Lineage for Protein: automated matches

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.07
  2. 2352458Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (178 folds)
  3. 2413759Fold b.60: Lipocalins [50813] (1 superfamily)
    barrel, closed or opened; n=8, S=12; meander
  4. 2413760Superfamily b.60.1: Lipocalins [50814] (10 families) (S)
    bind hydrophobic ligands in their interior
  5. 2414378Family b.60.1.2: Fatty acid binding protein-like [50847] (18 proteins)
    ten-stranded meander beta-sheet folded upon itself
    relates to the common fold by opening the barrel and insertion of beta-hairpin
  6. 2414734Protein automated matches [190295] (7 species)
    not a true protein


  1. 2414735Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) [TaxId:8296] [187103] (1 PDB entry)
  2. 2414737Eel (Anguilla japonica) [TaxId:7937] [197394] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4i3b:
      1. 2414738Domain d4i3ba_: 4i3b A: [197395]
        automated match to d1fdqa_
        complexed with blr, peg
      2. 2414739Domain d4i3bb_: 4i3b B: [202525]
        automated match to d4i3ba_
        complexed with blr, peg
      3. 2414740Domain d4i3bc_: 4i3b C: [202526]
        automated match to d4i3ba_
        complexed with blr, peg
      4. 2414741Domain d4i3bd_: 4i3b D: [202527]
        automated match to d4i3ba_
        complexed with blr, peg
      5. 2414742Domain d4i3be_: 4i3b E: [202528]
        automated match to d4i3ba_
        complexed with blr, peg
      6. 2414743Domain d4i3bf_: 4i3b F: [202529]
        automated match to d4i3ba_
        complexed with blr, peg
    2. Domains for 4i3c:
      1. 2414744Domain d4i3ca_: 4i3c A: [197396]
        automated match to d1fdqa_
        complexed with blr; mutant
      2. 2414745Domain d4i3cb_: 4i3c B: [202530]
        automated match to d4i3ca_
        complexed with blr; mutant
    3. Domains for 4i3d:
      1. 2414746Domain d4i3da_: 4i3d A: [197397]
        automated match to d1fdqa_
        complexed with blr; mutant
      2. 2414747Domain d4i3db_: 4i3d B: [202531]
        automated match to d4i3da_
        complexed with blr; mutant
      3. 2414748Domain d4i3dc_: 4i3d C: [202532]
        automated match to d4i3da_
        complexed with blr; mutant
      4. 2414749Domain d4i3dd_: 4i3d D: [202533]
        automated match to d4i3da_
        complexed with blr; mutant
  3. 2414750Gallus gallus [TaxId:9031] [403758] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 7o0j:
    2. Domains for 7o0k:
      1. 2414752Domain d7o0ka_: 7o0k A: [403759]
        automated match to d1vyfa_
        complexed with chd
      2. 2414753Domain d7o0kb_: 7o0k B: [403777]
        automated match to d1vyfa_
        complexed with chd
  4. 2414754Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [187133] (101 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2rcq:
    2. Domain for 2rct:
    3. Domain for 2wut:
    4. Domains for 4a1h:
      1. 2414875Domain d4a1ha1: 4a1h A:0-131 [201392]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4a1ha2, d4a1hb2, d4a1hc2
        automated match to d4a1hc_
        complexed with cl, gol, plm; mutant
      2. 2414876Domain d4a1hb1: 4a1h B:0-131 [201393]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4a1ha2, d4a1hb2, d4a1hc2
        automated match to d4a1hc_
        complexed with cl, gol, plm; mutant
      3. 2414877Domain d4a1hc1: 4a1h C:0-131 [193511]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4a1ha2, d4a1hb2, d4a1hc2
        automated match to d2wuta_
        complexed with cl, gol, plm; mutant
    5. Domains for 4a1y:
      1. 2414757Domain d4a1ya1: 4a1y A:0-131 [201394]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4a1ya2, d4a1yb2, d4a1yc2, d4a1yd2
        automated match to d4a1yc_
        complexed with cl, plm; mutant
      2. 2414758Domain d4a1yb1: 4a1y B:0-131 [194583]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4a1ya2, d4a1yb2, d4a1yc2, d4a1yd2
        automated match to d2wuta_
        complexed with cl, plm; mutant
      3. 2414759Domain d4a1yc1: 4a1y C:0-131 [194582]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4a1ya2, d4a1yb2, d4a1yc2, d4a1yd2
        automated match to d2wuta_
        complexed with cl, plm; mutant
      4. 2414760Domain d4a1yd1: 4a1y D:0-131 [201395]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4a1ya2, d4a1yb2, d4a1yc2, d4a1yd2
        automated match to d4a1yc_
        complexed with cl, plm; mutant
    6. Domain for 4a8z:
    7. Domains for 4azm:
      1. 2414938Domain d4azma1: 4azm A:1-134 [219223]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4azma2
        automated match to d1b56a_
        complexed with gol, t4b
      2. 2414939Domain d4azmb_: 4azm B: [219224]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4azma2
        automated match to d1b56a_
        complexed with gol, t4b
    8. Domains for 4azr:
      1. 2414983Domain d4azra1: 4azr A:1-134 [219230]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4azra2, d4azrb2
        automated match to d1b56a_
        complexed with a9m, cl
      2. 2414984Domain d4azrb1: 4azr B:1-134 [219231]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4azra2, d4azrb2
        automated match to d1b56a_
        complexed with a9m, cl
    9. Domain for 4bvm:
    10. Domain for 4d6a:
    11. Domain for 4d6b:
    12. Domains for 4ede:
      1. 2414776Domain d4edea_: 4ede A: [194192]
        automated match to d2rcta_
        complexed with act, ret; mutant
      2. 2414777Domain d4edeb_: 4ede B: [194191]
        automated match to d2rcta_
        complexed with act, ret; mutant
    13. Domains for 4eej:
      1. 2414782Domain d4eeja_: 4eej A: [194190]
        automated match to d2rcta_
        complexed with act, ret; mutant
      2. 2414783Domain d4eejb_: 4eej B: [201833]
        automated match to d4eeja_
        complexed with act, ret; mutant
    14. Domains for 4efg:
      1. 2414791Domain d4efga_: 4efg A: [201838]
        automated match to d4efgb_
        complexed with act, ret; mutant
      2. 2414792Domain d4efgb_: 4efg B: [194188]
        automated match to d2rcta_
        complexed with act, ret; mutant
    15. Domains for 4exz:
      1. 2414820Domain d4exza_: 4exz A: [194187]
        automated match to d2rcta_
        complexed with act, ret; mutant
      2. 2414821Domain d4exzb_: 4exz B: [194189]
        automated match to d2rcta_
        complexed with act, ret; mutant
    16. Domains for 4gkc:
      1. 2414763Domain d4gkca_: 4gkc A: [202270]
        automated match to d4gkcb_
        complexed with ret; mutant
      2. 2414764Domain d4gkcb_: 4gkc B: [194185]
        automated match to d2rcta_
        complexed with ret; mutant
    17. Domains for 4qyn:
      1. 2414766Domain d4qyna_: 4qyn A: [268669]
        automated match to d2rcta_
        complexed with act, rtl
      2. 2414767Domain d4qynb_: 4qyn B: [268668]
        automated match to d2rcta_
        complexed with act, rtl
    18. Domains for 4qyp:
      1. 2414840Domain d4qypa_: 4qyp A: [261556]
        automated match to d2rcta_
        complexed with act, ret
      2. 2414841Domain d4qypb_: 4qyp B: [261554]
        automated match to d2rcta_
        complexed with act, ret
      3. 2414842Domain d4qypc_: 4qyp C: [263788]
        automated match to d2rcta_
        complexed with act, ret
      4. 2414843Domain d4qypd_: 4qyp D: [263789]
        automated match to d2rcta_
        complexed with act, ret
    19. Domains for 4qzt:
      1. 2414864Domain d4qzta_: 4qzt A: [309245]
        automated match to d2rcta_
        complexed with act, rtl
      2. 2414865Domain d4qztb_: 4qzt B: [309246]
        automated match to d2rcta_
        complexed with act, rtl
      3. 2414866Domain d4qztc_: 4qzt C: [309247]
        automated match to d2rcta_
        complexed with act, rtl
      4. 2414867Domain d4qztd_: 4qzt D: [309248]
        automated match to d2rcta_
        complexed with act, rtl
    20. Domains for 4qzu:
      1. 2414795Domain d4qzua_: 4qzu A: [309249]
        automated match to d2rcta_
        complexed with act, gol, rtl
      2. 2414796Domain d4qzub_: 4qzu B: [309250]
        automated match to d2rcta_
        complexed with act, gol, rtl
      3. 2414797Domain d4qzuc_: 4qzu C: [309251]
        automated match to d2rcta_
        complexed with act, gol, rtl
      4. 2414798Domain d4qzud_: 4qzu D: [309252]
        automated match to d2rcta_
        complexed with act, gol, rtl
    21. Domains for 4ruu:
      1. 2414814Domain d4ruua_: 4ruu A: [261581]
        automated match to d4exza_
        complexed with act, ret; mutant
      2. 2414815Domain d4ruub_: 4ruu B: [261582]
        automated match to d4exza_
        complexed with act, ret; mutant
    22. Domains for 4zcb:
      1. 2414868Domain d4zcba_: 4zcb A: [316200]
        automated match to d4ruua_
      2. 2414869Domain d4zcbb_: 4zcb B: [316196]
        automated match to d4ruua_
    23. Domains for 4zgu:
      1. 2414830Domain d4zgua_: 4zgu A: [318315]
        automated match to d4zcbb_
        complexed with act
      2. 2414831Domain d4zgub_: 4zgu B: [318294]
        automated match to d4zcbb_
        complexed with act
      3. 2414832Domain d4zguc_: 4zgu C: [318316]
        automated match to d4zcbb_
        complexed with act
      4. 2414833Domain d4zgud_: 4zgu D: [318325]
        automated match to d4zcbb_
        complexed with act
    24. Domain for 4zh6:
    25. Domain for 4zh9:
    26. Domains for 4zj0:
      1. 2414838Domain d4zj0a_: 4zj0 A: [317330]
        automated match to d4zcbb_
        complexed with act, ret
      2. 2414839Domain d4zj0b_: 4zj0 B: [317332]
        automated match to d4zcbb_
        complexed with act, ret
    27. Domains for 4zr2:
      1. 2414883Domain d4zr2a_: 4zr2 A: [318321]
        automated match to d4zcbb_
        complexed with act, ret; mutant
      2. 2414884Domain d4zr2b_: 4zr2 B: [318287]
        automated match to d4zcbb_
        complexed with act, ret; mutant
    28. Domains for 5dg4:
      1. 2414834Domain d5dg4a_: 5dg4 A: [323063]
        automated match to d4zcbb_
        complexed with act
      2. 2414835Domain d5dg4b_: 5dg4 B: [322981]
        automated match to d4zcbb_
        complexed with act
      3. 2414836Domain d5dg4c_: 5dg4 C: [322988]
        automated match to d4zcbb_
        complexed with act
      4. 2414837Domain d5dg4d_: 5dg4 D: [322982]
        automated match to d4zcbb_
        complexed with act
    29. Domains for 5dpq:
      1. 2414878Domain d5dpqa_: 5dpq A: [322584]
        automated match to d4zcbb_
        complexed with act; mutant
      2. 2414879Domain d5dpqb_: 5dpq B: [322534]
        automated match to d4zcbb_
        complexed with act; mutant
    30. Domains for 5f58:
      1. 2414851Domain d5f58a_: 5f58 A: [326906]
        automated match to d4ruua_
        complexed with act, ret; mutant
      2. 2414852Domain d5f58b_: 5f58 B: [327021]
        automated match to d4ruua_
        complexed with act, ret; mutant
    31. Domains for 5f6b:
      1. 2414793Domain d5f6ba_: 5f6b A: [326894]
        automated match to d4ruua_
        complexed with act, ret; mutant
      2. 2414794Domain d5f6bb_: 5f6b B: [326872]
        automated match to d4ruua_
        complexed with act, ret; mutant
    32. Domains for 5f7g:
      1. 2414827Domain d5f7ga_: 5f7g A: [327114]
        automated match to d4ruua_
        complexed with act, ret; mutant
      2. 2414828Domain d5f7gb_: 5f7g B: [327149]
        automated match to d4ruua_
        complexed with act, ret; mutant
    33. Domains for 5faz:
      1. 2414812Domain d5faza_: 5faz A: [345629]
        automated match to d4ruua_
        complexed with act, ret; mutant
      2. 2414813Domain d5fazb_: 5faz B: [345630]
        automated match to d4ruua_
        complexed with act, ret; mutant
    34. Domains for 5fen:
      1. 2414853Domain d5fena_: 5fen A: [327314]
        automated match to d4ruua_
        complexed with act, ret; mutant
      2. 2414854Domain d5fenb_: 5fen B: [327311]
        automated match to d4ruua_
        complexed with act, ret; mutant
    35. Domains for 5ffh:
      1. 2414861Domain d5ffha_: 5ffh A: [327315]
        automated match to d4efga_
        complexed with act, ret; mutant
      2. 2414862Domain d5ffhb_: 5ffh B: [327319]
        automated match to d4efga_
        complexed with act, ret; mutant
    36. Domain for 5h8t:
    37. Domain for 5h9a:
    38. Domain for 5ha1:
    39. Domain for 5hbs:
    40. Domain for 5ljb:
    41. Domain for 5ljc:
    42. Domain for 5ljd:
    43. Domain for 5lje:
    44. Domain for 5ljg:
    45. Domain for 5ljh:
    46. Domain for 5ljk:
    47. Domains for 5u6g:
      1. 2414967Domain d5u6ga_: 5u6g A: [340336]
        automated match to d4zcbb_
        complexed with ret; mutant
      2. 2414968Domain d5u6gb_: 5u6g B: [340539]
        automated match to d4zcbb_
        complexed with ret; mutant
      3. 2414969Domain d5u6gc_: 5u6g C: [340353]
        automated match to d4zcbb_
        complexed with ret; mutant
      4. 2414970Domain d5u6gd_: 5u6g D: [340452]
        automated match to d4zcbb_
        complexed with ret; mutant
      5. 2414971Domain d5u6ge_: 5u6g E: [340335]
        automated match to d4zcbb_
        complexed with ret; mutant
      6. 2414972Domain d5u6gf_: 5u6g F: [340381]
        automated match to d4zcbb_
        complexed with ret; mutant
      7. 2414973Domain d5u6gg_: 5u6g G: [340349]
        automated match to d4zcbb_
        complexed with ret; mutant
      8. 2414974Domain d5u6gh_: 5u6g H: [340348]
        automated match to d4zcbb_
        complexed with ret; mutant
      9. 2414975Domain d5u6gi_: 5u6g I: [340354]
        automated match to d4zcbb_
        complexed with ret; mutant
      10. 2414976Domain d5u6gj_: 5u6g J: [340363]
        automated match to d4zcbb_
        complexed with ret; mutant
      11. 2414977Domain d5u6gk_: 5u6g K: [340307]
        automated match to d4zcbb_
        complexed with ret; mutant
      12. 2414978Domain d5u6gl_: 5u6g L: [340309]
        automated match to d4zcbb_
        complexed with ret; mutant
    48. Domains for 5ura:
      1. 2414885Domain d5uraa1: 5ura A:1-132 [338287]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5uraa2, d5urab2, d5urac2, d5urad2
        automated match to d5bvqa_
        complexed with 8ks, so4
      2. 2414886Domain d5urab1: 5ura B:1-132 [338271]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5uraa2, d5urab2, d5urac2, d5urad2
        automated match to d5bvqa_
        complexed with 8ks, so4
      3. 2414887Domain d5urac1: 5ura C:1-132 [338281]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5uraa2, d5urab2, d5urac2, d5urad2
        automated match to d5bvqa_
        complexed with 8ks, so4
      4. 2414888Domain d5urad1: 5ura D:1-132 [338306]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5uraa2, d5urab2, d5urac2, d5urad2
        automated match to d5bvqa_
        complexed with 8ks, so4
    49. Domain for 5y0f:
    50. Domain for 5y0g:
    51. Domain for 5y0x:
    52. Domain for 5y12:
    53. Domain for 5y13:
    54. Domain for 6at8:
    55. Domain for 6ayl:
    56. Domains for 6bth:
      1. 2414801Domain d6btha1: 6bth A:0-133 [361043]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6btha2, d6bthb2
        automated match to d1eiia_
        complexed with ecb, peg
      2. 2414802Domain d6bthb1: 6bth B:0-133 [361106]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6btha2, d6bthb2
        automated match to d1eiia_
        complexed with ecb, peg
    57. Domains for 6bti:
      1. 2414822Domain d6btia1: 6bti A:0-133 [361063]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6btia2, d6btib2
        automated match to d1eiia_
        complexed with e7y, peg
      2. 2414823Domain d6btib1: 6bti B:0-133 [361013]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6btia2, d6btib2
        automated match to d1eiia_
        complexed with e7y, peg
    58. Domains for 6c7z:
      1. 2414816Domain d6c7za_: 6c7z A: [351424]
        automated match to d5f58a_
        complexed with act, jlo; mutant
      2. 2414817Domain d6c7zb_: 6c7z B: [351453]
        automated match to d5f58a_
        complexed with act, jlo; mutant
    59. Domain for 6e50:
    60. Domain for 6e51:
    61. Domain for 6e5e:
    62. Domain for 6e5l:
    63. Domain for 6e5q:
    64. Domains for 6e5r:
      1. 2414952Domain d6e5ra_: 6e5r A: [372520]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with act, gol; mutant
      2. 2414953Domain d6e5rb_: 6e5r B: [372495]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with act, gol; mutant
    65. Domains for 6e5s:
      1. 2414896Domain d6e5sa_: 6e5s A: [371817]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with ret; mutant
      2. 2414897Domain d6e5sb_: 6e5s B: [371820]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with ret; mutant
      3. 2414898Domain d6e5sc_: 6e5s C: [371855]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with ret; mutant
      4. 2414899Domain d6e5sd_: 6e5s D: [371813]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with ret; mutant
      5. 2414900Domain d6e5se_: 6e5s E: [371834]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with ret; mutant
      6. 2414901Domain d6e5sf_: 6e5s F: [371812]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with ret; mutant
      7. 2414902Domain d6e5sg_: 6e5s G: [371827]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with ret; mutant
      8. 2414903Domain d6e5sh_: 6e5s H: [371814]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with ret; mutant
      9. 2414904Domain d6e5si_: 6e5s I: [371815]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with ret; mutant
      10. 2414905Domain d6e5sj_: 6e5s J: [371837]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with ret; mutant
      11. 2414906Domain d6e5sk_: 6e5s K: [371811]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with ret; mutant
      12. 2414907Domain d6e5sl_: 6e5s L: [371816]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with ret; mutant
    66. Domain for 6e5t:
    67. Domain for 6e6k:
    68. Domain for 6e6l:
    69. Domains for 6e6m:
      1. 2414848Domain d6e6ma1: 6e6m A:1-134 [364816]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6e6ma2, d6e6mb2, d6e6mc2
        automated match to d5ljha_
        complexed with 8cb
      2. 2414849Domain d6e6mb1: 6e6m B:2-134 [364840]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6e6ma2, d6e6mb2, d6e6mc2
        automated match to d5ljha_
        complexed with 8cb
      3. 2414850Domain d6e6mc1: 6e6m C:2-134 [364825]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6e6ma2, d6e6mb2, d6e6mc2
        automated match to d5ljha_
        complexed with 8cb
    70. Domains for 6e7m:
      1. 2414979Domain d6e7ma_: 6e7m A: [375300]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with act, gol, ret; mutant
      2. 2414980Domain d6e7mb_: 6e7m B: [375305]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with act, gol, ret; mutant
      3. 2414981Domain d6e7mc_: 6e7m C: [375326]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with act, gol, ret; mutant
      4. 2414982Domain d6e7md_: 6e7m D: [375303]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with act, gol, ret; mutant
    71. Domain for 6l9o:
    72. Domain for 6ljs:
    73. Domain for 6ljt:
    74. Domain for 6lju:
    75. Domain for 6ljv:
    76. Domain for 6ljw:
    77. Domain for 6ljx:
    78. Domains for 6mcu:
      1. 2414954Domain d6mcua_: 6mcu A: [375648]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with gol, ret; mutant
      2. 2414955Domain d6mcub_: 6mcu B: [375673]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with gol, ret; mutant
      3. 2414956Domain d6mcuc_: 6mcu C: [375659]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with gol, ret; mutant
      4. 2414957Domain d6mcud_: 6mcu D: [375630]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with gol, ret; mutant
      5. 2414958Domain d6mcue_: 6mcu E: [375632]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with gol, ret; mutant
      6. 2414959Domain d6mcuf_: 6mcu F: [375666]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with gol, ret; mutant
      7. 2414960Domain d6mcug_: 6mcu G: [375633]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with gol, ret; mutant
      8. 2414961Domain d6mcuh_: 6mcu H: [375635]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with gol, ret; mutant
      9. 2414962Domain d6mcui_: 6mcu I: [375647]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with gol, ret; mutant
      10. 2414963Domain d6mcuj_: 6mcu J: [375631]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with gol, ret; mutant
      11. 2414964Domain d6mcuk_: 6mcu K: [375651]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with gol, ret; mutant
      12. 2414965Domain d6mcul_: 6mcu L: [375634]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with gol, ret; mutant
    79. Domains for 6mkv:
      1. 2414910Domain d6mkva_: 6mkv A: [375641]
        automated match to d4ruua_
        complexed with act, gol, ret
      2. 2414911Domain d6mkvb_: 6mkv B: [375688]
        automated match to d4ruua_
        complexed with act, gol, ret
      3. 2414912Domain d6mkvc_: 6mkv C: [375636]
        automated match to d4ruua_
        complexed with act, gol, ret
      4. 2414913Domain d6mkvd_: 6mkv D: [375653]
        automated match to d4ruua_
        complexed with act, gol, ret
    80. Domains for 6mlb:
      1. 2414917Domain d6mlba_: 6mlb A: [375665]
        automated match to d5fazb_
        complexed with act, gol, ret; mutant
      2. 2414918Domain d6mlbb_: 6mlb B: [375677]
        automated match to d5fazb_
        complexed with act, gol, ret; mutant
      3. 2414919Domain d6mlbc_: 6mlb C: [375643]
        automated match to d5fazb_
        complexed with act, gol, ret; mutant
      4. 2414920Domain d6mlbd_: 6mlb D: [375646]
        automated match to d5fazb_
        complexed with act, gol, ret; mutant
    81. Domains for 6on5:
      1. 2414859Domain d6on5a_: 6on5 A: [375803]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with zn; mutant
      2. 2414860Domain d6on5b_: 6on5 B: [375792]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with zn; mutant
    82. Domains for 6on7:
      1. 2414893Domain d6on7a_: 6on7 A: [375810]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
      2. 2414894Domain d6on7b_: 6on7 B: [375817]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
    83. Domain for 6on8:
    84. Domains for 6vid:
      1. 2414940Domain d6vida_: 6vid A: [392648]
        automated match to d5u6ga_
        complexed with act, gol
      2. 2414941Domain d6vidb_: 6vid B: [392727]
        automated match to d5u6ga_
        complexed with act, gol
      3. 2414942Domain d6vidc_: 6vid C: [392657]
        automated match to d5u6ga_
        complexed with act, gol
      4. 2414943Domain d6vidd_: 6vid D: [392655]
        automated match to d5u6ga_
        complexed with act, gol
      5. 2414944Domain d6vide_: 6vid E: [392711]
        automated match to d5u6ga_
        complexed with act, gol
      6. 2414945Domain d6vidf_: 6vid F: [392660]
        automated match to d5u6ga_
        complexed with act, gol
    85. Domains for 6vis:
      1. 2414922Domain d6visa_: 6vis A: [392677]
        automated match to d5u6ga_
        complexed with gol
      2. 2414923Domain d6visb_: 6vis B: [392640]
        automated match to d5u6ga_
        complexed with gol
      3. 2414924Domain d6visc_: 6vis C: [392638]
        automated match to d5u6ga_
        complexed with gol
    86. Domains for 6wnf:
      1. 2414825Domain d6wnfa_: 6wnf A: [393023]
        automated match to d5u6ga_
        complexed with act, gol
      2. 2414826Domain d6wnfb_: 6wnf B: [393051]
        automated match to d5u6ga_
        complexed with act, gol
    87. Domains for 6wnj:
      1. 2414880Domain d6wnja_: 6wnj A: [393024]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with 144, gol, so4
      2. 2414881Domain d6wnjb_: 6wnj B: [393044]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with 144, gol, so4
      3. 2414882Domain d6wnjc_: 6wnj C: [393016]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with 144, gol, so4
    88. Domains for 6wp0:
      1. 2414926Domain d6wp0a_: 6wp0 A: [393043]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with act, gol
      2. 2414927Domain d6wp0b_: 6wp0 B: [393063]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with act, gol
      3. 2414928Domain d6wp0c_: 6wp0 C: [393055]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with act, gol
      4. 2414929Domain d6wp0d_: 6wp0 D: [393034]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with act, gol
      5. 2414930Domain d6wp0e_: 6wp0 E: [393032]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with act, gol
      6. 2414931Domain d6wp0f_: 6wp0 F: [393042]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with act, gol
      7. 2414932Domain d6wp0g_: 6wp0 G: [393033]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with act, gol
      8. 2414933Domain d6wp0h_: 6wp0 H: [393052]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with act, gol
      9. 2414934Domain d6wp0i_: 6wp0 I: [393039]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with act, gol
      10. 2414935Domain d6wp0j_: 6wp0 J: [393054]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with act, gol
      11. 2414936Domain d6wp0k_: 6wp0 K: [393087]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with act, gol
      12. 2414937Domain d6wp0l_: 6wp0 L: [393047]
        automated match to d5u6gg_
        complexed with act, gol
    89. Domains for 6wp1:
      1. 2414946Domain d6wp1a_: 6wp1 A: [393026]
        automated match to d4ruua_
        complexed with act, gol
      2. 2414947Domain d6wp1b_: 6wp1 B: [393064]
        automated match to d4ruua_
        complexed with act, gol
      3. 2414948Domain d6wp1c_: 6wp1 C: [393040]
        automated match to d4ruua_
        complexed with act, gol
      4. 2414949Domain d6wp1d_: 6wp1 D: [393031]
        automated match to d4ruua_
        complexed with act, gol
      5. 2414950Domain d6wp1e_: 6wp1 E: [393048]
        automated match to d4ruua_
        complexed with act, gol
      6. 2414951Domain d6wp1f_: 6wp1 F: [393030]
        automated match to d4ruua_
        complexed with act, gol
    90. Domains for 6wp2:
      1. 2414914Domain d6wp2a_: 6wp2 A: [393037]
        automated match to d5u6ga_
        complexed with act, gol, zn
      2. 2414915Domain d6wp2b_: 6wp2 B: [393060]
        automated match to d5u6ga_
        complexed with act, gol, zn
      3. 2414916Domain d6wp2c_: 6wp2 C: [393038]
        automated match to d5u6ga_
        complexed with act, gol, zn
    91. Domains for 7jvg:
      1. 2414784Domain d7jvga_: 7jvg A: [399060]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7jvgb2
        automated match to d1eiia_
        complexed with 1ag
      2. 2414785Domain d7jvgb1: 7jvg B:0-133 [399061]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7jvgb2
        automated match to d1eiia_
        complexed with 1ag
    92. Domains for 7jvy:
      1. 2414774Domain d7jvya_: 7jvy A: [399048]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7jvyb2
        automated match to d1eiia_
        complexed with vkv
      2. 2414775Domain d7jvyb1: 7jvy B:1-133 [399068]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7jvyb2
        automated match to d1eiia_
        complexed with vkv
    93. Domains for 7jwd:
      1. 2414780Domain d7jwda1: 7jwd A:0-133 [399025]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7jwda2, d7jwdb2
        automated match to d1eiia_
        complexed with vl7
      2. 2414781Domain d7jwdb1: 7jwd B:0-133 [398997]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7jwda2, d7jwdb2
        automated match to d1eiia_
        complexed with vl7
    94. Domains for 7jwr:
      1. 2414772Domain d7jwra1: 7jwr A:0-133 [399035]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7jwra2, d7jwrb2
        automated match to d1eiia_
        complexed with yog
      2. 2414773Domain d7jwrb1: 7jwr B:0-133 [399045]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7jwra2, d7jwrb2
        automated match to d1eiia_
        complexed with yog
    95. Domain for 7jx2:
    96. Domains for 7jz5:
      1. 2414804Domain d7jz5a_: 7jz5 A: [399124]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7jz5b2
        automated match to d1eiia_
        complexed with vpy
      2. 2414805Domain d7jz5b1: 7jz5 B:1-133 [399076]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d7jz5b2
        automated match to d1eiia_
        complexed with vpy
    97. Domain for 7k3i:
    98. Domains for 7lhj:
      1. 2414769Domain d7lhja_: 7lhj A: [399620]
        automated match to d4gkca_
        complexed with act, ret; mutant
      2. 2414770Domain d7lhjb_: 7lhj B: [399617]
        automated match to d4gkca_
        complexed with act, ret; mutant
    99. Domains for 7lhm:
      1. 2414799Domain d7lhma_: 7lhm A: [403460]
        automated match to d4gkca_
        complexed with act, gol, ret; mutant
      2. 2414800Domain d7lhmb_: 7lhm B: [403445]
        automated match to d4gkca_
        complexed with act, gol, ret; mutant
    100. Domains for 7lhn:
      1. 2414889Domain d7lhna_: 7lhn A: [403441]
        automated match to d4gkca_
        complexed with gol, ret; mutant
      2. 2414890Domain d7lhnb_: 7lhn B: [403442]
        automated match to d4gkca_
        complexed with gol, ret; mutant
    101. Domains for 7lho:
      1. 2414786Domain d7lhoa_: 7lho A: [403523]
        automated match to d4gkca_
        complexed with gol, ret; mutant
      2. 2414787Domain d7lhob_: 7lho B: [403497]
        automated match to d4gkca_
        complexed with gol, ret; mutant
  5. 2414985Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId:10090] [226737] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4azn:
      1. 2414989Domain d4azna1: 4azn A:1-134 [219225]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4azna2, d4aznb2
        automated match to d1b56a_
      2. 2414990Domain d4aznb1: 4azn B:1-135 [219226]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4azna2, d4aznb2
        automated match to d1b56a_
    2. Domain for 4azo:
    3. Domain for 4azp:
    4. Domain for 4azq:
  6. 2414991Pygoscelis papua [TaxId:30457] [275573] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 5bvq:
      1. 2414992Domain d5bvqa_: 5bvq A: [275577]
        automated match to d4nnsa_
      2. 2414993Domain d5bvqb_: 5bvq B: [275574]
        automated match to d4nnsa_
    2. Domains for 5bvs:
      1. 2414994Domain d5bvsa_: 5bvs A: [275576]
        automated match to d4nnsa_
        complexed with eic
      2. 2414995Domain d5bvsb_: 5bvs B: [275575]
        automated match to d4nnsa_
        complexed with eic
  7. 2414996Zebrafish (Danio rerio) [TaxId:7955] [188008] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2qo4:
    2. Domain for 2qo5:
    3. Domain for 2qo6:

More info for Protein automated matches from b.60.1.2: Fatty acid binding protein-like

Timeline for Protein automated matches from b.60.1.2: Fatty acid binding protein-like: