Lineage for Species: Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.07
  2. 2530962Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (388 folds)
  3. 2555938Fold d.58: Ferredoxin-like [54861] (59 superfamilies)
    alpha+beta sandwich with antiparallel beta-sheet; (beta-alpha-beta)x2
  4. 2558725Superfamily d.58.7: RNA-binding domain, RBD [54928] (6 families) (S)
  5. 2559336Family d.58.7.0: automated matches [191529] (1 protein)
    not a true family
  6. 2559337Protein automated matches [190896] (11 species)
    not a true protein
  7. 2559375Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [188315] (105 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId: 9606]:

  1. Domain(s) for 2d9p:
  2. Domain(s) for 2dgp:
  3. Domain(s) for 2dgq:
  4. Domain(s) for 2dgs:
  5. Domain(s) for 2dgt:
  6. Domain(s) for 2dgu:
  7. Domain(s) for 2dgv:
  8. Domain(s) for 2dgw:
  9. Domain(s) for 2dh8:
  10. Domain(s) for 2dh9:
  11. Domain(s) for 2dhg:
  12. Domain(s) for 2dhs:
    1. 2559539Domain d2dhsa1: 2dhs A:1-103 [381284]
      automated match to d2dgpa1
    2. 2559540Domain d2dhsa2: 2dhs A:104-187 [381287]
      automated match to d2dgpa1
  13. Domain(s) for 2div:
  14. Domain(s) for 2dk2:
  15. Domain(s) for 2dnh:
  16. Domain(s) for 2dnk:
  17. Domain(s) for 2dnm:
  18. Domain(s) for 2dno:
  19. Domain(s) for 2dnp:
  20. Domain(s) for 2dnq:
  21. Domain(s) for 2dny:
  22. Domain(s) for 2do4:
  23. Domain(s) for 2e5h:
  24. Domain(s) for 2fc8:
  25. Domain(s) for 2fc9:
  26. Domain(s) for 2fho:
  27. Domain(s) for 2hgl:
  28. Domain(s) for 2hgm:
  29. Domain(s) for 2hgn:
  30. Domain(s) for 2k8g:
  31. Domain(s) for 2kfy:
  32. Domain(s) for 2kg0:
  33. Domain(s) for 2kg1:
  34. Domain(s) for 2kxf:
    1. 2559493Domain d2kxfa1: 2kxf A:102-200 [264362]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2kxfa3
      automated match to d2mpua_
    2. 2559494Domain d2kxfa2: 2kxf A:201-297 [264363]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2kxfa3
      automated match to d2mpua_
  35. Domain(s) for 2kxh:
    1. 2559499Domain d2kxha1: 2kxh A:102-200 [264364]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2kxha3
      automated match to d2mpua_
    2. 2559500Domain d2kxha2: 2kxh A:201-297 [264365]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2kxha3
      automated match to d2mpua_
  36. Domain(s) for 2la6:
  37. Domain(s) for 2lcw:
  38. Domain(s) for 2lea:
  39. Domain(s) for 2leb:
  40. Domain(s) for 2lec:
  41. Domain(s) for 2lmi:
  42. Domain(s) for 2lxi:
  43. Domain(s) for 2lxu:
  44. Domain(s) for 2m3d:
  45. Domain(s) for 2m8h:
  46. Domain(s) for 2mb0:
  47. Domain(s) for 2mik:
  48. Domain(s) for 2mil:
  49. Domain(s) for 2mks:
  50. Domain(s) for 2mmy:
  51. Domain(s) for 2my7:
  52. Domain(s) for 2my8:
  53. Domain(s) for 2pe8:
  54. Domain(s) for 2rra:
  55. Domain(s) for 2rrb:
  56. Domain(s) for 2rvj:
  57. Domain(s) for 2ytc:
  58. Domain(s) for 2ywk:
  59. Domain(s) for 3b4d:
  60. Domain(s) for 3b4m:
    1. 2559441Domain d3b4ma_: 3b4m A: [208517]
      automated match to d2cpea1
    2. 2559442Domain d3b4mb_: 3b4m B: [208518]
      automated match to d2cpea1
    3. 2559443Domain d3b4mc_: 3b4m C: [208519]
      automated match to d2cpea1
    4. 2559444Domain d3b4md_: 3b4m D: [208520]
      automated match to d2cpea1
  61. Domain(s) for 3bs9:
    1. 2559402Domain d3bs9a_: 3bs9 A: [172805]
      automated match to d1x5sa1
      complexed with iod
    2. 2559403Domain d3bs9b_: 3bs9 B: [172806]
      automated match to d1x5sa1
      complexed with iod
  62. Domain(s) for 3egn:
  63. Domain(s) for 3hi9:
    1. 2559383Domain d3hi9a_: 3hi9 A: [211068]
      automated match to d1oo0b_
    2. 2559384Domain d3hi9b_: 3hi9 B: [211069]
      automated match to d1oo0b_
    3. 2559385Domain d3hi9c_: 3hi9 C: [211070]
      automated match to d1oo0b_
    4. 2559386Domain d3hi9d_: 3hi9 D: [211071]
      automated match to d1oo0b_
  64. Domain(s) for 3n9u:
    1. 2559380Domain d3n9uc_: 3n9u C: [294006]
      automated match to d3n9ui_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with gol
    2. 2559381Domain d3n9ui_: 3n9u I: [265075]
      automated match to d4c7qa_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with gol
  65. Domain(s) for 3p5t:
    1. 2559427Domain d3p5tl_: 3p5t L: [265145]
      automated match to d4c7qa_
      protein/RNA complex
    2. 2559428Domain d3p5tm_: 3p5t M: [265146]
      automated match to d4c7qa_
      protein/RNA complex
    3. 2559429Domain d3p5tn_: 3p5t N: [265147]
      automated match to d4c7qa_
      protein/RNA complex
    4. 2559430Domain d3p5to_: 3p5t O: [265148]
      automated match to d4c7qa_
      protein/RNA complex
    5. 2559431Domain d3p5tp_: 3p5t P: [265149]
      automated match to d4c7qa_
      protein/RNA complex
    6. 2559432Domain d3p5tq_: 3p5t Q: [265150]
      automated match to d4c7qa_
      protein/RNA complex
  66. Domain(s) for 3p6y:
    1. 2559433Domain d3p6yc_: 3p6y C: [265151]
      automated match to d4c7qa_
      protein/RNA complex
    2. 2559434Domain d3p6yd_: 3p6y D: [265152]
      automated match to d4c7qa_
      protein/RNA complex
    3. 2559435Domain d3p6yg_: 3p6y G: [265153]
      automated match to d4c7qa_
      protein/RNA complex
    4. 2559436Domain d3p6yh_: 3p6y H: [265154]
      automated match to d4c7qa_
      protein/RNA complex
    5. 2559437Domain d3p6yk_: 3p6y K: [265155]
      automated match to d4c7qa_
      protein/RNA complex
    6. 2559438Domain d3p6yl_: 3p6y L: [265156]
      automated match to d4c7qa_
      protein/RNA complex
    7. 2559439Domain d3p6yo_: 3p6y O: [265157]
      automated match to d4c7qa_
      protein/RNA complex
    8. 2559440Domain d3p6yp_: 3p6y P: [265158]
      automated match to d4c7qa_
      protein/RNA complex
  67. Domain(s) for 3q2s:
    1. 2559482Domain d3q2sc_: 3q2s C: [265241]
      automated match to d2mpua_
      protein/RNA complex
    2. 2559483Domain d3q2sd_: 3q2s D: [265242]
      automated match to d2mpua_
      protein/RNA complex
  68. Domain(s) for 3r27:
    1. 2559404Domain d3r27a_: 3r27 A: [200430]
      automated match to d3r27b_
      complexed with gol
    2. 2559405Domain d3r27b_: 3r27 B: [196174]
      automated match to d1wexa_
      complexed with gol
  69. Domain(s) for 3rw7:
    1. 2559468Domain d3rw7a1: 3rw7 A:118-199 [249238]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3rw7a2, d3rw7b_, d3rw7c2, d3rw7d_
      automated match to d1kooa2
    2. 2559469Domain d3rw7c1: 3rw7 C:117-198 [249241]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3rw7a2, d3rw7b_, d3rw7c2, d3rw7d_
      automated match to d1kooa2
  70. Domain(s) for 3ucg:
  71. Domain(s) for 3ue2:
  72. Domain(s) for 3us5:
  73. Domain(s) for 3uwt:
    1. 2559453Domain d3uwta1: 3uwt A:118-217 [265542]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3uwta3
      automated match to d2mpua_
      complexed with cl
    2. 2559454Domain d3uwta2: 3uwt A:218-313 [265543]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3uwta3
      automated match to d2mpua_
      complexed with cl
  74. Domain(s) for 4a8x:
  75. Domain(s) for 4cko:
    1. 2559394Domain d4ckoa3: 4cko A:445-531 [307129]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ckoa2, d4ckob3, d4ckoc3, d4ckod3, d4ckoe3, d4ckof3, d4ckog3, d4ckoh3
      automated match to d2adca2
      complexed with cl, zn
    2. 2559395Domain d4ckob4: 4cko B:445-531 [307131]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ckoa2, d4ckob3, d4ckoc3, d4ckod3, d4ckoe3, d4ckof3, d4ckog3, d4ckoh3
      automated match to d2adca2
      complexed with cl, zn
    3. 2559396Domain d4ckoc4: 4cko C:445-531 [307133]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ckoa2, d4ckob3, d4ckoc3, d4ckod3, d4ckoe3, d4ckof3, d4ckog3, d4ckoh3
      automated match to d2adca2
      complexed with cl, zn
    4. 2559397Domain d4ckod4: 4cko D:445-531 [307135]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ckoa2, d4ckob3, d4ckoc3, d4ckod3, d4ckoe3, d4ckof3, d4ckog3, d4ckoh3
      automated match to d2adca2
      complexed with cl, zn
    5. 2559398Domain d4ckoe4: 4cko E:445-531 [307137]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ckoa2, d4ckob3, d4ckoc3, d4ckod3, d4ckoe3, d4ckof3, d4ckog3, d4ckoh3
      automated match to d2adca2
      complexed with cl, zn
    6. 2559399Domain d4ckof4: 4cko F:445-531 [307139]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ckoa2, d4ckob3, d4ckoc3, d4ckod3, d4ckoe3, d4ckof3, d4ckog3, d4ckoh3
      automated match to d2adca2
      complexed with cl, zn
    7. 2559400Domain d4ckog4: 4cko G:445-531 [307141]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ckoa2, d4ckob3, d4ckoc3, d4ckod3, d4ckoe3, d4ckof3, d4ckog3, d4ckoh3
      automated match to d2adca2
      complexed with cl, zn
    8. 2559401Domain d4ckoh4: 4cko H:445-531 [307143]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4ckoa2, d4ckob3, d4ckoc3, d4ckod3, d4ckoe3, d4ckof3, d4ckog3, d4ckoh3
      automated match to d2adca2
      complexed with cl, zn
  76. Domain(s) for 4cq1:
    1. 2559408Domain d4cq1a2: 4cq1 A:445-531 [237006]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4cq1a1, d4cq1b1, d4cq1c1, d4cq1d1, d4cq1e1, d4cq1f1, d4cq1g1, d4cq1h1
      automated match to d4ckob2
      complexed with cl, zn
    2. 2559409Domain d4cq1b2: 4cq1 B:445-531 [237000]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4cq1a1, d4cq1b1, d4cq1c1, d4cq1d1, d4cq1e1, d4cq1f1, d4cq1g1, d4cq1h1
      automated match to d4ckob2
      complexed with cl, zn
    3. 2559410Domain d4cq1c2: 4cq1 C:445-531 [237001]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4cq1a1, d4cq1b1, d4cq1c1, d4cq1d1, d4cq1e1, d4cq1f1, d4cq1g1, d4cq1h1
      automated match to d4ckob2
      complexed with cl, zn
    4. 2559411Domain d4cq1d2: 4cq1 D:445-531 [237005]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4cq1a1, d4cq1b1, d4cq1c1, d4cq1d1, d4cq1e1, d4cq1f1, d4cq1g1, d4cq1h1
      automated match to d4ckob2
      complexed with cl, zn
    5. 2559412Domain d4cq1e2: 4cq1 E:445-531 [237004]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4cq1a1, d4cq1b1, d4cq1c1, d4cq1d1, d4cq1e1, d4cq1f1, d4cq1g1, d4cq1h1
      automated match to d4ckob2
      complexed with cl, zn
    6. 2559413Domain d4cq1f2: 4cq1 F:445-531 [237003]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4cq1a1, d4cq1b1, d4cq1c1, d4cq1d1, d4cq1e1, d4cq1f1, d4cq1g1, d4cq1h1
      automated match to d4ckob2
      complexed with cl, zn
    7. 2559414Domain d4cq1g2: 4cq1 G:445-531 [236999]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4cq1a1, d4cq1b1, d4cq1c1, d4cq1d1, d4cq1e1, d4cq1f1, d4cq1g1, d4cq1h1
      automated match to d4ckob2
      complexed with cl, zn
    8. 2559415Domain d4cq1h2: 4cq1 H:445-531 [237002]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4cq1a1, d4cq1b1, d4cq1c1, d4cq1d1, d4cq1e1, d4cq1f1, d4cq1g1, d4cq1h1
      automated match to d4ckob2
      complexed with cl, zn
  77. Domain(s) for 4ed5:
    1. 2559387Domain d4ed5a1: 4ed5 A:18-99 [234372]
      automated match to d1fxla1
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with edo, gol, m2m
    2. 2559388Domain d4ed5a2: 4ed5 A:100-185 [234388]
      automated match to d1fxla2
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with edo, gol, m2m
    3. 2559389Domain d4ed5b1: 4ed5 B:18-99 [234373]
      automated match to d1fxla1
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with edo, gol, m2m
    4. 2559390Domain d4ed5b2: 4ed5 B:100-186 [234387]
      automated match to d1fxla2
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with edo, gol, m2m
  78. Domain(s) for 4egl:
    1. 2559459Domain d4egla1: 4egl A:18-99 [234378]
      automated match to d1fxla1
      complexed with gol, so4
    2. 2559460Domain d4egla2: 4egl A:100-184 [234389]
      automated match to d1fxla2
      complexed with gol, so4
  79. Domain(s) for 4f25:
  80. Domain(s) for 4f26:
  81. Domain(s) for 4fxv:
    1. 2559418Domain d4fxva1: 4fxv A:20-99 [221592]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4fxva2, d4fxvb2, d4fxvc2, d4fxvd2
      automated match to d2cpja1
    2. 2559419Domain d4fxvb1: 4fxv B:20-97 [221593]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4fxva2, d4fxvb2, d4fxvc2, d4fxvd2
      automated match to d2cpja1
    3. 2559420Domain d4fxvc1: 4fxv C:20-99 [221594]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4fxva2, d4fxvb2, d4fxvc2, d4fxvd2
      automated match to d2cpja1
    4. 2559421Domain d4fxvd1: 4fxv D:20-96 [221595]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4fxva2, d4fxvb2, d4fxvc2, d4fxvd2
      automated match to d2cpja1
  82. Domain(s) for 4ljm:
    1. 2559451Domain d4ljma_: 4ljm A: [257840]
      automated match to d2rraa_
    2. 2559452Domain d4ljmb_: 4ljm B: [262951]
      automated match to d2mika_
  83. Domain(s) for 4tlq:
    1. 2559455Domain d4tlqa_: 4tlq A: [279845]
      automated match to d2mika_
    2. 2559456Domain d4tlqb_: 4tlq B: [279846]
      automated match to d2mika_
  84. Domain(s) for 5iqq:
    1. 2559446Domain d5iqqa_: 5iqq A: [317009]
      automated match to d1d8za_
      protein/RNA complex
    2. 2559447Domain d5iqqb_: 5iqq B: [316997]
      automated match to d1d8za_
      protein/RNA complex
    3. 2559448Domain d5iqqc_: 5iqq C: [317030]
      automated match to d1d8za_
      protein/RNA complex
    4. 2559449Domain d5iqqd_: 5iqq D: [317004]
      automated match to d1d8za_
      protein/RNA complex
    5. 2559450Domain d5iqqe_: 5iqq E: [316998]
      automated match to d1d8za_
      protein/RNA complex
  85. Domain(s) for 5kwq:
    1. 2559470Domain d5kwqa1: 5kwq A:101-200 [338175]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5kwqa3, d5kwqb3
      automated match to d2mpua_
    2. 2559471Domain d5kwqa2: 5kwq A:201-294 [338176]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5kwqa3, d5kwqb3
      automated match to d2mpua_
    3. 2559472Domain d5kwqb1: 5kwq B:101-200 [338184]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5kwqa3, d5kwqb3
      automated match to d2mpua_
    4. 2559473Domain d5kwqb2: 5kwq B:201-295 [338185]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5kwqa3, d5kwqb3
      automated match to d2mpua_
  86. Domain(s) for 5lxr:
  87. Domain(s) for 5lxy:
    1. 2559461Domain d5lxya_: 5lxy A: [327224]
      automated match to d3ulha_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with br
    2. 2559462Domain d5lxyb_: 5lxy B: [327241]
      automated match to d3ulha_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with br
    3. 2559463Domain d5lxye_: 5lxy E: [327226]
      automated match to d3ulha_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with br
    4. 2559464Domain d5lxyg_: 5lxy G: [327200]
      automated match to d3ulha_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with br
    5. 2559465Domain d5lxyi_: 5lxy I: [327209]
      automated match to d3ulha_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with br
    6. 2559466Domain d5lxyk_: 5lxy K: [327258]
      automated match to d3ulha_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with br
    7. 2559467Domain d5lxym_: 5lxy M: [327253]
      automated match to d3ulha_
      protein/RNA complex; complexed with br
  88. Domain(s) for 5o2v:
  89. Domain(s) for 5obn:
  90. Domain(s) for 5szw:
  91. Domain(s) for 5tbx:
    1. 2559416Domain d5tbxa_: 5tbx A: [333019]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5tbxb2
      automated match to d2mb0b_
      complexed with act, ni
    2. 2559417Domain d5tbxb1: 5tbx B:2-92 [332990]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5tbxb2
      automated match to d2mb0b_
      complexed with act, ni
  92. Domain(s) for 6dbp:
    1. 2559391Domain d6dbpa_: 6dbp A: [368508]
      automated match to d1d8za_
    2. 2559392Domain d6dbpb_: 6dbp B: [368507]
      automated match to d1d8za_
  93. Domain(s) for 6dg1:
  94. Domain(s) for 6icz:
    1. 2559484Domain d6iczp_: 6icz p: [365894]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6icza_, d6iczb_, d6iczc1, d6iczc2, d6iczc3, d6iczc4, d6iczc5, d6iczd_, d6icze_, d6iczf_, d6iczg_, d6iczh_, d6iczi_, d6iczj_, d6iczk_, d6iczl_, d6iczm_, d6iczn_, d6iczo_, d6iczq1, d6iczq2, d6iczr1, d6iczr2, d6iczs_, d6iczt_, d6iczu1, d6iczu2, d6iczv_
      automated match to d2fjja_
      complexed with atp, gtp, i6p, mg, zn
    2. 2559485Domain d6iczy_: 6icz y: [365958]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6icza_, d6iczb_, d6iczc1, d6iczc2, d6iczc3, d6iczc4, d6iczc5, d6iczd_, d6icze_, d6iczf_, d6iczg_, d6iczh_, d6iczi_, d6iczj_, d6iczk_, d6iczl_, d6iczm_, d6iczn_, d6iczo_, d6iczq1, d6iczq2, d6iczr1, d6iczr2, d6iczs_, d6iczt_, d6iczu1, d6iczu2, d6iczv_
      automated match to d3mdfa_
      complexed with atp, gtp, i6p, mg, zn
  95. Domain(s) for 6id0:
    1. 2559476Domain d6id0p_: 6id0 p: [365922]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6id0a_, d6id0b_, d6id0c1, d6id0c2, d6id0c3, d6id0c4, d6id0c5, d6id0d_, d6id0e_, d6id0f_, d6id0g_, d6id0h_, d6id0i_, d6id0j_, d6id0k_, d6id0l_, d6id0m_, d6id0n_, d6id0o_, d6id0q1, d6id0q2, d6id0r1, d6id0r2, d6id0s_, d6id0t_
      automated match to d2fjja_
      complexed with gtp, i6p, mg, zn
    2. 2559477Domain d6id0y_: 6id0 y: [365981]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6id0a_, d6id0b_, d6id0c1, d6id0c2, d6id0c3, d6id0c4, d6id0c5, d6id0d_, d6id0e_, d6id0f_, d6id0g_, d6id0h_, d6id0i_, d6id0j_, d6id0k_, d6id0l_, d6id0m_, d6id0n_, d6id0o_, d6id0q1, d6id0q2, d6id0r1, d6id0r2, d6id0s_, d6id0t_
      automated match to d3mdfa_
      complexed with gtp, i6p, mg, zn
  96. Domain(s) for 6id1:
    1. 2559474Domain d6id1p_: 6id1 p: [365982]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6id1a_, d6id1b_, d6id1c1, d6id1c2, d6id1c3, d6id1c4, d6id1c5, d6id1d_, d6id1e_, d6id1f_, d6id1g_, d6id1h_, d6id1i_, d6id1j_, d6id1k_, d6id1l_, d6id1m_, d6id1n_, d6id1o_, d6id1q1, d6id1q2, d6id1r1, d6id1r2, d6id1s_, d6id1t_
      automated match to d2fjja_
      complexed with gtp, i6p, mg, zn
    2. 2559475Domain d6id1y_: 6id1 y: [366020]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6id1a_, d6id1b_, d6id1c1, d6id1c2, d6id1c3, d6id1c4, d6id1c5, d6id1d_, d6id1e_, d6id1f_, d6id1g_, d6id1h_, d6id1i_, d6id1j_, d6id1k_, d6id1l_, d6id1m_, d6id1n_, d6id1o_, d6id1q1, d6id1q2, d6id1r1, d6id1r2, d6id1s_, d6id1t_
      automated match to d3mdfa_
      complexed with gtp, i6p, mg, zn
  97. Domain(s) for 6nty:
    1. 2559425Domain d6ntya1: 6nty A:21-100 [376062]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6ntya2, d6ntyb2
      automated match to d1d8za_
      complexed with po4
    2. 2559426Domain d6ntyb1: 6nty B:21-100 [376064]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6ntya2, d6ntyb2
      automated match to d1d8za_
      complexed with po4
  98. Domain(s) for 6pai:
  99. Domain(s) for 6q0r:
  100. Domain(s) for 6q0v:
  101. Domain(s) for 6q0w:
  102. Domain(s) for 6snj:
  103. Domain(s) for 6ud7:
  104. Domain(s) for 6ue5:
  105. Domain(s) for 6ybs:

More info for Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] from d.58.7.0 automated matches

Timeline for Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] from d.58.7.0 automated matches: