Lineage for Protein: automated matches

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.07
  2. 2434694Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds)
  3. 2491249Fold c.55: Ribonuclease H-like motif [53066] (7 superfamilies)
    3 layers: a/b/a; mixed beta-sheet of 5 strands, order 32145; strand 2 is antiparallel to the rest
  4. 2493668Superfamily c.55.3: Ribonuclease H-like [53098] (16 families) (S)
    consists of one domain of this fold
  5. 2493948Family c.55.3.2: Retroviral integrase, catalytic domain [53107] (2 proteins)
  6. 2494110Protein automated matches [190209] (5 species)
    not a true protein


  1. 2494111Human immunodeficiency virus 1 [TaxId:11676] [186963] (69 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 3lpt:
    2. Domain for 3lpu:
    3. Domains for 3nf6:
      1. 2494120Domain d3nf6a_: 3nf6 A: [233014]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with acy, cl, edo, imv, so4
      2. 2494121Domain d3nf6b_: 3nf6 B: [233015]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        protein/DNA complex; complexed with acy, cl, edo, imv, so4
    4. Domains for 3nf7:
      1. 2494112Domain d3nf7a_: 3nf7 A: [233017]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with acy, ciw, edo, so4
      2. 2494113Domain d3nf7b_: 3nf7 B: [233016]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with acy, ciw, edo, so4
    5. Domains for 3nf8:
      1. 2494114Domain d3nf8a_: 3nf8 A: [233018]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with acy, cdq, so4
      2. 2494115Domain d3nf8b_: 3nf8 B: [233019]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with acy, cdq, so4
    6. Domains for 3nf9:
      1. 2494122Domain d3nf9a_: 3nf9 A: [233020]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with acy, cd9, edo, so4
      2. 2494123Domain d3nf9b_: 3nf9 B: [233022]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with acy, cd9, edo, so4
    7. Domains for 3nfa:
      1. 2494118Domain d3nfaa_: 3nfa A: [233021]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with acy, cbj, so4
      2. 2494119Domain d3nfab_: 3nfa B: [233023]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with acy, cbj, so4
    8. Domains for 4ce9:
      1. 2494219Domain d4ce9a_: 4ce9 A: [229074]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with acy, gol, o3n, so4
      2. 2494220Domain d4ce9b_: 4ce9 B: [229077]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with acy, gol, o3n, so4
    9. Domains for 4cea:
      1. 2494164Domain d4ceaa_: 4cea A: [229064]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with acy, cl, gol, so4, zsw
      2. 2494165Domain d4ceab_: 4cea B: [229066]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with acy, cl, gol, so4, zsw
    10. Domains for 4ceb:
      1. 2494148Domain d4ceba_: 4ceb A: [229068]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with acy, edo, gol, so4, zsv
      2. 2494149Domain d4cebb_: 4ceb B: [229069]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with acy, edo, gol, so4, zsv
    11. Domains for 4cec:
      1. 2494144Domain d4ceca_: 4cec A: [229061]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with 2ss, act, cl, gol, so4
      2. 2494145Domain d4cecb_: 4cec B: [229063]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with 2ss, act, cl, gol, so4
    12. Domains for 4ced:
      1. 2494146Domain d4ceda_: 4ced A: [229078]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with 9ns, cl, gol, so4
      2. 2494147Domain d4cedb_: 4ced B: [229080]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with 9ns, cl, gol, so4
    13. Domains for 4cee:
      1. 2494162Domain d4ceea_: 4cee A: [229211]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, b0t, cl, so4
      2. 2494163Domain d4ceeb_: 4cee B: [229213]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, b0t, cl, so4
    14. Domains for 4cef:
      1. 2494128Domain d4cefa_: 4cef A: [229060]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with cl, d0t, gol, so4
      2. 2494129Domain d4cefb_: 4cef B: [229062]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with cl, d0t, gol, so4
    15. Domains for 4ceo:
      1. 2494182Domain d4ceoa_: 4ceo A: [229072]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, cl, g0t, so4
      2. 2494183Domain d4ceob_: 4ceo B: [229070]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, cl, g0t, so4
    16. Domains for 4ceq:
      1. 2494130Domain d4ceqa_: 4ceq A: [229065]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, cl, dms, qch, so4
      2. 2494131Domain d4ceqb_: 4ceq B: [229067]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, cl, dms, qch, so4
    17. Domains for 4cer:
      1. 2494124Domain d4cera_: 4cer A: [229073]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with cl, so4, vl4
      2. 2494125Domain d4cerb_: 4cer B: [229071]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with cl, so4, vl4
    18. Domains for 4ces:
      1. 2494178Domain d4cesa_: 4ces A: [229075]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with cl, nfw, so4
      2. 2494179Domain d4cesb_: 4ces B: [229076]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with cl, nfw, so4
    19. Domains for 4cez:
      1. 2494126Domain d4ceza_: 4cez A: [229210]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with cl, gol, o3n, so4
      2. 2494127Domain d4cezb_: 4cez B: [229212]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with cl, gol, o3n, so4
    20. Domains for 4cf0:
      1. 2494191Domain d4cf0a_: 4cf0 A: [229081]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, o5u, so4
      2. 2494192Domain d4cf0b_: 4cf0 B: [229079]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, o5u, so4
    21. Domains for 4cf1:
      1. 2494193Domain d4cf1a_: 4cf1 A: [229792]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, iy7, so4
      2. 2494194Domain d4cf1b_: 4cf1 B: [229793]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, iy7, so4
    22. Domains for 4cf2:
      1. 2494213Domain d4cf2a_: 4cf2 A: [229083]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with 3gm, so4
      2. 2494214Domain d4cf2b_: 4cf2 B: [229082]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with 3gm, so4
    23. Domains for 4cf8:
      1. 2494116Domain d4cf8a_: 4cf8 A: [229570]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with acy, cl, edo, gol, so4, v7h
      2. 2494117Domain d4cf8b_: 4cf8 B: [229568]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with acy, cl, edo, gol, so4, v7h
    24. Domains for 4cf9:
      1. 2494225Domain d4cf9a_: 4cf9 A: [229217]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with 5ey, act, edo, ee2, so4
      2. 2494226Domain d4cf9b_: 4cf9 B: [229215]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with 5ey, act, edo, ee2, so4
    25. Domains for 4cfa:
      1. 2494215Domain d4cfaa_: 4cfa A: [229221]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with so4, wop
      2. 2494216Domain d4cfab_: 4cfa B: [229222]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with so4, wop
    26. Domains for 4cfb:
      1. 2494205Domain d4cfba_: 4cfb A: [229214]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, om3, so4
      2. 2494206Domain d4cfbb_: 4cfb B: [229216]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, om3, so4
    27. Domains for 4cfc:
      1. 2494195Domain d4cfca_: 4cfc A: [229223]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with 7nv, act, cl, so4
      2. 2494196Domain d4cfcb_: 4cfc B: [229220]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with 7nv, act, cl, so4
    28. Domains for 4cfd:
      1. 2494228Domain d4cfda_: 4cfd A: [229219]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, cl, s8y, so4
      2. 2494229Domain d4cfdb_: 4cfd B: [229218]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, cl, s8y, so4
    29. Domains for 4cgd:
      1. 2494221Domain d4cgda_: 4cgd A: [229386]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with 8p3, acy, cl, edo, gol, so4
      2. 2494222Domain d4cgdb_: 4cgd B: [229387]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with 8p3, acy, cl, edo, gol, so4
    30. Domains for 4cgf:
      1. 2494168Domain d4cgfa_: 4cgf A: [229389]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, edo, so4, uj6
      2. 2494169Domain d4cgfb_: 4cgf B: [229394]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, edo, so4, uj6
    31. Domains for 4cgg:
      1. 2494156Domain d4cgga_: 4cgg A: [229393]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with cl, edo, k5q, so4
      2. 2494157Domain d4cggb_: 4cgg B: [229395]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with cl, edo, k5q, so4
    32. Domains for 4cgh:
      1. 2494170Domain d4cgha_: 4cgh A: [229391]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with acy, loz, so4
      2. 2494171Domain d4cghb_: 4cgh B: [229392]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with acy, loz, so4
    33. Domains for 4cgi:
      1. 2494217Domain d4cgia_: 4cgi A: [229384]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, nzl, so4
      2. 2494218Domain d4cgib_: 4cgi B: [229385]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, nzl, so4
    34. Domains for 4cgj:
      1. 2494223Domain d4cgja_: 4cgj A: [229388]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, nzl, so4
      2. 2494224Domain d4cgjb_: 4cgj B: [229390]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, nzl, so4
    35. Domains for 4chn:
      1. 2494209Domain d4chna_: 4chn A: [229572]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, edo, gol, onz, so4
      2. 2494210Domain d4chnb_: 4chn B: [229573]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, edo, gol, onz, so4
    36. Domains for 4cho:
      1. 2494136Domain d4choa_: 4cho A: [229575]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, edo, gol, so4, u2z
      2. 2494137Domain d4chob_: 4cho B: [229577]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, edo, gol, so4, u2z
    37. Domains for 4chp:
      1. 2494189Domain d4chpa_: 4chp A: [229571]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, edo, imv, so4
      2. 2494190Domain d4chpb_: 4chp B: [229569]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, edo, imv, so4
    38. Domains for 4chq:
      1. 2494203Domain d4chqa_: 4chq A: [229574]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, cl, cwu, edo, so4
      2. 2494204Domain d4chqb_: 4chq B: [229576]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, cl, cwu, edo, so4
    39. Domains for 4chy:
      1. 2494172Domain d4chya_: 4chy A: [229800]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with acy, c5q, edo, so4
      2. 2494173Domain d4chyb_: 4chy B: [229803]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with acy, c5q, edo, so4
    40. Domains for 4chz:
      1. 2494174Domain d4chza_: 4chz A: [229798]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, cl, edo, h75, lys, so4
      2. 2494175Domain d4chzb_: 4chz B: [229994]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, cl, edo, h75, lys, so4
    41. Domains for 4cie:
      1. 2494134Domain d4ciea_: 4cie A: [235938]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with acy, cl, so4, y7n
      2. 2494135Domain d4cieb_: 4cie B: [235936]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with acy, cl, so4, y7n
    42. Domains for 4cif:
      1. 2494160Domain d4cifa_: 4cif A: [235933]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, cl, jdx, so4
      2. 2494161Domain d4cifb_: 4cif B: [235934]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, cl, jdx, so4
    43. Domains for 4cig:
      1. 2494132Domain d4ciga_: 4cig A: [235935]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, so4, x0p
      2. 2494133Domain d4cigb_: 4cig B: [235937]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, so4, x0p
    44. Domains for 4cj3:
      1. 2494152Domain d4cj3a_: 4cj3 A: [235944]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, e4f, so4
      2. 2494153Domain d4cj3b_: 4cj3 B: [235947]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, e4f, so4
    45. Domains for 4cj4:
      1. 2494180Domain d4cj4a_: 4cj4 A: [235957]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, cl, s3g, so4
      2. 2494181Domain d4cj4b_: 4cj4 B: [235955]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, cl, s3g, so4
    46. Domains for 4cj5:
      1. 2494201Domain d4cj5a_: 4cj5 A: [235961]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with 4vw, act, cl, so4
      2. 2494202Domain d4cj5b_: 4cj5 B: [235960]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with 4vw, act, cl, so4
    47. Domains for 4cje:
      1. 2494185Domain d4cjea_: 4cje A: [235956]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, cl, q31, so4
      2. 2494186Domain d4cjeb_: 4cje B: [235958]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, cl, q31, so4
    48. Domains for 4cjf:
      1. 2494197Domain d4cjfa_: 4cjf A: [235939]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, cl, dms, edo, rvn, so4
      2. 2494198Domain d4cjfb_: 4cjf B: [235941]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, cl, dms, edo, rvn, so4
    49. Domains for 4cjk:
      1. 2494154Domain d4cjka_: 4cjk A: [235952]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, cl, h39, so4
      2. 2494155Domain d4cjkb_: 4cjk B: [235959]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, cl, h39, so4
    50. Domain for 4cjl:
    51. Domains for 4cjp:
      1. 2494207Domain d4cjpa_: 4cjp A: [235951]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with 4d2, cl, so4
      2. 2494208Domain d4cjpb_: 4cjp B: [235954]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with 4d2, cl, so4
    52. Domains for 4cjq:
      1. 2494142Domain d4cjqa_: 4cjq A: [235953]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, so4, vxo
      2. 2494143Domain d4cjqb_: 4cjq B: [235950]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, so4, vxo
    53. Domains for 4cjr:
      1. 2494166Domain d4cjra_: 4cjr A: [235948]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, cl, fym, so4
      2. 2494167Domain d4cjrb_: 4cjr B: [235949]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, cl, fym, so4
    54. Domains for 4cjs:
      1. 2494158Domain d4cjsa_: 4cjs A: [235940]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, cl, l0y, so4
      2. 2494159Domain d4cjsb_: 4cjs B: [235943]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, cl, l0y, so4
    55. Domains for 4cjt:
      1. 2494140Domain d4cjta_: 4cjt A: [235942]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, gol, hlr, so4
      2. 2494141Domain d4cjtb_: 4cjt B: [235945]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, gol, hlr, so4
    56. Domains for 4cju:
      1. 2494138Domain d4cjua_: 4cju A: [236124]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, jns, so4
      2. 2494139Domain d4cjub_: 4cju B: [236121]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, jns, so4
    57. Domains for 4cjv:
      1. 2494211Domain d4cjva_: 4cjv A: [236125]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, gol, iv2, so4
      2. 2494212Domain d4cjvb_: 4cjv B: [236126]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, gol, iv2, so4
    58. Domains for 4cjw:
      1. 2494199Domain d4cjwa_: 4cjw A: [236123]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, cbj, so4
      2. 2494200Domain d4cjwb_: 4cjw B: [236122]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, cbj, so4
    59. Domains for 4ck1:
      1. 2494150Domain d4ck1a_: 4ck1 A: [236127]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, cl, edo, om1, so4
      2. 2494151Domain d4ck1b_: 4ck1 B: [236128]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, cl, edo, om1, so4
    60. Domains for 4ck2:
      1. 2494187Domain d4ck2a_: 4ck2 A: [236118]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, nvu, so4
      2. 2494188Domain d4ck2b_: 4ck2 B: [236117]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, nvu, so4
    61. Domains for 4ck3:
      1. 2494176Domain d4ck3a_: 4ck3 A: [236120]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, k1t, so4
      2. 2494177Domain d4ck3b_: 4ck3 B: [236119]
        automated match to d4ah9a_
        complexed with act, k1t, so4
    62. Domain for 5kgx:
    63. Domain for 5oi2:
    64. Domain for 5oi5:
    65. Domain for 6l0c:
    66. Domains for 6um8:
      1. 2494235Domain d6um8a_: 6um8 A: [381975]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6um8b2
        automated match to d3vq9c_
        protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with 1pe, peg, qcg, so4
      2. 2494236Domain d6um8b1: 6um8 B:57-209 [381990]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6um8b2
        automated match to d3vq9c_
        protein/DNA complex; protein/RNA complex; complexed with 1pe, peg, qcg, so4
    67. Domains for 6vlm:
      1. 2494237Domain d6vlma_: 6vlm A: [385608]
        automated match to d3vq9c_
        complexed with r2d
      2. 2494238Domain d6vlmb_: 6vlm B: [385646]
        automated match to d3vq9c_
        complexed with r2d
    68. Domain for 6vqs:
    69. Domain for 6w42:
  2. 2494241Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 [TaxId:11698] [195546] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 4e1m:
    2. Domain for 4e1n:
    3. Domain for 4jlh:
  3. 2494245Human immunodeficiency virus [TaxId:12721] [193331] (20 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3zcm:
      1. 2494262Domain d3zcma_: 3zcm A: [201285]
        automated match to d3zcmb_
        complexed with act, gol, px3, so4
      2. 2494263Domain d3zcmb_: 3zcm B: [193332]
        automated match to d1bizb_
        complexed with act, gol, px3, so4
    2. Domains for 3zso:
      1. 2494248Domain d3zsoa_: 3zso A: [218432]
        automated match to d3zcmb_
        complexed with acy, na, o2n, so4
      2. 2494249Domain d3zsob_: 3zso B: [218433]
        automated match to d3zcmb_
        complexed with acy, na, o2n, so4
    3. Domains for 3zsq:
      1. 2494246Domain d3zsqa_: 3zsq A: [218434]
        automated match to d3zcmb_
        complexed with acy, gol, o4n, so4
      2. 2494247Domain d3zsqb_: 3zsq B: [218435]
        automated match to d3zcmb_
        complexed with acy, gol, o4n, so4
    4. Domains for 3zsr:
      1. 2494250Domain d3zsra_: 3zsr A: [218436]
        automated match to d3zcmb_
        complexed with cl, gol, o3n, so4
      2. 2494251Domain d3zsrb_: 3zsr B: [218437]
        automated match to d3zcmb_
        complexed with cl, gol, o3n, so4
    5. Domains for 3zsv:
      1. 2494256Domain d3zsva_: 3zsv A: [218438]
        automated match to d3zcmb_
        complexed with acy, edo, gol, so4, zsv
      2. 2494257Domain d3zsvb_: 3zsv B: [218439]
        automated match to d3zcmb_
        complexed with acy, edo, gol, so4, zsv
    6. Domains for 3zsw:
      1. 2494284Domain d3zswa_: 3zsw A: [218440]
        automated match to d3zcmb_
        complexed with acy, cl, gol, so4, thr, zsw
      2. 2494285Domain d3zswb_: 3zsw B: [218441]
        automated match to d3zcmb_
        complexed with acy, cl, gol, so4, thr, zsw
    7. Domains for 3zsx:
      1. 2494270Domain d3zsxa_: 3zsx A: [218442]
        automated match to d3zcmb_
        complexed with act, edo, gol, n44, so4
      2. 2494271Domain d3zsxb_: 3zsx B: [218443]
        automated match to d3zcmb_
        complexed with act, edo, gol, n44, so4
    8. Domains for 3zsy:
      1. 2494280Domain d3zsya_: 3zsy A: [218444]
        automated match to d3zcmb_
        complexed with act, om3, so4
      2. 2494281Domain d3zsyb_: 3zsy B: [218445]
        automated match to d3zcmb_
        complexed with act, om3, so4
    9. Domains for 3zsz:
      1. 2494276Domain d3zsza_: 3zsz A: [218446]
        automated match to d3zcmb_
        complexed with act, cl, om2, so4
      2. 2494277Domain d3zszb_: 3zsz B: [218447]
        automated match to d3zcmb_
        complexed with act, cl, om2, so4
    10. Domains for 3zt0:
      1. 2494278Domain d3zt0a_: 3zt0 A: [218448]
        automated match to d3zcmb_
        complexed with so4, zt0
      2. 2494279Domain d3zt0b_: 3zt0 B: [218449]
        automated match to d3zcmb_
        complexed with so4, zt0
    11. Domains for 3zt1:
      1. 2494258Domain d3zt1a_: 3zt1 A: [218450]
        automated match to d3zcmb_
        complexed with act, edo, om1, so4
      2. 2494259Domain d3zt1b_: 3zt1 B: [218451]
        automated match to d3zcmb_
        complexed with act, edo, om1, so4
    12. Domains for 3zt2:
      1. 2494254Domain d3zt2a_: 3zt2 A: [218452]
        automated match to d3zcmb_
        complexed with act, so4, zt2
      2. 2494255Domain d3zt2b_: 3zt2 B: [218453]
        automated match to d3zcmb_
        complexed with act, so4, zt2
    13. Domains for 3zt3:
      1. 2494274Domain d3zt3a_: 3zt3 A: [218454]
        automated match to d3zcmb_
        complexed with acy, edo, so4, zt4
      2. 2494275Domain d3zt3b_: 3zt3 B: [218455]
        automated match to d3zcmb_
        complexed with acy, edo, so4, zt4
    14. Domains for 3zt4:
      1. 2494282Domain d3zt4a_: 3zt4 A: [218456]
        automated match to d3zcmb_
        complexed with acy, edo, so4, zt2
      2. 2494283Domain d3zt4b_: 3zt4 B: [218457]
        automated match to d3zcmb_
        complexed with acy, edo, so4, zt2
    15. Domains for 4ah9:
      1. 2494252Domain d4ah9a_: 4ah9 A: [218864]
        automated match to d2itga_
        complexed with 0mb, cl, edo, gol, so4, tam
      2. 2494253Domain d4ah9b_: 4ah9 B: [218865]
        automated match to d2itga_
        complexed with 0mb, cl, edo, gol, so4, tam
    16. Domains for 4ahr:
      1. 2494272Domain d4ahra_: 4ahr A: [218882]
        automated match to d2itga_
        complexed with acy, gol, i2e, so4
      2. 2494273Domain d4ahrb_: 4ahr B: [218883]
        automated match to d2itga_
        complexed with acy, gol, i2e, so4
    17. Domains for 4ahs:
      1. 2494268Domain d4ahsa_: 4ahs A: [218884]
        automated match to d2itga_
        complexed with act, akh, edo, gol, so4
      2. 2494269Domain d4ahsb_: 4ahs B: [218885]
        automated match to d2itga_
        complexed with act, akh, edo, gol, so4
    18. Domains for 4aht:
      1. 2494260Domain d4ahta_: 4aht A: [218886]
        automated match to d2itga_
        complexed with acy, edo, q6t, so4, tam
      2. 2494261Domain d4ahtb_: 4aht B: [218887]
        automated match to d2itga_
        complexed with acy, edo, q6t, so4, tam
    19. Domains for 4ahu:
      1. 2494266Domain d4ahua_: 4ahu A: [218888]
        automated match to d2itga_
        complexed with acy, cl, edo, gol, ico, so4
      2. 2494267Domain d4ahub_: 4ahu B: [218889]
        automated match to d2itga_
        complexed with acy, cl, edo, gol, ico, so4
    20. Domains for 4ahv:
      1. 2494264Domain d4ahva_: 4ahv A: [218890]
        automated match to d2itga_
        complexed with acy, edo, so4, tam, z5p
      2. 2494265Domain d4ahvb_: 4ahv B: [218891]
        automated match to d2itga_
        complexed with acy, edo, so4, tam, z5p
  4. 2494286Mouse mammary tumor virus [TaxId:11757] [312887] (1 PDB entry)
  5. 2494291Rous sarcoma virus [TaxId:11888] [226667] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4fw1:
      1. 2494292Domain d4fw1a1: 4fw1 A:52-216 [221563]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4fw1a2, d4fw1b2
        automated match to d1c0ma2
      2. 2494293Domain d4fw1b1: 4fw1 B:54-216 [221565]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4fw1a2, d4fw1b2
        automated match to d1c0ma2
    2. Domains for 4fw2:
      1. 2494294Domain d4fw2a1: 4fw2 A:52-216 [221567]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4fw2a2, d4fw2b2
        automated match to d1c0ma2
      2. 2494295Domain d4fw2b1: 4fw2 B:54-216 [221569]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4fw2a2, d4fw2b2
        automated match to d1c0ma2

More info for Protein automated matches from c.55.3.2: Retroviral integrase, catalytic domain

Timeline for Protein automated matches from c.55.3.2: Retroviral integrase, catalytic domain: