Lineage for Protein: automated matches

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.05
  2. 1815291Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds)
  3. 1815292Fold c.1: TIM beta/alpha-barrel [51350] (33 superfamilies)
    contains parallel beta-sheet barrel, closed; n=8, S=8; strand order 12345678
    the first seven superfamilies have similar phosphate-binding sites
  4. 1820872Superfamily c.1.9: Metallo-dependent hydrolases [51556] (19 families) (S)
    the beta-sheet barrel is similarly distorted and capped by a C-terminal helix
    has transition metal ions bound inside the barrel
  5. 1821491Family c.1.9.0: automated matches [191327] (1 protein)
    not a true family
  6. 1821492Protein automated matches [190150] (22 species)
    not a true protein


  1. 1821493Acinetobacter baumannii [TaxId:480119] [226540] (1 PDB entry)
  2. 1821495Arthrobacter aurescens [TaxId:290340] [189973] (1 PDB entry)
  3. 1821498Bordetella bronchiseptica [TaxId:518] [255848] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3gip:
      1. 1821499Domain d3gipa2: 3gip A:61-418 [246305]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3gipa1, d3gipa3, d3gipb1, d3gipb3
        automated match to d1rk6a3
        complexed with acy, fmt, zn
      2. 1821500Domain d3gipb2: 3gip B:61-418 [246308]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3gipa1, d3gipa3, d3gipb1, d3gipb3
        automated match to d1rk6a3
        complexed with acy, fmt, zn
    2. Domains for 3giq:
      1. 1821501Domain d3giqa2: 3giq A:61-418 [246311]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3giqa1, d3giqa3, d3giqb1, d3giqb3
        automated match to d1rk6a3
        complexed with g01, zn
      2. 1821502Domain d3giqb2: 3giq B:61-418 [246314]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3giqa1, d3giqa3, d3giqb1, d3giqb3
        automated match to d1rk6a3
        complexed with g01, zn
  4. 1821503Burkholderia cenocepacia [TaxId:216591] [256356] (1 PDB entry)
  5. 1821506Campylobacter jejuni [TaxId:192222] [226030] (1 PDB entry)
  6. 1821509Caulobacter vibrioides [TaxId:190650] [255551] (1 PDB entry)
  7. 1821513Deinococcus radiodurans [TaxId:1299] [188838] (1 PDB entry)
  8. 1821515Escherichia coli K-12 [TaxId:83333] [186875] (1 PDB entry)
  9. 1821517Escherichia coli [TaxId:83333] [257011] (1 PDB entry)
  10. 1821526Geobacillus kaustophilus [TaxId:1462] [189526] (16 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 3ojg:
    2. Domains for 3orw:
      1. 1821554Domain d3orwa_: 3orw A: [200157]
        automated match to d3orwb_
        complexed with co
      2. 1821555Domain d3orwb_: 3orw B: [196165]
        automated match to d3ojga_
        complexed with co
    3. Domains for 3tn3:
      1. 1821531Domain d3tn3a_: 3tn3 A: [249953]
        automated match to d3orwa_
        complexed with co
      2. 1821532Domain d3tn3b_: 3tn3 B: [249954]
        automated match to d3orwa_
        complexed with co
    4. Domains for 3tn4:
      1. 1821527Domain d3tn4a_: 3tn4 A: [249955]
        automated match to d3orwa_
        complexed with co; mutant
      2. 1821528Domain d3tn4b_: 3tn4 B: [249956]
        automated match to d3orwa_
        complexed with co; mutant
    5. Domains for 3tn5:
      1. 1821535Domain d3tn5a_: 3tn5 A: [249957]
        automated match to d3orwa_
        complexed with co, po4; mutant
      2. 1821536Domain d3tn5b_: 3tn5 B: [249958]
        automated match to d3orwa_
        complexed with co, po4; mutant
    6. Domains for 3tn6:
      1. 1821533Domain d3tn6a_: 3tn6 A: [249959]
        automated match to d3orwa_
        complexed with co; mutant
      2. 1821534Domain d3tn6b_: 3tn6 B: [249960]
        automated match to d3orwa_
        complexed with co; mutant
    7. Domains for 3tnb:
      1. 1821529Domain d3tnba_: 3tnb A: [249962]
        automated match to d3orwa_
        complexed with co; mutant
      2. 1821530Domain d3tnbb_: 3tnb B: [249963]
        automated match to d3orwa_
        complexed with co; mutant
    8. Domains for 4h9t:
      1. 1821542Domain d4h9ta_: 4h9t A: [193071]
        automated match to d3ojga_
        complexed with fe, hl4, mn; mutant
      2. 1821543Domain d4h9tb_: 4h9t B: [202395]
        automated match to d4h9ta_
        complexed with fe, hl4, mn; mutant
    9. Domains for 4h9u:
      1. 1821540Domain d4h9ua_: 4h9u A: [202396]
        automated match to d4h9ub_
        complexed with fe, oh, zn
      2. 1821541Domain d4h9ub_: 4h9u B: [193074]
        automated match to d3ojga_
        complexed with fe, oh, zn
    10. Domains for 4h9v:
      1. 1821538Domain d4h9va_: 4h9v A: [193076]
        automated match to d3ojga_
        complexed with fe, oh, zn; mutant
      2. 1821539Domain d4h9vb_: 4h9v B: [193075]
        automated match to d3ojga_
        complexed with fe, oh, zn; mutant
    11. Domains for 4h9x:
      1. 1821548Domain d4h9xa_: 4h9x A: [193073]
        automated match to d3ojga_
        complexed with fe, hl4, oh, zn; mutant
      2. 1821549Domain d4h9xb_: 4h9x B: [202397]
        automated match to d4h9xa_
        complexed with fe, hl4, oh, zn; mutant
    12. Domains for 4h9y:
      1. 1821544Domain d4h9ya_: 4h9y A: [193070]
        automated match to d3ojga_
        complexed with fe, oh, zn; mutant
      2. 1821545Domain d4h9yb_: 4h9y B: [202398]
        automated match to d4h9ya_
        complexed with fe, oh, zn; mutant
    13. Domains for 4h9z:
      1. 1821556Domain d4h9za_: 4h9z A: [222449]
        automated match to d4h9ya_
        complexed with fe, mn; mutant
      2. 1821557Domain d4h9zb_: 4h9z B: [222450]
        automated match to d4h9ya_
        complexed with fe, mn; mutant
    14. Domains for 4ha0:
      1. 1821546Domain d4ha0a_: 4ha0 A: [193078]
        automated match to d3ojga_
        complexed with fe, oh, zn; mutant
      2. 1821547Domain d4ha0b_: 4ha0 B: [202399]
        automated match to d4ha0a_
        complexed with fe, oh, zn; mutant
    15. Domains for 4wvx:
      1. 1821550Domain d4wvxa_: 4wvx A: [279353]
        automated match to d3tn5a_
        complexed with co, edo
      2. 1821551Domain d4wvxb_: 4wvx B: [279352]
        automated match to d3tn5a_
        complexed with co, edo
    16. Domains for 5ch9:
      1. 1821552Domain d5ch9a_: 5ch9 A: [276653]
        automated match to d3tn5a_
        complexed with co; mutant
      2. 1821553Domain d5ch9b_: 5ch9 B: [276652]
        automated match to d3tn5a_
        complexed with co; mutant
  11. 1821558Geobacillus stearothermophilus [TaxId:272567] [188974] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3f4c:
      1. 1821559Domain d3f4ca_: 3f4c A: [175456]
        automated match to d2d2ga1
        complexed with co, gol
      2. 1821560Domain d3f4cb_: 3f4c B: [175457]
        automated match to d2d2ga1
        complexed with co, gol
    2. Domains for 3f4d:
      1. 1821561Domain d3f4da_: 3f4d A: [175458]
        automated match to d2d2ga1
        complexed with co
      2. 1821562Domain d3f4db_: 3f4d B: [175459]
        automated match to d2d2ga1
        complexed with co
  12. 1821563Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [189102] (6 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2wm1:
    2. Domains for 2y1h:
      1. 1821568Domain d2y1ha_: 2y1h A: [196394]
        automated match to d2gzxa_
        complexed with edo, ni, po4, zn
      2. 1821569Domain d2y1hb_: 2y1h B: [196393]
        automated match to d2gzxa_
        complexed with edo, ni, po4, zn
    3. Domains for 4igm:
      1. 1821576Domain d4igma_: 4igm A: [256777]
        automated match to d2wm1a_
        complexed with zn
      2. 1821577Domain d4igmb_: 4igm B: [256778]
        automated match to d2wm1a_
        complexed with zn
      3. 1821578Domain d4igmc_: 4igm C: [256779]
        automated match to d2wm1a_
        complexed with zn
      4. 1821579Domain d4igmd_: 4igm D: [262719]
        automated match to d4ofca_
        complexed with zn
      5. 1821580Domain d4igme_: 4igm E: [262720]
        automated match to d4ofca_
        complexed with zn
      6. 1821581Domain d4igmf_: 4igm F: [262721]
        automated match to d4ofca_
        complexed with zn
    4. Domains for 4ign:
      1. 1821570Domain d4igna_: 4ign A: [256780]
        automated match to d2wm1a_
        complexed with zn; mutant
      2. 1821571Domain d4ignb_: 4ign B: [261074]
        automated match to d2wm1a_
        complexed with zn; mutant
      3. 1821572Domain d4ignc_: 4ign C: [261072]
        automated match to d2wm1a_
        complexed with zn; mutant
      4. 1821573Domain d4ignd_: 4ign D: [261071]
        automated match to d2wm1a_
        complexed with zn; mutant
      5. 1821574Domain d4igne_: 4ign E: [261070]
        automated match to d2wm1a_
        complexed with zn; mutant
      6. 1821575Domain d4ignf_: 4ign F: [261073]
        automated match to d2wm1a_
        complexed with zn; mutant
    5. Domain for 4ih3:
    6. Domains for 4ofc:
      1. 1821565Domain d4ofca_: 4ofc A: [261117]
        automated match to d2wm1a_
        complexed with zn
      2. 1821566Domain d4ofcb_: 4ofc B: [261233]
        automated match to d2wm1a_
        complexed with zn
      3. 1821567Domain d4ofcd_: 4ofc D: [261118]
        automated match to d2wm1a_
        complexed with zn
  13. 1821583Lactobacillus acidophilus [TaxId:1579] [225736] (1 PDB entry)
  14. 1821588Listeria monocytogenes [TaxId:267410] [189815] (1 PDB entry)
  15. 1821595Mycobacterium tuberculosis [TaxId:1773] [229823] (1 PDB entry)
  16. 1821597Novosphingobium aromaticivorans [TaxId:279238] [267952] (5 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4inf:
      1. 1821601Domain d4infa_: 4inf A: [266458]
        automated match to d3s4ta_
        complexed with ca, cl, gol, oxd
      2. 1821602Domain d4infb_: 4inf B: [266459]
        automated match to d3s4ta_
        complexed with ca, cl, gol, oxd
      3. 1821603Domain d4infc_: 4inf C: [266460]
        automated match to d3s4ta_
        complexed with ca, cl, gol, oxd
      4. 1821604Domain d4infd_: 4inf D: [266461]
        automated match to d3s4ta_
        complexed with ca, cl, gol, oxd
    2. Domains for 4qrn:
      1. 1821598Domain d4qrnb_: 4qrn B: [267339]
        automated match to d3s4ta_
        complexed with 1df, act, cl, gol, mn
      2. 1821599Domain d4qrnc_: 4qrn C: [267340]
        automated match to d3s4ta_
        complexed with 1df, act, cl, gol, mn
      3. 1821600Domain d4qrnd_: 4qrn D: [267341]
        automated match to d3s4ta_
        complexed with 1df, act, cl, gol, mn
    3. Domains for 4qs5:
      1. 1821609Domain d4qs5a_: 4qs5 A: [267342]
        automated match to d3s4ta_
        complexed with 1df, act, cl, gol, mn; mutant
      2. 1821610Domain d4qs5b_: 4qs5 B: [267343]
        automated match to d3s4ta_
        complexed with 1df, act, cl, gol, mn; mutant
      3. 1821611Domain d4qs5c_: 4qs5 C: [267344]
        automated match to d3s4ta_
        complexed with 1df, act, cl, gol, mn; mutant
      4. 1821612Domain d4qs5d_: 4qs5 D: [267345]
        automated match to d3s4ta_
        complexed with 1df, act, cl, gol, mn; mutant
    4. Domains for 4qs6:
      1. 1821607Domain d4qs6a_: 4qs6 A: [267346]
        automated match to d3s4ta_
        complexed with 1df, cl, gol; mutant
      2. 1821608Domain d4qs6b_: 4qs6 B: [267347]
        automated match to d3s4ta_
        complexed with 1df, cl, gol; mutant
    5. Domains for 4qtg:
      1. 1821605Domain d4qtga_: 4qtg A: [267365]
        automated match to d3s4ta_
        complexed with gol, mn
      2. 1821606Domain d4qtgb_: 4qtg B: [267366]
        automated match to d3s4ta_
        complexed with gol, mn
  17. 1821613Pseudomonas putida [TaxId:160488] [226114] (1 PDB entry)
  18. 1821615Salmonella typhimurium [TaxId:90371] [189010] (1 PDB entry)
  19. 1821619Staphylococcus aureus [TaxId:196620] [187776] (1 PDB entry)
  20. 1821622Sulfolobus islandicus [TaxId:426118] [193063] (1 PDB entry)
  21. 1821624Sulfolobus solfataricus [TaxId:2287] [188418] (10 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2vc5:
      1. 1821653Domain d2vc5a_: 2vc5 A: [168450]
        automated match to d2d2ga1
        complexed with co, edo, fe, gol
      2. 1821654Domain d2vc5b_: 2vc5 B: [168451]
        automated match to d2d2ga1
        complexed with co, edo, fe, gol
      3. 1821655Domain d2vc5c_: 2vc5 C: [168452]
        automated match to d2d2ga1
        complexed with co, edo, fe, gol
      4. 1821656Domain d2vc5d_: 2vc5 D: [168453]
        automated match to d2d2ga1
        complexed with co, edo, fe, gol
    2. Domains for 2vc7:
      1. 1821641Domain d2vc7a_: 2vc7 A: [168456]
        automated match to d2d2ga1
        complexed with co, edo, fe, gol, ht5
      2. 1821642Domain d2vc7b_: 2vc7 B: [168457]
        automated match to d2d2ga1
        complexed with co, edo, fe, gol, ht5
      3. 1821643Domain d2vc7c_: 2vc7 C: [168458]
        automated match to d2d2ga1
        complexed with co, edo, fe, gol, ht5
      4. 1821644Domain d2vc7d_: 2vc7 D: [168459]
        automated match to d2d2ga1
        complexed with co, edo, fe, gol, ht5
    3. Domains for 3uf9:
      1. 1821661Domain d3uf9a_: 3uf9 A: [193156]
        automated match to d2vc7a_
        complexed with co, fe2, fst, gol
      2. 1821662Domain d3uf9b_: 3uf9 B: [193155]
        automated match to d2vc7a_
        complexed with co, fe2, fst, gol
      3. 1821663Domain d3uf9c_: 3uf9 C: [200979]
        automated match to d2vc7a_
        complexed with co, fe2, fst, gol
      4. 1821664Domain d3uf9d_: 3uf9 D: [200980]
        automated match to d2vc7a_
        complexed with co, fe2, fst, gol
    4. Domains for 4ker:
      1. 1821649Domain d4kera_: 4ker A: [228062]
        automated match to d2vc7a_
        complexed with co, edo, fe2, gol, peg
      2. 1821650Domain d4kerb_: 4ker B: [235147]
        automated match to d4kerd_
        complexed with co, edo, fe2, gol, peg
      3. 1821651Domain d4kerc_: 4ker C: [235145]
        automated match to d4kerd_
        complexed with co, edo, fe2, gol, peg
      4. 1821652Domain d4kerd_: 4ker D: [228061]
        automated match to d2vc7a_
        complexed with co, edo, fe2, gol, peg
    5. Domains for 4kes:
      1. 1821637Domain d4kesa_: 4kes A: [235149]
        automated match to d4kesd_
        complexed with co, edo, fe2, gol, peg
      2. 1821638Domain d4kesb_: 4kes B: [235148]
        automated match to d4kesd_
        complexed with co, edo, fe2, gol, peg
      3. 1821639Domain d4kesc_: 4kes C: [235143]
        automated match to d4kesd_
        complexed with co, edo, fe2, gol, peg
      4. 1821640Domain d4kesd_: 4kes D: [228060]
        automated match to d2vc7a_
        complexed with co, edo, fe2, gol, peg
    6. Domains for 4ket:
      1. 1821629Domain d4keta_: 4ket A: [228059]
        automated match to d2vc7a_
        complexed with co, edo, fe2, gol, peg, pg4
      2. 1821630Domain d4ketb_: 4ket B: [235146]
        automated match to d4ketd_
        complexed with co, edo, fe2, gol, peg, pg4
      3. 1821631Domain d4ketc_: 4ket C: [235144]
        automated match to d4ketd_
        complexed with co, edo, fe2, gol, peg, pg4
      4. 1821632Domain d4ketd_: 4ket D: [228058]
        automated match to d2vc7a_
        complexed with co, edo, fe2, gol, peg, pg4
    7. Domains for 4keu:
      1. 1821645Domain d4keua_: 4keu A: [228057]
        automated match to d2vc7a_
        complexed with co, edo, fe2, gol
      2. 1821646Domain d4keub_: 4keu B: [235150]
        automated match to d4keud_
        complexed with co, edo, fe2, gol
      3. 1821647Domain d4keuc_: 4keu C: [235151]
        automated match to d4keud_
        complexed with co, edo, fe2, gol
      4. 1821648Domain d4keud_: 4keu D: [228056]
        automated match to d2vc7a_
        complexed with co, edo, fe2, gol
    8. Domains for 4kev:
      1. 1821657Domain d4keva_: 4kev A: [228064]
        automated match to d2vc7a_
        complexed with co, fe2
      2. 1821658Domain d4kevb_: 4kev B: [235152]
        automated match to d4kevd_
        complexed with co, fe2
      3. 1821659Domain d4kevc_: 4kev C: [235153]
        automated match to d4kevd_
        complexed with co, fe2
      4. 1821660Domain d4kevd_: 4kev D: [228063]
        automated match to d2vc7a_
        complexed with co, fe2
    9. Domains for 4kez:
      1. 1821625Domain d4keza_: 4kez A: [235155]
        automated match to d4kezd_
        complexed with co, edo, fe2, gol
      2. 1821626Domain d4kezb_: 4kez B: [235156]
        automated match to d4kezd_
        complexed with co, edo, fe2, gol
      3. 1821627Domain d4kezc_: 4kez C: [235154]
        automated match to d4kezd_
        complexed with co, edo, fe2, gol
      4. 1821628Domain d4kezd_: 4kez D: [228066]
        automated match to d2vc7a_
        complexed with co, edo, fe2, gol
    10. Domains for 4kf1:
      1. 1821633Domain d4kf1a_: 4kf1 A: [235157]
        automated match to d4ketd_
        complexed with co, edo, fe2, gol, ht5, pg4
      2. 1821634Domain d4kf1b_: 4kf1 B: [235158]
        automated match to d4ketd_
        complexed with co, edo, fe2, gol, ht5, pg4
      3. 1821635Domain d4kf1c_: 4kf1 C: [235159]
        automated match to d4ketd_
        complexed with co, edo, fe2, gol, ht5, pg4
      4. 1821636Domain d4kf1d_: 4kf1 D: [235160]
        automated match to d4ketd_
        complexed with co, edo, fe2, gol, ht5, pg4
  22. 1821665Vulcanisaeta moutnovskia [TaxId:985053] [269342] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4rdy:
      1. 1821668Domain d4rdya_: 4rdy A: [269346]
        automated match to d4g2da_
        complexed with 3m5, co, gol, so4
      2. 1821669Domain d4rdyb_: 4rdy B: [269343]
        automated match to d4g2da_
        complexed with 3m5, co, gol, so4
    2. Domains for 4rdz:
      1. 1821666Domain d4rdza_: 4rdz A: [269344]
        automated match to d4g2da_
        complexed with co, gol, myr
      2. 1821667Domain d4rdzb_: 4rdz B: [269345]
        automated match to d4g2da_
        complexed with co, gol, myr
    3. Domain for 4re0:

More info for Protein automated matches from c.1.9.0: automated matches

Timeline for Protein automated matches from c.1.9.0: automated matches: