Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds) |
Fold c.55: Ribonuclease H-like motif [53066] (7 superfamilies) 3 layers: a/b/a; mixed beta-sheet of 5 strands, order 32145; strand 2 is antiparallel to the rest |
Superfamily c.55.3: Ribonuclease H-like [53098] (18 families) consists of one domain of this fold |
Family c.55.3.0: automated matches [191357] (1 protein) not a true family |
Protein automated matches [190396] (40 species) not a true protein |
Acinetobacter baumannii [TaxId:470] [276138] (1 PDB entry) |
Domain d5cy4a1: 5cy4 A:1-183 [276225] Other proteins in same PDB: d5cy4a2, d5cy4c2, d5cy4d2, d5cy4e2 automated match to d2gbza_ complexed with ca, edo |
Domain d5cy4b_: 5cy4 B: [276143] Other proteins in same PDB: d5cy4a2, d5cy4c2, d5cy4d2, d5cy4e2 automated match to d2gbza_ complexed with ca, edo |
Domain d5cy4c1: 5cy4 C:1-184 [276142] Other proteins in same PDB: d5cy4a2, d5cy4c2, d5cy4d2, d5cy4e2 automated match to d2gbza_ complexed with ca, edo |
Domain d5cy4d1: 5cy4 D:1-183 [276141] Other proteins in same PDB: d5cy4a2, d5cy4c2, d5cy4d2, d5cy4e2 automated match to d2gbza_ complexed with ca, edo |
Domain d5cy4e1: 5cy4 E:1-183 [276147] Other proteins in same PDB: d5cy4a2, d5cy4c2, d5cy4d2, d5cy4e2 automated match to d2gbza_ complexed with ca, edo |
Domain d5cy4f_: 5cy4 F: [276144] Other proteins in same PDB: d5cy4a2, d5cy4c2, d5cy4d2, d5cy4e2 automated match to d2gbza_ complexed with ca, edo |
Archaeoglobus fulgidus [TaxId:2234] [256016] (1 PDB entry) |
Domain d3p83d1: 3p83 D:1-205 [248436] Other proteins in same PDB: d3p83a1, d3p83a2, d3p83b1, d3p83b2, d3p83c1, d3p83c2, d3p83d2, d3p83e2 automated match to d2dffa_ protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex |
Domain d3p83e1: 3p83 E:1-205 [248437] Other proteins in same PDB: d3p83a1, d3p83a2, d3p83b1, d3p83b2, d3p83c1, d3p83c2, d3p83d2, d3p83e2 automated match to d2dffa_ protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex |
Domain d3p83f_: 3p83 F: [248438] Other proteins in same PDB: d3p83a1, d3p83a2, d3p83b1, d3p83b2, d3p83c1, d3p83c2, d3p83d2, d3p83e2 automated match to d2dffa_ protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex |
Baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) [TaxId:4932] [346315] (1 PDB entry) |
Bovine immunodeficiency virus [TaxId:417296] [225970] (2 PDB entries) |
Domain d3kkra1: 3kkr A:60-208 [212401] Other proteins in same PDB: d3kkra2 automated match to d4jlha_ complexed with no3 |
Domain d3kksa1: 3kks A:60-206 [212402] Other proteins in same PDB: d3kksa2, d3kksb2 automated match to d4jlha_ complexed with act, gol |
Domain d3kksb1: 3kks B:60-208 [212403] Other proteins in same PDB: d3kksa2, d3kksb2 automated match to d4jlha_ complexed with act, gol |
Chlorobaculum tepidum [TaxId:1097] [225664] (1 PDB entry) |
Domain d3h08a_: 3h08 A: [210752] automated match to d2zqbb_ complexed with mg |
Domain d3h08b_: 3h08 B: [210753] automated match to d2zqbb_ complexed with mg |
Cyanidioschyzon merolae [TaxId:280699] [369149] (1 PDB entry) |
Domain d6nqia_: 6nqi A: [369156] automated match to d4jkbb_ complexed with bme |
Domain d6nqib_: 6nqi B: [369150] automated match to d4jkbb_ complexed with bme |
Feline immunodeficiency virus [TaxId:11674] [259692] (1 PDB entry) |
Domain d4pa1a1: 4pa1 A:61-209 [259693] Other proteins in same PDB: d4pa1a2 automated match to d3kksb_ |
Fission yeast (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) [TaxId:4896] [255540] (3 PDB entries) |
Domain d2p51a_: 2p51 A: [243410] automated match to d2d5ra1 complexed with mg |
Domain d3g0za_: 3g0z A: [246226] automated match to d2d5ra1 complexed with mn, zn |
Domain d3g10a_: 3g10 A: [246227] automated match to d2d5ra1 complexed with mg, mn |
Geobacillus kaustophilus [TaxId:1462] [233272] (8 PDB entries) |
Domain d3pv8a1: 3pv8 A:298-468 [233274] Other proteins in same PDB: d3pv8a2, d3pv8d2 automated match to d1nk4a1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with d3t, mg, so4 |
Domain d3pv8d1: 3pv8 D:298-468 [233273] Other proteins in same PDB: d3pv8a2, d3pv8d2 automated match to d1nk4a1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with d3t, mg, so4 |
Domain d3px0a1: 3px0 A:298-468 [248705] Other proteins in same PDB: d3px0a2, d3px0d2 automated match to d3pv8d1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with dcp, mn, so4 |
Domain d3px0d1: 3px0 D:298-468 [248707] Other proteins in same PDB: d3px0a2, d3px0d2 automated match to d3pv8d1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with dcp, mn, so4 |
Domain d3px4a1: 3px4 A:298-468 [248709] Other proteins in same PDB: d3px4a2, d3px4d2 automated match to d3pv8d1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with dct, mg, so4 |
Domain d3px4d1: 3px4 D:298-468 [248711] Other proteins in same PDB: d3px4a2, d3px4d2 automated match to d3pv8d1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with dct, mg, so4 |
Domain d3px6a1: 3px6 A:298-468 [248713] Other proteins in same PDB: d3px6a2, d3px6d2 automated match to d3pv8d1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with dct, mn, so4 |
Domain d3px6d1: 3px6 D:296-468 [248715] Other proteins in same PDB: d3px6a2, d3px6d2 automated match to d3pv8d1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with dct, mn, so4 |
Domain d4dsea1: 4dse A:297-468 [251537] Other proteins in same PDB: d4dsea2, d4dsed2 automated match to d3pv8d1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with ctp, so4 |
Domain d4dsed1: 4dse D:298-468 [251539] Other proteins in same PDB: d4dsea2, d4dsed2 automated match to d3pv8d1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with ctp, so4 |
Domain d4dsfa1: 4dsf A:297-468 [251541] Other proteins in same PDB: d4dsfa2, d4dsfd2 automated match to d3pv8d1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with ctp, so4 |
Domain d4dsfd1: 4dsf D:298-468 [251543] Other proteins in same PDB: d4dsfa2, d4dsfd2 automated match to d3pv8d1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with ctp, so4 |
Domain d4ez6a1: 4ez6 A:297-468 [251825] Other proteins in same PDB: d4ez6a2, d4ez6d2 automated match to d3pv8d1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with dg3, mpd, so4 |
Domain d4ez6d1: 4ez6 D:297-468 [251827] Other proteins in same PDB: d4ez6a2, d4ez6d2 automated match to d3pv8d1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with dg3, mpd, so4 |
Domain d4ez9a1: 4ez9 A:298-468 [251829] Other proteins in same PDB: d4ez9a2, d4ez9d2 automated match to d3pv8d1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with d3t, mpd, so4 |
Domain d4ez9d1: 4ez9 D:298-468 [251831] Other proteins in same PDB: d4ez9a2, d4ez9d2 automated match to d3pv8d1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with d3t, mpd, so4 |
Geobacillus kaustophilus [TaxId:235909] [226399] (6 PDB entries) |
Domain d4dqpa1: 4dqp A:297-468 [219946] Other proteins in same PDB: d4dqpa2, d4dqpd2 automated match to d1nk4a1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with dct, mg, so4 |
Domain d4dqpd1: 4dqp D:298-468 [219948] Other proteins in same PDB: d4dqpa2, d4dqpd2 automated match to d1nk4a1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with dct, mg, so4 |
Domain d4dqqa1: 4dqq A:297-468 [219950] Other proteins in same PDB: d4dqqa2, d4dqqd2 automated match to d1nk4a1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with ctp, mes, mg, mpd, so4 |
Domain d4dqqd1: 4dqq D:293-468 [219952] Other proteins in same PDB: d4dqqa2, d4dqqd2 automated match to d1nk4a1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with ctp, mes, mg, mpd, so4 |
Domain d4dqra1: 4dqr A:297-468 [219954] Other proteins in same PDB: d4dqra2, d4dqrd2 automated match to d1nk4a1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with ctp, mn, mpd, so4 |
Domain d4dqrd1: 4dqr D:298-468 [219956] Other proteins in same PDB: d4dqra2, d4dqrd2 automated match to d1nk4a1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with ctp, mn, mpd, so4 |
Domain d4dqsa1: 4dqs A:298-468 [251533] Other proteins in same PDB: d4dqsa2 automated match to d3tana1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with ctp, so4 |
Domain d4ds4a1: 4ds4 A:297-468 [219990] Other proteins in same PDB: d4ds4a2, d4ds4d2 automated match to d1nk4a1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with so4 |
Domain d4ds4d1: 4ds4 D:296-468 [219992] Other proteins in same PDB: d4ds4a2, d4ds4d2 automated match to d1nk4a1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with so4 |
Domain d4ds5a1: 4ds5 A:297-468 [219994] Other proteins in same PDB: d4ds5a2, d4ds5d2 automated match to d1nk4a1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with so4 |
Domain d4ds5d1: 4ds5 D:296-468 [219996] Other proteins in same PDB: d4ds5a2, d4ds5d2 automated match to d1nk4a1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with so4 |
Geobacillus sp. [TaxId:129337] [233669] (4 PDB entries) |
Domain d3tana1: 3tan A:297-468 [233670] Other proteins in same PDB: d3tana2 automated match to d1nk4a1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with dcp, so4 |
Domain d3tapa1: 3tap A:297-468 [233673] Other proteins in same PDB: d3tapa2 automated match to d1nk4a1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with mg, so4 |
Domain d3taqa1: 3taq A:297-468 [233675] Other proteins in same PDB: d3taqa2 automated match to d1nk4a1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with mg, so4 |
Domain d3tara1: 3tar A:297-468 [233677] Other proteins in same PDB: d3tara2 automated match to d1nk4a1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with mg, so4 |
Geobacillus stearothermophilus [TaxId:1422] [255224] (2 PDB entries) |
Domain d2hw3a1: 2hw3 A:297-468 [136819] Other proteins in same PDB: d2hw3a2 automated match to d4dqqd1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with mg, so4 |
Domain d4o0ia1: 4o0i A:298-468 [261824] Other proteins in same PDB: d4o0ia2, d4o0ia3 automated match to d4dqqd1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with gol, na, so4 |
Hiv-1 m:b_hxb2r [TaxId:11706] [225268] (21 PDB entries) |
Domain d2oppa3: 2opp A:430-539 [198207] Other proteins in same PDB: d2oppa2, d2oppb_ complexed with hbq, mg, po4 |
Domain d2opqa2: 2opq A:430-537 [198209] Other proteins in same PDB: d2opqa1, d2opqb_ automated match to d1vrta1 complexed with hbq, po4; mutant |
Domain d2opra2: 2opr A:430-548 [198211] Other proteins in same PDB: d2opra1, d2oprb_ automated match to d1rtda1 complexed with hbq; mutant |
Domain d2opsa3: 2ops A:430-543 [198213] Other proteins in same PDB: d2opsa2, d2opsb_ complexed with hbq, po4; mutant |
Domain d2rf2a3: 2rf2 A:430-557 [198340] Other proteins in same PDB: d2rf2a2, d2rf2b_ automated match to d1bqna1 protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with mrx |
Domain d2ynfa2: 2ynf A:430-558 [207670] Other proteins in same PDB: d2ynfa1, d2ynfa3, d2ynfb_ automated match to d1bqna1 complexed with mg, tar, whu; mutant |
Domain d2ynga2: 2yng A:430-558 [207673] Other proteins in same PDB: d2ynga1, d2ynga3, d2yngb_ automated match to d1bqna1 complexed with mg, srt, whu |
Domain d2ynha2: 2ynh A:430-558 [207676] Other proteins in same PDB: d2ynha1, d2ynha3, d2ynhb_ automated match to d1bqna1 complexed with eur, tar |
Domain d2ynia2: 2yni A:430-558 [207679] Other proteins in same PDB: d2ynia1, d2ynia3, d2ynib_ automated match to d1bqna1 complexed with cxd, mg, tar |
Domain d3c6ta3: 3c6t A:430-557 [199171] Other proteins in same PDB: d3c6ta2, d3c6ta4, d3c6tb_ automated match to d1bqna1 protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with m14 |
Domain d3c6ua3: 3c6u A:430-557 [199173] Other proteins in same PDB: d3c6ua2, d3c6ua4, d3c6ub_ automated match to d1bqna1 protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with m22 |
Domain d3ffia2: 3ffi A:430-553 [199403] Other proteins in same PDB: d3ffia1, d3ffib_ automated match to d1bqna1 complexed with 3ob |
Domain d3i0ra2: 3i0r A:430-544 [199537] Other proteins in same PDB: d3i0ra1, d3i0ra3, d3i0rb_ automated match to d1bqna1 protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with rt3 |
Domain d3i0sa2: 3i0s A:430-557 [199539] Other proteins in same PDB: d3i0sa1, d3i0sa3, d3i0sb_ automated match to d1bqna1 protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with rt7 |
Domain d3meda2: 3med A:430-552 [199832] Other proteins in same PDB: d3meda1, d3medb_ automated match to d1bqna1 complexed with 65b, cl, so4 |
Domain d3mega2: 3meg A:430-552 [199836] Other proteins in same PDB: d3mega1, d3megb_ automated match to d1bqna1 complexed with so4, t27 |
Domain d3t19a2: 3t19 A:430-557 [216636] Other proteins in same PDB: d3t19a1, d3t19a3, d3t19b_ automated match to d1bqna1 complexed with 5ma |
Domain d3t1aa2: 3t1a A:430-557 [216638] Other proteins in same PDB: d3t1aa1, d3t1aa3, d3t1ab_ automated match to d1bqna1 complexed with 5ma; mutant |
Domain d3tama2: 3tam A:430-557 [200791] Other proteins in same PDB: d3tama1, d3tama3, d3tamb_ automated match to d1bqna1 complexed with m06; mutant |
Domain d4kv8a2: 4kv8 A:430-554 [224482] Other proteins in same PDB: d4kv8a1, d4kv8b_ automated match to d1bqna1 complexed with 1wt, mla |
Domain d4ncga2: 4ncg A:430-556 [236816] Other proteins in same PDB: d4ncga1, d4ncgb_ automated match to d2rf2a3 complexed with 2kw; mutant |
Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [225370] (7 PDB entries) |
Domain d2qk9a1: 2qk9 A:136-286 [205832] Other proteins in same PDB: d2qk9a2 automated match to d2zqba_ protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with 16d, flc, gol, na, so4; mutant |
Domain d2qkba1: 2qkb A:136-284 [205833] Other proteins in same PDB: d2qkba2, d2qkbb2 automated match to d2zqba_ protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with edo, so4; mutant |
Domain d2qkbb1: 2qkb B:136-284 [205834] Other proteins in same PDB: d2qkba2, d2qkbb2 automated match to d2zqba_ protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with edo, so4; mutant |
Domain d4krea3: 4kre A:576-857 [307649] Other proteins in same PDB: d4krea1, d4krea2 automated match to d4olaa3 protein/RNA complex |
Domain d4krfa3: 4krf A:576-857 [307652] Other proteins in same PDB: d4krfa1, d4krfa2 automated match to d4olaa3 protein/RNA complex |
Domain d4kxta3: 4kxt A:576-857 [307667] Other proteins in same PDB: d4kxta1, d4kxta2 automated match to d4olaa3 protein/RNA complex |
Domain d5w6va3: 5w6v A:576-857 [337137] Other proteins in same PDB: d5w6va1, d5w6va2 automated match to d4krea3 protein/RNA complex |
Domain d6rcia1: 6rci A:39-216 [375851] Other proteins in same PDB: d6rcia2, d6rcib2 automated match to d5cy4b_ |
Domain d6rcib1: 6rci B:39-216 [375934] Other proteins in same PDB: d6rcia2, d6rcib2 automated match to d5cy4b_ |
Human immunodeficiency virus 1 [TaxId:11676] [225129] (16 PDB entries) |
Domain d2hnda2: 2hnd A:430-537 [204627] Other proteins in same PDB: d2hnda1, d2hndb_ automated match to d1vrta1 complexed with mg, nvp, po4; mutant |
Domain d2hnya2: 2hny A:430-537 [204630] Other proteins in same PDB: d2hnya1, d2hnyb_ automated match to d1vrta1 complexed with mg, nvp, po4; mutant |
Domain d2hnza2: 2hnz A:430-537 [242051] Other proteins in same PDB: d2hnza1, d2hnzb_ automated match to d3dlga2 complexed with pc0, po4; mutant |
Domain d2i5ja2: 2i5j A:430-552 [238682] Other proteins in same PDB: d2i5ja1, d2i5jb_ automated match to d2ykna2 protein/RNA complex; complexed with glc, k05, mg |
Domain d2jlea2: 2jle A:430-545 [205112] Other proteins in same PDB: d2jlea1, d2jleb_ automated match to d1bqna1 complexed with i15 |
Domain d2vg5a2: 2vg5 A:430-557 [198438] Other proteins in same PDB: d2vg5a1, d2vg5b_ automated match to d1bqna1 protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with nnc |
Domain d2vg6a2: 2vg6 A:430-551 [238890] Other proteins in same PDB: d2vg6a1, d2vg6b_ automated match to d2ykna2 protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with nnb |
Domain d2vg7a2: 2vg7 A:430-551 [198440] Other proteins in same PDB: d2vg7a1, d2vg7b_ automated match to d1bqna1 protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with nni |
Domain d2zd1a2: 2zd1 A:430-552 [198799] Other proteins in same PDB: d2zd1a1, d2zd1a3, d2zd1b_ automated match to d1bqna1 protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with edo, so4, t27 |
Domain d2ze2a2: 2ze2 A:430-552 [198801] Other proteins in same PDB: d2ze2a1, d2ze2b_ automated match to d1bqna1 protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with t27; mutant |
Domain d3bgra2: 3bgr A:430-552 [199092] Other proteins in same PDB: d3bgra1, d3bgra3, d3bgrb_ automated match to d1bqna1 protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with edo, t27; mutant |
Domain d4kkoa2: 4kko A:430-552 [227598] Other proteins in same PDB: d4kkoa1, d4kkoa3, d4kkob_ automated match to d2zd1a2 complexed with 1re |
Domain d4lsla2: 4lsl A:430-548 [230149] Other proteins in same PDB: d4lsla1, d4lslb_ automated match to d2zd1a2 complexed with 1yq |
Domain d4mfba2: 4mfb A:430-547 [228815] Other proteins in same PDB: d4mfba1, d4mfbb_ automated match to d2zd1a2 complexed with 29t |
Domain d4zhra2: 4zhr A:430-553 [279398] Other proteins in same PDB: d4zhra1, d4zhrb_ automated match to d1bqna1 mutant |
Domain d5fdla2: 5fdl A:430-554 [314386] Other proteins in same PDB: d5fdla1, d5fdlb_ automated match to d1bqna1 complexed with 5dv; mutant |
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 bh10 [TaxId:11678] [225195] (20 PDB entries) |
Domain d2iaja2: 2iaj A:430-551 [198039] Other proteins in same PDB: d2iaja1, d2iajb_ automated match to d1bqna1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with atp, gol, mn, na; mutant |
Domain d2ic3a2: 2ic3 A:430-558 [242109] Other proteins in same PDB: d2ic3a1, d2ic3b_ automated match to d1bqna1 complexed with hby, mn; mutant |
Domain d2ykma2: 2ykm A:430-557 [207658] Other proteins in same PDB: d2ykma1, d2ykma3, d2ykmb_ automated match to d1bqna1 complexed with ca, ykn |
Domain d2ykna2: 2ykn A:430-557 [207661] Other proteins in same PDB: d2ykna1, d2ykna3, d2yknb_ automated match to d1bqna1 complexed with ca, ykn |
Domain d3dlka2: 3dlk A:430-554 [199252] Other proteins in same PDB: d3dlka1, d3dlkb_ automated match to d1bqna1 complexed with so4 |
Domain d3ig1a2: 3ig1 A:430-554 [211672] Other proteins in same PDB: d3ig1a1, d3ig1b_ automated match to d1bqna1 protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with jth, mn |
Domain d3irxa2: 3irx A:430-554 [211860] Other proteins in same PDB: d3irxa1, d3irxa3, d3irxb_ automated match to d1bqna1 protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with udr |
Domain d3is9a2: 3is9 A:430-554 [211900] Other proteins in same PDB: d3is9a1, d3is9b_ automated match to d1bqna1 protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with ac7 |
Domain d3qo9a2: 3qo9 A:430-552 [215330] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qo9a1, d3qo9a3, d3qo9b_ automated match to d1bqna1 protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with qo9 |
Domain d4h4oa2: 4h4o A:430-548 [222385] Other proteins in same PDB: d4h4oa1, d4h4oa3, d4h4ob_ automated match to d1bqna1 complexed with 506 |
Domain d4i2pa2: 4i2p A:430-552 [222866] Other proteins in same PDB: d4i2pa1, d4i2pa3, d4i2pb_ automated match to d1bqna1 protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with g73 |
Domain d4i2qa2: 4i2q A:430-554 [222869] Other proteins in same PDB: d4i2qa1, d4i2qa3, d4i2qb_ automated match to d1bqna1 protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with 1bt, edo; mutant |
Domain d4o44a2: 4o44 A:430-552 [257221] Other proteins in same PDB: d4o44a1, d4o44b_ automated match to d2ykna2 complexed with 2rs |
Domain d4o4ga2: 4o4g A:430-552 [260719] Other proteins in same PDB: d4o4ga1, d4o4ga3, d4o4gb_ automated match to d2ykna2 complexed with 2rt |
Domain d4rw4a2: 4rw4 A:430-552 [271955] Other proteins in same PDB: d4rw4a1, d4rw4a3, d4rw4b_ automated match to d2ykna2 complexed with 494 |
Domain d4rw6a2: 4rw6 A:430-552 [271958] Other proteins in same PDB: d4rw6a1, d4rw6a3, d4rw6b_ automated match to d2ykna2 complexed with 494 |
Domain d4rw7a2: 4rw7 A:430-552 [271961] Other proteins in same PDB: d4rw7a1, d4rw7a3, d4rw7b_ automated match to d2ykna2 complexed with 3x6 |
Domain d4rw8a2: 4rw8 A:430-547 [271962] Other proteins in same PDB: d4rw8a1, d4rw8a3, d4rw8b_ automated match to d2ykna2 complexed with 3x6 |
Domain d4rw9a2: 4rw9 A:430-552 [271953] Other proteins in same PDB: d4rw9a1, d4rw9a3, d4rw9b_ automated match to d2ykna2 complexed with 3x6 |
Domain d5hbma2: 5hbm A:430-554 [314822] Other proteins in same PDB: d5hbma1, d5hbmb_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with f95, mn, nvp |
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group m subtype b (isolate bh10) [TaxId:11678] [275362] (22 PDB entries) |
Domain d5c24a2: 5c24 A:430-545 [275363] Other proteins in same PDB: d5c24a1, d5c24b_ automated match to d4puoa2 complexed with 4xo, mg, so4 |
Domain d5c25a2: 5c25 A:430-552 [275365] Other proteins in same PDB: d5c25a1, d5c25b_ automated match to d1dloa1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with 639, mg, so4 |
Domain d5cyma2: 5cym A:430-554 [310358] Other proteins in same PDB: d5cyma1, d5cyma3, d5cymb_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with dms, edo, iod, pyz, so4, t27 |
Domain d5cyqa2: 5cyq A:430-546 [310362] Other proteins in same PDB: d5cyqa1, d5cyqa3, d5cyqb_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with br, byz, dms, t27 |
Domain d5j1ea2: 5j1e A:430-553 [318519] Other proteins in same PDB: d5j1ea1, d5j1eb1, d5j1eb2, d5j1ec1, d5j1ed_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with 6ft, mg |
Domain d5j1ec2: 5j1e C:430-554 [318515] Other proteins in same PDB: d5j1ea1, d5j1eb1, d5j1eb2, d5j1ec1, d5j1ed_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with 6ft, mg |
Domain d5tera2: 5ter A:430-552 [328189] Other proteins in same PDB: d5tera1, d5terb_ automated match to d1dloa1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with 7ay, mg, so4 |
Domain d5tuqa2: 5tuq A:430-554 [336305] Other proteins in same PDB: d5tuqa1, d5tuqa3, d5tuqb_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with j63, mg |
Domain d5tw3a2: 5tw3 A:430-552 [331530] Other proteins in same PDB: d5tw3a1, d5tw3b_ automated match to d1dloa1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with 7n1, mg |
Domain d5uv5a2: 5uv5 A:430-553 [337936] Other proteins in same PDB: d5uv5a1, d5uv5b1, d5uv5b2, d5uv5c1, d5uv5d_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with mn, y55 |
Domain d5uv5c2: 5uv5 C:430-554 [337930] Other proteins in same PDB: d5uv5a1, d5uv5b1, d5uv5b2, d5uv5c1, d5uv5d_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with mn, y55 |
Domain d5vqqa2: 5vqq A:430-552 [338372] Other proteins in same PDB: d5vqqa1, d5vqqa3, d5vqqb_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with 9jp, so4 |
Domain d5vqra2: 5vqr A:430-552 [338355] Other proteins in same PDB: d5vqra1, d5vqra3, d5vqrb_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with 9kg, so4 |
Domain d5vqsa2: 5vqs A:430-554 [338351] Other proteins in same PDB: d5vqsa1, d5vqsb_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with 9kd, so4 |
Domain d5vqta2: 5vqt A:430-552 [338302] Other proteins in same PDB: d5vqta1, d5vqta3, d5vqtb_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with 9k7, so4 |
Domain d5vqua2: 5vqu A:430-552 [338340] Other proteins in same PDB: d5vqua1, d5vqub_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with 9jp, so4 |
Domain d5vqva2: 5vqv A:430-552 [338364] Other proteins in same PDB: d5vqva1, d5vqva3, d5vqvb_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with 9j1, so4 |
Domain d5vqwa2: 5vqw A:430-552 [338311] Other proteins in same PDB: d5vqwa1, d5vqwa3, d5vqwb_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with 9kd, so4 |
Domain d5vqxa2: 5vqx A:430-552 [338318] Other proteins in same PDB: d5vqxa1, d5vqxa3, d5vqxb_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with 9hy, so4 |
Domain d5vqya2: 5vqy A:430-552 [338410] Other proteins in same PDB: d5vqya1, d5vqya3, d5vqyb_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with 9j1, so4 |
Domain d5vqza2: 5vqz A:430-552 [338361] Other proteins in same PDB: d5vqza1, d5vqza3, d5vqzb_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with 9hy, so4 |
Domain d6aoca2: 6aoc A:430-555 [355739] Other proteins in same PDB: d6aoca1, d6aocb1, d6aocb2, d6aocc1, d6aocd_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with edo, mn, pge, zw2 |
Domain d6aocc2: 6aoc C:430-555 [355691] Other proteins in same PDB: d6aoca1, d6aocb1, d6aocb2, d6aocc1, d6aocd_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with edo, mn, pge, zw2 |
Domain d6ecla2: 6ecl A:430-554 [373129] Other proteins in same PDB: d6ecla1, d6eclb_ automated match to d1dloa1 protein/RNA complex; complexed with mn, t90 |
Domain d7so3a2: 7so3 A:430-552 [422552] Other proteins in same PDB: d7so3a1, d7so3a3, d7so3b_ automated match to d1dloa1 protein/RNA complex; complexed with 9w3, mg |
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 group m subtype b [TaxId:11678] [261468] (27 PDB entries) |
Domain d4we1a2: 4we1 A:430-548 [261469] Other proteins in same PDB: d4we1a1, d4we1b_ automated match to d2ykna2 complexed with 3lq, mg, so4 |
Domain d6c0ja2: 6c0j A:430-554 [355479] Other proteins in same PDB: d6c0ja1, d6c0jb_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with edo, k5a, mg, so4 |
Domain d6c0ka2: 6c0k A:430-554 [355424] Other proteins in same PDB: d6c0ka1, d6c0kb_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with dms, edo, k5a, mg, so4; mutant |
Domain d6c0la2: 6c0l A:430-554 [355467] Other proteins in same PDB: d6c0la1, d6c0lb_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with edo, k5a, mg, na, so4; mutant |
Domain d6c0na2: 6c0n A:430-554 [355420] Other proteins in same PDB: d6c0na1, d6c0nb_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with dms, edo, k5c, mg, so4 |
Domain d6c0oa2: 6c0o A:430-554 [355454] Other proteins in same PDB: d6c0oa1, d6c0ob_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with dms, edo, k5c, mg, so4; mutant |
Domain d6c0pa2: 6c0p A:430-554 [355451] Other proteins in same PDB: d6c0pa1, d6c0pb_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with dms, edo, k5c, mg, so4; mutant |
Domain d6c0ra2: 6c0r A:430-554 [355462] Other proteins in same PDB: d6c0ra1, d6c0rb_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with dms, edo, k5c, mg, so4; mutant |
Domain d6cgfa2: 6cgf A:430-554 [355429] Other proteins in same PDB: d6cgfa1, d6cgfb_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with edo, k5a, mg, na, so4; mutant |
Domain d6dtwa2: 6dtw A:430-550 [372216] Other proteins in same PDB: d6dtwa1, d6dtwa3, d6dtwb_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with h9y, mg, so4; mutant |
Domain d6dufa2: 6duf A:430-554 [355475] Other proteins in same PDB: d6dufa1, d6dufb_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with dms, edo, k5c, mg, so4; mutant |
Domain d6duga2: 6dug A:430-554 [355472] Other proteins in same PDB: d6duga1, d6dugb_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with dms, edo, k5c, mg, so4; mutant |
Domain d6duha2: 6duh A:430-554 [355490] Other proteins in same PDB: d6duha1, d6duhb_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with dms, edo, k5c, mg, so4; mutant |
Domain d6elia2: 6eli A:430-554 [350958] Other proteins in same PDB: d6elia1, d6elib_ automated match to d1dloa1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with ba5, edo, mg, so4, t27 |
Domain d6oe3a2: 6oe3 A:430-552 [369008] Other proteins in same PDB: d6oe3a1, d6oe3b_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with m9a, mg, so4 |
Domain d6x47a2: 6x47 A:430-552 [393349] Other proteins in same PDB: d6x47a1, d6x47a3, d6x47b_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with 7ax |
Domain d6x49a2: 6x49 A:430-552 [393198] Other proteins in same PDB: d6x49a1, d6x49a3, d6x49b_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with 7ax, so4 |
Domain d6x4aa2: 6x4a A:430-552 [393204] Other proteins in same PDB: d6x4aa1, d6x4aa3, d6x4ab_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with 7ay, so4 |
Domain d6x4ba2: 6x4b A:430-555 [393195] Other proteins in same PDB: d6x4ba1, d6x4bb_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with mg, so4, umy |
Domain d6x4ca2: 6x4c A:430-552 [393236] Other proteins in same PDB: d6x4ca1, d6x4ca3, d6x4cb_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with uns |
Domain d6x4da2: 6x4d A:430-552 [393230] Other proteins in same PDB: d6x4da1, d6x4da3, d6x4db_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with so4, uo4 |
Domain d6x4ea2: 6x4e A:430-552 [393180] Other proteins in same PDB: d6x4ea1, d6x4ea3, d6x4eb_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with so4, umv |
Domain d6x4fa2: 6x4f A:430-552 [393174] Other proteins in same PDB: d6x4fa1, d6x4fa3, d6x4fb_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with so4, umv |
Domain d7krca2: 7krc A:430-552 [399332] Other proteins in same PDB: d7krca1, d7krcb_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with x2j |
Domain d7krda2: 7krd A:430-551 [399345] Other proteins in same PDB: d7krda1, d7krdb_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with x2s |
Domain d7krea2: 7kre A:430-538 [399350] Other proteins in same PDB: d7krea1, d7kreb_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with x2v |
Domain d7krfa2: 7krf A:430-552 [399386] Other proteins in same PDB: d7krfa1, d7krfb_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with x2g |
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 [TaxId:11676] [353118] (6 PDB entries) |
Domain d5vz6a2: 5vz6 A:430-557 [353119] Other proteins in same PDB: d5vz6a1, d5vz6a3, d5vz6b_ automated match to d1bqna1 complexed with 9tv |
Domain d6ul5a2: 6ul5 A:430-554 [380245] Other proteins in same PDB: d6ul5a1, d6ul5b_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with edo, mg, qag, so4 |
Domain d7kwua2: 7kwu A:430-554 [402176] Other proteins in same PDB: d7kwua1, d7kwub_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with edo, k7f, mg, so4 |
Domain d7lpwa2: 7lpw A:430-554 [421991] Other proteins in same PDB: d7lpwa1, d7lpwb_ automated match to d1dloa1 complexed with dms, edo, so4, yba |
Domain d7so1a2: 7so1 A:430-552 [422592] Other proteins in same PDB: d7so1a1, d7so1a3, d7so1b_ automated match to d1dloa1 protein/RNA complex; complexed with 9w3 |
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 [TaxId:11678] [225971] (19 PDB entries) |
Domain d3klia2: 3kli A:430-551 [212412] Other proteins in same PDB: d3klia1, d3klib_ automated match to d1bqna1 |
Domain d3qlha2: 3qlh A:430-554 [215287] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qlha1, d3qlha3, d3qlhb_ automated match to d1hqea1 complexed with dms, edo, mn, mnk, t27 |
Domain d4dg1a2: 4dg1 A:430-549 [219745] Other proteins in same PDB: d4dg1a1, d4dg1b_ automated match to d1hqea1 complexed with edo, gol, mg; mutant |
Domain d4g1qa2: 4g1q A:430-554 [221663] Other proteins in same PDB: d4g1qa1, d4g1qa3, d4g1qb_ automated match to d1bqna1 protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with edo, mg, so4, t27 |
Domain d4h4ma2: 4h4m A:430-548 [222382] Other proteins in same PDB: d4h4ma1, d4h4mb_ automated match to d1bqna1 complexed with 494, edo |
Domain d4i7ga2: 4i7g A:430-554 [307536] Other proteins in same PDB: d4i7ga1, d4i7gb_ automated match to d1dloa1 protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with 1cj, dms, t27 |
Domain d4icla2: 4icl A:430-554 [223123] Other proteins in same PDB: d4icla1, d4icla3, d4iclb_ automated match to d1bqna1 protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with 14n, dms, mg, t27 |
Domain d4id5a2: 4id5 A:430-554 [223126] Other proteins in same PDB: d4id5a1, d4id5a3, d4id5b_ automated match to d1bqna1 protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with 1ff, dms, mg, t27 |
Domain d4idka2: 4idk A:430-554 [223129] Other proteins in same PDB: d4idka1, d4idka3, d4idkb_ automated match to d1bqna1 protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with 1fe, dms, mg, t27 |
Domain d4ifva2: 4ifv A:430-554 [223150] Other proteins in same PDB: d4ifva1, d4ifva3, d4ifvb_ automated match to d1bqna1 protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with dms, fmq, mg, t27 |
Domain d4ifya2: 4ify A:430-554 [223153] Other proteins in same PDB: d4ifya1, d4ifya3, d4ifyb_ automated match to d1bqna1 protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with 1fd, dms, mg, t27 |
Domain d4ig0a2: 4ig0 A:430-554 [223156] Other proteins in same PDB: d4ig0a1, d4ig0a3, d4ig0b_ automated match to d1bqna1 protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with 1fg, dms |
Domain d4ig3a2: 4ig3 A:430-554 [223159] Other proteins in same PDB: d4ig3a1, d4ig3a3, d4ig3b_ automated match to d1bqna1 protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with dms, j94, t27 |
Domain d4kfba2: 4kfb A:430-554 [224284] Other proteins in same PDB: d4kfba1, d4kfba3, d4kfbb_ automated match to d1bqna1 protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with 1qp, dms, t27 |
Domain d4ko0a2: 4ko0 A:430-554 [227596] Other proteins in same PDB: d4ko0a1, d4ko0a3, d4ko0b_ automated match to d4g1qa2 protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with edo, jlj, so4 |
Domain d4lsna2: 4lsn A:430-548 [266697] Other proteins in same PDB: d4lsna1, d4lsna3, d4lsnb_ automated match to d2ykna2 complexed with 1yr |
Domain d4pqua2: 4pqu A:430-545 [257525] Other proteins in same PDB: d4pqua1, d4pqub_, d4pquc1, d4pqud_ automated match to d2ykna2 protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with dtp, edo, gol, mg, so4 |
Domain d4pquc2: 4pqu C:430-545 [258230] Other proteins in same PDB: d4pqua1, d4pqub_, d4pquc1, d4pqud_ automated match to d2ykna2 protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with dtp, edo, gol, mg, so4 |
Domain d4puoa2: 4puo A:430-554 [263570] Other proteins in same PDB: d4puoa1, d4puoa3, d4puob_, d4puoc1, d4puoc3, d4puod_ automated match to d2ykna2 protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with nvp |
Domain d4puoc2: 4puo C:430-554 [263572] Other proteins in same PDB: d4puoa1, d4puoa3, d4puob_, d4puoc1, d4puoc3, d4puod_ automated match to d2ykna2 protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with nvp |
Domain d4pwda2: 4pwd A:430-554 [263580] Other proteins in same PDB: d4pwda1, d4pwda3, d4pwdb_, d4pwdc1, d4pwdc3, d4pwdd_ automated match to d2ykna2 protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with ca, nvp, so4 |
Domain d4pwdc2: 4pwd C:430-554 [263582] Other proteins in same PDB: d4pwda1, d4pwda3, d4pwdb_, d4pwdc1, d4pwdc3, d4pwdd_ automated match to d2ykna2 protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with ca, nvp, so4 |
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 [TaxId:11706] [225515] (19 PDB entries) |
Domain d3di6a3: 3di6 A:430-555 [199235] Other proteins in same PDB: d3di6a2, d3di6b_ complexed with pdz |
Domain d3dm2a2: 3dm2 A:430-539 [239216] Other proteins in same PDB: d3dm2a1, d3dm2b_ automated match to d1bqna1 complexed with gwe, po4; mutant |
Domain d3dmja2: 3dmj A:430-539 [199254] Other proteins in same PDB: d3dmja1, d3dmjb_ automated match to d1bqna1 complexed with gwe, po4; mutant |
Domain d3doka2: 3dok A:430-539 [199256] Other proteins in same PDB: d3doka1, d3dokb_ automated match to d1bqna1 complexed with gwj, po4; mutant |
Domain d3drpa3: 3drp A:430-557 [199266] Other proteins in same PDB: d3drpa2, d3drpa4, d3drpb_ automated match to d1bqna1 complexed with r8e |
Domain d3drra3: 3drr A:430-557 [199268] Other proteins in same PDB: d3drra2, d3drra4, d3drrb_ complexed with r8e; mutant |
Domain d3drsa3: 3drs A:430-548 [199270] Other proteins in same PDB: d3drsa2, d3drsa4, d3drsb_ complexed with r8d; mutant |
Domain d3dyaa2: 3dya A:430-555 [232042] Other proteins in same PDB: d3dyaa1, d3dyab_ automated match to d3di6a3 complexed with pzl |
Domain d3e01a2: 3e01 A:430-556 [232044] Other proteins in same PDB: d3e01a1, d3e01b_ automated match to d3di6a3 complexed with pz2 |
Domain d3kjva2: 3kjv A:430-556 [247215] Other proteins in same PDB: d3kjva1, d3kjvb_ automated match to d1bqna1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with mg, so4 |
Domain d3kk1a2: 3kk1 A:430-555 [199618] Other proteins in same PDB: d3kk1a1, d3kk1b_ automated match to d1bqna1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with 914, mg, so4 |
Domain d3kk2a2: 3kk2 A:430-555 [199620] Other proteins in same PDB: d3kk2a1, d3kk2b_ automated match to d1bqna1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with dtp, mg, so4 |
Domain d3kk3a2: 3kk3 A:430-555 [199622] Other proteins in same PDB: d3kk3a1, d3kk3b_ automated match to d1bqna1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with mg, so4 |
Domain d3lp0a2: 3lp0 A:430-557 [199755] Other proteins in same PDB: d3lp0a1, d3lp0a3, d3lp0b_ automated match to d1bqna1 protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with lp7, mn, nvp |
Domain d3lp1a2: 3lp1 A:430-557 [199757] Other proteins in same PDB: d3lp1a1, d3lp1a3, d3lp1b_ automated match to d1bqna1 protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with lp8, mn, nvp |
Domain d3lp2a2: 3lp2 A:430-557 [199759] Other proteins in same PDB: d3lp2a1, d3lp2a3, d3lp2b_ automated match to d1bqna1 protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with lp9, mn |
Domain d3m8pa2: 3m8p A:430-555 [232904] Other proteins in same PDB: d3m8pa1, d3m8pb_ automated match to d3di6a3 complexed with 65b |
Domain d3m8qa2: 3m8q A:430-557 [232906] Other proteins in same PDB: d3m8qa1, d3m8qb_ automated match to d3di6a3 complexed with djz |
Domain d3nbpa2: 3nbp A:430-557 [232996] Other proteins in same PDB: d3nbpa1, d3nbpb_ automated match to d3di6a3 complexed with jgz, mn |
Human t-cell leukemia virus 2 [TaxId:11909] [391218] (3 PDB entries) |
Domain d6qbta_: 6qbt A: [391219] automated match to d5cz2a_ complexed with mg |
Domain d6qbva_: 6qbv A: [391222] automated match to d5cz2a_ complexed with mg |
Domain d6qbvb_: 6qbv B: [391229] automated match to d5cz2a_ complexed with mg |
Domain d6qbvc_: 6qbv C: [391226] automated match to d5cz2a_ complexed with mg |
Domain d6qbvd_: 6qbv D: [391223] automated match to d5cz2a_ complexed with mg |
Domain d6qbwa_: 6qbw A: [391228] automated match to d5cz2a_ complexed with ca |
Lassa virus [TaxId:11620] [311334] (1 PDB entry) |
Domain d3r3la2: 3r3l A:364-561 [306409] Other proteins in same PDB: d3r3la1, d3r3lb1, d3r3lc1 automated match to d3mwpa1 complexed with mn, zn |
Domain d3r3lb2: 3r3l B:364-561 [306411] Other proteins in same PDB: d3r3la1, d3r3lb1, d3r3lc1 automated match to d3mwpa1 complexed with mn, zn |
Domain d3r3lc2: 3r3l C:364-561 [306413] Other proteins in same PDB: d3r3la1, d3r3lb1, d3r3lc1 automated match to d3mwpa1 complexed with mn, zn |
Methylocaldum szegediense [TaxId:73780] [269348] (1 PDB entry) |
Domain d4rg8a_: 4rg8 A: [269349] automated match to d3hp9a_ complexed with mg |
Moloney murine leukemia virus (isolate shinnick) [TaxId:928306] [319343] (1 PDB entry) |
Domain d5dmra_: 5dmr A: [319344] automated match to d3v1oa_ |
Moloney murine leukemia virus [TaxId:11801] [225127] (1 PDB entry) |
Domain d2hb5a_: 2hb5 A: [204531] automated match to d4e89a_ complexed with mg, so4 |
Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId:10090] [187264] (6 PDB entries) |
Domain d2iocb_: 2ioc B: [147743] Other proteins in same PDB: d2ioca1 automated match to d1y97a1 complexed with d5m, mn |
Domain d2o4gb_: 2o4g B: [148585] Other proteins in same PDB: d2o4ga1 automated match to d1y97a1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with mg, tmp |
Domain d2o4gc_: 2o4g C: [148586] Other proteins in same PDB: d2o4ga1 automated match to d1y97a1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with mg, tmp |
Domain d2o4gd_: 2o4g D: [148587] Other proteins in same PDB: d2o4ga1 automated match to d1y97a1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with mg, tmp |
Domain d2oa8a2: 2oa8 A:5-234 [148693] Other proteins in same PDB: d2oa8a3, d2oa8b3, d2oa8b4 automated match to d1y97a1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with ca |
Domain d2oa8b2: 2oa8 B:5-234 [148694] Other proteins in same PDB: d2oa8a3, d2oa8b3, d2oa8b4 automated match to d1y97a1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with ca |
Domain d3b6oa_: 3b6o A: [154901] automated match to d1y97a1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with li, tmp |
Domain d3b6ob_: 3b6o B: [154902] automated match to d1y97a1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with li, tmp |
Domain d3b6oc_: 3b6o C: [154903] automated match to d1y97a1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with li, tmp |
Domain d3b6od_: 3b6o D: [154904] automated match to d1y97a1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with li, tmp |
Domain d3b6pa_: 3b6p A: [154905] automated match to d1y97a1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with na, tmp, zn |
Domain d3b6pb_: 3b6p B: [154906] automated match to d1y97a1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with na, tmp, zn |
Domain d3b6pc_: 3b6p C: [154907] automated match to d1y97a1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with na, tmp, zn |
Domain d3b6pd_: 3b6p D: [154908] automated match to d1y97a1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with na, tmp, zn |
Domain d3u6fa_: 3u6f A: [250093] automated match to d2oa8b_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with bu1, mg; mutant |
Domain d3u6fb_: 3u6f B: [250094] automated match to d2oa8b_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with bu1, mg; mutant |
Mouse mammary tumor virus (strain br6) [TaxId:11758] [312889] (1 PDB entry) |
Domain d5cz2a_: 5cz2 A: [312890] automated match to d3l3ua_ complexed with mg, zn |
Domain d5cz2b_: 5cz2 B: [312917] automated match to d3l3ua_ complexed with mg, zn |
Domain d5cz2c_: 5cz2 C: [312967] automated match to d3l3ua_ complexed with mg, zn |
Domain d5cz2d_: 5cz2 D: [312902] automated match to d3l3ua_ complexed with mg, zn |
Domain d5cz2e_: 5cz2 E: [312916] automated match to d3l3ua_ complexed with mg, zn |
Pyrococcus furiosus [TaxId:2261] [224898] (3 PDB entries) |
Domain d2jgua1: 2jgu A:1-347 [205039] Other proteins in same PDB: d2jgua2 automated match to d2vwja1 complexed with mn |
Domain d3a2fa1: 3a2f A:1-347 [208096] Other proteins in same PDB: d3a2fa2, d3a2fb1, d3a2fb2 automated match to d2vwja1 protein/DNA complex; mutant |
Domain d4ahca1: 4ahc A:1-347 [218866] Other proteins in same PDB: d4ahca2, d4ahcb2 automated match to d2vwja1 complexed with gol |
Domain d4ahcb1: 4ahc B:1-347 [218868] Other proteins in same PDB: d4ahca2, d4ahcb2 automated match to d2vwja1 complexed with gol |
Pyrococcus kodakaraensis [TaxId:69014] [311138] (1 PDB entry) |
Domain d1gcxa3: 1gcx A:1-347 [302419] Other proteins in same PDB: d1gcxa4 automated match to d3a2fa1 |
Simian immunodeficiency virus [TaxId:11723] [380162] (3 PDB entries) |
Domain d6rwmc2: 6rwm C:57-217 [380226] Other proteins in same PDB: d6rwmc1, d6rwmd1, d6rwmd2, d6rwme1, d6rwme2, d6rwmf1, d6rwmk1, d6rwml1, d6rwml2, d6rwmm1, d6rwmm2, d6rwmn1 automated match to d1k6ya2 protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, klq, mg, zn |
Domain d6rwmk2: 6rwm K:57-217 [380229] Other proteins in same PDB: d6rwmc1, d6rwmd1, d6rwmd2, d6rwme1, d6rwme2, d6rwmf1, d6rwmk1, d6rwml1, d6rwml2, d6rwmm1, d6rwmm2, d6rwmn1 automated match to d1k6ya2 protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, klq, mg, zn |
Domain d6rwnc2: 6rwn C:57-217 [380192] Other proteins in same PDB: d6rwnc1, d6rwnd1, d6rwnd2, d6rwne1, d6rwne2, d6rwnf1, d6rwnk1, d6rwnl1, d6rwnl2, d6rwnm1, d6rwnm2, d6rwnn1 automated match to d1k6ya2 protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, dlu, mg, zn |
Domain d6rwnk2: 6rwn K:57-217 [380295] Other proteins in same PDB: d6rwnc1, d6rwnd1, d6rwnd2, d6rwne1, d6rwne2, d6rwnf1, d6rwnk1, d6rwnl1, d6rwnl2, d6rwnm1, d6rwnm2, d6rwnn1 automated match to d1k6ya2 protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, dlu, mg, zn |
Domain d6rwoc2: 6rwo C:57-217 [380163] Other proteins in same PDB: d6rwoc1, d6rwod2, d6rwoe1, d6rwoe2, d6rwof1, d6rwok1, d6rwol2, d6rwom1, d6rwom2, d6rwon1 automated match to d1k6ya2 protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, klq, mg, zn |
Domain d6rwod1: 6rwo D:57-222 [380177] Other proteins in same PDB: d6rwoc1, d6rwod2, d6rwoe1, d6rwoe2, d6rwof1, d6rwok1, d6rwol2, d6rwom1, d6rwom2, d6rwon1 automated match to d1ex4b2 protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, klq, mg, zn |
Domain d6rwok2: 6rwo K:57-217 [380212] Other proteins in same PDB: d6rwoc1, d6rwod2, d6rwoe1, d6rwoe2, d6rwof1, d6rwok1, d6rwol2, d6rwom1, d6rwom2, d6rwon1 automated match to d1k6ya2 protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, klq, mg, zn |
Domain d6rwol1: 6rwo L:57-222 [380234] Other proteins in same PDB: d6rwoc1, d6rwod2, d6rwoe1, d6rwoe2, d6rwof1, d6rwok1, d6rwol2, d6rwom1, d6rwom2, d6rwon1 automated match to d1ex4b2 protein/DNA complex; complexed with cl, klq, mg, zn |
Sulfolobus tokodaii [TaxId:273063] [255750] (2 PDB entries) |
Domain d2ehga_: 2ehg A: [264280] automated match to d3alya_ |
Domain d3alya_: 3aly A: [245170] automated match to d3u3ga_ |
Domain d3alyb_: 3aly B: [245171] automated match to d3u3ga_ |
Thermococcus kodakarensis [TaxId:311400] [342432] (1 PDB entry) |
Domain d5vu5a1: 5vu5 A:1-347 [342433] Other proteins in same PDB: d5vu5a2 automated match to d3a2fa1 |
Thermococcus kodakarensis [TaxId:69014] [226698] (1 PDB entry) |
Domain d4k8za1: 4k8z A:1-347 [224214] Other proteins in same PDB: d4k8za2 automated match to d1qqca1 protein/DNA complex; complexed with edo, mg, nco |
Thermus aquaticus [TaxId:271] [267867] (4 PDB entries) |
Domain d3po4a1: 3po4 A:295-422 [265198] Other proteins in same PDB: d3po4a2 automated match to d1bgxt3 protein/DNA complex; complexed with dds, gol, mg, na; mutant |
Domain d3po5a1: 3po5 A:295-422 [265200] Other proteins in same PDB: d3po5a2 automated match to d1bgxt3 protein/DNA complex; complexed with dds, gol, mg, pge; mutant |
Domain d4bwja1: 4bwj A:294-422 [265957] Other proteins in same PDB: d4bwja2 automated match to d1bgxt3 protein/DNA complex; complexed with dct, mg; mutant |
Domain d4bwma1: 4bwm A:295-422 [265959] Other proteins in same PDB: d4bwma2 automated match to d1bgxt3 protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with cl, dct, fmt, mg; mutant |
uncultured organism [TaxId:155900] [233764] (1 PDB entry) |
Domain d3u3ga_: 3u3g A: [233765] automated match to d3h08b_ complexed with cl, unl |
Domain d3u3gb_: 3u3g B: [233766] automated match to d3h08b_ complexed with cl, unl |
Domain d3u3gc_: 3u3g C: [233767] automated match to d3h08b_ complexed with cl, unl |
Domain d3u3gd_: 3u3g D: [239843] automated match to d3u3ga_ complexed with cl, unl |
Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris [TaxId:340] [187742] (1 PDB entry) |
Domain d2gbza_: 2gbz A: [164664] automated match to d1ytaa1 complexed with mg |
Xenotropic mulv-related virus vp35 [TaxId:356663] [226326] (3 PDB entries) |
Domain d3v1oa_: 3v1o A: [233825] automated match to d4e89a_ complexed with gol, mrd, so4 |
Domain d3v1qa_: 3v1q A: [217596] automated match to d4e89a_ |
Domain d3v1ra_: 3v1r A: [250299] automated match to d3v1oa_ complexed with jth, mn, mrd, so4 |
Xenotropic mulv-related virus [TaxId:373193] [194522] (1 PDB entry) |
Domain d4e89a_: 4e89 A: [194523] automated match to d1jl2c_ complexed with cd, mg |
Xenotropic mulv-related virus [TaxId:438045] [225994] (1 PDB entry) |
Domain d3p1ga_: 3p1g A: [214620] automated match to d4e89a_ complexed with mg |
Timeline for Protein automated matches from c.55.3.0: automated matches: