Lineage for Species: Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (bru isolate) [TaxId: 11686]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.04
  2. 1510239Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (176 folds)
  3. 1548217Fold b.50: Acid proteases [50629] (1 superfamily)
    barrel, closed; n=6, S=10, complex topology
  4. 1548218Superfamily b.50.1: Acid proteases [50630] (4 families) (S)
  5. 1548219Family b.50.1.1: Retroviral protease (retropepsin) [50631] (9 proteins)
    dimer of identical mono-domain chains, each containing (6,10) barrel
  6. 1548235Protein Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease [50632] (8 species)
  7. Species Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (bru isolate) [TaxId:11686] [194276] (20 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (bru isolate) [TaxId: 11686]:

  1. Domain(s) for 3bhe:
    1. 1548427Domain d3bhea_: 3bhe A: [172634]
      automated match to d1ajva_
      complexed with bzn
    2. 1548428Domain d3bheb_: 3bhe B: [172635]
      automated match to d1ajva_
      complexed with bzn
  2. Domain(s) for 3ggu:
    1. 1548429Domain d3ggua_: 3ggu A: [176623]
      automated match to d1sgua_
      complexed with 017
    2. 1548430Domain d3ggub_: 3ggu B: [176624]
      automated match to d1sgua_
      complexed with 017
  3. Domain(s) for 3h5b:
    1. 1548397Domain d3h5ba_: 3h5b A: [177197]
      automated match to d1fgcc_
      complexed with 031, cl, gol, na
    2. 1548398Domain d3h5bb_: 3h5b B: [177198]
      automated match to d1fgcc_
      complexed with 031, cl, gol, na
  4. Domain(s) for 3i6o:
    1. 1548393Domain d3i6oa_: 3i6o A: [178118]
      automated match to d1fgcc_
      complexed with gol, gr6, iod, na
    2. 1548394Domain d3i6ob_: 3i6o B: [178119]
      automated match to d1fgcc_
      complexed with gol, gr6, iod, na
  5. Domain(s) for 3qbf:
    1. 1548411Domain d3qbfa_: 3qbf A: [184317]
      automated match to d1a30a_
      complexed with cl, gol, jhg; mutant
    2. 1548412Domain d3qbfb_: 3qbf B: [184318]
      automated match to d1a30a_
      complexed with cl, gol, jhg; mutant
  6. Domain(s) for 3qih:
    1. 1548403Domain d3qiha_: 3qih A: [184403]
      automated match to d1a30a_
      complexed with cl, fg7, ni7, pge; mutant
    2. 1548404Domain d3qihb_: 3qih B: [184404]
      automated match to d1a30a_
      complexed with cl, fg7, ni7, pge; mutant
  7. Domain(s) for 3qn8:
    1. 1548401Domain d3qn8a_: 3qn8 A: [200364]
      automated match to d1mrwa_
      complexed with cl, ni7; mutant
    2. 1548402Domain d3qn8b_: 3qn8 B: [191942]
      automated match to d1mrwa_
      complexed with cl, ni7; mutant
  8. Domain(s) for 3qp0:
    1. 1548409Domain d3qp0a_: 3qp0 A: [200365]
      automated match to d1mrwa_
      complexed with cl, ni8; mutant
    2. 1548410Domain d3qp0b_: 3qp0 B: [191945]
      automated match to d1mrwa_
      complexed with cl, ni8; mutant
  9. Domain(s) for 3qpj:
    1. 1548417Domain d3qpja_: 3qpj A: [200368]
      automated match to d1mrwa_
      complexed with cl, dtd, n4i; mutant
    2. 1548418Domain d3qpjb_: 3qpj B: [191946]
      automated match to d1mrwa_
      complexed with cl, dtd, n4i; mutant
  10. Domain(s) for 3qrm:
    1. 1548423Domain d3qrma_: 3qrm A: [191947]
      automated match to d1mrwa_
      complexed with cl, dtd, nk7; mutant
    2. 1548424Domain d3qrmb_: 3qrm B: [191948]
      automated match to d1mrwa_
      complexed with cl, dtd, nk7; mutant
  11. Domain(s) for 3qro:
    1. 1548419Domain d3qroa_: 3qro A: [191949]
      automated match to d1mrwa_
      complexed with cl, dtd, gol, nk9; mutant
    2. 1548420Domain d3qrob_: 3qro B: [191950]
      automated match to d1mrwa_
      complexed with cl, dtd, gol, nk9; mutant
  12. Domain(s) for 3qrs:
    1. 1548421Domain d3qrsa_: 3qrs A: [191951]
      automated match to d1mrwa_
      complexed with cl, nk8; mutant
    2. 1548422Domain d3qrsb_: 3qrs B: [191952]
      automated match to d1mrwa_
      complexed with cl, nk8; mutant
  13. Domain(s) for 3tof:
    1. 1548413Domain d3tofa_: 3tof A: [192151]
      automated match to d1sdta_
      complexed with 076, act, dms
    2. 1548414Domain d3tofb_: 3tof B: [192152]
      automated match to d1sdta_
      complexed with 076, act, dms
  14. Domain(s) for 3tog:
    1. 1548405Domain d3toga_: 3tog A: [192153]
      automated match to d1sdta_
      complexed with 079, dms
    2. 1548406Domain d3togb_: 3tog B: [192154]
      automated match to d1sdta_
      complexed with 079, dms
    3. 1548407Domain d3togc_: 3tog C: [192155]
      automated match to d1sdta_
      complexed with 079, dms
    4. 1548408Domain d3togd_: 3tog D: [192156]
      automated match to d1sdta_
      complexed with 079, dms
  15. Domain(s) for 3toh:
    1. 1548391Domain d3toha_: 3toh A: [192157]
      automated match to d1sdta_
      complexed with 079, dms
    2. 1548392Domain d3tohb_: 3toh B: [192158]
      automated match to d1sdta_
      complexed with 079, dms
  16. Domain(s) for 3vf5:
    1. 1548395Domain d3vf5a_: 3vf5 A: [194277]
      automated match to d2aoda_
      complexed with 031, act, cl, gol, na; mutant
    2. 1548396Domain d3vf5b_: 3vf5 B: [194278]
      automated match to d2aoda_
      complexed with 031, act, cl, gol, na; mutant
  17. Domain(s) for 3vf7:
    1. 1548399Domain d3vf7a_: 3vf7 A: [192559]
      automated match to d3pwma_
      complexed with 031, cl, gol, na; mutant
    2. 1548400Domain d3vf7b_: 3vf7 B: [192833]
      automated match to d3pwma_
      complexed with 031, cl, gol, na; mutant
  18. Domain(s) for 3vfb:
    1. 1548415Domain d3vfba_: 3vfb A: [192834]
      automated match to d1fg6c_
      complexed with 031, cl, gol, na; mutant
    2. 1548416Domain d3vfbb_: 3vfb B: [192560]
      automated match to d1fg6c_
      complexed with 031, cl, gol, na; mutant
  19. Domain(s) for 4gb2:
    1. 1548425Domain d4gb2a_: 4gb2 A: [234460]
      automated match to d1mrwa_
      complexed with 0lq, cl, gol; mutant
    2. 1548426Domain d4gb2b_: 4gb2 B: [234459]
      automated match to d1mrwa_
      complexed with 0lq, cl, gol; mutant
  20. Domain(s) for 4hla:
    1. 1548431Domain d4hlaa_: 4hla A: [222656]
      automated match to d1nh0a_
      complexed with 017
    2. 1548432Domain d4hlab_: 4hla B: [222657]
      automated match to d1nh0a_
      complexed with 017

More info for Species Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (bru isolate) [TaxId:11686] from b.50.1.1 Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease

Timeline for Species Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (bru isolate) [TaxId:11686] from b.50.1.1 Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease: