Lineage for Protein: automated matches

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2739516Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (180 folds)
  3. 2794584Fold b.47: Trypsin-like serine proteases [50493] (1 superfamily)
    barrel, closed; n=6, S=8; greek-key
    duplication: consists of two domains of the same fold
  4. 2794585Superfamily b.47.1: Trypsin-like serine proteases [50494] (5 families) (S)
  5. 2797303Family b.47.1.4: Viral cysteine protease of trypsin fold [50603] (5 proteins)
  6. 2797935Protein automated matches [190384] (21 species)
    not a true protein


  1. 2797936Coxsackievirus b3 [TaxId:103903] [188647] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2vb0:
    2. Domain for 5nfs:
  2. 2797939Echovirus 1 (strain human/egypt/farouk/1951) [TaxId:103908] [323603] (1 PDB entry)
  3. 2797942Enterovirus a71 [TaxId:39054] [279546] (12 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 5bpe:
    2. Domains for 5c1u:
      1. 2797943Domain d5c1ua1: 5c1u A:1-180 [317935]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5c1ua2, d5c1ub2
        automated match to d2vb0a_
        complexed with ghv
      2. 2797944Domain d5c1ub1: 5c1u B:1-180 [317893]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5c1ua2, d5c1ub2
        automated match to d2vb0a_
        complexed with ghv
    3. Domains for 5c1x:
      1. 2797945Domain d5c1xa1: 5c1x A:1-180 [317910]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5c1xa2, d5c1xb2
        automated match to d2vb0a_
        complexed with ghx
      2. 2797946Domain d5c1xb1: 5c1x B:1-180 [317928]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5c1xa2, d5c1xb2
        automated match to d2vb0a_
        complexed with ghx
    4. Domain for 5c1y:
    5. Domain for 5c20:
    6. Domain for 5dp3:
    7. Domains for 5dp4:
      1. 2797952Domain d5dp4a1: 5dp4 A:1-180 [313496]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5dp4a2, d5dp4b2, d5dp4c2, d5dp4d2
        automated match to d2vb0a_
        complexed with 5e8
      2. 2797953Domain d5dp4b1: 5dp4 B:1-180 [313439]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5dp4a2, d5dp4b2, d5dp4c2, d5dp4d2
        automated match to d2vb0a_
        complexed with 5e8
      3. 2797954Domain d5dp4c1: 5dp4 C:1-180 [313983]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5dp4a2, d5dp4b2, d5dp4c2, d5dp4d2
        automated match to d2vb0a_
        complexed with 5e8
      4. 2797955Domain d5dp4d1: 5dp4 D:1-180 [313440]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5dp4a2, d5dp4b2, d5dp4c2, d5dp4d2
        automated match to d2vb0a_
        complexed with 5e8
    8. Domains for 5dp6:
      1. 2797959Domain d5dp6a_: 5dp6 A: [313438]
        automated match to d2vb0a_
        complexed with 5eb
      2. 2797960Domain d5dp6b_: 5dp6 B: [314486]
        automated match to d2vb0a_
        complexed with 5eb
      3. 2797961Domain d5dp6c_: 5dp6 C: [313437]
        automated match to d2vb0a_
        complexed with 5eb
      4. 2797962Domain d5dp6d_: 5dp6 D: [313993]
        automated match to d2vb0a_
        complexed with 5eb
    9. Domain for 5dp7:
    10. Domain for 5dp8:
    11. Domain for 5dp9:
    12. Domain for 5dpa:
  4. 2797963Foot-and-mouth disease virus (strain a10-61) [TaxId:12112] [187901] (1 PDB entry)
  5. 2797965Foot-and-mouth disease virus [TaxId:12110] [187460] (1 PDB entry)
  6. 2797967Foot-and-mouth disease virus [TaxId:12112] [189099] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2wv4:
      1. 2797968Domain d2wv4a_: 2wv4 A: [169651]
        automated match to d2j92a1
      2. 2797969Domain d2wv4b_: 2wv4 B: [169652]
        automated match to d2j92a1
    2. Domains for 2wv5:
      1. 2797970Domain d2wv5a_: 2wv5 A: [169653]
        automated match to d2j92a1
      2. 2797971Domain d2wv5b_: 2wv5 B: [169654]
        automated match to d2j92a1
      3. 2797972Domain d2wv5c_: 2wv5 C: [169655]
        automated match to d2j92a1
      4. 2797973Domain d2wv5d_: 2wv5 D: [169656]
        automated match to d2j92a1
  7. 2797974Human coxsackievirus B3 [TaxId:12072] [188738] (7 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2ztx:
    2. Domain for 2zty:
    3. Domains for 2ztz:
      1. 2797978Domain d2ztza_: 2ztz A: [171521]
        automated match to d1l1na_
      2. 2797979Domain d2ztzb_: 2ztz B: [171522]
        automated match to d1l1na_
    4. Domains for 2zu1:
      1. 2797975Domain d2zu1a_: 2zu1 A: [198813]
        automated match to d2zu1b_
      2. 2797976Domain d2zu1b_: 2zu1 B: [196614]
        automated match to d2vb0a_
    5. Domain for 3zyd:
    6. Domain for 3zye:
    7. Domain for 3zz6:
  8. 2797984Human coxsackievirus [TaxId:12072] [188739] (11 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2zu3:
    2. Domains for 3zz3:
      1. 2797989Domain d3zz3a1: 3zz3 A:1-180 [194661]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zz3a2, d3zz3b2
        automated match to d2vb0a_
      2. 2797990Domain d3zz3b1: 3zz3 B:1-180 [194660]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zz3a2, d3zz3b2
        automated match to d2vb0a_
    3. Domains for 3zz4:
      1. 2797995Domain d3zz4a1: 3zz4 A:1-180 [194659]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zz4a2, d3zz4b2
        automated match to d2vb0a_
      2. 2797996Domain d3zz4b1: 3zz4 B:1-180 [194658]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zz4a2, d3zz4b2
        automated match to d2vb0a_
    4. Domain for 3zz5:
    5. Domain for 3zz7:
    6. Domain for 3zz8:
    7. Domain for 3zz9:
    8. Domain for 3zza:
    9. Domain for 3zzb:
    10. Domain for 3zzc:
    11. Domain for 3zzd:
  9. 2797998Human enterovirus [TaxId:42789] [196804] (9 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 3zv8:
    2. Domain for 3zv9:
    3. Domain for 3zva:
    4. Domain for 3zvb:
    5. Domain for 3zvc:
    6. Domain for 3zvd:
    7. Domain for 3zve:
    8. Domain for 3zvf:
    9. Domain for 3zvg:
  10. 2798008Human poliovirus 1 [TaxId:12081] [193776] (1 PDB entry)
  11. 2798010Human sars coronavirus [TaxId:227859] [187234] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2cgg:
      1. 2798011Domain d2cgga_: 2cgg A: [303658]
        automated match to d2gt7a_
        complexed with bez, dms
      2. 2798012Domain d2cggb_: 2cgg B: [303659]
        automated match to d2gt7a_
        complexed with bez, dms
    2. Domains for 2vj1:
      1. 2798013Domain d2vj1a_: 2vj1 A: [153178]
        automated match to d1uj1a_
        complexed with bez, dms, xp1
      2. 2798014Domain d2vj1b_: 2vj1 B: [153179]
        automated match to d1uj1a_
        complexed with bez, dms, xp1
  12. 2798015Murine norovirus 1 [TaxId:223997] [311357] (5 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4ash:
      1. 2798016Domain d4asha1: 4ash A:1-183 [307027]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4asha2, d4ashb2
        automated match to d2fyqa_
      2. 2798017Domain d4ashb1: 4ash B:1-183 [307029]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4asha2, d4ashb2
        automated match to d2fyqa_
    2. Domains for 4x2v:
      1. 2798018Domain d4x2va_: 4x2v A: [309946]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4x2vb2
        automated match to d2fyqa_
        complexed with imd; mutant
      2. 2798019Domain d4x2vb1: 4x2v B:1-184 [309947]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4x2vb2
        automated match to d2fyqa_
        complexed with imd; mutant
      3. 2798020Domain d4x2vc_: 4x2v C: [309949]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4x2vb2
        automated match to d2fyqa_
        complexed with imd; mutant
      4. 2798021Domain d4x2vd_: 4x2v D: [309950]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4x2vb2
        automated match to d2fyqa_
        complexed with imd; mutant
    3. Domains for 4x2w:
      1. 2798025Domain d4x2wa_: 4x2w A: [309951]
        automated match to d2fyqa_
      2. 2798026Domain d4x2wb_: 4x2w B: [309952]
        automated match to d2fyqa_
    4. Domain for 4x2x:
    5. Domains for 4x2y:
      1. 2798022Domain d4x2ya_: 4x2y A: [309954]
        automated match to d2fyqa_
      2. 2798023Domain d4x2yb_: 4x2y B: [309955]
        automated match to d2fyqa_
  13. 2798027Norovirus gii.4 [TaxId:489821] [358193] (1 PDB entry)
  14. 2798036Norovirus hu/1968/us [TaxId:524364] [311386] (1 PDB entry)
  15. 2798038Norwalk virus (strain gi/human/united states/norwalk/1968) [TaxId:524364] [311468] (7 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 4xbb:
    2. Domain for 4xbc:
    3. Domains for 4xbd:
      1. 2798039Domain d4xbda1: 4xbd A:1-173 [309997]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4xbda2, d4xbdb2
        automated match to d2fyqa_
        complexed with m40
      2. 2798040Domain d4xbdb1: 4xbd B:1-173 [309999]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4xbda2, d4xbdb2
        automated match to d2fyqa_
        complexed with m40
    4. Domains for 6w5h:
      1. 2798042Domain d6w5ha1: 6w5h A:1-173 [392922]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6w5ha2, d6w5hb2, d6w5hc2, d6w5hd2
        automated match to d2fyqa_
        complexed with tkp
      2. 2798043Domain d6w5hb1: 6w5h B:1-173 [392905]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6w5ha2, d6w5hb2, d6w5hc2, d6w5hd2
        automated match to d2fyqa_
        complexed with tkp
      3. 2798044Domain d6w5hc1: 6w5h C:1-173 [392864]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6w5ha2, d6w5hb2, d6w5hc2, d6w5hd2
        automated match to d2fyqa_
        complexed with tkp
      4. 2798045Domain d6w5hd1: 6w5h D:1-173 [392874]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6w5ha2, d6w5hb2, d6w5hc2, d6w5hd2
        automated match to d2fyqa_
        complexed with tkp
    5. Domains for 6w5j:
      1. 2798046Domain d6w5ja1: 6w5j A:1-173 [392872]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6w5ja2
        automated match to d2fyqa_
        complexed with tks
      2. 2798047Domain d6w5jb_: 6w5j B: [392863]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6w5ja2
        automated match to d2fyqa_
        complexed with tks
    6. Domains for 6w5k:
      1. 2798048Domain d6w5ka1: 6w5k A:1-172 [392881]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6w5ka2, d6w5kb2, d6w5kc2, d6w5kd2
        automated match to d2fyqa_
        complexed with tkv
      2. 2798049Domain d6w5kb1: 6w5k B:1-173 [392876]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6w5ka2, d6w5kb2, d6w5kc2, d6w5kd2
        automated match to d2fyqa_
        complexed with tkv
      3. 2798050Domain d6w5kc1: 6w5k C:1-172 [392894]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6w5ka2, d6w5kb2, d6w5kc2, d6w5kd2
        automated match to d2fyqa_
        complexed with tkv
      4. 2798051Domain d6w5kd1: 6w5k D:1-173 [392883]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6w5ka2, d6w5kb2, d6w5kc2, d6w5kd2
        automated match to d2fyqa_
        complexed with tkv
    7. Domains for 6w5l:
      1. 2798053Domain d6w5la1: 6w5l A:1-173 [392907]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6w5la2, d6w5lb2, d6w5lc2, d6w5ld2
        automated match to d2fyqa_
        complexed with t0d
      2. 2798054Domain d6w5lb1: 6w5l B:1-173 [392897]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6w5la2, d6w5lb2, d6w5lc2, d6w5ld2
        automated match to d2fyqa_
        complexed with t0d
      3. 2798055Domain d6w5lc1: 6w5l C:1-173 [392870]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6w5la2, d6w5lb2, d6w5lc2, d6w5ld2
        automated match to d2fyqa_
        complexed with t0d
      4. 2798056Domain d6w5ld1: 6w5l D:1-173 [392866]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6w5la2, d6w5lb2, d6w5lc2, d6w5ld2
        automated match to d2fyqa_
        complexed with t0d
  16. 2798057Norwalk virus [TaxId:37129] [311216] (22 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2iph:
      1. 2798076Domain d2ipha_: 2iph A: [304072]
        automated match to d2fyqa_
        complexed with lgg
      2. 2798077Domain d2iphb_: 2iph B: [304073]
        automated match to d2fyqa_
        complexed with lgg
    2. Domains for 6t1q:
      1. 2798058Domain d6t1qa_: 6t1q A: [391747]
        automated match to d2ipha_
      2. 2798059Domain d6t1qb_: 6t1q B: [391715]
        automated match to d2iphb_
    3. Domains for 6t2i:
      1. 2798080Domain d6t2ia_: 6t2i A: [391777]
        automated match to d2ipha_
        complexed with dms, jfm
      2. 2798081Domain d6t2ib_: 6t2i B: [391779]
        automated match to d2ipha_
        complexed with dms, jfm
    4. Domains for 6t2x:
      1. 2798074Domain d6t2xa_: 6t2x A: [391763]
        automated match to d2ipha_
        complexed with jfj, po4
      2. 2798075Domain d6t2xb_: 6t2x B: [391721]
        automated match to d2ipha_
        complexed with jfj, po4
    5. Domains for 6t3g:
      1. 2798078Domain d6t3ga_: 6t3g A: [391773]
        automated match to d2ipha_
        complexed with dms, jov, po4
      2. 2798079Domain d6t3gb_: 6t3g B: [391786]
        automated match to d2ipha_
        complexed with dms, jov, po4
    6. Domains for 6t49:
      1. 2798070Domain d6t49a_: 6t49 A: [391801]
        automated match to d2ipha_
        complexed with dms, mh5, po4
      2. 2798071Domain d6t49b_: 6t49 B: [391776]
        automated match to d2iphb_
        complexed with dms, mh5, po4
    7. Domains for 6t4e:
      1. 2798082Domain d6t4ea_: 6t4e A: [391821]
        automated match to d2ipha_
        complexed with hwh
      2. 2798083Domain d6t4eb_: 6t4e B: [391792]
        automated match to d2ipha_
        complexed with hwh
    8. Domains for 6t4s:
      1. 2798098Domain d6t4sa_: 6t4s A: [391823]
        automated match to d2ipha_
        complexed with k2p
      2. 2798099Domain d6t4sb_: 6t4s B: [391803]
        automated match to d2ipha_
        complexed with k2p
    9. Domains for 6t5d:
      1. 2798062Domain d6t5da_: 6t5d A: [391800]
        automated match to d2ipha_
        complexed with mjw
      2. 2798063Domain d6t5db_: 6t5d B: [391819]
        automated match to d2ipha_
        complexed with mjw
    10. Domains for 6t5r:
      1. 2798090Domain d6t5ra_: 6t5r A: [391808]
        automated match to d2ipha_
        complexed with dms, mkn, po4
      2. 2798091Domain d6t5rb_: 6t5r B: [391810]
        automated match to d2ipha_
        complexed with dms, mkn, po4
    11. Domains for 6t6w:
      1. 2798092Domain d6t6wa_: 6t6w A: [391839]
        automated match to d2ipha_
        complexed with dms, jl7, po4
      2. 2798093Domain d6t6wb_: 6t6w B: [391848]
        automated match to d2ipha_
        complexed with dms, jl7, po4
    12. Domains for 6t71:
      1. 2798068Domain d6t71a_: 6t71 A: [391802]
        automated match to d2ipha_
        complexed with dms, mqb, po4
      2. 2798069Domain d6t71b_: 6t71 B: [391791]
        automated match to d2ipha_
        complexed with dms, mqb, po4
    13. Domains for 6t82:
      1. 2798064Domain d6t82a_: 6t82 A: [391816]
        automated match to d2ipha_
        complexed with dms, muk, po4
      2. 2798065Domain d6t82b_: 6t82 B: [391812]
        automated match to d2ipha_
        complexed with dms, muk, po4
    14. Domains for 6t8r:
      1. 2798094Domain d6t8ra_: 6t8r A: [391855]
        automated match to d2ipha_
        complexed with dms, gvy, po4
      2. 2798095Domain d6t8rb_: 6t8r B: [391856]
        automated match to d2ipha_
        complexed with dms, gvy, po4
    15. Domains for 6t8t:
      1. 2798086Domain d6t8ta_: 6t8t A: [391807]
        automated match to d2ipha_
        complexed with dms, po4, yi6
      2. 2798087Domain d6t8tb_: 6t8t B: [391913]
        automated match to d2ipha_
        complexed with dms, po4, yi6
    16. Domains for 6tal:
      1. 2798066Domain d6tala_: 6tal A: [391858]
        automated match to d2ipha_
        complexed with dms, mzw, po4, tfa
      2. 2798067Domain d6talb_: 6tal B: [391854]
        automated match to d2ipha_
        complexed with dms, mzw, po4, tfa
    17. Domains for 6taw:
      1. 2798060Domain d6tawa_: 6taw A: [391851]
        automated match to d2ipha_
        complexed with n08, po4
      2. 2798061Domain d6tawb_: 6taw B: [391874]
        automated match to d2ipha_
        complexed with n08, po4
    18. Domains for 6tbo:
      1. 2798100Domain d6tboa_: 6tbo A: [391891]
        automated match to d2ipha_
        complexed with dms, n0e, po4
      2. 2798101Domain d6tbob_: 6tbo B: [391889]
        automated match to d2ipha_
        complexed with dms, n0e, po4
    19. Domains for 6tbp:
      1. 2798072Domain d6tbpa_: 6tbp A: [391852]
        automated match to d2ipha_
        complexed with dms, n0h
      2. 2798073Domain d6tbpb_: 6tbp B: [391853]
        automated match to d2ipha_
        complexed with dms, n0h
    20. Domains for 6tc1:
      1. 2798084Domain d6tc1a_: 6tc1 A: [391875]
        automated match to d2ipha_
        complexed with dms, mzw
      2. 2798085Domain d6tc1b_: 6tc1 B: [391877]
        automated match to d2ipha_
        complexed with dms, mzw
    21. Domains for 6tcf:
      1. 2798088Domain d6tcfa_: 6tcf A: [392024]
        automated match to d2ipha_
        complexed with dms, n1e, po4
      2. 2798089Domain d6tcfb_: 6tcf B: [391938]
        automated match to d2ipha_
        complexed with dms, n1e, po4
    22. Domains for 6tgl:
      1. 2798096Domain d6tgla_: 6tgl A: [391885]
        automated match to d2ipha_
        complexed with dms, lvp, po4
      2. 2798097Domain d6tglb_: 6tgl B: [391896]
        automated match to d2ipha_
        complexed with dms, lvp, po4
  17. 2798102Norwalk virus [TaxId:524364] [313606] (14 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 5dg6:
      1. 2798117Domain d5dg6a1: 5dg6 A:1-173 [314503]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5dg6a2, d5dg6b2
        automated match to d2fyqa_
        complexed with cl, v66
      2. 2798118Domain d5dg6b1: 5dg6 B:1-173 [314496]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5dg6a2, d5dg6b2
        automated match to d2fyqa_
        complexed with cl, v66
    2. Domain for 5dgj:
    3. Domain for 5e0g:
    4. Domains for 5e0h:
      1. 2798111Domain d5e0ha1: 5e0h A:1-173 [316902]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5e0ha2, d5e0hb2
        automated match to d2fyqa_
        complexed with 5lh, gol
      2. 2798112Domain d5e0hb1: 5e0h B:1-172 [316966]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5e0ha2, d5e0hb2
        automated match to d2fyqa_
        complexed with 5lh, gol
    5. Domain for 5e0j:
    6. Domains for 5t6d:
      1. 2798119Domain d5t6da1: 5t6d A:1-172 [326557]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5t6da2
        automated match to d2fyqa_
        complexed with n38
      2. 2798120Domain d5t6db_: 5t6d B: [326550]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5t6da2
        automated match to d2fyqa_
        complexed with n38
    7. Domains for 5t6f:
      1. 2798109Domain d5t6fa1: 5t6f A:1-173 [326551]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5t6fa2, d5t6fb2
        automated match to d2fyqa_
        complexed with n38
      2. 2798110Domain d5t6fb1: 5t6f B:1-173 [326499]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5t6fa2, d5t6fb2
        automated match to d2fyqa_
        complexed with n38
    8. Domains for 5t6g:
      1. 2798123Domain d5t6ga1: 5t6g A:1-172 [326506]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5t6ga2
        automated match to d2fyqa_
        complexed with n40
      2. 2798124Domain d5t6gb_: 5t6g B: [326560]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5t6ga2
        automated match to d2fyqa_
        complexed with n40
    9. Domain for 5tg1:
    10. Domain for 5tg2:
    11. Domains for 5wej:
      1. 2798115Domain d5weja_: 5wej A: [342919]
        automated match to d2fyqa_
        complexed with v45
      2. 2798116Domain d5wejb_: 5wej B: [342884]
        automated match to d2fyqa_
        complexed with v45
    12. Domains for 6bib:
      1. 2798113Domain d6biba1: 6bib A:1-173 [359736]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6biba2, d6bibb2
        automated match to d2fyqa_
        complexed with dw7
      2. 2798114Domain d6bibb1: 6bib B:1-173 [359737]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6biba2, d6bibb2
        automated match to d2fyqa_
        complexed with dw7
    13. Domains for 6bic:
      1. 2798121Domain d6bica1: 6bic A:1-173 [359795]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6bica2, d6bicb2
        automated match to d2fyqa_
        complexed with 5lh
      2. 2798122Domain d6bicb1: 6bic B:1-173 [359800]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6bica2, d6bicb2
        automated match to d2fyqa_
        complexed with 5lh
    14. Domain for 6bid:
  18. 2798125Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus [TaxId:28295] [311580] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4xfq:
      1. 2798128Domain d4xfqa_: 4xfq A: [311581]
        automated match to d3tloa_
      2. 2798129Domain d4xfqb_: 4xfq B: [311629]
        automated match to d3tloa_
    2. Domains for 5hyo:
      1. 2798130Domain d5hyoa_: 5hyo A: [318051]
        automated match to d3tloa_
        complexed with dms, ipa, mpd
      2. 2798131Domain d5hyob_: 5hyo B: [317974]
        automated match to d3tloa_
        complexed with dms, ipa, mpd
    3. Domains for 6l70:
      1. 2798126Domain d6l70a1: 6l70 A:1-298 [384676]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6l70a2, d6l70b2
        automated match to d5hyoa_
        complexed with k36
      2. 2798127Domain d6l70b1: 6l70 B:1-298 [384654]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6l70a2, d6l70b2
        automated match to d5hyoa_
        complexed with k36
  19. 2798132Rhinovirus c [TaxId:463676] [255484] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2m5t:
    2. Domains for 5x45:
      1. 2798133Domain d5x45a_: 5x45 A: [348434]
        automated match to d2m5ta_
        complexed with zn
      2. 2798134Domain d5x45b_: 5x45 B: [348326]
        automated match to d2m5ta_
        complexed with zn
      3. 2798135Domain d5x45c_: 5x45 C: [348372]
        automated match to d2m5ta_
        complexed with zn
      4. 2798136Domain d5x45d_: 5x45 D: [348328]
        automated match to d2m5ta_
        complexed with zn
  20. 2798138SARS coronavirus [TaxId:227859] [187411] (13 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1wnq:
      1. 2798150Domain d1wnqa_: 1wnq A: [303311]
        automated match to d2amda_
        complexed with enb
      2. 2798151Domain d1wnqb_: 1wnq B: [303312]
        automated match to d2amda_
        complexed with enb
    2. Domains for 1wof:
      1. 2798141Domain d1wofa1: 1wof A:1-305 [161971]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1wofa2, d1wofb2
        automated match to d1uj1b_
        complexed with i12
      2. 2798142Domain d1wofb1: 1wof B:1-302 [161972]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1wofa2, d1wofb2
        automated match to d1uj1b_
        complexed with i12
    3. Domains for 2amd:
      1. 2798139Domain d2amda1: 2amd A:1-305 [162828]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2amda2, d2amdb2
        automated match to d1uj1b_
        complexed with 9in
      2. 2798140Domain d2amdb1: 2amd B:1-302 [162829]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2amda2, d2amdb2
        automated match to d1uj1b_
        complexed with 9in
    4. Domains for 2amq:
      1. 2798154Domain d2amqa_: 2amq A: [162832]
        automated match to d1uj1b_
      2. 2798155Domain d2amqb_: 2amq B: [162833]
        automated match to d1uj1b_
    5. Domains for 2d2d:
      1. 2798152Domain d2d2da_: 2d2d A: [163557]
        automated match to d1uj1b_
        complexed with enb
      2. 2798153Domain d2d2db_: 2d2d B: [163558]
        automated match to d1uj1b_
        complexed with enb
    6. Domains for 3e91:
      1. 2798156Domain d3e91a_: 3e91 A: [174764]
        automated match to d1uj1b_
      2. 2798157Domain d3e91b_: 3e91 B: [174765]
        automated match to d1uj1b_
    7. Domains for 3ea7:
      1. 2798158Domain d3ea7a_: 3ea7 A: [174793]
        automated match to d1uj1b_
      2. 2798159Domain d3ea7b_: 3ea7 B: [174794]
        automated match to d1uj1b_
    8. Domain for 3ea8:
    9. Domain for 3ea9:
    10. Domains for 3eaj:
      1. 2798160Domain d3eaja_: 3eaj A: [174805]
        automated match to d1uj1b_
      2. 2798161Domain d3eajb_: 3eaj B: [174806]
        automated match to d1uj1b_
    11. Domain for 3m3t:
    12. Domains for 3m3v:
      1. 2798145Domain d3m3va_: 3m3v A: [180807]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3m3vb2
        automated match to d1uj1b_
      2. 2798146Domain d3m3vb1: 3m3v B:1-303 [180808]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3m3vb2
        automated match to d1uj1b_
    13. Domains for 5b6o:
      1. 2798148Domain d5b6oa_: 5b6o A: [318493]
        automated match to d2yy4a_
      2. 2798149Domain d5b6ob_: 5b6o B: [318656]
        automated match to d2yy4a_
  21. 2798162Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 [TaxId:2697049] [382084] (25 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 6m03:
    2. Domains for 6m2n:
      1. 2798189Domain d6m2na_: 6m2n A: [383626]
        automated match to d3ea8a_
        complexed with 3wl
      2. 2798190Domain d6m2nb_: 6m2n B: [383909]
        automated match to d3ea8a_
        complexed with 3wl
      3. 2798191Domain d6m2nc_: 6m2n C: [383656]
        automated match to d3ea8a_
        complexed with 3wl
      4. 2798192Domain d6m2nd_: 6m2n D: [383642]
        automated match to d3ea8a_
        complexed with 3wl
    3. Domain for 6m2q:
    4. Domain for 6xb0:
    5. Domain for 6xb1:
    6. Domain for 6xb2:
    7. Domain for 7bro:
    8. Domains for 7brp:
      1. 2798173Domain d7brpa_: 7brp A: [385365]
        automated match to d3ea8a_
        complexed with u5g
      2. 2798174Domain d7brpb_: 7brp B: [385379]
        automated match to d3ea8a_
        complexed with u5g
    9. Domain for 7c8r:
    10. Domain for 7c8t:
    11. Domains for 7cam:
      1. 2798200Domain d7cama_: 7cam A: [403046]
        automated match to d3ea8a_
      2. 2798201Domain d7camb_: 7cam B: [403081]
        automated match to d3ea8a_
    12. Domains for 7cb7:
      1. 2798166Domain d7cb7a1: 7cb7 A:1-302 [403117]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7cb7a2
        automated match to d3tnta_
        complexed with b1s, k36, na
      2. 2798167Domain d7cb7b_: 7cb7 B: [403060]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7cb7a2
        automated match to d3tnta_
        complexed with b1s, k36, na
    13. Domains for 7d1m:
      1. 2798163Domain d7d1ma_: 7d1m A: [394481]
        automated match to d3ea8a_
        complexed with dms, k36
      2. 2798164Domain d7d1mb_: 7d1m B: [394482]
        automated match to d3ea8a_
        complexed with dms, k36
    14. Domain for 7d1o:
    15. Domain for 7d3i:
    16. Domain for 7djr:
    17. Domains for 7dk1:
      1. 2798176Domain d7dk1a_: 7dk1 A: [405117]
        automated match to d3ea8a_
        complexed with btb, cl, dms, gly, zn
      2. 2798177Domain d7dk1b_: 7dk1 B: [405068]
        automated match to d3ea8a_
        complexed with btb, cl, dms, gly, zn
    18. Domain for 7dpp:
    19. Domains for 7dpu:
      1. 2798169Domain d7dpua_: 7dpu A: [403222]
        automated match to d3ea8a_
        complexed with gol, her
      2. 2798170Domain d7dpub_: 7dpu B: [403219]
        automated match to d3ea8a_
        complexed with gol, her
    20. Domains for 7dpv:
      1. 2798193Domain d7dpva_: 7dpv A: [403265]
        automated match to d3ea8a_
        complexed with hf0
      2. 2798194Domain d7dpvb_: 7dpv B: [403255]
        automated match to d3ea8a_
        complexed with hf0
      3. 2798195Domain d7dpvc_: 7dpv C: [403252]
        automated match to d3ea8a_
        complexed with hf0
      4. 2798196Domain d7dpvd_: 7dpv D: [403266]
        automated match to d3ea8a_
        complexed with hf0
    21. Domain for 7e19:
    22. Domains for 7nt1:
      1. 2798198Domain d7nt1a_: 7nt1 A: [406023]
        automated match to d3ea8a_
        complexed with dms, uqw
      2. 2798199Domain d7nt1b_: 7nt1 B: [406044]
        automated match to d3ea8a_
        complexed with dms, uqw
    23. Domains for 7nt2:
      1. 2798187Domain d7nt2a_: 7nt2 A: [406050]
        automated match to d3ea8a_
        complexed with cl, dms, peg, urk
      2. 2798188Domain d7nt2b_: 7nt2 B: [406034]
        automated match to d3ea8a_
        complexed with cl, dms, peg, urk
    24. Domains for 7ntv:
      1. 2798184Domain d7ntva_: 7ntv A: [406060]
        automated match to d3ea8a_
        complexed with dms, us8
      2. 2798185Domain d7ntvb_: 7ntv B: [406058]
        automated match to d3ea8a_
        complexed with dms, us8
    25. Domains for 7vlp:
      1. 3086281Domain d7vlpb_: 7vlp B: [422598]
        automated match to d7d1ma_
        complexed with 4wi
      2. 3086308Domain d7vlpa_: 7vlp A: [422625]
        automated match to d7d1ma_
        complexed with 4wi

More info for Protein automated matches from b.47.1.4: Viral cysteine protease of trypsin fold

Timeline for Protein automated matches from b.47.1.4: Viral cysteine protease of trypsin fold: