Lineage for Protein: automated matches

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2923792Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (396 folds)
  3. 2943538Fold d.38: Thioesterase/thiol ester dehydrase-isomerase [54636] (1 superfamily)
    core: beta-alpha-beta(4); 2 layers: alpha/beta
  4. 2943539Superfamily d.38.1: Thioesterase/thiol ester dehydrase-isomerase [54637] (10 families) (S)
  5. 2944312Family d.38.1.0: automated matches [191325] (1 protein)
    not a true family
  6. 2944313Protein automated matches [190143] (42 species)
    not a true protein


  1. 2944314Actinomadura verrucosospora [TaxId:46165] [377917] (1 PDB entry)
  2. 2944327Aquifex aeolicus [TaxId:63363] [187664] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2egi:
      1. 2944332Domain d2egia_: 2egi A: [163999]
        automated match to d1z54a1
        complexed with gol
      2. 2944333Domain d2egic_: 2egi C: [164000]
        automated match to d1z54a1
        complexed with gol
      3. 2944334Domain d2egid_: 2egi D: [164001]
        automated match to d1z54a1
        complexed with gol
      4. 2944335Domain d2egie_: 2egi E: [164002]
        automated match to d1z54a1
        complexed with gol
      5. 2944336Domain d2egif_: 2egi F: [164003]
        automated match to d1z54a1
        complexed with gol
      6. 2944337Domain d2egig_: 2egi G: [164004]
        automated match to d1z54a1
        complexed with gol
      7. 2944338Domain d2egih_: 2egi H: [164005]
        automated match to d1z54a1
        complexed with gol
      8. 2944339Domain d2egii_: 2egi I: [164006]
        automated match to d1z54a1
        complexed with gol
    2. Domains for 2egj:
      1. 2944330Domain d2egja_: 2egj A: [164007]
        automated match to d1z54a1
      2. 2944331Domain d2egjb_: 2egj B: [164008]
        automated match to d1z54a1
    3. Domains for 2egr:
      1. 2944328Domain d2egra_: 2egr A: [164015]
        automated match to d1z54a1
      2. 2944329Domain d2egrb_: 2egr B: [164016]
        automated match to d1z54a1
  3. 2944340Bacillus cereus [TaxId:1396] [186868] (1 PDB entry)
  4. 2944343Bacillus cereus [TaxId:226900] [398754] (1 PDB entry)
  5. 2944350Bacillus halodurans [TaxId:272558] [358672] (1 PDB entry)
  6. 2944355Bartonella henselae [TaxId:38323] [255863] (1 PDB entry)
  7. 2944360Bordetella bronchiseptica [TaxId:518] [188610] (1 PDB entry)
  8. 2944365Bordetella parapertussis [TaxId:519] [225507] (1 PDB entry)
  9. 2944368Burkholderia thailandensis [TaxId:271848] [193479] (1 PDB entry)
  10. 2944378Campylobacter jejuni [TaxId:354242] [188866] (1 PDB entry)
  11. 2944385Chlorobaculum tepidum [TaxId:194439] [189276] (1 PDB entry)
  12. 2944388Cupriavidus necator [TaxId:264198] [225431] (1 PDB entry)
  13. 2944391Escherichia coli [TaxId:562] [366036] (1 PDB entry)
  14. 2944398Francisella tularensis [TaxId:177416] [318070] (1 PDB entry)
  15. 2944405Helicobacter pylori [TaxId:85962] [225438] (1 PDB entry)
  16. 2944410Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [255571] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2qq2:
      1. 2944411Domain d2qq2a_: 2qq2 A: [243609]
        automated match to d1vpmb_
      2. 2944412Domain d2qq2b_: 2qq2 B: [243610]
        automated match to d1vpmb_
      3. 2944413Domain d2qq2c_: 2qq2 C: [243611]
        automated match to d1vpmb_
      4. 2944414Domain d2qq2d_: 2qq2 D: [243612]
        automated match to d1vpmb_
      5. 2944415Domain d2qq2e_: 2qq2 E: [243613]
        automated match to d1vpmb_
      6. 2944416Domain d2qq2f_: 2qq2 F: [243614]
        automated match to d1vpmb_
      7. 2944417Domain d2qq2g_: 2qq2 G: [243615]
        automated match to d1vpmb_
      8. 2944418Domain d2qq2h_: 2qq2 H: [243616]
        automated match to d1vpmb_
      9. 2944419Domain d2qq2i_: 2qq2 I: [243617]
        automated match to d1vpmb_
      10. 2944420Domain d2qq2j_: 2qq2 J: [243618]
        automated match to d1vpmb_
      11. 2944421Domain d2qq2k_: 2qq2 K: [243619]
        automated match to d1vpmb_
      12. 2944422Domain d2qq2l_: 2qq2 L: [243620]
        automated match to d1vpmb_
    2. Domains for 3b7k:
      1. 2944425Domain d3b7ka1: 3b7k A:7-153 [413071]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3b7ka3, d3b7kc3
        automated match to d4moca1
        complexed with coa
      2. 2944426Domain d3b7ka2: 3b7k A:179-298 [413072]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3b7ka3, d3b7kc3
        automated match to d4moca2
        complexed with coa
      3. 2944427Domain d3b7kb1: 3b7k B:9-152 [413074]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3b7ka3, d3b7kc3
        automated match to d4moca1
        complexed with coa
      4. 2944428Domain d3b7kb2: 3b7k B:180-290 [413075]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3b7ka3, d3b7kc3
        automated match to d4moca2
        complexed with coa
      5. 2944429Domain d3b7kc1: 3b7k C:7-150 [413076]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3b7ka3, d3b7kc3
        automated match to d4moca1
        complexed with coa
      6. 2944430Domain d3b7kc2: 3b7k C:181-290 [413077]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3b7ka3, d3b7kc3
        automated match to d4moca2
        complexed with coa
    3. Domains for 4moc:
      1. 2944423Domain d4moca1: 4moc A:7-153 [345351]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4moca3
        automated match to d5t02f_
        complexed with coa
      2. 2944424Domain d4moca2: 4moc A:179-303 [345352]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4moca3
        automated match to d5t02f_
        complexed with coa
  17. 2944431Legionella pneumophila [TaxId:272624] [274202] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 5byu:
      1. 2944432Domain d5byua_: 5byu A: [274208]
        automated match to d2o6ua_
        complexed with coa
      2. 2944433Domain d5byub_: 5byu B: [274207]
        automated match to d2o6ua_
        complexed with coa
      3. 2944434Domain d5byuc_: 5byu C: [274211]
        automated match to d2o6ua_
        complexed with coa
      4. 2944435Domain d5byud_: 5byu D: [274203]
        automated match to d2o6ua_
        complexed with coa
      5. 2944436Domain d5byue_: 5byu E: [274210]
        automated match to d2o6ua_
        complexed with coa
      6. 2944437Domain d5byuf_: 5byu F: [274204]
        automated match to d2o6ua_
        complexed with coa
      7. 2944438Domain d5byug_: 5byu G: [274209]
        automated match to d2o6ua_
        complexed with coa
      8. 2944439Domain d5byuh_: 5byu H: [274212]
        automated match to d2o6ua_
        complexed with coa
    2. Domain for 5dio:
  18. 2944441Legionella pneumophila [TaxId:446] [323639] (1 PDB entry)
  19. 2944443Liberibacter asiaticus [TaxId:537021] [279984] (1 PDB entry)
  20. 2944447Micromonospora chersina [TaxId:47854] [346354] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2xem:
      1. 2944448Domain d2xema1: 2xem A:7-148 [344679]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2xema2, d2xemd2
        automated match to d5v10a_
        complexed with ssv
      2. 2944449Domain d2xemb_: 2xem B: [344681]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2xema2, d2xemd2
        automated match to d5v10a_
        complexed with ssv
      3. 2944450Domain d2xemc_: 2xem C: [344682]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2xema2, d2xemd2
        automated match to d5v10a_
        complexed with ssv
      4. 2944451Domain d2xemd1: 2xem D:7-149 [344683]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2xema2, d2xemd2
        automated match to d5v10a_
        complexed with ssv
    2. Domains for 2xfl:
      1. 2944452Domain d2xfla_: 2xfl A: [344685]
        automated match to d5v10a_
      2. 2944453Domain d2xflb_: 2xfl B: [344686]
        automated match to d5v10a_
      3. 2944454Domain d2xflc_: 2xfl C: [344687]
        automated match to d5v10a_
      4. 2944455Domain d2xfld_: 2xfl D: [344688]
        automated match to d5v10a_
      5. 2944456Domain d2xfle_: 2xfl E: [344689]
        automated match to d5v10a_
      6. 2944457Domain d2xflf_: 2xfl F: [344690]
        automated match to d5v10a_
      7. 2944458Domain d2xflg_: 2xfl G: [344691]
        automated match to d5v10a_
      8. 2944459Domain d2xflh_: 2xfl H: [344692]
        automated match to d5v10a_
  21. 2944460Micromonospora echinospora [TaxId:1877] [419827] (1 PDB entry)
  22. 2944462Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId:10090] [255553] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2q2b:
      1. 2944469Domain d2q2ba_: 2q2b A: [243519]
        automated match to d1vpmc_
      2. 2944470Domain d2q2bb_: 2q2b B: [243520]
        automated match to d1vpmc_
    2. Domains for 2v1o:
      1. 2944463Domain d2v1oa_: 2v1o A: [264512]
        automated match to d2qq2j_
        complexed with coa
      2. 2944464Domain d2v1ob_: 2v1o B: [264513]
        automated match to d2qq2j_
        complexed with coa
      3. 2944465Domain d2v1oc_: 2v1o C: [264514]
        automated match to d2qq2j_
        complexed with coa
      4. 2944466Domain d2v1od_: 2v1o D: [264515]
        automated match to d2qq2j_
        complexed with coa
      5. 2944467Domain d2v1oe_: 2v1o E: [264516]
        automated match to d2qq2j_
        complexed with coa
      6. 2944468Domain d2v1of_: 2v1o F: [264517]
        automated match to d2qq2j_
        complexed with coa
    3. Domains for 4zv3:
      1. 2944477Domain d4zv3a1: 4zv3 A:58-206 [273594]
        automated match to d2v1ob_
        complexed with coa
      2. 2944478Domain d4zv3a2: 4zv3 A:222-371 [273595]
        automated match to d2v1ob_
        complexed with coa
      3. 2944479Domain d4zv3b1: 4zv3 B:58-207 [273598]
        automated match to d2v1ob_
        complexed with coa
      4. 2944480Domain d4zv3b2: 4zv3 B:222-371 [273599]
        automated match to d2v1ob_
        complexed with coa
      5. 2944481Domain d4zv3c1: 4zv3 C:58-207 [273596]
        automated match to d2v1ob_
        complexed with coa
      6. 2944482Domain d4zv3c2: 4zv3 C:222-371 [273597]
        automated match to d2v1ob_
        complexed with coa
    4. Domains for 6vfy:
      1. 2944471Domain d6vfyd1: 6vfy D:58-206 [379741]
        automated match to d2qq2i_
        complexed with coa, po4
      2. 2944472Domain d6vfyd2: 6vfy D:218-371 [379742]
        automated match to d2qq2i_
        complexed with coa, po4
      3. 2944473Domain d6vfye1: 6vfy E:58-206 [379729]
        automated match to d2qq2i_
        complexed with coa, po4
      4. 2944474Domain d6vfye2: 6vfy E:218-371 [379730]
        automated match to d2qq2i_
        complexed with coa, po4
      5. 2944475Domain d6vfyf1: 6vfy F:58-206 [379712]
        automated match to d2qq2i_
        complexed with coa, po4
      6. 2944476Domain d6vfyf2: 6vfy F:217-371 [379713]
        automated match to d2qq2i_
        complexed with coa, po4
  23. 2944483Mycobacterium tuberculosis [TaxId:1773] [189981] (1 PDB entry)
  24. 2944486Mycobacterium tuberculosis [TaxId:83332] [225798] (1 PDB entry)
  25. 2944491Neisseria meningitidis [TaxId:272831] [193287] (8 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4i83:
      1. 2944511Domain d4i83a_: 4i83 A: [194131]
        automated match to d1z6ba1
      2. 2944512Domain d4i83b_: 4i83 B: [202586]
        automated match to d4i83c_
      3. 2944513Domain d4i83c_: 4i83 C: [194128]
        automated match to d1z6ba1
      4. 2944514Domain d4i83d_: 4i83 D: [202587]
        automated match to d4i83c_
      5. 2944515Domain d4i83e_: 4i83 E: [202588]
        automated match to d4i83c_
      6. 2944516Domain d4i83f_: 4i83 F: [202589]
        automated match to d4i83c_
    2. Domains for 4ien:
      1. 2944500Domain d4iena_: 4ien A: [202607]
        automated match to d4iend_
        complexed with cl, coa, gdp
      2. 2944501Domain d4ienb_: 4ien B: [202608]
        automated match to d4iend_
        complexed with cl, coa, gdp
      3. 2944502Domain d4ienc_: 4ien C: [202609]
        automated match to d4iend_
        complexed with cl, coa, gdp
      4. 2944503Domain d4iend_: 4ien D: [193288]
        automated match to d1vpmc_
        complexed with cl, coa, gdp
    3. Domains for 5szu:
      1. 2944522Domain d5szua_: 5szu A: [322709]
        automated match to d4iena_
        complexed with coa
      2. 2944523Domain d5szub_: 5szu B: [322707]
        automated match to d4iena_
        complexed with coa
      3. 2944524Domain d5szuc_: 5szu C: [322702]
        automated match to d4iena_
        complexed with coa
      4. 2944525Domain d5szud_: 5szu D: [322705]
        automated match to d4iena_
        complexed with coa
    4. Domains for 5szv:
      1. 2944492Domain d5szva_: 5szv A: [322820]
        automated match to d4iena_
        complexed with cl, coa
      2. 2944493Domain d5szvb_: 5szv B: [322813]
        automated match to d4iena_
        complexed with cl, coa
      3. 2944494Domain d5szvc_: 5szv C: [322790]
        automated match to d4iena_
        complexed with cl, coa
      4. 2944495Domain d5szvd_: 5szv D: [322760]
        automated match to d4iena_
        complexed with cl, coa
    5. Domains for 5szy:
      1. 2944496Domain d5szya_: 5szy A: [322748]
        automated match to d4iena_
        complexed with cl, coa, gdp
      2. 2944497Domain d5szyb_: 5szy B: [322764]
        automated match to d4iena_
        complexed with cl, coa, gdp
      3. 2944498Domain d5szyc_: 5szy C: [322708]
        automated match to d4iena_
        complexed with cl, coa, gdp
      4. 2944499Domain d5szyd_: 5szy D: [322745]
        automated match to d4iena_
        complexed with cl, coa, gdp
    6. Domains for 5szz:
      1. 2944507Domain d5szza_: 5szz A: [322765]
        automated match to d4iena_
        complexed with cl, coa, gdp
      2. 2944508Domain d5szzb_: 5szz B: [322825]
        automated match to d4iena_
        complexed with cl, coa, gdp
      3. 2944509Domain d5szzc_: 5szz C: [322767]
        automated match to d4iena_
        complexed with cl, coa, gdp
      4. 2944510Domain d5szzd_: 5szz D: [322785]
        automated match to d4iena_
        complexed with cl, coa, gdp
    7. Domains for 5t02:
      1. 2944517Domain d5t02a_: 5t02 A: [322287]
        automated match to d4iena_
        complexed with cl, coa, gdp; mutant
      2. 2944518Domain d5t02b_: 5t02 B: [322364]
        automated match to d4iena_
        complexed with cl, coa, gdp; mutant
      3. 2944519Domain d5t02d_: 5t02 D: [322319]
        automated match to d4iena_
        complexed with cl, coa, gdp; mutant
      4. 2944520Domain d5t02e_: 5t02 E: [322296]
        automated match to d4iena_
        complexed with cl, coa, gdp; mutant
      5. 2944521Domain d5t02f_: 5t02 F: [322350]
        automated match to d4iena_
        complexed with cl, coa, gdp; mutant
    8. Domains for 5v3a:
      1. 2944504Domain d5v3aa_: 5v3a A: [334635]
        automated match to d4iena_
        complexed with coa, gdp
      2. 2944505Domain d5v3ab_: 5v3a B: [334662]
        automated match to d4iena_
        complexed with coa, gdp
      3. 2944506Domain d5v3ad_: 5v3a D: [334710]
        automated match to d4iena_
        complexed with coa, gdp
  26. 2944526Neisseria meningitidis [TaxId:487] [322285] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 5t02:
    2. Domain for 5v3a:
  27. 2944529Photobacterium profundum [TaxId:74109] [196962] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 3r87:
    2. Domain for 4i45:
  28. 2944532Pseudomonas aeruginosa [TaxId:287] [277852] (1 PDB entry)
  29. 2944535Pseudomonas aeruginosa, PA01 [TaxId:208964] [272670] (6 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4qd7:
      1. 2944548Domain d4qd7a_: 4qd7 A: [272683]
        automated match to d2b6ef_
      2. 2944549Domain d4qd7b_: 4qd7 B: [272684]
        automated match to d2b6ef_
      3. 2944550Domain d4qd7c_: 4qd7 C: [272685]
        automated match to d2b6ef_
      4. 2944551Domain d4qd7d_: 4qd7 D: [272688]
        automated match to d2b6ef_
      5. 2944552Domain d4qd7e_: 4qd7 E: [272689]
        automated match to d2b6ef_
      6. 2944553Domain d4qd7f_: 4qd7 F: [272686]
        automated match to d2b6ef_
    2. Domains for 4qd8:
      1. 2944536Domain d4qd8a_: 4qd8 A: [272687]
        automated match to d2b6ef_
        complexed with 0fq
      2. 2944537Domain d4qd8b_: 4qd8 B: [272693]
        automated match to d2b6ef_
        complexed with 0fq
      3. 2944538Domain d4qd8c_: 4qd8 C: [272694]
        automated match to d2b6ef_
        complexed with 0fq
      4. 2944539Domain d4qd8d_: 4qd8 D: [272690]
        automated match to d2b6ef_
        complexed with 0fq
      5. 2944540Domain d4qd8e_: 4qd8 E: [272692]
        automated match to d2b6ef_
        complexed with 0fq
      6. 2944541Domain d4qd8f_: 4qd8 F: [272691]
        automated match to d2b6ef_
        complexed with 0fq
    3. Domains for 4qd9:
      1. 2944542Domain d4qd9a_: 4qd9 A: [272675]
        automated match to d2b6ef_
        complexed with 31b
      2. 2944543Domain d4qd9b_: 4qd9 B: [272672]
        automated match to d2b6ef_
        complexed with 31b
      3. 2944544Domain d4qd9c_: 4qd9 C: [272671]
        automated match to d2b6ef_
        complexed with 31b
      4. 2944545Domain d4qd9d_: 4qd9 D: [272673]
        automated match to d2b6ef_
        complexed with 31b
      5. 2944546Domain d4qd9e_: 4qd9 E: [272674]
        automated match to d2b6ef_
        complexed with 31b
      6. 2944547Domain d4qd9f_: 4qd9 F: [272676]
        automated match to d2b6ef_
        complexed with 31b
    4. Domains for 4qda:
      1. 2944562Domain d4qdaa_: 4qda A: [272682]
        automated match to d2b6eb_
      2. 2944563Domain d4qdab_: 4qda B: [272680]
        automated match to d2b6eb_
      3. 2944564Domain d4qdac_: 4qda C: [272677]
        automated match to d2b6eb_
      4. 2944565Domain d4qdad_: 4qda D: [272678]
        automated match to d2b6eb_
      5. 2944566Domain d4qdae_: 4qda E: [272681]
        automated match to d2b6eb_
      6. 2944567Domain d4qdaf_: 4qda F: [272679]
        automated match to d2b6eb_
    5. Domains for 4qdb:
      1. 2944556Domain d4qdba_: 4qdb A: [272699]
        automated match to d2b6ed_
      2. 2944557Domain d4qdbb_: 4qdb B: [272696]
        automated match to d2b6ed_
      3. 2944558Domain d4qdbc_: 4qdb C: [272695]
        automated match to d2b6ed_
      4. 2944559Domain d4qdbd_: 4qdb D: [272697]
        automated match to d2b6ed_
      5. 2944560Domain d4qdbe_: 4qdb E: [272700]
        automated match to d2b6ed_
      6. 2944561Domain d4qdbf_: 4qdb F: [272698]
        automated match to d2b6ed_
    6. Domains for 5v10:
      1. 2944554Domain d5v10a_: 5v10 A: [332269]
        automated match to d4i45a_
        complexed with cl
      2. 2944555Domain d5v10b_: 5v10 B: [332194]
        automated match to d4i45a_
        complexed with cl
  30. 2944568Shewanella oneidensis [TaxId:70863] [267829] (1 PDB entry)
  31. 2944573Silicibacter sp. [TaxId:292414] [231234] (1 PDB entry)
  32. 2944578Sinorhizobium meliloti [TaxId:266834] [226406] (1 PDB entry)
  33. 2944591Staphylococcus aureus [TaxId:1280] [256169] (1 PDB entry)
  34. 2944593Staphylococcus aureus [TaxId:158878] [260692] (8 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4ncp:
      1. 2944607Domain d4ncpa_: 4ncp A: [263113]
        automated match to d4ncpc_
      2. 2944608Domain d4ncpb_: 4ncp B: [263114]
        automated match to d4ncpc_
      3. 2944609Domain d4ncpc_: 4ncp C: [260693]
        automated match to d1y7ua1
      4. 2944610Domain d4ncpd_: 4ncp D: [263115]
        automated match to d4ncpc_
      5. 2944611Domain d4ncpe_: 4ncp E: [263116]
        automated match to d4ncpc_
      6. 2944612Domain d4ncpf_: 4ncp F: [263117]
        automated match to d4ncpc_
    2. Domain for 5egj:
    3. Domains for 5egk:
      1. 2944600Domain d5egka_: 5egk A: [279301]
        automated match to d4ncpc_
      2. 2944601Domain d5egkb_: 5egk B: [279302]
        automated match to d4ncpc_
      3. 2944602Domain d5egkc_: 5egk C: [279300]
        automated match to d4ncpc_
      4. 2944603Domain d5egkd_: 5egk D: [279307]
        automated match to d4ncpc_
      5. 2944604Domain d5egke_: 5egk E: [279306]
        automated match to d4ncpc_
      6. 2944605Domain d5egkf_: 5egk F: [279310]
        automated match to d4ncpc_
    4. Domains for 5egl:
      1. 2944597Domain d5egla_: 5egl A: [325344]
        automated match to d5egja_
        complexed with 5ng, bco, coa
      2. 2944598Domain d5eglb_: 5egl B: [324929]
        automated match to d5egja_
        complexed with 5ng, bco, coa
      3. 2944599Domain d5eglc_: 5egl C: [324887]
        automated match to d5egja_
        complexed with 5ng, bco, coa
    5. Domains for 5eo2:
      1. 2944620Domain d5eo2a_: 5eo2 A: [313995]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5eo2c2, d5eo2f2
        automated match to d5eo4a_
        complexed with coa
      2. 2944621Domain d5eo2b_: 5eo2 B: [314014]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5eo2c2, d5eo2f2
        automated match to d5eo4a_
        complexed with coa
      3. 2944622Domain d5eo2c1: 5eo2 C:1-155 [314021]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5eo2c2, d5eo2f2
        automated match to d5eo4a_
        complexed with coa
      4. 2944623Domain d5eo2e_: 5eo2 E: [314012]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5eo2c2, d5eo2f2
        automated match to d5eo4a_
        complexed with coa
      5. 2944624Domain d5eo2f1: 5eo2 F:1-155 [313878]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5eo2c2, d5eo2f2
        automated match to d5eo4a_
        complexed with coa
    6. Domains for 5eo4:
      1. 2944594Domain d5eo4a_: 5eo4 A: [279618]
        automated match to d2hlja1
      2. 2944595Domain d5eo4b_: 5eo4 B: [279616]
        automated match to d2hlja1
      3. 2944596Domain d5eo4c_: 5eo4 C: [279617]
        automated match to d2hlja1
    7. Domain for 5hwf:
    8. Domains for 5hz4:
      1. 2944613Domain d5hz4a_: 5hz4 A: [315466]
        automated match to d5egkd_
      2. 2944614Domain d5hz4b_: 5hz4 B: [315454]
        automated match to d5egkd_
      3. 2944615Domain d5hz4c_: 5hz4 C: [315406]
        automated match to d5egkd_
      4. 2944616Domain d5hz4d_: 5hz4 D: [315436]
        automated match to d5egkd_
      5. 2944617Domain d5hz4e_: 5hz4 E: [315479]
        automated match to d5egkd_
      6. 2944618Domain d5hz4f_: 5hz4 F: [315607]
        automated match to d5egkd_
  35. 2944625Streptococcus mutans [TaxId:210007] [255926] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3lbb:
      1. 2944630Domain d3lbba_: 3lbb A: [247436]
        automated match to d4i82a_
        complexed with cl, so4
      2. 2944631Domain d3lbbb_: 3lbb B: [247437]
        automated match to d4i82a_
        complexed with cl, so4
    2. Domains for 3lbe:
      1. 2944626Domain d3lbea_: 3lbe A: [247438]
        automated match to d4i82a_
        complexed with cl, coa
      2. 2944627Domain d3lbeb_: 3lbe B: [247439]
        automated match to d4i82a_
        complexed with cl, coa
      3. 2944628Domain d3lbec_: 3lbe C: [247440]
        automated match to d4i82a_
        complexed with cl, coa
      4. 2944629Domain d3lbed_: 3lbe D: [247441]
        automated match to d4i82a_
        complexed with cl, coa
  36. 2944632Streptococcus pneumoniae [TaxId:170187] [226558] (5 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4i82:
      1. 2944646Domain d4i82a_: 4i82 A: [223007]
        automated match to d1wlua_
      2. 2944647Domain d4i82b_: 4i82 B: [223008]
        automated match to d1wlua_
    2. Domains for 4xy5:
      1. 2944633Domain d4xy5a_: 4xy5 A: [272434]
        automated match to d3lbeb_
      2. 2944634Domain d4xy5b_: 4xy5 B: [272435]
        automated match to d3lbeb_
    3. Domain for 4xy6:
    4. Domains for 4zrb:
      1. 2944638Domain d4zrba_: 4zrb A: [273349]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zrbe2, d4zrbf2, d4zrbg2
        automated match to d3lbea_
        complexed with coa
      2. 2944639Domain d4zrbb_: 4zrb B: [273353]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zrbe2, d4zrbf2, d4zrbg2
        automated match to d3lbea_
        complexed with coa
      3. 2944640Domain d4zrbc_: 4zrb C: [273354]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zrbe2, d4zrbf2, d4zrbg2
        automated match to d3lbea_
        complexed with coa
      4. 2944641Domain d4zrbd_: 4zrb D: [273351]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zrbe2, d4zrbf2, d4zrbg2
        automated match to d3lbea_
        complexed with coa
      5. 2944642Domain d4zrbe1: 4zrb E:1-125 [273350]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zrbe2, d4zrbf2, d4zrbg2
        automated match to d3lbea_
        complexed with coa
      6. 2944643Domain d4zrbf1: 4zrb F:1-125 [273355]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zrbe2, d4zrbf2, d4zrbg2
        automated match to d3lbea_
        complexed with coa
      7. 2944644Domain d4zrbg1: 4zrb G:1-127 [273356]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zrbe2, d4zrbf2, d4zrbg2
        automated match to d3lbea_
        complexed with coa
      8. 2944645Domain d4zrbh_: 4zrb H: [273352]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zrbe2, d4zrbf2, d4zrbg2
        automated match to d3lbea_
        complexed with coa
    5. Domains for 4zrf:
      1. 2944635Domain d4zrfa_: 4zrf A: [273348]
        automated match to d3lbea_
      2. 2944636Domain d4zrfb_: 4zrf B: [273347]
        automated match to d3lbea_
  37. 2944648Streptomyces sahachiroi [TaxId:285525] [314884] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 5hmb:
    2. Domain for 5hmc:
  38. 2944651Sulfolobus solfataricus [TaxId:2287] [187114] (1 PDB entry)
  39. 2944655Synechocystis sp. [TaxId:1111708] [226643] (1 PDB entry)
  40. 2944658Syntrophus aciditrophicus [TaxId:56780] [267841] (1 PDB entry)
  41. 2944662Yersinia pestis [TaxId:187410] [226504] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4gwh:
      1. 2944663Domain d4gwha3: 4gwh A:4-115 [307466]
        automated match to d4qfwd2
      2. 2944664Domain d4gwha4: 4gwh A:116-285 [307467]
        automated match to d4qfwd1
      3. 2944665Domain d4gwhb3: 4gwh B:2-115 [307468]
        automated match to d4qfwd2
      4. 2944666Domain d4gwhb4: 4gwh B:116-285 [307469]
        automated match to d4qfwd1
      5. 2944667Domain d4gwhc3: 4gwh C:2-115 [307470]
        automated match to d4qfwd2
      6. 2944668Domain d4gwhc4: 4gwh C:116-285 [307471]
        automated match to d4qfwd1
      7. 2944669Domain d4gwhd3: 4gwh D:2-115 [307472]
        automated match to d4qfwd2
      8. 2944670Domain d4gwhd4: 4gwh D:116-285 [307473]
        automated match to d4qfwd1
      9. 2944671Domain d4gwhe3: 4gwh E:2-115 [307474]
        automated match to d4qfwd2
      10. 2944672Domain d4gwhe4: 4gwh E:116-285 [307475]
        automated match to d4qfwd1
      11. 2944673Domain d4gwhf3: 4gwh F:2-115 [307476]
        automated match to d4qfwd2
      12. 2944674Domain d4gwhf4: 4gwh F:116-285 [307477]
        automated match to d4qfwd1
      13. 2944675Domain d4gwhg3: 4gwh G:2-115 [307478]
        automated match to d4qfwd2
      14. 2944676Domain d4gwhg4: 4gwh G:116-285 [307479]
        automated match to d4qfwd1
      15. 2944677Domain d4gwhh3: 4gwh H:2-115 [307480]
        automated match to d4qfwd2
      16. 2944678Domain d4gwhh4: 4gwh H:116-285 [307481]
        automated match to d4qfwd1
    2. Domains for 4qfw:
      1. 2944681Domain d4qfwd1: 4qfw D:116-285 [263697]
      2. 2944682Domain d4qfwd2: 4qfw D:4-115 [263698]
    3. Domains for 5bux:
      1. 2944679Domain d5buxa_: 5bux A: [318082]
        automated match to d4h4ge_
        complexed with gol, scn
      2. 2944680Domain d5buxb_: 5bux B: [318085]
        automated match to d4h4ge_
        complexed with gol, scn
  42. 2944683Yersinia pestis [TaxId:632] [257672] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4qfw:
      1. 2944686Domain d4qfwa1: 4qfw A:4-115 [257676]
        automated match to d1c8ua1
      2. 2944687Domain d4qfwa2: 4qfw A:116-285 [257677]
        automated match to d1c8ua2
      3. 2944688Domain d4qfwb1: 4qfw B:4-115 [257674]
        automated match to d1c8ua1
      4. 2944689Domain d4qfwb2: 4qfw B:116-285 [257678]
        automated match to d1c8ua2
      5. 2944690Domain d4qfwc1: 4qfw C:4-115 [257673]
        automated match to d1c8ua1
      6. 2944691Domain d4qfwc2: 4qfw C:116-285 [257675]
        automated match to d1c8ua2
    2. Domains for 4r4u:
      1. 2944692Domain d4r4ua1: 4r4u A:2-115 [271489]
        automated match to d1c8ua1
        complexed with coa, mla, na
      2. 2944693Domain d4r4ua2: 4r4u A:116-285 [271490]
        automated match to d1c8ua2
        complexed with coa, mla, na
      3. 2944694Domain d4r4ub1: 4r4u B:2-115 [271487]
        automated match to d1c8ua1
        complexed with coa, mla, na
      4. 2944695Domain d4r4ub2: 4r4u B:116-285 [271488]
        automated match to d1c8ua2
        complexed with coa, mla, na
      5. 2944696Domain d4r4uc1: 4r4u C:2-115 [271482]
        automated match to d1c8ua1
        complexed with coa, mla, na
      6. 2944697Domain d4r4uc2: 4r4u C:116-285 [271483]
        automated match to d1c8ua2
        complexed with coa, mla, na
      7. 2944698Domain d4r4ud1: 4r4u D:4-115 [271485]
        automated match to d1c8ua1
        complexed with coa, mla, na
      8. 2944699Domain d4r4ud2: 4r4u D:116-285 [271486]
        automated match to d1c8ua2
        complexed with coa, mla, na
    3. Domains for 5buw:
      1. 2944684Domain d5buwa_: 5buw A: [318423]
        automated match to d4h4ge_
        complexed with edo, scn
      2. 2944685Domain d5buwb_: 5buw B: [318516]
        automated match to d4h4ge_
        complexed with edo, scn

More info for Protein automated matches from d.38.1.0: automated matches

Timeline for Protein automated matches from d.38.1.0: automated matches: