Lineage for Species: Rauvolfia serpentina [TaxId: 4060]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2826024Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds)
  3. 2899459Fold c.69: alpha/beta-Hydrolases [53473] (1 superfamily)
    core: 3 layers, a/b/a; mixed beta-sheet of 8 strands, order 12435678, strand 2 is antiparallel to the rest
  4. 2899460Superfamily c.69.1: alpha/beta-Hydrolases [53474] (43 families) (S)
    many members have left-handed crossover connection between strand 8 and additional strand 9
  5. 2901127Family c.69.1.20: Hydroxynitrile lyase-like [53585] (3 proteins)
    automatically mapped to Pfam PF12697
  6. 2901196Protein automated matches [191073] (1 species)
    not a true protein
  7. 2901197Species Rauvolfia serpentina [TaxId:4060] [188982] (3 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Rauvolfia serpentina [TaxId: 4060]:

  1. Domain(s) for 2wfl:
    1. 2901203Domain d2wfla_: 2wfl A: [169309]
      automated match to d1y7ha_
      complexed with so4
    2. 2901204Domain d2wflb_: 2wfl B: [169310]
      automated match to d1y7ha_
      complexed with so4
  2. Domain(s) for 2wfm:
    1. 2901198Domain d2wfma_: 2wfm A: [169311]
      automated match to d1y7he_
    2. 2901199Domain d2wfmb_: 2wfm B: [169312]
      automated match to d1y7he_
    3. 2901200Domain d2wfmc_: 2wfm C: [169313]
      automated match to d1y7he_
    4. 2901201Domain d2wfmd_: 2wfm D: [169314]
      automated match to d1y7he_
    5. 2901202Domain d2wfme_: 2wfm E: [169315]
      automated match to d1y7he_
  3. Domain(s) for 3gzj:
    1. 2901205Domain d3gzja_: 3gzj A: [177106]
      automated match to d1y7ha_
      complexed with evs
    2. 2901206Domain d3gzjb_: 3gzj B: [177107]
      automated match to d1y7ha_
      complexed with evs
    3. 2901207Domain d3gzjc_: 3gzj C: [177108]
      automated match to d1y7ha_
      complexed with evs
    4. 2901208Domain d3gzjd_: 3gzj D: [177109]
      automated match to d1y7ha_
      complexed with evs
    5. 2901209Domain d3gzje_: 3gzj E: [177110]
      automated match to d1y7ha_
      complexed with evs

More info for Species Rauvolfia serpentina [TaxId:4060] from c.69.1.20 automated matches

Timeline for Species Rauvolfia serpentina [TaxId:4060] from c.69.1.20 automated matches: