Lineage for Protein: automated matches

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.03
  2. 1253684Class a: All alpha proteins [46456] (284 folds)
  3. 1253685Fold a.1: Globin-like [46457] (2 superfamilies)
    core: 6 helices; folded leaf, partly opened
  4. 1253686Superfamily a.1.1: Globin-like [46458] (5 families) (S)
  5. 1255931Family a.1.1.3: Phycocyanin-like phycobilisome proteins [46532] (7 proteins)
    oligomers of two different types of globin-like subunits containing two extra helices at the N-terminus
    binds a bilin chromophore
    automatically mapped to Pfam PF00502
  6. 1256091Protein automated matches [190531] (8 species)
    not a true protein


  1. 1256092Gloeobacter violaceus [TaxId:33072] [188397] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2vjh:
      1. 1256093Domain d2vjha_: 2vjh A: [168645]
        automated match to d1b8da_
        complexed with peb, pub
      2. 1256094Domain d2vjhb_: 2vjh B: [168646]
        automated match to d1qgwd_
        complexed with peb, pub
      3. 1256095Domain d2vjhc_: 2vjh C: [168647]
        automated match to d1b8da_
        complexed with peb, pub
      4. 1256096Domain d2vjhd_: 2vjh D: [168648]
        automated match to d1qgwd_
        complexed with peb, pub
    2. Domains for 2vjr:
      1. 1256111Domain d2vjra_: 2vjr A: [168659]
        automated match to d1i7ya_
        complexed with cyc
      2. 1256112Domain d2vjrb_: 2vjr B: [168660]
        automated match to d1i7yb_
        complexed with cyc
    3. Domains for 2vjt:
      1. 1256109Domain d2vjta_: 2vjt A: [168661]
        automated match to d1kn1a_
        complexed with cyc
      2. 1256110Domain d2vjtb_: 2vjt B: [168662]
        automated match to d1allb_
        complexed with cyc
    4. Domains for 2vml:
      1. 1256097Domain d2vmla_: 2vml A: [168702]
        automated match to d1i7ya_
        complexed with cyc
      2. 1256098Domain d2vmlb_: 2vml B: [168703]
        automated match to d1i7yb_
        complexed with cyc
      3. 1256099Domain d2vmlc_: 2vml C: [168704]
        automated match to d1i7ya_
        complexed with cyc
      4. 1256100Domain d2vmld_: 2vml D: [168705]
        automated match to d1i7yb_
        complexed with cyc
      5. 1256101Domain d2vmle_: 2vml E: [168706]
        automated match to d1i7ya_
        complexed with cyc
      6. 1256102Domain d2vmlf_: 2vml F: [168707]
        automated match to d1i7yb_
        complexed with cyc
      7. 1256103Domain d2vmlg_: 2vml G: [168708]
        automated match to d1i7ya_
        complexed with cyc
      8. 1256104Domain d2vmlh_: 2vml H: [168709]
        automated match to d1i7yb_
        complexed with cyc
      9. 1256105Domain d2vmli_: 2vml I: [168710]
        automated match to d1i7ya_
        complexed with cyc
      10. 1256106Domain d2vmlj_: 2vml J: [168711]
        automated match to d1i7yb_
        complexed with cyc
      11. 1256107Domain d2vmlk_: 2vml K: [168712]
        automated match to d1i7ya_
        complexed with cyc
      12. 1256108Domain d2vmll_: 2vml L: [168713]
        automated match to d1i7yb_
        complexed with cyc
  2. 1256113Mastigocladus laminosus [TaxId:83541] [187515] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2c7l:
      1. 1256116Domain d2c7la_: 2c7l A: [163287]
        automated match to d1i7ya_
        complexed with bla, cyc
      2. 1256117Domain d2c7lb_: 2c7l B: [163288]
        automated match to d1i7yb_
        complexed with bla, cyc
    2. Domains for 2j96:
      1. 1256114Domain d2j96a_: 2j96 A: [165947]
        automated match to d1i7ya_
        complexed with pvn
      2. 1256115Domain d2j96b_: 2j96 B: [165948]
        automated match to d1i7ya_
        complexed with pvn
  3. 1256118Red alga (Porphyridium purpureum) [TaxId:35688] [194584] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3v57:
      1. 1256119Domain d3v57a_: 3v57 A: [217667]
        automated match to d3v58c_
        complexed with peb, so4
      2. 1256120Domain d3v57b_: 3v57 B: [217668]
        automated match to d3v58b_
        complexed with peb, so4
      3. 1256121Domain d3v57c_: 3v57 C: [217669]
        automated match to d3v58c_
        complexed with peb, so4
      4. 1256122Domain d3v57d_: 3v57 D: [217670]
        automated match to d3v58b_
        complexed with peb, so4
    2. Domains for 3v58:
      1. 1256123Domain d3v58a_: 3v58 A: [201158]
        automated match to d3v58c_
        complexed with peb, so4
      2. 1256124Domain d3v58b_: 3v58 B: [194585]
        automated match to d1liab_
        complexed with peb, so4
      3. 1256125Domain d3v58c_: 3v58 C: [194586]
        automated match to d1eyxa_
        complexed with peb, so4
      4. 1256126Domain d3v58d_: 3v58 D: [201159]
        automated match to d3v58b_
        complexed with peb, so4
  4. 1256127Red algae (Galdieria sulphuraria) [TaxId:130081] [188789] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3brp:
      1. 1256130Domain d3brpa_: 3brp A: [172801]
        automated match to d1phna_
        complexed with bla
      2. 1256131Domain d3brpb_: 3brp B: [172802]
        automated match to d1phnb_
        complexed with bla
    2. Domains for 3kvs:
      1. 1256128Domain d3kvsa_: 3kvs A: [179738]
        automated match to d1phna_
        complexed with bla
      2. 1256129Domain d3kvsb_: 3kvs B: [179739]
        automated match to d1phnb_
        complexed with bla
  5. 1256132Red algae (Gracilaria chilensis) [TaxId:2775] [187492] (1 PDB entry)
  6. 1256145Synechococcus elongatus [TaxId:1140] [193231] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4f0u:
      1. 1256170Domain d4f0ua_: 4f0u A: [201981]
        automated match to d4f0uc_
        complexed with cyc
      2. 1256171Domain d4f0ub_: 4f0u B: [193925]
        automated match to d3dbjb_
        complexed with cyc
      3. 1256172Domain d4f0uc_: 4f0u C: [193920]
        automated match to d1kn1a_
        complexed with cyc
      4. 1256173Domain d4f0ud_: 4f0u D: [201982]
        automated match to d4f0uf_
        complexed with cyc
      5. 1256174Domain d4f0ue_: 4f0u E: [201983]
        automated match to d4f0uc_
        complexed with cyc
      6. 1256175Domain d4f0uf_: 4f0u F: [193922]
        automated match to d3dbjb_
        complexed with cyc
    2. Domains for 4h0m:
      1. 1256146Domain d4h0ma_: 4h0m A: [202323]
        automated match to d4h0me_
        complexed with cyc
      2. 1256147Domain d4h0mb_: 4h0m B: [202324]
        automated match to d4h0mp_
        complexed with cyc
      3. 1256148Domain d4h0mc_: 4h0m C: [202325]
        automated match to d4h0me_
        complexed with cyc
      4. 1256149Domain d4h0md_: 4h0m D: [202326]
        automated match to d4h0mp_
        complexed with cyc
      5. 1256150Domain d4h0me_: 4h0m E: [193232]
        automated match to d1ha7a_
        complexed with cyc
      6. 1256151Domain d4h0mf_: 4h0m F: [202327]
        automated match to d4h0mp_
        complexed with cyc
      7. 1256152Domain d4h0mg_: 4h0m G: [202328]
        automated match to d4h0me_
        complexed with cyc
      8. 1256153Domain d4h0mh_: 4h0m H: [202329]
        automated match to d4h0mp_
        complexed with cyc
      9. 1256154Domain d4h0mi_: 4h0m I: [202330]
        automated match to d4h0me_
        complexed with cyc
      10. 1256155Domain d4h0mj_: 4h0m J: [202331]
        automated match to d4h0mp_
        complexed with cyc
      11. 1256156Domain d4h0mk_: 4h0m K: [202332]
        automated match to d4h0me_
        complexed with cyc
      12. 1256157Domain d4h0ml_: 4h0m L: [202333]
        automated match to d4h0mp_
        complexed with cyc
      13. 1256158Domain d4h0mm_: 4h0m M: [202334]
        automated match to d4h0me_
        complexed with cyc
      14. 1256159Domain d4h0mn_: 4h0m N: [202335]
        automated match to d4h0mp_
        complexed with cyc
      15. 1256160Domain d4h0mo_: 4h0m O: [202336]
        automated match to d4h0me_
        complexed with cyc
      16. 1256161Domain d4h0mp_: 4h0m P: [193915]
        automated match to d1cpcb_
        complexed with cyc
      17. 1256162Domain d4h0mq_: 4h0m Q: [202337]
        automated match to d4h0me_
        complexed with cyc
      18. 1256163Domain d4h0mr_: 4h0m R: [193916]
        automated match to d1cpcb_
        complexed with cyc
      19. 1256164Domain d4h0ms_: 4h0m S: [202338]
        automated match to d4h0me_
        complexed with cyc
      20. 1256165Domain d4h0mt_: 4h0m T: [202339]
        automated match to d4h0mp_
        complexed with cyc
      21. 1256166Domain d4h0mu_: 4h0m U: [202340]
        automated match to d4h0me_
        complexed with cyc
      22. 1256167Domain d4h0mv_: 4h0m V: [202341]
        automated match to d4h0mp_
        complexed with cyc
      23. 1256168Domain d4h0mw_: 4h0m W: [202342]
        automated match to d4h0me_
        complexed with cyc
      24. 1256169Domain d4h0mx_: 4h0m X: [202343]
        automated match to d4h0mp_
        complexed with cyc
  7. 1256176Synechocystis sp. [TaxId:1111708] [193921] (1 PDB entry)
  8. 1256179Thermosynechococcus vulcanus [TaxId:32053] [188656] (1 PDB entry)

More info for Protein automated matches from a.1.1.3: Phycocyanin-like phycobilisome proteins

Timeline for Protein automated matches from a.1.1.3: Phycocyanin-like phycobilisome proteins: