Lineage for Species: Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.07
  2. 2299346Class a: All alpha proteins [46456] (289 folds)
  3. 2336229Fold a.104: Cytochrome P450 [48263] (1 superfamily)
  4. 2336230Superfamily a.104.1: Cytochrome P450 [48264] (2 families) (S)
  5. 2337106Family a.104.1.0: automated matches [191509] (1 protein)
    not a true family
  6. 2337107Protein automated matches [190847] (95 species)
    not a true protein
  7. 2337246Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [196470] (50 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606]:

  1. Domain(s) for 1z10:
    1. 2337257Domain d1z10a_: 1z10 A: [203283]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1z10b2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with cou, gol, hem
    2. 2337258Domain d1z10b1: 1z10 B:32-494 [203284]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1z10b2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with cou, gol, hem
    3. 2337259Domain d1z10c_: 1z10 C: [203285]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1z10b2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with cou, gol, hem
    4. 2337260Domain d1z10d_: 1z10 D: [203286]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1z10b2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with cou, gol, hem
  2. Domain(s) for 1z11:
    1. 2337269Domain d1z11a1: 1z11 A:30-494 [203287]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1z11a2, d1z11b2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with 8mo, hem
    2. 2337270Domain d1z11b1: 1z11 B:32-494 [203288]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1z11a2, d1z11b2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with 8mo, hem
    3. 2337271Domain d1z11c_: 1z11 C: [203289]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1z11a2, d1z11b2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with 8mo, hem
    4. 2337272Domain d1z11d_: 1z11 D: [203290]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d1z11a2, d1z11b2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with 8mo, hem
  3. Domain(s) for 2fdu:
    1. 2337253Domain d2fdua_: 2fdu A: [204190]
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with d1g, hem, so4
    2. 2337254Domain d2fdub_: 2fdu B: [204191]
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with d1g, hem, so4
    3. 2337255Domain d2fduc_: 2fdu C: [204192]
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with d1g, hem, so4
    4. 2337256Domain d2fdud_: 2fdu D: [204193]
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with d1g, hem, so4
  4. Domain(s) for 2fdv:
    1. 2337247Domain d2fdva_: 2fdv A: [204194]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2fdvb2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with d2g, edo, hem, so4
    2. 2337248Domain d2fdvb1: 2fdv B:32-494 [204195]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2fdvb2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with d2g, edo, hem, so4
    3. 2337249Domain d2fdvc_: 2fdv C: [204196]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2fdvb2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with d2g, edo, hem, so4
    4. 2337250Domain d2fdvd_: 2fdv D: [204197]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2fdvb2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with d2g, edo, hem, so4
  5. Domain(s) for 2fdw:
    1. 2337265Domain d2fdwa_: 2fdw A: [204198]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2fdwb2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with d3g, hem
    2. 2337266Domain d2fdwb1: 2fdw B:32-494 [204199]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2fdwb2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with d3g, hem
    3. 2337267Domain d2fdwc_: 2fdw C: [204200]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2fdwb2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with d3g, hem
    4. 2337268Domain d2fdwd_: 2fdw D: [204201]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2fdwb2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with d3g, hem
  6. Domain(s) for 2fdy:
    1. 2337261Domain d2fdya_: 2fdy A: [204202]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2fdyb2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with d4g, hem, so4
    2. 2337262Domain d2fdyb1: 2fdy B:32-494 [204203]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2fdyb2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with d4g, hem, so4
    3. 2337263Domain d2fdyc_: 2fdy C: [204204]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2fdyb2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with d4g, hem, so4
    4. 2337264Domain d2fdyd_: 2fdy D: [204205]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2fdyb2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with d4g, hem, so4
  7. Domain(s) for 2iag:
    1. 2337273Domain d2iaga1: 2iag A:23-500 [230785]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2iaga2, d2iagb2
      automated match to d3b99a_
      complexed with hem, na
    2. 2337274Domain d2iagb1: 2iag B:23-500 [230786]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2iaga2, d2iagb2
      automated match to d3b99a_
      complexed with hem, na
  8. Domain(s) for 2p85:
    1. 2337287Domain d2p85a_: 2p85 A: [205455]
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with hem, ind
    2. 2337288Domain d2p85b_: 2p85 B: [205456]
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with hem, ind
    3. 2337289Domain d2p85c_: 2p85 C: [205457]
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with hem, ind
    4. 2337290Domain d2p85d_: 2p85 D: [205458]
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with hem, ind
    5. 2337291Domain d2p85e_: 2p85 E: [205459]
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with hem, ind
    6. 2337292Domain d2p85f_: 2p85 F: [205460]
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with hem, ind
  9. Domain(s) for 2pg5:
    1. 2337281Domain d2pg5a_: 2pg5 A: [205523]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2pg5b2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with edo, hem
    2. 2337282Domain d2pg5b1: 2pg5 B:32-494 [205524]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2pg5b2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with edo, hem
    3. 2337283Domain d2pg5c_: 2pg5 C: [205525]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2pg5b2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with edo, hem
    4. 2337284Domain d2pg5d_: 2pg5 D: [205526]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2pg5b2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with edo, hem
  10. Domain(s) for 2pg6:
    1. 2337388Domain d2pg6a_: 2pg6 A: [205527]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2pg6b2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with hem
    2. 2337389Domain d2pg6b1: 2pg6 B:32-494 [205528]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2pg6b2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with hem
    3. 2337390Domain d2pg6c_: 2pg6 C: [205529]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2pg6b2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with hem
    4. 2337391Domain d2pg6d_: 2pg6 D: [205530]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2pg6b2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with hem
  11. Domain(s) for 2pg7:
    1. 2337353Domain d2pg7a_: 2pg7 A: [205531]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2pg7b2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with hem
    2. 2337354Domain d2pg7b1: 2pg7 B:32-494 [205532]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2pg7b2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with hem
    3. 2337355Domain d2pg7c_: 2pg7 C: [205533]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2pg7b2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with hem
    4. 2337356Domain d2pg7d_: 2pg7 D: [205534]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2pg7b2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with hem
  12. Domain(s) for 3b6h:
    1. 2337251Domain d3b6ha1: 3b6h A:23-500 [231827]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3b6ha2, d3b6hb2
      automated match to d3b98a_
      complexed with bog, hem, mxd
    2. 2337252Domain d3b6hb1: 3b6h B:23-500 [231828]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3b6ha2, d3b6hb2
      automated match to d3b98a_
      complexed with bog, hem, mxd
  13. Domain(s) for 3dax:
    1. 2337324Domain d3daxa1: 3dax A:25-503 [231986]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3daxa2, d3daxa3, d3daxb2
      automated match to d3b98a_
      complexed with hem, unx
    2. 2337325Domain d3daxb1: 3dax B:25-502 [231987]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3daxa2, d3daxa3, d3daxb2
      automated match to d3b98a_
      complexed with hem, unx
  14. Domain(s) for 3ebs:
    1. 2337275Domain d3ebsa_: 3ebs A: [209450]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ebsb2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with hem, n4e
    2. 2337276Domain d3ebsb1: 3ebs B:31-494 [209451]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ebsb2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with hem, n4e
    3. 2337277Domain d3ebsc_: 3ebs C: [209452]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ebsb2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with hem, n4e
    4. 2337278Domain d3ebsd_: 3ebs D: [209453]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ebsb2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with hem, n4e
  15. Domain(s) for 3i3k:
    1. 2337334Domain d3i3ka_: 3i3k A: [305551]
      automated match to d3juva_
      complexed with bcd, hem, kln
    2. 2337335Domain d3i3kb_: 3i3k B: [305552]
      automated match to d3juva_
      complexed with bcd, hem, kln
  16. Domain(s) for 3jus:
    1. 2337330Domain d3jusa_: 3jus A: [196472]
      automated match to d3l4db_
      complexed with bcd, ecl, ecn, hem
    2. 2337331Domain d3jusb_: 3jus B: [196471]
      automated match to d3l4db_
      complexed with bcd, ecl, ecn, hem
  17. Domain(s) for 3juv:
  18. Domain(s) for 3ld6:
    1. 2337332Domain d3ld6a_: 3ld6 A: [212830]
      automated match to d3jusb_
      complexed with bcd, hem, kkk
    2. 2337333Domain d3ld6b_: 3ld6 B: [212831]
      automated match to d3jusb_
      complexed with bcd, hem, kkk
  19. Domain(s) for 3n9y:
    1. 2337317Domain d3n9ya_: 3n9y A: [294007]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3n9yc_, d3n9yd_
      automated match to d3k9va_
      complexed with clr, fes, hem
    2. 2337318Domain d3n9yb_: 3n9y B: [294008]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3n9yc_, d3n9yd_
      automated match to d3k9va_
      complexed with clr, fes, hem
  20. Domain(s) for 3n9z:
    1. 2337326Domain d3n9za_: 3n9z A: [294009]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3n9zc_, d3n9zd_
      automated match to d3k9va_
      complexed with fes, hc9, hem
    2. 2337327Domain d3n9zb_: 3n9z B: [294010]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3n9zc_, d3n9zd_
      automated match to d3k9va_
      complexed with fes, hc9, hem
  21. Domain(s) for 3na0:
    1. 2337382Domain d3na0a_: 3na0 A: [294011]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3na0c_, d3na0d_
      automated match to d3k9va_
      complexed with 2dc, fes, hem
    2. 2337383Domain d3na0b_: 3na0 B: [294012]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3na0c_, d3na0d_
      automated match to d3k9va_
      complexed with 2dc, fes, hem
  22. Domain(s) for 3na1:
    1. 2337328Domain d3na1a_: 3na1 A: [294013]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3na1c_, d3na1d_
      automated match to d3k9va_
      complexed with fes, hcd, hem
    2. 2337329Domain d3na1b_: 3na1 B: [294014]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3na1c_, d3na1d_
      automated match to d3k9va_
      complexed with fes, hcd, hem
  23. Domain(s) for 3pm0:
  24. Domain(s) for 3sn5:
    1. 2337285Domain d3sn5a1: 3sn5 A:25-503 [233563]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3sn5a2
      automated match to d3b98a_
      complexed with hem, k2b, unx
    2. 2337286Domain d3sn5b_: 3sn5 B: [233564]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3sn5a2
      automated match to d3b98a_
      complexed with hem, k2b, unx
  25. Domain(s) for 3t3q:
    1. 2337319Domain d3t3qa_: 3t3q A: [216667]
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with 9pl, hem
    2. 2337320Domain d3t3qb_: 3t3q B: [216668]
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with 9pl, hem
    3. 2337321Domain d3t3qc_: 3t3q C: [216669]
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with 9pl, hem
    4. 2337322Domain d3t3qd_: 3t3q D: [216670]
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with 9pl, hem
  26. Domain(s) for 3t3r:
    1. 2337366Domain d3t3ra_: 3t3r A: [216671]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3t3rd2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with 9pl, hem
    2. 2337367Domain d3t3rb_: 3t3r B: [216672]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3t3rd2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with 9pl, hem
    3. 2337368Domain d3t3rc_: 3t3r C: [216673]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3t3rd2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with 9pl, hem
    4. 2337369Domain d3t3rd1: 3t3r D:32-494 [216674]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3t3rd2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with 9pl, hem
  27. Domain(s) for 3t3s:
    1. 2337437Domain d3t3sa_: 3t3s A: [249766]
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with 9pl, hem
    2. 2337438Domain d3t3sb_: 3t3s B: [249767]
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with 9pl, hem
    3. 2337439Domain d3t3sc_: 3t3s C: [249768]
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with 9pl, hem
    4. 2337440Domain d3t3sd_: 3t3s D: [249769]
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with 9pl, hem
    5. 2337441Domain d3t3se_: 3t3s E: [249770]
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with 9pl, hem
    6. 2337442Domain d3t3sf_: 3t3s F: [249771]
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with 9pl, hem
    7. 2337443Domain d3t3sg_: 3t3s G: [249772]
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with 9pl, hem
    8. 2337444Domain d3t3sh_: 3t3s H: [249773]
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with 9pl, hem
  28. Domain(s) for 3v8d:
    1. 2337279Domain d3v8da1: 3v8d A:25-503 [250329]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3v8da2, d3v8da3, d3v8db2
      automated match to d3sn5a_
      complexed with 0gv, hem, so4, unx
    2. 2337280Domain d3v8db1: 3v8d B:25-502 [250330]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3v8da2, d3v8da3, d3v8db2
      automated match to d3sn5a_
      complexed with 0gv, hem, so4, unx
  29. Domain(s) for 4dvq:
    1. 2337293Domain d4dvqa_: 4dvq A: [345216]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4dvqe2, d4dvqf2
      automated match to d3na1b_
      complexed with 1ca, hem, so4
    2. 2337294Domain d4dvqb_: 4dvq B: [345217]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4dvqe2, d4dvqf2
      automated match to d3na1b_
      complexed with 1ca, hem, so4
    3. 2337295Domain d4dvqc_: 4dvq C: [345218]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4dvqe2, d4dvqf2
      automated match to d3na1b_
      complexed with 1ca, hem, so4
    4. 2337296Domain d4dvqd_: 4dvq D: [345219]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4dvqe2, d4dvqf2
      automated match to d3na1b_
      complexed with 1ca, hem, so4
    5. 2337297Domain d4dvqe1: 4dvq E:34-503 [345220]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4dvqe2, d4dvqf2
      automated match to d3na1b_
      complexed with 1ca, hem, so4
    6. 2337298Domain d4dvqf1: 4dvq F:34-503 [345222]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4dvqe2, d4dvqf2
      automated match to d3na1b_
      complexed with 1ca, hem, so4
    7. 2337299Domain d4dvqg_: 4dvq G: [345224]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4dvqe2, d4dvqf2
      automated match to d3na1b_
      complexed with 1ca, hem, so4
    8. 2337300Domain d4dvqh_: 4dvq H: [345225]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4dvqe2, d4dvqf2
      automated match to d3na1b_
      complexed with 1ca, hem, so4
    9. 2337301Domain d4dvqi_: 4dvq I: [345226]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4dvqe2, d4dvqf2
      automated match to d3na1b_
      complexed with 1ca, hem, so4
    10. 2337302Domain d4dvqj_: 4dvq J: [345227]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4dvqe2, d4dvqf2
      automated match to d3na1b_
      complexed with 1ca, hem, so4
    11. 2337303Domain d4dvqk_: 4dvq K: [345228]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4dvqe2, d4dvqf2
      automated match to d3na1b_
      complexed with 1ca, hem, so4
    12. 2337304Domain d4dvql_: 4dvq L: [345229]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4dvqe2, d4dvqf2
      automated match to d3na1b_
      complexed with 1ca, hem, so4
  30. Domain(s) for 4ejg:
    1. 2337404Domain d4ejga_: 4ejg A: [220565]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ejgd2, d4ejge2, d4ejgf2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with gol, hem, nct
    2. 2337405Domain d4ejgb_: 4ejg B: [220566]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ejgd2, d4ejge2, d4ejgf2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with gol, hem, nct
    3. 2337406Domain d4ejgc_: 4ejg C: [220567]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ejgd2, d4ejge2, d4ejgf2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with gol, hem, nct
    4. 2337407Domain d4ejgd1: 4ejg D:31-494 [220568]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ejgd2, d4ejge2, d4ejgf2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with gol, hem, nct
    5. 2337408Domain d4ejge1: 4ejg E:31-494 [220569]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ejgd2, d4ejge2, d4ejgf2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with gol, hem, nct
    6. 2337409Domain d4ejgf1: 4ejg F:31-494 [220570]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ejgd2, d4ejge2, d4ejgf2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with gol, hem, nct
    7. 2337410Domain d4ejgg_: 4ejg G: [220571]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ejgd2, d4ejge2, d4ejgf2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with gol, hem, nct
    8. 2337411Domain d4ejgh_: 4ejg H: [220572]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ejgd2, d4ejge2, d4ejgf2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with gol, hem, nct
  31. Domain(s) for 4ejh:
    1. 2337357Domain d4ejha_: 4ejh A: [220573]
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with 0qa, gol, hem
    2. 2337358Domain d4ejhb_: 4ejh B: [220574]
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with 0qa, gol, hem
    3. 2337359Domain d4ejhc_: 4ejh C: [220575]
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with 0qa, gol, hem
    4. 2337360Domain d4ejhd_: 4ejh D: [220576]
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with 0qa, gol, hem
    5. 2337361Domain d4ejhe_: 4ejh E: [220577]
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with 0qa, gol, hem
    6. 2337362Domain d4ejhf_: 4ejh F: [220578]
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with 0qa, gol, hem
    7. 2337363Domain d4ejhg_: 4ejh G: [220579]
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with 0qa, gol, hem
    8. 2337364Domain d4ejhh_: 4ejh H: [220580]
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with 0qa, gol, hem
  32. Domain(s) for 4eji:
  33. Domain(s) for 4ejj:
    1. 2337349Domain d4ejja_: 4ejj A: [220582]
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with hem, nct
    2. 2337350Domain d4ejjb_: 4ejj B: [220583]
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with hem, nct
    3. 2337351Domain d4ejjc_: 4ejj C: [220584]
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with hem, nct
    4. 2337352Domain d4ejjd_: 4ejj D: [220585]
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with hem, nct
  34. Domain(s) for 4fdh:
    1. 2337336Domain d4fdha_: 4fdh A: [345247]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4fdhe2, d4fdhf2
      automated match to d3na1b_
      complexed with 0t3, hem
    2. 2337337Domain d4fdhb_: 4fdh B: [345248]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4fdhe2, d4fdhf2
      automated match to d3na1b_
      complexed with 0t3, hem
    3. 2337338Domain d4fdhc_: 4fdh C: [345249]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4fdhe2, d4fdhf2
      automated match to d3na1b_
      complexed with 0t3, hem
    4. 2337339Domain d4fdhd_: 4fdh D: [345250]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4fdhe2, d4fdhf2
      automated match to d3na1b_
      complexed with 0t3, hem
    5. 2337340Domain d4fdhe1: 4fdh E:34-503 [345251]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4fdhe2, d4fdhf2
      automated match to d3na1b_
      complexed with 0t3, hem
    6. 2337341Domain d4fdhf1: 4fdh F:34-503 [345253]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4fdhe2, d4fdhf2
      automated match to d3na1b_
      complexed with 0t3, hem
    7. 2337342Domain d4fdhg_: 4fdh G: [345255]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4fdhe2, d4fdhf2
      automated match to d3na1b_
      complexed with 0t3, hem
    8. 2337343Domain d4fdhh_: 4fdh H: [345256]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4fdhe2, d4fdhf2
      automated match to d3na1b_
      complexed with 0t3, hem
    9. 2337344Domain d4fdhi_: 4fdh I: [345257]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4fdhe2, d4fdhf2
      automated match to d3na1b_
      complexed with 0t3, hem
    10. 2337345Domain d4fdhj_: 4fdh J: [345258]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4fdhe2, d4fdhf2
      automated match to d3na1b_
      complexed with 0t3, hem
    11. 2337346Domain d4fdhk_: 4fdh K: [345259]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4fdhe2, d4fdhf2
      automated match to d3na1b_
      complexed with 0t3, hem
    12. 2337347Domain d4fdhl_: 4fdh L: [345260]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4fdhe2, d4fdhf2
      automated match to d3na1b_
      complexed with 0t3, hem
  35. Domain(s) for 4i8v:
    1. 2337305Domain d4i8va_: 4i8v A: [345299]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4i8vb2
      automated match to d3qz1c_
      complexed with bhf, hem, no3
    2. 2337306Domain d4i8vb1: 4i8v B:35-512 [345300]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4i8vb2
      automated match to d3qz1c_
      complexed with bhf, hem, no3
    3. 2337307Domain d4i8vc_: 4i8v C: [345302]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4i8vb2
      automated match to d3qz1c_
      complexed with bhf, hem, no3
    4. 2337308Domain d4i8vd_: 4i8v D: [345303]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4i8vb2
      automated match to d3qz1c_
      complexed with bhf, hem, no3
  36. Domain(s) for 4rui:
    1. 2337412Domain d4ruia_: 4rui A: [268786]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ruib2, d4ruid2, d4ruie2, d4ruif2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with hem, sne
    2. 2337413Domain d4ruib1: 4rui B:31-494 [268788]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ruib2, d4ruid2, d4ruie2, d4ruif2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with hem, sne
    3. 2337414Domain d4ruic_: 4rui C: [268787]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ruib2, d4ruid2, d4ruie2, d4ruif2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with hem, sne
    4. 2337415Domain d4ruid1: 4rui D:31-494 [268801]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ruib2, d4ruid2, d4ruie2, d4ruif2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with hem, sne
    5. 2337416Domain d4ruie1: 4rui E:31-494 [268790]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ruib2, d4ruid2, d4ruie2, d4ruif2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with hem, sne
    6. 2337417Domain d4ruif1: 4rui F:31-494 [268791]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ruib2, d4ruid2, d4ruie2, d4ruif2
      automated match to d1dt6a_
      complexed with hem, sne
  37. Domain(s) for 4uhi:
    1. 2337311Domain d4uhia_: 4uhi A: [318322]
      automated match to d4cohb_
      complexed with hem, vfv
    2. 2337312Domain d4uhib_: 4uhi B: [318295]
      automated match to d4cohb_
      complexed with hem, vfv
    3. 2337313Domain d4uhic_: 4uhi C: [318268]
      automated match to d4cohb_
      complexed with hem, vfv
    4. 2337314Domain d4uhid_: 4uhi D: [318267]
      automated match to d4cohb_
      complexed with hem, vfv
  38. Domain(s) for 4uhl:
    1. 2337374Domain d4uhla1: 4uhl A:61-502 [318648]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4uhla2, d4uhlb2, d4uhlc2, d4uhld2, d4uhle2, d4uhlf2, d4uhlg2, d4uhlh2
      automated match to d3khma_
      complexed with hem, vfv
    2. 2337375Domain d4uhlb1: 4uhl B:61-502 [318599]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4uhla2, d4uhlb2, d4uhlc2, d4uhld2, d4uhle2, d4uhlf2, d4uhlg2, d4uhlh2
      automated match to d3khma_
      complexed with hem, vfv
    3. 2337376Domain d4uhlc1: 4uhl C:61-502 [318606]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4uhla2, d4uhlb2, d4uhlc2, d4uhld2, d4uhle2, d4uhlf2, d4uhlg2, d4uhlh2
      automated match to d3khma_
      complexed with hem, vfv
    4. 2337377Domain d4uhld1: 4uhl D:61-502 [318621]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4uhla2, d4uhlb2, d4uhlc2, d4uhld2, d4uhle2, d4uhlf2, d4uhlg2, d4uhlh2
      automated match to d3khma_
      complexed with hem, vfv
    5. 2337378Domain d4uhle1: 4uhl E:61-502 [318672]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4uhla2, d4uhlb2, d4uhlc2, d4uhld2, d4uhle2, d4uhlf2, d4uhlg2, d4uhlh2
      automated match to d3khma_
      complexed with hem, vfv
    6. 2337379Domain d4uhlf1: 4uhl F:61-502 [318629]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4uhla2, d4uhlb2, d4uhlc2, d4uhld2, d4uhle2, d4uhlf2, d4uhlg2, d4uhlh2
      automated match to d3khma_
      complexed with hem, vfv
    7. 2337380Domain d4uhlg1: 4uhl G:61-502 [318604]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4uhla2, d4uhlb2, d4uhlc2, d4uhld2, d4uhle2, d4uhlf2, d4uhlg2, d4uhlh2
      automated match to d3khma_
      complexed with hem, vfv
    8. 2337381Domain d4uhlh1: 4uhl H:61-502 [318657]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4uhla2, d4uhlb2, d4uhlc2, d4uhld2, d4uhle2, d4uhlf2, d4uhlg2, d4uhlh2
      automated match to d3khma_
      complexed with hem, vfv
  39. Domain(s) for 4y8w:
    1. 2337418Domain d4y8wa1: 4y8w A:30-485 [271592]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4y8wa2, d4y8wb2, d4y8wc2
      automated match to d2vn0a_
      complexed with hem, so4, str
    2. 2337419Domain d4y8wb1: 4y8w B:30-484 [271591]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4y8wa2, d4y8wb2, d4y8wc2
      automated match to d2vn0a_
      complexed with hem, so4, str
    3. 2337420Domain d4y8wc1: 4y8w C:30-485 [271593]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4y8wa2, d4y8wb2, d4y8wc2
      automated match to d2vn0a_
      complexed with hem, so4, str
  40. Domain(s) for 6dwm:
    1. 2337421Domain d6dwma_: 6dwm A: [358230]
      automated match to d4i8va_
      complexed with cps, gol, hem, hjj
    2. 2337422Domain d6dwmb_: 6dwm B: [358322]
      automated match to d4i8va_
      complexed with cps, gol, hem, hjj
    3. 2337423Domain d6dwmc_: 6dwm C: [358223]
      automated match to d4i8va_
      complexed with cps, gol, hem, hjj
    4. 2337424Domain d6dwmd_: 6dwm D: [358226]
      automated match to d4i8va_
      complexed with cps, gol, hem, hjj
  41. Domain(s) for 6dwn:
    1. 2337430Domain d6dwna_: 6dwn A: [358232]
      automated match to d4i8va_
      complexed with aq4, cps, hem
    2. 2337431Domain d6dwnb_: 6dwn B: [358246]
      automated match to d4i8va_
      complexed with aq4, cps, hem
    3. 2337432Domain d6dwnc_: 6dwn C: [358279]
      automated match to d4i8va_
      complexed with aq4, cps, hem
    4. 2337433Domain d6dwnd_: 6dwn D: [358265]
      automated match to d4i8va_
      complexed with aq4, cps, hem
  42. Domain(s) for 6m7x:
    1. 2337315Domain d6m7xa_: 6m7x A: [360442]
      automated match to d4dvqb_
      complexed with hem, jd7
    2. 2337316Domain d6m7xb_: 6m7x B: [360443]
      automated match to d4dvqb_
      complexed with hem, jd7
  43. Domain(s) for 6o5y:
    1. 2337445Domain d6o5ya_: 6o5y A: [377753]
      automated match to d4i8va_
      complexed with hem, kuv, no3
    2. 2337446Domain d6o5yb_: 6o5y B: [377766]
      automated match to d4i8va_
      complexed with hem, kuv, no3
    3. 2337447Domain d6o5yc_: 6o5y C: [377765]
      automated match to d4i8va_
      complexed with hem, kuv, no3
    4. 2337448Domain d6o5yd_: 6o5y D: [377764]
      automated match to d4i8va_
      complexed with hem, kuv, no3
  44. Domain(s) for 6q2t:
    1. 2337428Domain d6q2ta1: 6q2t A:61-502 [376863]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6q2ta2, d6q2tb2
      automated match to d3khma_
      complexed with dxc, hem, pjm
    2. 2337429Domain d6q2tb1: 6q2t B:61-502 [376858]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6q2ta2, d6q2tb2
      automated match to d3khma_
      complexed with dxc, hem, pjm
  45. Domain(s) for 6udl:
    1. 2337370Domain d6udla_: 6udl A: [392314]
      automated match to d4i8va_
      complexed with hem, q4m
    2. 2337371Domain d6udlb_: 6udl B: [392344]
      automated match to d4i8va_
      complexed with hem, q4m
    3. 2337372Domain d6udlc_: 6udl C: [392298]
      automated match to d4i8va_
      complexed with hem, q4m
    4. 2337373Domain d6udld_: 6udl D: [392300]
      automated match to d4i8va_
      complexed with hem, q4m
  46. Domain(s) for 6udm:
    1. 2337384Domain d6udma_: 6udm A: [392308]
      automated match to d4i8va_
      complexed with cps, hem, q4p
    2. 2337385Domain d6udmb_: 6udm B: [392307]
      automated match to d4i8va_
      complexed with cps, hem, q4p
    3. 2337386Domain d6udmc_: 6udm C: [392302]
      automated match to d4i8va_
      complexed with cps, hem, q4p
    4. 2337387Domain d6udmd_: 6udm D: [392317]
      automated match to d4i8va_
      complexed with cps, hem, q4p
  47. Domain(s) for 6uez:
    1. 2337309Domain d6ueza1: 6uez A:61-502 [387570]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6ueza2, d6uezb2
      automated match to d3khma_
      complexed with hem, lan
    2. 2337310Domain d6uezb1: 6uez B:61-502 [387573]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6ueza2, d6uezb2
      automated match to d3khma_
      complexed with hem, lan
  48. Domain(s) for 6xz8:
    1. 2337434Domain d6xz8a_: 6xz8 A: [388352]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6xz8b2
      automated match to d4dvqb_
      complexed with hec, o4t
    2. 2337435Domain d6xz8b1: 6xz8 B:32-503 [388347]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6xz8b2
      automated match to d4dvqb_
      complexed with hec, o4t
    3. 2337436Domain d6xz8c_: 6xz8 C: [388451]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6xz8b2
      automated match to d4dvqb_
      complexed with hec, o4t
  49. Domain(s) for 6xz9:
    1. 2337425Domain d6xz9a_: 6xz9 A: [388432]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6xz9b2
      automated match to d4dvqb_
      complexed with hec, o4w
    2. 2337426Domain d6xz9b1: 6xz9 B:32-503 [388460]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6xz9b2
      automated match to d4dvqb_
      complexed with hec, o4w
    3. 2337427Domain d6xz9c_: 6xz9 C: [388465]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6xz9b2
      automated match to d4dvqb_
      complexed with hec, o4w
  50. Domain(s) for 7m8v:
    1. 2337392Domain d7m8va_: 7m8v A: [405591]
      automated match to d4dvqb_
      complexed with hem, ysy
    2. 2337393Domain d7m8vb_: 7m8v B: [405665]
      automated match to d4dvqb_
      complexed with hem, ysy
    3. 2337394Domain d7m8vc_: 7m8v C: [405630]
      automated match to d4dvqb_
      complexed with hem, ysy
    4. 2337395Domain d7m8vd_: 7m8v D: [405605]
      automated match to d4dvqb_
      complexed with hem, ysy
    5. 2337396Domain d7m8ve_: 7m8v E: [405604]
      automated match to d4dvqb_
      complexed with hem, ysy
    6. 2337397Domain d7m8vf_: 7m8v F: [405755]
      automated match to d4dvqb_
      complexed with hem, ysy
    7. 2337398Domain d7m8vg_: 7m8v G: [405596]
      automated match to d4dvqb_
      complexed with hem, ysy
    8. 2337399Domain d7m8vh_: 7m8v H: [405728]
      automated match to d4dvqb_
      complexed with hem, ysy
    9. 2337400Domain d7m8vi_: 7m8v I: [405593]
      automated match to d4dvqb_
      complexed with hem, ysy
    10. 2337401Domain d7m8vj_: 7m8v J: [405603]
      automated match to d4dvqb_
      complexed with hem, ysy
    11. 2337402Domain d7m8vk_: 7m8v K: [405601]
      automated match to d4dvqb_
      complexed with hem, ysy
    12. 2337403Domain d7m8vl_: 7m8v L: [405687]
      automated match to d4dvqb_
      complexed with hem, ysy

More info for Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] from a.104.1.0 automated matches

Timeline for Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] from a.104.1.0 automated matches: