Lineage for Species: Influenza A virus (a/turkey/turkey/1/2005(h5n1)) [TaxId: 375457]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2739516Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (180 folds)
  3. 2775473Fold b.19: Viral protein domain [49817] (1 superfamily)
    sandwich; 9 strands in 2 sheets; jelly-roll; form trimers
  4. 2775474Superfamily b.19.1: Viral protein domain [49818] (4 families) (S)
    forms homotrimers
  5. 2775521Family b.19.1.2: Influenza hemagglutinin headpiece [49823] (2 proteins)
  6. 2776025Protein automated matches [190291] (19 species)
    not a true protein
  7. 2776084Species Influenza A virus (a/turkey/turkey/1/2005(h5n1)) [TaxId:375457] [193032] (5 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Influenza A virus (a/turkey/turkey/1/2005(h5n1)) [TaxId: 375457]:

  1. Domain(s) for 4bh1:
    1. 2776088Domain d4bh1a_: 4bh1 A: [193039]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4bh1b_, d4bh1d_, d4bh1f_
      automated match to d2fk0a1
      complexed with nag, po4
    2. 2776089Domain d4bh1c_: 4bh1 C: [193042]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4bh1b_, d4bh1d_, d4bh1f_
      automated match to d2fk0a1
      complexed with nag, po4
    3. 2776090Domain d4bh1e_: 4bh1 E: [193041]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4bh1b_, d4bh1d_, d4bh1f_
      automated match to d2fk0a1
      complexed with nag, po4
  2. Domain(s) for 4cqv:
    1. 2776097Domain d4cqva1: 4cqv A:1-320 [256676]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4cqva2, d4cqvb_, d4cqvc2, d4cqvd_, d4cqve2, d4cqvf_
      automated match to d1rd8a_
      complexed with nag, po4; mutant
    2. 2776098Domain d4cqvc1: 4cqv C:1-320 [256677]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4cqva2, d4cqvb_, d4cqvc2, d4cqvd_, d4cqve2, d4cqvf_
      automated match to d1rd8a_
      complexed with nag, po4; mutant
    3. 2776099Domain d4cqve1: 4cqv E:1-320 [262625]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4cqva2, d4cqvb_, d4cqvc2, d4cqvd_, d4cqve2, d4cqvf_
      automated match to d1rd8a_
      complexed with nag, po4; mutant
  3. Domain(s) for 4cqw:
    1. 2776094Domain d4cqwa1: 4cqw A:1-322 [266060]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4cqwa2, d4cqwb_, d4cqwc2, d4cqwd_, d4cqwe2, d4cqwf_
      automated match to d1rd8a_
      complexed with nag, po4; mutant
    2. 2776095Domain d4cqwc1: 4cqw C:1-320 [266062]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4cqwa2, d4cqwb_, d4cqwc2, d4cqwd_, d4cqwe2, d4cqwf_
      automated match to d1rd8a_
      complexed with nag, po4; mutant
    3. 2776096Domain d4cqwe1: 4cqw E:1-320 [266064]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4cqwa2, d4cqwb_, d4cqwc2, d4cqwd_, d4cqwe2, d4cqwf_
      automated match to d1rd8a_
      complexed with nag, po4; mutant
  4. Domain(s) for 4cqx:
    1. 2776091Domain d4cqxa1: 4cqx A:1-320 [266066]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4cqxa2, d4cqxb_, d4cqxd_, d4cqxe2, d4cqxf_
      automated match to d1rd8a_
      complexed with nag, po4; mutant
    2. 2776092Domain d4cqxc_: 4cqx C: [266068]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4cqxa2, d4cqxb_, d4cqxd_, d4cqxe2, d4cqxf_
      automated match to d1rd8a_
      complexed with nag, po4; mutant
    3. 2776093Domain d4cqxe1: 4cqx E:1-320 [266070]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4cqxa2, d4cqxb_, d4cqxd_, d4cqxe2, d4cqxf_
      automated match to d1rd8a_
      complexed with nag, po4; mutant
  5. Domain(s) for 4cqy:
    1. 2776085Domain d4cqya1: 4cqy A:1-322 [266072]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4cqya2, d4cqyb_, d4cqyc2, d4cqyd_, d4cqye2, d4cqyf_
      automated match to d1rd8a_
      complexed with nag, po4; mutant
    2. 2776086Domain d4cqyc1: 4cqy C:1-320 [266074]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4cqya2, d4cqyb_, d4cqyc2, d4cqyd_, d4cqye2, d4cqyf_
      automated match to d1rd8a_
      complexed with nag, po4; mutant
    3. 2776087Domain d4cqye1: 4cqy E:1-320 [266076]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4cqya2, d4cqyb_, d4cqyc2, d4cqyd_, d4cqye2, d4cqyf_
      automated match to d1rd8a_
      complexed with nag, po4; mutant

More info for Species Influenza A virus (a/turkey/turkey/1/2005(h5n1)) [TaxId:375457] from b.19.1.2 automated matches

Timeline for Species Influenza A virus (a/turkey/turkey/1/2005(h5n1)) [TaxId:375457] from b.19.1.2 automated matches: