Lineage for Species: Anthrax bacillus (Bacillus anthracis) [TaxId: 1392]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.07
  2. 2434694Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds)
  3. 2510888Fold c.71: Dihydrofolate reductase-like [53596] (1 superfamily)
    3 layers: a/b/a; mixed beta-sheet of 8 strands, order 34251687; strand 8 is antiparallel to the rest
  4. 2510889Superfamily c.71.1: Dihydrofolate reductase-like [53597] (3 families) (S)
  5. 2511486Family c.71.1.0: automated matches [191485] (1 protein)
    not a true family
  6. 2511487Protein automated matches [190777] (27 species)
    not a true protein
  7. 2511492Species Anthrax bacillus (Bacillus anthracis) [TaxId:1392] [188674] (20 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Anthrax bacillus (Bacillus anthracis) [TaxId: 1392]:

  1. Domain(s) for 2kgk:
  2. Domain(s) for 3e0b:
    1. 2511543Domain d3e0ba1: 3e0b A:1-162 [174431]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3e0ba2, d3e0bb2
      automated match to d1draa_
      complexed with n22, ndp
    2. 2511544Domain d3e0bb1: 3e0b B:1-162 [174432]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3e0ba2, d3e0bb2
      automated match to d1draa_
      complexed with n22, ndp
  3. Domain(s) for 3fl8:
    1. 2511513Domain d3fl8a1: 3fl8 A:1-162 [175873]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3fl8a2, d3fl8b2, d3fl8c2, d3fl8d2, d3fl8e2, d3fl8f2, d3fl8g2, d3fl8h2
      automated match to d1draa_
      complexed with ca, rar
    2. 2511514Domain d3fl8b1: 3fl8 B:1-162 [175874]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3fl8a2, d3fl8b2, d3fl8c2, d3fl8d2, d3fl8e2, d3fl8f2, d3fl8g2, d3fl8h2
      automated match to d1draa_
      complexed with ca, rar
    3. 2511515Domain d3fl8c1: 3fl8 C:1-162 [175875]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3fl8a2, d3fl8b2, d3fl8c2, d3fl8d2, d3fl8e2, d3fl8f2, d3fl8g2, d3fl8h2
      automated match to d1draa_
      complexed with ca, rar
    4. 2511516Domain d3fl8d1: 3fl8 D:1-162 [175876]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3fl8a2, d3fl8b2, d3fl8c2, d3fl8d2, d3fl8e2, d3fl8f2, d3fl8g2, d3fl8h2
      automated match to d1draa_
      complexed with ca, rar
    5. 2511517Domain d3fl8e1: 3fl8 E:1-162 [175877]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3fl8a2, d3fl8b2, d3fl8c2, d3fl8d2, d3fl8e2, d3fl8f2, d3fl8g2, d3fl8h2
      automated match to d1draa_
      complexed with ca, rar
    6. 2511518Domain d3fl8f1: 3fl8 F:1-162 [175878]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3fl8a2, d3fl8b2, d3fl8c2, d3fl8d2, d3fl8e2, d3fl8f2, d3fl8g2, d3fl8h2
      automated match to d1draa_
      complexed with ca, rar
    7. 2511519Domain d3fl8g1: 3fl8 G:1-162 [175879]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3fl8a2, d3fl8b2, d3fl8c2, d3fl8d2, d3fl8e2, d3fl8f2, d3fl8g2, d3fl8h2
      automated match to d1draa_
      complexed with ca, rar
    8. 2511520Domain d3fl8h1: 3fl8 H:1-162 [175880]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3fl8a2, d3fl8b2, d3fl8c2, d3fl8d2, d3fl8e2, d3fl8f2, d3fl8g2, d3fl8h2
      automated match to d1draa_
      complexed with ca, rar
  4. Domain(s) for 3fl9:
    1. 2511547Domain d3fl9a1: 3fl9 A:1-162 [175881]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3fl9a2, d3fl9c2, d3fl9d2, d3fl9e2, d3fl9f2, d3fl9g2, d3fl9h2
      automated match to d1draa_
      complexed with ca, top
    2. 2511548Domain d3fl9b_: 3fl9 B: [175882]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3fl9a2, d3fl9c2, d3fl9d2, d3fl9e2, d3fl9f2, d3fl9g2, d3fl9h2
      automated match to d1draa_
      complexed with ca, top
    3. 2511549Domain d3fl9c1: 3fl9 C:1-162 [175883]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3fl9a2, d3fl9c2, d3fl9d2, d3fl9e2, d3fl9f2, d3fl9g2, d3fl9h2
      automated match to d1draa_
      complexed with ca, top
    4. 2511550Domain d3fl9d1: 3fl9 D:1-162 [175884]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3fl9a2, d3fl9c2, d3fl9d2, d3fl9e2, d3fl9f2, d3fl9g2, d3fl9h2
      automated match to d1draa_
      complexed with ca, top
    5. 2511551Domain d3fl9e1: 3fl9 E:1-162 [175885]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3fl9a2, d3fl9c2, d3fl9d2, d3fl9e2, d3fl9f2, d3fl9g2, d3fl9h2
      automated match to d1draa_
      complexed with ca, top
    6. 2511552Domain d3fl9f1: 3fl9 F:1-162 [175886]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3fl9a2, d3fl9c2, d3fl9d2, d3fl9e2, d3fl9f2, d3fl9g2, d3fl9h2
      automated match to d1draa_
      complexed with ca, top
    7. 2511553Domain d3fl9g1: 3fl9 G:1-162 [175887]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3fl9a2, d3fl9c2, d3fl9d2, d3fl9e2, d3fl9f2, d3fl9g2, d3fl9h2
      automated match to d1draa_
      complexed with ca, top
    8. 2511554Domain d3fl9h1: 3fl9 H:1-162 [175888]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3fl9a2, d3fl9c2, d3fl9d2, d3fl9e2, d3fl9f2, d3fl9g2, d3fl9h2
      automated match to d1draa_
      complexed with ca, top
  5. Domain(s) for 3jvx:
    1. 2511541Domain d3jvxa1: 3jvx A:1-162 [178852]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3jvxa2, d3jvxb2
      automated match to d1draa_
      complexed with ekb, ndp
    2. 2511542Domain d3jvxb1: 3jvx B:1-162 [191746]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3jvxa2, d3jvxb2
      automated match to d3e0ba_
      complexed with ekb, ndp
  6. Domain(s) for 3jw3:
    1. 2511569Domain d3jw3a1: 3jw3 A:1-162 [178859]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3jw3a2, d3jw3b2
      automated match to d1draa_
      complexed with ndp, top
    2. 2511570Domain d3jw3b1: 3jw3 B:1-162 [178860]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3jw3a2, d3jw3b2
      automated match to d1draa_
      complexed with ndp, top
  7. Domain(s) for 3jw5:
    1. 2511571Domain d3jw5a1: 3jw5 A:1-162 [178864]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3jw5a2, d3jw5b2
      automated match to d1draa_
      complexed with ndp, top
    2. 2511572Domain d3jw5b1: 3jw5 B:1-162 [178865]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3jw5a2, d3jw5b2
      automated match to d1draa_
      complexed with ndp, top
  8. Domain(s) for 3jwc:
    1. 2511563Domain d3jwca1: 3jwc A:1-162 [178869]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3jwca2, d3jwcb2
      automated match to d1draa_
      complexed with ekb, ndp
    2. 2511564Domain d3jwcb1: 3jwc B:1-162 [178870]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3jwca2, d3jwcb2
      automated match to d1draa_
      complexed with ekb, ndp
  9. Domain(s) for 3jwf:
    1. 2511567Domain d3jwfa1: 3jwf A:1-162 [178871]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3jwfa2, d3jwfb2
      automated match to d1draa_
      complexed with 5wa, ndp
    2. 2511568Domain d3jwfb1: 3jwf B:1-162 [178872]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3jwfa2, d3jwfb2
      automated match to d1draa_
      complexed with 5wa, ndp
  10. Domain(s) for 3jwk:
    1. 2511521Domain d3jwka1: 3jwk A:1-162 [178873]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3jwka2, d3jwkb2
      automated match to d1draa_
      complexed with 5wb, ndp
    2. 2511522Domain d3jwkb1: 3jwk B:1-162 [178874]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3jwka2, d3jwkb2
      automated match to d1draa_
      complexed with 5wb, ndp
  11. Domain(s) for 3jwm:
    1. 2511565Domain d3jwma1: 3jwm A:1-162 [178875]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3jwma2, d3jwmb2
      automated match to d1draa_
      complexed with 5wb, ndp
    2. 2511566Domain d3jwmb1: 3jwm B:1-162 [178876]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3jwma2, d3jwmb2
      automated match to d1draa_
      complexed with 5wb, ndp
  12. Domain(s) for 3s9u:
    1. 2511493Domain d3s9ua1: 3s9u A:1-162 [195135]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3s9ua2, d3s9ub2
      automated match to d3jwma_
      complexed with 5dr, nap
    2. 2511494Domain d3s9ub1: 3s9u B:1-162 [195134]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3s9ua2, d3s9ub2
      automated match to d3jwma_
      complexed with 5dr, nap
  13. Domain(s) for 3sa1:
    1. 2511545Domain d3sa1a1: 3sa1 A:1-162 [195133]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3sa1a2, d3sa1b2
      automated match to d3jwma_
      complexed with 6dr, nap
    2. 2511546Domain d3sa1b1: 3sa1 B:1-162 [195132]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3sa1a2, d3sa1b2
      automated match to d3jwma_
      complexed with 6dr, nap
  14. Domain(s) for 3sa2:
    1. 2511531Domain d3sa2a1: 3sa2 A:1-162 [195131]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3sa2a2, d3sa2b2
      automated match to d3jwma_
      complexed with 7dr, nap
    2. 2511532Domain d3sa2b1: 3sa2 B:1-162 [195130]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3sa2a2, d3sa2b2
      automated match to d3jwma_
      complexed with 7dr, nap
  15. Domain(s) for 3sai:
    1. 2511511Domain d3saia1: 3sai A:1-162 [195129]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3saia2, d3saib2
      automated match to d3jwma_
      complexed with 9dr, nap, ni, peg
    2. 2511512Domain d3saib1: 3sai B:1-162 [195128]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3saia2, d3saib2
      automated match to d3jwma_
      complexed with 9dr, nap, ni, peg
  16. Domain(s) for 4elb:
    1. 2511555Domain d4elba1: 4elb A:1-162 [192883]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elba2, d4elbb2, d4elbc2, d4elbd2, d4elbe2, d4elbf2, d4elbg2, d4elbh2
      automated match to d3fl8a_
      complexed with 34r, 34s, ca, cl
    2. 2511556Domain d4elbb1: 4elb B:1-162 [192884]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elba2, d4elbb2, d4elbc2, d4elbd2, d4elbe2, d4elbf2, d4elbg2, d4elbh2
      automated match to d3fl8a_
      complexed with 34r, 34s, ca, cl
    3. 2511557Domain d4elbc1: 4elb C:1-162 [192880]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elba2, d4elbb2, d4elbc2, d4elbd2, d4elbe2, d4elbf2, d4elbg2, d4elbh2
      automated match to d3fl8a_
      complexed with 34r, 34s, ca, cl
    4. 2511558Domain d4elbd1: 4elb D:1-162 [192630]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elba2, d4elbb2, d4elbc2, d4elbd2, d4elbe2, d4elbf2, d4elbg2, d4elbh2
      automated match to d3fl8a_
      complexed with 34r, 34s, ca, cl
    5. 2511559Domain d4elbe1: 4elb E:1-162 [192876]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elba2, d4elbb2, d4elbc2, d4elbd2, d4elbe2, d4elbf2, d4elbg2, d4elbh2
      automated match to d3fl8a_
      complexed with 34r, 34s, ca, cl
    6. 2511560Domain d4elbf1: 4elb F:1-162 [192881]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elba2, d4elbb2, d4elbc2, d4elbd2, d4elbe2, d4elbf2, d4elbg2, d4elbh2
      automated match to d3fl8a_
      complexed with 34r, 34s, ca, cl
    7. 2511561Domain d4elbg1: 4elb G:1-162 [192882]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elba2, d4elbb2, d4elbc2, d4elbd2, d4elbe2, d4elbf2, d4elbg2, d4elbh2
      automated match to d3fl8a_
      complexed with 34r, 34s, ca, cl
    8. 2511562Domain d4elbh1: 4elb H:1-162 [192886]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elba2, d4elbb2, d4elbc2, d4elbd2, d4elbe2, d4elbf2, d4elbg2, d4elbh2
      automated match to d3fl8a_
      complexed with 34r, 34s, ca, cl
  17. Domain(s) for 4ele:
    1. 2511523Domain d4elea1: 4ele A:1-162 [192863]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elea2, d4eleb2, d4elec2, d4eled2, d4elee2, d4elef2, d4eleg2, d4eleh2
      automated match to d3fl8a_
      complexed with 31i, ca, cl
    2. 2511524Domain d4eleb1: 4ele B:1-162 [192861]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elea2, d4eleb2, d4elec2, d4eled2, d4elee2, d4elef2, d4eleg2, d4eleh2
      automated match to d3fl8a_
      complexed with 31i, ca, cl
    3. 2511525Domain d4elec1: 4ele C:1-162 [192865]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elea2, d4eleb2, d4elec2, d4eled2, d4elee2, d4elef2, d4eleg2, d4eleh2
      automated match to d3fl8a_
      complexed with 31i, ca, cl
    4. 2511526Domain d4eled1: 4ele D:1-162 [192625]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elea2, d4eleb2, d4elec2, d4eled2, d4elee2, d4elef2, d4eleg2, d4eleh2
      automated match to d3fl8a_
      complexed with 31i, ca, cl
    5. 2511527Domain d4elee1: 4ele E:1-162 [192862]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elea2, d4eleb2, d4elec2, d4eled2, d4elee2, d4elef2, d4eleg2, d4eleh2
      automated match to d3fl8a_
      complexed with 31i, ca, cl
    6. 2511528Domain d4elef1: 4ele F:1-162 [192864]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elea2, d4eleb2, d4elec2, d4eled2, d4elee2, d4elef2, d4eleg2, d4eleh2
      automated match to d3fl8a_
      complexed with 31i, ca, cl
    7. 2511529Domain d4eleg1: 4ele G:1-162 [192626]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elea2, d4eleb2, d4elec2, d4eled2, d4elee2, d4elef2, d4eleg2, d4eleh2
      automated match to d3fl8a_
      complexed with 31i, ca, cl
    8. 2511530Domain d4eleh1: 4ele H:1-162 [192866]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elea2, d4eleb2, d4elec2, d4eled2, d4elee2, d4elef2, d4eleg2, d4eleh2
      automated match to d3fl8a_
      complexed with 31i, ca, cl
  18. Domain(s) for 4elf:
    1. 2511533Domain d4elfa1: 4elf A:1-162 [192887]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elfa2, d4elfb2, d4elfc2, d4elfd2, d4elfe2, d4elff2, d4elfg2, d4elfh2
      automated match to d3fl8a_
      complexed with 35i, ca, cl
    2. 2511534Domain d4elfb1: 4elf B:1-162 [192893]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elfa2, d4elfb2, d4elfc2, d4elfd2, d4elfe2, d4elff2, d4elfg2, d4elfh2
      automated match to d3fl8a_
      complexed with 35i, ca, cl
    3. 2511535Domain d4elfc1: 4elf C:1-162 [192888]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elfa2, d4elfb2, d4elfc2, d4elfd2, d4elfe2, d4elff2, d4elfg2, d4elfh2
      automated match to d3fl8a_
      complexed with 35i, ca, cl
    4. 2511536Domain d4elfd1: 4elf D:1-162 [192890]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elfa2, d4elfb2, d4elfc2, d4elfd2, d4elfe2, d4elff2, d4elfg2, d4elfh2
      automated match to d3fl8a_
      complexed with 35i, ca, cl
    5. 2511537Domain d4elfe1: 4elf E:1-162 [192631]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elfa2, d4elfb2, d4elfc2, d4elfd2, d4elfe2, d4elff2, d4elfg2, d4elfh2
      automated match to d3fl8a_
      complexed with 35i, ca, cl
    6. 2511538Domain d4elff1: 4elf F:1-162 [192889]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elfa2, d4elfb2, d4elfc2, d4elfd2, d4elfe2, d4elff2, d4elfg2, d4elfh2
      automated match to d3fl8a_
      complexed with 35i, ca, cl
    7. 2511539Domain d4elfg1: 4elf G:1-162 [192891]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elfa2, d4elfb2, d4elfc2, d4elfd2, d4elfe2, d4elff2, d4elfg2, d4elfh2
      automated match to d3fl8a_
      complexed with 35i, ca, cl
    8. 2511540Domain d4elfh1: 4elf H:1-162 [192892]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elfa2, d4elfb2, d4elfc2, d4elfd2, d4elfe2, d4elff2, d4elfg2, d4elfh2
      automated match to d3fl8a_
      complexed with 35i, ca, cl
  19. Domain(s) for 4elg:
    1. 2511503Domain d4elga1: 4elg A:1-162 [192875]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elga2, d4elgb2, d4elgc2, d4elgd2, d4elge2, d4elgf2, d4elgg2, d4elgh2
      automated match to d3fl8a_
      complexed with 52i, 52j, ca, cl
    2. 2511504Domain d4elgb1: 4elg B:1-162 [192873]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elga2, d4elgb2, d4elgc2, d4elgd2, d4elge2, d4elgf2, d4elgg2, d4elgh2
      automated match to d3fl8a_
      complexed with 52i, 52j, ca, cl
    3. 2511505Domain d4elgc1: 4elg C:1-162 [192885]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elga2, d4elgb2, d4elgc2, d4elgd2, d4elge2, d4elgf2, d4elgg2, d4elgh2
      automated match to d3fl8a_
      complexed with 52i, 52j, ca, cl
    4. 2511506Domain d4elgd1: 4elg D:1-162 [192629]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elga2, d4elgb2, d4elgc2, d4elgd2, d4elge2, d4elgf2, d4elgg2, d4elgh2
      automated match to d3fl8a_
      complexed with 52i, 52j, ca, cl
    5. 2511507Domain d4elge1: 4elg E:1-162 [192878]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elga2, d4elgb2, d4elgc2, d4elgd2, d4elge2, d4elgf2, d4elgg2, d4elgh2
      automated match to d3fl8a_
      complexed with 52i, 52j, ca, cl
    6. 2511508Domain d4elgf1: 4elg F:1-162 [192628]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elga2, d4elgb2, d4elgc2, d4elgd2, d4elge2, d4elgf2, d4elgg2, d4elgh2
      automated match to d3fl8a_
      complexed with 52i, 52j, ca, cl
    7. 2511509Domain d4elgg1: 4elg G:1-162 [192879]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elga2, d4elgb2, d4elgc2, d4elgd2, d4elge2, d4elgf2, d4elgg2, d4elgh2
      automated match to d3fl8a_
      complexed with 52i, 52j, ca, cl
    8. 2511510Domain d4elgh1: 4elg H:1-162 [192877]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elga2, d4elgb2, d4elgc2, d4elgd2, d4elge2, d4elgf2, d4elgg2, d4elgh2
      automated match to d3fl8a_
      complexed with 52i, 52j, ca, cl
  20. Domain(s) for 4elh:
    1. 2511495Domain d4elha1: 4elh A:1-162 [192627]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elha2, d4elhb2, d4elhc2, d4elhd2, d4elhe2, d4elhf2, d4elhg2, d4elhh2
      automated match to d3fl8a_
      complexed with 53i, 53j, ca, cl
    2. 2511496Domain d4elhb1: 4elh B:1-162 [192874]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elha2, d4elhb2, d4elhc2, d4elhd2, d4elhe2, d4elhf2, d4elhg2, d4elhh2
      automated match to d3fl8a_
      complexed with 53i, 53j, ca, cl
    3. 2511497Domain d4elhc1: 4elh C:1-162 [192872]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elha2, d4elhb2, d4elhc2, d4elhd2, d4elhe2, d4elhf2, d4elhg2, d4elhh2
      automated match to d3fl8a_
      complexed with 53i, 53j, ca, cl
    4. 2511498Domain d4elhd1: 4elh D:1-162 [192868]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elha2, d4elhb2, d4elhc2, d4elhd2, d4elhe2, d4elhf2, d4elhg2, d4elhh2
      automated match to d3fl8a_
      complexed with 53i, 53j, ca, cl
    5. 2511499Domain d4elhe1: 4elh E:1-162 [192869]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elha2, d4elhb2, d4elhc2, d4elhd2, d4elhe2, d4elhf2, d4elhg2, d4elhh2
      automated match to d3fl8a_
      complexed with 53i, 53j, ca, cl
    6. 2511500Domain d4elhf1: 4elh F:1-162 [192867]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elha2, d4elhb2, d4elhc2, d4elhd2, d4elhe2, d4elhf2, d4elhg2, d4elhh2
      automated match to d3fl8a_
      complexed with 53i, 53j, ca, cl
    7. 2511501Domain d4elhg1: 4elh G:1-162 [192870]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elha2, d4elhb2, d4elhc2, d4elhd2, d4elhe2, d4elhf2, d4elhg2, d4elhh2
      automated match to d3fl8a_
      complexed with 53i, 53j, ca, cl
    8. 2511502Domain d4elhh1: 4elh H:1-162 [192871]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4elha2, d4elhb2, d4elhc2, d4elhd2, d4elhe2, d4elhf2, d4elhg2, d4elhh2
      automated match to d3fl8a_
      complexed with 53i, 53j, ca, cl

More info for Species Anthrax bacillus (Bacillus anthracis) [TaxId:1392] from c.71.1.0 automated matches

Timeline for Species Anthrax bacillus (Bacillus anthracis) [TaxId:1392] from c.71.1.0 automated matches: