Lineage for Protein: automated matches

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2739516Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (180 folds)
  3. 2739517Fold b.1: Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich [48725] (33 superfamilies)
    sandwich; 7 strands in 2 sheets; greek-key
    some members of the fold have additional strands
  4. 2739518Superfamily b.1.1: Immunoglobulin [48726] (5 families) (S)
  5. 2739519Family b.1.1.1: V set domains (antibody variable domain-like) [48727] (33 proteins)
  6. 2742100Protein automated matches [190119] (24 species)
    not a true protein


  1. 2742101Camel (Camelus dromedarius) [TaxId:9838] [187219] (42 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1yc7:
      1. 2742111Domain d1yc7a1: 1yc7 A:2-116 [162178]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1yc7a2, d1yc7b2
        automated match to d1op9a_
        complexed with so4
      2. 2742112Domain d1yc7b1: 1yc7 B:2-117 [162179]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1yc7a2, d1yc7b2
        automated match to d1op9a_
        complexed with so4
    2. Domains for 1yc8:
      1. 2742168Domain d1yc8a1: 1yc8 A:1-116 [230415]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1yc8a2, d1yc8b2
        automated match to d1yzzb_
      2. 2742169Domain d1yc8b1: 1yc8 B:2-116 [230416]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1yc8a2, d1yc8b2
        automated match to d1yzzb_
    3. Domains for 1yzz:
      1. 2742148Domain d1yzza1: 1yzz A:1-116 [230440]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1yzza2, d1yzzb2
        automated match to d1yzzb_
      2. 2742149Domain d1yzzb1: 1yzz B:1-116 [193841]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1yzza2, d1yzzb2
        automated match to d1yc7b_
    4. Domains for 2p42:
      1. 2742113Domain d2p42b_: 2p42 B: [149195]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2p42a_, d2p42c_
        automated match to d1bzqk_
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg
      2. 2742114Domain d2p42d_: 2p42 D: [149197]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2p42a_, d2p42c_
        automated match to d1bzqk_
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with mg
    5. Domain for 2p43:
    6. Domain for 2p44:
    7. Domain for 2p45:
    8. Domains for 2p46:
      1. 2742135Domain d2p46b_: 2p46 B: [161500]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2p46a_, d2p46c_
        automated match to d1bzqk_
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
      2. 2742136Domain d2p46d_: 2p46 D: [161501]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2p46a_, d2p46c_
        automated match to d1bzqk_
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with zn
    9. Domain for 2p47:
    10. Domain for 2p48:
    11. Domain for 2p49:
    12. Domains for 2p4a:
      1. 2742117Domain d2p4ab_: 2p4a B: [191679]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2p4aa_, d2p4ac_
        automated match to d2p4ad_
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with so4
      2. 2742118Domain d2p4ad_: 2p4a D: [161504]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2p4aa_, d2p4ac_
        automated match to d2p42b1
        protein/RNA complex; complexed with so4
    13. Domain for 2x6m:
    14. Domains for 2x89:
      1. 2742130Domain d2x89a1: 2x89 A:6-128 [169936]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2x89a2, d2x89b2, d2x89c2, d2x89d1, d2x89d2, d2x89e1, d2x89e2, d2x89f1, d2x89f2, d2x89g1, d2x89g2
        automated match to d1jtoa_
      2. 2742131Domain d2x89b1: 2x89 B:6-128 [169937]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2x89a2, d2x89b2, d2x89c2, d2x89d1, d2x89d2, d2x89e1, d2x89e2, d2x89f1, d2x89f2, d2x89g1, d2x89g2
        automated match to d1jtoa_
      3. 2742132Domain d2x89c1: 2x89 C:6-128 [169938]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2x89a2, d2x89b2, d2x89c2, d2x89d1, d2x89d2, d2x89e1, d2x89e2, d2x89f1, d2x89f2, d2x89g1, d2x89g2
        automated match to d1jtoa_
    15. Domains for 3dwt:
      1. 2742174Domain d3dwta_: 3dwt A: [192719]
        automated match to d1bzqk_
        complexed with gol
      2. 2742175Domain d3dwtb_: 3dwt B: [192720]
        automated match to d1bzqk_
        complexed with gol
      3. 2742176Domain d3dwtc_: 3dwt C: [192721]
        automated match to d1bzqk_
        complexed with gol
      4. 2742177Domain d3dwtd_: 3dwt D: [174313]
        automated match to d1zmya1
        complexed with gol
      5. 2742178Domain d3dwte_: 3dwt E: [192716]
        automated match to d1bzqk_
        complexed with gol
      6. 2742179Domain d3dwtf_: 3dwt F: [192717]
        automated match to d1bzqk_
        complexed with gol
      7. 2742180Domain d3dwtg_: 3dwt G: [192718]
        automated match to d1bzqk_
        complexed with gol
      8. 2742181Domain d3dwth_: 3dwt H: [192722]
        automated match to d1bzqk_
        complexed with gol
    16. Domains for 3eak:
      1. 2742122Domain d3eaka_: 3eak A: [174807]
        automated match to d1ol0a_
        complexed with so4; mutant
      2. 2742123Domain d3eakb_: 3eak B: [174808]
        automated match to d1ol0a_
        complexed with so4; mutant
    17. Domain for 3eba:
    18. Domain for 3g9a:
    19. Domains for 3k1k:
      1. 2742152Domain d3k1kc1: 3k1k C:1-111 [178953]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3k1ka_, d3k1kb_, d3k1kc2, d3k1kd2
        automated match to d1vhpa_
      2. 2742153Domain d3k1kd1: 3k1k D:1-112 [178954]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3k1ka_, d3k1kb_, d3k1kc2, d3k1kd2
        automated match to d1vhpa_
    20. Domains for 3miq:
      1. 2742154Domain d3miqe_: 3miq E: [305953]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3miqa_, d3miqb_, d3miqc_, d3miqd_, d3miqh2
        automated match to d3ogog_
        complexed with ipa
      2. 2742155Domain d3miqf_: 3miq F: [305954]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3miqa_, d3miqb_, d3miqc_, d3miqd_, d3miqh2
        automated match to d3ogog_
        complexed with ipa
      3. 2742156Domain d3miqg_: 3miq G: [305955]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3miqa_, d3miqb_, d3miqc_, d3miqd_, d3miqh2
        automated match to d3ogog_
        complexed with ipa
      4. 2742157Domain d3miqh1: 3miq H:2-116 [305956]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3miqa_, d3miqb_, d3miqc_, d3miqd_, d3miqh2
        automated match to d3ogog_
        complexed with ipa
    21. Domains for 3ogo:
      1. 2742140Domain d3ogoe_: 3ogo E: [183015]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ogoa_, d3ogob_, d3ogoc_, d3ogod_, d3ogoh2
        automated match to d1vhpa_
        complexed with ipa
      2. 2742141Domain d3ogof_: 3ogo F: [183016]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ogoa_, d3ogob_, d3ogoc_, d3ogod_, d3ogoh2
        automated match to d1vhpa_
        complexed with ipa
      3. 2742142Domain d3ogog_: 3ogo G: [183017]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ogoa_, d3ogob_, d3ogoc_, d3ogod_, d3ogoh2
        automated match to d1vhpa_
        complexed with ipa
      4. 2742143Domain d3ogoh1: 3ogo H:2-116 [183018]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ogoa_, d3ogob_, d3ogoc_, d3ogod_, d3ogoh2
        automated match to d1vhpa_
        complexed with ipa
    22. Domain for 3qsk:
    23. Domains for 4i0c:
      1. 2742126Domain d4i0cc1: 4i0c C:2-125 [234758]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4i0ca_, d4i0cb_, d4i0cc2, d4i0cd2
        automated match to d4i0cd_
        complexed with cl, gol
      2. 2742127Domain d4i0cd1: 4i0c D:1-125 [228187]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4i0ca_, d4i0cb_, d4i0cc2, d4i0cd2
        automated match to d2x89a_
        complexed with cl, gol
    24. Domain for 5c3l:
    25. Domain for 5e7b:
    26. Domains for 5e7f:
      1. 2742182Domain d5e7fa1: 5e7f A:3-126 [280146]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5e7fa2, d5e7fb2, d5e7fc2
        automated match to d1kxtb_
      2. 2742183Domain d5e7fb1: 5e7f B:3-126 [280145]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5e7fa2, d5e7fb2, d5e7fc2
        automated match to d1kxtb_
      3. 2742184Domain d5e7fc1: 5e7f C:3-126 [280144]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5e7fa2, d5e7fb2, d5e7fc2
        automated match to d1kxtb_
    27. Domains for 5fuc:
      1. 2742172Domain d5fuce_: 5fuc E: [328831]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5fuca1, d5fuca2, d5fucb_, d5fucc1, d5fucc2, d5fucd1, d5fucd2
        automated match to d4ocnf_
        complexed with nag
      2. 2742173Domain d5fucv_: 5fuc V: [328840]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5fuca1, d5fuca2, d5fucb_, d5fucc1, d5fucc2, d5fucd1, d5fucd2
        automated match to d4ocnf_
        complexed with nag
    28. Domains for 5hdo:
      1. 2742144Domain d5hdoa_: 5hdo A: [317964]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5hdoc2
        automated match to d2vyrh_
        complexed with cl, so4
      2. 2742145Domain d5hdob_: 5hdo B: [318014]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5hdoc2
        automated match to d2vyrh_
        complexed with cl, so4
      3. 2742146Domain d5hdoc1: 5hdo C:1-127 [317976]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5hdoc2
        automated match to d2vyrh_
        complexed with cl, so4
      4. 2742147Domain d5hdod_: 5hdo D: [317959]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5hdoc2
        automated match to d2vyrh_
        complexed with cl, so4
    29. Domains for 5jmr:
      1. 2742158Domain d5jmra1: 5jmr A:1-116 [326979]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5jmra2, d5jmrb2
        automated match to d4kfzc_
        complexed with cl
      2. 2742159Domain d5jmrb1: 5jmr B:1-115 [327010]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5jmra2, d5jmrb2
        automated match to d4kfzc_
        complexed with cl
    30. Domains for 5m7q:
      1. 2742128Domain d5m7qa1: 5m7q A:1-129 [326080]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5m7qa2, d5m7qb2
        automated match to d1mqkh_
        complexed with cl, mg, so4
      2. 2742129Domain d5m7qb1: 5m7q B:6-119 [326051]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5m7qa2, d5m7qb2
        automated match to d1mqkh_
        complexed with cl, mg, so4
    31. Domain for 5my6:
    32. Domain for 5u64:
    33. Domains for 5u65:
      1. 2742170Domain d5u65a_: 5u65 A: [339319]
        automated match to d4w81a_
        complexed with so4
      2. 2742171Domain d5u65b_: 5u65 B: [339320]
        automated match to d4w81a_
        complexed with so4
    34. Domain for 6heq:
    35. Domain for 6her:
    36. Domains for 6hhd:
      1. 2742137Domain d6hhdb1: 6hhd B:6-124 [377960]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6hhda_, d6hhdb2, d6hhdc_, d6hhdd2
        automated match to d5da4a_
        complexed with cl, gol, na, so4
      2. 2742138Domain d6hhdd1: 6hhd D:6-125 [377963]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6hhda_, d6hhdb2, d6hhdc_, d6hhdd2
        automated match to d4gftb_
        complexed with cl, gol, na, so4
    37. Domain for 6jb2:
    38. Domain for 6jb5:
    39. Domain for 6jb8:
    40. Domain for 6jb9:
    41. Domains for 6ksn:
      1. 2742150Domain d6ksna_: 6ksn A: [377078]
        automated match to d3qskb_
        complexed with edo, na, zn
      2. 2742151Domain d6ksnb_: 6ksn B: [377074]
        automated match to d3qskb_
        complexed with edo, na, zn
    42. Domains for 6xxn:
      1. 2742160Domain d6xxna1: 6xxn A:6-127 [387652]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6xxna2, d6xxnb2, d6xxnc2, d6xxnd2, d6xxne2, d6xxnf2, d6xxng2, d6xxnh2
        automated match to d1mqkh_
        complexed with so4
      2. 2742161Domain d6xxnb1: 6xxn B:6-127 [387617]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6xxna2, d6xxnb2, d6xxnc2, d6xxnd2, d6xxne2, d6xxnf2, d6xxng2, d6xxnh2
        automated match to d1mqkh_
        complexed with so4
      3. 2742162Domain d6xxnc1: 6xxn C:6-127 [387678]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6xxna2, d6xxnb2, d6xxnc2, d6xxnd2, d6xxne2, d6xxnf2, d6xxng2, d6xxnh2
        automated match to d1mqkh_
        complexed with so4
      4. 2742163Domain d6xxnd1: 6xxn D:6-126 [387630]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6xxna2, d6xxnb2, d6xxnc2, d6xxnd2, d6xxne2, d6xxnf2, d6xxng2, d6xxnh2
        automated match to d1mqkh_
        complexed with so4
      5. 2742164Domain d6xxne1: 6xxn E:6-126 [387613]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6xxna2, d6xxnb2, d6xxnc2, d6xxnd2, d6xxne2, d6xxnf2, d6xxng2, d6xxnh2
        automated match to d1mqkh_
        complexed with so4
      6. 2742165Domain d6xxnf1: 6xxn F:6-127 [387664]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6xxna2, d6xxnb2, d6xxnc2, d6xxnd2, d6xxne2, d6xxnf2, d6xxng2, d6xxnh2
        automated match to d1mqkh_
        complexed with so4
      7. 2742166Domain d6xxng1: 6xxn G:6-126 [387642]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6xxna2, d6xxnb2, d6xxnc2, d6xxnd2, d6xxne2, d6xxnf2, d6xxng2, d6xxnh2
        automated match to d1mqkh_
        complexed with so4
      8. 2742167Domain d6xxnh1: 6xxn H:6-126 [387657]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6xxna2, d6xxnb2, d6xxnc2, d6xxnd2, d6xxne2, d6xxnf2, d6xxng2, d6xxnh2
        automated match to d1mqkh_
        complexed with so4
  2. 2742186Camelus bactrianus [TaxId:9837] [371849] (6 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 6ir1:
    2. Domain for 6ir2:
    3. Domains for 6itp:
      1. 2742192Domain d6itpa1: 6itp A:6-126 [371856]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6itpa2, d6itpb2
        automated match to d4nbxb_
        complexed with hcy
      2. 2742193Domain d6itpb1: 6itp B:6-126 [371850]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6itpa2, d6itpb2
        automated match to d4nbxb_
        complexed with hcy
    4. Domains for 6itq:
      1. 2742188Domain d6itqa1: 6itq A:6-126 [371884]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6itqa2, d6itqb2, d6itqc2, d6itqd2
        automated match to d4nbxb_
        complexed with hcy, so4
      2. 2742189Domain d6itqb1: 6itq B:6-126 [371886]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6itqa2, d6itqb2, d6itqc2, d6itqd2
        automated match to d4nbxb_
        complexed with hcy, so4
      3. 2742190Domain d6itqc1: 6itq C:6-126 [371874]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6itqa2, d6itqb2, d6itqc2, d6itqd2
        automated match to d4nbxb_
        complexed with hcy, so4
      4. 2742191Domain d6itqd1: 6itq D:6-126 [371881]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d6itqa2, d6itqb2, d6itqc2, d6itqd2
        automated match to d4nbxb_
        complexed with hcy, so4
    5. Domain for 6lr7:
    6. Domain for 7e53:
  3. 2742196Cow (Bos taurus) [TaxId:9913] [197337] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 4kkn:
    2. Domains for 5ebg:
      1. 2742197Domain d5ebga_: 5ebg A: [322735]
        automated match to d2q3ab_
      2. 2742198Domain d5ebgb_: 5ebg B: [322536]
        automated match to d2q3ab_
    3. Domains for 6lsa:
      1. 2742199Domain d6lsaa_: 6lsa A: [387742]
        automated match to d5b21a_
        complexed with nag
      2. 2742200Domain d6lsab_: 6lsa B: [387730]
        automated match to d5b21a_
        complexed with nag
  4. 2742202Cricetulus migratorius [TaxId:10032] [419867] (1 PDB entry)
  5. 2742207Dogfish (Squalus acanthias) [TaxId:7797] [226656] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4hgk:
      1. 2742209Domain d4hgkc1: 4hgk C:20-122 [252446]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4hgka1, d4hgka2, d4hgkb1, d4hgkb2, d4hgkc2, d4hgkd2
        automated match to d4hgma_
      2. 2742210Domain d4hgkd1: 4hgk D:20-122 [252447]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4hgka1, d4hgka2, d4hgkb1, d4hgkb2, d4hgkc2, d4hgkd2
        automated match to d4hgma_
    2. Domain for 4hgm:
  6. 2742211Escherichia coli [TaxId:83333] [354477] (1 PDB entry)
  7. 2742214Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [188740] (709 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1t2j:
    2. Domains for 1wt5:
      1. 2742622Domain d1wt5c_: 1wt5 C: [203021]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1wt5a_, d1wt5b_
        automated match to d1fvcc_
      2. 2742623Domain d1wt5d_: 1wt5 D: [203022]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1wt5a_, d1wt5b_
        automated match to d1fvcc_
    3. Domains for 2a9m:
      1. 2742435Domain d2a9mh_: 2a9m H: [203418]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2a9ml_, d2a9mm_
        automated match to d1ar1c_
      2. 2742436Domain d2a9mi_: 2a9m I: [203419]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2a9ml_, d2a9mm_
        automated match to d1ar1c_
    4. Domain for 2agj:
    5. Domains for 2bx5:
      1. 2743524Domain d2bx5a_: 2bx5 A: [203640]
        automated match to d1fgvl_
      2. 2743525Domain d2bx5b_: 2bx5 B: [203641]
        automated match to d1fgvl_
      3. 2743526Domain d2bx5c_: 2bx5 C: [203642]
        automated match to d1fgvl_
      4. 2743527Domain d2bx5d_: 2bx5 D: [203643]
        automated match to d1fgvl_
      5. 2743528Domain d2bx5e_: 2bx5 E: [203644]
        automated match to d1fgvl_
      6. 2743529Domain d2bx5f_: 2bx5 F: [203645]
        automated match to d1fgvl_
      7. 2743530Domain d2bx5g_: 2bx5 G: [203646]
        automated match to d1fgvl_
      8. 2743531Domain d2bx5h_: 2bx5 H: [203647]
        automated match to d1fgvl_
      9. 2743532Domain d2bx5i_: 2bx5 I: [203648]
        automated match to d1fgvl_
      10. 2743533Domain d2bx5j_: 2bx5 J: [203649]
        automated match to d1fgvl_
      11. 2743534Domain d2bx5k_: 2bx5 K: [203650]
        automated match to d1fgvl_
      12. 2743535Domain d2bx5l_: 2bx5 L: [203651]
        automated match to d1fgvl_
      13. 2743536Domain d2bx5m_: 2bx5 M: [203652]
        automated match to d1fgvl_
      14. 2743537Domain d2bx5n_: 2bx5 N: [203653]
        automated match to d1fgvl_
      15. 2743538Domain d2bx5o_: 2bx5 O: [203654]
        automated match to d1fgvl_
    6. Domain for 2d7t:
    7. Domain for 2eiz:
    8. Domain for 2eks:
    9. Domains for 2fjf:
      1. 2742843Domain d2fjfb_: 2fjf B: [408056]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2fjfa1, d2fjfa2, d2fjfc1, d2fjfc2, d2fjfe1, d2fjfe2, d2fjfg1, d2fjfg2, d2fjfj1, d2fjfj2, d2fjfl1, d2fjfl2, d2fjfm1, d2fjfm2, d2fjfo1, d2fjfo2, d2fjfq1, d2fjfq2, d2fjfr1, d2fjfr2, d2fjfs1, d2fjfs2, d2fjft1, d2fjft2, d2fjfu1, d2fjfu2, d2fjfv1, d2fjfv2, d2fjfw1, d2fjfw2, d2fjfx1, d2fjfx2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      2. 2742844Domain d2fjfd_: 2fjf D: [408057]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2fjfa1, d2fjfa2, d2fjfc1, d2fjfc2, d2fjfe1, d2fjfe2, d2fjfg1, d2fjfg2, d2fjfj1, d2fjfj2, d2fjfl1, d2fjfl2, d2fjfm1, d2fjfm2, d2fjfo1, d2fjfo2, d2fjfq1, d2fjfq2, d2fjfr1, d2fjfr2, d2fjfs1, d2fjfs2, d2fjft1, d2fjft2, d2fjfu1, d2fjfu2, d2fjfv1, d2fjfv2, d2fjfw1, d2fjfw2, d2fjfx1, d2fjfx2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      3. 2742845Domain d2fjff_: 2fjf F: [408058]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2fjfa1, d2fjfa2, d2fjfc1, d2fjfc2, d2fjfe1, d2fjfe2, d2fjfg1, d2fjfg2, d2fjfj1, d2fjfj2, d2fjfl1, d2fjfl2, d2fjfm1, d2fjfm2, d2fjfo1, d2fjfo2, d2fjfq1, d2fjfq2, d2fjfr1, d2fjfr2, d2fjfs1, d2fjfs2, d2fjft1, d2fjft2, d2fjfu1, d2fjfu2, d2fjfv1, d2fjfv2, d2fjfw1, d2fjfw2, d2fjfx1, d2fjfx2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      4. 2742846Domain d2fjfh_: 2fjf H: [408059]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2fjfa1, d2fjfa2, d2fjfc1, d2fjfc2, d2fjfe1, d2fjfe2, d2fjfg1, d2fjfg2, d2fjfj1, d2fjfj2, d2fjfl1, d2fjfl2, d2fjfm1, d2fjfm2, d2fjfo1, d2fjfo2, d2fjfq1, d2fjfq2, d2fjfr1, d2fjfr2, d2fjfs1, d2fjfs2, d2fjft1, d2fjft2, d2fjfu1, d2fjfu2, d2fjfv1, d2fjfv2, d2fjfw1, d2fjfw2, d2fjfx1, d2fjfx2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      5. 2742847Domain d2fjfi_: 2fjf I: [408060]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2fjfa1, d2fjfa2, d2fjfc1, d2fjfc2, d2fjfe1, d2fjfe2, d2fjfg1, d2fjfg2, d2fjfj1, d2fjfj2, d2fjfl1, d2fjfl2, d2fjfm1, d2fjfm2, d2fjfo1, d2fjfo2, d2fjfq1, d2fjfq2, d2fjfr1, d2fjfr2, d2fjfs1, d2fjfs2, d2fjft1, d2fjft2, d2fjfu1, d2fjfu2, d2fjfv1, d2fjfv2, d2fjfw1, d2fjfw2, d2fjfx1, d2fjfx2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      6. 2742848Domain d2fjfk_: 2fjf K: [408061]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2fjfa1, d2fjfa2, d2fjfc1, d2fjfc2, d2fjfe1, d2fjfe2, d2fjfg1, d2fjfg2, d2fjfj1, d2fjfj2, d2fjfl1, d2fjfl2, d2fjfm1, d2fjfm2, d2fjfo1, d2fjfo2, d2fjfq1, d2fjfq2, d2fjfr1, d2fjfr2, d2fjfs1, d2fjfs2, d2fjft1, d2fjft2, d2fjfu1, d2fjfu2, d2fjfv1, d2fjfv2, d2fjfw1, d2fjfw2, d2fjfx1, d2fjfx2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      7. 2742849Domain d2fjfn_: 2fjf N: [408062]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2fjfa1, d2fjfa2, d2fjfc1, d2fjfc2, d2fjfe1, d2fjfe2, d2fjfg1, d2fjfg2, d2fjfj1, d2fjfj2, d2fjfl1, d2fjfl2, d2fjfm1, d2fjfm2, d2fjfo1, d2fjfo2, d2fjfq1, d2fjfq2, d2fjfr1, d2fjfr2, d2fjfs1, d2fjfs2, d2fjft1, d2fjft2, d2fjfu1, d2fjfu2, d2fjfv1, d2fjfv2, d2fjfw1, d2fjfw2, d2fjfx1, d2fjfx2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      8. 2742850Domain d2fjfp_: 2fjf P: [408063]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2fjfa1, d2fjfa2, d2fjfc1, d2fjfc2, d2fjfe1, d2fjfe2, d2fjfg1, d2fjfg2, d2fjfj1, d2fjfj2, d2fjfl1, d2fjfl2, d2fjfm1, d2fjfm2, d2fjfo1, d2fjfo2, d2fjfq1, d2fjfq2, d2fjfr1, d2fjfr2, d2fjfs1, d2fjfs2, d2fjft1, d2fjft2, d2fjfu1, d2fjfu2, d2fjfv1, d2fjfv2, d2fjfw1, d2fjfw2, d2fjfx1, d2fjfx2
        automated match to d6shgh_
    10. Domains for 2fjg:
      1. 2742965Domain d2fjgb_: 2fjg B: [408064]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2fjga1, d2fjga2, d2fjgl1, d2fjgl2, d2fjgv_, d2fjgw_
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with so4
      2. 2742966Domain d2fjgh_: 2fjg H: [408065]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2fjga1, d2fjga2, d2fjgl1, d2fjgl2, d2fjgv_, d2fjgw_
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with so4
    11. Domains for 2fjh:
      1. 2743297Domain d2fjhb_: 2fjh B: [408066]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2fjha1, d2fjha2, d2fjhl1, d2fjhl2, d2fjhv_, d2fjhw_
        automated match to d6shgh_
      2. 2743298Domain d2fjhh_: 2fjh H: [408067]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2fjha1, d2fjha2, d2fjhl1, d2fjhl2, d2fjhv_, d2fjhw_
        automated match to d6shgh_
    12. Domains for 2fl5:
      1. 2743603Domain d2fl5b_: 2fl5 B: [408068]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2fl5a1, d2fl5a2, d2fl5c1, d2fl5c2, d2fl5e1, d2fl5e2, d2fl5l1, d2fl5l2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with rbf
      2. 2743604Domain d2fl5d_: 2fl5 D: [408069]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2fl5a1, d2fl5a2, d2fl5c1, d2fl5c2, d2fl5e1, d2fl5e2, d2fl5l1, d2fl5l2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with rbf
      3. 2743605Domain d2fl5f_: 2fl5 F: [408070]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2fl5a1, d2fl5a2, d2fl5c1, d2fl5c2, d2fl5e1, d2fl5e2, d2fl5l1, d2fl5l2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with rbf
      4. 2743606Domain d2fl5h_: 2fl5 H: [408071]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2fl5a1, d2fl5a2, d2fl5c1, d2fl5c2, d2fl5e1, d2fl5e2, d2fl5l1, d2fl5l2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with rbf
    13. Domains for 2hp4:
      1. 2742322Domain d2hp4a_: 2hp4 A: [165191]
        automated match to d1akjd_
        complexed with gol, so4; mutant
      2. 2742323Domain d2hp4b_: 2hp4 B: [165192]
        automated match to d1akjd_
        complexed with gol, so4; mutant
    14. Domain for 2j12:
    15. Domains for 2j1k:
      1. 2742417Domain d2j1ka_: 2j1k A: [137941]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2j1kc1, d2j1kd_, d2j1ke_, d2j1kf_, d2j1kh_, d2j1ki_, d2j1kl_, d2j1km_, d2j1kn_, d2j1kq_, d2j1kr_, d2j1ks_
        automated match to d1eaja_
      2. 2742418Domain d2j1kb_: 2j1k B: [137942]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2j1kc1, d2j1kd_, d2j1ke_, d2j1kf_, d2j1kh_, d2j1ki_, d2j1kl_, d2j1km_, d2j1kn_, d2j1kq_, d2j1kr_, d2j1ks_
        automated match to d1eaja_
      3. 2742419Domain d2j1kg_: 2j1k G: [137943]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2j1kc1, d2j1kd_, d2j1ke_, d2j1kf_, d2j1kh_, d2j1ki_, d2j1kl_, d2j1km_, d2j1kn_, d2j1kq_, d2j1kr_, d2j1ks_
        automated match to d1eaja_
      4. 2742420Domain d2j1kj_: 2j1k J: [137944]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2j1kc1, d2j1kd_, d2j1ke_, d2j1kf_, d2j1kh_, d2j1ki_, d2j1kl_, d2j1km_, d2j1kn_, d2j1kq_, d2j1kr_, d2j1ks_
        automated match to d1eaja_
      5. 2742421Domain d2j1kk_: 2j1k K: [137945]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2j1kc1, d2j1kd_, d2j1ke_, d2j1kf_, d2j1kh_, d2j1ki_, d2j1kl_, d2j1km_, d2j1kn_, d2j1kq_, d2j1kr_, d2j1ks_
        automated match to d1eaja_
      6. 2742422Domain d2j1ko_: 2j1k O: [137946]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2j1kc1, d2j1kd_, d2j1ke_, d2j1kf_, d2j1kh_, d2j1ki_, d2j1kl_, d2j1km_, d2j1kn_, d2j1kq_, d2j1kr_, d2j1ks_
        automated match to d1eaja_
      7. 2742423Domain d2j1kp_: 2j1k P: [137947]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2j1kc1, d2j1kd_, d2j1ke_, d2j1kf_, d2j1kh_, d2j1ki_, d2j1kl_, d2j1km_, d2j1kn_, d2j1kq_, d2j1kr_, d2j1ks_
        automated match to d1eaja_
      8. 2742424Domain d2j1kt_: 2j1k T: [137948]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2j1kc1, d2j1kd_, d2j1ke_, d2j1kf_, d2j1kh_, d2j1ki_, d2j1kl_, d2j1km_, d2j1kn_, d2j1kq_, d2j1kr_, d2j1ks_
        automated match to d1eaja_
      9. 2742425Domain d2j1kv_: 2j1k V: [137949]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2j1kc1, d2j1kd_, d2j1ke_, d2j1kf_, d2j1kh_, d2j1ki_, d2j1kl_, d2j1km_, d2j1kn_, d2j1kq_, d2j1kr_, d2j1ks_
        automated match to d1eaja_
      10. 2742426Domain d2j1kx_: 2j1k X: [137950]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2j1kc1, d2j1kd_, d2j1ke_, d2j1kf_, d2j1kh_, d2j1ki_, d2j1kl_, d2j1km_, d2j1kn_, d2j1kq_, d2j1kr_, d2j1ks_
        automated match to d1eaja_
      11. 2742427Domain d2j1ky_: 2j1k Y: [137951]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2j1kc1, d2j1kd_, d2j1ke_, d2j1kf_, d2j1kh_, d2j1ki_, d2j1kl_, d2j1km_, d2j1kn_, d2j1kq_, d2j1kr_, d2j1ks_
        automated match to d1eaja_
      12. 2742428Domain d2j1kz_: 2j1k Z: [137952]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2j1kc1, d2j1kd_, d2j1ke_, d2j1kf_, d2j1kh_, d2j1ki_, d2j1kl_, d2j1km_, d2j1kn_, d2j1kq_, d2j1kr_, d2j1ks_
        automated match to d1eaja_
    16. Domain for 2j6e:
    17. Domains for 2kqm:
      1. 2743658Domain d2kqma_: 2kqm A: [242616]
        automated match to d3u79a_
      2. 2743659Domain d2kqmb_: 2kqm B: [242617]
        automated match to d3u79a_
    18. Domains for 2kqn:
      1. 2743656Domain d2kqna_: 2kqn A: [242618]
        automated match to d3u79a_
      2. 2743657Domain d2kqnb_: 2kqn B: [242619]
        automated match to d3u79a_
    19. Domain for 2mkw:
    20. Domain for 2mmx:
    21. Domain for 2n7a:
    22. Domain for 2n7b:
    23. Domain for 2pyf:
    24. Domains for 2q1e:
      1. 2743310Domain d2q1ea_: 2q1e A: [167389]
        automated match to d1b0wa_
        complexed with so4
      2. 2743311Domain d2q1eb_: 2q1e B: [167390]
        automated match to d1b0wa_
        complexed with so4
      3. 2743312Domain d2q1ec_: 2q1e C: [167391]
        automated match to d1b0wa_
        complexed with so4
      4. 2743313Domain d2q1ed_: 2q1e D: [167392]
        automated match to d1b0wa_
        complexed with so4
    25. Domains for 2q20:
      1. 2742241Domain d2q20a_: 2q20 A: [167393]
        automated match to d1igml_
      2. 2742242Domain d2q20b_: 2q20 B: [167394]
        automated match to d1igml_
    26. Domain for 2qqk:
    27. Domain for 2qql:
    28. Domain for 2qqn:
    29. Domains for 2r56:
      1. 2743134Domain d2r56h_: 2r56 H: [408183]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2r56a_, d2r56b_, d2r56l1, d2r56l2, d2r56m1, d2r56m2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with lmt
      2. 2743135Domain d2r56i_: 2r56 I: [408184]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2r56a_, d2r56b_, d2r56l1, d2r56l2, d2r56m1, d2r56m2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with lmt
    30. Domains for 2uzi:
      1. 2742686Domain d2uzih_: 2uzi H: [198378]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2uzir_
        automated match to d1ohqb_
        complexed with gtp, mg, zn
      2. 2742687Domain d2uzil_: 2uzi L: [198379]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2uzir_
        automated match to d1fgvl_
        complexed with gtp, mg, zn
    31. Domains for 2vh5:
      1. 2743428Domain d2vh5h_: 2vh5 H: [198442]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vh5r_
        automated match to d1ohqb_
        complexed with gtp, mg, zn; mutant
      2. 2743429Domain d2vh5l_: 2vh5 L: [198443]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vh5r_
        automated match to d1fgvl_
        complexed with gtp, mg, zn; mutant
    32. Domains for 2vxs:
      1. 2742818Domain d2vxsh_: 2vxs H: [408229]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vxsl1, d2vxsl2, d2vxsm1, d2vxsm2, d2vxsn1, d2vxsn2, d2vxso1, d2vxso2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with so4
      2. 2742819Domain d2vxsi_: 2vxs I: [408230]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vxsl1, d2vxsl2, d2vxsm1, d2vxsm2, d2vxsn1, d2vxsn2, d2vxso1, d2vxso2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with so4
      3. 2742820Domain d2vxsj_: 2vxs J: [408231]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vxsl1, d2vxsl2, d2vxsm1, d2vxsm2, d2vxsn1, d2vxsn2, d2vxso1, d2vxso2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with so4
      4. 2742821Domain d2vxsk_: 2vxs K: [408232]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vxsl1, d2vxsl2, d2vxsm1, d2vxsm2, d2vxsn1, d2vxsn2, d2vxso1, d2vxso2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with so4
    33. Domains for 2vyr:
      1. 2742347Domain d2vyre_: 2vyr E: [238892]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vyra_, d2vyrb_, d2vyrc_, d2vyrd_
        automated match to d2vyrf_
        complexed with so4
      2. 2742348Domain d2vyrf_: 2vyr F: [231363]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vyra_, d2vyrb_, d2vyrc_, d2vyrd_
        automated match to d1ieha_
        complexed with so4
      3. 2742349Domain d2vyrg_: 2vyr G: [231364]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vyra_, d2vyrb_, d2vyrc_, d2vyrd_
        automated match to d1ieha_
        complexed with so4
      4. 2742350Domain d2vyrh_: 2vyr H: [231365]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vyra_, d2vyrb_, d2vyrc_, d2vyrd_
        automated match to d1ieha_
        complexed with so4
      5. 2742351Domain d2vyri_: 2vyr I: [231366]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vyra_, d2vyrb_, d2vyrc_, d2vyrd_
        automated match to d1ieha_
        complexed with so4
      6. 2742352Domain d2vyrj_: 2vyr J: [231367]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vyra_, d2vyrb_, d2vyrc_, d2vyrd_
        automated match to d1ieha_
        complexed with so4
      7. 2742353Domain d2vyrk_: 2vyr K: [238893]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vyra_, d2vyrb_, d2vyrc_, d2vyrd_
        automated match to d2vyrf_
        complexed with so4
      8. 2742354Domain d2vyrl_: 2vyr L: [231368]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2vyra_, d2vyrb_, d2vyrc_, d2vyrd_
        automated match to d1ieha_
        complexed with so4
    34. Domains for 2w0k:
      1. 2742735Domain d2w0ka1: 2w0k A:1-98 [168982]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2w0ka2, d2w0kb2
        automated match to d1cd0a_
      2. 2742736Domain d2w0kb1: 2w0k B:1-98 [168983]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2w0ka2, d2w0kb2
        automated match to d1cd0a_
    35. Domains for 2w0l:
      1. 2742940Domain d2w0la1: 2w0l A:1-95 [198466]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2w0la2, d2w0lb2, d2w0lc2, d2w0ld2
        automated match to d2w0ld_
      2. 2742941Domain d2w0lb1: 2w0l B:1-95 [198467]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2w0la2, d2w0lb2, d2w0lc2, d2w0ld2
        automated match to d2w0ld_
      3. 2742942Domain d2w0lc1: 2w0l C:1-95 [198468]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2w0la2, d2w0lb2, d2w0lc2, d2w0ld2
        automated match to d2w0ld_
      4. 2742943Domain d2w0ld1: 2w0l D:1-95 [168984]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2w0la2, d2w0lb2, d2w0lc2, d2w0ld2
        automated match to d1cd0a_
    36. Domain for 2wbw:
    37. Domains for 2wub:
      1. 2743223Domain d2wubh_: 2wub H: [408246]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wubl1, d2wubl2, d2wubq1, d2wubq2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      2. 2743224Domain d2wubr_: 2wub R: [408247]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2wubl1, d2wubl2, d2wubq1, d2wubq2
        automated match to d6shgh_
    38. Domain for 2x44:
    39. Domain for 2xtj:
    40. Domains for 2ybr:
      1. 2742636Domain d2ybra_: 2ybr A: [198702]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2ybrb1, d2ybrb2, d2ybrc_, d2ybre1, d2ybre2, d2ybrf_, d2ybrh1, d2ybrh2, d2ybri_
        automated match to d3ogoh_
      2. 2742637Domain d2ybrd_: 2ybr D: [198704]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2ybrb1, d2ybrb2, d2ybrc_, d2ybre1, d2ybre2, d2ybrf_, d2ybrh1, d2ybrh2, d2ybri_
        automated match to d3ogoh_
      3. 2742638Domain d2ybrg_: 2ybr G: [198706]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2ybrb1, d2ybrb2, d2ybrc_, d2ybre1, d2ybre2, d2ybrf_, d2ybrh1, d2ybrh2, d2ybri_
        automated match to d3ogoh_
    41. Domains for 2yc1:
      1. 2742272Domain d2yc1a_: 2yc1 A: [198708]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2yc1b1, d2yc1b2, d2yc1c_, d2yc1e1, d2yc1e2, d2yc1f_
        automated match to d3ogoh_
        complexed with gol
      2. 2742273Domain d2yc1d_: 2yc1 D: [198710]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2yc1b1, d2yc1b2, d2yc1c_, d2yc1e1, d2yc1e2, d2yc1f_
        automated match to d3ogoh_
        complexed with gol
    42. Domain for 2yss:
    43. Domains for 3b5g:
      1. 2742260Domain d3b5ga_: 3b5g A: [172430]
        automated match to d1cd0a_
        complexed with act, gol, na; mutant
      2. 2742261Domain d3b5gb_: 3b5g B: [172431]
        automated match to d1cd0a_
        complexed with act, gol, na; mutant
    44. Domains for 3b9v:
      1. 2742470Domain d3b9va_: 3b9v A: [199083]
        automated match to d3b9vd_
      2. 2742471Domain d3b9vb_: 3b9v B: [199084]
        automated match to d3b9vd_
      3. 2742472Domain d3b9vc_: 3b9v C: [199085]
        automated match to d3b9vd_
      4. 2742473Domain d3b9vd_: 3b9v D: [172512]
        automated match to d1fvcb_
    45. Domains for 3bdx:
      1. 2742528Domain d3bdxa_: 3bdx A: [172565]
        automated match to d1cd0a_
        complexed with act, gol, mes; mutant
      2. 2742529Domain d3bdxb_: 3bdx B: [172566]
        automated match to d1cd0a_
        complexed with act, gol, mes; mutant
      3. 2742530Domain d3bdxc_: 3bdx C: [172567]
        automated match to d1cd0a_
        complexed with act, gol, mes; mutant
    46. Domain for 3bdy:
    47. Domain for 3be1:
    48. Domain for 3bqu:
    49. Domains for 3cdc:
      1. 2742224Domain d3cdca_: 3cdc A: [173145]
        automated match to d1b0wa_
      2. 2742225Domain d3cdcb_: 3cdc B: [173146]
        automated match to d1b0wa_
    50. Domains for 3cdf:
      1. 2742226Domain d3cdfa_: 3cdf A: [173149]
        automated match to d1igml_
      2. 2742227Domain d3cdfb_: 3cdf B: [173150]
        automated match to d1igml_
      3. 2742228Domain d3cdfc_: 3cdf C: [173151]
        automated match to d1igml_
      4. 2742229Domain d3cdfd_: 3cdf D: [173152]
        automated match to d1igml_
      5. 2742230Domain d3cdfe_: 3cdf E: [173153]
        automated match to d1igml_
      6. 2742231Domain d3cdff_: 3cdf F: [173154]
        automated match to d1igml_
    51. Domains for 3cdy:
      1. 2742578Domain d3cdya_: 3cdy A: [173170]
        automated match to d1b0wa_
      2. 2742579Domain d3cdyb_: 3cdy B: [173171]
        automated match to d1b0wa_
    52. Domains for 3dgg:
      1. 2742683Domain d3dggb_: 3dgg B: [157716]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3dgga1, d3dgga2, d3dggc1, d3dggc2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with mg
      2. 2742684Domain d3dggd_: 3dgg D: [157719]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3dgga1, d3dgga2, d3dggc1, d3dggc2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with mg
    53. Domains for 3dif:
      1. 2742782Domain d3difb_: 3dif B: [157749]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3difa1, d3difa2, d3difc1, d3difc2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      2. 2742783Domain d3difd_: 3dif D: [157750]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3difa1, d3difa2, d3difc1, d3difc2
        automated match to d6shgh_
    54. Domain for 3dvf:
    55. Domain for 3dvi:
    56. Domains for 3dx9:
      1. 2742896Domain d3dx9a1: 3dx9 A:2-125 [209344]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3dx9a2, d3dx9b1, d3dx9b2, d3dx9c2, d3dx9d1, d3dx9d2
        automated match to d2esvd1
      2. 2742897Domain d3dx9c1: 3dx9 C:2-125 [209348]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3dx9a2, d3dx9b1, d3dx9b2, d3dx9c2, d3dx9d1, d3dx9d2
        automated match to d2esvd1
    57. Domain for 3eo9:
    58. Domains for 3eoa:
      1. 2743012Domain d3eoab_: 3eoa B: [408330]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3eoaa1, d3eoaa2, d3eoai_, d3eoaj_, d3eoal1, d3eoal2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      2. 2743013Domain d3eoah_: 3eoa H: [408331]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3eoaa1, d3eoaa2, d3eoai_, d3eoaj_, d3eoal1, d3eoal2
        automated match to d6shgh_
    59. Domains for 3eyq:
      1. 2743073Domain d3eyqc1: 3eyq C:1-108 [209741]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3eyqc2
        automated match to d1rhha1
      2. 2743074Domain d3eyqd_: 3eyq D: [408335]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3eyqc2
        automated match to d6shgh_
    60. Domains for 3f12:
      1. 2743652Domain d3f12a1: 3f12 A:1-108 [209768]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3f12a2, d3f12c2
        automated match to d1rhha1
      2. 2743653Domain d3f12b_: 3f12 B: [408341]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3f12a2, d3f12c2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      3. 2743654Domain d3f12c1: 3f12 C:1-108 [209770]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3f12a2, d3f12c2
        automated match to d1rhha1
      4. 2743655Domain d3f12d_: 3f12 D: [408342]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3f12a2, d3f12c2
        automated match to d6shgh_
    61. Domains for 3fzu:
      1. 2742729Domain d3fzuc_: 3fzu C: [408352]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3fzud1, d3fzud2, d3fzul1, d3fzul2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      2. 2742730Domain d3fzuh_: 3fzu H: [408353]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3fzud1, d3fzud2, d3fzul1, d3fzul2
        automated match to d6shgh_
    62. Domain for 3giz:
    63. Domains for 3gje:
      1. 2742620Domain d3gjeb_: 3gje B: [408369]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3gjea1, d3gjea2, d3gjel1, d3gjel2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      2. 2742621Domain d3gjeh_: 3gje H: [408370]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3gjea1, d3gjea2, d3gjel1, d3gjel2
        automated match to d6shgh_
    64. Domain for 3gsn:
    65. Domains for 3h42:
      1. 2742411Domain d3h42h_: 3h42 H: [408383]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3h42b1, d3h42b2, d3h42l2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with na
      2. 2742412Domain d3h42l1: 3h42 L:1-112 [210850]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3h42b1, d3h42b2, d3h42l2
        automated match to d1aqkl1
        complexed with na
    66. Domain for 3hi5:
    67. Domains for 3hi6:
      1. 2743008Domain d3hi6h_: 3hi6 H: [408390]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3hi6a_, d3hi6b_, d3hi6l1, d3hi6l2, d3hi6y1, d3hi6y2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with mn, so4
      2. 2743009Domain d3hi6x_: 3hi6 X: [408391]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3hi6a_, d3hi6b_, d3hi6l1, d3hi6l2, d3hi6y1, d3hi6y2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with mn, so4
    68. Domain for 3idx:
    69. Domains for 3inu:
      1. 2743281Domain d3inuh_: 3inu H: [408424]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3inul1, d3inul2, d3inun1, d3inun2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with gol, so4
      2. 2743282Domain d3inum_: 3inu M: [408425]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3inul1, d3inul2, d3inun1, d3inun2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with gol, so4
    70. Domain for 3k2u:
    71. Domains for 3kdm:
      1. 2742291Domain d3kdmb_: 3kdm B: [408434]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3kdma1, d3kdma2, d3kdml1, d3kdml2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with tes
      2. 2742292Domain d3kdmh_: 3kdm H: [408435]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3kdma1, d3kdma2, d3kdml1, d3kdml2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with tes
    72. Domains for 3kym:
      1. 2743377Domain d3kymj_: 3kym J: [408440]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3kyma1, d3kyma2, d3kymc1, d3kymc2, d3kyme1, d3kyme2, d3kymg1, d3kymg2, d3kymi1, d3kymi2, d3kymk1, d3kymk2, d3kymm1, d3kymm2, d3kymo1, d3kymo2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      2. 2743378Domain d3kyml_: 3kym L: [408441]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3kyma1, d3kyma2, d3kymc1, d3kymc2, d3kyme1, d3kyme2, d3kymg1, d3kymg2, d3kymi1, d3kymi2, d3kymk1, d3kymk2, d3kymm1, d3kymm2, d3kymo1, d3kymo2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      3. 2743379Domain d3kymn_: 3kym N: [408442]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3kyma1, d3kyma2, d3kymc1, d3kymc2, d3kyme1, d3kyme2, d3kymg1, d3kymg2, d3kymi1, d3kymi2, d3kymk1, d3kymk2, d3kymm1, d3kymm2, d3kymo1, d3kymo2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      4. 2743380Domain d3kymp_: 3kym P: [408443]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3kyma1, d3kyma2, d3kymc1, d3kymc2, d3kyme1, d3kyme2, d3kymg1, d3kymg2, d3kymi1, d3kymi2, d3kymk1, d3kymk2, d3kymm1, d3kymm2, d3kymo1, d3kymo2
        automated match to d6shgh_
    73. Domains for 3lrg:
      1. 2742296Domain d3lrga1: 3lrg A:-1-111 [199760]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3lrga2, d3lrgb2
        automated match to d3lrho_
        complexed with imd, trs
      2. 2742297Domain d3lrgb1: 3lrg B:3-110 [196375]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3lrga2, d3lrgb2
        automated match to d3lrho_
        complexed with imd, trs
    74. Domain for 3lrh:
    75. Domains for 3lrs:
      1. 2742754Domain d3lrsa_: 3lrs A: [408464]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3lrsb1, d3lrsb2, d3lrsd1, d3lrsd2, d3lrsf1, d3lrsf2, d3lrsl1, d3lrsl2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with nag
      2. 2742755Domain d3lrsc_: 3lrs C: [408465]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3lrsb1, d3lrsb2, d3lrsd1, d3lrsd2, d3lrsf1, d3lrsf2, d3lrsl1, d3lrsl2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with nag
      3. 2742756Domain d3lrse_: 3lrs E: [408466]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3lrsb1, d3lrsb2, d3lrsd1, d3lrsd2, d3lrsf1, d3lrsf2, d3lrsl1, d3lrsl2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with nag
      4. 2742757Domain d3lrsh_: 3lrs H: [408467]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3lrsb1, d3lrsb2, d3lrsd1, d3lrsd2, d3lrsf1, d3lrsf2, d3lrsl1, d3lrsl2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with nag
    76. Domains for 3mlw:
      1. 2743453Domain d3mlwl1: 3mlw L:1-107 [213352]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3mlwh_, d3mlwi_, d3mlwl2, d3mlwm2
        automated match to d2j6el1
        complexed with po4
      2. 2743454Domain d3mlwm1: 3mlw M:1-107 [213354]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3mlwh_, d3mlwi_, d3mlwl2, d3mlwm2
        automated match to d2j6el1
        complexed with po4
    77. Domains for 3mug:
      1. 2742867Domain d3mugb_: 3mug B: [408504]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3muga1, d3muga2, d3mugc1, d3mugc2, d3muge1, d3muge2, d3mugg1, d3mugg2, d3mugi1, d3mugi2, d3mugk1, d3mugk2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with nag
      2. 2742868Domain d3mugd_: 3mug D: [408505]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3muga1, d3muga2, d3mugc1, d3mugc2, d3muge1, d3muge2, d3mugg1, d3mugg2, d3mugi1, d3mugi2, d3mugk1, d3mugk2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with nag
      3. 2742869Domain d3mugf_: 3mug F: [408506]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3muga1, d3muga2, d3mugc1, d3mugc2, d3muge1, d3muge2, d3mugg1, d3mugg2, d3mugi1, d3mugi2, d3mugk1, d3mugk2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with nag
      4. 2742870Domain d3mugh_: 3mug H: [408507]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3muga1, d3muga2, d3mugc1, d3mugc2, d3muge1, d3muge2, d3mugg1, d3mugg2, d3mugi1, d3mugi2, d3mugk1, d3mugk2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with nag
      5. 2742871Domain d3mugj_: 3mug J: [408508]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3muga1, d3muga2, d3mugc1, d3mugc2, d3muge1, d3muge2, d3mugg1, d3mugg2, d3mugi1, d3mugi2, d3mugk1, d3mugk2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with nag
      6. 2742872Domain d3mugl_: 3mug L: [408509]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3muga1, d3muga2, d3mugc1, d3mugc2, d3muge1, d3muge2, d3mugg1, d3mugg2, d3mugi1, d3mugi2, d3mugk1, d3mugk2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with nag
    78. Domains for 3nh7:
      1. 2743102Domain d3nh7h_: 3nh7 H: [408535]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3nh7a_, d3nh7b_, d3nh7c_, d3nh7d_, d3nh7l1, d3nh7l2, d3nh7m1, d3nh7m2, d3nh7n1, d3nh7n2, d3nh7o1, d3nh7o2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      2. 2743103Domain d3nh7i_: 3nh7 I: [408536]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3nh7a_, d3nh7b_, d3nh7c_, d3nh7d_, d3nh7l1, d3nh7l2, d3nh7m1, d3nh7m2, d3nh7n1, d3nh7n2, d3nh7o1, d3nh7o2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      3. 2743104Domain d3nh7j_: 3nh7 J: [408537]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3nh7a_, d3nh7b_, d3nh7c_, d3nh7d_, d3nh7l1, d3nh7l2, d3nh7m1, d3nh7m2, d3nh7n1, d3nh7n2, d3nh7o1, d3nh7o2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      4. 2743105Domain d3nh7k_: 3nh7 K: [408538]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3nh7a_, d3nh7b_, d3nh7c_, d3nh7d_, d3nh7l1, d3nh7l2, d3nh7m1, d3nh7m2, d3nh7n1, d3nh7n2, d3nh7o1, d3nh7o2
        automated match to d6shgh_
    79. Domain for 3o8x:
    80. Domain for 3o9w:
    81. Domains for 3osk:
      1. 2742345Domain d3oska_: 3osk A: [183269]
        automated match to d1ah1a_
        complexed with gol, nag
      2. 2742346Domain d3oskb_: 3osk B: [183270]
        automated match to d1ah1a_
        complexed with gol, nag
    82. Domains for 3p0v:
      1. 2743057Domain d3p0vh_: 3p0v H: [408578]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3p0vl1, d3p0vl2, d3p0vm1, d3p0vm2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with ca
      2. 2743058Domain d3p0vi_: 3p0v I: [408579]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3p0vl1, d3p0vl2, d3p0vm1, d3p0vm2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with ca
    83. Domain for 3p0y:
    84. Domains for 3p9w:
      1. 2742562Domain d3p9wb_: 3p9w B: [193748]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3p9wa_, d3p9wc_, d3p9we_, d3p9wg_
        automated match to d3b9vd_
      2. 2742563Domain d3p9wd_: 3p9w D: [197349]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3p9wa_, d3p9wc_, d3p9we_, d3p9wg_
        automated match to d3b9vd_
      3. 2742564Domain d3p9wf_: 3p9w F: [197427]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3p9wa_, d3p9wc_, d3p9we_, d3p9wg_
        automated match to d3b9vd_
      4. 2742565Domain d3p9wh_: 3p9w H: [200208]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3p9wa_, d3p9wc_, d3p9we_, d3p9wg_
        automated match to d3p9wb_
    85. Domain for 3pgf:
    86. Domains for 3q6f:
      1. 2743230Domain d3q6fa1: 3q6f A:2-107 [248782]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3q6fa2, d3q6fc2, d3q6fe2, d3q6fg2, d3q6fi2, d3q6fk2
        automated match to d1adql1
        complexed with peg
      2. 2743231Domain d3q6fb_: 3q6f B: [408597]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3q6fa2, d3q6fc2, d3q6fe2, d3q6fg2, d3q6fi2, d3q6fk2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with peg
      3. 2743232Domain d3q6fc1: 3q6f C:2-107 [248784]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3q6fa2, d3q6fc2, d3q6fe2, d3q6fg2, d3q6fi2, d3q6fk2
        automated match to d1adql1
        complexed with peg
      4. 2743233Domain d3q6fe1: 3q6f E:2-107 [248786]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3q6fa2, d3q6fc2, d3q6fe2, d3q6fg2, d3q6fi2, d3q6fk2
        automated match to d1adql1
        complexed with peg
      5. 2743234Domain d3q6fg1: 3q6f G:2-107 [248788]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3q6fa2, d3q6fc2, d3q6fe2, d3q6fg2, d3q6fi2, d3q6fk2
        automated match to d1adql1
        complexed with peg
      6. 2743235Domain d3q6fi1: 3q6f I:2-107 [248790]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3q6fa2, d3q6fc2, d3q6fe2, d3q6fg2, d3q6fi2, d3q6fk2
        automated match to d1adql1
        complexed with peg
      7. 2743236Domain d3q6fk1: 3q6f K:2-107 [248792]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3q6fa2, d3q6fc2, d3q6fe2, d3q6fg2, d3q6fi2, d3q6fk2
        automated match to d1adql1
        complexed with peg
    87. Domain for 3qdg:
    88. Domain for 3qdj:
    89. Domain for 3qeg:
    90. Domains for 3qeu:
      1. 2742833Domain d3qeua1: 3qeu A:1-110 [215202]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3qeua2, d3qeub1, d3qeub2, d3qeud2, d3qeue1, d3qeue2
        automated match to d1qrnd1
        complexed with gol, li
      2. 2742834Domain d3qeud1: 3qeu D:0-110 [215206]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3qeua2, d3qeub1, d3qeub2, d3qeud2, d3qeue1, d3qeue2
        automated match to d1qrnd1
        complexed with gol, li
    91. Domains for 3qh3:
      1. 2742499Domain d3qh3a1: 3qh3 A:1-111 [215226]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3qh3a2, d3qh3b1, d3qh3b2, d3qh3c2, d3qh3d1, d3qh3d2
        automated match to d1qrnd1
        complexed with edo, gol
      2. 2742500Domain d3qh3c1: 3qh3 C:1-111 [215230]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3qh3a2, d3qh3b1, d3qh3b2, d3qh3c2, d3qh3d1, d3qh3d2
        automated match to d1qrnd1
        complexed with edo, gol
    92. Domain for 3qo1:
    93. Domain for 3qpx:
    94. Domain for 3rev:
    95. Domain for 3rrq:
    96. Domain for 3sdy:
    97. Domains for 3skj:
      1. 2743279Domain d3skjh_: 3skj H: [408669]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3skje_, d3skjl1, d3skjl2, d3skjm1, d3skjm2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      2. 2743280Domain d3skji_: 3skj I: [408670]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3skje_, d3skjl1, d3skjl2, d3skjm1, d3skjm2
        automated match to d6shgh_
    98. Domains for 3so3:
      1. 2742462Domain d3so3b1: 3so3 B:1-106A [200683]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3so3a_, d3so3b2
        automated match to d1rhha1
        complexed with gol
      2. 2742463Domain d3so3c_: 3so3 C: [408671]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3so3a_, d3so3b2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with gol
    99. Domain for 3sqo:
    100. Domains for 3tcl:
      1. 2742431Domain d3tcla_: 3tcl A: [408683]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3tclb1, d3tclb2, d3tcll1, d3tcll2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with imd
      2. 2742432Domain d3tclh_: 3tcl H: [408684]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3tclb1, d3tclb2, d3tcll1, d3tcll2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with imd
    101. Domains for 3tnn:
      1. 2742413Domain d3tnna_: 3tnn A: [408691]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3tnnb1, d3tnnb2, d3tnnd1, d3tnnd2, d3tnnf1, d3tnnf2, d3tnnl1, d3tnnl2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with cl, gol, so4
      2. 2742414Domain d3tnnc_: 3tnn C: [408692]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3tnnb1, d3tnnb2, d3tnnd1, d3tnnd2, d3tnnf1, d3tnnf2, d3tnnl1, d3tnnl2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with cl, gol, so4
      3. 2742415Domain d3tnne_: 3tnn E: [408693]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3tnnb1, d3tnnb2, d3tnnd1, d3tnnd2, d3tnnf1, d3tnnf2, d3tnnl1, d3tnnl2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with cl, gol, so4
      4. 2742416Domain d3tnnh_: 3tnn H: [408694]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3tnnb1, d3tnnb2, d3tnnd1, d3tnnd2, d3tnnf1, d3tnnf2, d3tnnl1, d3tnnl2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with cl, gol, so4
    102. Domain for 3u0w:
    103. Domains for 3u30:
      1. 2743168Domain d3u30c_: 3u30 C: [408704]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3u30a1, d3u30a2, d3u30a3, d3u30b1, d3u30b2, d3u30d1, d3u30d2, d3u30e1, d3u30e2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      2. 2743169Domain d3u30f_: 3u30 F: [408705]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3u30a1, d3u30a2, d3u30a3, d3u30b1, d3u30b2, d3u30d1, d3u30d2, d3u30e1, d3u30e2
        automated match to d6shgh_
    104. Domains for 3u46:
      1. 2743340Domain d3u46a_: 3u46 A: [408706]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3u46b1, d3u46b2, d3u46l1, d3u46l2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      2. 2743341Domain d3u46h_: 3u46 H: [408707]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3u46b1, d3u46b2, d3u46l1, d3u46l2
        automated match to d6shgh_
    105. Domain for 3u4b:
    106. Domains for 3u79:
      1. 2742233Domain d3u79a_: 3u79 A: [200936]
        automated match to d3u79c_
        complexed with act, mes, zn
      2. 2742234Domain d3u79b_: 3u79 B: [194995]
        automated match to d3dvia_
        complexed with act, mes, zn
      3. 2742235Domain d3u79c_: 3u79 C: [194994]
        automated match to d3dvia_
        complexed with act, mes, zn
      4. 2742236Domain d3u79d_: 3u79 D: [200937]
        automated match to d3u79c_
        complexed with act, mes, zn
      5. 2742237Domain d3u79e_: 3u79 E: [200938]
        automated match to d3u79c_
        complexed with act, mes, zn
      6. 2742238Domain d3u79f_: 3u79 F: [200939]
        automated match to d3u79c_
        complexed with act, mes, zn
      7. 2742239Domain d3u79g_: 3u79 G: [200940]
        automated match to d3u79c_
        complexed with act, mes, zn
      8. 2742240Domain d3u79h_: 3u79 H: [200941]
        automated match to d3u79c_
        complexed with act, mes, zn
    107. Domain for 3u7a:
    108. Domains for 3upa:
      1. 2742505Domain d3upaa_: 3upa A: [217467]
        automated match to d2q20a_
      2. 2742506Domain d3upab_: 3upa B: [217468]
        automated match to d2q20a_
    109. Domains for 3upc:
      1. 2743455Domain d3upca_: 3upc A: [201096]
        automated match to d3upcg_
        complexed with 1pe, peg, pg4, pge
      2. 2743456Domain d3upcb_: 3upc B: [201097]
        automated match to d3upcg_
        complexed with 1pe, peg, pg4, pge
      3. 2743457Domain d3upcc_: 3upc C: [201098]
        automated match to d3upcg_
        complexed with 1pe, peg, pg4, pge
      4. 2743458Domain d3upcd_: 3upc D: [201099]
        automated match to d3upcg_
        complexed with 1pe, peg, pg4, pge
      5. 2743459Domain d3upce_: 3upc E: [201100]
        automated match to d3upcg_
        complexed with 1pe, peg, pg4, pge
      6. 2743460Domain d3upcf_: 3upc F: [201101]
        automated match to d3upcg_
        complexed with 1pe, peg, pg4, pge
      7. 2743461Domain d3upcg_: 3upc G: [195082]
        automated match to d1vhpa_
        complexed with 1pe, peg, pg4, pge
      8. 2743462Domain d3upch_: 3upc H: [195085]
        automated match to d1vhpa_
        complexed with 1pe, peg, pg4, pge
      9. 2743463Domain d3upci_: 3upc I: [195083]
        automated match to d1vhpa_
        complexed with 1pe, peg, pg4, pge
      10. 2743464Domain d3upcj_: 3upc J: [195084]
        automated match to d1vhpa_
        complexed with 1pe, peg, pg4, pge
    110. Domain for 3wd5:
    111. Domain for 3x3f:
    112. Domain for 3x3g:
    113. Domains for 3zhd:
      1. 2742403Domain d3zhda1: 3zhd A:1-118 [235925]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zhda2, d3zhdb2
        automated match to d1vhpa_
        complexed with so4
      2. 2742404Domain d3zhdb1: 3zhd B:1-118 [235924]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zhda2, d3zhdb2
        automated match to d1vhpa_
        complexed with so4
    114. Domains for 3zhk:
      1. 2742645Domain d3zhka1: 3zhk A:1-118 [235922]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zhka2, d3zhkb2
        automated match to d1vhpa_
        complexed with so4
      2. 2742646Domain d3zhkb1: 3zhk B:1-118 [258628]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zhka2, d3zhkb2
        automated match to d1ieha_
        complexed with so4
    115. Domain for 3zhl:
    116. Domains for 3zkm:
      1. 2742538Domain d3zkmc_: 3zkm C: [408787]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zkma_, d3zkmb_, d3zkmd1, d3zkmd2, d3zkml1, d3zkml2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with dms, gol, so4
      2. 2742539Domain d3zkmh_: 3zkm H: [408788]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3zkma_, d3zkmb_, d3zkmd1, d3zkmd2, d3zkml1, d3zkml2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with dms, gol, so4
    117. Domains for 4aix:
      1. 2742315Domain d4aixa1: 4aix A:2-95 [218896]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4aixa2, d4aixb2, d4aixc2, d4aixd2
        automated match to d1cd0b_
      2. 2742316Domain d4aixb1: 4aix B:2-95 [218897]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4aixa2, d4aixb2, d4aixc2, d4aixd2
        automated match to d1cd0b_
      3. 2742317Domain d4aixc1: 4aix C:2-95 [218898]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4aixa2, d4aixb2, d4aixc2, d4aixd2
        automated match to d1cd0b_
      4. 2742318Domain d4aixd1: 4aix D:2-95 [218899]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4aixa2, d4aixb2, d4aixc2, d4aixd2
        automated match to d1cd0b_
    118. Domains for 4aj0:
      1. 2742287Domain d4aj0a1: 4aj0 A:2-95 [218904]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4aj0a2, d4aj0b2, d4aj0c2, d4aj0d2
        automated match to d1cd0b_
        complexed with act, pg0
      2. 2742288Domain d4aj0b1: 4aj0 B:1-95 [218905]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4aj0a2, d4aj0b2, d4aj0c2, d4aj0d2
        automated match to d1cd0b_
        complexed with act, pg0
      3. 2742289Domain d4aj0c1: 4aj0 C:2-95 [218906]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4aj0a2, d4aj0b2, d4aj0c2, d4aj0d2
        automated match to d1cd0b_
        complexed with act, pg0
      4. 2742290Domain d4aj0d1: 4aj0 D:2-95 [218907]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4aj0a2, d4aj0b2, d4aj0c2, d4aj0d2
        automated match to d1cd0b_
        complexed with act, pg0
    119. Domain for 4al8:
    120. Domains for 4cni:
      1. 2742904Domain d4cnia_: 4cni A: [408850]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4cnib1, d4cnib2, d4cnic_, d4cnid_, d4cnil1, d4cnil2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with so4, tam
      2. 2742905Domain d4cnih_: 4cni H: [408851]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4cnib1, d4cnib2, d4cnic_, d4cnid_, d4cnil1, d4cnil2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with so4, tam
    121. Domain for 4dn3:
    122. Domain for 4dqo:
    123. Domain for 4dtg:
    124. Domain for 4ers:
    125. Domain for 4eur:
    126. Domain for 4f57:
    127. Domains for 4f58:
      1. 2742652Domain d4f58h_: 4f58 H: [408909]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4f58l1, d4f58l2, d4f58m1, d4f58m2, d4f58n1, d4f58n2, d4f58o1, d4f58o2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with so4
      2. 2742653Domain d4f58i_: 4f58 I: [408910]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4f58l1, d4f58l2, d4f58m1, d4f58m2, d4f58n1, d4f58n2, d4f58o1, d4f58o2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with so4
      3. 2742654Domain d4f58j_: 4f58 J: [408911]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4f58l1, d4f58l2, d4f58m1, d4f58m2, d4f58n1, d4f58n2, d4f58o1, d4f58o2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with so4
      4. 2742655Domain d4f58k_: 4f58 K: [408912]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4f58l1, d4f58l2, d4f58m1, d4f58m2, d4f58n1, d4f58n2, d4f58o1, d4f58o2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with so4
    128. Domains for 4fnl:
      1. 2742599Domain d4fnlh_: 4fnl H: [408921]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4fnll1, d4fnll2, d4fnlm1, d4fnlm2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with trs
      2. 2742600Domain d4fnli_: 4fnl I: [408922]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4fnll1, d4fnll2, d4fnlm1, d4fnlm2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with trs
    129. Domains for 4fp8:
      1. 2743095Domain d4fp8h_: 4fp8 H: [408923]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4fp8a_, d4fp8b_, d4fp8c_, d4fp8d_, d4fp8l1, d4fp8l2, d4fp8m1, d4fp8m2, d4fp8n1, d4fp8n2, d4fp8o1, d4fp8o2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with nag, zn
      2. 2743096Domain d4fp8i_: 4fp8 I: [408924]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4fp8a_, d4fp8b_, d4fp8c_, d4fp8d_, d4fp8l1, d4fp8l2, d4fp8m1, d4fp8m2, d4fp8n1, d4fp8n2, d4fp8o1, d4fp8o2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with nag, zn
      3. 2743097Domain d4fp8j_: 4fp8 J: [408925]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4fp8a_, d4fp8b_, d4fp8c_, d4fp8d_, d4fp8l1, d4fp8l2, d4fp8m1, d4fp8m2, d4fp8n1, d4fp8n2, d4fp8o1, d4fp8o2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with nag, zn
      4. 2743098Domain d4fp8k_: 4fp8 K: [408926]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4fp8a_, d4fp8b_, d4fp8c_, d4fp8d_, d4fp8l1, d4fp8l2, d4fp8m1, d4fp8m2, d4fp8n1, d4fp8n2, d4fp8o1, d4fp8o2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with nag, zn
    130. Domains for 4fql:
      1. 2742574Domain d4fqlh_: 4fql H: [408936]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4fqll2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      2. 2742575Domain d4fqll1: 4fql L:1-107 [221454]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4fqll2
        automated match to d1rhha1
    131. Domains for 4fqq:
      1. 2742900Domain d4fqqa1: 4fqq A:3-108 [221456]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4fqqa2, d4fqqb1, d4fqqb2, d4fqqc2, d4fqqd1, d4fqqd2, d4fqqe2, d4fqqf1, d4fqqf2, d4fqqh1, d4fqqh2, d4fqql2
        automated match to d1adql1
        complexed with na
      2. 2742901Domain d4fqqc1: 4fqq C:3-108 [221458]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4fqqa2, d4fqqb1, d4fqqb2, d4fqqc2, d4fqqd1, d4fqqd2, d4fqqe2, d4fqqf1, d4fqqf2, d4fqqh1, d4fqqh2, d4fqql2
        automated match to d1adql1
        complexed with na
      3. 2742902Domain d4fqqe1: 4fqq E:3-108 [221460]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4fqqa2, d4fqqb1, d4fqqb2, d4fqqc2, d4fqqd1, d4fqqd2, d4fqqe2, d4fqqf1, d4fqqf2, d4fqqh1, d4fqqh2, d4fqql2
        automated match to d1adql1
        complexed with na
      4. 2742903Domain d4fqql1: 4fqq L:3-108 [221462]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4fqqa2, d4fqqb1, d4fqqb2, d4fqqc2, d4fqqd1, d4fqqd2, d4fqqe2, d4fqqf1, d4fqqf2, d4fqqh1, d4fqqh2, d4fqql2
        automated match to d1adql1
        complexed with na
    132. Domain for 4fz8:
    133. Domain for 4g3y:
    134. Domain for 4g7v:
    135. Domain for 4g7y:
    136. Domains for 4gkz:
      1. 2742851Domain d4gkza1: 4gkz A:0-115 [221979]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4gkza2, d4gkzb2
        automated match to d1j8hd1
        complexed with edo, so4, tam
      2. 2742852Domain d4gkzb1: 4gkz B:2-114 [221981]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4gkza2, d4gkzb2
        automated match to d1fyte1
        complexed with edo, so4, tam
    137. Domains for 4grm:
      1. 2742708Domain d4grma1: 4grm A:2-117 [222104]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4grma2, d4grmb1, d4grmb2, d4grmc2, d4grmd1, d4grmd2
        automated match to d1qrnd1
      2. 2742709Domain d4grmc1: 4grm C:1-117 [222108]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4grma2, d4grmb1, d4grmb2, d4grmc2, d4grmd1, d4grmd2
        automated match to d1qrnd1
    138. Domain for 4h8w:
    139. Domains for 4hh9:
      1. 2742399Domain d4hh9b_: 4hh9 B: [408986]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4hh9a1, d4hh9a2, d4hh9c1, d4hh9c2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      2. 2742400Domain d4hh9d_: 4hh9 D: [408987]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4hh9a1, d4hh9a2, d4hh9c1, d4hh9c2
        automated match to d6shgh_
    140. Domain for 4hie:
    141. Domains for 4hih:
      1. 2742464Domain d4hihb_: 4hih B: [408989]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4hiha1, d4hiha2, d4hihc1, d4hihc2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with ram
      2. 2742465Domain d4hihd_: 4hih D: [408990]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4hiha1, d4hiha2, d4hihc1, d4hihc2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with ram
    142. Domains for 4hii:
      1. 2742693Domain d4hiib_: 4hii B: [408991]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4hiia1, d4hiia2, d4hiic1, d4hiic2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      2. 2742694Domain d4hiid_: 4hii D: [408992]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4hiia1, d4hiia2, d4hiic1, d4hiic2
        automated match to d6shgh_
    143. Domains for 4hij:
      1. 2742541Domain d4hijb_: 4hij B: [408993]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4hija1, d4hija2, d4hijc1, d4hijc2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with gol, po4
      2. 2742542Domain d4hijd_: 4hij D: [408994]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4hija1, d4hija2, d4hijc1, d4hijc2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with gol, po4
    144. Domain for 4hjg:
    145. Domain for 4hkz:
    146. Domain for 4hwe:
    147. Domains for 4i2x:
      1. 2742864Domain d4i2xb1: 4i2x B:1-222 [409013]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4i2xa1, d4i2xa2, d4i2xb2, d4i2xc1, d4i2xc2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with cl, nag, zn
      2. 2742865Domain d4i2xd_: 4i2x D: [409015]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4i2xa1, d4i2xa2, d4i2xb2, d4i2xc1, d4i2xc2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with cl, nag, zn
    148. Domain for 4ioi:
    149. Domains for 4jdv:
      1. 2742262Domain d4jdvb1: 4jdv B:2-103 [223762]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4jdvb2, d4jdvl2
        automated match to d1rhha1
        complexed with 144, 1pe, gol, so4
      2. 2742263Domain d4jdvl1: 4jdv L:1-103 [223764]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4jdvb2, d4jdvl2
        automated match to d1rhha1
        complexed with 144, 1pe, gol, so4
    150. Domain for 4jfh:
    151. Domains for 4jfx:
      1. 2742608Domain d4jfxb_: 4jfx B: [409043]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4jfxa1, d4jfxa2, d4jfxl1, d4jfxl2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with pg4
      2. 2742609Domain d4jfxh_: 4jfx H: [409044]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4jfxa1, d4jfxa2, d4jfxl1, d4jfxl2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with pg4
    152. Domains for 4jfy:
      1. 2743330Domain d4jfyb_: 4jfy B: [409045]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4jfya1, d4jfya2, d4jfyl1, d4jfyl2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with pg4
      2. 2743331Domain d4jfyh_: 4jfy H: [409046]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4jfya1, d4jfya2, d4jfyl1, d4jfyl2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with pg4
    153. Domain for 4jfz:
    154. Domain for 4jg0:
    155. Domain for 4jg1:
    156. Domain for 4jm2:
    157. Domains for 4k07:
      1. 2743212Domain d4k07a_: 4k07 A: [235066]
        automated match to d4k07d_
        complexed with so4; mutant
      2. 2743213Domain d4k07b_: 4k07 B: [235064]
        automated match to d4k07d_
        complexed with so4; mutant
      3. 2743214Domain d4k07c_: 4k07 C: [235067]
        automated match to d4k07d_
        complexed with so4; mutant
      4. 2743215Domain d4k07d_: 4k07 D: [228664]
        automated match to d2dtgd1
        complexed with so4; mutant
      5. 2743216Domain d4k07e_: 4k07 E: [235065]
        automated match to d4k07d_
        complexed with so4; mutant
      6. 2743217Domain d4k07f_: 4k07 F: [235063]
        automated match to d4k07d_
        complexed with so4; mutant
      7. 2743218Domain d4k07g_: 4k07 G: [235069]
        automated match to d4k07d_
        complexed with so4; mutant
      8. 2743219Domain d4k07h_: 4k07 H: [235068]
        automated match to d4k07d_
        complexed with so4; mutant
      9. 2743220Domain d4k07i_: 4k07 I: [235070]
        automated match to d4k07d_
        complexed with so4; mutant
      10. 2743221Domain d4k07j_: 4k07 J: [235062]
        automated match to d4k07d_
        complexed with so4; mutant
    158. Domains for 4k3g:
      1. 2742363Domain d4k3ga_: 4k3g A: [235082]
        automated match to d4k3hc_
        complexed with man
      2. 2742364Domain d4k3gb_: 4k3g B: [235081]
        automated match to d4k3hc_
        complexed with man
    159. Domains for 4k3h:
      1. 2742719Domain d4k3ha_: 4k3h A: [235083]
        automated match to d4k3hc_
        complexed with 1om, gol, man
      2. 2742720Domain d4k3hb_: 4k3h B: [228205]
        automated match to d2bjml_
        complexed with 1om, gol, man
      3. 2742721Domain d4k3hc_: 4k3h C: [228203]
        automated match to d2bjml_
        complexed with 1om, gol, man
      4. 2742722Domain d4k3hd_: 4k3h D: [228204]
        automated match to d2bjml_
        complexed with 1om, gol, man
      5. 2742723Domain d4k3he_: 4k3h E: [235088]
        automated match to d4k3hc_
        complexed with 1om, gol, man
      6. 2742724Domain d4k3hf_: 4k3h F: [235086]
        automated match to d4k3hc_
        complexed with 1om, gol, man
      7. 2742725Domain d4k3hg_: 4k3h G: [235080]
        automated match to d4k3hc_
        complexed with 1om, gol, man
      8. 2742726Domain d4k3hh_: 4k3h H: [235087]
        automated match to d4k3hc_
        complexed with 1om, gol, man
    160. Domain for 4k7p:
    161. Domain for 4k94:
    162. Domains for 4kfz:
      1. 2743426Domain d4kfzc_: 4kfz C: [236191]
        automated match to d2p49b_
        complexed with zn
      2. 2743427Domain d4kfzd_: 4kfz D: [236192]
        automated match to d2p49b_
        complexed with zn
    163. Domain for 4kvn:
    164. Domains for 4kxz:
      1. 2743146Domain d4kxzi1: 4kxz I:2-107 [262882]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4kxza_, d4kxzb_, d4kxzd_, d4kxze_, d4kxzi2, d4kxzl2, d4kxzm2, d4kxzp2
        automated match to d1dn0a1
        complexed with mes, pe5
      2. 2743147Domain d4kxzl1: 4kxz L:1-107 [259787]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4kxza_, d4kxzb_, d4kxzd_, d4kxze_, d4kxzi2, d4kxzl2, d4kxzm2, d4kxzp2
        automated match to d1dn0a1
        complexed with mes, pe5
      3. 2743148Domain d4kxzm1: 4kxz M:1-107 [261343]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4kxza_, d4kxzb_, d4kxzd_, d4kxze_, d4kxzi2, d4kxzl2, d4kxzm2, d4kxzp2
        automated match to d1dn0a1
        complexed with mes, pe5
      4. 2743149Domain d4kxzp1: 4kxz P:1-107 [259786]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4kxza_, d4kxzb_, d4kxzd_, d4kxze_, d4kxzi2, d4kxzl2, d4kxzm2, d4kxzp2
        automated match to d1dn0a1
        complexed with mes, pe5
    165. Domain for 4l1h:
    166. Domain for 4lkc:
    167. Domains for 4llu:
      1. 2742914Domain d4llua_: 4llu A: [409147]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4llub1, d4llub2, d4llud1, d4llud2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with act, so4
      2. 2742915Domain d4lluc_: 4llu C: [409148]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4llub1, d4llub2, d4llud1, d4llud2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with act, so4
    168. Domains for 4llw:
      1. 2742643Domain d4llwa_: 4llw A: [413920]
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with so4
      2. 2742644Domain d4llwc_: 4llw C: [413921]
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with so4
    169. Domains for 4lly:
      1. 2742324Domain d4llya_: 4lly A: [413922]
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with gol, mg
      2. 2742325Domain d4llyc_: 4lly C: [413923]
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with gol, mg
    170. Domains for 4lmq:
      1. 2743467Domain d4lmqe_: 4lmq E: [409152]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4lmqd_, d4lmqf_, d4lmqi1, d4lmqi2, d4lmql1, d4lmql2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      2. 2743468Domain d4lmqh_: 4lmq H: [409153]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4lmqd_, d4lmqf_, d4lmqi1, d4lmqi2, d4lmql1, d4lmql2
        automated match to d6shgh_
    171. Domains for 4lri:
      1. 2742277Domain d4lric_: 4lri C: [409155]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4lria1, d4lria2, d4lrib1, d4lrib2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      2. 2742278Domain d4lrip_: 4lri P: [409156]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4lria1, d4lria2, d4lrib1, d4lrib2
        automated match to d6shgh_
    172. Domain for 4m6n:
    173. Domain for 4m6o:
    174. Domains for 4mwf:
      1. 2743021Domain d4mwfb1: 4mwf B:3-107 [229713]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4mwfa_, d4mwfb2, d4mwfh_, d4mwfl2
        automated match to d1g9ml1
        complexed with nag
      2. 2743022Domain d4mwfl1: 4mwf L:2-107 [235696]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4mwfa_, d4mwfb2, d4mwfh_, d4mwfl2
        automated match to d4mwfb1
        complexed with nag
    175. Domains for 4n1c:
      1. 2742378Domain d4n1ca_: 4n1c A: [260704]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4n1cc_
        automated match to d2d7tl_
      2. 2742379Domain d4n1cb_: 4n1c B: [263088]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4n1cc_
        automated match to d2d7tl_
    176. Domains for 4n1e:
      1. 2742956Domain d4n1ea_: 4n1e A: [263089]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4n1ei_, d4n1ej_, d4n1ek_, d4n1el_
        automated match to d2d7tl_
      2. 2742957Domain d4n1eb_: 4n1e B: [260691]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4n1ei_, d4n1ej_, d4n1ek_, d4n1el_
        automated match to d2d7tl_
      3. 2742958Domain d4n1ec_: 4n1e C: [263090]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4n1ei_, d4n1ej_, d4n1ek_, d4n1el_
        automated match to d2d7tl_
      4. 2742959Domain d4n1ed_: 4n1e D: [263091]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4n1ei_, d4n1ej_, d4n1ek_, d4n1el_
        automated match to d2d7tl_
      5. 2742960Domain d4n1ee_: 4n1e E: [260690]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4n1ei_, d4n1ej_, d4n1ek_, d4n1el_
        automated match to d2d7tl_
      6. 2742961Domain d4n1ef_: 4n1e F: [263092]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4n1ei_, d4n1ej_, d4n1ek_, d4n1el_
        automated match to d2d7tl_
      7. 2742962Domain d4n1eg_: 4n1e G: [263093]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4n1ei_, d4n1ej_, d4n1ek_, d4n1el_
        automated match to d2d7tl_
      8. 2742963Domain d4n1eh_: 4n1e H: [263094]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4n1ei_, d4n1ej_, d4n1ek_, d4n1el_
        automated match to d2d7tl_
    177. Domain for 4nki:
    178. Domains for 4nnp:
      1. 2743437Domain d4nnph_: 4nnp H: [409248]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4nnpa_, d4nnpb_, d4nnpl1, d4nnpl2, d4nnpy1, d4nnpy2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      2. 2743438Domain d4nnpx_: 4nnp X: [409249]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4nnpa_, d4nnpb_, d4nnpl1, d4nnpl2, d4nnpy1, d4nnpy2
        automated match to d6shgh_
    179. Domains for 4np4:
      1. 2743560Domain d4np4l1: 4np4 L:1-107 [258000]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4np4h_, d4np4i_, d4np4l2, d4np4m2
        automated match to d1dn0a1
      2. 2743561Domain d4np4m1: 4np4 M:1-107 [257174]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4np4h_, d4np4i_, d4np4l2, d4np4m2
        automated match to d1dn0a1
    180. Domain for 4nug:
    181. Domains for 4nyl:
      1. 2743617Domain d4nyla_: 4nyl A: [409272]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4nylb1, d4nyld1, d4nyld2, d4nylf1, d4nyll1, d4nyll2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      2. 2743618Domain d4nylc_: 4nyl C: [409273]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4nylb1, d4nyld1, d4nyld2, d4nylf1, d4nyll1, d4nyll2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      3. 2743619Domain d4nyle_: 4nyl E: [409274]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4nylb1, d4nyld1, d4nyld2, d4nylf1, d4nyll1, d4nyll2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      4. 2743620Domain d4nylh_: 4nyl H: [409275]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4nylb1, d4nyld1, d4nyld2, d4nylf1, d4nyll1, d4nyll2
        automated match to d6shgh_
    182. Domain for 4nzu:
    183. Domain for 4ocw:
    184. Domain for 4od1:
    185. Domain for 4od3:
    186. Domain for 4odh:
    187. Domain for 4ogx:
    188. Domains for 4ogy:
      1. 2742519Domain d4ogyh_: 4ogy H: [409311]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ogya_, d4ogyb_, d4ogyl1, d4ogyl2, d4ogyn1, d4ogyn2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with edo
      2. 2742520Domain d4ogym_: 4ogy M: [409312]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ogya_, d4ogyb_, d4ogyl1, d4ogyl2, d4ogyn1, d4ogyn2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with edo
    189. Domains for 4org:
      1. 2743648Domain d4orga_: 4org A: [409321]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4orgb1, d4orgb2, d4orgd1, d4orgd2, d4orgf1, d4orgf2, d4orgl1, d4orgl2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      2. 2743649Domain d4orgc_: 4org C: [409322]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4orgb1, d4orgb2, d4orgd1, d4orgd2, d4orgf1, d4orgf2, d4orgl1, d4orgl2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      3. 2743650Domain d4orge_: 4org E: [409323]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4orgb1, d4orgb2, d4orgd1, d4orgd2, d4orgf1, d4orgf2, d4orgl1, d4orgl2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      4. 2743651Domain d4orgh_: 4org H: [409324]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4orgb1, d4orgb2, d4orgd1, d4orgd2, d4orgf1, d4orgf2, d4orgl1, d4orgl2
        automated match to d6shgh_
    190. Domain for 4ozf:
    191. Domains for 4ozh:
      1. 2743160Domain d4ozhe1: 4ozh E:2-129 [257372]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ozha1, d4ozha2, d4ozhb1, d4ozhb2, d4ozhc1, d4ozhc2, d4ozhd1, d4ozhd2, d4ozhe2, d4ozhf1, d4ozhf2, d4ozhg2, d4ozhh1, d4ozhh2
        automated match to d2esvd1
        complexed with ca, nag
      2. 2743161Domain d4ozhg1: 4ozh G:2-129 [263386]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ozha1, d4ozha2, d4ozhb1, d4ozhb2, d4ozhc1, d4ozhc2, d4ozhd1, d4ozhd2, d4ozhe2, d4ozhf1, d4ozhf2, d4ozhg2, d4ozhh1, d4ozhh2
        automated match to d2esvd1
        complexed with ca, nag
    192. Domains for 4pgj:
      1. 2743338Domain d4pgja_: 4pgj A: [269762]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pgjb_, d4pgjd_
        automated match to d1ohqa_
      2. 2743339Domain d4pgjc_: 4pgj C: [269761]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4pgjb_, d4pgjd_
        automated match to d1ohqa_
    193. Domain for 4ptt:
    194. Domain for 4ptu:
    195. Domain for 4pub:
    196. Domains for 4qci:
      1. 2743048Domain d4qcib_: 4qci B: [409362]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4qcia1, d4qcia2, d4qcic_, d4qcid_, d4qcil1, d4qcil2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      2. 2743049Domain d4qcih_: 4qci H: [409363]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4qcia1, d4qcia2, d4qcic_, d4qcid_, d4qcil1, d4qcil2
        automated match to d6shgh_
    197. Domains for 4qf1:
      1. 2743116Domain d4qf1a_: 4qf1 A: [409364]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4qf1b1, d4qf1b2, d4qf1l1, d4qf1l2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with cl, mes, pg4, pge
      2. 2743117Domain d4qf1h_: 4qf1 H: [409365]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4qf1b1, d4qf1b2, d4qf1l1, d4qf1l2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with cl, mes, pg4, pge
    198. Domains for 4qhu:
      1. 2742889Domain d4qhub_: 4qhu B: [409368]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4qhua1, d4qhua2, d4qhul1, d4qhul2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with cl, gol, so4
      2. 2742890Domain d4qhuh_: 4qhu H: [409369]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4qhua1, d4qhua2, d4qhul1, d4qhul2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with cl, gol, so4
    199. Domain for 4qxg:
    200. Domains for 4tsa:
      1. 2743023Domain d4tsah_: 4tsa H: [409578]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4tsal2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      2. 2743024Domain d4tsal1: 4tsa L:3-107A [274748]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4tsal2
        automated match to d1aqkl1
    201. Domains for 4tsb:
      1. 2742634Domain d4tsbh_: 4tsb H: [409579]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4tsba_, d4tsbl2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      2. 2742635Domain d4tsbl1: 4tsb L:2-107A [274765]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4tsba_, d4tsbl2
        automated match to d1aqkl1
    202. Domain for 4tsc:
    203. Domains for 4ttd:
      1. 2742879Domain d4ttdc_: 4ttd C: [409581]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ttda_, d4ttdb_, d4ttdd1, d4ttdd2, d4ttdl1, d4ttdl2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      2. 2742880Domain d4ttdh_: 4ttd H: [409582]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ttda_, d4ttdb_, d4ttdd1, d4ttdd2, d4ttdl1, d4ttdl2
        automated match to d6shgh_
    204. Domains for 4u3x:
      1. 2742978Domain d4u3xa_: 4u3x A: [269911]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4u3xb_, d4u3xd_
        automated match to d1ohqa_
        complexed with edo
      2. 2742979Domain d4u3xc_: 4u3x C: [269913]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4u3xb_, d4u3xd_
        automated match to d1ohqa_
        complexed with edo
    205. Domains for 4u6v:
      1. 2743018Domain d4u6vh_: 4u6v H: [409597]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4u6va_, d4u6vb_, d4u6vl1, d4u6vl2, d4u6vm1, d4u6vm2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with so4
      2. 2743019Domain d4u6vk_: 4u6v K: [409598]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4u6va_, d4u6vb_, d4u6vl1, d4u6vl2, d4u6vm1, d4u6vm2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with so4
    206. Domain for 4ub0:
    207. Domains for 4unt:
      1. 2743403Domain d4unta_: 4unt A: [260452]
        automated match to d2rhea_
        complexed with so4
      2. 2743404Domain d4untb_: 4unt B: [263968]
        automated match to d2rhea_
        complexed with so4
      3. 2743405Domain d4untc_: 4unt C: [259304]
        automated match to d2rhea_
        complexed with so4
      4. 2743406Domain d4untd_: 4unt D: [259553]
        automated match to d2rhea_
        complexed with so4
      5. 2743407Domain d4unte_: 4unt E: [263969]
        automated match to d2rhea_
        complexed with so4
      6. 2743408Domain d4untf_: 4unt F: [263970]
        automated match to d2rhea_
        complexed with so4
      7. 2743409Domain d4untg_: 4unt G: [263971]
        automated match to d2rhea_
        complexed with so4
      8. 2743410Domain d4unth_: 4unt H: [263972]
        automated match to d2rhea_
        complexed with so4
    208. Domains for 4uta:
      1. 2743295Domain d4utal1: 4uta L:0-107 [269023]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4utaa1, d4utaa2, d4utaa3, d4utab1, d4utab2, d4utab3, d4utal2, d4utam2
        automated match to d1dn0a1
      2. 2743296Domain d4utam1: 4uta M:0-107 [269026]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4utaa1, d4utaa2, d4utaa3, d4utab1, d4utab2, d4utab3, d4utal2, d4utam2
        automated match to d1dn0a1
    209. Domains for 4uu9:
      1. 2742768Domain d4uu9a_: 4uu9 A: [276036]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4uu9b_, d4uu9c1, d4uu9c2, d4uu9d1, d4uu9d2, d4uu9l_
        automated match to d3zhka_
        complexed with so4
      2. 2742769Domain d4uu9h_: 4uu9 H: [276037]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4uu9b_, d4uu9c1, d4uu9c2, d4uu9d1, d4uu9d2, d4uu9l_
        automated match to d3zhka_
        complexed with so4
    210. Domain for 4uv4:
    211. Domain for 4uv7:
    212. Domains for 4v1d:
      1. 2743607Domain d4v1da_: 4v1d A: [277956]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4v1db1, d4v1db2, d4v1dc_, d4v1de1, d4v1de2
        automated match to d2yc1a_
      2. 2743608Domain d4v1dd_: 4v1d D: [277955]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4v1db1, d4v1db2, d4v1dc_, d4v1de1, d4v1de2
        automated match to d1dqlh_
    213. Domains for 4wv1:
      1. 2743107Domain d4wv1b_: 4wv1 B: [409628]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4wv1a1, d4wv1a2, d4wv1c_, d4wv1d1, d4wv1d2, d4wv1f_
        automated match to d6shgh_
      2. 2743108Domain d4wv1e_: 4wv1 E: [409629]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4wv1a1, d4wv1a2, d4wv1c_, d4wv1d1, d4wv1d2, d4wv1f_
        automated match to d6shgh_
    214. Domains for 4x4x:
      1. 2742998Domain d4x4xb_: 4x4x B: [280090]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4x4xa_, d4x4xc_
        automated match to d1fvcc_
      2. 2742999Domain d4x4xd_: 4x4x D: [280093]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4x4xa_, d4x4xc_
        automated match to d1fvcc_
    215. Domains for 4x4z:
      1. 2742495Domain d4x4za_: 4x4z A: [280098]
        automated match to d1fvca_
      2. 2742496Domain d4x4zb_: 4x4z B: [280101]
        automated match to d1fvca_
    216. Domain for 4x7s:
    217. Domains for 4x7t:
      1. 2743562Domain d4x7ta_: 4x7t A: [409643]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4x7tb1, d4x7tb2, d4x7tl1, d4x7tl2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with so4
      2. 2743563Domain d4x7th_: 4x7t H: [409644]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4x7tb1, d4x7tb2, d4x7tl1, d4x7tl2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with so4
    218. Domains for 4xbg:
      1. 2743430Domain d4xbgb1: 4xbg B:1-106 [312157]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4xbgb2, d4xbgd2, d4xbgf2, d4xbgi2, d4xbgk2, d4xbgl2
        automated match to d1dn0a1
        complexed with 44e, gol, po4, unl
      2. 2743431Domain d4xbgd1: 4xbg D:1-106 [312284]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4xbgb2, d4xbgd2, d4xbgf2, d4xbgi2, d4xbgk2, d4xbgl2
        automated match to d1dn0a1
        complexed with 44e, gol, po4, unl
      3. 2743432Domain d4xbgf1: 4xbg F:1-106 [311659]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4xbgb2, d4xbgd2, d4xbgf2, d4xbgi2, d4xbgk2, d4xbgl2
        automated match to d1dn0a1
        complexed with 44e, gol, po4, unl
      4. 2743433Domain d4xbgi1: 4xbg I:1-106 [311817]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4xbgb2, d4xbgd2, d4xbgf2, d4xbgi2, d4xbgk2, d4xbgl2
        automated match to d1dn0a1
        complexed with 44e, gol, po4, unl
      5. 2743434Domain d4xbgk1: 4xbg K:1-106 [312085]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4xbgb2, d4xbgd2, d4xbgf2, d4xbgi2, d4xbgk2, d4xbgl2
        automated match to d1dn0a1
        complexed with 44e, gol, po4, unl
      6. 2743435Domain d4xbgl1: 4xbg L:1-106 [312185]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4xbgb2, d4xbgd2, d4xbgf2, d4xbgi2, d4xbgk2, d4xbgl2
        automated match to d1dn0a1
        complexed with 44e, gol, po4, unl
    219. Domains for 4xbp:
      1. 2743554Domain d4xbpb1: 4xbp B:1-106 [312321]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4xbpb2, d4xbpd2, d4xbpf2, d4xbpl2
        automated match to d1dn0a1
        complexed with gol
      2. 2743555Domain d4xbpd1: 4xbp D:1-106 [311593]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4xbpb2, d4xbpd2, d4xbpf2, d4xbpl2
        automated match to d1dn0a1
        complexed with gol
      3. 2743556Domain d4xbpf1: 4xbp F:1-106 [311841]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4xbpb2, d4xbpd2, d4xbpf2, d4xbpl2
        automated match to d1dn0a1
        complexed with gol
      4. 2743557Domain d4xbpl1: 4xbp L:1-106 [311967]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4xbpb2, d4xbpd2, d4xbpf2, d4xbpl2
        automated match to d1dn0a1
        complexed with gol
    220. Domain for 4xcc:
    221. Domains for 4xce:
      1. 2743551Domain d4xceb1: 4xce B:1-106 [311875]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4xceb2, d4xced2, d4xcel2
        automated match to d1dn0a1
      2. 2743552Domain d4xced1: 4xce D:1-106 [311860]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4xceb2, d4xced2, d4xcel2
        automated match to d1dn0a1
      3. 2743553Domain d4xcel1: 4xce L:1-106 [311732]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4xceb2, d4xced2, d4xcel2
        automated match to d1dn0a1
    222. Domains for 4xcn:
      1. 2743498Domain d4xcnb1: 4xcn B:1-106 [311656]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4xcnb2, d4xcnd2, d4xcnf2, d4xcni2, d4xcnk2, d4xcnl2
        automated match to d1dn0a1
        complexed with 44e, gol, po4, unl
      2. 2743499Domain d4xcnd1: 4xcn D:1-106 [311767]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4xcnb2, d4xcnd2, d4xcnf2, d4xcni2, d4xcnk2, d4xcnl2
        automated match to d1dn0a1
        complexed with 44e, gol, po4, unl
      3. 2743500Domain d4xcnf1: 4xcn F:1-106 [312027]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4xcnb2, d4xcnd2, d4xcnf2, d4xcni2, d4xcnk2, d4xcnl2
        automated match to d1dn0a1
        complexed with 44e, gol, po4, unl
      4. 2743501Domain d4xcni1: 4xcn I:1-106 [312277]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4xcnb2, d4xcnd2, d4xcnf2, d4xcni2, d4xcnk2, d4xcnl2
        automated match to d1dn0a1
        complexed with 44e, gol, po4, unl
      5. 2743502Domain d4xcnk1: 4xcn K:1-106 [311932]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4xcnb2, d4xcnd2, d4xcnf2, d4xcni2, d4xcnk2, d4xcnl2
        automated match to d1dn0a1
        complexed with 44e, gol, po4, unl
      6. 2743503Domain d4xcnl1: 4xcn L:1-106 [311865]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4xcnb2, d4xcnd2, d4xcnf2, d4xcni2, d4xcnk2, d4xcnl2
        automated match to d1dn0a1
        complexed with 44e, gol, po4, unl
    223. Domain for 4xwg:
    224. Domains for 4y5v:
      1. 2743291Domain d4y5va_: 4y5v A: [272043]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4y5vb_, d4y5vc1, d4y5vc2, d4y5ve_, d4y5vf1, d4y5vf2, d4y5vh_, d4y5vi1, d4y5vi2
        automated match to d2p49b_
        complexed with gol, peg, pge
      2. 2743292Domain d4y5vd_: 4y5v D: [272040]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4y5vb_, d4y5vc1, d4y5vc2, d4y5ve_, d4y5vf1, d4y5vf2, d4y5vh_, d4y5vi1, d4y5vi2
        automated match to d2p49b_
        complexed with gol, peg, pge
      3. 2743293Domain d4y5vg_: 4y5v G: [272049]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4y5vb_, d4y5vc1, d4y5vc2, d4y5ve_, d4y5vf1, d4y5vf2, d4y5vh_, d4y5vi1, d4y5vi2
        automated match to d2p49b_
        complexed with gol, peg, pge
    225. Domains for 4y5x:
      1. 2743613Domain d4y5xa_: 4y5x A: [270888]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4y5xb1, d4y5xb2, d4y5xc1, d4y5xc2, d4y5xe1, d4y5xe2, d4y5xf1, d4y5xf2, d4y5xh1, d4y5xh2, d4y5xi1, d4y5xi2, d4y5xk1, d4y5xk2, d4y5xl1, d4y5xl2
        automated match to d4kfzc_
        complexed with flc, peg
      2. 2743614Domain d4y5xd_: 4y5x D: [270890]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4y5xb1, d4y5xb2, d4y5xc1, d4y5xc2, d4y5xe1, d4y5xe2, d4y5xf1, d4y5xf2, d4y5xh1, d4y5xh2, d4y5xi1, d4y5xi2, d4y5xk1, d4y5xk2, d4y5xl1, d4y5xl2
        automated match to d4kfzc_
        complexed with flc, peg
      3. 2743615Domain d4y5xg_: 4y5x G: [270891]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4y5xb1, d4y5xb2, d4y5xc1, d4y5xc2, d4y5xe1, d4y5xe2, d4y5xf1, d4y5xf2, d4y5xh1, d4y5xh2, d4y5xi1, d4y5xi2, d4y5xk1, d4y5xk2, d4y5xl1, d4y5xl2
        automated match to d4kfzc_
        complexed with flc, peg
      4. 2743616Domain d4y5xj_: 4y5x J: [270892]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4y5xb1, d4y5xb2, d4y5xc1, d4y5xc2, d4y5xe1, d4y5xe2, d4y5xf1, d4y5xf2, d4y5xh1, d4y5xh2, d4y5xi1, d4y5xi2, d4y5xk1, d4y5xk2, d4y5xl1, d4y5xl2
        automated match to d4kfzc_
        complexed with flc, peg
    226. Domains for 4y5y:
      1. 2743474Domain d4y5ya_: 4y5y A: [270882]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4y5yb_, d4y5yc1, d4y5yc2, d4y5ye_, d4y5yf1, d4y5yf2
        automated match to d2p49b_
        complexed with gol
      2. 2743475Domain d4y5yd_: 4y5y D: [270883]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4y5yb_, d4y5yc1, d4y5yc2, d4y5ye_, d4y5yf1, d4y5yf2
        automated match to d2p49b_
        complexed with gol
    227. Domain for 4ydk:
    228. Domains for 4yhy:
      1. 2742543Domain d4yhyb_: 4yhy B: [409717]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4yhyc1, d4yhyc2, d4yhyl1, d4yhyl2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with m3l
      2. 2742544Domain d4yhyh_: 4yhy H: [409718]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4yhyc1, d4yhyc2, d4yhyl1, d4yhyl2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with m3l
    229. Domains for 4ypg:
      1. 2743590Domain d4ypga1: 4ypg A:1-107 [272525]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ypga2, d4ypgb_, d4ypgc1, d4ypgc2, d4ypgd1, d4ypgd2, d4ypgh_, d4ypgl2
        automated match to d1dn0a1
        complexed with ni
      2. 2743591Domain d4ypgl1: 4ypg L:1-107 [272527]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ypga2, d4ypgb_, d4ypgc1, d4ypgc2, d4ypgd1, d4ypgd2, d4ypgh_, d4ypgl2
        automated match to d1dn0a1
        complexed with ni
    230. Domains for 4z5r:
      1. 2743577Domain d4z5rb_: 4z5r B: [409742]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4z5ra1, d4z5ra2, d4z5rd_, d4z5re_, d4z5rf_, d4z5rg_, d4z5rh_, d4z5ri_, d4z5rj1, d4z5rj2, d4z5rl1, d4z5rl2, d4z5rn_, d4z5rp1, d4z5rp2, d4z5rr1, d4z5rr2, d4z5rt1, d4z5rt2, d4z5rv1, d4z5rv2, d4z5rx_, d4z5ry_
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with so4
      2. 2743578Domain d4z5rk_: 4z5r K: [409743]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4z5ra1, d4z5ra2, d4z5rd_, d4z5re_, d4z5rf_, d4z5rg_, d4z5rh_, d4z5ri_, d4z5rj1, d4z5rj2, d4z5rl1, d4z5rl2, d4z5rn_, d4z5rp1, d4z5rp2, d4z5rr1, d4z5rr2, d4z5rt1, d4z5rt2, d4z5rv1, d4z5rv2, d4z5rx_, d4z5ry_
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with so4
      3. 2743579Domain d4z5rm_: 4z5r M: [409744]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4z5ra1, d4z5ra2, d4z5rd_, d4z5re_, d4z5rf_, d4z5rg_, d4z5rh_, d4z5ri_, d4z5rj1, d4z5rj2, d4z5rl1, d4z5rl2, d4z5rn_, d4z5rp1, d4z5rp2, d4z5rr1, d4z5rr2, d4z5rt1, d4z5rt2, d4z5rv1, d4z5rv2, d4z5rx_, d4z5ry_
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with so4
      4. 2743580Domain d4z5rq_: 4z5r Q: [409745]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4z5ra1, d4z5ra2, d4z5rd_, d4z5re_, d4z5rf_, d4z5rg_, d4z5rh_, d4z5ri_, d4z5rj1, d4z5rj2, d4z5rl1, d4z5rl2, d4z5rn_, d4z5rp1, d4z5rp2, d4z5rr1, d4z5rr2, d4z5rt1, d4z5rt2, d4z5rv1, d4z5rv2, d4z5rx_, d4z5ry_
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with so4
      5. 2743581Domain d4z5rs_: 4z5r S: [409746]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4z5ra1, d4z5ra2, d4z5rd_, d4z5re_, d4z5rf_, d4z5rg_, d4z5rh_, d4z5ri_, d4z5rj1, d4z5rj2, d4z5rl1, d4z5rl2, d4z5rn_, d4z5rp1, d4z5rp2, d4z5rr1, d4z5rr2, d4z5rt1, d4z5rt2, d4z5rv1, d4z5rv2, d4z5rx_, d4z5ry_
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with so4
      6. 2743582Domain d4z5ru_: 4z5r U: [409747]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4z5ra1, d4z5ra2, d4z5rd_, d4z5re_, d4z5rf_, d4z5rg_, d4z5rh_, d4z5ri_, d4z5rj1, d4z5rj2, d4z5rl1, d4z5rl2, d4z5rn_, d4z5rp1, d4z5rp2, d4z5rr1, d4z5rr2, d4z5rt1, d4z5rt2, d4z5rv1, d4z5rv2, d4z5rx_, d4z5ry_
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with so4
      7. 2743583Domain d4z5rw_: 4z5r W: [409748]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4z5ra1, d4z5ra2, d4z5rd_, d4z5re_, d4z5rf_, d4z5rg_, d4z5rh_, d4z5ri_, d4z5rj1, d4z5rj2, d4z5rl1, d4z5rl2, d4z5rn_, d4z5rp1, d4z5rp2, d4z5rr1, d4z5rr2, d4z5rt1, d4z5rt2, d4z5rv1, d4z5rv2, d4z5rx_, d4z5ry_
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with so4
      8. 2743584Domain d4z5rz_: 4z5r Z: [409749]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4z5ra1, d4z5ra2, d4z5rd_, d4z5re_, d4z5rf_, d4z5rg_, d4z5rh_, d4z5ri_, d4z5rj1, d4z5rj2, d4z5rl1, d4z5rl2, d4z5rn_, d4z5rp1, d4z5rp2, d4z5rr1, d4z5rr2, d4z5rt1, d4z5rt2, d4z5rv1, d4z5rv2, d4z5rx_, d4z5ry_
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with so4
    231. Domains for 4z7w:
      1. 2743238Domain d4z7wf1: 4z7w F:3-128 [273567]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4z7wa1, d4z7wa2, d4z7wb1, d4z7wb2, d4z7wc1, d4z7wc2, d4z7wd1, d4z7wd2, d4z7we1, d4z7we2, d4z7wf2, d4z7wg1, d4z7wg2, d4z7wh2
        automated match to d2ak4e1
        complexed with nag, so4
      2. 2743239Domain d4z7wh1: 4z7w H:3-128 [273582]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4z7wa1, d4z7wa2, d4z7wb1, d4z7wb2, d4z7wc1, d4z7wc2, d4z7wd1, d4z7wd2, d4z7we1, d4z7we2, d4z7wf2, d4z7wg1, d4z7wg2, d4z7wh2
        automated match to d2ak4e1
        complexed with nag, so4
    232. Domain for 4zdh:
    233. Domains for 4zff:
      1. 2743465Domain d4zffa_: 4zff A: [409752]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zffb1, d4zffb2, d4zffc_, d4zffd_, d4zffl1, d4zffl2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with so4
      2. 2743466Domain d4zffh_: 4zff H: [409753]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zffb1, d4zffb2, d4zffc_, d4zffd_, d4zffl1, d4zffl2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with so4
    234. Domain for 4zfg:
    235. Domains for 4zs6:
      1. 2743411Domain d4zs6c_: 4zs6 C: [409761]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zs6d1, d4zs6d2, d4zs6l1, d4zs6l2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with nag
      2. 2743412Domain d4zs6h_: 4zs6 H: [409762]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zs6d1, d4zs6d2, d4zs6l1, d4zs6l2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with nag
    236. Domains for 4zso:
      1. 2742891Domain d4zsob1: 4zso B:6-218 [409764]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zsoa1, d4zsoa2, d4zsob2, d4zsoc1, d4zsoc2, d4zsod2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with acy, so4
      2. 2742892Domain d4zsod1: 4zso D:6-218 [409766]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zsoa1, d4zsoa2, d4zsob2, d4zsoc1, d4zsoc2, d4zsod2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with acy, so4
    237. Domains for 4zyk:
      1. 2742647Domain d4zyka_: 4zyk A: [409769]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zykb1, d4zykb2, d4zykl1, d4zykl2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with act, edo, so4
      2. 2742648Domain d4zykh_: 4zyk H: [409770]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4zykb1, d4zykb2, d4zykl1, d4zykl2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with act, edo, so4
    238. Domains for 5anm:
      1. 2743314Domain d5anma1: 5anm A:2-112 [277486]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5anma2, d5anmb_, d5anmc2, d5anmd_, d5anme1, d5anme2, d5anmf1, d5anmf2, d5anmg1, d5anmg2, d5anmh_, d5anml1, d5anml2
        automated match to d1aqkl1
      2. 2743315Domain d5anmc1: 5anm C:2-112 [277484]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5anma2, d5anmb_, d5anmc2, d5anmd_, d5anme1, d5anme2, d5anmf1, d5anmf2, d5anmg1, d5anmg2, d5anmh_, d5anml1, d5anml2
        automated match to d1aqkl1
    239. Domains for 5b8c:
      1. 2742853Domain d5b8ca_: 5b8c A: [324469]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b8cc1, d5b8cc2, d5b8cf1, d5b8cf2, d5b8ci1, d5b8ci2, d5b8cl1, d5b8cl2
        automated match to d1rvfl_
      2. 2742854Domain d5b8cb_: 5b8c B: [324442]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b8cc1, d5b8cc2, d5b8cf1, d5b8cf2, d5b8ci1, d5b8ci2, d5b8cl1, d5b8cl2
        automated match to d1nmcb_
      3. 2742855Domain d5b8cd_: 5b8c D: [324361]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b8cc1, d5b8cc2, d5b8cf1, d5b8cf2, d5b8ci1, d5b8ci2, d5b8cl1, d5b8cl2
        automated match to d1rvfl_
      4. 2742856Domain d5b8ce_: 5b8c E: [324436]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b8cc1, d5b8cc2, d5b8cf1, d5b8cf2, d5b8ci1, d5b8ci2, d5b8cl1, d5b8cl2
        automated match to d1nmcb_
      5. 2742857Domain d5b8cg_: 5b8c G: [324462]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b8cc1, d5b8cc2, d5b8cf1, d5b8cf2, d5b8ci1, d5b8ci2, d5b8cl1, d5b8cl2
        automated match to d1rvfl_
      6. 2742858Domain d5b8ch_: 5b8c H: [324398]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b8cc1, d5b8cc2, d5b8cf1, d5b8cf2, d5b8ci1, d5b8ci2, d5b8cl1, d5b8cl2
        automated match to d1nmcb_
      7. 2742859Domain d5b8cj_: 5b8c J: [324443]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b8cc1, d5b8cc2, d5b8cf1, d5b8cf2, d5b8ci1, d5b8ci2, d5b8cl1, d5b8cl2
        automated match to d1rvfl_
      8. 2742860Domain d5b8ck_: 5b8c K: [324496]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5b8cc1, d5b8cc2, d5b8cf1, d5b8cf2, d5b8ci1, d5b8ci2, d5b8cl1, d5b8cl2
        automated match to d1nmcb_
    240. Domains for 5bjz:
      1. 2742365Domain d5bjzc_: 5bjz C: [409803]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5bjza1, d5bjza2, d5bjzb_, d5bjzh1, d5bjzh2, d5bjzl1, d5bjzl2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with cl, epe, gol
      2. 2742366Domain d5bjzd_: 5bjz D: [409804]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5bjza1, d5bjza2, d5bjzb_, d5bjzh1, d5bjzh2, d5bjzl1, d5bjzl2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with cl, epe, gol
    241. Domains for 5bk1:
      1. 2742825Domain d5bk1c_: 5bk1 C: [409805]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5bk1a_, d5bk1b_, d5bk1d1, d5bk1d2, d5bk1l1, d5bk1l2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with cl, gol
      2. 2742826Domain d5bk1h_: 5bk1 H: [409806]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5bk1a_, d5bk1b_, d5bk1d1, d5bk1d2, d5bk1l1, d5bk1l2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with cl, gol
    242. Domains for 5bk2:
      1. 2742827Domain d5bk2c_: 5bk2 C: [409807]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5bk2a1, d5bk2a2, d5bk2b1, d5bk2b2, d5bk2d1, d5bk2d2, d5bk2l1, d5bk2l2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with cl, gol, po4
      2. 2742828Domain d5bk2h_: 5bk2 H: [409808]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5bk2a1, d5bk2a2, d5bk2b1, d5bk2b2, d5bk2d1, d5bk2d2, d5bk2l1, d5bk2l2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with cl, gol, po4
    243. Domains for 5bk3:
      1. 2742973Domain d5bk3a_: 5bk3 A: [409809]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5bk3b1, d5bk3b2, d5bk3d1, d5bk3d2, d5bk3f1, d5bk3f2, d5bk3l1, d5bk3l2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with gol, so4
      2. 2742974Domain d5bk3c_: 5bk3 C: [409810]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5bk3b1, d5bk3b2, d5bk3d1, d5bk3d2, d5bk3f1, d5bk3f2, d5bk3l1, d5bk3l2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with gol, so4
      3. 2742975Domain d5bk3e_: 5bk3 E: [409811]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5bk3b1, d5bk3b2, d5bk3d1, d5bk3d2, d5bk3f1, d5bk3f2, d5bk3l1, d5bk3l2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with gol, so4
      4. 2742976Domain d5bk3h_: 5bk3 H: [409812]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5bk3b1, d5bk3b2, d5bk3d1, d5bk3d2, d5bk3f1, d5bk3f2, d5bk3l1, d5bk3l2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with gol, so4
    244. Domains for 5bk5:
      1. 2743564Domain d5bk5b_: 5bk5 B: [409813]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5bk5a1, d5bk5a2, d5bk5c1, d5bk5c2, d5bk5e1, d5bk5e2, d5bk5g1, d5bk5g2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with gol
      2. 2743565Domain d5bk5d_: 5bk5 D: [409814]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5bk5a1, d5bk5a2, d5bk5c1, d5bk5c2, d5bk5e1, d5bk5e2, d5bk5g1, d5bk5g2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with gol
      3. 2743566Domain d5bk5f_: 5bk5 F: [409815]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5bk5a1, d5bk5a2, d5bk5c1, d5bk5c2, d5bk5e1, d5bk5e2, d5bk5g1, d5bk5g2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with gol
      4. 2743567Domain d5bk5h_: 5bk5 H: [409816]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5bk5a1, d5bk5a2, d5bk5c1, d5bk5c2, d5bk5e1, d5bk5e2, d5bk5g1, d5bk5g2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with gol
    245. Domains for 5bo1:
      1. 2743324Domain d5bo1h_: 5bo1 H: [409819]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5bo1l1, d5bo1l2, d5bo1m1, d5bo1m2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with gol
      2. 2743325Domain d5bo1i_: 5bo1 I: [409820]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5bo1l1, d5bo1l2, d5bo1m1, d5bo1m2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with gol
    246. Domain for 5bq7:
    247. Domain for 5bv7:
    248. Domains for 5bvj:
      1. 2742668Domain d5bvjb_: 5bvj B: [409826]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5bvja1, d5bvja2, d5bvjc1, d5bvjc2, d5bvje1, d5bvje2, d5bvjg1, d5bvjg2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      2. 2742669Domain d5bvjd_: 5bvj D: [409827]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5bvja1, d5bvja2, d5bvjc1, d5bvjc2, d5bvje1, d5bvje2, d5bvjg1, d5bvjg2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      3. 2742670Domain d5bvjf_: 5bvj F: [409828]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5bvja1, d5bvja2, d5bvjc1, d5bvjc2, d5bvje1, d5bvje2, d5bvjg1, d5bvjg2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      4. 2742671Domain d5bvjh_: 5bvj H: [409829]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5bvja1, d5bvja2, d5bvjc1, d5bvjc2, d5bvje1, d5bvje2, d5bvjg1, d5bvjg2
        automated match to d6shgh_
    249. Domain for 5bvp:
    250. Domains for 5bzd:
      1. 2743397Domain d5bzda1: 5bzd A:1-106 [317720]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5bzda2, d5bzdb1, d5bzdb2, d5bzdc2, d5bzdd1, d5bzdd2
        automated match to d1dn0a1
        complexed with gol
      2. 2743398Domain d5bzdc1: 5bzd C:1-106 [317693]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5bzda2, d5bzdb1, d5bzdb2, d5bzdc2, d5bzdd1, d5bzdd2
        automated match to d1dn0a1
        complexed with gol
    251. Domain for 5bzw:
    252. Domains for 5c9k:
      1. 2742581Domain d5c9ka1: 5c9k A:1-98 [275592]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5c9ka2, d5c9kb2, d5c9kc2, d5c9kd2, d5c9ke2, d5c9kf2, d5c9kg2, d5c9kh2
        automated match to d2mkwa_
        complexed with act; mutant
      2. 2742582Domain d5c9kb1: 5c9k B:1-98 [275591]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5c9ka2, d5c9kb2, d5c9kc2, d5c9kd2, d5c9ke2, d5c9kf2, d5c9kg2, d5c9kh2
        automated match to d2mkwa_
        complexed with act; mutant
      3. 2742583Domain d5c9kc1: 5c9k C:1-98 [275590]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5c9ka2, d5c9kb2, d5c9kc2, d5c9kd2, d5c9ke2, d5c9kf2, d5c9kg2, d5c9kh2
        automated match to d2mkwa_
        complexed with act; mutant
      4. 2742584Domain d5c9kd1: 5c9k D:1-98 [275593]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5c9ka2, d5c9kb2, d5c9kc2, d5c9kd2, d5c9ke2, d5c9kf2, d5c9kg2, d5c9kh2
        automated match to d2mkwa_
        complexed with act; mutant
      5. 2742585Domain d5c9ke1: 5c9k E:1-98 [275594]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5c9ka2, d5c9kb2, d5c9kc2, d5c9kd2, d5c9ke2, d5c9kf2, d5c9kg2, d5c9kh2
        automated match to d2mkwa_
        complexed with act; mutant
      6. 2742586Domain d5c9kf1: 5c9k F:2-98 [275597]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5c9ka2, d5c9kb2, d5c9kc2, d5c9kd2, d5c9ke2, d5c9kf2, d5c9kg2, d5c9kh2
        automated match to d2mkwa_
        complexed with act; mutant
      7. 2742587Domain d5c9kg1: 5c9k G:1-98 [275595]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5c9ka2, d5c9kb2, d5c9kc2, d5c9kd2, d5c9ke2, d5c9kf2, d5c9kg2, d5c9kh2
        automated match to d2mkwa_
        complexed with act; mutant
      8. 2742588Domain d5c9kh1: 5c9k H:1-98 [275596]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5c9ka2, d5c9kb2, d5c9kc2, d5c9kd2, d5c9ke2, d5c9kf2, d5c9kg2, d5c9kh2
        automated match to d2mkwa_
        complexed with act; mutant
    253. Domains for 5cba:
      1. 2743258Domain d5cbab1: 5cba B:1-106A [278884]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5cbaa_, d5cbab2, d5cbac_, d5cbad2, d5cbae_, d5cbaf_
        automated match to d2rhea_
        complexed with edo, peg
      2. 2743259Domain d5cbad1: 5cba D:1-106A [278887]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5cbaa_, d5cbab2, d5cbac_, d5cbad2, d5cbae_, d5cbaf_
        automated match to d2rhea_
        complexed with edo, peg
    254. Domains for 5cbe:
      1. 2743193Domain d5cbeb_: 5cbe B: [278888]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5cbea_, d5cbec_, d5cbee_, d5cbef_
        automated match to d2rhea_
        complexed with edo
      2. 2743194Domain d5cbed_: 5cbe D: [278889]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5cbea_, d5cbec_, d5cbee_, d5cbef_
        automated match to d2rhea_
        complexed with edo
    255. Domains for 5d6c:
      1. 2742282Domain d5d6cb_: 5d6c B: [409912]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5d6ca1, d5d6ca2, d5d6cl1, d5d6cl2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with 57s, act, ca, gol
      2. 2742283Domain d5d6ch_: 5d6c H: [409913]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5d6ca1, d5d6ca2, d5d6cl1, d5d6cl2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with 57s, act, ca, gol
    256. Domains for 5dmj:
      1. 2743509Domain d5dmjb_: 5dmj B: [317975]
        automated match to d4y5vd_
        complexed with k
      2. 2743510Domain d5dmje_: 5dmj E: [317955]
        automated match to d4y5vd_
        complexed with k
      3. 2743511Domain d5dmjg_: 5dmj G: [317985]
        automated match to d4y5vd_
        complexed with k
    257. Domain for 5dt1:
    258. Domain for 5dup:
    259. Domain for 5e8e:
    260. Domains for 5eii:
      1. 2743179Domain d5eiia_: 5eii A: [410013]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5eiib1, d5eiib2, d5eiig_, d5eiil1, d5eiil2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      2. 2743180Domain d5eiih_: 5eii H: [410014]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5eiib1, d5eiib2, d5eiig_, d5eiil1, d5eiil2
        automated match to d6shgh_
    261. Domains for 5esa:
      1. 2743347Domain d5esaa_: 5esa A: [410018]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5esab2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      2. 2743348Domain d5esab1: 5esa B:1-106 [326283]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5esab2
        automated match to d1adql1
    262. Domains for 5esv:
      1. 2743334Domain d5esva_: 5esv A: [410019]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5esvb1, d5esvb2, d5esvd1, d5esvd2, d5esvl1, d5esvl2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with nag, zn
      2. 2743335Domain d5esvc_: 5esv C: [410020]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5esvb1, d5esvb2, d5esvd1, d5esvd2, d5esvl1, d5esvl2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with nag, zn
      3. 2743336Domain d5esvh_: 5esv H: [410021]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5esvb1, d5esvb2, d5esvd1, d5esvd2, d5esvl1, d5esvl2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with nag, zn
    263. Domains for 5eu7:
      1. 2743363Domain d5eu7e_: 5eu7 E: [410022]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5eu7a_, d5eu7b_, d5eu7c1, d5eu7c2, d5eu7d1, d5eu7d2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      2. 2743364Domain d5eu7f_: 5eu7 F: [410023]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5eu7a_, d5eu7b_, d5eu7c1, d5eu7c2, d5eu7d1, d5eu7d2
        automated match to d6shgh_
    264. Domain for 5ezi:
    265. Domain for 5ezj:
    266. Domain for 5fha:
    267. Domain for 5fhb:
    268. Domain for 5fuz:
    269. Domains for 5fv1:
      1. 2743391Domain d5fv1l_: 5fv1 L: [314897]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5fv1v_, d5fv1w1, d5fv1w2
        automated match to d4n1ed_
      2. 2743392Domain d5fv1m_: 5fv1 M: [314617]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5fv1v_, d5fv1w1, d5fv1w2
        automated match to d4n1ed_
    270. Domains for 5gks:
      1. 2742732Domain d5gksb1: 5gks B:2-108 [336455]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5gksa1, d5gksa2, d5gksb2, d5gksc1, d5gksc2, d5gksd2
        automated match to d2mcg11
        complexed with po4
      2. 2742733Domain d5gksd1: 5gks D:2-108 [336448]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5gksa1, d5gksa2, d5gksb2, d5gksc1, d5gksc2, d5gksd2
        automated match to d2mcg11
        complexed with po4
    271. Domain for 5gmq:
    272. Domain for 5grv:
    273. Domains for 5gs1:
      1. 2742658Domain d5gs1b_: 5gs1 B: [323961]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5gs1a_, d5gs1c1, d5gs1c2, d5gs1d1, d5gs1d2, d5gs1e1, d5gs1e2, d5gs1f1, d5gs1f2, d5gs1g1, d5gs1h1, d5gs1i1, d5gs1i2, d5gs1j1, d5gs1j2, d5gs1k1, d5gs1k2, d5gs1l1, d5gs1l2, d5gs1m_, d5gs1o_, d5gs1q_
        automated match to d1t2ja_
      2. 2742659Domain d5gs1g2: 5gs1 G:124-229 [324041]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5gs1a_, d5gs1c1, d5gs1c2, d5gs1d1, d5gs1d2, d5gs1e1, d5gs1e2, d5gs1f1, d5gs1f2, d5gs1g1, d5gs1h1, d5gs1i1, d5gs1i2, d5gs1j1, d5gs1j2, d5gs1k1, d5gs1k2, d5gs1l1, d5gs1l2, d5gs1m_, d5gs1o_, d5gs1q_
        automated match to d4jdvl1
      3. 2742660Domain d5gs1h2: 5gs1 H:124-229 [324086]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5gs1a_, d5gs1c1, d5gs1c2, d5gs1d1, d5gs1d2, d5gs1e1, d5gs1e2, d5gs1f1, d5gs1f2, d5gs1g1, d5gs1h1, d5gs1i1, d5gs1i2, d5gs1j1, d5gs1j2, d5gs1k1, d5gs1k2, d5gs1l1, d5gs1l2, d5gs1m_, d5gs1o_, d5gs1q_
        automated match to d4jdvl1
      4. 2742661Domain d5gs1n_: 5gs1 N: [323928]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5gs1a_, d5gs1c1, d5gs1c2, d5gs1d1, d5gs1d2, d5gs1e1, d5gs1e2, d5gs1f1, d5gs1f2, d5gs1g1, d5gs1h1, d5gs1i1, d5gs1i2, d5gs1j1, d5gs1j2, d5gs1k1, d5gs1k2, d5gs1l1, d5gs1l2, d5gs1m_, d5gs1o_, d5gs1q_
        automated match to d1t2ja_
      5. 2742662Domain d5gs1p_: 5gs1 P: [323970]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5gs1a_, d5gs1c1, d5gs1c2, d5gs1d1, d5gs1d2, d5gs1e1, d5gs1e2, d5gs1f1, d5gs1f2, d5gs1g1, d5gs1h1, d5gs1i1, d5gs1i2, d5gs1j1, d5gs1j2, d5gs1k1, d5gs1k2, d5gs1l1, d5gs1l2, d5gs1m_, d5gs1o_, d5gs1q_
        automated match to d1t2ja_
      6. 2742663Domain d5gs1r_: 5gs1 R: [323903]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5gs1a_, d5gs1c1, d5gs1c2, d5gs1d1, d5gs1d2, d5gs1e1, d5gs1e2, d5gs1f1, d5gs1f2, d5gs1g1, d5gs1h1, d5gs1i1, d5gs1i2, d5gs1j1, d5gs1j2, d5gs1k1, d5gs1k2, d5gs1l1, d5gs1l2, d5gs1m_, d5gs1o_, d5gs1q_
        automated match to d1t2ja_
    274. Domains for 5gzn:
      1. 2743597Domain d5gznc_: 5gzn C: [410119]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5gzna1, d5gzna2, d5gznb1, d5gznb2, d5gznd1, d5gznd2, d5gznl1, d5gznl2
        automated match to d6shgh_
      2. 2743598Domain d5gznh_: 5gzn H: [410120]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5gzna1, d5gzna2, d5gznb1, d5gznb2, d5gznd1, d5gznd2, d5gznl1, d5gznl2
        automated match to d6shgh_
    275. Domains for 5hys:
      1. 2742739Domain d5hysa_: 5hys A: [410138]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5hysb1, d5hysb2, d5hysd1, d5hysd2, d5hysf1, d5hysf2, d5hysg1, d5hysg2, d5hysi1, d5hysi2, d5hysj1, d5hysj2, d5hysk1, d5hysk2, d5hysl1, d5hysl2
        automated match to d6shgh_
        complexed with so4
      2. 2742740Domain d5hysc_: 5hys C: [410139]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d5hysb1, d5hysb2, d5hysd1, d5hysd2, d5hysf1, d5hysf2,