Lineage for Protein: automated matches

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.07
  2. 2299346Class a: All alpha proteins [46456] (289 folds)
  3. 2311419Fold a.22: Histone-fold [47112] (1 superfamily)
    core: 3 helices; long middle helix is flanked at each end with shorter ones
  4. 2311420Superfamily a.22.1: Histone-fold [47113] (5 families) (S)
  5. 2311421Family a.22.1.1: Nucleosome core histones [47114] (6 proteins)
    form octamers composed of two copies of each of the four histones
  6. 2312022Protein automated matches [193445] (8 species)
    not a true protein


  1. 2312023African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis) [TaxId:8355] [225181] (12 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2hue:
    2. Domains for 4eo5:
      1. 2312025Domain d4eo5b1: 4eo5 B:61-135 [201884]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4eo5a1, d4eo5a2, d4eo5b2
        automated match to d2io5b_
        complexed with act, gol; mutant
      2. 2312026Domain d4eo5c_: 4eo5 C: [201885]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4eo5a1, d4eo5a2, d4eo5b2
        automated match to d1s32f_
        complexed with act, gol; mutant
    3. Domain for 4kha:
    4. Domains for 5f99:
      1. 2312042Domain d5f99b_: 5f99 B: [314301]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5f99d_, d5f99h_
        automated match to d1s32f_
        complexed with cl, mg
      2. 2312043Domain d5f99c_: 5f99 C: [314317]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5f99d_, d5f99h_
        automated match to d1eqza_
        complexed with cl, mg
      3. 2312044Domain d5f99f_: 5f99 F: [314304]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5f99d_, d5f99h_
        automated match to d1s32f_
        complexed with cl, mg
      4. 2312045Domain d5f99g_: 5f99 G: [314070]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5f99d_, d5f99h_
        automated match to d1eqza_
        complexed with cl, mg
    5. Domains for 5mlu:
      1. 2312034Domain d5mlua_: 5mlu A: [334546]
        automated match to d1p3ie_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mn
      2. 2312035Domain d5mlub_: 5mlu B: [334587]
        automated match to d1s32f_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mn
      3. 2312036Domain d5mluc_: 5mlu C: [334549]
        automated match to d3lelg_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mn
      4. 2312037Domain d5mlud_: 5mlu D: [334586]
        automated match to d1kx4d_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mn
      5. 2312038Domain d5mlue_: 5mlu E: [334603]
        automated match to d1p3ie_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mn
      6. 2312039Domain d5mluf_: 5mlu F: [334677]
        automated match to d1s32f_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mn
      7. 2312040Domain d5mlug_: 5mlu G: [334554]
        automated match to d3lelg_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mn
      8. 2312041Domain d5mluh_: 5mlu H: [334782]
        automated match to d1kx4d_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mn
    6. Domains for 5omx:
      1. 2312027Domain d5omxc_: 5omx C: [341652]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5omxb_, d5omxd_, d5omxf_, d5omxh_
        automated match to d1eqza_
        complexed with cl, mn
      2. 2312028Domain d5omxg_: 5omx G: [341660]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5omxb_, d5omxd_, d5omxf_, d5omxh_
        automated match to d1eqza_
        complexed with cl, mn
    7. Domains for 5ong:
      1. 2312046Domain d5ongc_: 5ong C: [341829]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ongb_, d5ongd_, d5ongf_, d5ongh_
        automated match to d1eqza_
        complexed with cl, mn
      2. 2312047Domain d5ongg_: 5ong G: [341844]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ongb_, d5ongd_, d5ongf_, d5ongh_
        automated match to d1eqza_
        complexed with cl, mn
    8. Domains for 5onw:
      1. 2312048Domain d5onwc_: 5onw C: [341835]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5onwb_, d5onwd_, d5onwf_, d5onwh_
        automated match to d1eqza_
        complexed with cl, mn
      2. 2312049Domain d5onwg_: 5onw G: [341838]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5onwb_, d5onwd_, d5onwf_, d5onwh_
        automated match to d1eqza_
        complexed with cl, mn
    9. Domain for 6k01:
    10. Domains for 7crq:
      1. 2312050Domain d7crqc_: 7crq C: [390031]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7crqb_, d7crqd_, d7crqf_, d7crqh_
        automated match to d1eqza_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with nle, sam, zn; mutant
      2. 2312051Domain d7crqg_: 7crq G: [390012]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7crqb_, d7crqd_, d7crqf_, d7crqh_
        automated match to d1eqza_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with nle, sam, zn; mutant
    11. Domains for 7e8i:
      1. 2312032Domain d7e8ic_: 7e8i C: [405214]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7e8ib_, d7e8id_, d7e8if_, d7e8ih_, d7e8il_
        automated match to d1eqza_
        protein/DNA complex
      2. 2312033Domain d7e8ig_: 7e8i G: [405232]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7e8ib_, d7e8id_, d7e8if_, d7e8ih_, d7e8il_
        automated match to d1eqza_
        protein/DNA complex
    12. Domains for 7lyc:
      1. 2312030Domain d7lycc1: 7lyc C:12-118 [405547]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7lycc2, d7lycg2, d7lyck1, d7lyck2
        automated match to d5f99g_
        protein/DNA complex
      2. 2312031Domain d7lycg1: 7lyc G:12-118 [405543]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7lycc2, d7lycg2, d7lyck1, d7lyck2
        automated match to d5f99g_
        protein/DNA complex
  2. 2312053Arabidopsis thaliana [TaxId:3702] [391060] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 6m2m:
      1. 2312058Domain d6m2ma_: 6m2m A: [391090]
        automated match to d3azjc_
        complexed with gol
      2. 2312059Domain d6m2mb_: 6m2m B: [391099]
        automated match to d5gt0d_
        complexed with gol
      3. 2312060Domain d6m2mc_: 6m2m C: [391104]
        automated match to d3azjc_
        complexed with gol
      4. 2312061Domain d6m2md_: 6m2m D: [391101]
        automated match to d5gt0d_
        complexed with gol
      5. 2312062Domain d6m2me_: 6m2m E: [391079]
        automated match to d3azjc_
        complexed with gol
      6. 2312063Domain d6m2mf_: 6m2m F: [391081]
        automated match to d5gt0d_
        complexed with gol
      7. 2312064Domain d6m2mg_: 6m2m G: [391062]
        automated match to d3azjc_
        complexed with gol
      8. 2312065Domain d6m2mh_: 6m2m H: [391063]
        automated match to d5gt0d_
        complexed with gol
      9. 2312066Domain d6m2mi_: 6m2m I: [391083]
        automated match to d3azjc_
        complexed with gol
      10. 2312067Domain d6m2mj_: 6m2m J: [391084]
        automated match to d5gt0d_
        complexed with gol
      11. 2312068Domain d6m2mk_: 6m2m K: [391082]
        automated match to d3azjc_
        complexed with gol
      12. 2312069Domain d6m2ml_: 6m2m L: [391061]
        automated match to d5gt0d_
        complexed with gol
    2. Domains for 7bp2:
      1. 2312054Domain d7bp2a_: 7bp2 A: [394350]
        automated match to d3azjc_
        complexed with gol, so4
      2. 2312055Domain d7bp2b_: 7bp2 B: [394432]
        automated match to d5gt0d_
        complexed with gol, so4
      3. 2312056Domain d7bp2c_: 7bp2 C: [394355]
        automated match to d3azjc_
        complexed with gol, so4
      4. 2312057Domain d7bp2d_: 7bp2 D: [394364]
        automated match to d5gt0d_
        complexed with gol, so4
    3. Domains for 7c7x:
      1. 2312070Domain d7c7xa_: 7c7x A: [394431]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7c7xe1, d7c7xe2, d7c7xf_
        automated match to d3azjc_
        complexed with gol
      2. 2312071Domain d7c7xb_: 7c7x B: [394439]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7c7xe1, d7c7xe2, d7c7xf_
        automated match to d5gt0d_
        complexed with gol
      3. 2312072Domain d7c7xc_: 7c7x C: [394407]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7c7xe1, d7c7xe2, d7c7xf_
        automated match to d3azjc_
        complexed with gol
      4. 2312073Domain d7c7xd_: 7c7x D: [394459]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7c7xe1, d7c7xe2, d7c7xf_
        automated match to d5gt0d_
        complexed with gol
  3. 2312074Baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) [TaxId:559292] [256335] (7 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4jjn:
      1. 2312091Domain d4jjnb_: 4jjn B: [252952]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4jjnk_, d4jjnl_
        automated match to d1id3f_
        protein/DNA complex
      2. 2312092Domain d4jjnc_: 4jjn C: [252953]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4jjnk_, d4jjnl_
        automated match to d1id3c_
        protein/DNA complex
      3. 2312093Domain d4jjnd_: 4jjn D: [252954]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4jjnk_, d4jjnl_
        automated match to d1s32d_
        protein/DNA complex
      4. 2312094Domain d4jjnf_: 4jjn F: [252955]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4jjnk_, d4jjnl_
        automated match to d1id3f_
        protein/DNA complex
      5. 2312095Domain d4jjng_: 4jjn G: [252956]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4jjnk_, d4jjnl_
        automated match to d1id3c_
        protein/DNA complex
      6. 2312096Domain d4jjnh_: 4jjn H: [252957]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4jjnk_, d4jjnl_
        automated match to d1s32d_
        protein/DNA complex
    2. Domains for 4m6b:
      1. 2312079Domain d4m6ba1: 4m6b A:37-130 [266719]
        automated match to d2jssa2
      2. 2312080Domain d4m6ba2: 4m6b A:131-221 [266720]
        automated match to d2jssa1
      3. 2312081Domain d4m6bd1: 4m6b D:36-130 [266721]
        automated match to d2jssa2
      4. 2312082Domain d4m6bd2: 4m6b D:131-222 [266722]
        automated match to d2jssa1
    3. Domains for 4wnn:
      1. 2312083Domain d4wnna_: 4wnn A: [278429]
        automated match to d1id3c_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with po4
      2. 2312084Domain d4wnnb_: 4wnn B: [278428]
        automated match to d3mgpd_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with po4
      3. 2312085Domain d4wnnc_: 4wnn C: [278438]
        automated match to d1id3c_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with po4
      4. 2312086Domain d4wnnd_: 4wnn D: [278430]
        automated match to d3mgpd_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with po4
      5. 2312087Domain d4wnne_: 4wnn E: [278439]
        automated match to d1id3c_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with po4
      6. 2312088Domain d4wnnf_: 4wnn F: [278433]
        automated match to d3mgpd_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with po4
      7. 2312089Domain d4wnng_: 4wnn G: [278434]
        automated match to d1id3c_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with po4
      8. 2312090Domain d4wnnh_: 4wnn H: [278437]
        automated match to d3mgpd_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with po4
    4. Domains for 5bt1:
      1. 2312097Domain d5bt1c_: 5bt1 C: [324357]
        automated match to d1id3c_
      2. 2312098Domain d5bt1d_: 5bt1 D: [324358]
        automated match to d1s32d_
    5. Domains for 6ae8:
      1. 2312075Domain d6ae8a1: 6ae8 A:1-95 [367695]
        automated match to d2jssa2
        complexed with bcn
      2. 2312076Domain d6ae8a2: 6ae8 A:96-182 [367696]
        automated match to d2jssa1
        complexed with bcn
      3. 2312077Domain d6ae8b1: 6ae8 B:0-95 [367694]
        automated match to d2jssa2
        complexed with bcn
      4. 2312078Domain d6ae8b2: 6ae8 B:96-181 [367697]
        automated match to d2jssa1
        complexed with bcn
    6. Domains for 6uph:
      1. 2312105Domain d6upha_: 6uph A: [376670]
        automated match to d2pyoa_
      2. 2312106Domain d6uphe_: 6uph E: [376666]
        automated match to d2pyoa_
    7. Domains for 7k78:
      1. 2312099Domain d7k78b_: 7k78 B: [402086]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7k78k1, d7k78k2, d7k78l1, d7k78l2
        automated match to d4jjnb_
        protein/DNA complex
      2. 2312100Domain d7k78c_: 7k78 C: [402126]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7k78k1, d7k78k2, d7k78l1, d7k78l2
        automated match to d1m1ac_
        protein/DNA complex
      3. 2312101Domain d7k78d_: 7k78 D: [402088]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7k78k1, d7k78k2, d7k78l1, d7k78l2
        automated match to d1s32d_
        protein/DNA complex
      4. 2312102Domain d7k78f_: 7k78 F: [402140]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7k78k1, d7k78k2, d7k78l1, d7k78l2
        automated match to d4jjnb_
        protein/DNA complex
      5. 2312103Domain d7k78g_: 7k78 G: [402093]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7k78k1, d7k78k2, d7k78l1, d7k78l2
        automated match to d1m1ac_
        protein/DNA complex
      6. 2312104Domain d7k78h_: 7k78 H: [402111]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7k78k1, d7k78k2, d7k78l1, d7k78l2
        automated match to d1s32d_
        protein/DNA complex
  4. 2312107Fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) [TaxId:7227] [225310] (6 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2nqb:
      1. 2312108Domain d2nqbc_: 2nqb C: [198175]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2nqba_, d2nqbb_, d2nqbe_, d2nqbf_
        automated match to d1id3c_
        protein/DNA complex
      2. 2312109Domain d2nqbd_: 2nqb D: [238764]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2nqba_, d2nqbb_, d2nqbe_, d2nqbf_
        automated match to d3mgpd_
        protein/DNA complex
      3. 2312110Domain d2nqbg_: 2nqb G: [198176]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2nqba_, d2nqbb_, d2nqbe_, d2nqbf_
        automated match to d1id3c_
        protein/DNA complex
      4. 2312111Domain d2nqbh_: 2nqb H: [238765]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2nqba_, d2nqbb_, d2nqbe_, d2nqbf_
        automated match to d3mgpd_
        protein/DNA complex
    2. Domains for 2pyo:
      1. 2312112Domain d2pyoc_: 2pyo C: [198265]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2pyoa_, d2pyob_, d2pyoe_, d2pyof_
        automated match to d3lelg_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      2. 2312113Domain d2pyod_: 2pyo D: [238818]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2pyoa_, d2pyob_, d2pyoe_, d2pyof_
        automated match to d3mgrd_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      3. 2312114Domain d2pyog_: 2pyo G: [198266]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2pyoa_, d2pyob_, d2pyoe_, d2pyof_
        automated match to d3lelg_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      4. 2312115Domain d2pyoh_: 2pyo H: [238819]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2pyoa_, d2pyob_, d2pyoe_, d2pyof_
        automated match to d3mgrd_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
    3. Domain for 4uuz:
    4. Domains for 5z23:
      1. 2312120Domain d5z23c_: 5z23 C: [364934]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5z23b_, d5z23f_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex
      2. 2312121Domain d5z23g_: 5z23 G: [364984]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5z23b_, d5z23f_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex
    5. Domains for 6jr0:
      1. 2312118Domain d6jr0c_: 6jr0 C: [374967]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6jr0b_, d6jr0f_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn, mse
      2. 2312119Domain d6jr0g_: 6jr0 G: [375012]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6jr0b_, d6jr0f_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn, mse
    6. Domains for 6jr1:
      1. 2312116Domain d6jr1c_: 6jr1 C: [374994]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6jr1b_, d6jr1f_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn, mse
      2. 2312117Domain d6jr1g_: 6jr1 G: [374959]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6jr1b_, d6jr1f_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn, mse
  5. 2312123Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [193446] (77 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1u35:
    2. Domains for 3a6n:
      1. 2312200Domain d3a6nb_: 3a6n B: [231761]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3a6na_, d3a6ne_
        automated match to d1kx3f_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      2. 2312201Domain d3a6nc_: 3a6n C: [239082]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3a6na_, d3a6ne_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      3. 2312202Domain d3a6nd_: 3a6n D: [239083]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3a6na_, d3a6ne_
        automated match to d4cayb_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      4. 2312203Domain d3a6nf_: 3a6n F: [231762]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3a6na_, d3a6ne_
        automated match to d1kx3f_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      5. 2312204Domain d3a6ng_: 3a6n G: [239084]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3a6na_, d3a6ne_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      6. 2312205Domain d3a6nh_: 3a6n H: [239085]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3a6na_, d3a6ne_
        automated match to d4cayb_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
    3. Domains for 3afa:
      1. 2312170Domain d3afab_: 3afa B: [239100]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3afaa_, d3afae_
        automated match to d3a6nb_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      2. 2312171Domain d3afac_: 3afa C: [239101]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3afaa_, d3afae_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      3. 2312172Domain d3afad_: 3afa D: [239102]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3afaa_, d3afae_
        automated match to d4cayb_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      4. 2312173Domain d3afaf_: 3afa F: [239103]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3afaa_, d3afae_
        automated match to d3a6nf_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      5. 2312174Domain d3afag_: 3afa G: [239104]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3afaa_, d3afae_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      6. 2312175Domain d3afah_: 3afa H: [239105]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3afaa_, d3afae_
        automated match to d4cayb_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
    4. Domains for 3ayw:
      1. 2312253Domain d3aywa_: 3ayw A: [196168]
        automated match to d1kx5a_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      2. 2312254Domain d3aywb_: 3ayw B: [239120]
        automated match to d3a6nb_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      3. 2312255Domain d3aywc_: 3ayw C: [239121]
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      4. 2312256Domain d3aywd_: 3ayw D: [239122]
        automated match to d4cayb_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      5. 2312257Domain d3aywe_: 3ayw E: [198974]
        automated match to d3aywa_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      6. 2312258Domain d3aywf_: 3ayw F: [239123]
        automated match to d3a6nf_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      7. 2312259Domain d3aywg_: 3ayw G: [239124]
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      8. 2312260Domain d3aywh_: 3ayw H: [239125]
        automated match to d4cayb_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
    5. Domains for 3aze:
      1. 2312312Domain d3azeb_: 3aze B: [245291]
        automated match to d1kx3f_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      2. 2312313Domain d3azec_: 3aze C: [245292]
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      3. 2312314Domain d3azed_: 3aze D: [245293]
        automated match to d4cayb_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      4. 2312315Domain d3azef_: 3aze F: [245294]
        automated match to d1kx3f_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      5. 2312316Domain d3azeg_: 3aze G: [245295]
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      6. 2312317Domain d3azeh_: 3aze H: [245296]
        automated match to d4cayb_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
    6. Domains for 3azf:
      1. 2312176Domain d3azfa_: 3azf A: [196167]
        automated match to d1kx5a_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      2. 2312177Domain d3azfb_: 3azf B: [239126]
        automated match to d3a6nb_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      3. 2312178Domain d3azfc_: 3azf C: [239127]
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      4. 2312179Domain d3azfd_: 3azf D: [239128]
        automated match to d4cayb_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      5. 2312180Domain d3azfe_: 3azf E: [198989]
        automated match to d3azfa_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      6. 2312181Domain d3azff_: 3azf F: [239129]
        automated match to d3a6nf_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      7. 2312182Domain d3azfg_: 3azf G: [239130]
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      8. 2312183Domain d3azfh_: 3azf H: [239131]
        automated match to d4cayb_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
    7. Domains for 3azg:
      1. 2312148Domain d3azga_: 3azg A: [196166]
        automated match to d1kx5a_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      2. 2312149Domain d3azgb_: 3azg B: [239132]
        automated match to d3a6nb_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      3. 2312150Domain d3azgc_: 3azg C: [239133]
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      4. 2312151Domain d3azgd_: 3azg D: [239134]
        automated match to d4cayb_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      5. 2312152Domain d3azge_: 3azg E: [198990]
        automated match to d3azga_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      6. 2312153Domain d3azgf_: 3azg F: [239135]
        automated match to d3a6nf_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      7. 2312154Domain d3azgg_: 3azg G: [239136]
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      8. 2312155Domain d3azgh_: 3azg H: [239137]
        automated match to d4cayb_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
    8. Domains for 3azi:
      1. 2312225Domain d3azib_: 3azi B: [208485]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3azia_, d3azie_
        automated match to d1s32f_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      2. 2312226Domain d3azic_: 3azi C: [239138]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3azia_, d3azie_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      3. 2312227Domain d3azid_: 3azi D: [239139]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3azia_, d3azie_
        automated match to d4cayb_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      4. 2312228Domain d3azif_: 3azi F: [208487]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3azia_, d3azie_
        automated match to d1s32f_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      5. 2312229Domain d3azig_: 3azi G: [239140]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3azia_, d3azie_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      6. 2312230Domain d3azih_: 3azi H: [239141]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3azia_, d3azie_
        automated match to d4cayb_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
    9. Domains for 3azj:
      1. 2312261Domain d3azja_: 3azj A: [193636]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3azje_
        automated match to d1kx5a_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      2. 2312262Domain d3azjb_: 3azj B: [198991]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3azje_
        automated match to d1s32f_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      3. 2312263Domain d3azjc_: 3azj C: [239142]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3azje_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      4. 2312264Domain d3azjd_: 3azj D: [239143]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3azje_
        automated match to d4cayb_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      5. 2312265Domain d3azjf_: 3azj F: [198993]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3azje_
        automated match to d1s32f_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      6. 2312266Domain d3azjg_: 3azj G: [239144]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3azje_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      7. 2312267Domain d3azjh_: 3azj H: [239145]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3azje_
        automated match to d4cayb_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
    10. Domains for 3azl:
      1. 2312163Domain d3azlb_: 3azl B: [198995]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3azla_
        automated match to d1s32f_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      2. 2312164Domain d3azlc_: 3azl C: [239146]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3azla_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      3. 2312165Domain d3azld_: 3azl D: [239147]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3azla_
        automated match to d4cayb_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      4. 2312166Domain d3azle_: 3azl E: [193637]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3azla_
        automated match to d1kx5a_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      5. 2312167Domain d3azlf_: 3azl F: [198996]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3azla_
        automated match to d1s32f_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      6. 2312168Domain d3azlg_: 3azl G: [239148]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3azla_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      7. 2312169Domain d3azlh_: 3azl H: [239149]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3azla_
        automated match to d4cayb_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
    11. Domains for 3azm:
      1. 2312290Domain d3azma_: 3azm A: [193638]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3azme_
        automated match to d1kx5a_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      2. 2312291Domain d3azmb_: 3azm B: [198997]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3azme_
        automated match to d1s32f_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      3. 2312292Domain d3azmc_: 3azm C: [239150]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3azme_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      4. 2312293Domain d3azmd_: 3azm D: [239151]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3azme_
        automated match to d4cayb_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      5. 2312294Domain d3azmf_: 3azm F: [198999]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3azme_
        automated match to d1s32f_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      6. 2312295Domain d3azmg_: 3azm G: [239152]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3azme_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      7. 2312296Domain d3azmh_: 3azm H: [239153]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3azme_
        automated match to d4cayb_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
    12. Domains for 3azn:
      1. 2312231Domain d3aznb_: 3azn B: [245297]
        automated match to d1s32f_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      2. 2312232Domain d3aznc_: 3azn C: [245298]
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      3. 2312233Domain d3aznd_: 3azn D: [245299]
        automated match to d4cayb_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      4. 2312234Domain d3aznf_: 3azn F: [245300]
        automated match to d1s32f_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      5. 2312235Domain d3azng_: 3azn G: [245301]
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      6. 2312236Domain d3aznh_: 3azn H: [245302]
        automated match to d4cayb_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
    13. Domain for 3nqj:
    14. Domain for 3nqu:
    15. Domain for 3r45:
    16. Domains for 3wa9:
      1. 2312384Domain d3wa9b_: 3wa9 B: [250733]
        automated match to d1kx3f_
        protein/DNA complex
      2. 2312385Domain d3wa9c_: 3wa9 C: [250734]
        automated match to d1id3c_
        protein/DNA complex
      3. 2312386Domain d3wa9d_: 3wa9 D: [250735]
        automated match to d4cayb_
        protein/DNA complex
      4. 2312387Domain d3wa9f_: 3wa9 F: [250736]
        automated match to d1kx3f_
        protein/DNA complex
      5. 2312388Domain d3wa9g_: 3wa9 G: [250737]
        automated match to d1id3c_
        protein/DNA complex
      6. 2312389Domain d3wa9h_: 3wa9 H: [250738]
        automated match to d4cayb_
        protein/DNA complex
    17. Domains for 3wkj:
      1. 2312344Domain d3wkjb_: 3wkj B: [238515]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3wkja_, d3wkje_
        automated match to d3a6nb_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      2. 2312345Domain d3wkjc_: 3wkj C: [239919]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3wkja_, d3wkje_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      3. 2312346Domain d3wkjd_: 3wkj D: [239920]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3wkja_, d3wkje_
        automated match to d2f8nd_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      4. 2312347Domain d3wkjf_: 3wkj F: [238516]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3wkja_, d3wkje_
        automated match to d3a6nf_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      5. 2312348Domain d3wkjg_: 3wkj G: [239921]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3wkja_, d3wkje_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      6. 2312349Domain d3wkjh_: 3wkj H: [239922]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3wkja_, d3wkje_
        automated match to d2f8nd_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
    18. Domains for 4cay:
      1. 2312124Domain d4caya_: 4cay A: [236116]
        automated match to d1kx3c_
      2. 2312125Domain d4cayb_: 4cay B: [236115]
        automated match to d3mgrd_
    19. Domain for 4h9n:
    20. Domain for 4h9o:
    21. Domain for 4h9p:
    22. Domain for 4h9q:
    23. Domain for 4h9r:
    24. Domains for 4h9s:
      1. 2312136Domain d4h9sa_: 4h9s A: [193447]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4h9sc_, d4h9sd_
        automated match to d1kx5a_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with po4
      2. 2312137Domain d4h9sb_: 4h9s B: [202394]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4h9sc_, d4h9sd_
        automated match to d4h9sa_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with po4
    25. Domain for 4hga:
    26. Domains for 4z2m:
      1. 2312409Domain d4z2mg_: 4z2m G: [312252]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4z2mh_, d4z2mj_
        automated match to d1eqzc_
        protein/DNA complex
      2. 2312410Domain d4z2mi_: 4z2m I: [312348]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4z2mh_, d4z2mj_
        automated match to d1eqzc_
        protein/DNA complex
    27. Domains for 4z5t:
      1. 2312360Domain d4z5tc_: 4z5t C: [312342]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4z5tb_, d4z5tf_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex
      2. 2312361Domain d4z5td_: 4z5t D: [312360]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4z5tb_, d4z5tf_
        automated match to d1kx5d_
        protein/DNA complex
      3. 2312362Domain d4z5tg_: 4z5t G: [312427]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4z5tb_, d4z5tf_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex
      4. 2312363Domain d4z5th_: 4z5t H: [312279]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4z5tb_, d4z5tf_
        automated match to d1kx5d_
        protein/DNA complex
    28. Domains for 5ay8:
      1. 2312366Domain d5ay8a_: 5ay8 A: [312515]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ay8b_, d5ay8f_
        automated match to d1eqzg_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      2. 2312367Domain d5ay8c_: 5ay8 C: [312584]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ay8b_, d5ay8f_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      3. 2312368Domain d5ay8d_: 5ay8 D: [312576]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ay8b_, d5ay8f_
        automated match to d1kx5d_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      4. 2312369Domain d5ay8e_: 5ay8 E: [312525]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ay8b_, d5ay8f_
        automated match to d1eqzg_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      5. 2312370Domain d5ay8g_: 5ay8 G: [312553]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ay8b_, d5ay8f_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      6. 2312371Domain d5ay8h_: 5ay8 H: [312539]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ay8b_, d5ay8f_
        automated match to d1kx5d_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
    29. Domains for 5b0y:
      1. 2312318Domain d5b0yc_: 5b0y C: [312703]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b0yb_, d5b0yf_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        complexed with cl, mn
      2. 2312319Domain d5b0yd_: 5b0y D: [312538]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b0yb_, d5b0yf_
        automated match to d1kx5d_
        complexed with cl, mn
      3. 2312320Domain d5b0yg_: 5b0y G: [312565]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b0yb_, d5b0yf_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        complexed with cl, mn
      4. 2312321Domain d5b0yh_: 5b0y H: [312601]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b0yb_, d5b0yf_
        automated match to d1kx5d_
        complexed with cl, mn
    30. Domains for 5b0z:
      1. 2312138Domain d5b0za_: 5b0z A: [316506]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b0zb_, d5b0zf_
        automated match to d1eqzg_
        complexed with cl, mn
      2. 2312139Domain d5b0zc_: 5b0z C: [312773]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b0zb_, d5b0zf_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        complexed with cl, mn
      3. 2312140Domain d5b0zd_: 5b0z D: [312685]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b0zb_, d5b0zf_
        automated match to d1kx5d_
        complexed with cl, mn
      4. 2312141Domain d5b0ze_: 5b0z E: [316507]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b0zb_, d5b0zf_
        automated match to d1eqzg_
        complexed with cl, mn
      5. 2312142Domain d5b0zg_: 5b0z G: [312575]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b0zb_, d5b0zf_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        complexed with cl, mn
      6. 2312143Domain d5b0zh_: 5b0z H: [316508]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b0zb_, d5b0zf_
        automated match to d1kx4d_
        complexed with cl, mn
    31. Domains for 5b2i:
      1. 2312403Domain d5b2ia_: 5b2i A: [318430]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b2ib_, d5b2if_
        automated match to d1eqzg_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mn
      2. 2312404Domain d5b2ic_: 5b2i C: [318521]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b2ib_, d5b2if_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mn
      3. 2312405Domain d5b2id_: 5b2i D: [318348]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b2ib_, d5b2if_
        automated match to d1kx4d_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mn
      4. 2312406Domain d5b2ie_: 5b2i E: [318347]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b2ib_, d5b2if_
        automated match to d1eqzg_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mn
      5. 2312407Domain d5b2ig_: 5b2i G: [318556]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b2ib_, d5b2if_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mn
      6. 2312408Domain d5b2ih_: 5b2i H: [318503]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b2ib_, d5b2if_
        automated match to d1kx4d_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mn
    32. Domains for 5b2j:
      1. 2312326Domain d5b2ja_: 5b2j A: [318478]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b2jb_, d5b2jf_
        automated match to d1eqzg_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mn
      2. 2312327Domain d5b2jc_: 5b2j C: [318350]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b2jb_, d5b2jf_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mn
      3. 2312328Domain d5b2jd_: 5b2j D: [318484]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b2jb_, d5b2jf_
        automated match to d1kx4d_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mn
      4. 2312329Domain d5b2je_: 5b2j E: [318443]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b2jb_, d5b2jf_
        automated match to d1eqzg_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mn
      5. 2312330Domain d5b2jg_: 5b2j G: [318492]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b2jb_, d5b2jf_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mn
      6. 2312331Domain d5b2jh_: 5b2j H: [318578]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b2jb_, d5b2jf_
        automated match to d1kx4d_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mn
    33. Domains for 5b31:
      1. 2312210Domain d5b31a_: 5b31 A: [320316]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b31b_, d5b31f_, d5b31g_
        automated match to d1eqzg_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      2. 2312211Domain d5b31c_: 5b31 C: [320294]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b31b_, d5b31f_, d5b31g_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      3. 2312212Domain d5b31d_: 5b31 D: [320474]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b31b_, d5b31f_, d5b31g_
        automated match to d1kx4d_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      4. 2312213Domain d5b31e_: 5b31 E: [320498]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b31b_, d5b31f_, d5b31g_
        automated match to d1eqzg_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      5. 2312214Domain d5b31h_: 5b31 H: [320386]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b31b_, d5b31f_, d5b31g_
        automated match to d1kx4d_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
    34. Domains for 5b32:
      1. 2312268Domain d5b32a_: 5b32 A: [320291]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b32b_, d5b32f_, d5b32g_
        automated match to d1eqzg_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      2. 2312269Domain d5b32c_: 5b32 C: [320317]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b32b_, d5b32f_, d5b32g_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      3. 2312270Domain d5b32d_: 5b32 D: [320419]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b32b_, d5b32f_, d5b32g_
        automated match to d1kx4d_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      4. 2312271Domain d5b32e_: 5b32 E: [320286]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b32b_, d5b32f_, d5b32g_
        automated match to d1eqzg_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      5. 2312272Domain d5b32h_: 5b32 H: [320256]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b32b_, d5b32f_, d5b32g_
        automated match to d1kx4d_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
    35. Domains for 5b33:
      1. 2312399Domain d5b33a_: 5b33 A: [320364]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b33b_, d5b33c_, d5b33f_, d5b33g_
        automated match to d1eqzg_
        protein/DNA complex
      2. 2312400Domain d5b33d_: 5b33 D: [320259]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b33b_, d5b33c_, d5b33f_, d5b33g_
        automated match to d1kx4d_
        protein/DNA complex
      3. 2312401Domain d5b33e_: 5b33 E: [320421]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b33b_, d5b33c_, d5b33f_, d5b33g_
        automated match to d1eqzg_
        protein/DNA complex
      4. 2312402Domain d5b33h_: 5b33 H: [320362]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b33b_, d5b33c_, d5b33f_, d5b33g_
        automated match to d1kx4d_
        protein/DNA complex
    36. Domains for 5bnv:
      1. 2312364Domain d5bnva_: 5bnv A: [273848]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5bnvb_, d5bnve_
        automated match to d2io5b_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with po4
      2. 2312365Domain d5bnvd_: 5bnv D: [273847]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5bnvb_, d5bnve_
        automated match to d2io5b_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with po4
    37. Domain for 5bnx:
    38. Domain for 5bo0:
    39. Domains for 5fug:
      1. 2312352Domain d5fuga_: 5fug A: [314737]
        automated match to d1id3c_
        protein/DNA complex
      2. 2312353Domain d5fugb_: 5fug B: [314553]
        automated match to d3afad_
        protein/DNA complex
      3. 2312354Domain d5fugd_: 5fug D: [314583]
        automated match to d1id3c_
        protein/DNA complex
      4. 2312355Domain d5fuge_: 5fug E: [314543]
        automated match to d3afad_
        protein/DNA complex
      5. 2312356Domain d5fugg_: 5fug G: [314557]
        automated match to d1id3c_
        protein/DNA complex
      6. 2312357Domain d5fugh_: 5fug H: [314547]
        automated match to d3afad_
        protein/DNA complex
      7. 2312358Domain d5fugj_: 5fug J: [314515]
        automated match to d1id3c_
        protein/DNA complex
      8. 2312359Domain d5fugk_: 5fug K: [314516]
        automated match to d3afad_
        protein/DNA complex
    40. Domains for 5gsu:
      1. 2312411Domain d5gsuc_: 5gsu C: [329836]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5gsub_, d5gsuf_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      2. 2312412Domain d5gsud_: 5gsu D: [329709]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5gsub_, d5gsuf_
        automated match to d3afad_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      3. 2312413Domain d5gsug_: 5gsu G: [329786]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5gsub_, d5gsuf_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      4. 2312414Domain d5gsuh_: 5gsu H: [329714]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5gsub_, d5gsuf_
        automated match to d3afad_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
    41. Domains for 5gt0:
      1. 2312376Domain d5gt0c_: 5gt0 C: [329792]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5gt0b_, d5gt0f_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      2. 2312377Domain d5gt0d_: 5gt0 D: [329873]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5gt0b_, d5gt0f_
        automated match to d3afad_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      3. 2312378Domain d5gt0g_: 5gt0 G: [329719]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5gt0b_, d5gt0f_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      4. 2312379Domain d5gt0h_: 5gt0 H: [329771]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5gt0b_, d5gt0f_
        automated match to d3afad_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
    42. Domains for 5gt3:
      1. 2312390Domain d5gt3c_: 5gt3 C: [329711]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5gt3b_, d5gt3f_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      2. 2312391Domain d5gt3d_: 5gt3 D: [329715]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5gt3b_, d5gt3f_
        automated match to d3afad_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      3. 2312392Domain d5gt3g_: 5gt3 G: [329728]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5gt3b_, d5gt3f_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      4. 2312393Domain d5gt3h_: 5gt3 H: [329741]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5gt3b_, d5gt3f_
        automated match to d3afad_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
    43. Domains for 5gxq:
      1. 2312380Domain d5gxqc_: 5gxq C: [333177]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5gxqb_, d5gxqf_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex
      2. 2312381Domain d5gxqd_: 5gxq D: [333243]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5gxqb_, d5gxqf_
        automated match to d1kx4d_
        protein/DNA complex
      3. 2312382Domain d5gxqg_: 5gxq G: [333168]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5gxqb_, d5gxqf_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex
      4. 2312383Domain d5gxqh_: 5gxq H: [333179]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5gxqb_, d5gxqf_
        automated match to d1kx4d_
        protein/DNA complex
    44. Domain for 5ja4:
    45. Domains for 5jrg:
      1. 2312303Domain d5jrga_: 5jrg A: [330696]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5jrgb_, d5jrgf_
        automated match to d1eqzg_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      2. 2312304Domain d5jrgc_: 5jrg C: [330840]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5jrgb_, d5jrgf_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      3. 2312305Domain d5jrgd_: 5jrg D: [330741]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5jrgb_, d5jrgf_
        automated match to d1kx4d_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      4. 2312306Domain d5jrge_: 5jrg E: [330763]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5jrgb_, d5jrgf_
        automated match to d1eqzg_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      5. 2312307Domain d5jrgg_: 5jrg G: [330782]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5jrgb_, d5jrgf_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      6. 2312308Domain d5jrgh_: 5jrg H: [330669]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5jrgb_, d5jrgf_
        automated match to d1kx4d_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
    46. Domains for 5x7x:
      1. 2312191Domain d5x7xa_: 5x7x A: [333328]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5x7xb_, d5x7xf_
        automated match to d1eqzg_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      2. 2312192Domain d5x7xc_: 5x7x C: [333357]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5x7xb_, d5x7xf_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      3. 2312193Domain d5x7xd_: 5x7x D: [333375]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5x7xb_, d5x7xf_
        automated match to d1kx4d_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      4. 2312194Domain d5x7xe_: 5x7x E: [333335]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5x7xb_, d5x7xf_
        automated match to d1eqzg_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      5. 2312195Domain d5x7xg_: 5x7x G: [333346]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5x7xb_, d5x7xf_
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      6. 2312196Domain d5x7xh_: 5x7x H: [333351]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5x7xb_, d5x7xf_
        automated match to d1kx4d_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
    47. Domains for 5y0c:
      1. 2312160Domain d5y0cc_: 5y0c C: [355075]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5y0cb_, d5y0cf_
        automated match to d1m1ac_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      2. 2312161Domain d5y0cd_: 5y0c D: [355079]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5y0cb_, d5y0cf_
        automated match to d1kx5d_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      3. 2312162Domain d5y0cg_: 5y0c G: [355046]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5y0cb_, d5y0cf_
        automated match to d1m1ac_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
    48. Domains for 5y0d:
      1. 2312144Domain d5y0dc_: 5y0d C: [355052]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5y0db_, d5y0df_
        automated match to d1m1ac_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      2. 2312145Domain d5y0dd_: 5y0d D: [355042]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5y0db_, d5y0df_
        automated match to d3afad_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      3. 2312146Domain d5y0dg_: 5y0d G: [355069]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5y0db_, d5y0df_
        automated match to d1m1ac_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
      4. 2312147Domain d5y0dh_: 5y0d H: [355033]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5y0db_, d5y0df_
        automated match to d3afad_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn; mutant
    49. Domains for 5z23:
      1. 2312350Domain d5z23d_: 5z23 D: [364941]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5z23b_, d5z23f_
        automated match to d1kx5d_
        protein/DNA complex
      2. 2312351Domain d5z23h_: 5z23 H: [364985]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5z23b_, d5z23f_
        automated match to d1kx5d_
        protein/DNA complex
    50. Domain for 5z30:
    51. Domains for 5zbx:
      1. 2312332Domain d5zbxc_: 5zbx C: [364953]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5zbxb_, d5zbxf_
        automated match to d1m1ac_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      2. 2312333Domain d5zbxd_: 5zbx D: [364978]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5zbxb_, d5zbxf_
        automated match to d1kx5d_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      3. 2312334Domain d5zbxg_: 5zbx G: [364939]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5zbxb_, d5zbxf_
        automated match to d1m1ac_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      4. 2312335Domain d5zbxh_: 5zbx H: [364952]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5zbxb_, d5zbxf_
        automated match to d1kx5d_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
    52. Domains for 6ipu:
      1. 2312156Domain d6ipuc_: 6ipu C: [378996]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6ipua_, d6ipub_, d6ipue_, d6ipuf_
        automated match to d5b31c_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      2. 2312157Domain d6ipud_: 6ipu D: [378964]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6ipua_, d6ipub_, d6ipue_, d6ipuf_
        automated match to d5b2jd_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      3. 2312158Domain d6ipug_: 6ipu G: [378955]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6ipua_, d6ipub_, d6ipue_, d6ipuf_
        automated match to d5b31c_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      4. 2312159Domain d6ipuh_: 6ipu H: [378911]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6ipua_, d6ipub_, d6ipue_, d6ipuf_
        automated match to d5b2jd_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
    53. Domains for 6iq4:
      1. 2312237Domain d6iq4c_: 6iq4 C: [376278]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6iq4a_, d6iq4b_, d6iq4e_, d6iq4f_
        automated match to d5b31c_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with au, d0x, mg, xis
      2. 2312238Domain d6iq4d_: 6iq4 D: [376177]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6iq4a_, d6iq4b_, d6iq4e_, d6iq4f_
        automated match to d5b2jd_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with au, d0x, mg, xis
      3. 2312239Domain d6iq4g_: 6iq4 G: [376196]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6iq4a_, d6iq4b_, d6iq4e_, d6iq4f_
        automated match to d5b31c_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with au, d0x, mg, xis
      4. 2312240Domain d6iq4h_: 6iq4 H: [376176]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6iq4a_, d6iq4b_, d6iq4e_, d6iq4f_
        automated match to d5b2jd_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with au, d0x, mg, xis
    54. Domains for 6jou:
      1. 2312197Domain d6joud_: 6jou D: [382585]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6joub_, d6jouc_, d6jouf_, d6joug_
        automated match to d1kx5d_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mn
      2. 2312198Domain d6jouh_: 6jou H: [382797]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6joub_, d6jouc_, d6jouf_, d6joug_
        automated match to d1kx5d_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mn
    55. Domains for 6jr0:
      1. 2312309Domain d6jr0d_: 6jr0 D: [374972]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6jr0b_, d6jr0f_
        automated match to d5b2jd_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn, mse
      2. 2312310Domain d6jr0h_: 6jr0 H: [374981]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6jr0b_, d6jr0f_
        automated match to d5b2jd_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn, mse
    56. Domains for 6jr1:
      1. 2312276Domain d6jr1d_: 6jr1 D: [374966]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6jr1b_, d6jr1f_
        automated match to d5b2jd_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn, mse
      2. 2312277Domain d6jr1h_: 6jr1 H: [374970]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6jr1b_, d6jr1f_
        automated match to d5b2jd_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn, mse
    57. Domains for 6jxd:
      1. 2312247Domain d6jxdc1: 6jxd C:13-118 [378959]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6jxda_, d6jxdb_, d6jxdc2, d6jxdf_
        automated match to d1id3g_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mn
      2. 2312248Domain d6jxdd_: 6jxd D: [378932]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6jxda_, d6jxdb_, d6jxdc2, d6jxdf_
        automated match to d5b2jd_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mn
      3. 2312249Domain d6jxde_: 6jxd E: [378928]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6jxda_, d6jxdb_, d6jxdc2, d6jxdf_
        automated match to d2cv5e_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mn
      4. 2312250Domain d6jxdg_: 6jxd G: [378940]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6jxda_, d6jxdb_, d6jxdc2, d6jxdf_
        automated match to d5jrgg_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mn
      5. 2312251Domain d6jxdh_: 6jxd H: [378947]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6jxda_, d6jxdb_, d6jxdc2, d6jxdf_
        automated match to d5b2jd_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mn
    58. Domains for 6k1i:
      1. 2312372Domain d6k1ic_: 6k1i C: [378929]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6k1ib_, d6k1if_
        automated match to d3lelg_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, k, mn
      2. 2312373Domain d6k1id_: 6k1i D: [378946]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6k1ib_, d6k1if_
        automated match to d1kx5d_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, k, mn
      3. 2312374Domain d6k1ig_: 6k1i G: [379083]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6k1ib_, d6k1if_
        automated match to d3lelg_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, k, mn
      4. 2312375Domain d6k1ih_: 6k1i H: [378927]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6k1ib_, d6k1if_
        automated match to d1kx5d_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, k, mn
    59. Domains for 6k1j:
      1. 2312394Domain d6k1jc_: 6k1j C: [379015]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6k1jb_, d6k1jf_
        automated match to d3lelg_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      2. 2312395Domain d6k1jd_: 6k1j D: [378965]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6k1jb_, d6k1jf_
        automated match to d1kx5d_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      3. 2312396Domain d6k1jg_: 6k1j G: [378997]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6k1jb_, d6k1jf_
        automated match to d3lelg_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      4. 2312397Domain d6k1jh_: 6k1j H: [378963]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6k1jb_, d6k1jf_
        automated match to d1kx5d_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
    60. Domains for 6k1k:
      1. 2312221Domain d6k1kc_: 6k1k C: [378930]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6k1kb_, d6k1kf_
        automated match to d1id3c_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, k, mn
      2. 2312222Domain d6k1kd_: 6k1k D: [379012]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6k1kb_, d6k1kf_
        automated match to d1kx5d_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, k, mn
      3. 2312223Domain d6k1kg_: 6k1k G: [378984]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6k1kb_, d6k1kf_
        automated match to d1id3c_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, k, mn
      4. 2312224Domain d6k1kh_: 6k1k H: [378936]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6k1kb_, d6k1kf_
        automated match to d1kx5d_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, k, mn
    61. Domains for 6kbb:
      1. 2312278Domain d6kbba_: 6kbb A: [379527]
        automated match to d3azjc_
      2. 2312279Domain d6kbbb_: 6kbb B: [379558]
        automated match to d1tzyf_
      3. 2312280Domain d6kbbc_: 6kbb C: [379524]
        automated match to d3azjc_
      4. 2312281Domain d6kbbd_: 6kbb D: [379522]
        automated match to d1tzyf_
    62. Domains for 6ke9:
      1. 2312241Domain d6ke9a_: 6ke9 A: [383999]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6ke9b_, d6ke9d_, d6ke9f_, d6ke9h_
        automated match to d2cv5e_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mn
      2. 2312242Domain d6ke9c_: 6ke9 C: [384093]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6ke9b_, d6ke9d_, d6ke9f_, d6ke9h_
        automated match to d5jrgg_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mn
      3. 2312243Domain d6ke9e_: 6ke9 E: [384075]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6ke9b_, d6ke9d_, d6ke9f_, d6ke9h_
        automated match to d2cv5e_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mn
      4. 2312244Domain d6ke9g_: 6ke9 G: [384038]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6ke9b_, d6ke9d_, d6ke9f_, d6ke9h_
        automated match to d5jrgg_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mn
    63. Domains for 6kvd:
      1. 2312206Domain d6kvdc_: 6kvd C: [378250]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6kvdb_, d6kvdf_
        automated match to d1eqze_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      2. 2312207Domain d6kvdd_: 6kvd D: [378253]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6kvdb_, d6kvdf_
        automated match to d1kx5d_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      3. 2312208Domain d6kvdg_: 6kvd G: [378252]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6kvdb_, d6kvdf_
        automated match to d1eqze_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      4. 2312209Domain d6kvdh_: 6kvd H: [378249]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6kvdb_, d6kvdf_
        automated match to d1kx5d_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
    64. Domains for 6l9h:
      1. 2312336Domain d6l9ha_: 6l9h A: [384028]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6l9hb_, d6l9hd_, d6l9hf_, d6l9hh_
        automated match to d2cv5e_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mn
      2. 2312337Domain d6l9hc_: 6l9h C: [384013]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6l9hb_, d6l9hd_, d6l9hf_, d6l9hh_
        automated match to d5jrgg_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mn
      3. 2312338Domain d6l9he_: 6l9h E: [384039]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6l9hb_, d6l9hd_, d6l9hf_, d6l9hh_
        automated match to d2cv5e_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mn
      4. 2312339Domain d6l9hg_: 6l9h G: [384045]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6l9hb_, d6l9hd_, d6l9hf_, d6l9hh_
        automated match to d5jrgg_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mn
    65. Domains for 6l9z:
      1. 2312284Domain d6l9zd_: 6l9z D: [399562]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6l9za_, d6l9zb_, d6l9zc_, d6l9ze_, d6l9zf_, d6l9zg_, d6l9zk_, d6l9zl_, d6l9zm_, d6l9zo_, d6l9zp_, d6l9zq_
        automated match to d5b2jd_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with ca, cl, k
      2. 2312285Domain d6l9zh_: 6l9z H: [399468]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6l9za_, d6l9zb_, d6l9zc_, d6l9ze_, d6l9zf_, d6l9zg_, d6l9zk_, d6l9zl_, d6l9zm_, d6l9zo_, d6l9zp_, d6l9zq_
        automated match to d5b2jd_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with ca, cl, k
      3. 2312286Domain d6l9zn_: 6l9z N: [399530]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6l9za_, d6l9zb_, d6l9zc_, d6l9ze_, d6l9zf_, d6l9zg_, d6l9zk_, d6l9zl_, d6l9zm_, d6l9zo_, d6l9zp_, d6l9zq_
        automated match to d5b2jd_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with ca, cl, k
      4. 2312287Domain d6l9zr_: 6l9z R: [399469]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6l9za_, d6l9zb_, d6l9zc_, d6l9ze_, d6l9zf_, d6l9zg_, d6l9zk_, d6l9zl_, d6l9zm_, d6l9zo_, d6l9zp_, d6l9zq_
        automated match to d5b2jd_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with ca, cl, k
    66. Domains for 6le9:
      1. 2312340Domain d6le9a_: 6le9 A: [384023]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6le9b_, d6le9d_, d6le9f_, d6le9h_
        automated match to d2cv5e_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mn
      2. 2312341Domain d6le9c_: 6le9 C: [384008]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6le9b_, d6le9d_, d6le9f_, d6le9h_
        automated match to d5jrgg_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mn
      3. 2312342Domain d6le9e_: 6le9 E: [384185]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6le9b_, d6le9d_, d6le9f_, d6le9h_
        automated match to d2cv5e_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mn
      4. 2312343Domain d6le9g_: 6le9 G: [384015]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6le9b_, d6le9d_, d6le9f_, d6le9h_
        automated match to d5jrgg_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with mn
    67. Domains for 6ler:
      1. 2312322Domain d6lerd_: 6ler D: [399539]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6lerb_, d6lerc_, d6lerf_, d6lerg_, d6lerl_, d6lerm_, d6lerp_, d6lerq_
        automated match to d5b2jd_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with ca, k
      2. 2312323Domain d6lerh_: 6ler H: [399630]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6lerb_, d6lerc_, d6lerf_, d6lerg_, d6lerl_, d6lerm_, d6lerp_, d6lerq_
        automated match to d5b2jd_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with ca, k
      3. 2312324Domain d6lern_: 6ler N: [399616]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6lerb_, d6lerc_, d6lerf_, d6lerg_, d6lerl_, d6lerm_, d6lerp_, d6lerq_
        automated match to d5b2jd_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with ca, k
      4. 2312325Domain d6lerr_: 6ler R: [399536]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6lerb_, d6lerc_, d6lerf_, d6lerg_, d6lerl_, d6lerm_, d6lerp_, d6lerq_
        automated match to d5b2jd_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with ca, k
    68. Domains for 6m4g:
      1. 2312215Domain d6m4gc_: 6m4g C: [391051]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6m4ga_, d6m4gb_, d6m4ge_, d6m4gf_
        automated match to d1hioa_
      2. 2312216Domain d6m4gd_: 6m4g D: [391052]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6m4ga_, d6m4gb_, d6m4ge_, d6m4gf_
        automated match to d1tzyf_
      3. 2312217Domain d6m4gg_: 6m4g G: [391085]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6m4ga_, d6m4gb_, d6m4ge_, d6m4gf_
        automated match to d1hioa_
      4. 2312218Domain d6m4gh_: 6m4g H: [391070]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6m4ga_, d6m4gb_, d6m4ge_, d6m4gf_
        automated match to d1tzyf_
    69. Domains for 6v2k:
      1. 2312184Domain d6v2kb_: 6v2k B: [395973]
        automated match to d1kx5b_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      2. 2312185Domain d6v2kc_: 6v2k C: [395945]
        automated match to d1m1ac_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      3. 2312186Domain d6v2kd_: 6v2k D: [395935]
        automated match to d1kx5d_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      4. 2312187Domain d6v2kf_: 6v2k F: [395911]
        automated match to d1kx5b_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      5. 2312188Domain d6v2kg_: 6v2k G: [395955]
        automated match to d1m1ac_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
    70. Domains for 7ciz:
      1. 2312128Domain d7ciza_: 7ciz A: [403138]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7cizb_, d7cizf_, d7cizj_
        automated match to d4uuza_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with so4
      2. 2312129Domain d7cize_: 7ciz E: [403146]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7cizb_, d7cizf_, d7cizj_
        automated match to d4uuza_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with so4
      3. 2312130Domain d7cizi_: 7ciz I: [403154]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7cizb_, d7cizf_, d7cizj_
        automated match to d4uuza_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with so4
    71. Domains for 7cj0:
      1. 2312189Domain d7cj0b_: 7cj0 B: [403477]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7cj0c_, d7cj0f_
        automated match to d4uuza_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with gol
      2. 2312190Domain d7cj0e_: 7cj0 E: [403202]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7cj0c_, d7cj0f_
        automated match to d4uuza_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with gol
    72. Domains for 7k5x:
      1. 2312273Domain d7k5xd_: 7k5x D: [394920]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7k5xa_, d7k5xb_, d7k5xc_, d7k5xe_, d7k5xf_, d7k5xg_, d7k5xm1, d7k5xm2, d7k5xn1, d7k5xn2, d7k5xu_
        automated match to d5b2jd_
        protein/DNA complex
      2. 2312274Domain d7k5xh_: 7k5x H: [394879]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7k5xa_, d7k5xb_, d7k5xc_, d7k5xe_, d7k5xf_, d7k5xg_, d7k5xm1, d7k5xm2, d7k5xn1, d7k5xn2, d7k5xu_
        automated match to d5b2jd_
        protein/DNA complex
    73. Domains for 7k5y:
      1. 2312219Domain d7k5yd_: 7k5y D: [394778]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7k5ya_, d7k5yb_, d7k5yc_, d7k5ye_, d7k5yf_, d7k5yg_, d7k5ym1, d7k5ym2, d7k5yn1, d7k5yn2, d7k5yu_
        automated match to d5b2jd_
        protein/DNA complex
      2. 2312220Domain d7k5yh_: 7k5y H: [394903]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7k5ya_, d7k5yb_, d7k5yc_, d7k5ye_, d7k5yf_, d7k5yg_, d7k5ym1, d7k5ym2, d7k5yn1, d7k5yn2, d7k5yu_
        automated match to d5b2jd_
        protein/DNA complex
    74. Domains for 7k60:
      1. 2312301Domain d7k60d_: 7k60 D: [394850]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7k60b_, d7k60c_, d7k60f_, d7k60g_, d7k60m1, d7k60m2, d7k60n1, d7k60n2
        automated match to d5b2jd_
        protein/DNA complex
      2. 2312302Domain d7k60h_: 7k60 H: [394860]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7k60b_, d7k60c_, d7k60f_, d7k60g_, d7k60m1, d7k60m2, d7k60n1, d7k60n2
        automated match to d5b2jd_
        protein/DNA complex
    75. Domains for 7k61:
      1. 2312245Domain d7k61d_: 7k61 D: [394761]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7k61a_, d7k61b_, d7k61c_, d7k61e_, d7k61f_, d7k61g_, d7k61m1, d7k61m2, d7k61n1, d7k61n2
        automated match to d5b2jd_
        protein/DNA complex
      2. 2312246Domain d7k61h_: 7k61 H: [394823]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7k61a_, d7k61b_, d7k61c_, d7k61e_, d7k61f_, d7k61g_, d7k61m1, d7k61m2, d7k61n1, d7k61n2
        automated match to d5b2jd_
        protein/DNA complex
    76. Domains for 7k63:
      1. 2312282Domain d7k63d_: 7k63 D: [394729]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7k63b_, d7k63c_, d7k63f_, d7k63g_, d7k63m1, d7k63m2, d7k63n1, d7k63n2
        automated match to d5b2jd_
        protein/DNA complex
      2. 2312283Domain d7k63h_: 7k63 H: [394829]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7k63b_, d7k63c_, d7k63f_, d7k63g_, d7k63m1, d7k63m2, d7k63n1, d7k63n2
        automated match to d5b2jd_
        protein/DNA complex
    77. Domains for 7lyc:
      1. 2312297Domain d7lycb_: 7lyc B: [405536]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7lycc2, d7lycg2, d7lyck1, d7lyck2
        automated match to d1s32f_
        protein/DNA complex
      2. 2312298Domain d7lycd_: 7lyc D: [405538]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7lycc2, d7lycg2, d7lyck1, d7lyck2
        automated match to d3afad_
        protein/DNA complex
      3. 2312299Domain d7lycf_: 7lyc F: [405581]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7lycc2, d7lycg2, d7lyck1, d7lyck2
        automated match to d1s32f_
        protein/DNA complex
      4. 2312300Domain d7lych_: 7lyc H: [405545]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7lycc2, d7lycg2, d7lyck1, d7lyck2
        automated match to d3afad_
        protein/DNA complex
  6. 2312415Kluyveromyces lactis [TaxId:284590] [226140] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2yfv:
    2. Domains for 2yfw:
      1. 2312417Domain d2yfwa_: 2yfw A: [207574]
        automated match to d2hioc_
      2. 2312418Domain d2yfwb_: 2yfw B: [207575]
        automated match to d1id3f_
      3. 2312419Domain d2yfwc_: 2yfw C: [207576]
        automated match to d2hioc_
      4. 2312420Domain d2yfwd_: 2yfw D: [207577]
        automated match to d1id3f_
      5. 2312421Domain d2yfwe_: 2yfw E: [207578]
        automated match to d2hioc_
      6. 2312422Domain d2yfwf_: 2yfw F: [207579]
        automated match to d1id3f_
      7. 2312423Domain d2yfwg_: 2yfw G: [207580]
        automated match to d2hioc_
      8. 2312424Domain d2yfwh_: 2yfw H: [207581]
        automated match to d1id3f_
    3. Domains for 6uph:
      1. 2312425Domain d6uphb_: 6uph B: [376652]
        automated match to d4jjnf_
      2. 2312426Domain d6uphc_: 6uph C: [376658]
        automated match to d1id3c_
      3. 2312427Domain d6uphd_: 6uph D: [376665]
        automated match to d1id3h_
      4. 2312428Domain d6uphf_: 6uph F: [376660]
        automated match to d4jjnf_
      5. 2312429Domain d6uphg_: 6uph G: [376651]
        automated match to d1id3c_
      6. 2312430Domain d6uphh_: 6uph H: [376659]
        automated match to d1id3h_
  7. 2312431Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId:10090] [254907] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1u35:
      1. 2312438Domain d1u35b_: 1u35 B: [119494]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1u35a1, d1u35c1, d1u35d1, d1u35e1
        automated match to d1s32f_
        protein/DNA complex
      2. 2312439Domain d1u35f_: 1u35 F: [119498]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1u35a1, d1u35c1, d1u35d1, d1u35e1
        automated match to d1s32f_
        protein/DNA complex
      3. 2312440Domain d1u35h_: 1u35 H: [119500]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1u35a1, d1u35c1, d1u35d1, d1u35e1
        automated match to d1kx5d_
        protein/DNA complex
    2. Domains for 5b1l:
      1. 2312432Domain d5b1lb_: 5b1l B: [329730]
        automated match to d1kx3f_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      2. 2312433Domain d5b1lc_: 5b1l C: [329790]
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      3. 2312434Domain d5b1ld_: 5b1l D: [329699]
        automated match to d1kx5d_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      4. 2312435Domain d5b1lf_: 5b1l F: [329700]
        automated match to d1kx3f_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      5. 2312436Domain d5b1lg_: 5b1l G: [329702]
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
      6. 2312437Domain d5b1lh_: 5b1l H: [329731]
        automated match to d1kx5d_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, mn
    3. Domains for 5b1m:
      1. 2312441Domain d5b1ma_: 5b1m A: [329739]
        automated match to d1eqzg_
        protein/DNA complex
      2. 2312442Domain d5b1mb_: 5b1m B: [329713]
        automated match to d1kx3f_
        protein/DNA complex
      3. 2312443Domain d5b1mc_: 5b1m C: [329845]
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex
      4. 2312444Domain d5b1md_: 5b1m D: [329798]
        automated match to d1kx5d_
        protein/DNA complex
      5. 2312445Domain d5b1me_: 5b1m E: [329760]
        automated match to d1eqzg_
        protein/DNA complex
      6. 2312446Domain d5b1mf_: 5b1m F: [329766]
        automated match to d1kx3f_
        protein/DNA complex
      7. 2312447Domain d5b1mg_: 5b1m G: [329706]
        automated match to d2pyoc_
        protein/DNA complex
      8. 2312448Domain d5b1mh_: 5b1m H: [329698]
        automated match to d1kx5d_
        protein/DNA complex
    4. Domains for 5xm0:
      1. 2312449Domain d5xm0b_: 5xm0 B: [348526]
        automated match to d1kx5b_
        protein/DNA complex
      2. 2312450Domain d5xm0c_: 5xm0 C: [348536]
        automated match to d1m1ac_
        protein/DNA complex
      3. 2312451Domain d5xm0d_: 5xm0 D: [348541]
        automated match to d1kx5d_
        protein/DNA complex
      4. 2312452Domain d5xm0f_: 5xm0 F: [348575]
        automated match to d1kx5b_
        protein/DNA complex
      5. 2312453Domain d5xm0g_: 5xm0 G: [348577]
        automated match to d1m1ac_
        protein/DNA complex
      6. 2312454Domain d5xm0h_: 5xm0 H: [348583]
        automated match to d1kx5d_
        protein/DNA complex
  8. 2312455Saccharomyces cerevisiae [TaxId:285006] [404975] (1 PDB entry)

More info for Protein automated matches from a.22.1.1: Nucleosome core histones

Timeline for Protein automated matches from a.22.1.1: Nucleosome core histones: