Lineage for Protein: automated matches

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.03
  2. 1336837Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (147 folds)
  3. 1346342Fold c.2: NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-fold domains [51734] (1 superfamily)
    core: 3 layers, a/b/a; parallel beta-sheet of 6 strands, order 321456
    The nucleotide-binding modes of this and the next two folds/superfamilies are similar
  4. 1346343Superfamily c.2.1: NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-fold domains [51735] (13 families) (S)
  5. 1349962Family c.2.1.0: automated matches [191313] (1 protein)
    not a true family
  6. 1349963Protein automated matches [190069] (159 species)
    not a true protein


  1. 1349964Acinetobacter baumannii [TaxId:405416] [226610] (1 PDB entry)
  2. 1349973Acinetobacter baumannii [TaxId:575584] [226446] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4b4u:
      1. 1349974Domain d4b4ua2: 4b4u A:122-282 [219313]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4b4ua1, d4b4ub1
        automated match to d1a4ia1
        complexed with cl, edo, nap, peg
      2. 1349975Domain d4b4ub2: 4b4u B:122-282 [219315]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4b4ua1, d4b4ub1
        automated match to d1a4ia1
        complexed with cl, edo, nap, peg
    2. Domains for 4b4v:
      1. 1349976Domain d4b4va2: 4b4v A:122-282 [219317]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4b4va1, d4b4vb1
        automated match to d1a4ia1
        complexed with cl, gol, l34, nap
      2. 1349977Domain d4b4vb2: 4b4v B:122-282 [219319]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4b4va1, d4b4vb1
        automated match to d1a4ia1
        complexed with cl, gol, l34, nap
    3. Domains for 4b4w:
      1. 1349978Domain d4b4wa2: 4b4w A:122-282 [219321]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4b4wa1, d4b4wb1
        automated match to d1a4ia1
        complexed with 9l9, cl, gol, nap
      2. 1349979Domain d4b4wb2: 4b4w B:122-282 [219323]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4b4wa1, d4b4wb1
        automated match to d1a4ia1
        complexed with 9l9, cl, gol, nap
  3. 1349980Acinetobacter baylyi [TaxId:202950] [226522] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 4dyd:
    2. Domain for 4e12:
    3. Domain for 4e13:
  4. 1349984Aeromonas hydrophila [TaxId:380703] [189227] (1 PDB entry)
  5. 1349987Aeropyrum pernix [TaxId:272557] [188386] (1 PDB entry)
  6. 1349990Aeropyrum pernix [TaxId:56636] [225173] (1 PDB entry)
  7. 1349995Agrobacterium fabrum [TaxId:176299] [226548] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4ibo:
      1. 1349996Domain d4iboa_: 4ibo A: [223094]
        automated match to d2rhcb_
        complexed with cl, mg
      2. 1349997Domain d4ibob_: 4ibo B: [223095]
        automated match to d2rhcb_
        complexed with cl, mg
      3. 1349998Domain d4iboc_: 4ibo C: [223096]
        automated match to d2rhcb_
        complexed with cl, mg
      4. 1349999Domain d4ibod_: 4ibo D: [223097]
        automated match to d2rhcb_
        complexed with cl, mg
    2. Domains for 4imr:
      1. 1350000Domain d4imra_: 4imr A: [223257]
        automated match to d3awda_
        complexed with nap, unl
      2. 1350001Domain d4imrb_: 4imr B: [223258]
        automated match to d3awda_
        complexed with nap, unl
  8. 1350002Agrobacterium tumefaciens [TaxId:176299] [194353] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3edm:
      1. 1350005Domain d3edma_: 3edm A: [199324]
        automated match to d3edmd_
      2. 1350006Domain d3edmb_: 3edm B: [199325]
        automated match to d3edmd_
      3. 1350007Domain d3edmc_: 3edm C: [199326]
        automated match to d3edmd_
      4. 1350008Domain d3edmd_: 3edm D: [196075]
        automated match to d3sj7b_
    2. Domains for 4hp8:
      1. 1350003Domain d4hp8a_: 4hp8 A: [194354]
        automated match to d3uf0a_
        complexed with act, nap
      2. 1350004Domain d4hp8b_: 4hp8 B: [194355]
        automated match to d3uf0a_
        complexed with act, nap
  9. 1350009Agrobacterium tumefaciens [TaxId:358] [193697] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3ak4:
      1. 1350010Domain d3ak4a_: 3ak4 A: [198872]
        automated match to d3ak4d_
        complexed with nad
      2. 1350011Domain d3ak4b_: 3ak4 B: [198873]
        automated match to d3ak4d_
        complexed with nad
      3. 1350012Domain d3ak4c_: 3ak4 C: [198874]
        automated match to d3ak4d_
        complexed with nad
      4. 1350013Domain d3ak4d_: 3ak4 D: [193698]
        automated match to d1gega_
        complexed with nad
    2. Domains for 3zn2:
      1. 1350014Domain d3zn2a_: 3zn2 A: [237529]
        automated match to d3osua_
        complexed with act, k, na, pg5
      2. 1350015Domain d3zn2b_: 3zn2 B: [237530]
        automated match to d3osua_
        complexed with act, k, na, pg5
  10. 1350016Aneurinibacillus thermoaerophilus [TaxId:143495] [225432] (1 PDB entry)
  11. 1350019Anthrax bacillus (Bacillus anthracis) [TaxId:1392] [196222] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3t4x:
      1. 1350021Domain d3t4xa_: 3t4x A: [200754]
        automated match to d3t4xb_
      2. 1350022Domain d3t4xb_: 3t4x B: [196223]
        automated match to d2hq1a_
    2. Domain for 3tl2:
  12. 1350023Aquifex aeolicus [TaxId:224324] [187981] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2p68:
      1. 1350026Domain d2p68a_: 2p68 A: [167023]
        automated match to d2c07a1
      2. 1350027Domain d2p68b_: 2p68 B: [167024]
        automated match to d2c07a1
    2. Domains for 2p91:
      1. 1350028Domain d2p91a_: 2p91 A: [198239]
        automated match to d2p91d_
      2. 1350029Domain d2p91b_: 2p91 B: [198240]
        automated match to d2p91d_
      3. 1350030Domain d2p91c_: 2p91 C: [198241]
        automated match to d2p91d_
      4. 1350031Domain d2p91d_: 2p91 D: [167082]
        automated match to d1d8aa_
    3. Domains for 2pnf:
      1. 1350024Domain d2pnfa_: 2pnf A: [167220]
        automated match to d2c07a1
        complexed with 1pe, mes
      2. 1350025Domain d2pnfb_: 2pnf B: [167221]
        automated match to d2c07a1
        complexed with 1pe, mes
  13. 1350032Archaeoglobus fulgidus [TaxId:2234] [188631] (1 PDB entry)
  14. 1350035Arthrobacter sp. [188195] (1 PDB entry)
  15. 1350037Arthrobacter sp. [TaxId:168809] [188194] (1 PDB entry)
  16. 1350045Azoarcus sp. [TaxId:76114] [187073] (1 PDB entry)
  17. 1350049Bacillus anthracis [TaxId:198094] [189998] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2c20:
      1. 1350056Domain d2c20a_: 2c20 A: [203703]
        automated match to d3enkb_
        complexed with nad, zn
      2. 1350057Domain d2c20b_: 2c20 B: [203704]
        automated match to d3enkb_
        complexed with nad, zn
      3. 1350058Domain d2c20c_: 2c20 C: [203705]
        automated match to d3enkb_
        complexed with nad, zn
      4. 1350059Domain d2c20d_: 2c20 D: [203706]
        automated match to d3enkb_
        complexed with nad, zn
      5. 1350060Domain d2c20e_: 2c20 E: [203707]
        automated match to d3enkb_
        complexed with nad, zn
      6. 1350061Domain d2c20f_: 2c20 F: [203708]
        automated match to d3enkb_
        complexed with nad, zn
    2. Domains for 3sc6:
      1. 1350050Domain d3sc6a_: 3sc6 A: [185352]
        automated match to d1vl0b_
        complexed with nap, so4
      2. 1350051Domain d3sc6b_: 3sc6 B: [185353]
        automated match to d1vl0b_
        complexed with nap, so4
      3. 1350052Domain d3sc6c_: 3sc6 C: [185354]
        automated match to d1vl0b_
        complexed with nap, so4
      4. 1350053Domain d3sc6d_: 3sc6 D: [185355]
        automated match to d1vl0b_
        complexed with nap, so4
      5. 1350054Domain d3sc6e_: 3sc6 E: [185356]
        automated match to d1vl0b_
        complexed with nap, so4
      6. 1350055Domain d3sc6f_: 3sc6 F: [185357]
        automated match to d1vl0b_
        complexed with nap, so4
  18. 1350062Bacillus anthracis [TaxId:261594] [196544] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3i3o:
      1. 1350077Domain d3i3oa_: 3i3o A: [211447]
        automated match to d1g0oc_
        complexed with cac, cl, mg, nae
      2. 1350078Domain d3i3ob_: 3i3o B: [211448]
        automated match to d1g0oc_
        complexed with cac, cl, mg, nae
      3. 1350079Domain d3i3oc_: 3i3o C: [211449]
        automated match to d1g0oc_
        complexed with cac, cl, mg, nae
      4. 1350080Domain d3i3od_: 3i3o D: [211450]
        automated match to d1g0oc_
        complexed with cac, cl, mg, nae
      5. 1350081Domain d3i3oe_: 3i3o E: [211451]
        automated match to d1g0oc_
        complexed with cac, cl, mg, nae
      6. 1350082Domain d3i3of_: 3i3o F: [211452]
        automated match to d1g0oc_
        complexed with cac, cl, mg, nae
      7. 1350083Domain d3i3og_: 3i3o G: [211453]
        automated match to d1g0oc_
        complexed with cac, cl, mg, nae
      8. 1350084Domain d3i3oh_: 3i3o H: [211454]
        automated match to d1g0oc_
        complexed with cac, cl, mg, nae
    2. Domains for 3icc:
      1. 1350063Domain d3icca_: 3icc A: [196545]
        automated match to d3osua_
        complexed with cl, mes, nap, so4
      2. 1350064Domain d3iccb_: 3icc B: [196546]
        automated match to d3osua_
        complexed with cl, mes, nap, so4
    3. Domains for 3ijr:
      1. 1350069Domain d3ijra_: 3ijr A: [211727]
        automated match to d1g0oc_
        complexed with mg, nad, so4
      2. 1350070Domain d3ijrb_: 3ijr B: [211728]
        automated match to d1g0oc_
        complexed with mg, nad, so4
      3. 1350071Domain d3ijrc_: 3ijr C: [211729]
        automated match to d1g0oc_
        complexed with mg, nad, so4
      4. 1350072Domain d3ijrd_: 3ijr D: [211730]
        automated match to d1g0oc_
        complexed with mg, nad, so4
      5. 1350073Domain d3ijre_: 3ijr E: [211731]
        automated match to d1g0oc_
        complexed with mg, nad, so4
      6. 1350074Domain d3ijrf_: 3ijr F: [211732]
        automated match to d1g0oc_
        complexed with mg, nad, so4
      7. 1350075Domain d3ijrg_: 3ijr G: [211733]
        automated match to d1g0oc_
        complexed with mg, nad, so4
      8. 1350076Domain d3ijrh_: 3ijr H: [211734]
        automated match to d1g0oc_
        complexed with mg, nad, so4
    4. Domains for 3imf:
      1. 1350065Domain d3imfa_: 3imf A: [232601]
        automated match to d3ay7b_
        complexed with act
      2. 1350066Domain d3imfb_: 3imf B: [232603]
        automated match to d3ay7b_
        complexed with act
      3. 1350067Domain d3imfc_: 3imf C: [232602]
        automated match to d3ay7b_
        complexed with act
      4. 1350068Domain d3imfd_: 3imf D: [232604]
        automated match to d3ay7b_
        complexed with act
  19. 1350085Bacillus cereus [TaxId:226900] [189455] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 3ojf:
    2. Domains for 4lmr:
      1. 1350090Domain d4lmra1: 4lmr A:3-147 [235418]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4lmra2, d4lmrb2
        automated match to d4ln1d1
      2. 1350091Domain d4lmrb1: 4lmr B:3-147 [235416]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4lmra2, d4lmrb2
        automated match to d4ln1d1
    3. Domains for 4ln1:
      1. 1350086Domain d4ln1a1: 4ln1 A:-6-147 [224712]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ln1a2, d4ln1b2, d4ln1c2, d4ln1d2
        automated match to d1ldna1
        complexed with ca
      2. 1350087Domain d4ln1b1: 4ln1 B:-6-147 [224714]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ln1a2, d4ln1b2, d4ln1c2, d4ln1d2
        automated match to d1ldna1
        complexed with ca
      3. 1350088Domain d4ln1c1: 4ln1 C:-6-147 [224716]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ln1a2, d4ln1b2, d4ln1c2, d4ln1d2
        automated match to d1ldna1
        complexed with ca
      4. 1350089Domain d4ln1d1: 4ln1 D:-6-147 [224718]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ln1a2, d4ln1b2, d4ln1c2, d4ln1d2
        automated match to d1ldna1
        complexed with ca
  20. 1350093Bacillus selenitireducens [TaxId:439292] [226755] (1 PDB entry)
  21. 1350096Bacillus sp. [TaxId:161544] [229451] (1 PDB entry)
  22. 1350101Bacillus subtilis [TaxId:1423] [196388] (11 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3fef:
      1. 1350111Domain d3fefa1: 3fef A:7-171 [209876]
        automated match to d1obba1
        complexed with mg, so4
      2. 1350112Domain d3fefb1: 3fef B:7-171 [209877]
        automated match to d1obba1
        complexed with mg, so4
      3. 1350113Domain d3fefc1: 3fef C:7-171 [209878]
        automated match to d1obba1
        complexed with mg, so4
      4. 1350114Domain d3fefd1: 3fef D:7-171 [209879]
        automated match to d1obba1
        complexed with mg, so4
    2. Domains for 3k8z:
      1. 1350135Domain d3k8za2: 3k8z A:189-423 [212214]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3k8za1, d3k8zb1, d3k8zc1, d3k8zd1, d3k8ze1, d3k8zf1
        automated match to d1euza1
      2. 1350136Domain d3k8zb2: 3k8z B:189-423 [212216]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3k8za1, d3k8zb1, d3k8zc1, d3k8zd1, d3k8ze1, d3k8zf1
        automated match to d1euza1
      3. 1350137Domain d3k8zc2: 3k8z C:189-423 [212218]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3k8za1, d3k8zb1, d3k8zc1, d3k8zd1, d3k8ze1, d3k8zf1
        automated match to d1euza1
      4. 1350138Domain d3k8zd2: 3k8z D:189-423 [212220]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3k8za1, d3k8zb1, d3k8zc1, d3k8zd1, d3k8ze1, d3k8zf1
        automated match to d1euza1
      5. 1350139Domain d3k8ze2: 3k8z E:189-423 [212222]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3k8za1, d3k8zb1, d3k8zc1, d3k8zd1, d3k8ze1, d3k8zf1
        automated match to d1euza1
      6. 1350140Domain d3k8zf2: 3k8z F:189-423 [212224]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3k8za1, d3k8zb1, d3k8zc1, d3k8zd1, d3k8ze1, d3k8zf1
        automated match to d1euza1
    3. Domains for 3k92:
      1. 1350115Domain d3k92a2: 3k92 A:191-424 [212226]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3k92a1, d3k92b1, d3k92c1, d3k92d1, d3k92e1, d3k92f1
        automated match to d1v9la1
        complexed with peg; mutant
      2. 1350116Domain d3k92b2: 3k92 B:191-424 [212228]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3k92a1, d3k92b1, d3k92c1, d3k92d1, d3k92e1, d3k92f1
        automated match to d1v9la1
        complexed with peg; mutant
      3. 1350117Domain d3k92c2: 3k92 C:191-424 [212230]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3k92a1, d3k92b1, d3k92c1, d3k92d1, d3k92e1, d3k92f1
        automated match to d1v9la1
        complexed with peg; mutant
      4. 1350118Domain d3k92d2: 3k92 D:191-424 [212232]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3k92a1, d3k92b1, d3k92c1, d3k92d1, d3k92e1, d3k92f1
        automated match to d1v9la1
        complexed with peg; mutant
      5. 1350119Domain d3k92e2: 3k92 E:191-424 [212234]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3k92a1, d3k92b1, d3k92c1, d3k92d1, d3k92e1, d3k92f1
        automated match to d1v9la1
        complexed with peg; mutant
      6. 1350120Domain d3k92f2: 3k92 F:191-424 [212236]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3k92a1, d3k92b1, d3k92c1, d3k92d1, d3k92e1, d3k92f1
        automated match to d1v9la1
        complexed with peg; mutant
    4. Domains for 3oic:
      1. 1350121Domain d3oica_: 3oic A: [200088]
        automated match to d3oicd_
        complexed with so4
      2. 1350122Domain d3oicd_: 3oic D: [196389]
        automated match to d3osua_
        complexed with so4
    5. Domains for 3oid:
      1. 1350102Domain d3oida_: 3oid A: [214340]
        automated match to d3oicd_
        complexed with ndp, tcl
      2. 1350103Domain d3oidb_: 3oid B: [214341]
        automated match to d3oicd_
        complexed with ndp, tcl
      3. 1350104Domain d3oidc_: 3oid C: [214342]
        automated match to d3oicd_
        complexed with ndp, tcl
      4. 1350105Domain d3oidd_: 3oid D: [214343]
        automated match to d3oicd_
        complexed with ndp, tcl
    6. Domains for 3pqd:
      1. 1350127Domain d3pqda1: 3pqd A:3-147 [214901]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3pqda2, d3pqdb2, d3pqdc2, d3pqdd2, d3pqde2, d3pqdf2, d3pqdg2, d3pqdh2
        automated match to d1llca1
        complexed with fbp, nad
      2. 1350128Domain d3pqdb1: 3pqd B:4-147 [214903]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3pqda2, d3pqdb2, d3pqdc2, d3pqdd2, d3pqde2, d3pqdf2, d3pqdg2, d3pqdh2
        automated match to d1llca1
        complexed with fbp, nad
      3. 1350129Domain d3pqdc1: 3pqd C:4-147 [214905]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3pqda2, d3pqdb2, d3pqdc2, d3pqdd2, d3pqde2, d3pqdf2, d3pqdg2, d3pqdh2
        automated match to d1llca1
        complexed with fbp, nad
      4. 1350130Domain d3pqdd1: 3pqd D:4-147 [214907]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3pqda2, d3pqdb2, d3pqdc2, d3pqdd2, d3pqde2, d3pqdf2, d3pqdg2, d3pqdh2
        automated match to d1llca1
        complexed with fbp, nad
      5. 1350131Domain d3pqde1: 3pqd E:4-147 [214909]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3pqda2, d3pqdb2, d3pqdc2, d3pqdd2, d3pqde2, d3pqdf2, d3pqdg2, d3pqdh2
        automated match to d1llca1
        complexed with fbp, nad
      6. 1350132Domain d3pqdf1: 3pqd F:4-147 [214911]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3pqda2, d3pqdb2, d3pqdc2, d3pqdd2, d3pqde2, d3pqdf2, d3pqdg2, d3pqdh2
        automated match to d1llca1
        complexed with fbp, nad
      7. 1350133Domain d3pqdg1: 3pqd G:2-147 [214913]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3pqda2, d3pqdb2, d3pqdc2, d3pqdd2, d3pqde2, d3pqdf2, d3pqdg2, d3pqdh2
        automated match to d1llca1
        complexed with fbp, nad
      8. 1350134Domain d3pqdh1: 3pqd H:3-147 [214915]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3pqda2, d3pqdb2, d3pqdc2, d3pqdd2, d3pqde2, d3pqdf2, d3pqdg2, d3pqdh2
        automated match to d1llca1
        complexed with fbp, nad
    7. Domains for 3pqe:
      1. 1350142Domain d3pqea1: 3pqe A:2-147 [214917]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3pqea2, d3pqeb2, d3pqec2, d3pqed2
        automated match to d1llca1
      2. 1350143Domain d3pqeb1: 3pqe B:2-147 [214919]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3pqea2, d3pqeb2, d3pqec2, d3pqed2
        automated match to d1llca1
      3. 1350144Domain d3pqec1: 3pqe C:2-147 [214921]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3pqea2, d3pqeb2, d3pqec2, d3pqed2
        automated match to d1llca1
      4. 1350145Domain d3pqed1: 3pqe D:2-147 [214923]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3pqea2, d3pqeb2, d3pqec2, d3pqed2
        automated match to d1llca1
    8. Domains for 3pqf:
      1. 1350123Domain d3pqfa1: 3pqf A:2-147 [214925]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3pqfa2, d3pqfb2, d3pqfc2, d3pqfd2
        automated match to d1llca1
        complexed with nad; mutant
      2. 1350124Domain d3pqfb1: 3pqf B:2-147 [214927]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3pqfa2, d3pqfb2, d3pqfc2, d3pqfd2
        automated match to d1llca1
        complexed with nad; mutant
      3. 1350125Domain d3pqfc1: 3pqf C:3-147 [214929]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3pqfa2, d3pqfb2, d3pqfc2, d3pqfd2
        automated match to d1llca1
        complexed with nad; mutant
      4. 1350126Domain d3pqfd1: 3pqf D:3-147 [214931]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3pqfa2, d3pqfb2, d3pqfc2, d3pqfd2
        automated match to d1llca1
        complexed with nad; mutant
    9. Domains for 3u49:
      1. 1350106Domain d3u49a_: 3u49 A: [217179]
        automated match to d1g0na_
      2. 1350107Domain d3u49b_: 3u49 B: [217180]
        automated match to d1g0na_
      3. 1350108Domain d3u49c_: 3u49 C: [217181]
        automated match to d1g0na_
      4. 1350109Domain d3u49d_: 3u49 D: [217182]
        automated match to d1g0na_
    10. Domain for 3u4c:
    11. Domain for 3u4d:
  23. 1350146Bacillus thuringiensis [TaxId:527023] [189003] (1 PDB entry)
  24. 1350151Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron [TaxId:818] [225965] (1 PDB entry)
  25. 1350156Baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) [TaxId:4932] [225295] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2p4q:
    2. Domains for 3rku:
      1. 1350157Domain d3rkua_: 3rku A: [215910]
        automated match to d3tsca_
        complexed with nap
      2. 1350158Domain d3rkub_: 3rku B: [215911]
        automated match to d3tsca_
        complexed with nap
      3. 1350159Domain d3rkuc_: 3rku C: [215912]
        automated match to d3tsca_
        complexed with nap
      4. 1350160Domain d3rkud_: 3rku D: [215913]
        automated match to d3tsca_
        complexed with nap
  26. 1350162Bartonella henselae [TaxId:283166] [196588] (1 PDB entry)
  27. 1350167Beutenbergia cavernae [TaxId:471853] [189821] (1 PDB entry)
  28. 1350170Bordetella bronchiseptica [TaxId:518] [225344] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2pzk:
      1. 1350173Domain d2pzka_: 2pzk A: [205703]
        automated match to d3enkb_
        complexed with mg, nad
      2. 1350174Domain d2pzkb_: 2pzk B: [205704]
        automated match to d3enkb_
        complexed with mg, nad
    2. Domains for 2pzl:
      1. 1350178Domain d2pzla_: 2pzl A: [205705]
        automated match to d3enkb_
        complexed with nad, udp
      2. 1350179Domain d2pzlb_: 2pzl B: [205706]
        automated match to d3enkb_
        complexed with nad, udp
    3. Domains for 2pzm:
      1. 1350171Domain d2pzma_: 2pzm A: [205707]
        automated match to d3enkb_
        complexed with nad, so4, udp
      2. 1350172Domain d2pzmb_: 2pzm B: [205708]
        automated match to d3enkb_
        complexed with nad, so4, udp
    4. Domains for 2q1w:
      1. 1350175Domain d2q1wa_: 2q1w A: [205719]
        automated match to d1e6ua_
        complexed with nad
      2. 1350176Domain d2q1wb_: 2q1w B: [205720]
        automated match to d1e6ua_
        complexed with nad
      3. 1350177Domain d2q1wc_: 2q1w C: [205721]
        automated match to d1e6ua_
        complexed with nad
  29. 1350180Brevibacterium saccharolyticum [TaxId:1718] [189138] (1 PDB entry)
  30. 1350189Brucella melitensis [TaxId:224914] [236934] (1 PDB entry)
  31. 1350192Brucella melitensis [TaxId:29459] [188645] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3emk:
      1. 1350197Domain d3emka_: 3emk A: [199341]
        automated match to d3emkd_
      2. 1350198Domain d3emkb_: 3emk B: [199342]
        automated match to d3emkd_
      3. 1350199Domain d3emkc_: 3emk C: [199343]
        automated match to d3emkd_
      4. 1350200Domain d3emkd_: 3emk D: [175088]
        automated match to d1q7ba_
    2. Domains for 3enn:
      1. 1350193Domain d3enna_: 3enn A: [175103]
        automated match to d1q7ba_
      2. 1350194Domain d3ennb_: 3enn B: [175104]
        automated match to d1q7ba_
      3. 1350195Domain d3ennc_: 3enn C: [175105]
        automated match to d1q7ba_
      4. 1350196Domain d3ennd_: 3enn D: [175106]
        automated match to d1q7ba_
  32. 1350201Brucella melitensis [TaxId:359391] [189369] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3gvh:
      1. 1350212Domain d3gvha1: 3gvh A:2-144 [210667]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3gvha2, d3gvhb2, d3gvhc2, d3gvhd2
        automated match to d1guza1
        complexed with nad
      2. 1350213Domain d3gvhb1: 3gvh B:2-144 [210669]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3gvha2, d3gvhb2, d3gvhc2, d3gvhd2
        automated match to d1guza1
        complexed with nad
      3. 1350214Domain d3gvhc1: 3gvh C:2-144 [210671]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3gvha2, d3gvhb2, d3gvhc2, d3gvhd2
        automated match to d1guza1
        complexed with nad
      4. 1350215Domain d3gvhd1: 3gvh D:2-144 [210673]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3gvha2, d3gvhb2, d3gvhc2, d3gvhd2
        automated match to d1guza1
        complexed with nad
    2. Domains for 3gvi:
      1. 1350206Domain d3gvia1: 3gvi A:2-144 [210675]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3gvia2, d3gvib2, d3gvic2, d3gvid2, d3gvie2, d3gvif2
        automated match to d1guza1
        complexed with adp
      2. 1350207Domain d3gvib1: 3gvi B:2-144 [210677]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3gvia2, d3gvib2, d3gvic2, d3gvid2, d3gvie2, d3gvif2
        automated match to d1guza1
        complexed with adp
      3. 1350208Domain d3gvic1: 3gvi C:2-144 [210679]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3gvia2, d3gvib2, d3gvic2, d3gvid2, d3gvie2, d3gvif2
        automated match to d1guza1
        complexed with adp
      4. 1350209Domain d3gvid1: 3gvi D:2-144 [210681]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3gvia2, d3gvib2, d3gvic2, d3gvid2, d3gvie2, d3gvif2
        automated match to d1guza1
        complexed with adp
      5. 1350210Domain d3gvie1: 3gvi E:2-144 [210683]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3gvia2, d3gvib2, d3gvic2, d3gvid2, d3gvie2, d3gvif2
        automated match to d1guza1
        complexed with adp
      6. 1350211Domain d3gvif1: 3gvi F:2-144 [210685]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3gvia2, d3gvib2, d3gvic2, d3gvid2, d3gvie2, d3gvif2
        automated match to d1guza1
        complexed with adp
    3. Domains for 3n74:
      1. 1350202Domain d3n74a_: 3n74 A: [199936]
        automated match to d3n74d_
      2. 1350203Domain d3n74b_: 3n74 B: [199937]
        automated match to d3n74d_
      3. 1350204Domain d3n74c_: 3n74 C: [199938]
        automated match to d3n74d_
      4. 1350205Domain d3n74d_: 3n74 D: [181951]
        automated match to d1rwba_
  33. 1350216Brucella melitensis [TaxId:546272] [229171] (1 PDB entry)
  34. 1350218Brucella suis [TaxId:204722] [230314] (1 PDB entry)
  35. 1350221Brucella suis [TaxId:470137] [229017] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4ni5:
      1. 1350222Domain d4ni5a_: 4ni5 A: [229019]
        automated match to d1fmca_
        complexed with mg
      2. 1350223Domain d4ni5b_: 4ni5 B: [229018]
        automated match to d1fmca_
        complexed with mg
    2. Domains for 4npc:
      1. 1350224Domain d4npca_: 4npc A: [229728]
        automated match to d1fmca_
        complexed with act
      2. 1350225Domain d4npcb_: 4npc B: [235818]
        automated match to d4npca_
        complexed with act
    3. Domain for 4o6v:
  36. 1350227Burkholderia cenocepacia [TaxId:216591] [193149] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 4jig:
    2. Domains for 4k6c:
      1. 1350233Domain d4k6ca_: 4k6c A: [202840]
        automated match to d4k6cb_
        complexed with cl, edo
      2. 1350234Domain d4k6cb_: 4k6c B: [193150]
        automated match to d3ezla_
        complexed with cl, edo
    3. Domains for 4k6f:
      1. 1350228Domain d4k6fa_: 4k6f A: [224180]
        automated match to d4k6cb_
        complexed with nap
      2. 1350229Domain d4k6fb_: 4k6f B: [224181]
        automated match to d4k6cb_
        complexed with nap
      3. 1350230Domain d4k6fc_: 4k6f C: [224182]
        automated match to d4k6cb_
        complexed with nap
      4. 1350231Domain d4k6fd_: 4k6f D: [224183]
        automated match to d4k6cb_
        complexed with nap
    4. Domains for 4lw8:
      1. 1350235Domain d4lw8a_: 4lw8 A: [227778]
        automated match to d2pk3a_
        complexed with epe
      2. 1350236Domain d4lw8b_: 4lw8 B: [235516]
        automated match to d4lw8a_
        complexed with epe
  37. 1350237Burkholderia multivorans [TaxId:395019] [226459] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4gkb:
      1. 1350238Domain d4gkba_: 4gkb A: [221974]
        automated match to d1gcoa_
        complexed with ca, cl, edo
      2. 1350239Domain d4gkbb_: 4gkb B: [221975]
        automated match to d1gcoa_
        complexed with ca, cl, edo
      3. 1350240Domain d4gkbc_: 4gkb C: [221976]
        automated match to d1gcoa_
        complexed with ca, cl, edo
      4. 1350241Domain d4gkbd_: 4gkb D: [221977]
        automated match to d1gcoa_
        complexed with ca, cl, edo
    2. Domains for 4glo:
      1. 1350246Domain d4gloa_: 4glo A: [221988]
        automated match to d1gcoa_
        complexed with cl, edo, nad, so4
      2. 1350247Domain d4glob_: 4glo B: [221989]
        automated match to d1gcoa_
        complexed with cl, edo, nad, so4
      3. 1350248Domain d4gloc_: 4glo C: [221990]
        automated match to d1gcoa_
        complexed with cl, edo, nad, so4
      4. 1350249Domain d4glod_: 4glo D: [221991]
        automated match to d1gcoa_
        complexed with cl, edo, nad, so4
    3. Domains for 4gvx:
      1. 1350242Domain d4gvxa_: 4gvx A: [222213]
        automated match to d1gcoa_
        complexed with cl, edo, ful, mg, nap
      2. 1350243Domain d4gvxb_: 4gvx B: [222214]
        automated match to d1gcoa_
        complexed with cl, edo, ful, mg, nap
      3. 1350244Domain d4gvxc_: 4gvx C: [222215]
        automated match to d1gcoa_
        complexed with cl, edo, ful, mg, nap
      4. 1350245Domain d4gvxd_: 4gvx D: [222216]
        automated match to d1gcoa_
        complexed with cl, edo, ful, mg, nap
  38. 1350250Burkholderia pseudomallei [TaxId:28450] [225606] (1 PDB entry)
  39. 1350255Burkholderia pseudomallei [TaxId:320372] [188646] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3d5t:
      1. 1350263Domain d3d5ta1: 3d5t A:3-156 [209002]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3d5ta2, d3d5tb2, d3d5tc2, d3d5td2
        automated match to d1b8pa1
        complexed with mg, na
      2. 1350264Domain d3d5tb1: 3d5t B:3-156 [209004]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3d5ta2, d3d5tb2, d3d5tc2, d3d5td2
        automated match to d1b8pa1
        complexed with mg, na
      3. 1350265Domain d3d5tc1: 3d5t C:3-156 [209006]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3d5ta2, d3d5tb2, d3d5tc2, d3d5td2
        automated match to d1b8pa1
        complexed with mg, na
      4. 1350266Domain d3d5td1: 3d5t D:3-156 [209008]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3d5ta2, d3d5tb2, d3d5tc2, d3d5td2
        automated match to d1b8pa1
        complexed with mg, na
    2. Domains for 3enk:
      1. 1350256Domain d3enka_: 3enk A: [175101]
        automated match to d1ek5a_
        complexed with nad, upg
      2. 1350257Domain d3enkb_: 3enk B: [175102]
        automated match to d1ek5a_
        complexed with nad, upg
    3. Domain for 3ezl:
    4. Domains for 3gk3:
      1. 1350259Domain d3gk3a_: 3gk3 A: [210560]
        automated match to d3uf0a_
        complexed with po4
      2. 1350260Domain d3gk3b_: 3gk3 B: [210561]
        automated match to d3uf0a_
        complexed with po4
      3. 1350261Domain d3gk3c_: 3gk3 C: [210562]
        automated match to d3uf0a_
        complexed with po4
      4. 1350262Domain d3gk3d_: 3gk3 D: [210563]
        automated match to d3uf0a_
        complexed with po4
  40. 1350267Burkholderia thailandensis [TaxId:271848] [196827] (1 PDB entry)
  41. 1350278Caenorhabditis elegans [TaxId:6239] [237812] (1 PDB entry)
  42. 1350280Campylobacter jejuni [TaxId:192222] [225997] (1 PDB entry)
  43. 1350283Candida parapsilosis [TaxId:5480] [195408] (1 PDB entry)
  44. 1350292Carp (Cyprinus carpio) [TaxId:7962] [224961] (1 PDB entry)
  45. 1350295Champsocephalus gunnari [TaxId:52237] [225331] (1 PDB entry)
  46. 1350298Citrullus lanatus [TaxId:3654] [224958] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1sev:
      1. 1350307Domain d1seva1: 1sev A:44-188 [202886]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1seva2, d1sevb2
        automated match to d1mlda1
      2. 1350308Domain d1sevb1: 1sev B:44-188 [202888]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1seva2, d1sevb2
        automated match to d1mlda1
    2. Domains for 1smk:
      1. 1350299Domain d1smka1: 1smk A:44-188 [202890]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1smka2, d1smkb2, d1smkc2, d1smkd2, d1smke2, d1smkf2, d1smkg2, d1smkh2
        automated match to d1mlda1
        complexed with cit
      2. 1350300Domain d1smkb1: 1smk B:44-188 [202892]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1smka2, d1smkb2, d1smkc2, d1smkd2, d1smke2, d1smkf2, d1smkg2, d1smkh2
        automated match to d1mlda1
        complexed with cit
      3. 1350301Domain d1smkc1: 1smk C:44-188 [202894]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1smka2, d1smkb2, d1smkc2, d1smkd2, d1smke2, d1smkf2, d1smkg2, d1smkh2
        automated match to d1mlda1
        complexed with cit
      4. 1350302Domain d1smkd1: 1smk D:44-188 [202896]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1smka2, d1smkb2, d1smkc2, d1smkd2, d1smke2, d1smkf2, d1smkg2, d1smkh2
        automated match to d1mlda1
        complexed with cit
      5. 1350303Domain d1smke1: 1smk E:44-188 [202898]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1smka2, d1smkb2, d1smkc2, d1smkd2, d1smke2, d1smkf2, d1smkg2, d1smkh2
        automated match to d1mlda1
        complexed with cit
      6. 1350304Domain d1smkf1: 1smk F:44-188 [202900]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1smka2, d1smkb2, d1smkc2, d1smkd2, d1smke2, d1smkf2, d1smkg2, d1smkh2
        automated match to d1mlda1
        complexed with cit
      7. 1350305Domain d1smkg1: 1smk G:44-188 [202902]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1smka2, d1smkb2, d1smkc2, d1smkd2, d1smke2, d1smkf2, d1smkg2, d1smkh2
        automated match to d1mlda1
        complexed with cit
      8. 1350306Domain d1smkh1: 1smk H:44-188 [202904]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1smka2, d1smkb2, d1smkc2, d1smkd2, d1smke2, d1smkf2, d1smkg2, d1smkh2
        automated match to d1mlda1
        complexed with cit
  47. 1350309Cladosporium herbarum [TaxId:29918] [189335] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3gdf:
      1. 1350310Domain d3gdfa_: 3gdf A: [176525]
        automated match to d1vl8a_
        complexed with zn
      2. 1350311Domain d3gdfb_: 3gdf B: [176526]
        automated match to d1vl8a_
        complexed with zn
      3. 1350312Domain d3gdfc_: 3gdf C: [176527]
        automated match to d1vl8a_
        complexed with zn
      4. 1350313Domain d3gdfd_: 3gdf D: [176528]
        automated match to d1vl8a_
        complexed with zn
    2. Domains for 3gdg:
      1. 1350314Domain d3gdga_: 3gdg A: [176529]
        automated match to d1vl8a_
        complexed with na
      2. 1350315Domain d3gdgb_: 3gdg B: [176530]
        automated match to d1vl8a_
        complexed with na
      3. 1350316Domain d3gdgc_: 3gdg C: [176531]
        automated match to d1vl8a_
        complexed with na
      4. 1350317Domain d3gdgd_: 3gdg D: [176532]
        automated match to d1vl8a_
        complexed with na
  48. 1350318Clostridium scindens [TaxId:29347] [234900] (1 PDB entry)
  49. 1350320Clostridium symbiosum, [TaxId:1512] [231640] (1 PDB entry)
  50. 1350327Clostridium thermocellum [TaxId:1515] [187820] (1 PDB entry)
  51. 1350329Cochliobolus lunatus [TaxId:5503] [225937] (9 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 3is3:
    2. Domain for 3itd:
    3. Domains for 3qwf:
      1. 1350332Domain d3qwfa_: 3qwf A: [215463]
        automated match to d3uvea_
        complexed with gol, nap
      2. 1350333Domain d3qwfb_: 3qwf B: [215464]
        automated match to d3uvea_
        complexed with gol, nap
      3. 1350334Domain d3qwfc_: 3qwf C: [215465]
        automated match to d3uvea_
        complexed with gol, nap
      4. 1350335Domain d3qwfd_: 3qwf D: [215466]
        automated match to d3uvea_
        complexed with gol, nap
      5. 1350336Domain d3qwfe_: 3qwf E: [215467]
        automated match to d3uvea_
        complexed with gol, nap
      6. 1350337Domain d3qwff_: 3qwf F: [215468]
        automated match to d3uvea_
        complexed with gol, nap
      7. 1350338Domain d3qwfg_: 3qwf G: [215469]
        automated match to d3uvea_
        complexed with gol, nap
      8. 1350339Domain d3qwfh_: 3qwf H: [215470]
        automated match to d3uvea_
        complexed with gol, nap
    4. Domains for 3qwh:
      1. 1350357Domain d3qwha_: 3qwh A: [215471]
        automated match to d3uvea_
        complexed with kmp, nap, peg
      2. 1350358Domain d3qwhb_: 3qwh B: [215472]
        automated match to d3uvea_
        complexed with kmp, nap, peg
      3. 1350359Domain d3qwhc_: 3qwh C: [215473]
        automated match to d3uvea_
        complexed with kmp, nap, peg
      4. 1350360Domain d3qwhd_: 3qwh D: [215474]
        automated match to d3uvea_
        complexed with kmp, nap, peg
    5. Domains for 3qwi:
      1. 1350353Domain d3qwia_: 3qwi A: [215475]
        automated match to d3uvea_
        complexed with cue, edo, nap
      2. 1350354Domain d3qwib_: 3qwi B: [215476]
        automated match to d3uvea_
        complexed with cue, edo, nap
      3. 1350355Domain d3qwic_: 3qwi C: [215477]
        automated match to d3uvea_
        complexed with cue, edo, nap
      4. 1350356Domain d3qwid_: 3qwi D: [215478]
        automated match to d3uvea_
        complexed with cue, edo, nap
    6. Domain for 4fiz:
    7. Domains for 4fj0:
      1. 1350341Domain d4fj0a_: 4fj0 A: [221227]
        automated match to d3uvea_
        complexed with edo, hhf, nap
      2. 1350342Domain d4fj0b_: 4fj0 B: [221228]
        automated match to d3uvea_
        complexed with edo, hhf, nap
      3. 1350343Domain d4fj0c_: 4fj0 C: [221229]
        automated match to d3uvea_
        complexed with edo, hhf, nap
      4. 1350344Domain d4fj0d_: 4fj0 D: [221230]
        automated match to d3uvea_
        complexed with edo, hhf, nap
    8. Domains for 4fj1:
      1. 1350345Domain d4fj1a_: 4fj1 A: [221231]
        automated match to d3uvea_
        complexed with dms, gen, nap
      2. 1350346Domain d4fj1b_: 4fj1 B: [221232]
        automated match to d3uvea_
        complexed with dms, gen, nap
      3. 1350347Domain d4fj1c_: 4fj1 C: [221233]
        automated match to d3uvea_
        complexed with dms, gen, nap
      4. 1350348Domain d4fj1d_: 4fj1 D: [221234]
        automated match to d3uvea_
        complexed with dms, gen, nap
    9. Domains for 4fj2:
      1. 1350349Domain d4fj2a_: 4fj2 A: [221235]
        automated match to d3uvea_
        complexed with edo, nap, qso
      2. 1350350Domain d4fj2b_: 4fj2 B: [221236]
        automated match to d3uvea_
        complexed with edo, nap, qso
      3. 1350351Domain d4fj2c_: 4fj2 C: [221237]
        automated match to d3uvea_
        complexed with edo, nap, qso
      4. 1350352Domain d4fj2d_: 4fj2 D: [221238]
        automated match to d3uvea_
        complexed with edo, nap, qso
  52. 1350361Corynebacterium glutamicum [TaxId:1718] [188585] (1 PDB entry)
  53. 1350370Coxiella burnetii [TaxId:227377] [225776] (1 PDB entry)
  54. 1350373Coxiella burnetii [TaxId:777] [233713] (1 PDB entry)
  55. 1350375Cryptosporidium parvum [TaxId:5807] [225104] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2fm3:
      1. 1350376Domain d2fm3a1: 2fm3 A:17-164 [204225]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2fm3a2, d2fm3b2
        automated match to d1ez4a1
        complexed with gol, nad, pyr
      2. 1350377Domain d2fm3b1: 2fm3 B:17-164 [204227]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2fm3a2, d2fm3b2
        automated match to d1ez4a1
        complexed with gol, nad, pyr
    2. Domains for 2hjr:
      1. 1350378Domain d2hjra1: 2hjr A:13-154 [204566]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2hjra2, d2hjrb2, d2hjrc2, d2hjrd2, d2hjre2, d2hjrf2, d2hjrg2, d2hjrh2, d2hjri2, d2hjrj2, d2hjrk2, d2hjrl2
        automated match to d5ldha1
        complexed with apr, cit
      2. 1350379Domain d2hjrb1: 2hjr B:13-154 [204568]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2hjra2, d2hjrb2, d2hjrc2, d2hjrd2, d2hjre2, d2hjrf2, d2hjrg2, d2hjrh2, d2hjri2, d2hjrj2, d2hjrk2, d2hjrl2
        automated match to d5ldha1
        complexed with apr, cit
      3. 1350380Domain d2hjrc1: 2hjr C:13-154 [204570]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2hjra2, d2hjrb2, d2hjrc2, d2hjrd2, d2hjre2, d2hjrf2, d2hjrg2, d2hjrh2, d2hjri2, d2hjrj2, d2hjrk2, d2hjrl2
        automated match to d5ldha1
        complexed with apr, cit
      4. 1350381Domain d2hjrd1: 2hjr D:13-154 [204572]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2hjra2, d2hjrb2, d2hjrc2, d2hjrd2, d2hjre2, d2hjrf2, d2hjrg2, d2hjrh2, d2hjri2, d2hjrj2, d2hjrk2, d2hjrl2
        automated match to d5ldha1
        complexed with apr, cit
      5. 1350382Domain d2hjre1: 2hjr E:13-154 [204574]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2hjra2, d2hjrb2, d2hjrc2, d2hjrd2, d2hjre2, d2hjrf2, d2hjrg2, d2hjrh2, d2hjri2, d2hjrj2, d2hjrk2, d2hjrl2
        automated match to d5ldha1
        complexed with apr, cit
      6. 1350383Domain d2hjrf1: 2hjr F:13-154 [204576]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2hjra2, d2hjrb2, d2hjrc2, d2hjrd2, d2hjre2, d2hjrf2, d2hjrg2, d2hjrh2, d2hjri2, d2hjrj2, d2hjrk2, d2hjrl2
        automated match to d5ldha1
        complexed with apr, cit
      7. 1350384Domain d2hjrg1: 2hjr G:13-154 [204578]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2hjra2, d2hjrb2, d2hjrc2, d2hjrd2, d2hjre2, d2hjrf2, d2hjrg2, d2hjrh2, d2hjri2, d2hjrj2, d2hjrk2, d2hjrl2
        automated match to d5ldha1
        complexed with apr, cit
      8. 1350385Domain d2hjrh1: 2hjr H:13-154 [204580]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2hjra2, d2hjrb2, d2hjrc2, d2hjrd2, d2hjre2, d2hjrf2, d2hjrg2, d2hjrh2, d2hjri2, d2hjrj2, d2hjrk2, d2hjrl2
        automated match to d5ldha1
        complexed with apr, cit
      9. 1350386Domain d2hjri1: 2hjr I:13-154 [204582]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2hjra2, d2hjrb2, d2hjrc2, d2hjrd2, d2hjre2, d2hjrf2, d2hjrg2, d2hjrh2, d2hjri2, d2hjrj2, d2hjrk2, d2hjrl2
        automated match to d5ldha1
        complexed with apr, cit
      10. 1350387Domain d2hjrj1: 2hjr J:13-154 [204584]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2hjra2, d2hjrb2, d2hjrc2, d2hjrd2, d2hjre2, d2hjrf2, d2hjrg2, d2hjrh2, d2hjri2, d2hjrj2, d2hjrk2, d2hjrl2
        automated match to d5ldha1
        complexed with apr, cit
      11. 1350388Domain d2hjrk1: 2hjr K:13-154 [204586]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2hjra2, d2hjrb2, d2hjrc2, d2hjrd2, d2hjre2, d2hjrf2, d2hjrg2, d2hjrh2, d2hjri2, d2hjrj2, d2hjrk2, d2hjrl2
        automated match to d5ldha1
        complexed with apr, cit
      12. 1350389Domain d2hjrl1: 2hjr L:13-154 [204588]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2hjra2, d2hjrb2, d2hjrc2, d2hjrd2, d2hjre2, d2hjrf2, d2hjrg2, d2hjrh2, d2hjri2, d2hjrj2, d2hjrk2, d2hjrl2
        automated match to d5ldha1
        complexed with apr, cit
  56. 1350390Cupriavidus necator [TaxId:381666] [224880] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3vzp:
      1. 1350391Domain d3vzpa_: 3vzp A: [218160]
        automated match to d3ennd_
        complexed with dio, gol, so4
      2. 1350392Domain d3vzpb_: 3vzp B: [218161]
        automated match to d3ennd_
        complexed with dio, gol, so4
      3. 1350393Domain d3vzpc_: 3vzp C: [218162]
        automated match to d3ennd_
        complexed with dio, gol, so4
      4. 1350394Domain d3vzpd_: 3vzp D: [218163]
        automated match to d3ennd_
        complexed with dio, gol, so4
    2. Domains for 3vzq:
      1. 1350399Domain d3vzqa_: 3vzq A: [218164]
        automated match to d3ennb_
      2. 1350400Domain d3vzqb_: 3vzq B: [218165]
        automated match to d3ennb_
    3. Domains for 3vzr:
      1. 1350401Domain d3vzra_: 3vzr A: [218166]
        automated match to d3ennd_
      2. 1350402Domain d3vzrb_: 3vzr B: [218167]
        automated match to d3ennd_
    4. Domains for 3vzs:
      1. 1350395Domain d3vzsa_: 3vzs A: [218168]
        automated match to d3ennd_
        complexed with caa, nap, so4
      2. 1350396Domain d3vzsb_: 3vzs B: [218169]
        automated match to d3ennd_
        complexed with caa, nap, so4
      3. 1350397Domain d3vzsc_: 3vzs C: [218170]
        automated match to d3ennd_
        complexed with caa, nap, so4
      4. 1350398Domain d3vzsd_: 3vzs D: [218171]
        automated match to d3ennd_
        complexed with caa, nap, so4
  57. 1350403Cupriavidus taiwanensis [TaxId:164546] [229454] (1 PDB entry)
  58. 1350406Deinococcus radiodurans [TaxId:1299] [225329] (1 PDB entry)
  59. 1350411Escherichia coli K-12 [TaxId:83333] [188668] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 3f1k:
    2. Domains for 3f1l:
      1. 1350412Domain d3f1la_: 3f1l A: [175407]
        automated match to d2c07a1
      2. 1350413Domain d3f1lb_: 3f1l B: [175408]
        automated match to d2c07a1
  60. 1350415Escherichia coli [TaxId:199310] [226553] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4iiu:
      1. 1350417Domain d4iiua_: 4iiu A: [223207]
        automated match to d2c07a1
        complexed with nap
      2. 1350418Domain d4iiub_: 4iiu B: [223208]
        automated match to d2c07a1
        complexed with nap
      3. 1350419Domain d4iiuc_: 4iiu C: [223209]
        automated match to d2c07a1
        complexed with nap
      4. 1350420Domain d4iiud_: 4iiu D: [223210]
        automated match to d2c07a1
        complexed with nap
    2. Domains for 4iiv:
      1. 1350421Domain d4iiva_: 4iiv A: [223211]
        automated match to d2c07a1
        complexed with nap
      2. 1350422Domain d4iivb_: 4iiv B: [223212]
        automated match to d2c07a1
        complexed with nap
      3. 1350423Domain d4iivc_: 4iiv C: [223213]
        automated match to d2c07a1
        complexed with nap
      4. 1350424Domain d4iivd_: 4iiv D: [223214]
        automated match to d2c07a1
        complexed with nap
    3. Domain for 4im7:
  61. 1350425Escherichia coli [TaxId:217992] [188734] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3f5q:
      1. 1350426Domain d3f5qa_: 3f5q A: [175502]
        automated match to d2c07a1
      2. 1350427Domain d3f5qb_: 3f5q B: [175503]
        automated match to d2c07a1
    2. Domains for 3gz4:
      1. 1350428Domain d3gz4a_: 3gz4 A: [177103]
        automated match to d2c07a1
        complexed with nap
      2. 1350429Domain d3gz4b_: 3gz4 B: [177104]
        automated match to d2c07a1
        complexed with nap
  62. 1350430Escherichia coli [TaxId:562] [187725] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2fwm:
    2. Domains for 3asu:
      1. 1350431Domain d3asua_: 3asu A: [208354]
        automated match to d2nwqd_
      2. 1350432Domain d3asub_: 3asu B: [208355]
        automated match to d2nwqd_
    3. Domains for 3asv:
      1. 1350440Domain d3asva_: 3asv A: [208356]
        automated match to d2nwqd_
        complexed with nap, po4
      2. 1350441Domain d3asvb_: 3asv B: [208357]
        automated match to d2nwqd_
        complexed with nap, po4
      3. 1350442Domain d3asvc_: 3asv C: [208358]
        automated match to d2nwqd_
        complexed with nap, po4
      4. 1350443Domain d3asvd_: 3asv D: [208359]
        automated match to d2nwqd_
        complexed with nap, po4
      5. 1350444Domain d3asve_: 3asv E: [208360]
        automated match to d2nwqd_
        complexed with nap, po4
      6. 1350445Domain d3asvf_: 3asv F: [208361]
        automated match to d2nwqd_
        complexed with nap, po4
    4. Domains for 4bht:
      1. 1350434Domain d4bhta2: 4bht A:197-447 [234163]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4bhta1, d4bhtb1, d4bhtc1, d4bhtd1, d4bhte1, d4bhtf1
        automated match to d4fcca2
        complexed with epe, gol, pg4
      2. 1350435Domain d4bhtb2: 4bht B:197-447 [234164]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4bhta1, d4bhtb1, d4bhtc1, d4bhtd1, d4bhte1, d4bhtf1
        automated match to d4fcca2
        complexed with epe, gol, pg4
      3. 1350436Domain d4bhtc2: 4bht C:197-447 [234169]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4bhta1, d4bhtb1, d4bhtc1, d4bhtd1, d4bhte1, d4bhtf1
        automated match to d4fcca2
        complexed with epe, gol, pg4
      4. 1350437Domain d4bhtd2: 4bht D:197-447 [234166]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4bhta1, d4bhtb1, d4bhtc1, d4bhtd1, d4bhte1, d4bhtf1
        automated match to d4fcca2
        complexed with epe, gol, pg4
      5. 1350438Domain d4bhte2: 4bht E:197-447 [234170]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4bhta1, d4bhtb1, d4bhtc1, d4bhtd1, d4bhte1, d4bhtf1
        automated match to d4fcca2
        complexed with epe, gol, pg4
      6. 1350439Domain d4bhtf2: 4bht F:197-447 [234172]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4bhta1, d4bhtb1, d4bhtc1, d4bhtd1, d4bhte1, d4bhtf1
        automated match to d4fcca2
        complexed with epe, gol, pg4
  63. 1350446Escherichia coli [TaxId:83333] [225273] (5 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2pwz:
      1. 1350457Domain d2pwza1: 2pwz A:1-145 [139766]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2pwza2, d2pwzc2, d2pwze2, d2pwzg2
        automated match to d2cmda1
      2. 1350458Domain d2pwzc1: 2pwz C:1-145 [139768]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2pwza2, d2pwzc2, d2pwze2, d2pwzg2
        automated match to d2cmda1
      3. 1350459Domain d2pwze1: 2pwz E:1-145 [139770]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2pwza2, d2pwzc2, d2pwze2, d2pwzg2
        automated match to d2cmda1
      4. 1350460Domain d2pwzg1: 2pwz G:1-145 [139772]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2pwza2, d2pwzc2, d2pwze2, d2pwzg2
        automated match to d2cmda1
    2. Domains for 2zya:
      1. 1350455Domain d2zyaa1: 2zya A:2-176 [208004]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zyaa2, d2zyab2
        automated match to d1pgja2
        complexed with 6pg
      2. 1350456Domain d2zyab1: 2zya B:2-176 [208006]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zyaa2, d2zyab2
        automated match to d1pgja2
        complexed with 6pg
    3. Domains for 2zyd:
      1. 1350449Domain d2zyda1: 2zyd A:3-176 [208008]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zyda2, d2zydb2
        automated match to d1pgja2
        complexed with glo
      2. 1350450Domain d2zydb1: 2zyd B:2-176 [208010]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2zyda2, d2zydb2
        automated match to d1pgja2
        complexed with glo
    4. Domains for 3fwn:
      1. 1350447Domain d3fwna1: 3fwn A:2-176 [210243]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3fwna2, d3fwnb2
        automated match to d1pgja2
        complexed with 6pg, atr
      2. 1350448Domain d3fwnb1: 3fwn B:2-176 [210245]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3fwna2, d3fwnb2
        automated match to d1pgja2
        complexed with 6pg, atr
    5. Domains for 3hhp:
      1. 1350451Domain d3hhpa1: 3hhp A:1-145 [211032]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3hhpa2, d3hhpb2, d3hhpc2, d3hhpd2
        automated match to d2cmda1
      2. 1350452Domain d3hhpb1: 3hhp B:1-145 [211034]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3hhpa2, d3hhpb2, d3hhpc2, d3hhpd2
        automated match to d2cmda1
      3. 1350453Domain d3hhpc1: 3hhp C:1-145 [211036]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3hhpa2, d3hhpb2, d3hhpc2, d3hhpd2
        automated match to d2cmda1
      4. 1350454Domain d3hhpd1: 3hhp D:1-145 [211038]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3hhpa2, d3hhpb2, d3hhpc2, d3hhpd2
        automated match to d2cmda1
  64. 1350461Escherichia coli [TaxId:83334] [226481] (1 PDB entry)
  65. 1350474Eubacterium barkeri [TaxId:1528] [225505] (1 PDB entry)
  66. 1350479Francisella tularensis [TaxId:119856] [226000] (1 PDB entry)
  67. 1350484Francisella tularensis [TaxId:177416] [195722] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3l07:
      1. 1350486Domain d3l07a2: 3l07 A:121-281 [212621]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3l07a1, d3l07b1
        automated match to d1b0aa1
        complexed with act, edo, imd, po4
      2. 1350487Domain d3l07b2: 3l07 B:121-282 [212623]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3l07a1, d3l07b1
        automated match to d1b0aa1
        complexed with act, edo, imd, po4
    2. Domain for 4e4y:
  68. 1350488Geobacillus stearothermophilus [TaxId:1422] [225639] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2w8z:
      1. 1350491Domain d2w8za1: 2w8z A:2-175 [206710]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2w8za2, d2w8zb2
        automated match to d1pgja2
        complexed with 6pg, so4, trs
      2. 1350492Domain d2w8zb1: 2w8z B:2-175 [206712]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2w8za2, d2w8zb2
        automated match to d1pgja2
        complexed with 6pg, so4, trs
    2. Domains for 2w90:
      1. 1350489Domain d2w90a1: 2w90 A:0-175 [206714]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2w90a2, d2w90b2
        automated match to d1pgja2
        complexed with 6pg, so4, trs
      2. 1350490Domain d2w90b1: 2w90 B:-1-175 [206716]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2w90a2, d2w90b2
        automated match to d1pgja2
        complexed with 6pg, so4, trs
  69. 1350493Geobacter metallireducens [TaxId:28232] [233232] (1 PDB entry)
  70. 1350495Geobacter sulfurreducens [TaxId:35554] [233218] (1 PDB entry)
  71. 1350502Gluconobacter frateurii [TaxId:38308] [189629] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3ai1:
      1. 1350515Domain d3ai1a_: 3ai1 A: [172189]
        automated match to d1i01a_
      2. 1350516Domain d3ai1b_: 3ai1 B: [172190]
        automated match to d1i01a_
    2. Domains for 3ai2:
      1. 1350503Domain d3ai2a_: 3ai2 A: [172191]
        automated match to d1i01a_
        complexed with nap
      2. 1350504Domain d3ai2b_: 3ai2 B: [172192]
        automated match to d1i01a_
        complexed with nap
      3. 1350505Domain d3ai2c_: 3ai2 C: [172193]
        automated match to d1i01a_
        complexed with nap
      4. 1350506Domain d3ai2d_: 3ai2 D: [172194]
        automated match to d1i01a_
        complexed with nap
      5. 1350507Domain d3ai2e_: 3ai2 E: [172195]
        automated match to d1i01a_
        complexed with nap
      6. 1350508Domain d3ai2f_: 3ai2 F: [172196]
        automated match to d1i01a_
        complexed with nap
      7. 1350509Domain d3ai2g_: 3ai2 G: [172197]
        automated match to d1i01a_
        complexed with nap
      8. 1350510Domain d3ai2h_: 3ai2 H: [172198]
        automated match to d1i01a_
        complexed with nap
    3. Domains for 3ai3:
      1. 1350511Domain d3ai3a_: 3ai3 A: [172199]
        automated match to d1i01a_
        complexed with nap, soe, sol
      2. 1350512Domain d3ai3c_: 3ai3 C: [172200]
        automated match to d1i01a_
        complexed with nap, soe, sol
      3. 1350513Domain d3ai3e_: 3ai3 E: [172201]
        automated match to d1i01a_
        complexed with nap, soe, sol
      4. 1350514Domain d3ai3g_: 3ai3 G: [172202]
        automated match to d1i01a_
        complexed with nap, soe, sol
  72. 1350517Gluconobacter oxydans [TaxId:442] [186908] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1zem:
      1. 1350522Domain d1zemb_: 1zem B: [124985]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zema1
        automated match to d1iy8a_
        complexed with mg, nad
      2. 1350523Domain d1zemc_: 1zem C: [124986]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zema1
        automated match to d1iy8a_
        complexed with mg, nad
      3. 1350524Domain d1zemd_: 1zem D: [124987]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zema1
        automated match to d1iy8a_
        complexed with mg, nad
      4. 1350525Domain d1zeme_: 1zem E: [124988]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zema1
        automated match to d1iy8a_
        complexed with mg, nad
      5. 1350526Domain d1zemf_: 1zem F: [124989]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zema1
        automated match to d1iy8a_
        complexed with mg, nad
      6. 1350527Domain d1zemg_: 1zem G: [124990]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zema1
        automated match to d1iy8a_
        complexed with mg, nad
      7. 1350528Domain d1zemh_: 1zem H: [124991]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1zema1
        automated match to d1iy8a_
        complexed with mg, nad
    2. Domains for 3awd:
      1. 1350518Domain d3awda_: 3awd A: [172362]
        automated match to d1vl8a_
        complexed with cd, mg
      2. 1350519Domain d3awdb_: 3awd B: [172363]
        automated match to d1vl8a_
        complexed with cd, mg
      3. 1350520Domain d3awdc_: 3awd C: [172364]
        automated match to d1vl8a_
        complexed with cd, mg
      4. 1350521Domain d3awdd_: 3awd D: [172365]
        automated match to d1vl8a_
        complexed with cd, mg
  73. 1350529Helicobacter pylori [TaxId:85962] [226244] (12 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3phg:
      1. 1350531Domain d3phga2: 3phg A:105-263 [214787]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3phga1, d3phgb1
        automated match to d1p77a1
      2. 1350532Domain d3phgb2: 3phg B:105-263 [214789]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3phga1, d3phgb1
        automated match to d1p77a1
    2. Domain for 3phh:
    3. Domains for 3phi:
      1. 1350534Domain d3phia2: 3phi A:105-262 [214793]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3phia1, d3phib1
        automated match to d1p77a1
        complexed with ndp, skm
      2. 1350535Domain d3phib2: 3phi B:105-262 [214795]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3phia1, d3phib1
        automated match to d1p77a1
        complexed with ndp, skm
    4. Domains for 3phj:
      1. 1350540Domain d3phja2: 3phj A:105-263 [214797]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3phja1, d3phjb1
        automated match to d1p77a1
        complexed with dhk
      2. 1350541Domain d3phjb2: 3phj B:105-263 [214799]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3phja1, d3phjb1
        automated match to d1p77a1
        complexed with dhk
    5. Domains for 4foo:
      1. 1350552Domain d4fooa2: 4foo A:105-263 [221406]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4fooa1, d4foob1
        automated match to d1p77a1
      2. 1350553Domain d4foob2: 4foo B:105-263 [221408]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4fooa1, d4foob1
        automated match to d1p77a1
    6. Domain for 4fos:
    7. Domains for 4fpx:
      1. 1350546Domain d4fpxa2: 4fpx A:105-263 [221436]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4fpxa1, d4fpxb1
        automated match to d1p77a1
      2. 1350547Domain d4fpxb2: 4fpx B:105-263 [221438]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4fpxa1, d4fpxb1
        automated match to d1p77a1
    8. Domains for 4fq8:
      1. 1350536Domain d4fq8a2: 4fq8 A:105-263 [221443]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4fq8a1, d4fq8b1
        automated match to d1p77a1
        complexed with skm; mutant
      2. 1350537Domain d4fq8b2: 4fq8 B:105-263 [221445]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4fq8a1, d4fq8b1
        automated match to d1p77a1
        complexed with skm; mutant
    9. Domains for 4fr5:
      1. 1350538Domain d4fr5a2: 4fr5 A:105-263 [221476]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4fr5a1, d4fr5b1
        automated match to d1p77a1
        complexed with skm; mutant
      2. 1350539Domain d4fr5b2: 4fr5 B:105-263 [221478]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4fr5a1, d4fr5b1
        automated match to d1p77a1
        complexed with skm; mutant
    10. Domains for 4fsh:
      1. 1350554Domain d4fsha2: 4fsh A:105-263 [221492]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4fsha1, d4fshb1
        automated match to d1p77a1
        complexed with skm
      2. 1350555Domain d4fshb2: 4fsh B:105-263 [221494]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4fsha1, d4fshb1
        automated match to d1p77a1
        complexed with skm
    11. Domains for 4iin:
      1. 1350542Domain d4iina_: 4iin A: [223199]
        automated match to d1ybva_
        complexed with act, k, nad
      2. 1350543Domain d4iinb_: 4iin B: [223200]
        automated match to d1ybva_
        complexed with act, k, nad
      3. 1350544Domain d4iinc_: 4iin C: [223201]
        automated match to d1ybva_
        complexed with act, k, nad
      4. 1350545Domain d4iind_: 4iin D: [223202]
        automated match to d1ybva_
        complexed with act, k, nad
    12. Domains for 4ijk:
      1. 1350548Domain d4ijka_: 4ijk A: [223222]
        automated match to d1ybva_
        complexed with na
      2. 1350549Domain d4ijkb_: 4ijk B: [223223]
        automated match to d1ybva_
        complexed with na
      3. 1350550Domain d4ijkc_: 4ijk C: [223224]
        automated match to d1ybva_
        complexed with na
      4. 1350551Domain d4ijkd_: 4ijk D: [223225]
        automated match to d1ybva_
        complexed with na
  74. 1350556Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [186944] (28 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1wpq:
      1. 1350636Domain d1wpqa1: 1wpq A:2-193 [203013]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1wpqa2, d1wpqb2
        automated match to d1evya2
        complexed with 13p, nad, so4
      2. 1350637Domain d1wpqb1: 1wpq B:2-193 [203015]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1wpqa2, d1wpqb2
        automated match to d1evya2
        complexed with 13p, nad, so4
    2. Domains for 1x0v:
      1. 1350604Domain d1x0va1: 1x0v A:2-193 [203065]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1x0va2, d1x0vb2
        automated match to d1evya2
        complexed with so4
      2. 1350605Domain d1x0vb1: 1x0v B:1-193 [203067]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d1x0va2, d1x0vb2
        automated match to d1evya2
        complexed with so4
    3. Domain for 1x0x:
    4. Domains for 2ag5:
      1. 1350560Domain d2ag5b_: 2ag5 B: [126720]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2ag5a1
        automated match to d1nffa_
        complexed with nad, so4
      2. 1350561Domain d2ag5c_: 2ag5 C: [126721]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2ag5a1
        automated match to d1nffa_
        complexed with nad, so4
      3. 1350562Domain d2ag5d_: 2ag5 D: [126722]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2ag5a1
        automated match to d1nffa_
        complexed with nad, so4
    5. Domains for 2aw5:
      1. 1350622Domain d2aw5a2: 2aw5 A:270-551 [203499]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2aw5a1, d2aw5b1, d2aw5c1
        automated match to d1gq2a1
      2. 1350623Domain d2aw5b2: 2aw5 B:270-555 [203501]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2aw5a1, d2aw5b1, d2aw5c1
        automated match to d1gq2a1
      3. 1350624Domain d2aw5c2: 2aw5 C:270-552 [203503]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2aw5a1, d2aw5b1, d2aw5c1
        automated match to d1gq2a1
    6. Domains for 2gf2:
      1. 1350608Domain d2gf2a1: 2gf2 A:40-201 [230744]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2gf2a2, d2gf2b2, d2gf2c2, d2gf2d2
        automated match to d2gf2b1
      2. 1350609Domain d2gf2b1: 2gf2 B:40-201 [204359]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2gf2a2, d2gf2b2, d2gf2c2, d2gf2d2
        automated match to d2cvza2
      3. 1350610Domain d2gf2c1: 2gf2 C:41-201 [204361]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2gf2a2, d2gf2b2, d2gf2c2, d2gf2d2
        automated match to d2cvza2
      4. 1350611Domain d2gf2d1: 2gf2 D:40-201 [230746]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2gf2a2, d2gf2b2, d2gf2c2, d2gf2d2
        automated match to d2gf2b1
    7. Domains for 2i6t:
      1. 1350584Domain d2i6ta1: 2i6t A:182-318 [204725]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2i6ta2, d2i6tb2
        automated match to d1ez4a1
        complexed with gol, so4
      2. 1350585Domain d2i6tb1: 2i6t B:182-318 [204727]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2i6ta2, d2i6tb2
        automated match to d1ez4a1
        complexed with gol, so4
    8. Domains for 2i9p:
      1. 1350612Domain d2i9pa1: 2i9p A:40-201 [204754]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2i9pa2, d2i9pb2, d2i9pc2, d2i9pd2
        automated match to d2cvza2
        complexed with nad
      2. 1350613Domain d2i9pb1: 2i9p B:40-201 [230783]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2i9pa2, d2i9pb2, d2i9pc2, d2i9pd2
        automated match to d2i9pd1
        complexed with nad
      3. 1350614Domain d2i9pc1: 2i9p C:40-201 [204756]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2i9pa2, d2i9pb2, d2i9pc2, d2i9pd2
        automated match to d2cvza2
        complexed with nad
      4. 1350615Domain d2i9pd1: 2i9p D:40-201 [204758]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2i9pa2, d2i9pb2, d2i9pc2, d2i9pd2
        automated match to d2cvza2
        complexed with nad
    9. Domains for 2izz:
      1. 1350571Domain d2izza1: 2izz A:0-164 [230875]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2izza2, d2izzb2, d2izzc2, d2izzd2, d2izze2
        automated match to d2rcyd1
        complexed with edo, nad
      2. 1350572Domain d2izzb1: 2izz B:-5-164 [230871]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2izza2, d2izzb2, d2izzc2, d2izzd2, d2izze2
        automated match to d2rcyd1
        complexed with edo, nad
      3. 1350573Domain d2izzc1: 2izz C:0-164 [230872]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2izza2, d2izzb2, d2izzc2, d2izzd2, d2izze2
        automated match to d2rcyd1
        complexed with edo, nad
      4. 1350574Domain d2izzd1: 2izz D:-4-164 [230877]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2izza2, d2izzb2, d2izzc2, d2izzd2, d2izze2
        automated match to d2rcyd1
        complexed with edo, nad
      5. 1350575Domain d2izze1: 2izz E:1-164 [230879]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2izza2, d2izzb2, d2izzc2, d2izzd2, d2izze2
        automated match to d2rcyd1
        complexed with edo, nad
    10. Domains for 2jkv:
      1. 1350592Domain d2jkva1: 2jkv A:2-177 [205093]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2jkva2, d2jkvb2, d2jkvc2, d2jkvd2, d2jkve2, d2jkvf2
        automated match to d1pgja2
        complexed with cl, nap, so4
      2. 1350593Domain d2jkvb1: 2jkv B:2-177 [205095]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2jkva2, d2jkvb2, d2jkvc2, d2jkvd2, d2jkve2, d2jkvf2
        automated match to d1pgja2
        complexed with cl, nap, so4
      3. 1350594Domain d2jkvc1: 2jkv C:2-177 [205097]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2jkva2, d2jkvb2, d2jkvc2, d2jkvd2, d2jkve2, d2jkvf2
        automated match to d1pgja2
        complexed with cl, nap, so4
      4. 1350595Domain d2jkvd1: 2jkv D:2-177 [205099]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2jkva2, d2jkvb2, d2jkvc2, d2jkvd2, d2jkve2, d2jkvf2
        automated match to d1pgja2
        complexed with cl, nap, so4
      5. 1350596Domain d2jkve1: 2jkv E:2-177 [205101]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2jkva2, d2jkvb2, d2jkvc2, d2jkvd2, d2jkve2, d2jkvf2
        automated match to d1pgja2
        complexed with cl, nap, so4
      6. 1350597Domain d2jkvf1: 2jkv F:2-177 [205103]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2jkva2, d2jkvb2, d2jkvc2, d2jkvd2, d2jkve2, d2jkvf2
        automated match to d1pgja2
        complexed with cl, nap, so4
    11. Domains for 2pd6:
      1. 1350576Domain d2pd6a_: 2pd6 A: [167138]
        automated match to d1q7ba_
        complexed with nad
      2. 1350577Domain d2pd6b_: 2pd6 B: [167139]
        automated match to d1q7ba_
        complexed with nad
      3. 1350578Domain d2pd6c_: 2pd6 C: [167140]
        automated match to d1q7ba_
        complexed with nad
      4. 1350579Domain d2pd6d_: 2pd6 D: [167141]
        automated match to d1q7ba_
        complexed with nad
    12. Domains for 2pla:
      1. 1350602Domain d2plaa1: 2pla A:4-195 [231158]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2plaa2
        automated match to d1wpqa1
        complexed with cl, nad, po4
      2. 1350603Domain d2plab1: 2pla B:4-195 [231160]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2plaa2
        automated match to d1wpqa1
        complexed with cl, nad, po4
    13. Domain for 2qq5:
    14. Domains for 2uyy:
      1. 1350598Domain d2uyya1: 2uyy A:262-429 [231290]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2uyya2, d2uyyb2, d2uyyc2, d2uyyd2
        automated match to d3ckyd1
        complexed with k, na7
      2. 1350599Domain d2uyyb1: 2uyy B:262-429 [231291]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2uyya2, d2uyyb2, d2uyyc2, d2uyyd2
        automated match to d3ckyd1
        complexed with k, na7
      3. 1350600Domain d2uyyc1: 2uyy C:262-429 [231292]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2uyya2, d2uyyb2, d2uyyc2, d2uyyd2
        automated match to d3ckyd1
        complexed with k, na7
      4. 1350601Domain d2uyyd1: 2uyy D:263-429 [231293]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2uyya2, d2uyyb2, d2uyyc2, d2uyyd2
        automated match to d3ckyd1
        complexed with k, na7
    15. Domains for 3dl2:
      1. 1350586Domain d3dl2a1: 3dl2 A:169-318 [209222]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3dl2a2, d3dl2b2
        automated match to d1ez4a1
        complexed with na, po4
      2. 1350587Domain d3dl2b1: 3dl2 B:169-318 [209224]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3dl2a2, d3dl2b2
        automated match to d1ez4a1
        complexed with na, po4
    16. Domains for 3o4r:
      1. 1350563Domain d3o4ra_: 3o4r A: [214157]
        automated match to d2p68b_
        complexed with edo, epe, gol, nap
      2. 1350564Domain d3o4rb_: 3o4r B: [214158]
        automated match to d2p68b_
        complexed with edo, epe, gol, nap
      3. 1350565Domain d3o4rc_: 3o4r C: [214159]
        automated match to d2p68b_
        complexed with edo, epe, gol, nap
      4. 1350566Domain d3o4rd_: 3o4r D: [214160]
        automated match to d2p68b_
        complexed with edo, epe, gol, nap
    17. Domains for 4ajp:
      1. 1350588Domain d4ajpa1: 4ajp A:1-159 [218997]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ajpa2, d4ajpb2, d4ajpc2, d4ajpd2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with 0sn, gol, so4
      2. 1350589Domain d4ajpb1: 4ajp B:1-159 [218999]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ajpa2, d4ajpb2, d4ajpc2, d4ajpd2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with 0sn, gol, so4
      3. 1350590Domain d4ajpc1: 4ajp C:1-159 [219001]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ajpa2, d4ajpb2, d4ajpc2, d4ajpd2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with 0sn, gol, so4
      4. 1350591Domain d4ajpd1: 4ajp D:1-159 [219003]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ajpa2, d4ajpb2, d4ajpc2, d4ajpd2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with 0sn, gol, so4
    18. Domains for 4b8w:
      1. 1350634Domain d4b8wa_: 4b8w A: [193375]
        automated match to d1bsva_
        complexed with gdp, nap
      2. 1350635Domain d4b8wb_: 4b8w B: [201581]
        automated match to d4b8wa_
        complexed with gdp, nap
    19. Domains for 4b8z:
      1. 1350644Domain d4b8za_: 4b8z A: [194049]
        automated match to d1bsva_
        complexed with gdp, nap
      2. 1350645Domain d4b8zb_: 4b8z B: [194047]
        automated match to d1bsva_
        complexed with gdp, nap
      3. 1350646Domain d4b8zc_: 4b8z C: [194048]
        automated match to d1bsva_
        complexed with gdp, nap
      4. 1350647Domain d4b8zd_: 4b8z D: [194050]
        automated match to d1bsva_
        complexed with gdp, nap
    20. Domains for 4bkp:
      1. 1350630Domain d4bkpa_: 4bkp A: [219501]
        automated match to d4b8wa_
        complexed with edo, flc, nap
      2. 1350631Domain d4bkpb_: 4bkp B: [219502]
        automated match to d4b8wa_
        complexed with edo, flc, nap
      3. 1350632Domain d4bkpc_: 4bkp C: [219503]
        automated match to d4b8wa_
        complexed with edo, flc, nap
      4. 1350633Domain d4bkpd_: 4bkp D: [219504]
        automated match to d4b8wa_
        complexed with edo, flc, nap
    21. Domains for 4e5y:
      1. 1350626Domain d4e5ya_: 4e5y A: [201800]
        automated match to d4e5yc_
        complexed with ndp
      2. 1350627Domain d4e5yb_: 4e5y B: [201801]
        automated match to d4e5yc_
        complexed with ndp
      3. 1350628Domain d4e5yc_: 4e5y C: [196826]
        automated match to d1bsva_
        complexed with ndp
      4. 1350629Domain d4e5yd_: 4e5y D: [201802]
        automated match to d4e5yc_
        complexed with ndp
    22. Domains for 4fc6:
      1. 1350580Domain d4fc6a_: 4fc6 A: [221109]
        automated match to d2rhcb_
        complexed with hxc, nap
      2. 1350581Domain d4fc6b_: 4fc6 B: [221110]
        automated match to d2rhcb_
        complexed with hxc, nap
      3. 1350582Domain d4fc6c_: 4fc6 C: [221111]
        automated match to d2rhcb_
        complexed with hxc, nap
      4. 1350583Domain d4fc6d_: 4fc6 D: [221112]
        automated match to d2rhcb_
        complexed with hxc, nap
    23. Domains for 4fc7:
      1. 1350567Domain d4fc7a_: 4fc7 A: [221113]
        automated match to d2rhcb_
        complexed with coa, nap
      2. 1350568Domain d4fc7b_: 4fc7 B: [221114]
        automated match to d2rhcb_
        complexed with coa, nap
      3. 1350569Domain d4fc7c_: 4fc7 C: [221115]
        automated match to d2rhcb_
        complexed with coa, nap
      4. 1350570Domain d4fc7d_: 4fc7 D: [221116]
        automated match to d2rhcb_
        complexed with coa, nap
    24. Domains for 4gll:
      1. 1350606Domain d4glla_: 4gll A: [221986]
        automated match to d2hunb_
        complexed with gai, nad, so4
      2. 1350607Domain d4gllb_: 4gll B: [221987]
        automated match to d2hunb_
        complexed with gai, nad, so4
    25. Domain for 4gwg:
    26. Domain for 4gwk:
    27. Domains for 4lk3:
      1. 1350616Domain d4lk3a_: 4lk3 A: [224688]
        automated match to d2hunb_
        complexed with nad, pop, so4, udp, uga
      2. 1350617Domain d4lk3b_: 4lk3 B: [224689]
        automated match to d2hunb_
        complexed with nad, pop, so4, udp, uga
      3. 1350618Domain d4lk3c_: 4lk3 C: [224690]
        automated match to d2hunb_
        complexed with nad, pop, so4, udp, uga
      4. 1350619Domain d4lk3d_: 4lk3 D: [224691]
        automated match to d2hunb_
        complexed with nad, pop, so4, udp, uga
      5. 1350620Domain d4lk3e_: 4lk3 E: [224692]
        automated match to d2hunb_
        complexed with nad, pop, so4, udp, uga
      6. 1350621Domain d4lk3f_: 4lk3 F: [224693]
        automated match to d2hunb_
        complexed with nad, pop, so4, udp, uga
    28. Domains for 4m55:
      1. 1350638Domain d4m55a_: 4m55 A: [224823]
        automated match to d2hunb_
        complexed with nad, pop, so4, udp
      2. 1350639Domain d4m55b_: 4m55 B: [224824]
        automated match to d2hunb_
        complexed with nad, pop, so4, udp
      3. 1350640Domain d4m55c_: 4m55 C: [224825]
        automated match to d2hunb_
        complexed with nad, pop, so4, udp
      4. 1350641Domain d4m55d_: 4m55 D: [224826]
        automated match to d2hunb_
        complexed with nad, pop, so4, udp
      5. 1350642Domain d4m55e_: 4m55 E: [235528]
        automated match to d4m55d_
        complexed with nad, pop, so4, udp
      6. 1350643Domain d4m55f_: 4m55 F: [224827]
        automated match to d2hunb_
        complexed with nad, pop, so4, udp
  75. 1350648Klebsiella pneumoniae [TaxId:573] [225753] (1 PDB entry)
  76. 1350651Lactococcus lactis [TaxId:1358] [225210] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2iyo:
    2. Domains for 2iyp:
      1. 1350659Domain d2iypa1: 2iyp A:1-177 [204894]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2iypa2, d2iypb2, d2iypc2
        automated match to d1pgja2
        complexed with 5rp, a2p, nap
      2. 1350660Domain d2iypb1: 2iyp B:0-177 [204896]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2iypa2, d2iypb2, d2iypc2
        automated match to d1pgja2
        complexed with 5rp, a2p, nap
      3. 1350661Domain d2iypc1: 2iyp C:2-177 [204898]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2iypa2, d2iypb2, d2iypc2
        automated match to d1pgja2
        complexed with 5rp, a2p, nap
    3. Domains for 2iz0:
      1. 1350655Domain d2iz0a1: 2iz0 A:1-177 [204900]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2iz0a2, d2iz0b2, d2iz0c2
        automated match to d1pgja2
        complexed with atr, cl, edo, gol, nap, p33, peg, res
      2. 1350656Domain d2iz0b1: 2iz0 B:-1-177 [204902]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2iz0a2, d2iz0b2, d2iz0c2
        automated match to d1pgja2
        complexed with atr, cl, edo, gol, nap, p33, peg, res
      3. 1350657Domain d2iz0c1: 2iz0 C:2-177 [204904]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2iz0a2, d2iz0b2, d2iz0c2
        automated match to d1pgja2
        complexed with atr, cl, edo, gol, nap, p33, peg, res
    4. Domains for 2iz1:
      1. 1350652Domain d2iz1a1: 2iz1 A:1-177 [204906]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2iz1a2, d2iz1b2, d2iz1c2
        automated match to d1pgja2
        complexed with atr, cl, p33, peg, res
      2. 1350653Domain d2iz1b1: 2iz1 B:-1-177 [204908]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2iz1a2, d2iz1b2, d2iz1c2
        automated match to d1pgja2
        complexed with atr, cl, p33, peg, res
      3. 1350654Domain d2iz1c1: 2iz1 C:2-177 [204910]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2iz1a2, d2iz1b2, d2iz1c2
        automated match to d1pgja2
        complexed with atr, cl, p33, peg, res
  77. 1350662Leishmania major [TaxId:347515] [226495] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4h7p:
      1. 1350663Domain d4h7pa1: 4h7p A:1-155 [222421]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4h7pa2, d4h7pb2
        automated match to d1civa1
        complexed with so4
      2. 1350664Domain d4h7pb1: 4h7p B:2-155 [222423]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4h7pa2, d4h7pb2
        automated match to d1civa1
        complexed with so4
    2. Domains for 4i1i:
      1. 1350665Domain d4i1ia1: 4i1i A:-1-155 [222853]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4i1ia2, d4i1ib2
        automated match to d1civa1
        complexed with edo, nad, po4
      2. 1350666Domain d4i1ib1: 4i1i B:2-155 [222855]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4i1ia2, d4i1ib2
        automated match to d1civa1
        complexed with edo, nad, po4
  78. 1350667Leishmania major [TaxId:5664] [226237] (1 PDB entry)
  79. 1350670Listeria monocytogenes [TaxId:169963] [226203] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3tnl:
      1. 1350671Domain d3tnla2: 3tnl A:113-291 [216885]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3tnla1, d3tnlb1, d3tnlc1, d3tnld1
        automated match to d1vi2b1
        complexed with cl, nad, skm
      2. 1350672Domain d3tnlb2: 3tnl B:113-291 [216887]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3tnla1, d3tnlb1, d3tnlc1, d3tnld1
        automated match to d1vi2b1
        complexed with cl, nad, skm
      3. 1350673Domain d3tnlc2: 3tnl C:113-291 [216889]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3tnla1, d3tnlb1, d3tnlc1, d3tnld1
        automated match to d1vi2b1
        complexed with cl, nad, skm
      4. 1350674Domain d3tnld2: 3tnl D:113-291 [216891]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3tnla1, d3tnlb1, d3tnlc1, d3tnld1
        automated match to d1vi2b1
        complexed with cl, nad, skm
    2. Domains for 3toz:
      1. 1350679Domain d3toza2: 3toz A:113-291 [216929]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3toza1, d3tozb1, d3tozc1, d3tozd1, d3toze1, d3tozf1, d3tozg1, d3tozh1
        automated match to d1vi2b1
        complexed with cl, nad, so4
      2. 1350680Domain d3tozb2: 3toz B:113-291 [216931]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3toza1, d3tozb1, d3tozc1, d3tozd1, d3toze1, d3tozf1, d3tozg1, d3tozh1
        automated match to d1vi2b1
        complexed with cl, nad, so4
      3. 1350681Domain d3tozc2: 3toz C:113-291 [216933]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3toza1, d3tozb1, d3tozc1, d3tozd1, d3toze1, d3tozf1, d3tozg1, d3tozh1
        automated match to d1vi2b1
        complexed with cl, nad, so4
      4. 1350682Domain d3tozd2: 3toz D:113-291 [216935]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3toza1, d3tozb1, d3tozc1, d3tozd1, d3toze1, d3tozf1, d3tozg1, d3tozh1
        automated match to d1vi2b1
        complexed with cl, nad, so4
      5. 1350683Domain d3toze2: 3toz E:113-291 [216937]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3toza1, d3tozb1, d3tozc1, d3tozd1, d3toze1, d3tozf1, d3tozg1, d3tozh1
        automated match to d1vi2b1
        complexed with cl, nad, so4
      6. 1350684Domain d3tozf2: 3toz F:113-291 [216939]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3toza1, d3tozb1, d3tozc1, d3tozd1, d3toze1, d3tozf1, d3tozg1, d3tozh1
        automated match to d1vi2b1
        complexed with cl, nad, so4
      7. 1350685Domain d3tozg2: 3toz G:113-291 [216941]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3toza1, d3tozb1, d3tozc1, d3tozd1, d3toze1, d3tozf1, d3tozg1, d3tozh1
        automated match to d1vi2b1
        complexed with cl, nad, so4
      8. 1350686Domain d3tozh2: 3toz H:113-291 [216943]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3toza1, d3tozb1, d3tozc1, d3tozd1, d3toze1, d3tozf1, d3tozg1, d3tozh1
        automated match to d1vi2b1
        complexed with cl, nad, so4
    3. Domains for 4jro:
      1. 1350675Domain d4jroa_: 4jro A: [223969]
        automated match to d2c07a1
        complexed with nap
      2. 1350676Domain d4jrob_: 4jro B: [223970]
        automated match to d2c07a1
        complexed with nap
      3. 1350677Domain d4jroc_: 4jro C: [223971]
        automated match to d2c07a1
        complexed with nap
      4. 1350678Domain d4jrod_: 4jro D: [223972]
        automated match to d2c07a1
        complexed with nap
  80. 1350687Mayapple (Podophyllum peltatum) [TaxId:35933] [186973] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 2bgk:
    2. Domain for 2bgl:
    3. Domain for 2bgm:
  81. 1350691Medicago sativa [TaxId:3879] [231113] (1 PDB entry)
  82. 1350693Mesorhizobium loti [TaxId:381] [189923] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3ndr:
      1. 1350702Domain d3ndra_: 3ndr A: [182174]
        automated match to d2ew8a1
        complexed with nad
      2. 1350703Domain d3ndrb_: 3ndr B: [182175]
        automated match to d2ew8a1
        complexed with nad
      3. 1350704Domain d3ndrc_: 3ndr C: [182176]
        automated match to d2ew8a1
        complexed with nad
      4. 1350705Domain d3ndrd_: 3ndr D: [182177]
        automated match to d2ew8a1
        complexed with nad
    2. Domains for 3nug:
      1. 1350698Domain d3nuga_: 3nug A: [182558]
        automated match to d2ew8a1
        complexed with acy, nad
      2. 1350699Domain d3nugb_: 3nug B: [182559]
        automated match to d2ew8a1
        complexed with acy, nad
      3. 1350700Domain d3nugc_: 3nug C: [182560]
        automated match to d2ew8a1
        complexed with acy, nad
      4. 1350701Domain d3nugd_: 3nug D: [182561]
        automated match to d2ew8a1
        complexed with acy, nad
    3. Domains for 3rwb:
      1. 1350694Domain d3rwba_: 3rwb A: [191988]
        automated match to d3nuga_
        complexed with 4pl, gol, nad
      2. 1350695Domain d3rwbb_: 3rwb B: [191989]
        automated match to d3nuga_
        complexed with 4pl, gol, nad
      3. 1350696Domain d3rwbc_: 3rwb C: [191990]
        automated match to d3nuga_
        complexed with 4pl, gol, nad
      4. 1350697Domain d3rwbd_: 3rwb D: [191991]
        automated match to d3nuga_
        complexed with 4pl, gol, nad
  83. 1350706Methanothermobacter marburgensis [TaxId:79929] [235006] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4jjf:
      1. 1350707Domain d4jjfa1: 4jjf A:1-244 [235007]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4jjfa2, d4jjfb2
        automated match to d2b0ja2
        complexed with fe9, n2i
      2. 1350708Domain d4jjfb1: 4jjf B:1-244 [235010]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4jjfa2, d4jjfb2
        automated match to d2b0ja2
        complexed with fe9, n2i
    2. Domains for 4jjg:
      1. 1350709Domain d4jjga1: 4jjg A:1-244 [235012]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4jjga2, d4jjgb2
        automated match to d2b0ja2
        complexed with fe9, ic9
      2. 1350710Domain d4jjgb1: 4jjg B:1-244 [235013]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4jjga2, d4jjgb2
        automated match to d2b0ja2
        complexed with fe9, ic9
  84. 1350711Mycobacterium abscessus [TaxId:561007] [189986] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3rih:
      1. 1350712Domain d3riha_: 3rih A: [215834]
        automated match to d3s55a_
        complexed with edo, k, pg5
      2. 1350713Domain d3rihb_: 3rih B: [215835]
        automated match to d3s55a_
        complexed with edo, k, pg5
      3. 1350714Domain d3rihc_: 3rih C: [215836]
        automated match to d3s55a_
        complexed with edo, k, pg5
      4. 1350715Domain d3rihd_: 3rih D: [215837]
        automated match to d3s55a_
        complexed with edo, k, pg5
    2. Domains for 3s55:
      1. 1350716Domain d3s55a_: 3s55 A: [185278]
        automated match to d1i01a_
        complexed with ca, nad
      2. 1350717Domain d3s55b_: 3s55 B: [185279]
        automated match to d1i01a_
        complexed with ca, nad
      3. 1350718Domain d3s55c_: 3s55 C: [185280]
        automated match to d1i01a_
        complexed with ca, nad
      4. 1350719Domain d3s55d_: 3s55 D: [185281]
        automated match to d1i01a_
        complexed with ca, nad
      5. 1350720Domain d3s55e_: 3s55 E: [185282]
        automated match to d1i01a_
        complexed with ca, nad
      6. 1350721Domain d3s55f_: 3s55 F: [185283]
        automated match to d1i01a_
        complexed with ca, nad
      7. 1350722Domain d3s55g_: 3s55 G: [185284]
        automated match to d1i01a_
        complexed with ca, nad
      8. 1350723Domain d3s55h_: 3s55 H: [185285]
        automated match to d1i01a_
        complexed with ca, nad
  85. 1350724Mycobacterium avium [TaxId:1770] [189537] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3pgx:
      1. 1350725Domain d3pgxa_: 3pgx A: [183723]
        automated match to d1iy8a_
        complexed with nad
      2. 1350726Domain d3pgxb_: 3pgx B: [183724]
        automated match to d1iy8a_
        complexed with nad
      3. 1350727Domain d3pgxc_: 3pgx C: [183725]
        automated match to d1iy8a_
        complexed with nad
      4. 1350728Domain d3pgxd_: 3pgx D: [183726]
        automated match to d1iy8a_
        complexed with nad
    2. Domains for 3tsc:
      1. 1350729Domain d3tsca_: 3tsc A: [185930]
        automated match to d1g6ka_
        complexed with mpd, nad
      2. 1350730Domain d3tscb_: 3tsc B: [185931]
        automated match to d1g6ka_
        complexed with mpd, nad
      3. 1350731Domain d3tscc_: 3tsc C: [185932]
        automated match to d1g6ka_
        complexed with mpd, nad
      4. 1350732Domain d3tscd_: 3tsc D: [185933]
        automated match to d1g6ka_
        complexed with mpd, nad
  86. 1350733Mycobacterium avium [TaxId:243243] [189589] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3pxx:
      1. 1350742Domain d3pxxa_: 3pxx A: [184072]
        automated match to d1dohb_
        complexed with nad
      2. 1350743Domain d3pxxb_: 3pxx B: [184073]
        automated match to d1dohb_
        complexed with nad
      3. 1350744Domain d3pxxc_: 3pxx C: [184074]
        automated match to d1dohb_
        complexed with nad
      4. 1350745Domain d3pxxd_: 3pxx D: [184075]
        automated match to d1dohb_
        complexed with nad
      5. 1350746Domain d3pxxe_: 3pxx E: [184076]
        automated match to d1dohb_
        complexed with nad
      6. 1350747Domain d3pxxf_: 3pxx F: [191809]
        automated match to d3pxxa_
        complexed with nad
    2. Domains for 3t7c:
      1. 1350738Domain d3t7ca_: 3t7c A: [216697]
        automated match to d3uwrd_
        complexed with nad
      2. 1350739Domain d3t7cb_: 3t7c B: [216698]
        automated match to d3uwrd_
        complexed with nad
      3. 1350740Domain d3t7cc_: 3t7c C: [216699]
        automated match to d3uwrd_
        complexed with nad
      4. 1350741Domain d3t7cd_: 3t7c D: [216700]
        automated match to d3uwrd_
        complexed with nad
    3. Domains for 3uve:
      1. 1350734Domain d3uvea_: 3uve A: [186416]
        automated match to d1iy8a_
        complexed with edo, nad, pg4
      2. 1350735Domain d3uveb_: 3uve B: [186417]
        automated match to d1iy8a_
        complexed with edo, nad, pg4
      3. 1350736Domain d3uvec_: 3uve C: [186418]
        automated match to d1iy8a_
        complexed with edo, nad, pg4
      4. 1350737Domain d3uved_: 3uve D: [186419]
        automated match to d1iy8a_
        complexed with edo, nad, pg4
    4. Domains for 3uwr:
      1. 1350748Domain d3uwra_: 3uwr A: [195857]
        automated match to d3uvea_
        complexed with nad, so4
      2. 1350749Domain d3uwrb_: 3uwr B: [195856]
        automated match to d3uvea_
        complexed with nad, so4
      3. 1350750Domain d3uwrc_: 3uwr C: [195855]
        automated match to d3uvea_
        complexed with nad, so4
      4. 1350751Domain d3uwrd_: 3uwr D: [195854]
        automated match to d3uvea_
        complexed with nad, so4
  87. 1350752Mycobacterium avium [TaxId:262316] [196266] (1 PDB entry)
  88. 1350761Mycobacterium marinum [TaxId:216594] [189743] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3r1i:
      1. 1350762Domain d3r1ia_: 3r1i A: [215529]
        automated match to d3pk0a_
        complexed with edo, mg
      2. 1350763Domain d3r1ib_: 3r1i B: [215530]
        automated match to d3pk0a_
        complexed with edo, mg
    2. Domains for 3tzq:
      1. 1350764Domain d3tzqa_: 3tzq A: [186032]
        automated match to d2ew8a1
        complexed with edo, gol, peg
      2. 1350765Domain d3tzqb_: 3tzq B: [186033]
        automated match to d2ew8a1
        complexed with edo, gol, peg
      3. 1350766Domain d3tzqc_: 3tzq C: [186034]
        automated match to d2ew8a1
        complexed with edo, gol, peg
      4. 1350767Domain d3tzqd_: 3tzq D: [186035]
        automated match to d2ew8a1
        complexed with edo, gol, peg
      5. 1350768Domain d3tzqe_: 3tzq E: [200906]
        automated match to d3tzqa_
        complexed with edo, gol, peg
      6. 1350769Domain d3tzqf_: 3tzq F: [186036]
        automated match to d2ew8a1
        complexed with edo, gol, peg
      7. 1350770Domain d3tzqg_: 3tzq G: [186037]
        automated match to d2ew8a1
        complexed with edo, gol, peg
      8. 1350771Domain d3tzqh_: 3tzq H: [186038]
        automated match to d2ew8a1
        complexed with edo, gol, peg
  89. 1350772Mycobacterium smegmatis [TaxId:246196] [189539] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3o38:
      1. 1350778Domain d3o38a_: 3o38 A: [199987]
        automated match to d3o38d_
        complexed with na
      2. 1350779Domain d3o38b_: 3o38 B: [199988]
        automated match to d3o38d_
        complexed with na
      3. 1350780Domain d3o38c_: 3o38 C: [199989]
        automated match to d3o38d_
        complexed with na
      4. 1350781Domain d3o38d_: 3o38 D: [196430]
        automated match to d2uvdd_
        complexed with na
    2. Domains for 3pk0:
      1. 1350773Domain d3pk0a_: 3pk0 A: [183805]
        automated match to d2c07a1
        complexed with ca, cl, gol, peg
      2. 1350774Domain d3pk0b_: 3pk0 B: [183806]
        automated match to d2c07a1
        complexed with ca, cl, gol, peg
      3. 1350775Domain d3pk0c_: 3pk0 C: [183807]
        automated match to d2c07a1
        complexed with ca, cl, gol, peg
      4. 1350776Domain d3pk0d_: 3pk0 D: [183808]
        automated match to d2c07a1
        complexed with ca, cl, gol, peg
    3. Domain for 3ucx:
    4. Domains for 4egf:
      1. 1350782Domain d4egfa_: 4egf A: [220498]
        automated match to d3pk0b_
      2. 1350783Domain d4egfb_: 4egf B: [220499]
        automated match to d3pk0b_
      3. 1350784Domain d4egfc_: 4egf C: [220500]
        automated match to d3pk0b_
      4. 1350785Domain d4egfd_: 4egf D: [220501]
        automated match to d3pk0b_
      5. 1350786Domain d4egfe_: 4egf E: [220502]
        automated match to d3pk0b_
      6. 1350787Domain d4egff_: 4egf F: [220503]
        automated match to d3pk0b_
      7. 1350788Domain d4egfg_: 4egf G: [220504]
        automated match to d3pk0b_
      8. 1350789Domain d4egfh_: 4egf H: [220505]
        automated match to d3pk0b_
  90. 1350790Mycobacterium tuberculosis [TaxId:1773] [186788] (1 PDB entry)
  91. 1350792Mycobacterium tuberculosis [TaxId:83332] [186789] (5 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 1uzm:
    2. Domains for 1uzn:
      1. 1350794Domain d1uzna_: 1uzn A: [119813]
        automated match to d1q7ba_
        complexed with cs, nap
      2. 1350795Domain d1uznb_: 1uzn B: [119814]
        automated match to d1q7ba_
        complexed with cs, nap
    3. Domains for 2c2x:
      1. 1350796Domain d2c2xa2: 2c2x A:122-281 [203710]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c2xa1, d2c2xb1
        automated match to d1a4ia1
      2. 1350797Domain d2c2xb2: 2c2x B:122-281 [203712]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2c2xa1, d2c2xb1
        automated match to d1a4ia1
    4. Domain for 2c2y:
    5. Domains for 2ntn:
      1. 1350798Domain d2ntna_: 2ntn A: [205174]
        automated match to d2rhcb_
      2. 1350799Domain d2ntnb_: 2ntn B: [205175]
        automated match to d2rhcb_
  92. 1350801Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) [TaxId:10116] [226329] (12 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4aj1:
      1. 1350826Domain d4aj1a1: 4aj1 A:1-159 [218908]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4aj1a2, d4aj1b2, d4aj1c2, d4aj1d2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with aj1, gol, mli, oxm
      2. 1350827Domain d4aj1b1: 4aj1 B:2-159 [218910]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4aj1a2, d4aj1b2, d4aj1c2, d4aj1d2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with aj1, gol, mli, oxm
      3. 1350828Domain d4aj1c1: 4aj1 C:2-159 [218912]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4aj1a2, d4aj1b2, d4aj1c2, d4aj1d2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with aj1, gol, mli, oxm
      4. 1350829Domain d4aj1d1: 4aj1 D:2-159 [218914]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4aj1a2, d4aj1b2, d4aj1c2, d4aj1d2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with aj1, gol, mli, oxm
    2. Domains for 4aj2:
      1. 1350810Domain d4aj2a1: 4aj2 A:2-159 [218916]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4aj2a2, d4aj2b2, d4aj2c2, d4aj2d2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with 52c, gol, mli
      2. 1350811Domain d4aj2b1: 4aj2 B:2-159 [218918]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4aj2a2, d4aj2b2, d4aj2c2, d4aj2d2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with 52c, gol, mli
      3. 1350812Domain d4aj2c1: 4aj2 C:2-159 [218920]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4aj2a2, d4aj2b2, d4aj2c2, d4aj2d2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with 52c, gol, mli
      4. 1350813Domain d4aj2d1: 4aj2 D:2-159 [218922]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4aj2a2, d4aj2b2, d4aj2c2, d4aj2d2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with 52c, gol, mli
    3. Domains for 4aj4:
      1. 1350838Domain d4aj4a1: 4aj4 A:1-159 [218924]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4aj4a2, d4aj4b2, d4aj4c2, d4aj4d2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with mli, vab
      2. 1350839Domain d4aj4b1: 4aj4 B:2-159 [218926]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4aj4a2, d4aj4b2, d4aj4c2, d4aj4d2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with mli, vab
      3. 1350840Domain d4aj4c1: 4aj4 C:2-159 [218928]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4aj4a2, d4aj4b2, d4aj4c2, d4aj4d2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with mli, vab
      4. 1350841Domain d4aj4d1: 4aj4 D:2-159 [218930]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4aj4a2, d4aj4b2, d4aj4c2, d4aj4d2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with mli, vab
    4. Domains for 4aje:
      1. 1350846Domain d4ajea1: 4aje A:2-159 [218933]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ajea2, d4ajeb2, d4ajec2, d4ajed2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with 2b4, gol, mli
      2. 1350847Domain d4ajeb1: 4aje B:2-159 [218935]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ajea2, d4ajeb2, d4ajec2, d4ajed2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with 2b4, gol, mli
      3. 1350848Domain d4ajec1: 4aje C:2-159 [218937]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ajea2, d4ajeb2, d4ajec2, d4ajed2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with 2b4, gol, mli
      4. 1350849Domain d4ajed1: 4aje D:2-159 [218939]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ajea2, d4ajeb2, d4ajec2, d4ajed2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with 2b4, gol, mli
    5. Domains for 4ajh:
      1. 1350818Domain d4ajha1: 4ajh A:1-159 [218941]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ajha2, d4ajhb2, d4ajhc2, d4ajhd2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with 2b4, 88s, gol, mli
      2. 1350819Domain d4ajhb1: 4ajh B:1-159 [218943]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ajha2, d4ajhb2, d4ajhc2, d4ajhd2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with 2b4, 88s, gol, mli
      3. 1350820Domain d4ajhc1: 4ajh C:1-159 [218945]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ajha2, d4ajhb2, d4ajhc2, d4ajhd2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with 2b4, 88s, gol, mli
      4. 1350821Domain d4ajhd1: 4ajh D:2-159 [218947]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ajha2, d4ajhb2, d4ajhc2, d4ajhd2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with 2b4, 88s, gol, mli
    6. Domains for 4aji:
      1. 1350830Domain d4ajia1: 4aji A:2-159 [218949]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ajia2, d4ajib2, d4ajic2, d4ajid2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with 88r
      2. 1350831Domain d4ajib1: 4aji B:2-159 [218951]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ajia2, d4ajib2, d4ajic2, d4ajid2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with 88r
      3. 1350832Domain d4ajic1: 4aji C:1-159 [218953]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ajia2, d4ajib2, d4ajic2, d4ajid2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with 88r
      4. 1350833Domain d4ajid1: 4aji D:2-159 [218955]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ajia2, d4ajib2, d4ajic2, d4ajid2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with 88r
    7. Domains for 4ajj:
      1. 1350802Domain d4ajja1: 4ajj A:2-159 [218957]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ajja2, d4ajjb2, d4ajjc2, d4ajjd2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with 88r, 88s, dms, gol, mli
      2. 1350803Domain d4ajjb1: 4ajj B:2-159 [218959]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ajja2, d4ajjb2, d4ajjc2, d4ajjd2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with 88r, 88s, dms, gol, mli
      3. 1350804Domain d4ajjc1: 4ajj C:1-159 [218961]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ajja2, d4ajjb2, d4ajjc2, d4ajjd2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with 88r, 88s, dms, gol, mli
      4. 1350805Domain d4ajjd1: 4ajj D:1-159 [218963]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ajja2, d4ajjb2, d4ajjc2, d4ajjd2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with 88r, 88s, dms, gol, mli
    8. Domains for 4ajk:
      1. 1350834Domain d4ajka1: 4ajk A:1-159 [218965]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ajka2, d4ajkb2, d4ajkc2, d4ajkd2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with 88s, gol, mli
      2. 1350835Domain d4ajkb1: 4ajk B:2-159 [218967]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ajka2, d4ajkb2, d4ajkc2, d4ajkd2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with 88s, gol, mli
      3. 1350836Domain d4ajkc1: 4ajk C:1-159 [218969]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ajka2, d4ajkb2, d4ajkc2, d4ajkd2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with 88s, gol, mli
      4. 1350837Domain d4ajkd1: 4ajk D:1-159 [218971]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ajka2, d4ajkb2, d4ajkc2, d4ajkd2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with 88s, gol, mli
    9. Domains for 4ajl:
      1. 1350806Domain d4ajla1: 4ajl A:2-159 [218973]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ajla2, d4ajlb2, d4ajlc2, d4ajld2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with 88w, dms, gol, mli
      2. 1350807Domain d4ajlb1: 4ajl B:2-159 [218975]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ajla2, d4ajlb2, d4ajlc2, d4ajld2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with 88w, dms, gol, mli
      3. 1350808Domain d4ajlc1: 4ajl C:1-159 [218977]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ajla2, d4ajlb2, d4ajlc2, d4ajld2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with 88w, dms, gol, mli
      4. 1350809Domain d4ajld1: 4ajl D:1-159 [218979]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ajla2, d4ajlb2, d4ajlc2, d4ajld2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with 88w, dms, gol, mli
    10. Domains for 4ajn:
      1. 1350842Domain d4ajna1: 4ajn A:2-159 [218981]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ajna2, d4ajnb2, d4ajnc2, d4ajnd2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with 88v, gol
      2. 1350843Domain d4ajnb1: 4ajn B:2-159 [218983]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ajna2, d4ajnb2, d4ajnc2, d4ajnd2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with 88v, gol
      3. 1350844Domain d4ajnc1: 4ajn C:2-159 [218985]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ajna2, d4ajnb2, d4ajnc2, d4ajnd2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with 88v, gol
      4. 1350845Domain d4ajnd1: 4ajn D:2-159 [218987]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ajna2, d4ajnb2, d4ajnc2, d4ajnd2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with 88v, gol
    11. Domains for 4ajo:
      1. 1350822Domain d4ajoa1: 4ajo A:2-159 [218989]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ajoa2, d4ajob2, d4ajoc2, d4ajod2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with 88n, dms, gol
      2. 1350823Domain d4ajob1: 4ajo B:2-159 [218991]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ajoa2, d4ajob2, d4ajoc2, d4ajod2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with 88n, dms, gol
      3. 1350824Domain d4ajoc1: 4ajo C:1-159 [218993]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ajoa2, d4ajob2, d4ajoc2, d4ajod2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with 88n, dms, gol
      4. 1350825Domain d4ajod1: 4ajo D:1-159 [218995]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4ajoa2, d4ajob2, d4ajoc2, d4ajod2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with 88n, dms, gol
    12. Domains for 4al4:
      1. 1350814Domain d4al4a1: 4al4 A:2-159 [219020]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4al4a2, d4al4b2, d4al4c2, d4al4d2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with gol, w7e
      2. 1350815Domain d4al4b1: 4al4 B:2-159 [219022]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4al4a2, d4al4b2, d4al4c2, d4al4d2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with gol, w7e
      3. 1350816Domain d4al4c1: 4al4 C:1-159 [219024]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4al4a2, d4al4b2, d4al4c2, d4al4d2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with gol, w7e
      4. 1350817Domain d4al4d1: 4al4 D:1-159 [219026]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4al4a2, d4al4b2, d4al4c2, d4al4d2
        automated match to d9ldta1
        complexed with gol, w7e
  93. 1350850Ocimum basilicum [TaxId:39350] [188465] (7 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2qw8:
      1. 1350853Domain d2qw8a_: 2qw8 A: [167845]
        automated match to d1qyca_
        complexed with nap, no3, peg
      2. 1350854Domain d2qw8b_: 2qw8 B: [167846]
        automated match to d1qyca_
        complexed with nap, no3, peg
    2. Domains for 2qx7:
      1. 1350857Domain d2qx7a_: 2qx7 A: [167851]
        automated match to d1qyca_
        complexed with nap
      2. 1350858Domain d2qx7b_: 2qx7 B: [167852]
        automated match to d1qyca_
        complexed with nap
    3. Domains for 2qys:
      1. 1350859Domain d2qysa_: 2qys A: [167886]
        automated match to d1qyca_
      2. 1350860Domain d2qysb_: 2qys B: [167887]
        automated match to d1qyca_
    4. Domains for 2qzz:
      1. 1350855Domain d2qzza_: 2qzz A: [167899]
        automated match to d1qyca_
        complexed with emf, nap
      2. 1350856Domain d2qzzb_: 2qzz B: [167900]
        automated match to d1qyca_
        complexed with emf, nap
    5. Domains for 2r2g:
      1. 1350861Domain d2r2ga_: 2r2g A: [167936]
        automated match to d1qyca_
        complexed with emf, nap
      2. 1350862Domain d2r2gb_: 2r2g B: [167937]
        automated match to d1qyca_
        complexed with emf, nap
    6. Domains for 2r6j:
      1. 1350851Domain d2r6ja_: 2r6j A: [167995]
        automated match to d1qyca_
        complexed with ndp
      2. 1350852Domain d2r6jb_: 2r6j B: [167996]
        automated match to d1qyca_
        complexed with ndp
    7. Domains for 3c3x:
      1. 1350863Domain d3c3xa_: 3c3x A: [173028]
        automated match to d1qyca_
        complexed with nap
      2. 1350864Domain d3c3xb_: 3c3x B: [173029]
        automated match to d1qyca_
        complexed with nap
  94. 1350865Oenococcus oeni [TaxId:203123] [225800] (1 PDB entry)
  95. 1350868Oryza sativa [TaxId:39947] [225643] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3fr7:
      1. 1350869Domain d3fr7a1: 3fr7 A:86-307 [210066]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3fr7a2, d3fr7b2
        automated match to d1qmga2
        complexed with mg
      2. 1350870Domain d3fr7b1: 3fr7 B:1086-1307 [210068]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3fr7a2, d3fr7b2
        automated match to d1qmga2
        complexed with mg
    2. Domains for 3fr8:
      1. 1350871Domain d3fr8a1: 3fr8 A:81-307 [210070]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3fr8a2, d3fr8b2
        automated match to d1qmga2
        complexed with mg, ndp, pe4, peg, so4
      2. 1350872Domain d3fr8b1: 3fr8 B:77-307 [210072]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3fr8a2, d3fr8b2
        automated match to d1qmga2
        complexed with mg, ndp, pe4, peg, so4
  96. 1350873Papaver somniferum [TaxId:3469] [189571] (1 PDB entry)
  97. 1350875Peptoniphilus asaccharolyticus [TaxId:1258] [226259] (1 PDB entry)
  98. 1350878Pig (Sus scrofa) [TaxId:9823] [225450] (1 PDB entry)
  99. 1350883Plasmodium falciparum [TaxId:36329] [225359] (1 PDB entry)
  100. 1350889Plesiocystis pacifica [TaxId:391625] [229449] (1 PDB entry)
  101. 1350894Polaromonas sp. [TaxId:296591] [226304] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4dll:
      1. 1350899Domain d4dlla1: 4dll A:29-190 [219849]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4dlla2, d4dllb2
        automated match to d1vpda2
        complexed with so4
      2. 1350900Domain d4dllb1: 4dll B:32-190 [219851]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4dlla2, d4dllb2
        automated match to d1vpda2
        complexed with so4
    2. Domains for 4iqg:
      1. 1350895Domain d4iqga_: 4iqg A: [223320]
        automated match to d2c07a1
        complexed with fmt, gol, nap, peg
      2. 1350896Domain d4iqgb_: 4iqg B: [223321]
        automated match to d2c07a1
        complexed with fmt, gol, nap, peg
      3. 1350897Domain d4iqgc_: 4iqg C: [223322]
        automated match to d2c07a1
        complexed with fmt, gol, nap, peg
      4. 1350898Domain d4iqgd_: 4iqg D: [223323]
        automated match to d2c07a1
        complexed with fmt, gol, nap, peg
  102. 1350901Porphyromonas gingivalis [TaxId:431947] [225576] (1 PDB entry)
  103. 1350904Pseudomonas aeruginosa [TaxId:208964] [196452] (24 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3lf1:
      1. 1350925Domain d3lf1a_: 3lf1 A: [199728]
        automated match to d3lf1b_
        complexed with cl, mn
      2. 1350926Domain d3lf1b_: 3lf1 B: [196453]
        automated match to d3ai2a_
        complexed with cl, mn
    2. Domains for 3lf2:
      1. 1350921Domain d3lf2a_: 3lf2 A: [212862]
        automated match to d3lf1b_
        complexed with cl, gol, nap, so4
      2. 1350922Domain d3lf2b_: 3lf2 B: [212863]
        automated match to d3lf1b_
        complexed with cl, gol, nap, so4
      3. 1350923Domain d3lf2c_: 3lf2 C: [212864]
        automated match to d3lf1b_
        complexed with cl, gol, nap, so4
      4. 1350924Domain d3lf2d_: 3lf2 D: [212865]
        automated match to d3lf1b_
        complexed with cl, gol, nap, so4
    3. Domains for 4a5o:
      1. 1350927Domain d4a5oa2: 4a5o A:123-284 [218656]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4a5oa1, d4a5ob1, d4a5oc1, d4a5od1
        automated match to d1b0aa1
        complexed with gol, peg
      2. 1350928Domain d4a5ob2: 4a5o B:123-284 [218658]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4a5oa1, d4a5ob1, d4a5oc1, d4a5od1
        automated match to d1b0aa1
        complexed with gol, peg
      3. 1350929Domain d4a5oc2: 4a5o C:123-284 [218660]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4a5oa1, d4a5ob1, d4a5oc1, d4a5od1
        automated match to d1b0aa1
        complexed with gol, peg
      4. 1350930Domain d4a5od2: 4a5o D:123-283 [218662]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4a5oa1, d4a5ob1, d4a5oc1, d4a5od1
        automated match to d1b0aa1
        complexed with gol, peg
    4. Domains for 4afn:
      1. 1350939Domain d4afna_: 4afn A: [227442]
        automated match to d1fmca_
        complexed with 1pe
      2. 1350940Domain d4afnb_: 4afn B: [234063]
        automated match to d4afnd_
        complexed with 1pe
      3. 1350941Domain d4afnc_: 4afn C: [234064]
        automated match to d4afna_
      4. 1350942Domain d4afnd_: 4afn D: [227441]
        automated match to d1fmca_
        complexed with 1pe
    5. Domains for 4ag3:
      1. 1350905Domain d4ag3a_: 4ag3 A: [234067]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with 1pe, ndp
      2. 1350906Domain d4ag3b_: 4ag3 B: [234066]
        automated match to d4afnd_
        complexed with 1pe, ndp
      3. 1350907Domain d4ag3c_: 4ag3 C: [234065]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with 1pe, ndp
      4. 1350908Domain d4ag3d_: 4ag3 D: [234068]
        automated match to d4afnd_
        complexed with 1pe, ndp
    6. Domains for 4avy:
      1. 1350913Domain d4avya_: 4avy A: [219175]
        automated match to d1cyda_
      2. 1350914Domain d4avyb_: 4avy B: [219176]
        automated match to d1cyda_
    7. Domains for 4b79:
      1. 1350915Domain d4b79a_: 4b79 A: [219350]
        automated match to d1cyda_
        complexed with nad
      2. 1350916Domain d4b79b_: 4b79 B: [219351]
        automated match to d1cyda_
        complexed with nad
    8. Domains for 4bnt:
      1. 1350947Domain d4bnta_: 4bnt A: [234208]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with 36e
      2. 1350948Domain d4bntb_: 4bnt B: [234210]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with 36e
      3. 1350949Domain d4bntc_: 4bnt C: [234211]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with 36e
      4. 1350950Domain d4bntd_: 4bnt D: [234207]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with 36e
    9. Domains for 4bnu:
      1. 1350931Domain d4bnua_: 4bnu A: [234206]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with 9kq
      2. 1350932Domain d4bnub_: 4bnu B: [234209]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with 9kq
      3. 1350933Domain d4bnuc_: 4bnu C: [234213]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with 9kq
      4. 1350934Domain d4bnud_: 4bnu D: [234219]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with 9kq
    10. Domains for 4bnv:
      1. 1350959Domain d4bnva_: 4bnv A: [234218]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with q7u
      2. 1350960Domain d4bnvb_: 4bnv B: [234214]
        automated match to d4afnd_
        complexed with q7u
      3. 1350961Domain d4bnvc_: 4bnv C: [234212]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with q7u
      4. 1350962Domain d4bnvd_: 4bnv D: [234217]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with q7u
    11. Domains for 4bnw:
      1. 1350909Domain d4bnwa_: 4bnw A: [234223]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with peg, pg4, pge
      2. 1350910Domain d4bnwb_: 4bnw B: [234215]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with peg, pg4, pge
      3. 1350911Domain d4bnwc_: 4bnw C: [234216]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with peg, pg4, pge
      4. 1350912Domain d4bnwd_: 4bnw D: [234228]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with peg, pg4, pge
    12. Domains for 4bnx:
      1. 1350951Domain d4bnxa_: 4bnx A: [234229]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with o74
      2. 1350952Domain d4bnxb_: 4bnx B: [234220]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with o74
      3. 1350953Domain d4bnxc_: 4bnx C: [234222]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with o74
      4. 1350954Domain d4bnxd_: 4bnx D: [234221]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with o74
    13. Domains for 4bny:
      1. 1350917Domain d4bnya_: 4bny A: [234224]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with 36i
      2. 1350918Domain d4bnyb_: 4bny B: [234225]
        automated match to d4afnd_
        complexed with 36i
      3. 1350919Domain d4bnyc_: 4bny C: [234226]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with 36i
      4. 1350920Domain d4bnyd_: 4bny D: [234227]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with 36i
    14. Domains for 4bnz:
      1. 1350955Domain d4bnza_: 4bnz A: [234231]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with 8m5
      2. 1350956Domain d4bnzb_: 4bnz B: [234232]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with 8m5
      3. 1350957Domain d4bnzc_: 4bnz C: [234233]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with 8m5
      4. 1350958Domain d4bnzd_: 4bnz D: [234234]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with 8m5
    15. Domains for 4bo0:
      1. 1350983Domain d4bo0a_: 4bo0 A: [234235]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with fxe, ni
      2. 1350984Domain d4bo0b_: 4bo0 B: [234230]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with fxe, ni
      3. 1350985Domain d4bo0c_: 4bo0 C: [234236]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with fxe, ni
      4. 1350986Domain d4bo0d_: 4bo0 D: [234238]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with fxe, ni
    16. Domains for 4bo1:
      1. 1350943Domain d4bo1a_: 4bo1 A: [234237]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with nkh
      2. 1350944Domain d4bo1b_: 4bo1 B: [234241]
        automated match to d4afnd_
        complexed with nkh
      3. 1350945Domain d4bo1c_: 4bo1 C: [234239]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with nkh
      4. 1350946Domain d4bo1d_: 4bo1 D: [234242]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with nkh
    17. Domains for 4bo2:
      1. 1350935Domain d4bo2a_: 4bo2 A: [234243]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with 36k
      2. 1350936Domain d4bo2b_: 4bo2 B: [234240]
        automated match to d4afnd_
        complexed with 36k
      3. 1350937Domain d4bo2c_: 4bo2 C: [234244]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with 36k
      4. 1350938Domain d4bo2d_: 4bo2 D: [234246]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with 36k
    18. Domains for 4bo3:
      1. 1350971Domain d4bo3a_: 4bo3 A: [234248]
        automated match to d4afnd_
        complexed with ni, u98
      2. 1350972Domain d4bo3b_: 4bo3 B: [234245]
        automated match to d4afnd_
        complexed with ni, u98
      3. 1350973Domain d4bo3c_: 4bo3 C: [234247]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with ni, u98
      4. 1350974Domain d4bo3d_: 4bo3 D: [234252]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with ni, u98
    19. Domains for 4bo4:
      1. 1350975Domain d4bo4a_: 4bo4 A: [234257]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with 36g
      2. 1350976Domain d4bo4b_: 4bo4 B: [234256]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with 36g
      3. 1350977Domain d4bo4c_: 4bo4 C: [234258]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with 36g
      4. 1350978Domain d4bo4d_: 4bo4 D: [234249]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with 36g
    20. Domains for 4bo5:
      1. 1350967Domain d4bo5a_: 4bo5 A: [234251]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with ni, wi4
      2. 1350968Domain d4bo5b_: 4bo5 B: [234250]
        automated match to d4afnd_
        complexed with ni, wi4
      3. 1350969Domain d4bo5c_: 4bo5 C: [234261]
        automated match to d4afnd_
        complexed with ni, wi4
      4. 1350970Domain d4bo5d_: 4bo5 D: [234263]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with ni, wi4
    21. Domains for 4bo6:
      1. 1350979Domain d4bo6a_: 4bo6 A: [234253]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with 36p
      2. 1350980Domain d4bo6b_: 4bo6 B: [234254]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with 36p
      3. 1350981Domain d4bo6c_: 4bo6 C: [234255]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with 36p
      4. 1350982Domain d4bo6d_: 4bo6 D: [234259]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with 36p
    22. Domains for 4bo7:
      1. 1350963Domain d4bo7a_: 4bo7 A: [234272]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with j2t
      2. 1350964Domain d4bo7b_: 4bo7 B: [234270]
        automated match to d4afnd_
        complexed with j2t
      3. 1350965Domain d4bo7c_: 4bo7 C: [234271]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with j2t
      4. 1350966Domain d4bo7d_: 4bo7 D: [234273]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with j2t
    23. Domains for 4bo8:
      1. 1350987Domain d4bo8a_: 4bo8 A: [234262]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with 34x, so4
      2. 1350988Domain d4bo8b_: 4bo8 B: [234260]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with 34x, so4
      3. 1350989Domain d4bo8c_: 4bo8 C: [234269]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with 34x, so4
      4. 1350990Domain d4bo8d_: 4bo8 D: [234264]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with 34x, so4
    24. Domains for 4bo9:
      1. 1350991Domain d4bo9a_: 4bo9 A: [234266]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with 3x3
      2. 1350992Domain d4bo9b_: 4bo9 B: [234265]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with 3x3
      3. 1350993Domain d4bo9c_: 4bo9 C: [234268]
        automated match to d4afnd_
        complexed with 3x3
      4. 1350994Domain d4bo9d_: 4bo9 D: [234267]
        automated match to d4afna_
        complexed with 3x3
  104. 1350995Pseudomonas aeruginosa [TaxId:287] [193870] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2b4q:
      1. 1351000Domain d2b4qa_: 2b4q A: [203549]
        automated match to d2rhcb_
        complexed with nap
      2. 1351001Domain d2b4qb_: 2b4q B: [203550]
        automated match to d2rhcb_
        complexed with nap
    2. Domains for 2nwq:
      1. 1350996Domain d2nwqa_: 2nwq A: [198186]
        automated match to d2nwqd_
        complexed with so4
      2. 1350997Domain d2nwqb_: 2nwq B: [198187]
        automated match to d2nwqd_
        complexed with so4
      3. 1350998Domain d2nwqc_: 2nwq C: [198188]
        automated match to d2nwqd_
        complexed with so4
      4. 1350999Domain d2nwqd_: 2nwq D: [193871]
        automated match to d2ehda_
        complexed with so4
  105. 1351002Pseudomonas putida [TaxId:303] [226209] (1 PDB entry)
  106. 1351004Pseudomonas syringae [TaxId:264730] [225625] (1 PDB entry)
  107. 1351009Pseudomonas syringae [TaxId:323] [188999] (1 PDB entry)
  108. 1351012Pyrobaculum calidifontis [TaxId:181486] [195975] (1 PDB entry)
  109. 1351016Pyrobaculum calidifontis [TaxId:410359] [189396] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 3icp:
    2. Domain for 3ko8:
    3. Domain for 3w6u:
  110. 1351020Pyrococcus horikoshii [TaxId:70601] [187049] (1 PDB entry)
  111. 1351023Ralstonia eutropha [TaxId:381666] [229715] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4n5l:
      1. 1351026Domain d4n5la_: 4n5l A: [235738]
        automated match to d4n5ma_
      2. 1351027Domain d4n5lb_: 4n5l B: [235739]
        automated match to d4n5ma_
    2. Domains for 4n5m:
      1. 1351024Domain d4n5ma_: 4n5m A: [229716]
        automated match to d1fmca_
        complexed with caa, gol
      2. 1351025Domain d4n5mb_: 4n5m B: [235740]
        automated match to d4n5ma_
        complexed with caa, gol
    3. Domains for 4n5n:
      1. 1351028Domain d4n5na_: 4n5n A: [235742]
        automated match to d4n5ma_
        complexed with nap
      2. 1351029Domain d4n5nb_: 4n5n B: [235741]
        automated match to d4n5ma_
        complexed with nap
  112. 1351030Ralstonia sp. [TaxId:517192] [197315] (6 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4bmn:
      1. 1351031Domain d4bmna_: 4bmn A: [237760]
        automated match to d3enna_
        complexed with edo, tam
      2. 1351032Domain d4bmnb_: 4bmn B: [237758]
        automated match to d3enna_
        complexed with edo, tam
      3. 1351033Domain d4bmnc_: 4bmn C: [237757]
        automated match to d3enna_
        complexed with edo, tam
      4. 1351034Domain d4bmnd_: 4bmn D: [237759]
        automated match to d3enna_
        complexed with edo, tam
    2. Domains for 4bms:
      1. 1351067Domain d4bmsa_: 4bms A: [237764]
        automated match to d3enna_
        complexed with nap
      2. 1351068Domain d4bmsb_: 4bms B: [237765]
        automated match to d3enna_
        complexed with nap
      3. 1351069Domain d4bmsc_: 4bms C: [237766]
        automated match to d3enna_
        complexed with nap
      4. 1351070Domain d4bmse_: 4bms E: [237767]
        automated match to d3enna_
        complexed with nap
    3. Domains for 4i5d:
      1. 1351043Domain d4i5da_: 4i5d A: [222935]
        automated match to d4i5ea_
        complexed with so4
      2. 1351044Domain d4i5db_: 4i5d B: [222936]
        automated match to d4i5ea_
        complexed with so4
      3. 1351045Domain d4i5dc_: 4i5d C: [222937]
        automated match to d4i5ea_
        complexed with so4
      4. 1351046Domain d4i5dd_: 4i5d D: [222938]
        automated match to d4i5ea_
        complexed with so4
      5. 1351047Domain d4i5de_: 4i5d E: [222939]
        automated match to d4i5ea_
        complexed with so4
      6. 1351048Domain d4i5df_: 4i5d F: [222940]
        automated match to d4i5ea_
        complexed with so4
      7. 1351049Domain d4i5dg_: 4i5d G: [222941]
        automated match to d4i5ea_
        complexed with so4
      8. 1351050Domain d4i5dh_: 4i5d H: [222942]
        automated match to d4i5ea_
        complexed with so4
    4. Domains for 4i5e:
      1. 1351059Domain d4i5ea_: 4i5e A: [197316]
        automated match to d3vc7a_
        complexed with gol, nap
      2. 1351060Domain d4i5eb_: 4i5e B: [202554]
        automated match to d4i5ea_
        complexed with gol, nap
      3. 1351061Domain d4i5ec_: 4i5e C: [202555]
        automated match to d4i5ea_
        complexed with gol, nap
      4. 1351062Domain d4i5ed_: 4i5e D: [202556]
        automated match to d4i5ea_
        complexed with gol, nap
      5. 1351063Domain d4i5ee_: 4i5e E: [202557]
        automated match to d4i5ea_
        complexed with gol, nap
      6. 1351064Domain d4i5ef_: 4i5e F: [202558]
        automated match to d4i5ea_
        complexed with gol, nap
      7. 1351065Domain d4i5eg_: 4i5e G: [202559]
        automated match to d4i5ea_
        complexed with gol, nap
      8. 1351066Domain d4i5eh_: 4i5e H: [202560]
        automated match to d4i5ea_
        complexed with gol, nap
    5. Domains for 4i5f:
      1. 1351035Domain d4i5fa_: 4i5f A: [202561]
        automated match to d4i5fb_
      2. 1351036Domain d4i5fb_: 4i5f B: [197317]
        automated match to d3vc7a_
      3. 1351037Domain d4i5fc_: 4i5f C: [202562]
        automated match to d4i5fb_
      4. 1351038Domain d4i5fd_: 4i5f D: [202563]
        automated match to d4i5fb_
      5. 1351039Domain d4i5fe_: 4i5f E: [202564]
        automated match to d4i5fb_
      6. 1351040Domain d4i5ff_: 4i5f F: [202565]
        automated match to d4i5fb_
      7. 1351041Domain d4i5fg_: 4i5f G: [202566]
        automated match to d4i5fb_
      8. 1351042Domain d4i5fh_: 4i5f H: [202567]
        automated match to d4i5fb_
    6. Domains for 4i5g:
      1. 1351051Domain d4i5ga_: 4i5g A: [202568]
        automated match to d4i5gb_
      2. 1351052Domain d4i5gb_: 4i5g B: [197318]
        automated match to d3vc7a_
      3. 1351053Domain d4i5gc_: 4i5g C: [202569]
        automated match to d4i5gb_
      4. 1351054Domain d4i5gd_: 4i5g D: [202570]
        automated match to d4i5gb_
      5. 1351055Domain d4i5ge_: 4i5g E: [202571]
        automated match to d4i5gb_
      6. 1351056Domain d4i5gf_: 4i5g F: [202572]
        automated match to d4i5gb_
      7. 1351057Domain d4i5gg_: 4i5g G: [202573]
        automated match to d4i5gb_
      8. 1351058Domain d4i5gh_: 4i5g H: [202574]
        automated match to d4i5gb_
  113. 1351071Rhizobium etli [TaxId:347834] [226316] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 4dqx:
      1. 1351078Domain d4dqxa_: 4dqx A: [219958]
        automated match to d2c07a1
      2. 1351079Domain d4dqxb_: 4dqx B: [219959]
        automated match to d2c07a1
      3. 1351080Domain d4dqxc_: 4dqx C: [219960]
        automated match to d2c07a1
      4. 1351081Domain d4dqxd_: 4dqx D: [219961]
        automated match to d2c07a1
    2. Domains for 4e3z:
      1. 1351076Domain d4e3za_: 4e3z A: [220246]
        automated match to d2c07a1
      2. 1351077Domain d4e3zb_: 4e3z B: [220247]
        automated match to d2c07a1
    3. Domains for 4fgs:
      1. 1351072Domain d4fgsa_: 4fgs A: [221209]
        automated match to d1g6ka_
        complexed with so4
      2. 1351073Domain d4fgsb_: 4fgs B: [221210]
        automated match to d1g6ka_
        complexed with so4
      3. 1351074Domain d4fgsc_: 4fgs C: [221211]
        automated match to d1g6ka_
        complexed with so4
      4. 1351075Domain d4fgsd_: 4fgs D: [221212]
        automated match to d1g6ka_
        complexed with so4
  114. 1351082Rhizobium meliloti (Sinorhizobium meliloti) [TaxId:382] [226212] (3 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 3tpc:
      1. 1351091Domain d3tpca_: 3tpc A: [216947]
        automated match to d3ay6a_
      2. 1351092Domain d3tpcb_: 3tpc B: [216948]
        automated match to d3ay6a_
      3. 1351093Domain d3tpcc_: 3tpc C: [216949]
        automated match to d3ay6a_
      4. 1351094Domain d3tpcd_: 3tpc D: [216950]
        automated match to d3ay6a_
      5. 1351095Domain d3tpce_: 3tpc E: [216951]
        automated match to d3ay6a_
      6. 1351096Domain d3tpcf_: 3tpc F: [216952]
        automated match to d3ay6a_
      7. 1351097Domain d3tpcg_: 3tpc G: [216953]
        automated match to d3ay6a_
      8. 1351098Domain d3tpch_: 3tpc H: [216954]
        automated match to d3ay6a_
    2. Domains for 3u5t:
      1. 1351087Domain d3u5ta_: 3u5t A: [217201]
        automated match to d1ybva_
      2. 1351088Domain d3u5tb_: 3u5t B: [217202]
        automated match to d1ybva_
      3. 1351089Domain d3u5tc_: 3u5t C: [217203]
        automated match to d1ybva_
      4. 1351090Domain d3u5td_: 3u5t D: [217204]
        automated match to d1ybva_
    3. Domains for 3un1:
      1. 1351083Domain d3un1a_: 3un1 A: [217455]
        automated match to d2c07a1
        complexed with po4
      2. 1351084Domain d3un1b_: 3un1 B: [217456]
        automated match to d2c07a1
        complexed with po4
      3. 1351085Domain d3un1c_: 3un1 C: [217457]
        automated match to d2c07a1
        complexed with po4
      4. 1351086Domain d3un1d_: 3un1 D: [217458]
        automated match to d2c07a1
        complexed with po4
  115. 1351099Rhodobacter sphaeroides [TaxId:1063] [189314] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 2wdz:
      1. 1351104Domain d2wdza_: 2wdz A: [169259]
        automated match to d1vl8b_
        complexed with 1sp, mg, nad
      2. 1351105Domain d2wdzb_: 2wdz B: [169260]
        automated match to d1vl8b_
        complexed with 1sp, mg, nad
      3. 1351106Domain d2wdzc_: 2wdz C: [169261]
        automated match to d1vl8b_
        complexed with 1sp, mg, nad
      4. 1351107Domain d2wdzd_: 2wdz D: [169262]
        automated match to d1vl8b_
        complexed with 1sp, mg, nad
    2. Domains for 3lqf:
      1. 1351100Domain d3lqfa_: 3lqf A: [180508]
        automated match to d1vl8b_
        complexed with mg, mry, nad
      2. 1351101Domain d3lqfb_: 3lqf B: [180509]
        automated match to d1vl8b_
        complexed with mg, mry, nad
      3. 1351102Domain d3lqfc_: 3lqf C: [180510]
        automated match to d1vl8b_
        complexed with mg, mry, nad
      4. 1351103Domain d3lqfd_: 3lqf D: [180511]
        automated match to d1vl8b_
        complexed with mg, mry, nad
  116. 1351108Rhodopseudomonas palustris [TaxId:1076] [225667] (1 PDB entry)
  117. 1351113Rickettsia felis [TaxId:315456] [193153] (1 PDB entry)
  118. 1351116Rickettsia prowazekii [TaxId:782] [188682] (1 PDB entry)
  119. 1351119Saccharomyces cerevisiae [TaxId:559292] [232746] (2 PDB entries)
    1. Domain for 3kzv:
    2. Domain for 4fgw:
  120. 1351122Salinibacter ruber [TaxId:309807] [225984] (1 PDB entry)
  121. 1351124Salmonella enterica [TaxId:550537] [194806] (1 PDB entry)
  122. 1351129Salmonella enterica [TaxId:99287] [189011] (1 PDB entry)
  123. 1351132Salmonella typhi [TaxId:601] [196606] (1 PDB entry)
  124. 1351134Salmonella typhimurium [TaxId:602] [232219] (1 PDB entry)
  125. 1351136Salmonella typhimurium [TaxId:99287] [230409] (1 PDB entry)