Lineage for Species: Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.07
  2. 2626587Class f: Membrane and cell surface proteins and peptides [56835] (60 folds)
  3. 2626588Fold f.1: Toxins' membrane translocation domains [56836] (5 superfamilies)
    multi-helical domains of various folds which is thought to unfold in the membrane
  4. 2626682Superfamily f.1.4: Bcl-2 inhibitors of programmed cell death [56854] (2 families) (S)
    PROVISIONAL CLASSIFICATION, based on structural similarity to the diphtheria toxin domain
  5. 2626683Family f.1.4.1: Bcl-2 inhibitors of programmed cell death [56855] (11 proteins)
    Pfam PF00452
  6. 2626883Protein automated matches [190236] (3 species)
    not a true protein
  7. 2626884Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [188722] (88 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606]:

  1. Domain(s) for 2kbw:
  2. Domain(s) for 2m03:
  3. Domain(s) for 2mhs:
  4. Domain(s) for 2w3l:
    1. 2626991Domain d2w3la_: 2w3l A: [169043]
      automated match to d1gjha_
      complexed with dro
    2. 2626992Domain d2w3lb_: 2w3l B: [169044]
      automated match to d1gjha_
      complexed with dro
  5. Domain(s) for 2y6w:
    1. 2626896Domain d2y6wa_: 2y6w A: [207489]
      automated match to d1zy3a1
      complexed with peg, pge
    2. 2626897Domain d2y6wb_: 2y6w B: [207490]
      automated match to d1zy3a1
      complexed with peg, pge
  6. Domain(s) for 2yj1:
    1. 2626917Domain d2yj1a1: 2yj1 A:1-202 [170824]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2yj1a2
      automated match to d1g5ja_
    2. 2626918Domain d2yj1c_: 2yj1 C: [170825]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2yj1a2
      automated match to d1g5ja_
  7. Domain(s) for 3fdl:
  8. Domain(s) for 3fdm:
    1. 2627007Domain d3fdma1: 3fdm A:1-198 [175711]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3fdma2, d3fdmb2
      automated match to d1g5ja_
      complexed with edo
    2. 2627008Domain d3fdmb1: 3fdm B:1-197 [175712]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3fdma2, d3fdmb2
      automated match to d1g5ja_
      complexed with edo
    3. 2627009Domain d3fdmc_: 3fdm C: [175713]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3fdma2, d3fdmb2
      automated match to d1g5ja_
      complexed with edo
  9. Domain(s) for 3inq:
    1. 2626971Domain d3inqa_: 3inq A: [178463]
      automated match to d1g5ja_
      complexed with cl, edo, x0j
    2. 2626972Domain d3inqb_: 3inq B: [178464]
      automated match to d1g5ja_
      complexed with cl, edo, x0j
  10. Domain(s) for 3kj0:
  11. Domain(s) for 3kj1:
  12. Domain(s) for 3kj2:
  13. Domain(s) for 3kz0:
    1. 2627015Domain d3kz0a_: 3kz0 A: [179819]
      automated match to d1wsxa_
      complexed with so4, zn
    2. 2627016Domain d3kz0b_: 3kz0 B: [179820]
      automated match to d1wsxa_
      complexed with so4, zn
  14. Domain(s) for 3mk8:
  15. Domain(s) for 3r85:
    1. 2626967Domain d3r85a_: 3r85 A: [184840]
      automated match to d1g5ja_
      complexed with so4
    2. 2626968Domain d3r85b_: 3r85 B: [184841]
      automated match to d1g5ja_
      complexed with so4
    3. 2626969Domain d3r85c_: 3r85 C: [184842]
      automated match to d1g5ja_
      complexed with so4
    4. 2626970Domain d3r85d_: 3r85 D: [184843]
      automated match to d1g5ja_
      complexed with so4
  16. Domain(s) for 3wix:
    1. 2626941Domain d3wixa_: 3wix A: [233964]
      automated match to d3wiye_
      complexed with lc3
    2. 2626942Domain d3wixb_: 3wix B: [233963]
      automated match to d3wiye_
      complexed with lc3
    3. 2626943Domain d3wixc_: 3wix C: [233965]
      automated match to d3wiye_
      complexed with lc3
    4. 2626944Domain d3wixd_: 3wix D: [233966]
      automated match to d3wiye_
      complexed with lc3
  17. Domain(s) for 3wiy:
    1. 2626978Domain d3wiya_: 3wiy A: [233967]
      automated match to d3wiye_
      complexed with lc6
    2. 2626979Domain d3wiyb_: 3wiy B: [233968]
      automated match to d3wiye_
      complexed with lc6
    3. 2626980Domain d3wiyc_: 3wiy C: [233969]
      automated match to d3wiye_
      complexed with lc6
    4. 2626981Domain d3wiyd_: 3wiy D: [233970]
      automated match to d3wiye_
      complexed with lc6
    5. 2626982Domain d3wiye_: 3wiy E: [229349]
      automated match to d2roda1
      complexed with lc6
    6. 2626983Domain d3wiyf_: 3wiy F: [233971]
      automated match to d3wiye_
      complexed with lc6
  18. Domain(s) for 3zk6:
    1. 2626976Domain d3zk6a_: 3zk6 A: [197062]
      automated match to d1g5ja_
      complexed with h1i
    2. 2626977Domain d3zk6b_: 3zk6 B: [197286]
      automated match to d1g5ja_
      complexed with h1i
  19. Domain(s) for 3zln:
  20. Domain(s) for 3zlo:
  21. Domain(s) for 3zlr:
    1. 2626894Domain d3zlra1: 3zlr A:1-197 [197065]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3zlra2
      automated match to d2yj1a_
      complexed with edo, so4, x0b
    2. 2626895Domain d3zlrb_: 3zlr B: [197287]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3zlra2
      automated match to d2yj1a_
      complexed with edo, so4, x0b
  22. Domain(s) for 4a1u:
  23. Domain(s) for 4a1w:
    1. 2626945Domain d4a1wa_: 4a1w A: [186692]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4a1wb2, d4a1wd2
      automated match to d1g5ja_
    2. 2626946Domain d4a1wb1: 4a1w B:1-197 [186693]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4a1wb2, d4a1wd2
      automated match to d1g5ja_
    3. 2626947Domain d4a1wc_: 4a1w C: [186694]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4a1wb2, d4a1wd2
      automated match to d1g5ja_
    4. 2626948Domain d4a1wd1: 4a1w D:1-196 [186695]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4a1wb2, d4a1wd2
      automated match to d1g5ja_
  24. Domain(s) for 4aq3:
    1. 2626935Domain d4aq3a_: 4aq3 A: [201495]
      automated match to d4aq3b_
      complexed with 398
    2. 2626936Domain d4aq3b_: 4aq3 B: [195239]
      automated match to d1g5ma_
      complexed with 398
    3. 2626937Domain d4aq3c_: 4aq3 C: [201496]
      automated match to d4aq3b_
      complexed with 398
    4. 2626938Domain d4aq3d_: 4aq3 D: [201497]
      automated match to d4aq3b_
      complexed with 398
    5. 2626939Domain d4aq3e_: 4aq3 E: [201498]
      automated match to d4aq3b_
      complexed with 398
    6. 2626940Domain d4aq3f_: 4aq3 F: [201499]
      automated match to d4aq3b_
      complexed with 398
  25. Domain(s) for 4c52:
    1. 2626984Domain d4c52a1: 4c52 A:1-196 [236513]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4c52a2, d4c52b2
      automated match to d3fdma_
      complexed with edo, so4, x0d
    2. 2626985Domain d4c52b1: 4c52 B:1-198 [236514]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4c52a2, d4c52b2
      automated match to d3fdma_
      complexed with edo, so4, x0d
  26. Domain(s) for 4c5d:
    1. 2626951Domain d4c5da1: 4c5d A:1-196 [236515]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4c5da2, d4c5db2
      automated match to d3fdma_
      complexed with edo, so4, x0r
    2. 2626952Domain d4c5db1: 4c5d B:1-198 [236516]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4c5da2, d4c5db2
      automated match to d3fdma_
      complexed with edo, so4, x0r
  27. Domain(s) for 4cim:
    1. 2626888Domain d4cima_: 4cim A: [261068]
      automated match to d1zy3a1
      complexed with edo; mutant
    2. 2626889Domain d4cimb_: 4cim B: [260881]
      automated match to d1zy3a1
      complexed with edo; mutant
  28. Domain(s) for 4cin:
    1. 2627027Domain d4cina_: 4cin A: [260882]
      automated match to d1ysga_
      complexed with ca, edo, epe
    2. 2627028Domain d4cinb_: 4cin B: [260883]
      automated match to d1ysga_
      complexed with ca, edo, epe
  29. Domain(s) for 4hw2:
    1. 2627021Domain d4hw2a1: 4hw2 A:172-321 [222757]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4hw2a2, d4hw2b2, d4hw2c2, d4hw2d2, d4hw2e2, d4hw2f2
      automated match to d4hw3k_
      complexed with 19h, edo, pge
    2. 2627022Domain d4hw2b1: 4hw2 B:172-321 [222758]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4hw2a2, d4hw2b2, d4hw2c2, d4hw2d2, d4hw2e2, d4hw2f2
      automated match to d4hw3k_
      complexed with 19h, edo, pge
    3. 2627023Domain d4hw2c1: 4hw2 C:172-320 [222759]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4hw2a2, d4hw2b2, d4hw2c2, d4hw2d2, d4hw2e2, d4hw2f2
      automated match to d4hw3k_
      complexed with 19h, edo, pge
    4. 2627024Domain d4hw2d1: 4hw2 D:172-321 [222760]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4hw2a2, d4hw2b2, d4hw2c2, d4hw2d2, d4hw2e2, d4hw2f2
      automated match to d4hw3k_
      complexed with 19h, edo, pge
    5. 2627025Domain d4hw2e1: 4hw2 E:172-321 [222761]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4hw2a2, d4hw2b2, d4hw2c2, d4hw2d2, d4hw2e2, d4hw2f2
      automated match to d4hw3k_
      complexed with 19h, edo, pge
    6. 2627026Domain d4hw2f1: 4hw2 F:172-320 [222762]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4hw2a2, d4hw2b2, d4hw2c2, d4hw2d2, d4hw2e2, d4hw2f2
      automated match to d4hw3k_
      complexed with 19h, edo, pge
  30. Domain(s) for 4hw3:
    1. 2626954Domain d4hw3a1: 4hw3 A:172-320 [202492]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4hw3a2, d4hw3b2, d4hw3c2, d4hw3d2, d4hw3e2, d4hw3f2, d4hw3g2, d4hw3h2, d4hw3i2, d4hw3k2, d4hw3l2
      automated match to d4hw3k_
      complexed with 19g
    2. 2626955Domain d4hw3b1: 4hw3 B:172-321 [202493]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4hw3a2, d4hw3b2, d4hw3c2, d4hw3d2, d4hw3e2, d4hw3f2, d4hw3g2, d4hw3h2, d4hw3i2, d4hw3k2, d4hw3l2
      automated match to d4hw3k_
      complexed with 19g
    3. 2626956Domain d4hw3c1: 4hw3 C:172-320 [202494]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4hw3a2, d4hw3b2, d4hw3c2, d4hw3d2, d4hw3e2, d4hw3f2, d4hw3g2, d4hw3h2, d4hw3i2, d4hw3k2, d4hw3l2
      automated match to d4hw3k_
      complexed with 19g
    4. 2626957Domain d4hw3d1: 4hw3 D:172-323 [202495]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4hw3a2, d4hw3b2, d4hw3c2, d4hw3d2, d4hw3e2, d4hw3f2, d4hw3g2, d4hw3h2, d4hw3i2, d4hw3k2, d4hw3l2
      automated match to d4hw3k_
      complexed with 19g
    5. 2626958Domain d4hw3e1: 4hw3 E:172-321 [202496]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4hw3a2, d4hw3b2, d4hw3c2, d4hw3d2, d4hw3e2, d4hw3f2, d4hw3g2, d4hw3h2, d4hw3i2, d4hw3k2, d4hw3l2
      automated match to d4hw3k_
      complexed with 19g
    6. 2626959Domain d4hw3f1: 4hw3 F:172-321 [202497]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4hw3a2, d4hw3b2, d4hw3c2, d4hw3d2, d4hw3e2, d4hw3f2, d4hw3g2, d4hw3h2, d4hw3i2, d4hw3k2, d4hw3l2
      automated match to d4hw3k_
      complexed with 19g
    7. 2626960Domain d4hw3g1: 4hw3 G:172-321 [202498]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4hw3a2, d4hw3b2, d4hw3c2, d4hw3d2, d4hw3e2, d4hw3f2, d4hw3g2, d4hw3h2, d4hw3i2, d4hw3k2, d4hw3l2
      automated match to d4hw3k_
      complexed with 19g
    8. 2626961Domain d4hw3h1: 4hw3 H:172-320 [202499]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4hw3a2, d4hw3b2, d4hw3c2, d4hw3d2, d4hw3e2, d4hw3f2, d4hw3g2, d4hw3h2, d4hw3i2, d4hw3k2, d4hw3l2
      automated match to d4hw3k_
      complexed with 19g
    9. 2626962Domain d4hw3i1: 4hw3 I:172-320 [202500]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4hw3a2, d4hw3b2, d4hw3c2, d4hw3d2, d4hw3e2, d4hw3f2, d4hw3g2, d4hw3h2, d4hw3i2, d4hw3k2, d4hw3l2
      automated match to d4hw3k_
      complexed with 19g
    10. 2626963Domain d4hw3j_: 4hw3 J: [202501]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4hw3a2, d4hw3b2, d4hw3c2, d4hw3d2, d4hw3e2, d4hw3f2, d4hw3g2, d4hw3h2, d4hw3i2, d4hw3k2, d4hw3l2
      automated match to d4hw3k_
      complexed with 19g
    11. 2626964Domain d4hw3k1: 4hw3 K:172-321 [193293]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4hw3a2, d4hw3b2, d4hw3c2, d4hw3d2, d4hw3e2, d4hw3f2, d4hw3g2, d4hw3h2, d4hw3i2, d4hw3k2, d4hw3l2
      automated match to d3kj0a_
      complexed with 19g
    12. 2626965Domain d4hw3l1: 4hw3 L:172-323 [202502]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4hw3a2, d4hw3b2, d4hw3c2, d4hw3d2, d4hw3e2, d4hw3f2, d4hw3g2, d4hw3h2, d4hw3i2, d4hw3k2, d4hw3l2
      automated match to d4hw3k_
      complexed with 19g
  31. Domain(s) for 4ieh:
  32. Domain(s) for 4oq5:
    1. 2627047Domain d4oq5a1: 4oq5 A:174-322 [240720]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4oq5a2, d4oq5b2, d4oq5c2, d4oq5d2, d4oq5e2, d4oq5f2
      automated match to d4oq5b_
      complexed with 2uu
    2. 2627048Domain d4oq5b1: 4oq5 B:174-322 [237715]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4oq5a2, d4oq5b2, d4oq5c2, d4oq5d2, d4oq5e2, d4oq5f2
      automated match to d2roda1
      complexed with 2uu
    3. 2627049Domain d4oq5c1: 4oq5 C:174-320 [240721]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4oq5a2, d4oq5b2, d4oq5c2, d4oq5d2, d4oq5e2, d4oq5f2
      automated match to d4oq5b_
      complexed with 2uu
    4. 2627050Domain d4oq5d1: 4oq5 D:174-320 [240722]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4oq5a2, d4oq5b2, d4oq5c2, d4oq5d2, d4oq5e2, d4oq5f2
      automated match to d4oq5b_
      complexed with 2uu
    5. 2627051Domain d4oq5e1: 4oq5 E:174-322 [240723]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4oq5a2, d4oq5b2, d4oq5c2, d4oq5d2, d4oq5e2, d4oq5f2
      automated match to d4oq5b_
      complexed with 2uu
    6. 2627052Domain d4oq5f1: 4oq5 F:174-320 [240724]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4oq5a2, d4oq5b2, d4oq5c2, d4oq5d2, d4oq5e2, d4oq5f2
      automated match to d4oq5b_
      complexed with 2uu
  33. Domain(s) for 4oq6:
    1. 2626903Domain d4oq6a1: 4oq6 A:174-320 [240725]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4oq6a2, d4oq6b2
      automated match to d4oq6b_
      complexed with 2uv
    2. 2626904Domain d4oq6b1: 4oq6 B:174-321 [237716]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4oq6a2, d4oq6b2
      automated match to d3kj0a_
      complexed with 2uv
  34. Domain(s) for 4wmr:
  35. Domain(s) for 4zbf:
    1. 2626993Domain d4zbfa1: 4zbf A:172-323 [272087]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4zbfa2, d4zbfb2, d4zbfc2, d4zbfd2, d4zbfe2, d4zbff2, d4zbfg2, d4zbfh2, d4zbfi2, d4zbfj2, d4zbfk2, d4zbfl2
      automated match to d2mhsa_
      complexed with 4m7
    2. 2626994Domain d4zbfb1: 4zbf B:172-321 [272085]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4zbfa2, d4zbfb2, d4zbfc2, d4zbfd2, d4zbfe2, d4zbff2, d4zbfg2, d4zbfh2, d4zbfi2, d4zbfj2, d4zbfk2, d4zbfl2
      automated match to d2mhsa_
      complexed with 4m7
    3. 2626995Domain d4zbfc1: 4zbf C:172-322 [272100]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4zbfa2, d4zbfb2, d4zbfc2, d4zbfd2, d4zbfe2, d4zbff2, d4zbfg2, d4zbfh2, d4zbfi2, d4zbfj2, d4zbfk2, d4zbfl2
      automated match to d2mhsa_
      complexed with 4m7
    4. 2626996Domain d4zbfd1: 4zbf D:172-321 [272107]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4zbfa2, d4zbfb2, d4zbfc2, d4zbfd2, d4zbfe2, d4zbff2, d4zbfg2, d4zbfh2, d4zbfi2, d4zbfj2, d4zbfk2, d4zbfl2
      automated match to d2mhsa_
      complexed with 4m7
    5. 2626997Domain d4zbfe1: 4zbf E:172-321 [272106]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4zbfa2, d4zbfb2, d4zbfc2, d4zbfd2, d4zbfe2, d4zbff2, d4zbfg2, d4zbfh2, d4zbfi2, d4zbfj2, d4zbfk2, d4zbfl2
      automated match to d2mhsa_
      complexed with 4m7
    6. 2626998Domain d4zbff1: 4zbf F:172-321 [272104]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4zbfa2, d4zbfb2, d4zbfc2, d4zbfd2, d4zbfe2, d4zbff2, d4zbfg2, d4zbfh2, d4zbfi2, d4zbfj2, d4zbfk2, d4zbfl2
      automated match to d2mhsa_
      complexed with 4m7
    7. 2626999Domain d4zbfg1: 4zbf G:172-321 [272105]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4zbfa2, d4zbfb2, d4zbfc2, d4zbfd2, d4zbfe2, d4zbff2, d4zbfg2, d4zbfh2, d4zbfi2, d4zbfj2, d4zbfk2, d4zbfl2
      automated match to d2mhsa_
      complexed with 4m7
    8. 2627000Domain d4zbfh1: 4zbf H:172-321 [272110]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4zbfa2, d4zbfb2, d4zbfc2, d4zbfd2, d4zbfe2, d4zbff2, d4zbfg2, d4zbfh2, d4zbfi2, d4zbfj2, d4zbfk2, d4zbfl2
      automated match to d2mhsa_
      complexed with 4m7
    9. 2627001Domain d4zbfi1: 4zbf I:172-321 [272108]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4zbfa2, d4zbfb2, d4zbfc2, d4zbfd2, d4zbfe2, d4zbff2, d4zbfg2, d4zbfh2, d4zbfi2, d4zbfj2, d4zbfk2, d4zbfl2
      automated match to d2mhsa_
      complexed with 4m7
    10. 2627002Domain d4zbfj1: 4zbf J:172-321 [272109]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4zbfa2, d4zbfb2, d4zbfc2, d4zbfd2, d4zbfe2, d4zbff2, d4zbfg2, d4zbfh2, d4zbfi2, d4zbfj2, d4zbfk2, d4zbfl2
      automated match to d2mhsa_
      complexed with 4m7
    11. 2627003Domain d4zbfk1: 4zbf K:172-321 [272112]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4zbfa2, d4zbfb2, d4zbfc2, d4zbfd2, d4zbfe2, d4zbff2, d4zbfg2, d4zbfh2, d4zbfi2, d4zbfj2, d4zbfk2, d4zbfl2
      automated match to d2mhsa_
      complexed with 4m7
    12. 2627004Domain d4zbfl1: 4zbf L:172-321 [272111]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4zbfa2, d4zbfb2, d4zbfc2, d4zbfd2, d4zbfe2, d4zbff2, d4zbfg2, d4zbfh2, d4zbfi2, d4zbfj2, d4zbfk2, d4zbfl2
      automated match to d2mhsa_
      complexed with 4m7
  36. Domain(s) for 4zbi:
    1. 2627035Domain d4zbia1: 4zbi A:172-322 [272092]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4zbia2, d4zbib2, d4zbic2, d4zbid2, d4zbie2, d4zbif2, d4zbig2, d4zbih2, d4zbii2, d4zbij2, d4zbik2, d4zbil2
      automated match to d2mhsa_
      complexed with 4m6
    2. 2627036Domain d4zbib1: 4zbi B:172-323 [272095]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4zbia2, d4zbib2, d4zbic2, d4zbid2, d4zbie2, d4zbif2, d4zbig2, d4zbih2, d4zbii2, d4zbij2, d4zbik2, d4zbil2
      automated match to d2mhsa_
      complexed with 4m6
    3. 2627037Domain d4zbic1: 4zbi C:172-321 [272098]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4zbia2, d4zbib2, d4zbic2, d4zbid2, d4zbie2, d4zbif2, d4zbig2, d4zbih2, d4zbii2, d4zbij2, d4zbik2, d4zbil2
      automated match to d2mhsa_
      complexed with 4m6
    4. 2627038Domain d4zbid1: 4zbi D:172-322 [272096]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4zbia2, d4zbib2, d4zbic2, d4zbid2, d4zbie2, d4zbif2, d4zbig2, d4zbih2, d4zbii2, d4zbij2, d4zbik2, d4zbil2
      automated match to d2mhsa_
      complexed with 4m6
    5. 2627039Domain d4zbie1: 4zbi E:172-322 [272097]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4zbia2, d4zbib2, d4zbic2, d4zbid2, d4zbie2, d4zbif2, d4zbig2, d4zbih2, d4zbii2, d4zbij2, d4zbik2, d4zbil2
      automated match to d2mhsa_
      complexed with 4m6
    6. 2627040Domain d4zbif1: 4zbi F:172-321 [272088]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4zbia2, d4zbib2, d4zbic2, d4zbid2, d4zbie2, d4zbif2, d4zbig2, d4zbih2, d4zbii2, d4zbij2, d4zbik2, d4zbil2
      automated match to d2mhsa_
      complexed with 4m6
    7. 2627041Domain d4zbig1: 4zbi G:172-322 [272101]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4zbia2, d4zbib2, d4zbic2, d4zbid2, d4zbie2, d4zbif2, d4zbig2, d4zbih2, d4zbii2, d4zbij2, d4zbik2, d4zbil2
      automated match to d2mhsa_
      complexed with 4m6
    8. 2627042Domain d4zbih1: 4zbi H:172-321 [272086]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4zbia2, d4zbib2, d4zbic2, d4zbid2, d4zbie2, d4zbif2, d4zbig2, d4zbih2, d4zbii2, d4zbij2, d4zbik2, d4zbil2
      automated match to d2mhsa_
      complexed with 4m6
    9. 2627043Domain d4zbii1: 4zbi I:172-321 [272090]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4zbia2, d4zbib2, d4zbic2, d4zbid2, d4zbie2, d4zbif2, d4zbig2, d4zbih2, d4zbii2, d4zbij2, d4zbik2, d4zbil2
      automated match to d2mhsa_
      complexed with 4m6
    10. 2627044Domain d4zbij1: 4zbi J:172-322 [272099]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4zbia2, d4zbib2, d4zbic2, d4zbid2, d4zbie2, d4zbif2, d4zbig2, d4zbih2, d4zbii2, d4zbij2, d4zbik2, d4zbil2
      automated match to d2mhsa_
      complexed with 4m6
    11. 2627045Domain d4zbik1: 4zbi K:172-320 [272089]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4zbia2, d4zbib2, d4zbic2, d4zbid2, d4zbie2, d4zbif2, d4zbig2, d4zbih2, d4zbii2, d4zbij2, d4zbik2, d4zbil2
      automated match to d2mhsa_
      complexed with 4m6
    12. 2627046Domain d4zbil1: 4zbi L:172-321 [272102]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4zbia2, d4zbib2, d4zbic2, d4zbid2, d4zbie2, d4zbif2, d4zbig2, d4zbih2, d4zbii2, d4zbij2, d4zbik2, d4zbil2
      automated match to d2mhsa_
      complexed with 4m6
  37. Domain(s) for 5fc4:
  38. Domain(s) for 5fdo:
    1. 2627072Domain d5fdoa1: 5fdo A:172-320 [314405]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5fdoa2, d5fdob2, d5fdoc2, d5fdod2
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with 5x2
    2. 2627073Domain d5fdob1: 5fdo B:172-320 [314277]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5fdoa2, d5fdob2, d5fdoc2, d5fdod2
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with 5x2
    3. 2627074Domain d5fdoc1: 5fdo C:172-320 [314066]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5fdoa2, d5fdob2, d5fdoc2, d5fdod2
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with 5x2
    4. 2627075Domain d5fdod1: 5fdo D:172-320 [314083]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5fdoa2, d5fdob2, d5fdoc2, d5fdod2
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with 5x2
  39. Domain(s) for 5fdr:
    1. 2627056Domain d5fdra1: 5fdr A:172-325 [314131]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5fdra2, d5fdrb2
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with 5x3
    2. 2627057Domain d5fdrb1: 5fdr B:172-321 [314112]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5fdra2, d5fdrb2
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with 5x3
    3. 2627058Domain d5fdrc_: 5fdr C: [314100]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5fdra2, d5fdrb2
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with 5x3
    4. 2627059Domain d5fdrd_: 5fdr D: [314162]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5fdra2, d5fdrb2
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with 5x3
  40. Domain(s) for 5iez:
    1. 2627060Domain d5ieza1: 5iez A:172-321 [328633]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5ieza2, d5iezd2
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with 6al
    2. 2627061Domain d5iezb_: 5iez B: [328551]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5ieza2, d5iezd2
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with 6al
    3. 2627062Domain d5iezc_: 5iez C: [328549]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5ieza2, d5iezd2
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with 6al
    4. 2627063Domain d5iezd1: 5iez D:172-323 [328517]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5ieza2, d5iezd2
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with 6al
  41. Domain(s) for 5if4:
    1. 2627029Domain d5if4a_: 5if4 A: [328534]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5if4b2
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with 6ak
    2. 2627030Domain d5if4b1: 5if4 B:172-324 [328552]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5if4b2
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with 6ak
  42. Domain(s) for 5mes:
  43. Domain(s) for 5mev:
  44. Domain(s) for 5vkc:
    1. 2627018Domain d5vkca1: 5vkc A:174-322 [333954]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5vkca2, d5vkcb2
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with 9ea, zn
    2. 2627019Domain d5vkcb1: 5vkc B:174-322 [333984]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5vkca2, d5vkcb2
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with 9ea, zn
  45. Domain(s) for 6b4l:
    1. 2627012Domain d6b4la1: 6b4l A:174-320 [339750]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6b4la2, d6b4lb2
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with cjy
    2. 2627013Domain d6b4lb1: 6b4l B:174-320 [339791]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6b4la2, d6b4lb2
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with cjy
  46. Domain(s) for 6b4u:
  47. Domain(s) for 6bw2:
    1. 2627064Domain d6bw2a_: 6bw2 A: [349783]
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with ecy
    2. 2627065Domain d6bw2b_: 6bw2 B: [349801]
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with ecy
    3. 2627066Domain d6bw2c_: 6bw2 C: [349842]
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with ecy
    4. 2627067Domain d6bw2d_: 6bw2 D: [349920]
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with ecy
  48. Domain(s) for 6bw8:
    1. 2627079Domain d6bw8a_: 6bw8 A: [349824]
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with ecm
    2. 2627080Domain d6bw8b_: 6bw8 B: [349814]
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with ecm
    3. 2627081Domain d6bw8c_: 6bw8 C: [349815]
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with ecm
    4. 2627082Domain d6bw8d_: 6bw8 D: [349818]
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with ecm
  49. Domain(s) for 6fs0:
  50. Domain(s) for 6fs2:
    1. 2627054Domain d6fs2a1: 6fs2 A:174-325 [361663]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6fs2a2, d6fs2b2
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with e4k
    2. 2627055Domain d6fs2b1: 6fs2 B:174-324 [361650]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6fs2a2, d6fs2b2
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with e4k
  51. Domain(s) for 6ne5:
    1. 2626925Domain d6ne5a_: 6ne5 A: [367886]
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with kjp
    2. 2626926Domain d6ne5b_: 6ne5 B: [367863]
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with kjp
    3. 2626927Domain d6ne5c_: 6ne5 C: [367866]
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with kjp
    4. 2626928Domain d6ne5d_: 6ne5 D: [367859]
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with kjp
  52. Domain(s) for 6o4u:
    1. 2626914Domain d6o4ua_: 6o4u A: [381719]
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with lmv
    2. 2626915Domain d6o4ub_: 6o4u B: [381717]
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with lmv
  53. Domain(s) for 6o6f:
    1. 2626898Domain d6o6fa1: 6o6f A:172-321 [368899]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6o6fa2, d6o6fb2
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with lod
    2. 2626899Domain d6o6fb1: 6o6f B:172-321 [368911]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6o6fa2, d6o6fb2
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with lod
  54. Domain(s) for 6o6g:
  55. Domain(s) for 6oqb:
  56. Domain(s) for 6oqc:
    1. 2626920Domain d6oqca_: 6oqc A: [368933]
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with n0s
    2. 2626921Domain d6oqcb_: 6oqc B: [368926]
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with n0s
  57. Domain(s) for 6oqd:
  58. Domain(s) for 6oqn:
    1. 2626911Domain d6oqna_: 6oqn A: [368945]
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with n0p
    2. 2626912Domain d6oqnb_: 6oqn B: [368930]
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with n0p
  59. Domain(s) for 6ovc:
  60. Domain(s) for 6p3p:
  61. Domain(s) for 6qb3:
  62. Domain(s) for 6qb4:
  63. Domain(s) for 6qb6:
  64. Domain(s) for 6qfc:
  65. Domain(s) for 6qfq:
  66. Domain(s) for 6qgg:
  67. Domain(s) for 6qgh:
  68. Domain(s) for 6qgj:
  69. Domain(s) for 6qgk:
  70. Domain(s) for 6qyp:
  71. Domain(s) for 6qz5:
  72. Domain(s) for 6qz6:
  73. Domain(s) for 6qz8:
  74. Domain(s) for 6qzb:
  75. Domain(s) for 6rnu:
    1. 2627032Domain d6rnua_: 6rnu A: [375226]
      automated match to d1zy3a1
      complexed with br, kbh
    2. 2627033Domain d6rnub_: 6rnu B: [375193]
      automated match to d1zy3a1
      complexed with br, kbh
  76. Domain(s) for 6u63:
    1. 2627068Domain d6u63a_: 6u63 A: [381908]
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with q0d
    2. 2627069Domain d6u63b_: 6u63 B: [381924]
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with q0d
    3. 2627070Domain d6u63c_: 6u63 C: [381932]
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with q0d
    4. 2627071Domain d6u63d_: 6u63 D: [381931]
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with q0d
  77. Domain(s) for 6u64:
  78. Domain(s) for 6u65:
    1. 2626987Domain d6u65a_: 6u65 A: [381910]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6u65c2
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with act, edo, peg, q0a
    2. 2626988Domain d6u65b_: 6u65 B: [381907]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6u65c2
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with act, edo, peg, q0a
    3. 2626989Domain d6u65c1: 6u65 C:171-322 [381940]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6u65c2
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with act, edo, peg, q0a
    4. 2626990Domain d6u65d_: 6u65 D: [381930]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6u65c2
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with act, edo, peg, q0a
  79. Domain(s) for 6u67:
    1. 2626923Domain d6u67a_: 6u67 A: [381906]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6u67b2
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with bnl, q01
    2. 2626924Domain d6u67b1: 6u67 B:171-321 [381917]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6u67b2
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with bnl, q01
  80. Domain(s) for 6u6f:
    1. 2627076Domain d6u6fa_: 6u6f A: [381971]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6u6fb2
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with pzy
    2. 2627077Domain d6u6fb1: 6u6f B:171-321 [381958]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6u6fb2
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with pzy
    3. 2627078Domain d6u6fc_: 6u6f C: [381951]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6u6fb2
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with pzy
  81. Domain(s) for 6ud2:
  82. Domain(s) for 6udi:
  83. Domain(s) for 6udt:
  84. Domain(s) for 6udu:
  85. Domain(s) for 6udv:
  86. Domain(s) for 6udx:
    1. 2626908Domain d6udxa_: 6udx A: [378137]
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with q57
    2. 2626909Domain d6udxb_: 6udx B: [378141]
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with q57
  87. Domain(s) for 6udy:
    1. 2626906Domain d6udya_: 6udy A: [378132]
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with q54
    2. 2626907Domain d6udyb_: 6udy B: [378140]
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with q54
  88. Domain(s) for 6ybg:
    1. 2626929Domain d6ybga_: 6ybg A: [396447]
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with cl, ojt
    2. 2626930Domain d6ybgb_: 6ybg B: [396407]
      automated match to d2kbwa_
      complexed with cl, ojt

More info for Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] from f.1.4.1 automated matches

Timeline for Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] from f.1.4.1 automated matches: