Lineage for Protein: automated matches

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.06
  2. 2250849Class f: Membrane and cell surface proteins and peptides [56835] (59 folds)
  3. 2251383Fold f.4: Transmembrane beta-barrels [56924] (7 superfamilies)
    not a true fold, gathers together transmembrane barrels of different (n,S)
  4. 2251501Superfamily f.4.3: Porins [56935] (5 families) (S)
  5. 2251502Family f.4.3.1: Porin [56936] (2 proteins)
    trimer, one subunit folds into (16,20) barrel
  6. 2251573Protein automated matches [190289] (5 species)
    not a true protein


  1. 2251574Delftia acidovorans [TaxId:80866] [187093] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2fgq:
    2. Domain for 2fgr:
  2. 2251577Enterobacter cloacae [TaxId:550] [320989] (1 PDB entry)
  3. 2251584Escherichia coli [TaxId:562] [187889] (8 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2ixw:
      1. 2251602Domain d2ixwa_: 2ixw A: [304082]
        automated match to d2xe3a_
        complexed with oes
      2. 2251603Domain d2ixwb_: 2ixw B: [304083]
        automated match to d2xe3a_
        complexed with oes
      3. 2251604Domain d2ixwc_: 2ixw C: [304084]
        automated match to d2xe3a_
        complexed with oes
    2. Domains for 2ixx:
      1. 2251595Domain d2ixxa_: 2ixx A: [304085]
        automated match to d2xe1a_
        complexed with mha
      2. 2251596Domain d2ixxb_: 2ixx B: [304086]
        automated match to d2xe1a_
        complexed with mha
    3. Domains for 2j1n:
      1. 2251585Domain d2j1na_: 2j1n A: [165803]
        automated match to d1osma_
        complexed with cl, d12, mg
      2. 2251586Domain d2j1nb_: 2j1n B: [165804]
        automated match to d1osma_
        complexed with cl, d12, mg
      3. 2251587Domain d2j1nc_: 2j1n C: [165805]
        automated match to d1osma_
        complexed with cl, d12, mg
    4. Domains for 2j4u:
      1. 2251605Domain d2j4up_: 2j4u P: [165893]
        automated match to d1osma_
      2. 2251606Domain d2j4uq_: 2j4u Q: [165894]
        automated match to d1osma_
      3. 2251607Domain d2j4ur_: 2j4u R: [165895]
        automated match to d1osma_
      4. 2251608Domain d2j4uu_: 2j4u U: [165896]
        automated match to d1osma_
      5. 2251609Domain d2j4uv_: 2j4u V: [165897]
        automated match to d1osma_
      6. 2251610Domain d2j4uw_: 2j4u W: [165898]
        automated match to d1osma_
    5. Domain for 2xe1:
    6. Domains for 2xe2:
      1. 2251597Domain d2xe2a_: 2xe2 A: [170049]
        automated match to d1osma_
        complexed with oes; mutant
      2. 2251598Domain d2xe2b_: 2xe2 B: [170050]
        automated match to d1osma_
        complexed with oes; mutant
      3. 2251599Domain d2xe2c_: 2xe2 C: [170051]
        automated match to d1osma_
        complexed with oes; mutant
    7. Domains for 2xe3:
      1. 2251600Domain d2xe3a_: 2xe3 A: [170052]
        automated match to d1osma_
        complexed with bog
      2. 2251601Domain d2xe3b_: 2xe3 B: [170053]
        automated match to d1osma_
        complexed with bog
    8. Domains for 2xe5:
      1. 2251589Domain d2xe5a_: 2xe5 A: [170054]
        automated match to d1osma_
        complexed with asz, c8e, d10, d12, hex, hp6, oct, oes, so4; mutant
      2. 2251590Domain d2xe5b_: 2xe5 B: [170055]
        automated match to d1osma_
        complexed with asz, c8e, d10, d12, hex, hp6, oct, oes, so4; mutant
      3. 2251591Domain d2xe5c_: 2xe5 C: [170056]
        automated match to d1osma_
        complexed with asz, c8e, d10, d12, hex, hp6, oct, oes, so4; mutant
      4. 2251592Domain d2xe5d_: 2xe5 D: [170057]
        automated match to d1osma_
        complexed with asz, c8e, d10, d12, hex, hp6, oct, oes, so4; mutant
      5. 2251593Domain d2xe5e_: 2xe5 E: [170058]
        automated match to d1osma_
        complexed with asz, c8e, d10, d12, hex, hp6, oct, oes, so4; mutant
      6. 2251594Domain d2xe5f_: 2xe5 F: [170059]
        automated match to d1osma_
        complexed with asz, c8e, d10, d12, hex, hp6, oct, oes, so4; mutant
  4. 2251611Klebsiella pneumoniae [TaxId:573] [340493] (1 PDB entry)
  5. 2251615Salmonella enterica [TaxId:527001] [193694] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3nsg:
      1. 2251616Domain d3nsga_: 3nsg A: [199972]
        automated match to d3nsgc_
        complexed with flc, gol, lda, so4, tam, tla
      2. 2251617Domain d3nsgb_: 3nsg B: [199973]
        automated match to d3nsgc_
        complexed with flc, gol, lda, so4, tam, tla
      3. 2251618Domain d3nsgc_: 3nsg C: [193695]
        automated match to d2zfga_
        complexed with flc, gol, lda, so4, tam, tla
    2. Domains for 4kr8:
      1. 2251619Domain d4kr8a_: 4kr8 A: [256893]
        automated match to d3nsga_
        complexed with dm1
      2. 2251620Domain d4kr8b_: 4kr8 B: [256892]
        automated match to d3nsga_
        complexed with dm1
      3. 2251621Domain d4kr8c_: 4kr8 C: [256894]
        automated match to d3nsga_
        complexed with dm1

More info for Protein automated matches from f.4.3.1: Porin

Timeline for Protein automated matches from f.4.3.1: Porin: