Lineage for Protein: automated matches

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.05
  2. 1886641Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (381 folds)
  3. 1923787Fold d.117: Thymidylate synthase/dCMP hydroxymethylase [55830] (1 superfamily)
    contains large mixed beta-sheet
  4. 1923788Superfamily d.117.1: Thymidylate synthase/dCMP hydroxymethylase [55831] (2 families) (S)
    automatically mapped to Pfam PF00303
  5. 1923789Family d.117.1.1: Thymidylate synthase/dCMP hydroxymethylase [55832] (4 proteins)
  6. 1924078Protein automated matches [190469] (12 species)
    not a true protein


  1. 1924079Corynebacterium glutamicum [TaxId:196627] [227854] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4h0r:
      1. 1924080Domain d4h0ra_: 4h0r A: [227855]
        automated match to d4knza_
      2. 1924081Domain d4h0rb_: 4h0r B: [234588]
        automated match to d4h0ra_
    2. Domains for 4h0u:
      1. 1924082Domain d4h0ua_: 4h0u A: [234590]
        automated match to d4h0ra_
        complexed with ump
      2. 1924083Domain d4h0ub_: 4h0u B: [234589]
        automated match to d4h0ra_
        complexed with ump
      3. 1924084Domain d4h0uc_: 4h0u C: [234599]
        automated match to d4h0ra_
        complexed with ump
      4. 1924085Domain d4h0ud_: 4h0u D: [227856]
        automated match to d4knza_
        complexed with ump
  2. 1924086Cryptosporidium hominis [TaxId:237895] [232024] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2oip:
      1. 1924090Domain d2oipa2: 2oip A:181-521 [148785]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2oipa1, d2oipb1, d2oipc1, d2oipd1, d2oipe1
        automated match to d1qzfa2
        complexed with cb3, mtx, ndp, ump; mutant
      2. 1924091Domain d2oipb2: 2oip B:181-521 [148787]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2oipa1, d2oipb1, d2oipc1, d2oipd1, d2oipe1
        automated match to d1qzfa2
        complexed with cb3, mtx, ndp, ump; mutant
      3. 1924092Domain d2oipc2: 2oip C:186-521 [148789]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2oipa1, d2oipb1, d2oipc1, d2oipd1, d2oipe1
        automated match to d1qzfa2
        complexed with cb3, mtx, ndp, ump; mutant
      4. 1924093Domain d2oipd2: 2oip D:181-521 [148791]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2oipa1, d2oipb1, d2oipc1, d2oipd1, d2oipe1
        automated match to d1qzfa2
        complexed with cb3, mtx, ndp, ump; mutant
      5. 1924094Domain d2oipe2: 2oip E:181-521 [148793]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2oipa1, d2oipb1, d2oipc1, d2oipd1, d2oipe1
        automated match to d1qzfa2
        complexed with cb3, mtx, ndp, ump; mutant
    2. Domains for 3dl5:
      1. 1924087Domain d3dl5b2: 3dl5 B:181-521 [232027]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3dl5a1, d3dl5b1, d3dl5c1, d3dl5d1, d3dl5e1
        automated match to d1qzfa2
        complexed with cb3, dhf, ndp, ump; mutant
      2. 1924088Domain d3dl5c2: 3dl5 C:181-521 [232031]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3dl5a1, d3dl5b1, d3dl5c1, d3dl5d1, d3dl5e1
        automated match to d1qzfa2
        complexed with cb3, dhf, ndp, ump; mutant
      3. 1924089Domain d3dl5d2: 3dl5 D:193-521 [232026]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3dl5a1, d3dl5b1, d3dl5c1, d3dl5d1, d3dl5e1
        automated match to d1qzfa2
        complexed with cb3, dhf, ndp, ump; mutant
    3. Domains for 3hj3:
      1. 1924095Domain d3hj3a2: 3hj3 A:192-521 [232479]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3hj3a1, d3hj3b1, d3hj3c1, d3hj3d1
        automated match to d1qzfa2
        complexed with cb3, mtx, ndp, ump; mutant
      2. 1924096Domain d3hj3b2: 3hj3 B:192-521 [236020]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3hj3a1, d3hj3b1, d3hj3c1, d3hj3d1
        automated match to d3hj3a2
        complexed with cb3, mtx, ndp, ump; mutant
      3. 1924097Domain d3hj3c2: 3hj3 C:192-521 [236019]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3hj3a1, d3hj3b1, d3hj3c1, d3hj3d1
        automated match to d3hj3a2
        complexed with cb3, mtx, ndp, ump; mutant
      4. 1924098Domain d3hj3d2: 3hj3 D:193-521 [236023]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3hj3a1, d3hj3b1, d3hj3c1, d3hj3d1
        automated match to d3hj3a2
        complexed with cb3, mtx, ndp, ump; mutant
  3. 1924099Encephalitozoon cuniculi [TaxId:284813] [189107] (1 PDB entry)
  4. 1924101Enterococcus faecalis [TaxId:1351] [194752] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3uwl:
      1. 1924102Domain d3uwla_: 3uwl A: [194756]
        automated match to d1tsla_
        complexed with edo, foz, so4
      2. 1924103Domain d3uwlb_: 3uwl B: [194753]
        automated match to d1tsla_
        complexed with edo, foz, so4
      3. 1924104Domain d3uwlc_: 3uwl C: [194754]
        automated match to d1tsla_
        complexed with edo, foz, so4
      4. 1924105Domain d3uwld_: 3uwl D: [194755]
        automated match to d1tsla_
        complexed with edo, foz, so4
    2. Domains for 4o7u:
      1. 1924106Domain d4o7ua_: 4o7u A: [268461]
        automated match to d3uwlb_
        complexed with edo, so4, ss7, thf
      2. 1924107Domain d4o7ub_: 4o7u B: [268460]
        automated match to d3uwlb_
        complexed with edo, so4, ss7, thf
      3. 1924108Domain d4o7uc_: 4o7u C: [268468]
        automated match to d3uwlb_
        complexed with edo, so4, ss7, thf
      4. 1924109Domain d4o7ud_: 4o7u D: [268470]
        automated match to d3uwlb_
        complexed with edo, so4, ss7, thf
  5. 1924110Fungus (Filobasidiella neoformans) [TaxId:5207] [187389] (1 PDB entry)
  6. 1924127Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [189245] (8 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 3ed7:
    2. Domains for 3gg5:
      1. 1924142Domain d3gg5a_: 3gg5 A: [210523]
        automated match to d2aaza_
        complexed with po4, so4
      2. 1924143Domain d3gg5b_: 3gg5 B: [210524]
        automated match to d2aaza_
        complexed with po4, so4
      3. 1924144Domain d3gg5c_: 3gg5 C: [210525]
        automated match to d2aaza_
        complexed with po4, so4
      4. 1924145Domain d3gg5d_: 3gg5 D: [210526]
        automated match to d2aaza_
        complexed with po4, so4
    3. Domain for 3gh0:
    4. Domain for 3gh2:
    5. Domain for 4g2o:
    6. Domains for 4o1u:
      1. 1924131Domain d4o1ua_: 4o1u A: [268442]
        automated match to d4eb4a_
        complexed with cl, edo, so4; mutant
      2. 1924132Domain d4o1ub_: 4o1u B: [268435]
        automated match to d4eb4a_
        complexed with cl, edo, so4; mutant
    7. Domains for 4o1x:
      1. 1924133Domain d4o1xa_: 4o1x A: [268445]
        automated match to d4eb4a_
        complexed with cl, edo, so4; mutant
      2. 1924134Domain d4o1xb_: 4o1x B: [268447]
        automated match to d4eb4a_
        complexed with cl, edo, so4; mutant
      3. 1924135Domain d4o1xc_: 4o1x C: [268446]
        automated match to d4eb4a_
        complexed with cl, edo, so4; mutant
      4. 1924136Domain d4o1xd_: 4o1x D: [268448]
        automated match to d4eb4a_
        complexed with cl, edo, so4; mutant
    8. Domains for 4up1:
      1. 1924138Domain d4up1a_: 4up1 A: [274330]
        automated match to d4eb4a_
        complexed with so4
      2. 1924139Domain d4up1b_: 4up1 B: [274331]
        automated match to d4eb4a_
        complexed with so4
      3. 1924140Domain d4up1c_: 4up1 C: [274337]
        automated match to d4eb4a_
        complexed with so4
      4. 1924141Domain d4up1d_: 4up1 D: [274332]
        automated match to d4eb4a_
        complexed with so4
  7. 1924146Malaria parasite (Plasmodium falciparum) [TaxId:5833] [188759] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3dg8:
      1. 1924147Domain d3dg8c_: 3dg8 C: [173918]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3dg8a_, d3dg8b_
        automated match to d1j3ic_
        complexed with ndp, rj6, ump; mutant
      2. 1924148Domain d3dg8d_: 3dg8 D: [173919]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3dg8a_, d3dg8b_
        automated match to d1j3ic_
        complexed with ndp, rj6, ump; mutant
    2. Domains for 3dga:
      1. 1924149Domain d3dgac_: 3dga C: [173920]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3dgaa_, d3dgab_
        automated match to d1j3ic_
        complexed with ndp, rj1, ump
      2. 1924150Domain d3dgad_: 3dga D: [173921]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3dgaa_, d3dgab_
        automated match to d1j3ic_
        complexed with ndp, rj1, ump
  8. 1924151Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId:10090] [225826] (5 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3ihi:
      1. 1924165Domain d3ihia_: 3ihi A: [211690]
        automated match to d3ed7a_
        complexed with so4
      2. 1924166Domain d3ihib_: 3ihi B: [211691]
        automated match to d3ed7a_
        complexed with so4
    2. Domains for 4e5o:
      1. 1924159Domain d4e5oa_: 4e5o A: [220314]
        automated match to d3ed7a_
        complexed with bu1, ump
      2. 1924160Domain d4e5ob_: 4e5o B: [220315]
        automated match to d3ed7a_
        complexed with bu1, ump
      3. 1924161Domain d4e5oc_: 4e5o C: [220316]
        automated match to d3ed7a_
        complexed with bu1, ump
      4. 1924162Domain d4e5od_: 4e5o D: [220317]
        automated match to d3ed7a_
        complexed with bu1, ump
      5. 1924163Domain d4e5oe_: 4e5o E: [220318]
        automated match to d3ed7a_
        complexed with bu1, ump
      6. 1924164Domain d4e5of_: 4e5o F: [220319]
        automated match to d3ed7a_
        complexed with bu1, ump
    3. Domains for 4eb4:
      1. 1924153Domain d4eb4a_: 4eb4 A: [220395]
        automated match to d3ed7a_
        complexed with d16, dtt, gol, mes, so4, ump
      2. 1924154Domain d4eb4b_: 4eb4 B: [220396]
        automated match to d3ed7a_
        complexed with d16, dtt, gol, mes, so4, ump
      3. 1924155Domain d4eb4c_: 4eb4 C: [220397]
        automated match to d3ed7a_
        complexed with d16, dtt, gol, mes, so4, ump
      4. 1924156Domain d4eb4d_: 4eb4 D: [220398]
        automated match to d3ed7a_
        complexed with d16, dtt, gol, mes, so4, ump
    4. Domains for 4ein:
      1. 1924157Domain d4eina_: 4ein A: [220562]
        automated match to d3ed7a_
        complexed with gol, noh
      2. 1924158Domain d4einb_: 4ein B: [220563]
        automated match to d3ed7a_
        complexed with gol, noh
    5. Domain for 4ez8:
  9. 1924167Mycobacterium tuberculosis [TaxId:1773] [189990] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3qj7:
      1. 1924172Domain d3qj7a_: 3qj7 A: [184413]
        automated match to d1aiqa_
        complexed with spm, ump
      2. 1924173Domain d3qj7b_: 3qj7 B: [184414]
        automated match to d1aiqa_
        complexed with spm, ump
      3. 1924174Domain d3qj7c_: 3qj7 C: [184415]
        automated match to d1aiqa_
        complexed with spm, ump
      4. 1924175Domain d3qj7d_: 3qj7 D: [184416]
        automated match to d1aiqa_
        complexed with spm, ump
    2. Domains for 4foa:
      1. 1924168Domain d4foaa_: 4foa A: [221388]
        automated match to d3qj7d_
        complexed with ufp
      2. 1924169Domain d4foab_: 4foa B: [221389]
        automated match to d3qj7c_
        complexed with ufp
      3. 1924170Domain d4foac_: 4foa C: [221390]
        automated match to d3qj7a_
        complexed with ufp
      4. 1924171Domain d4foad_: 4foa D: [221391]
        automated match to d3qj7c_
        complexed with ufp
  10. 1924176Mycobacterium tuberculosis [TaxId:83332] [224938] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4fog:
      1. 1924187Domain d4foga_: 4fog A: [221401]
        automated match to d1jg0a_
        complexed with c2f, ufp
      2. 1924188Domain d4fogb_: 4fog B: [221402]
        automated match to d1jg0a_
        complexed with c2f, ufp
      3. 1924189Domain d4fogc_: 4fog C: [221403]
        automated match to d1jg0a_
        complexed with c2f, ufp
      4. 1924190Domain d4fogd_: 4fog D: [221404]
        automated match to d1jg0a_
        complexed with c2f, ufp
    2. Domains for 4fox:
      1. 1924179Domain d4foxa_: 4fox A: [221413]
        automated match to d1jg0a_
        complexed with d16, ump
      2. 1924180Domain d4foxb_: 4fox B: [221414]
        automated match to d1jg0a_
        complexed with d16, ump
      3. 1924181Domain d4foxc_: 4fox C: [221415]
        automated match to d1jg0a_
        complexed with d16, ump
      4. 1924182Domain d4foxd_: 4fox D: [221416]
        automated match to d1jg0a_
        complexed with d16, ump
      5. 1924183Domain d4foxe_: 4fox E: [221417]
        automated match to d1jg0a_
        complexed with d16, ump
      6. 1924184Domain d4foxf_: 4fox F: [221418]
        automated match to d1jg0a_
        complexed with d16, ump
      7. 1924185Domain d4foxg_: 4fox G: [221419]
        automated match to d1jg0a_
        complexed with d16, ump
      8. 1924186Domain d4foxh_: 4fox H: [221420]
        automated match to d1jg0a_
        complexed with d16, ump
    3. Domains for 4fqs:
      1. 1924177Domain d4fqsa_: 4fqs A: [221464]
        automated match to d1jg0a_
        complexed with lya, ump
      2. 1924178Domain d4fqsb_: 4fqs B: [221465]
        automated match to d1jg0a_
        complexed with lya, ump
  11. 1924191Staphylococcus aureus [TaxId:158878] [195805] (1 PDB entry)
  12. 1924194Trichinella spiralis [TaxId:6334] [226731] (1 PDB entry)

More info for Protein automated matches from d.117.1.1: Thymidylate synthase/dCMP hydroxymethylase

Timeline for Protein automated matches from d.117.1.1: Thymidylate synthase/dCMP hydroxymethylase: