta1: 4hwt A:354-644 [227928]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4hwta2, d4hwtb2
      automated match to d1qf6a4
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with 1b2, zn
    2. 2968081Domain d4hwtb1: 4hwt B:354-644 [227933]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4hwta2, d4hwtb2
      automated match to d1qf6a4
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with 1b2, zn
  4. Domain(s) for 4j15:
    1. 2968078Domain d4j15a2: 4j15 A:153-495 [223510]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4j15a1, d4j15b1
      automated match to d1eova2
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with gol
    2. 2968079Domain d4j15b2: 4j15 B:153-495 [223512]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4j15a1, d4j15b1
      automated match to d1eova2
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with gol
  5. Domain(s) for 4p3n:
    1. 2968098Domain d4p3na1: 4p3n A:322-611 [269745]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4p3na2, d4p3nb2, d4p3nc2, d4p3nd2
      automated match to d4hwra1
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with 2cr, zn
    2. 2968099Domain d4p3nb1: 4p3n B:322-611 [269739]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4p3na2, d4p3nb2, d4p3nc2, d4p3nd2
      automated match to d4hwra1
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with 2cr, zn
    3. 2968100Domain d4p3nc1: 4p3n C:322-611 [269741]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4p3na2, d4p3nb2, d4p3nc2, d4p3nd2
      automated match to d4hwra1
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with 2cr, zn
    4. 2968101Domain d4p3nd1: 4p3n D:322-611 [269743]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4p3na2, d4p3nb2, d4p3nc2, d4p3nd2
      automated match to d4hwra1
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with 2cr, zn
  6. Domain(s) for 4ttv:
    1. 2968102Domain d4ttva1: 4ttv A:322-611 [277576]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ttva2, d4ttva3, d4ttvb2, d4ttvb3, d4ttvc2, d4ttvc3, d4ttvd2, d4ttvd3
      automated match to d4hwra1
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with bc9, zn
    2. 2968103Domain d4ttvb1: 4ttv B:322-611 [277574]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ttva2, d4ttva3, d4ttvb2, d4ttvb3, d4ttvc2, d4ttvc3, d4ttvd2, d4ttvd3
      automated match to d4hwra1
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with bc9, zn
    3. 2968104Domain d4ttvc1: 4ttv C:322-611 [277579]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ttva2, d4ttva3, d4ttvb2, d4ttvb3, d4ttvc2, d4ttvc3, d4ttvd2, d4ttvd3
      automated match to d4hwra1
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with bc9, zn
    4. 2968105Domain d4ttvd1: 4ttv D:322-611 [277581]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ttva2, d4ttva3, d4ttvb2, d4ttvb3, d4ttvc2, d4ttvc3, d4ttvd2, d4ttvd3
      automated match to d4hwra1
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with bc9, zn
  7. Domain(s) for 4ycu:
    1. 2968084Domain d4ycua2: 4ycu A:222-576 [273829]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ycua1, d4ycub1
      automated match to d3bjua2
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with gol, krs, lys
    2. 2968085Domain d4ycub2: 4ycu B:222-575 [273831]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ycua1, d4ycub1
      automated match to d3bjua2
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with gol, krs, lys
  8. Domain(s) for 4ycw:
    1. 2968114Domain d4ycwa2: 4ycw A:222-575 [273823]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ycwa1, d4ycwb1, d4ycwe1, d4ycwf1
      automated match to d3bjua2
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with krs, lys; mutant
    2. 2968115Domain d4ycwb2: 4ycw B:222-575 [273825]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ycwa1, d4ycwb1, d4ycwe1, d4ycwf1
      automated match to d3bjua2
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with krs, lys; mutant
    3. 2968116Domain d4ycwe2: 4ycw E:222-575 [273827]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ycwa1, d4ycwb1, d4ycwe1, d4ycwf1
      automated match to d3bjua2
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with krs, lys; mutant
    4. 2968117Domain d4ycwf2: 4ycw F:222-575 [273821]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ycwa1, d4ycwb1, d4ycwe1, d4ycwf1
      automated match to d3bjua2
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with krs, lys; mutant
  9. Domain(s) for 6chd:
    1. 2968094Domain d6chda2: 6chd A:222-576 [350117]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6chda1, d6chdb1
      automated match to d3bjua2
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with edo, gol, kaa, so4
    2. 2968095Domain d6chdb2: 6chd B:222-576 [350134]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6chda1, d6chdb1
      automated match to d3bjua2
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with edo, gol, kaa, so4
  10. Domain(s) for 6ild:
    1. 2968082Domain d6ilda2: 6ild A:222-576 [365399]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6ilda1, d6ildb1
      automated match to d3bjua2
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with 45a, gol, lys, mg
    2. 2968083Domain d6ildb2: 6ild B:222-575 [365449]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6ilda1, d6ildb1
      automated match to d3bjua2
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with 45a, gol, lys, mg
  11. Domain(s) for 6ilh:
    1. 2968096Domain d6ilha2: 6ilh A:222-575 [365357]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6ilha1, d6ilhb1
      automated match to d3bjua2
      complexed with kaa; mutant
    2. 2968097Domain d6ilhb2: 6ilh B:222-575 [365354]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6ilha1, d6ilhb1
      automated match to d3bjua2
      complexed with kaa; mutant
  12. Domain(s) for 7ea9:
    1. 2968086Domain d7ea9a2: 7ea9 A:222-575 [401989]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d7ea9a1, d7ea9b1, d7ea9c1, d7ea9d1
      automated match to d3bjua2
      complexed with gol, kaa; mutant
    2. 2968087Domain d7ea9b2: 7ea9 B:222-575 [401996]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d7ea9a1, d7ea9b1, d7ea9c1, d7ea9d1
      automated match to d3bjua2
      complexed with gol, kaa; mutant
    3. 2968088Domain d7ea9c2: 7ea9 C:222-575 [401983]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d7ea9a1, d7ea9b1, d7ea9c1, d7ea9d1
      automated match to d3bjua2
      complexed with gol, kaa; mutant
    4. 2968089Domain d7ea9d2: 7ea9 D:222-575 [402045]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d7ea9a1, d7ea9b1, d7ea9c1, d7ea9d1
      automated match to d3bjua2
      complexed with gol, kaa; mutant

More info for Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] from d.104.1.0 automated matches

Timeline for Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] from d.104.1.0 automated matches: