Lineage for Protein: automated matches

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.02
  2. 1190016Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (376 folds)
  3. 1229098Fold d.211: beta-hairpin-alpha-hairpin repeat [74651] (2 superfamilies)
    multiple repeats of beta(2)-alpha(2) motif
  4. 1229099Superfamily d.211.1: Ankyrin repeat [48403] (2 families) (S)
    repeats organized in elongated structures
  5. 1229217Family d.211.1.0: automated matches [191667] (1 protein)
    not a true family
  6. 1229218Protein automated matches [191267] (2 species)
    not a true protein


  1. 1229219Artificial gene [TaxId:32630] [194542] (1 PDB entry)
  2. 1229222Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [189837] (8 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3twq:
      1. 1229238Domain d3twqa_: 3twq A: [185971]
        automated match to d1awcb_
        complexed with gol, so4
      2. 1229239Domain d3twqb_: 3twq B: [185972]
        automated match to d1awcb_
        complexed with gol, so4
    2. Domains for 3twr:
      1. 1229223Domain d3twra_: 3twr A: [185973]
        automated match to d1awcb_
        complexed with pe8, so4
      2. 1229224Domain d3twrb_: 3twr B: [185974]
        automated match to d1awcb_
        complexed with pe8, so4
      3. 1229225Domain d3twrc_: 3twr C: [185975]
        automated match to d1awcb_
        complexed with pe8, so4
      4. 1229226Domain d3twrd_: 3twr D: [185976]
        automated match to d1awcb_
        complexed with pe8, so4
    3. Domains for 3tws:
      1. 1229227Domain d3twsa_: 3tws A: [185977]
        automated match to d1awcb_
        complexed with edo, p6g, pe8, so4
      2. 1229228Domain d3twsb_: 3tws B: [185978]
        automated match to d1awcb_
        complexed with edo, p6g, pe8, so4
      3. 1229229Domain d3twsc_: 3tws C: [185979]
        automated match to d1awcb_
        complexed with edo, p6g, pe8, so4
      4. 1229230Domain d3twsd_: 3tws D: [185980]
        automated match to d1awcb_
        complexed with edo, p6g, pe8, so4
    4. Domains for 3twt:
      1. 1229232Domain d3twta_: 3twt A: [185981]
        automated match to d1awcb_
        complexed with 2pe, edo, pe8, so4
      2. 1229233Domain d3twtb_: 3twt B: [185982]
        automated match to d1awcb_
        complexed with 2pe, edo, pe8, so4
      3. 1229234Domain d3twtc_: 3twt C: [185983]
        automated match to d1awcb_
        complexed with 2pe, edo, pe8, so4
      4. 1229235Domain d3twtd_: 3twt D: [185984]
        automated match to d1awcb_
        complexed with 2pe, edo, pe8, so4
    5. Domain for 3twu:
    6. Domains for 3twv:
      1. 1229242Domain d3twva_: 3twv A: [185986]
        automated match to d1awcb_
        complexed with edo, pe8, so4
      2. 1229243Domain d3twvb_: 3twv B: [185987]
        automated match to d1awcb_
        complexed with edo, pe8, so4
      3. 1229244Domain d3twvc_: 3twv C: [185988]
        automated match to d1awcb_
        complexed with edo, pe8, so4
      4. 1229245Domain d3twvd_: 3twv D: [185989]
        automated match to d1awcb_
        complexed with edo, pe8, so4
    7. Domains for 3tww:
      1. 1229240Domain d3twwa_: 3tww A: [185990]
        automated match to d1awcb_
        complexed with so4
      2. 1229241Domain d3twwb_: 3tww B: [185991]
        automated match to d1awcb_
        complexed with so4
    8. Domains for 3twx:
      1. 1229236Domain d3twxa_: 3twx A: [185992]
        automated match to d1awcb_
        complexed with edo, p6g, so4
      2. 1229237Domain d3twxb_: 3twx B: [185993]
        automated match to d1awcb_
        complexed with edo, p6g, so4

More info for Protein automated matches from d.211.1.0: automated matches

Timeline for Protein automated matches from d.211.1.0: automated matches: