Lineage for Species: Thermoplasma acidophilum [TaxId: 273075]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2826024Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds)
  3. 2826025Fold c.1: TIM beta/alpha-barrel [51350] (34 superfamilies)
    contains parallel beta-sheet barrel, closed; n=8, S=8; strand order 12345678
    the first seven superfamilies have similar phosphate-binding sites
  4. 2834402Superfamily c.1.10: Aldolase [51569] (9 families) (S)
    Common fold covers whole protein structure
  5. 2834403Family c.1.10.1: Class I aldolase [51570] (13 proteins)
    the catalytic lysine forms schiff-base intermediate with substrate
    possible link between the aldolase superfamily and the phosphate-binding beta/alpha barrels
  6. 2834988Protein automated matches [190095] (28 species)
    not a true protein
  7. 2835294Species Thermoplasma acidophilum [TaxId:273075] [189712] (12 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Thermoplasma acidophilum [TaxId: 273075]:

  1. Domain(s) for 3s0c:
    1. 2835330Domain d3s0ca_: 3s0c A: [185239]
      automated match to d1vpxe_
      complexed with gol
    2. 2835331Domain d3s0cb_: 3s0c B: [200575]
      automated match to d3s0ce_
      complexed with gol
    3. 2835332Domain d3s0cc_: 3s0c C: [200576]
      automated match to d3s0ce_
      complexed with gol
    4. 2835333Domain d3s0cd_: 3s0c D: [185240]
      automated match to d1vpxe_
      complexed with gol
    5. 2835334Domain d3s0ce_: 3s0c E: [185241]
      automated match to d1vpxe_
      complexed with gol
  2. Domain(s) for 3s1u:
    1. 2835350Domain d3s1ua_: 3s1u A: [200577]
      automated match to d3s0ca_
      complexed with cl, e4p
    2. 2835351Domain d3s1ub_: 3s1u B: [200578]
      automated match to d3s0ca_
      complexed with cl, e4p
    3. 2835352Domain d3s1uc_: 3s1u C: [200579]
      automated match to d3s0ce_
      complexed with cl, e4p
    4. 2835353Domain d3s1ud_: 3s1u D: [200580]
      automated match to d3s0ce_
      complexed with cl, e4p
    5. 2835354Domain d3s1ue_: 3s1u E: [193657]
      automated match to d3s0cd_
      complexed with cl, e4p
  3. Domain(s) for 3s1v:
    1. 2835340Domain d3s1va_: 3s1v A: [216171]
      automated match to d3s0ce_
      complexed with f6r, gol
    2. 2835341Domain d3s1vb_: 3s1v B: [216172]
      automated match to d3s0ce_
      complexed with f6r, gol
    3. 2835342Domain d3s1vc_: 3s1v C: [216173]
      automated match to d3s0ce_
      complexed with f6r, gol
    4. 2835343Domain d3s1vd_: 3s1v D: [216174]
      automated match to d3s0ce_
      complexed with f6r, gol
    5. 2835344Domain d3s1ve_: 3s1v E: [216175]
      automated match to d3s0ce_
      complexed with f6r, gol
  4. Domain(s) for 3s1w:
    1. 2835335Domain d3s1wa_: 3s1w A: [185247]
      automated match to d1vpxe_
      complexed with flc, gol
    2. 2835336Domain d3s1wb_: 3s1w B: [185248]
      automated match to d1vpxe_
      complexed with flc, gol
    3. 2835337Domain d3s1wc_: 3s1w C: [185249]
      automated match to d1vpxe_
      complexed with flc, gol
    4. 2835338Domain d3s1wd_: 3s1w D: [185250]
      automated match to d1vpxe_
      complexed with flc, gol
    5. 2835339Domain d3s1we_: 3s1w E: [185251]
      automated match to d1vpxe_
      complexed with flc, gol
  5. Domain(s) for 3s1x:
    1. 2835320Domain d3s1xa_: 3s1x A: [216176]
      automated match to d3s0ce_
      complexed with i22
    2. 2835321Domain d3s1xb_: 3s1x B: [216177]
      automated match to d3s0ce_
      complexed with i22
    3. 2835322Domain d3s1xc_: 3s1x C: [216178]
      automated match to d3s0ce_
      complexed with i22
    4. 2835323Domain d3s1xd_: 3s1x D: [216179]
      automated match to d3s0ce_
      complexed with i22
    5. 2835324Domain d3s1xe_: 3s1x E: [216180]
      automated match to d3s0ce_
      complexed with i22
  6. Domain(s) for 4xz9:
    1. 2835345Domain d4xz9a_: 4xz9 A: [277656]
      automated match to d3s1xa_
      complexed with act, g3p, gol, pdo
    2. 2835346Domain d4xz9b_: 4xz9 B: [277659]
      automated match to d3s1xa_
      complexed with act, g3p, gol, pdo
    3. 2835347Domain d4xz9c_: 4xz9 C: [277657]
      automated match to d3s1xa_
      complexed with act, g3p, gol, pdo
    4. 2835348Domain d4xz9d_: 4xz9 D: [277658]
      automated match to d3s1xa_
      complexed with act, g3p, gol, pdo
    5. 2835349Domain d4xz9e_: 4xz9 E: [277660]
      automated match to d3s1xa_
      complexed with act, g3p, gol, pdo
  7. Domain(s) for 6yr3:
    1. 2835295Domain d6yr3a_: 6yr3 A: [404186]
      automated match to d3s1xa_
      complexed with act, f6r, gol
    2. 2835296Domain d6yr3b_: 6yr3 B: [404369]
      automated match to d3s1xa_
      complexed with act, f6r, gol
    3. 2835297Domain d6yr3c_: 6yr3 C: [404242]
      automated match to d3s1xa_
      complexed with act, f6r, gol
    4. 2835298Domain d6yr3d_: 6yr3 D: [404214]
      automated match to d3s1xa_
      complexed with act, f6r, gol
    5. 2835299Domain d6yr3e_: 6yr3 E: [404155]
      automated match to d3s1xa_
      complexed with act, f6r, gol
  8. Domain(s) for 6yre:
    1. 2835325Domain d6yrea_: 6yre A: [404224]
      automated match to d3s1xa_
      complexed with act, gol
    2. 2835326Domain d6yreb_: 6yre B: [404250]
      automated match to d3s1xa_
      complexed with act, gol
    3. 2835327Domain d6yrec_: 6yre C: [404212]
      automated match to d3s1xa_
      complexed with act, gol
    4. 2835328Domain d6yred_: 6yre D: [404210]
      automated match to d3s1xa_
      complexed with act, gol
    5. 2835329Domain d6yree_: 6yre E: [404198]
      automated match to d3s1xa_
      complexed with act, gol
  9. Domain(s) for 6yrh:
    1. 2835315Domain d6yrha_: 6yrh A: [404248]
      automated match to d3s1xa_
      complexed with act, f6r, gol
    2. 2835316Domain d6yrhb_: 6yrh B: [404368]
      automated match to d3s1xa_
      complexed with act, f6r, gol
    3. 2835317Domain d6yrhc_: 6yrh C: [404295]
      automated match to d3s1xa_
      complexed with act, f6r, gol
    4. 2835318Domain d6yrhd_: 6yrh D: [404230]
      automated match to d3s1xa_
      complexed with act, f6r, gol
    5. 2835319Domain d6yrhe_: 6yrh E: [404204]
      automated match to d3s1xa_
      complexed with act, f6r, gol
  10. Domain(s) for 6yrm:
    1. 2835310Domain d6yrma_: 6yrm A: [404346]
      automated match to d3s1xa_
      complexed with act, f6r, gol
    2. 2835311Domain d6yrmb_: 6yrm B: [404249]
      automated match to d3s1xa_
      complexed with act, f6r, gol
    3. 2835312Domain d6yrmc_: 6yrm C: [404236]
      automated match to d3s1xa_
      complexed with act, f6r, gol
    4. 2835313Domain d6yrmd_: 6yrm D: [404245]
      automated match to d3s1xa_
      complexed with act, f6r, gol
    5. 2835314Domain d6yrme_: 6yrm E: [404233]
      automated match to d3s1xa_
      complexed with act, f6r, gol
  11. Domain(s) for 6yrt:
    1. 2835300Domain d6yrta_: 6yrt A: [404266]
      automated match to d3s1xa_
      complexed with act, f6r, gol
    2. 2835301Domain d6yrtb_: 6yrt B: [404203]
      automated match to d3s1xa_
      complexed with act, f6r, gol
    3. 2835302Domain d6yrtc_: 6yrt C: [404185]
      automated match to d3s1xa_
      complexed with act, f6r, gol
    4. 2835303Domain d6yrtd_: 6yrt D: [404178]
      automated match to d3s1xa_
      complexed with act, f6r, gol
    5. 2835304Domain d6yrte_: 6yrt E: [404182]
      automated match to d3s1xa_
      complexed with act, f6r, gol
  12. Domain(s) for 6ys0:
    1. 2835305Domain d6ys0a_: 6ys0 A: [404215]
      automated match to d3s1xa_
      complexed with act, f6r, gol
    2. 2835306Domain d6ys0b_: 6ys0 B: [404187]
      automated match to d3s1xa_
      complexed with act, f6r, gol
    3. 2835307Domain d6ys0c_: 6ys0 C: [404322]
      automated match to d3s1xa_
      complexed with act, f6r, gol
    4. 2835308Domain d6ys0d_: 6ys0 D: [404271]
      automated match to d3s1xa_
      complexed with act, f6r, gol
    5. 2835309Domain d6ys0e_: 6ys0 E: [404264]
      automated match to d3s1xa_
      complexed with act, f6r, gol

More info for Species Thermoplasma acidophilum [TaxId:273075] from c.1.10.1 automated matches

Timeline for Species Thermoplasma acidophilum [TaxId:273075] from c.1.10.1 automated matches: