Lineage for Protein: automated matches

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.07
  2. 2530962Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (388 folds)
  3. 2606368Fold d.166: ADP-ribosylation [56398] (1 superfamily)
    unusual fold
  4. 2606369Superfamily d.166.1: ADP-ribosylation [56399] (8 families) (S)
  5. 2606665Family d.166.1.0: automated matches [191650] (1 protein)
    not a true family
  6. 2606666Protein automated matches [191197] (12 species)
    not a true protein


  1. 2606667Bacillus cereus [TaxId:1396] [274205] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 4xsg:
    2. Domain for 4xsh:
    3. Domain for 5bwm:
  2. 2606671Clostridium botulinum [TaxId:1491] [230888] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2j3v:
      1. 2606674Domain d2j3va1: 2j3v A:2-217 [242184]
        automated match to d2j3za1
        complexed with gol, so4
      2. 2606675Domain d2j3va2: 2j3v A:218-431 [242185]
        automated match to d2j3za2
        complexed with gol, so4
    2. Domains for 2j3x:
      1. 2606672Domain d2j3xa1: 2j3x A:2-217 [242186]
        automated match to d2j3za1
        complexed with gol, so4
      2. 2606673Domain d2j3xa2: 2j3x A:218-431 [242187]
        automated match to d2j3za2
        complexed with gol, so4
    3. Domains for 2j3z:
      1. 2606676Domain d2j3za1: 2j3z A:2-217 [230889]
        automated match to d1giqa1
        complexed with co, gol, so4
      2. 2606677Domain d2j3za2: 2j3z A:218-431 [230890]
        automated match to d1giqa2
        complexed with co, gol, so4
      3. 2606678Domain d2j3zb1: 2j3z B:2-217 [230891]
        automated match to d1giqa1
        complexed with co, gol, so4
      4. 2606679Domain d2j3zb2: 2j3z B:218-431 [230892]
        automated match to d1giqa2
        complexed with co, gol, so4
      5. 2606680Domain d2j3zc1: 2j3z C:2-217 [230893]
        automated match to d1giqa1
        complexed with co, gol, so4
      6. 2606681Domain d2j3zc2: 2j3z C:218-429 [230894]
        automated match to d1giqa2
        complexed with co, gol, so4
      7. 2606682Domain d2j3zd1: 2j3z D:6-217 [230895]
        automated match to d1giqa1
        complexed with co, gol, so4
      8. 2606683Domain d2j3zd2: 2j3z D:218-426 [230896]
        automated match to d1giqa2
        complexed with co, gol, so4
      9. 2606684Domain d2j3ze1: 2j3z E:6-217 [230897]
        automated match to d1giqa1
        complexed with co, gol, so4
      10. 2606685Domain d2j3zf1: 2j3z F:6-217 [238697]
        automated match to d2j3za1
        complexed with co, gol, so4
      11. 2606686Domain d2j3zf2: 2j3z F:218-426 [238698]
        automated match to d2j3za2
        complexed with co, gol, so4
  3. 2606687Clostridium difficile [TaxId:1496] [231449] (5 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2wn4:
      1. 2606688Domain d2wn4a1: 2wn4 A:28-216 [231450]
        automated match to d1giqa1
      2. 2606689Domain d2wn4a2: 2wn4 A:217-420 [231451]
        automated match to d1giqa2
    2. Domains for 2wn5:
      1. 2606690Domain d2wn5a1: 2wn5 A:24-216 [231456]
        automated match to d1giqa1
      2. 2606691Domain d2wn5a2: 2wn5 A:217-420 [231457]
        automated match to d1giqa2
    3. Domains for 2wn6:
      1. 2606692Domain d2wn6a1: 2wn6 A:17-216 [231452]
        automated match to d1giqa1
        complexed with gol, ndp
      2. 2606693Domain d2wn6a2: 2wn6 A:217-420 [231455]
        automated match to d1giqa2
        complexed with gol, ndp
    4. Domains for 2wn7:
      1. 2606696Domain d2wn7a1: 2wn7 A:27-216 [231453]
        automated match to d1giqa1
        complexed with gol, nad
      2. 2606697Domain d2wn7a2: 2wn7 A:217-420 [231454]
        automated match to d1giqa2
        complexed with gol, nad
    5. Domains for 2wn8:
      1. 2606694Domain d2wn8a1: 2wn8 A:25-216 [231458]
        automated match to d1giqa1
      2. 2606695Domain d2wn8a2: 2wn8 A:217-420 [231459]
        automated match to d1giqa2
  4. 2606698Clostridium perfringens [TaxId:1502] [324645] (5 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 5gtt:
      1. 2606705Domain d5gtta1: 5gtt A:3-210 [330387]
        automated match to d1giqa1
        complexed with edo
      2. 2606706Domain d5gtta2: 5gtt A:211-419 [330388]
        automated match to d1giqa2
        complexed with edo
    2. Domains for 5h03:
      1. 2606703Domain d5h03a1: 5h03 A:3-210 [324655]
        automated match to d1giqa1
      2. 2606704Domain d5h03a2: 5h03 A:211-419 [324656]
        automated match to d1giqa2
    3. Domains for 5h04:
      1. 2606701Domain d5h04a1: 5h04 A:1-210 [324646]
        automated match to d1giqa1
        complexed with nai
      2. 2606702Domain d5h04a2: 5h04 A:211-419 [324647]
        automated match to d1giqa2
        complexed with nai
    4. Domains for 5wtz:
      1. 2606699Domain d5wtza1: 5wtz A:1-210 [330600]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5wtza3
        automated match to d1giqa1
        complexed with nad
      2. 2606700Domain d5wtza2: 5wtz A:211-419 [330601]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5wtza3
        automated match to d1giqa2
        complexed with nad
    5. Domains for 5wu0:
      1. 2606707Domain d5wu0a1: 5wu0 A:1-210 [330566]
        automated match to d1giqa1
        complexed with nai
      2. 2606708Domain d5wu0a2: 5wu0 A:211-419 [330567]
        automated match to d1giqa2
        complexed with nai
  5. 2606709Clostridium thermocellum [TaxId:203119] [366438] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 6e3a:
    2. Domain for 6ede:
  6. 2606712Corynebacterium diphtheriae [TaxId:1717] [256176] (7 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 4ae0:
    2. Domains for 4ae1:
      1. 2606714Domain d4ae1a1: 4ae1 A:1-187 [251011]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ae1a2, d4ae1a3, d4ae1b2, d4ae1b3
        automated match to d1f0la2
        complexed with nca; mutant
      2. 2606715Domain d4ae1b1: 4ae1 B:3-187 [251014]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ae1a2, d4ae1a3, d4ae1b2, d4ae1b3
        automated match to d1f0la2
        complexed with nca; mutant
    3. Domains for 5i82:
      1. 2606724Domain d5i82a1: 5i82 A:2-187 [315144]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5i82a2, d5i82a3, d5i82b2, d5i82b3, d5i82c2, d5i82c3, d5i82d2, d5i82d3
        automated match to d1f0la2
        complexed with gol, so4; mutant
      2. 2606725Domain d5i82b1: 5i82 B:3-187 [314961]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5i82a2, d5i82a3, d5i82b2, d5i82b3, d5i82c2, d5i82c3, d5i82d2, d5i82d3
        automated match to d1f0la2
        complexed with gol, so4; mutant
      3. 2606726Domain d5i82c1: 5i82 C:1-187 [314911]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5i82a2, d5i82a3, d5i82b2, d5i82b3, d5i82c2, d5i82c3, d5i82d2, d5i82d3
        automated match to d1f0la2
        complexed with gol, so4; mutant
      4. 2606727Domain d5i82d1: 5i82 D:1-187 [315021]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5i82a2, d5i82a3, d5i82b2, d5i82b3, d5i82c2, d5i82c3, d5i82d2, d5i82d3
        automated match to d1f0la2
        complexed with gol, so4; mutant
    4. Domains for 7k7b:
      1. 2606720Domain d7k7ba1: 7k7b A:5-187 [394874]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7k7ba2, d7k7ba3, d7k7ba4, d7k7bb2, d7k7bb3, d7k7bb4
        automated match to d1f0la2
      2. 2606721Domain d7k7bb1: 7k7b B:4-187 [394844]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7k7ba2, d7k7ba3, d7k7ba4, d7k7bb2, d7k7bb3, d7k7bb4
        automated match to d1f0la2
    5. Domains for 7k7c:
      1. 2606716Domain d7k7ca1: 7k7c A:5-187 [394815]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7k7ca2, d7k7ca3, d7k7ca4, d7k7cb2, d7k7cb3, d7k7cb4
        automated match to d1f0la2
      2. 2606717Domain d7k7cb1: 7k7c B:4-187 [394740]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7k7ca2, d7k7ca3, d7k7ca4, d7k7cb2, d7k7cb3, d7k7cb4
        automated match to d1f0la2
    6. Domains for 7k7d:
      1. 2606718Domain d7k7da1: 7k7d A:4-187 [394774]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7k7da2, d7k7da3, d7k7da4, d7k7db2, d7k7db3, d7k7db4
        automated match to d1f0la2
      2. 2606719Domain d7k7db1: 7k7d B:5-187 [394887]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7k7da2, d7k7da3, d7k7da4, d7k7db2, d7k7db3, d7k7db4
        automated match to d1f0la2
    7. Domains for 7k7e:
      1. 2606722Domain d7k7ea1: 7k7e A:5-187 [394948]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7k7ea2, d7k7ea3, d7k7ea4, d7k7eb2, d7k7eb3, d7k7eb4
        automated match to d1f0la2
      2. 2606723Domain d7k7eb1: 7k7e B:4-187 [394851]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7k7ea2, d7k7ea3, d7k7ea4, d7k7eb2, d7k7eb3, d7k7eb4
        automated match to d1f0la2
  7. 2606728Escherichia coli [TaxId:562] [324051] (1 PDB entry)
  8. 2606730Gallus gallus [TaxId:9031] [368395] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 6i8m:
    2. Domain for 6i8t:
  9. 2606733Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [225406] (55 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1wok:
      1. 2606842Domain d1woka2: 1wok A:797-1011 [121117]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1woka1, d1wokb1, d1wokc1, d1wokd1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with cnq
      2. 2606843Domain d1wokb2: 1wok B:797-1011 [121119]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1woka1, d1wokb1, d1wokc1, d1wokd1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with cnq
      3. 2606844Domain d1wokc2: 1wok C:797-1011 [121121]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1woka1, d1wokb1, d1wokc1, d1wokd1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with cnq
      4. 2606845Domain d1wokd2: 1wok D:797-1011 [121123]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1woka1, d1wokb1, d1wokc1, d1wokd1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with cnq
    2. Domain for 2pa9:
    3. Domain for 3c49:
    4. Domain for 3c4h:
    5. Domain for 3ce0:
    6. Domain for 3fhb:
    7. Domain for 4gv0:
    8. Domain for 4gv2:
    9. Domain for 4gv4:
    10. Domains for 4gv7:
      1. 2606814Domain d4gv7a2: 4gv7 A:797-1010 [222197]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4gv7a1, d4gv7b1, d4gv7c1, d4gv7d1
        automated match to d1gs0a2
        complexed with mew
      2. 2606815Domain d4gv7b2: 4gv7 B:797-1010 [222199]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4gv7a1, d4gv7b1, d4gv7c1, d4gv7d1
        automated match to d1gs0a2
        complexed with mew
      3. 2606816Domain d4gv7c2: 4gv7 C:797-1010 [222201]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4gv7a1, d4gv7b1, d4gv7c1, d4gv7d1
        automated match to d1gs0a2
        complexed with mew
      4. 2606817Domain d4gv7d2: 4gv7 D:797-1010 [222203]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4gv7a1, d4gv7b1, d4gv7c1, d4gv7d1
        automated match to d1gs0a2
        complexed with mew
    11. Domains for 4hhy:
      1. 2606773Domain d4hhya2: 4hhy A:136-349 [222603]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4hhya1, d4hhyb1, d4hhyc1, d4hhyd1
        automated match to d1gs0a2
        complexed with 15r, peg, so4
      2. 2606774Domain d4hhyb2: 4hhy B:136-349 [222605]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4hhya1, d4hhyb1, d4hhyc1, d4hhyd1
        automated match to d1gs0a2
        complexed with 15r, peg, so4
      3. 2606775Domain d4hhyc2: 4hhy C:136-350 [222607]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4hhya1, d4hhyb1, d4hhyc1, d4hhyd1
        automated match to d1gs0a2
        complexed with 15r, peg, so4
      4. 2606776Domain d4hhyd2: 4hhy D:136-343 [222609]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4hhya1, d4hhyb1, d4hhyc1, d4hhyd1
        automated match to d1gs0a2
        complexed with 15r, peg, so4
    12. Domains for 4hhz:
      1. 2606785Domain d4hhza2: 4hhz A:136-349 [222611]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4hhza1, d4hhzb1, d4hhzc1, d4hhzd1
        automated match to d1gs0a2
        complexed with 15s, so4
      2. 2606786Domain d4hhzb2: 4hhz B:136-350 [222613]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4hhza1, d4hhzb1, d4hhzc1, d4hhzd1
        automated match to d1gs0a2
        complexed with 15s, so4
      3. 2606787Domain d4hhzc2: 4hhz C:136-350 [222615]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4hhza1, d4hhzb1, d4hhzc1, d4hhzd1
        automated match to d1gs0a2
        complexed with 15s, so4
      4. 2606788Domain d4hhzd2: 4hhz D:136-349 [222617]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4hhza1, d4hhzb1, d4hhzc1, d4hhzd1
        automated match to d1gs0a2
        complexed with 15s, so4
    13. Domains for 4l6s:
      1. 2606762Domain d4l6sa2: 4l6s A:797-1011 [224570]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l6sa1, d4l6sa3, d4l6sb1, d4l6sb3
        automated match to d1gs0a2
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with 1wq
      2. 2606763Domain d4l6sb2: 4l6s B:797-1011 [224572]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4l6sa1, d4l6sa3, d4l6sb1, d4l6sb3
        automated match to d1gs0a2
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with 1wq
    14. Domain for 4l6z:
    15. Domain for 4l70:
    16. Domain for 4l7l:
    17. Domain for 4l7n:
    18. Domain for 4l7o:
    19. Domain for 4l7p:
    20. Domain for 4l7r:
    21. Domain for 4l7u:
    22. Domains for 4pjt:
      1. 2606805Domain d4pjta2: 4pjt A:797-1010 [259935]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pjta1, d4pjtb1, d4pjtc1, d4pjtd1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 2yq, gol, so4
      2. 2606806Domain d4pjtb2: 4pjt B:797-1010 [263536]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pjta1, d4pjtb1, d4pjtc1, d4pjtd1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 2yq, gol, so4
      3. 2606807Domain d4pjtc2: 4pjt C:797-1010 [259939]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pjta1, d4pjtb1, d4pjtc1, d4pjtd1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 2yq, gol, so4
      4. 2606808Domain d4pjtd2: 4pjt D:797-1009 [259941]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pjta1, d4pjtb1, d4pjtc1, d4pjtd1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 2yq, gol, so4
    23. Domains for 4r6e:
      1. 2606791Domain d4r6ea2: 4r6e A:797-1010 [276726]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4r6ea1, d4r6eb1, d4r6ec1, d4r6ed1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with 3jd, gol, so4
      2. 2606792Domain d4r6eb2: 4r6e B:797-1011 [276722]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4r6ea1, d4r6eb1, d4r6ec1, d4r6ed1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with 3jd, gol, so4
      3. 2606793Domain d4r6ec2: 4r6e C:797-1010 [276720]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4r6ea1, d4r6eb1, d4r6ec1, d4r6ed1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with 3jd, gol, so4
      4. 2606794Domain d4r6ed2: 4r6e D:797-1010 [276724]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4r6ea1, d4r6eb1, d4r6ec1, d4r6ed1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with 3jd, gol, so4
    24. Domains for 4rv6:
      1. 2606846Domain d4rv6a2: 4rv6 A:797-1010 [309579]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4rv6a1, d4rv6b1, d4rv6c1, d4rv6d1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with rpb, so4
      2. 2606847Domain d4rv6b2: 4rv6 B:797-1010 [309581]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4rv6a1, d4rv6b1, d4rv6c1, d4rv6d1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with rpb, so4
      3. 2606848Domain d4rv6c2: 4rv6 C:797-1010 [309583]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4rv6a1, d4rv6b1, d4rv6c1, d4rv6d1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with rpb, so4
      4. 2606849Domain d4rv6d2: 4rv6 D:797-1010 [309585]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4rv6a1, d4rv6b1, d4rv6c1, d4rv6d1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with rpb, so4
    25. Domains for 4und:
      1. 2606789Domain d4unda2: 4und A:797-1010 [273924]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4unda1, d4unda3, d4undb1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with 2yq, na
      2. 2606790Domain d4undb2: 4und B:797-1010 [273920]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4unda1, d4unda3, d4undb1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with 2yq, na
    26. Domains for 4xhu:
      1. 2606778Domain d4xhua2: 4xhu A:797-1012 [277637]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4xhua1, d4xhuc1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with act, ca, gol
      2. 2606779Domain d4xhuc2: 4xhu C:797-1009 [277640]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4xhua1, d4xhuc1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with act, ca, gol
    27. Domain for 4zzz:
    28. Domain for 5a00:
    29. Domains for 5kpn:
      1. 2606803Domain d5kpna2: 5kpn A:797-1011 [327404]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5kpna1, d5kpna3, d5kpnb1, d5kpnb3
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 6wx
      2. 2606804Domain d5kpnb2: 5kpn B:797-1011 [327407]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5kpna1, d5kpna3, d5kpnb1, d5kpnb3
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 6wx
    30. Domains for 5kpo:
      1. 2606830Domain d5kpoa2: 5kpo A:797-1011 [327466]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5kpoa1, d5kpoa3, d5kpob1, d5kpob3
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 6wy
      2. 2606831Domain d5kpob2: 5kpo B:797-1011 [327410]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5kpoa1, d5kpoa3, d5kpob1, d5kpob3
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 6wy
    31. Domains for 5kpp:
      1. 2606809Domain d5kppa2: 5kpp A:797-1011 [326677]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5kppa1, d5kppb1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 6wz
      2. 2606810Domain d5kppb2: 5kpp B:797-1011 [326824]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5kppa1, d5kppb1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 6wz
    32. Domains for 5kpq:
      1. 2606824Domain d5kpqa2: 5kpq A:797-1011 [327162]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5kpqa1, d5kpqb1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 6x2
      2. 2606825Domain d5kpqb2: 5kpq B:797-1011 [327188]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5kpqa1, d5kpqb1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 6x2
    33. Domains for 5wrq:
      1. 2606826Domain d5wrqa2: 5wrq A:797-1011 [329161]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5wrqa1, d5wrqa3, d5wrqb1, d5wrqb3
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 7tx
      2. 2606827Domain d5wrqb2: 5wrq B:797-1011 [329081]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5wrqa1, d5wrqa3, d5wrqb1, d5wrqb3
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 7tx
    34. Domains for 5wry:
      1. 2606799Domain d5wrya2: 5wry A:797-1011 [329132]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5wrya1, d5wrya3, d5wryb1, d5wryb3
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 4yr
      2. 2606800Domain d5wryb2: 5wry B:797-1011 [329141]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5wrya1, d5wrya3, d5wryb1, d5wryb3
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 4yr
    35. Domains for 5wrz:
      1. 2606795Domain d5wrza2: 5wrz A:797-1011 [329091]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5wrza1, d5wrza3, d5wrzb1, d5wrzb3
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 7u3
      2. 2606796Domain d5wrzb2: 5wrz B:797-1011 [329066]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5wrza1, d5wrza3, d5wrzb1, d5wrzb3
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 7u3
    36. Domains for 5ws0:
      1. 2606828Domain d5ws0a2: 5ws0 A:797-1011 [329098]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ws0a1, d5ws0a3, d5ws0b1, d5ws0b3
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 7u6
      2. 2606829Domain d5ws0b2: 5ws0 B:797-1011 [329157]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ws0a1, d5ws0a3, d5ws0b1, d5ws0b3
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 7u6
    37. Domains for 5ws1:
      1. 2606765Domain d5ws1a2: 5ws1 A:797-1011 [329054]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ws1a1, d5ws1a3, d5ws1b1, d5ws1b3
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 7u9
      2. 2606766Domain d5ws1b2: 5ws1 B:797-1011 [329063]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5ws1a1, d5ws1a3, d5ws1b1, d5ws1b3
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 7u9
    38. Domains for 5wtc:
      1. 2606797Domain d5wtca2: 5wtc A:797-1011 [329126]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5wtca1, d5wtca3, d5wtcb1, d5wtcb3
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 7ul
      2. 2606798Domain d5wtcb2: 5wtc B:797-1011 [329085]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5wtca1, d5wtca3, d5wtcb1, d5wtcb3
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 7ul
    39. Domain for 5xsr:
    40. Domain for 5xst:
    41. Domains for 5xsu:
      1. 2606820Domain d5xsua2: 5xsu A:136-349 [351535]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5xsua1, d5xsub1, d5xsuc1, d5xsud1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 8e3, so4
      2. 2606821Domain d5xsub2: 5xsu B:136-349 [351570]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5xsua1, d5xsub1, d5xsuc1, d5xsud1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 8e3, so4
      3. 2606822Domain d5xsuc2: 5xsu C:136-350 [351567]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5xsua1, d5xsub1, d5xsuc1, d5xsud1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 8e3, so4
      4. 2606823Domain d5xsud2: 5xsu D:136-348 [351553]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5xsua1, d5xsub1, d5xsuc1, d5xsud1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 8e3, so4
    42. Domains for 6vkk:
      1. 2606780Domain d6vkka2: 6vkk A:797-1011 [388012]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6vkka1, d6vkkb1, d6vkkc1, d6vkkd1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with gol, rpb, so4
      2. 2606781Domain d6vkkb2: 6vkk B:797-1011 [388040]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6vkka1, d6vkkb1, d6vkkc1, d6vkkd1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with gol, rpb, so4
      3. 2606782Domain d6vkkc2: 6vkk C:797-1011 [387936]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6vkka1, d6vkkb1, d6vkkc1, d6vkkd1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with gol, rpb, so4
      4. 2606783Domain d6vkkd2: 6vkk D:797-1011 [387984]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6vkka1, d6vkkb1, d6vkkc1, d6vkkd1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with gol, rpb, so4
    43. Domains for 6vko:
      1. 2606834Domain d6vkoa2: 6vko A:797-1011 [387977]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6vkoa1, d6vkob1, d6vkoc1, d6vkod1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with l1s, so4
      2. 2606835Domain d6vkob2: 6vko B:797-1011 [387956]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6vkoa1, d6vkob1, d6vkoc1, d6vkod1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with l1s, so4
      3. 2606836Domain d6vkoc2: 6vko C:797-1011 [388024]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6vkoa1, d6vkob1, d6vkoc1, d6vkod1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with l1s, so4
      4. 2606837Domain d6vkod2: 6vko D:797-1011 [387999]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6vkoa1, d6vkob1, d6vkoc1, d6vkod1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with l1s, so4
    44. Domains for 6vkq:
      1. 2606838Domain d6vkqa2: 6vkq A:797-1011 [388055]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6vkqa1, d6vkqb1, d6vkqc1, d6vkqd1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with so4, uhb
      2. 2606839Domain d6vkqb2: 6vkq B:797-1011 [388010]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6vkqa1, d6vkqb1, d6vkqc1, d6vkqd1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with so4, uhb
      3. 2606840Domain d6vkqc2: 6vkq C:797-1011 [388044]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6vkqa1, d6vkqb1, d6vkqc1, d6vkqd1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with so4, uhb
      4. 2606841Domain d6vkqd2: 6vkq D:797-1011 [387986]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6vkqa1, d6vkqb1, d6vkqc1, d6vkqd1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with so4, uhb
    45. Domains for 6xvw:
      1. 2606771Domain d6xvwa2: 6xvw A:797-1011 [387108]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6xvwa1, d6xvwa3, d6xvwb1, d6xvwb3
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with edo, ni, o3h
      2. 2606772Domain d6xvwb2: 6xvw B:797-1011 [387079]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6xvwa1, d6xvwa3, d6xvwb1, d6xvwb3
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with edo, ni, o3h
    46. Domains for 7aaa:
      1. 2606743Domain d7aaaa2: 7aaa A:797-1011 [398148]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7aaaa1, d7aaab1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with dms, edo, so4
      2. 2606744Domain d7aaab2: 7aaa B:797-1011 [398220]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7aaaa1, d7aaab1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with dms, edo, so4
    47. Domains for 7aab:
      1. 2606818Domain d7aaba2: 7aab A:797-1011 [398131]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7aaba1, d7aabb1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with so4, uhb
      2. 2606819Domain d7aabb2: 7aab B:797-1011 [398200]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7aaba1, d7aabb1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with so4, uhb
    48. Domains for 7aac:
      1. 2606736Domain d7aaca2: 7aac A:797-1011 [398177]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7aaca1, d7aacb1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 78p, so4
      2. 2606737Domain d7aacb2: 7aac B:797-1011 [398175]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7aaca1, d7aacb1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 78p, so4
    49. Domains for 7aad:
      1. 2606768Domain d7aada2: 7aad A:797-1011 [398214]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7aada1, d7aadb1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 09l, so4
      2. 2606769Domain d7aadb2: 7aad B:797-1011 [398138]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7aada1, d7aadb1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 09l, so4
    50. Domains for 7cmw:
      1. 2606811Domain d7cmwa2: 7cmw A:797-1011 [396876]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7cmwa1, d7cmwb1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with ds9, gol
      2. 2606812Domain d7cmwb2: 7cmw B:797-1011 [396901]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7cmwa1, d7cmwb1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with ds9, gol
    51. Domains for 7kk2:
      1. 2606745Domain d7kk2a2: 7kk2 A:797-1011 [397567]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7kk2a1, d7kk2a3, d7kk2b1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with so4
      2. 2606746Domain d7kk2b2: 7kk2 B:797-1010 [397115]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7kk2a1, d7kk2a3, d7kk2b1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with so4
    52. Domains for 7kk3:
      1. 2606756Domain d7kk3a2: 7kk3 A:797-1010 [397104]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7kk3a1, d7kk3b1, d7kk3c1, d7kk3c3, d7kk3d1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 2yq
      2. 2606757Domain d7kk3b2: 7kk3 B:797-1010 [397048]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7kk3a1, d7kk3b1, d7kk3c1, d7kk3c3, d7kk3d1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 2yq
      3. 2606758Domain d7kk3c2: 7kk3 C:797-1010 [397061]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7kk3a1, d7kk3b1, d7kk3c1, d7kk3c3, d7kk3d1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 2yq
      4. 2606759Domain d7kk3d2: 7kk3 D:797-1010 [397235]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7kk3a1, d7kk3b1, d7kk3c1, d7kk3c3, d7kk3d1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 2yq
    53. Domains for 7kk4:
      1. 2606752Domain d7kk4a2: 7kk4 A:797-1010 [397119]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7kk4a1, d7kk4b1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 09l
      2. 2606753Domain d7kk4b2: 7kk4 B:797-1010 [397215]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7kk4a1, d7kk4b1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 09l
    54. Domains for 7kk5:
      1. 2606739Domain d7kk5a2: 7kk5 A:797-1010 [397117]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7kk5a1, d7kk5b1, d7kk5c1, d7kk5c3, d7kk5d1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 3jd, so4
      2. 2606740Domain d7kk5b2: 7kk5 B:797-1010 [397113]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7kk5a1, d7kk5b1, d7kk5c1, d7kk5c3, d7kk5d1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 3jd, so4
      3. 2606741Domain d7kk5c2: 7kk5 C:797-1010 [397131]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7kk5a1, d7kk5b1, d7kk5c1, d7kk5c3, d7kk5d1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 3jd, so4
      4. 2606742Domain d7kk5d2: 7kk5 D:797-1010 [397122]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7kk5a1, d7kk5b1, d7kk5c1, d7kk5c3, d7kk5d1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 3jd, so4
    55. Domains for 7kk6:
      1. 2606760Domain d7kk6a2: 7kk6 A:797-1011 [397167]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7kk6a1, d7kk6a3, d7kk6b1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 78p, so4
      2. 2606761Domain d7kk6b2: 7kk6 B:797-1010 [397156]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7kk6a1, d7kk6a3, d7kk6b1
        automated match to d4hhyd2
        complexed with 78p, so4
  10. 2606850Salmonella enterica [TaxId:220341] [400991] (1 PDB entry)
  11. 2606852Salmonella enterica [TaxId:90370] [226726] (1 PDB entry)
  12. 2606854Vibrio cholerae [TaxId:666] [189511] (11 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2q6m:
    2. Domain for 3ess:
    3. Domain for 3ki0:
    4. Domain for 3ki1:
    5. Domain for 3ki2:
    6. Domain for 3ki3:
    7. Domain for 3ki4:
    8. Domain for 3ki5:
    9. Domain for 3ki6:
    10. Domain for 3ki7:
    11. Domain for 3ny6:

More info for Protein automated matches from d.166.1.0: automated matches

Timeline for Protein automated matches from d.166.1.0: automated matches: