Lineage for Protein: automated matches

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.01
  2. 1054197Class e: Multi-domain proteins (alpha and beta) [56572] (66 folds)
  3. 1055124Fold e.5: Heme-dependent catalase-like [56633] (1 superfamily)
    contains an (8,10) beta-barrel and an all-alpha domain
  4. 1055125Superfamily e.5.1: Heme-dependent catalase-like [56634] (2 families) (S)
  5. 1055126Family e.5.1.1: Heme-dependent catalases [56635] (3 proteins)
  6. 1055271Protein automated matches [190051] (3 species)
    not a true protein


  1. 1055272Cow (Bos taurus) [TaxId:9913] [186772] (4 PDB entries)
    1. Domains for 1tgu:
      1. 1055277Domain d1tgua_: 1tgu A: [119243]
        automated match to d1qqwb_
        complexed with hem
      2. 1055278Domain d1tgub_: 1tgu B: [119244]
        automated match to d1qqwb_
        complexed with hem
      3. 1055279Domain d1tguc_: 1tgu C: [119245]
        automated match to d1qqwb_
        complexed with hem
      4. 1055280Domain d1tgud_: 1tgu D: [119246]
        automated match to d1qqwb_
        complexed with hem
    2. Domains for 1th2:
      1. 1055281Domain d1th2a_: 1th2 A: [119251]
        automated match to d1qqwb_
        complexed with azi, hem
      2. 1055282Domain d1th2b_: 1th2 B: [119252]
        automated match to d1qqwb_
        complexed with azi, hem
      3. 1055283Domain d1th2c_: 1th2 C: [119253]
        automated match to d1qqwb_
        complexed with azi, hem
      4. 1055284Domain d1th2d_: 1th2 D: [119254]
        automated match to d1qqwb_
        complexed with azi, hem
    3. Domains for 1th3:
      1. 1055273Domain d1th3a_: 1th3 A: [119255]
        automated match to d1qqwb_
        complexed with cyn, hem
      2. 1055274Domain d1th3b_: 1th3 B: [119256]
        automated match to d1qqwb_
        complexed with cyn, hem
      3. 1055275Domain d1th3c_: 1th3 C: [119257]
        automated match to d1qqwb_
        complexed with cyn, hem
      4. 1055276Domain d1th3d_: 1th3 D: [119258]
        automated match to d1qqwb_
        complexed with cyn, hem
    4. Domains for 1th4:
      1. 1055285Domain d1th4a_: 1th4 A: [119259]
        automated match to d1qqwb_
        complexed with 3tr, hem
      2. 1055286Domain d1th4b_: 1th4 B: [119260]
        automated match to d1qqwb_
        complexed with 3tr, hem
      3. 1055287Domain d1th4c_: 1th4 C: [119261]
        automated match to d1qqwb_
        complexed with 3tr, hem
      4. 1055288Domain d1th4d_: 1th4 D: [119262]
        automated match to d1qqwb_
        complexed with 3tr, hem
  2. 1055289Pichia angusta [TaxId:4905] [190000] (1 PDB entry)
  3. 1055306Vibrio salmonicida [TaxId:316275] [187875] (1 PDB entry)

More info for Protein automated matches from e.5.1.1: Heme-dependent catalases

Timeline for Protein automated matches from e.5.1.1: Heme-dependent catalases: