Class a: All alpha proteins [46456] (285 folds) |
Fold a.29: Bromodomain-like [47363] (15 superfamilies) 4 helices; bundle; minor mirror variant of up-and-down topology |
Superfamily a.29.6: Plant invertase/pectin methylesterase inhibitor [101148] (2 families) contains a short alpha-hairpin at the N-terminal extension |
Family a.29.6.1: Plant invertase/pectin methylesterase inhibitor [101149] (3 proteins) Pfam PF04043 |
Protein automated matches [190250] (1 species) not a true protein |
Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) [TaxId:4097] [187032] (6 PDB entries) |
Domain d2cj4a_: 2cj4 A: [130518] automated match to d1rj1a_ complexed with act, so4 |
Domain d2cj4b_: 2cj4 B: [130519] automated match to d1rj1a_ complexed with act, so4 |
Domain d2cj5a_: 2cj5 A: [130520] automated match to d1rj1a_ complexed with act, so4 |
Domain d2cj6a_: 2cj6 A: [130521] automated match to d1rj1a_ complexed with iod |
Domain d2cj7a_: 2cj7 A: [130522] automated match to d1rj1a_ complexed with iod |
Domain d2cj8a_: 2cj8 A: [130523] automated match to d1rj1a_ complexed with iod |
Domain d2cj8b_: 2cj8 B: [130524] automated match to d1rj1a_ complexed with iod |
Domain d2xqrb_: 2xqr B: [170293] automated match to d1rj1a_ complexed with epe, fru, nag, so4 |
Domain d2xqrd_: 2xqr D: [170294] automated match to d1rj1a_ complexed with epe, fru, nag, so4 |
Domain d2xqrf_: 2xqr F: [170295] automated match to d1rj1a_ complexed with epe, fru, nag, so4 |
Domain d2xqrh_: 2xqr H: [170296] automated match to d1rj1a_ complexed with epe, fru, nag, so4 |
Domain d2xqrj_: 2xqr J: [170297] automated match to d1rj1a_ complexed with epe, fru, nag, so4 |
Domain d2xqrl_: 2xqr L: [170298] automated match to d1rj1a_ complexed with epe, fru, nag, so4 |
Timeline for Protein automated matches from a.29.6.1: Plant invertase/pectin methylesterase inhibitor: