Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (174 folds) |
Fold b.34: SH3-like barrel [50036] (21 superfamilies) barrel, partly opened; n*=4, S*=8; meander the last strand is interrupted by a turn of 3-10 helix |
Superfamily b.34.4: Electron transport accessory proteins [50090] (5 families) |
Family b.34.4.0: automated matches [191659] (1 protein) not a true family |
Protein automated matches [191237] (1 species) not a true protein |
Species Pseudomonas putida [TaxId:303] [189678] (5 PDB entries) |
Domain d3qxeb_: 3qxe B: [184679] automated match to d1ugpb_ complexed with 3co, gol |
Domain d3qxed_: 3qxe D: [184680] automated match to d1ugpb_ complexed with 3co, gol |
Domain d3qxef_: 3qxe F: [184681] automated match to d1ugpb_ complexed with 3co, gol |
Domain d3qxeh_: 3qxe H: [184682] automated match to d1ugpb_ complexed with 3co, gol |
Domain d3qygb_: 3qyg B: [184695] automated match to d1ireb_ complexed with 3co, gol |
Domain d3qygd_: 3qyg D: [184696] automated match to d1ireb_ complexed with 3co, gol |
Domain d3qygf_: 3qyg F: [184697] automated match to d1ireb_ complexed with 3co, gol |
Domain d3qygh_: 3qyg H: [184698] automated match to d1ireb_ complexed with 3co, gol |
Domain d3qyhb_: 3qyh B: [184699] automated match to d1ugpb_ complexed with 3co |
Domain d3qyhd_: 3qyh D: [184700] automated match to d1ugpb_ complexed with 3co |
Domain d3qyhf_: 3qyh F: [184701] automated match to d1ugpb_ complexed with 3co |
Domain d3qyhh_: 3qyh H: [184702] automated match to d1ugpb_ complexed with 3co |
Domain d3qz5b_: 3qz5 B: [184712] automated match to d1ugpb_ complexed with 3co, gol |
Domain d3qz5d_: 3qz5 D: [184713] automated match to d1ugpb_ complexed with 3co, gol |
Domain d3qz5f_: 3qz5 F: [184714] automated match to d1ugpb_ complexed with 3co, gol |
Domain d3qz5h_: 3qz5 H: [184715] automated match to d1ugpb_ complexed with 3co, gol |
Domain d3qz9b_: 3qz9 B: [184717] automated match to d1ireb_ complexed with 3co, gol |
Domain d3qz9d_: 3qz9 D: [184718] automated match to d1ireb_ complexed with 3co, gol |
Domain d3qz9f_: 3qz9 F: [184719] automated match to d1ireb_ complexed with 3co, gol |
Domain d3qz9h_: 3qz9 H: [184720] automated match to d1ireb_ complexed with 3co, gol |
Timeline for Species Pseudomonas putida [TaxId:303] from b.34.4.0 automated matches: