Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (176 folds) |
Fold b.1: Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich [48725] (31 superfamilies) sandwich; 7 strands in 2 sheets; greek-key some members of the fold have additional strands |
Superfamily b.1.1: Immunoglobulin [48726] (5 families) |
Family b.1.1.0: automated matches [191470] (1 protein) not a true family |
Protein automated matches [190740] (19 species) not a true protein |
Species Human (Homo sapiens) [TaxId:9606] [187920] (522 PDB entries) |
Domain d1tzgl1: 1tzg L:1-106 [119400] Other proteins in same PDB: d1tzgh1, d1tzgh2, d1tzgi1, d1tzgi2, d1tzgl2, d1tzgm2 automated match to d4fnll1 complexed with gol |
Domain d1tzgm1: 1tzg M:1-106 [119402] Other proteins in same PDB: d1tzgh1, d1tzgh2, d1tzgi1, d1tzgi2, d1tzgl2, d1tzgm2 automated match to d4fnll1 complexed with gol |
Domain d1u2ha_: 1u2h A: [161802] automated match to d1fhga_ |
Domain d1u6al1: 1u6a L:1-107 [119566] Other proteins in same PDB: d1u6ah1, d1u6ah2, d1u6al2 automated match to d3hi1a1 |
Domain d1wt5a_: 1wt5 A: [203019] Other proteins in same PDB: d1wt5c_, d1wt5d_ automated match to d1ar1c_ |
Domain d1wt5b_: 1wt5 B: [203020] Other proteins in same PDB: d1wt5c_, d1wt5d_ automated match to d1ar1c_ |
Domain d1x9qa1: 1x9q A:14-124 [203081] automated match to d1nqba2 complexed with act, flu |
Domain d1x9qa2: 1x9q A:153-268 [203082] automated match to d1nqba1 complexed with act, flu |
Domain d1ya5a1: 1ya5 A:1-100 [240997] automated match to d1g1ca_ complexed with so4 |
Domain d1ya5a2: 1ya5 A:101-198 [240998] automated match to d1g1ca_ complexed with so4 |
Domain d1ya5b1: 1ya5 B:1-100 [240999] automated match to d1g1ca_ complexed with so4 |
Domain d1ya5b2: 1ya5 B:101-197 [241000] automated match to d1g1ca_ complexed with so4 |
Domain d1za6a1: 1za6 A:1-113 [197690] Other proteins in same PDB: d1za6a2, d1za6b1, d1za6b2, d1za6b3, d1za6c2, d1za6d1, d1za6d2, d1za6d3, d1za6e2, d1za6f1, d1za6f2, d1za6f3, d1za6g2, d1za6h1, d1za6h2, d1za6h3 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d1za6c1: 1za6 C:1-113 [197692] Other proteins in same PDB: d1za6a2, d1za6b1, d1za6b2, d1za6b3, d1za6c2, d1za6d1, d1za6d2, d1za6d3, d1za6e2, d1za6f1, d1za6f2, d1za6f3, d1za6g2, d1za6h1, d1za6h2, d1za6h3 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d1za6e1: 1za6 E:1-113 [197694] Other proteins in same PDB: d1za6a2, d1za6b1, d1za6b2, d1za6b3, d1za6c2, d1za6d1, d1za6d2, d1za6d3, d1za6e2, d1za6f1, d1za6f2, d1za6f3, d1za6g2, d1za6h1, d1za6h2, d1za6h3 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d1za6g1: 1za6 G:1-113 [197696] Other proteins in same PDB: d1za6a2, d1za6b1, d1za6b2, d1za6b3, d1za6c2, d1za6d1, d1za6d2, d1za6d3, d1za6e2, d1za6f1, d1za6f2, d1za6f3, d1za6g2, d1za6h1, d1za6h2, d1za6h3 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d1zlsl1: 1zls L:2-107 [230445] Other proteins in same PDB: d1zlsh1, d1zlsh2, d1zlsl2 automated match to d1n0xl1 |
Domain d1zlvk1: 1zlv K:2-107 [230449] Other proteins in same PDB: d1zlvh1, d1zlvh2, d1zlvk2, d1zlvl2, d1zlvm1, d1zlvm2 automated match to d1n0xl1 complexed with man |
Domain d1zlvl1: 1zlv L:2-107 [230447] Other proteins in same PDB: d1zlvh1, d1zlvh2, d1zlvk2, d1zlvl2, d1zlvm1, d1zlvm2 automated match to d1n0xl1 complexed with man |
Domain d1zlwk1: 1zlw K:2-107 [230455] Other proteins in same PDB: d1zlwh1, d1zlwh2, d1zlwk2, d1zlwl2, d1zlwm1, d1zlwm2 automated match to d1n0xl1 complexed with man |
Domain d1zlwl1: 1zlw L:2-107 [230456] Other proteins in same PDB: d1zlwh1, d1zlwh2, d1zlwk2, d1zlwl2, d1zlwm1, d1zlwm2 automated match to d1n0xl1 complexed with man |
Domain d2a38a1: 2a38 A:1-100 [241205] automated match to d1g1ca_ complexed with cd |
Domain d2a38a2: 2a38 A:101-194 [241206] automated match to d1g1ca_ complexed with cd |
Domain d2a38b1: 2a38 B:1-100 [241207] automated match to d1g1ca_ complexed with cd |
Domain d2a38b2: 2a38 B:101-194 [241208] automated match to d1g1ca_ complexed with cd |
Domain d2a38c1: 2a38 C:1-100 [241209] automated match to d1g1ca_ complexed with cd |
Domain d2a38c2: 2a38 C:101-194 [241210] automated match to d1g1ca_ complexed with cd |
Domain d2a9ml_: 2a9m L: [203420] Other proteins in same PDB: d2a9mh_, d2a9mi_ automated match to d1oaql_ |
Domain d2a9mm_: 2a9m M: [203421] Other proteins in same PDB: d2a9mh_, d2a9mi_ automated match to d1oaql_ |
Domain d2aj3a1: 2aj3 A:2-107 [203455] Other proteins in same PDB: d2aj3a2, d2aj3c2, d2aj3e2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with so4 |
Domain d2aj3c1: 2aj3 C:2-107 [203457] Other proteins in same PDB: d2aj3a2, d2aj3c2, d2aj3e2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with so4 |
Domain d2aj3e1: 2aj3 E:2-107 [203459] Other proteins in same PDB: d2aj3a2, d2aj3c2, d2aj3e2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with so4 |
Domain d2axha1: 2axh A:3-115 [127490] automated match to d2axja1 |
Domain d2axha2: 2axh A:116-244 [127491] automated match to d2axja2 |
Domain d2axhb1: 2axh B:3-115 [127492] automated match to d2axja1 |
Domain d2axhb2: 2axh B:116-244 [127493] automated match to d2axja2 |
Domain d2axja1: 2axj A:3-115 [203513] automated match to d1lp9f1 |
Domain d2axja2: 2axj A:116-244 [203514] automated match to d1lp9f2 |
Domain d2axjb1: 2axj B:3-115 [203515] automated match to d1lp9f1 |
Domain d2axjb2: 2axj B:116-244 [203516] automated match to d1lp9f2 |
Domain d2bnua1: 2bnu A:2-115 [197797] Other proteins in same PDB: d2bnua2, d2bnub1, d2bnub2 automated match to d1qrnd1 |
Domain d2cdfa1: 2cdf A:3-115 [203762] automated match to d1qrnd1 |
Domain d2cdfa2: 2cdf A:116-193 [203763] automated match to d1qrnd2 |
Domain d2cdfb1: 2cdf B:2-116 [203764] automated match to d1lp9f1 |
Domain d2cdfb2: 2cdf B:117-245 [203765] automated match to d1lp9f2 |
Domain d2cdga1: 2cdg A:10-115 [203766] Other proteins in same PDB: d2cdga2 automated match to d1qrnd1 |
Domain d2cdgb1: 2cdg B:3-117 [203768] Other proteins in same PDB: d2cdga2 automated match to d1lp9f1 |
Domain d2cdgb2: 2cdg B:118-246 [203769] Other proteins in same PDB: d2cdga2 automated match to d1lp9f2 |
Domain d2cmrl1: 2cmr L:1-106A [203813] Other proteins in same PDB: d2cmrl2 automated match to d3fcta1 complexed with gol |
Domain d2d3va1: 2d3v A:3-94 [230629] automated match to d2dl2a1 |
Domain d2d3va2: 2d3v A:95-195 [230630] automated match to d2dlia2 |
Domain d2d7th_: 2d7t H: [203941] Other proteins in same PDB: d2d7tl_ automated match to d4jvpa_ |
Domain d2d9ca_: 2d9c A: [241522] automated match to d4cmma_ |
Domain d2dl9a_: 2dl9 A: [241591] automated match to d1tnma_ |
Domain d2dm2a_: 2dm2 A: [241605] automated match to d2yxma_ |
Domain d2dm3a_: 2dm3 A: [241606] automated match to d2wwmt_ |
Domain d2edfa_: 2edf A: [241728] automated match to d1x44a1 |
Domain d2edja_: 2edj A: [241731] automated match to d2v9ta_ |
Domain d2edka_: 2edk A: [241732] automated match to d2yxma_ |
Domain d2edna_: 2edn A: [241733] automated match to d3cx2a_ |
Domain d2eizb_: 2eiz B: [197881] Other proteins in same PDB: d2eiza_, d2eizc_ automated match to d4aq1b_ mutant |
Domain d2eksb_: 2eks B: [197883] Other proteins in same PDB: d2eksa_, d2eksc_ automated match to d1sjxa_ |
Domain d2enya_: 2eny A: [241781] automated match to d1waae_ |
Domain d2eo1a_: 2eo1 A: [241783] automated match to d2yxma_ |
Domain d2eyra1: 2eyr A:1-117 [204155] Other proteins in same PDB: d2eyra2, d2eyrb2 automated match to d1qrnd1 |
Domain d2eyrb1: 2eyr B:3-119 [204157] Other proteins in same PDB: d2eyra2, d2eyrb2 automated match to d1qrne1 |
Domain d2eysa1: 2eys A:1-117 [204159] Other proteins in same PDB: d2eysa2, d2eysb2 automated match to d1qrnd1 complexed with acy |
Domain d2eysb1: 2eys B:3-119 [204161] Other proteins in same PDB: d2eysa2, d2eysb2 automated match to d1qrne1 complexed with acy |
Domain d2eyta1: 2eyt A:1-117 [204163] Other proteins in same PDB: d2eyta2, d2eytb2, d2eytc2, d2eytd2 automated match to d1qrnd1 |
Domain d2eytb1: 2eyt B:3-119 [204165] Other proteins in same PDB: d2eyta2, d2eytb2, d2eytc2, d2eytd2 automated match to d1qrne1 |
Domain d2eytc1: 2eyt C:1-117 [204167] Other proteins in same PDB: d2eyta2, d2eytb2, d2eytc2, d2eytd2 automated match to d1qrnd1 |
Domain d2eytd1: 2eyt D:3-119 [204169] Other proteins in same PDB: d2eyta2, d2eytb2, d2eytc2, d2eytd2 automated match to d1qrne1 |
Domain d2f8va1: 2f8v A:2-100 [241811] automated match to d1g1ca_ complexed with so4 |
Domain d2f8va2: 2f8v A:101-195 [241812] automated match to d1g1ca_ complexed with so4 |
Domain d2f8vb1: 2f8v B:1-100 [241813] automated match to d1g1ca_ complexed with so4 |
Domain d2f8vb2: 2f8v B:101-197 [241814] automated match to d1g1ca_ complexed with so4 |
Domain d2f8vc1: 2f8v C:4-100 [241815] automated match to d1g1ca_ complexed with so4 |
Domain d2f8vc2: 2f8v C:101-194 [241816] automated match to d1g1ca_ complexed with so4 |
Domain d2f8vd1: 2f8v D:2-100 [241817] automated match to d1g1ca_ complexed with so4 |
Domain d2f8vd2: 2f8v D:101-194 [241818] automated match to d1g1ca_ complexed with so4 |
Domain d2fjfa1: 2fjf A:1-107 [197890] Other proteins in same PDB: d2fjfa2, d2fjfb1, d2fjfb2, d2fjfc2, d2fjfd1, d2fjfd2, d2fjfe2, d2fjff1, d2fjff2, d2fjfg2, d2fjfh1, d2fjfh2, d2fjfi1, d2fjfi2, d2fjfj2, d2fjfk1, d2fjfk2, d2fjfl2, d2fjfm2, d2fjfn1, d2fjfn2, d2fjfo2, d2fjfp1, d2fjfp2, d2fjfq2, d2fjfr1, d2fjfr2, d2fjfs2, d2fjft1, d2fjft2, d2fjfu2, d2fjfv1, d2fjfv2, d2fjfw2, d2fjfx1, d2fjfx2 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d2fjfc1: 2fjf C:1-107 [197892] Other proteins in same PDB: d2fjfa2, d2fjfb1, d2fjfb2, d2fjfc2, d2fjfd1, d2fjfd2, d2fjfe2, d2fjff1, d2fjff2, d2fjfg2, d2fjfh1, d2fjfh2, d2fjfi1, d2fjfi2, d2fjfj2, d2fjfk1, d2fjfk2, d2fjfl2, d2fjfm2, d2fjfn1, d2fjfn2, d2fjfo2, d2fjfp1, d2fjfp2, d2fjfq2, d2fjfr1, d2fjfr2, d2fjfs2, d2fjft1, d2fjft2, d2fjfu2, d2fjfv1, d2fjfv2, d2fjfw2, d2fjfx1, d2fjfx2 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d2fjfe1: 2fjf E:1-107 [197894] Other proteins in same PDB: d2fjfa2, d2fjfb1, d2fjfb2, d2fjfc2, d2fjfd1, d2fjfd2, d2fjfe2, d2fjff1, d2fjff2, d2fjfg2, d2fjfh1, d2fjfh2, d2fjfi1, d2fjfi2, d2fjfj2, d2fjfk1, d2fjfk2, d2fjfl2, d2fjfm2, d2fjfn1, d2fjfn2, d2fjfo2, d2fjfp1, d2fjfp2, d2fjfq2, d2fjfr1, d2fjfr2, d2fjfs2, d2fjft1, d2fjft2, d2fjfu2, d2fjfv1, d2fjfv2, d2fjfw2, d2fjfx1, d2fjfx2 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d2fjfg1: 2fjf G:1-107 [197896] Other proteins in same PDB: d2fjfa2, d2fjfb1, d2fjfb2, d2fjfc2, d2fjfd1, d2fjfd2, d2fjfe2, d2fjff1, d2fjff2, d2fjfg2, d2fjfh1, d2fjfh2, d2fjfi1, d2fjfi2, d2fjfj2, d2fjfk1, d2fjfk2, d2fjfl2, d2fjfm2, d2fjfn1, d2fjfn2, d2fjfo2, d2fjfp1, d2fjfp2, d2fjfq2, d2fjfr1, d2fjfr2, d2fjfs2, d2fjft1, d2fjft2, d2fjfu2, d2fjfv1, d2fjfv2, d2fjfw2, d2fjfx1, d2fjfx2 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d2fjfj1: 2fjf J:1-107 [197898] Other proteins in same PDB: d2fjfa2, d2fjfb1, d2fjfb2, d2fjfc2, d2fjfd1, d2fjfd2, d2fjfe2, d2fjff1, d2fjff2, d2fjfg2, d2fjfh1, d2fjfh2, d2fjfi1, d2fjfi2, d2fjfj2, d2fjfk1, d2fjfk2, d2fjfl2, d2fjfm2, d2fjfn1, d2fjfn2, d2fjfo2, d2fjfp1, d2fjfp2, d2fjfq2, d2fjfr1, d2fjfr2, d2fjfs2, d2fjft1, d2fjft2, d2fjfu2, d2fjfv1, d2fjfv2, d2fjfw2, d2fjfx1, d2fjfx2 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d2fjfl1: 2fjf L:1-107 [197900] Other proteins in same PDB: d2fjfa2, d2fjfb1, d2fjfb2, d2fjfc2, d2fjfd1, d2fjfd2, d2fjfe2, d2fjff1, d2fjff2, d2fjfg2, d2fjfh1, d2fjfh2, d2fjfi1, d2fjfi2, d2fjfj2, d2fjfk1, d2fjfk2, d2fjfl2, d2fjfm2, d2fjfn1, d2fjfn2, d2fjfo2, d2fjfp1, d2fjfp2, d2fjfq2, d2fjfr1, d2fjfr2, d2fjfs2, d2fjft1, d2fjft2, d2fjfu2, d2fjfv1, d2fjfv2, d2fjfw2, d2fjfx1, d2fjfx2 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d2fjfm1: 2fjf M:1-107 [197902] Other proteins in same PDB: d2fjfa2, d2fjfb1, d2fjfb2, d2fjfc2, d2fjfd1, d2fjfd2, d2fjfe2, d2fjff1, d2fjff2, d2fjfg2, d2fjfh1, d2fjfh2, d2fjfi1, d2fjfi2, d2fjfj2, d2fjfk1, d2fjfk2, d2fjfl2, d2fjfm2, d2fjfn1, d2fjfn2, d2fjfo2, d2fjfp1, d2fjfp2, d2fjfq2, d2fjfr1, d2fjfr2, d2fjfs2, d2fjft1, d2fjft2, d2fjfu2, d2fjfv1, d2fjfv2, d2fjfw2, d2fjfx1, d2fjfx2 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d2fjfo1: 2fjf O:1-107 [197904] Other proteins in same PDB: d2fjfa2, d2fjfb1, d2fjfb2, d2fjfc2, d2fjfd1, d2fjfd2, d2fjfe2, d2fjff1, d2fjff2, d2fjfg2, d2fjfh1, d2fjfh2, d2fjfi1, d2fjfi2, d2fjfj2, d2fjfk1, d2fjfk2, d2fjfl2, d2fjfm2, d2fjfn1, d2fjfn2, d2fjfo2, d2fjfp1, d2fjfp2, d2fjfq2, d2fjfr1, d2fjfr2, d2fjfs2, d2fjft1, d2fjft2, d2fjfu2, d2fjfv1, d2fjfv2, d2fjfw2, d2fjfx1, d2fjfx2 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d2fjfq1: 2fjf Q:1-107 [197906] Other proteins in same PDB: d2fjfa2, d2fjfb1, d2fjfb2, d2fjfc2, d2fjfd1, d2fjfd2, d2fjfe2, d2fjff1, d2fjff2, d2fjfg2, d2fjfh1, d2fjfh2, d2fjfi1, d2fjfi2, d2fjfj2, d2fjfk1, d2fjfk2, d2fjfl2, d2fjfm2, d2fjfn1, d2fjfn2, d2fjfo2, d2fjfp1, d2fjfp2, d2fjfq2, d2fjfr1, d2fjfr2, d2fjfs2, d2fjft1, d2fjft2, d2fjfu2, d2fjfv1, d2fjfv2, d2fjfw2, d2fjfx1, d2fjfx2 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d2fjfs1: 2fjf S:1-107 [197908] Other proteins in same PDB: d2fjfa2, d2fjfb1, d2fjfb2, d2fjfc2, d2fjfd1, d2fjfd2, d2fjfe2, d2fjff1, d2fjff2, d2fjfg2, d2fjfh1, d2fjfh2, d2fjfi1, d2fjfi2, d2fjfj2, d2fjfk1, d2fjfk2, d2fjfl2, d2fjfm2, d2fjfn1, d2fjfn2, d2fjfo2, d2fjfp1, d2fjfp2, d2fjfq2, d2fjfr1, d2fjfr2, d2fjfs2, d2fjft1, d2fjft2, d2fjfu2, d2fjfv1, d2fjfv2, d2fjfw2, d2fjfx1, d2fjfx2 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d2fjfu1: 2fjf U:1-107 [197910] Other proteins in same PDB: d2fjfa2, d2fjfb1, d2fjfb2, d2fjfc2, d2fjfd1, d2fjfd2, d2fjfe2, d2fjff1, d2fjff2, d2fjfg2, d2fjfh1, d2fjfh2, d2fjfi1, d2fjfi2, d2fjfj2, d2fjfk1, d2fjfk2, d2fjfl2, d2fjfm2, d2fjfn1, d2fjfn2, d2fjfo2, d2fjfp1, d2fjfp2, d2fjfq2, d2fjfr1, d2fjfr2, d2fjfs2, d2fjft1, d2fjft2, d2fjfu2, d2fjfv1, d2fjfv2, d2fjfw2, d2fjfx1, d2fjfx2 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d2fjfw1: 2fjf W:1-107 [197912] Other proteins in same PDB: d2fjfa2, d2fjfb1, d2fjfb2, d2fjfc2, d2fjfd1, d2fjfd2, d2fjfe2, d2fjff1, d2fjff2, d2fjfg2, d2fjfh1, d2fjfh2, d2fjfi1, d2fjfi2, d2fjfj2, d2fjfk1, d2fjfk2, d2fjfl2, d2fjfm2, d2fjfn1, d2fjfn2, d2fjfo2, d2fjfp1, d2fjfp2, d2fjfq2, d2fjfr1, d2fjfr2, d2fjfs2, d2fjft1, d2fjft2, d2fjfu2, d2fjfv1, d2fjfv2, d2fjfw2, d2fjfx1, d2fjfx2 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d2fjga1: 2fjg A:1-107 [197914] Other proteins in same PDB: d2fjga2, d2fjgb1, d2fjgb2, d2fjgh1, d2fjgh2, d2fjgl2, d2fjgv_, d2fjgw_ automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with so4 |
Domain d2fjgl1: 2fjg L:1-107 [197916] Other proteins in same PDB: d2fjga2, d2fjgb1, d2fjgb2, d2fjgh1, d2fjgh2, d2fjgl2, d2fjgv_, d2fjgw_ automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with so4 |
Domain d2fl5a1: 2fl5 A:1-106 [241859] automated match to d4m5yl1 complexed with rbf |
Domain d2fl5a2: 2fl5 A:107-212 [241860] automated match to d4llub2 complexed with rbf |
Domain d2fl5c1: 2fl5 C:1-106 [241861] automated match to d4m5yl1 complexed with rbf |
Domain d2fl5c2: 2fl5 C:107-212 [241862] automated match to d4llub2 complexed with rbf |
Domain d2fl5e1: 2fl5 E:1-106 [241863] automated match to d4m5yl1 complexed with rbf |
Domain d2fl5e2: 2fl5 E:107-212 [241864] automated match to d4llub2 complexed with rbf |
Domain d2fl5l1: 2fl5 L:1-106 [241865] automated match to d4m5yl1 complexed with rbf |
Domain d2fl5l2: 2fl5 L:107-212 [241866] automated match to d4llub2 complexed with rbf |
Domain d2gi7a1: 2gi7 A:2-88 [204370] automated match to d1ucta1 complexed with cl, gol, so4 |
Domain d2gi7a2: 2gi7 A:89-183 [204371] automated match to d1ucta2 complexed with cl, gol, so4 |
Domain d2gi7b1: 2gi7 B:0-88 [204372] automated match to d1ucta1 complexed with cl, gol, so4 |
Domain d2gi7b2: 2gi7 B:89-183 [204373] automated match to d1ucta2 complexed with cl, gol, so4 |
Domain d2gw5a1: 2gw5 A:3-97 [204471] Other proteins in same PDB: d2gw5a2 automated match to d1g0xa1 complexed with ipa |
Domain d2h32a_: 2h32 A: [241999] automated match to d2a0lc1 complexed with zn |
Domain d2h9ga1: 2h9g A:1-107 [197996] Other proteins in same PDB: d2h9ga2, d2h9gb1, d2h9gb2, d2h9gh1, d2h9gh2, d2h9gl2, d2h9gr1, d2h9gr2, d2h9gr3, d2h9gs1 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d2h9gl1: 2h9g L:1-107 [197998] Other proteins in same PDB: d2h9ga2, d2h9gb1, d2h9gb2, d2h9gh1, d2h9gh2, d2h9gl2, d2h9gr1, d2h9gr2, d2h9gr3, d2h9gs1 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d2iala1: 2ial A:1-109 [204764] Other proteins in same PDB: d2iala2, d2ialb2, d2ialc2, d2iald2 automated match to d1qrnd1 mutant |
Domain d2ialb1: 2ial B:2-112 [204766] Other proteins in same PDB: d2iala2, d2ialb2, d2ialc2, d2iald2 automated match to d1qrne1 mutant |
Domain d2ialc1: 2ial C:1-109 [204768] Other proteins in same PDB: d2iala2, d2ialb2, d2ialc2, d2iald2 automated match to d1qrnd1 mutant |
Domain d2iald1: 2ial D:2-112 [204770] Other proteins in same PDB: d2iala2, d2ialb2, d2ialc2, d2iald2 automated match to d1qrne1 mutant |
Domain d2iamc1: 2iam C:1-109 [198040] Other proteins in same PDB: d2iama1, d2iama2, d2iamb1, d2iamb2, d2iamc2, d2iamd2 automated match to d1qrnd1 mutant |
Domain d2iamd1: 2iam D:2-112 [198042] Other proteins in same PDB: d2iama1, d2iama2, d2iamb1, d2iamb2, d2iamc2, d2iamd2 automated match to d1qrne1 mutant |
Domain d2iand1: 2ian D:1-109 [198044] Other proteins in same PDB: d2iana1, d2iana2, d2ianb1, d2ianb2, d2iand2, d2iane2, d2ianf1, d2ianf2, d2iang1, d2iang2, d2iani2, d2ianj2, d2iank1, d2iank2, d2ianl1, d2ianl2, d2iann2, d2iano2, d2ianp1, d2ianp2, d2ianq1, d2ianq2, d2ians2, d2iant2 automated match to d1qrnd1 mutant |
Domain d2iane1: 2ian E:3-112 [198046] Other proteins in same PDB: d2iana1, d2iana2, d2ianb1, d2ianb2, d2iand2, d2iane2, d2ianf1, d2ianf2, d2iang1, d2iang2, d2iani2, d2ianj2, d2iank1, d2iank2, d2ianl1, d2ianl2, d2iann2, d2iano2, d2ianp1, d2ianp2, d2ianq1, d2ianq2, d2ians2, d2iant2 automated match to d1qrne1 mutant |
Domain d2iani1: 2ian I:1-109 [198048] Other proteins in same PDB: d2iana1, d2iana2, d2ianb1, d2ianb2, d2iand2, d2iane2, d2ianf1, d2ianf2, d2iang1, d2iang2, d2iani2, d2ianj2, d2iank1, d2iank2, d2ianl1, d2ianl2, d2iann2, d2iano2, d2ianp1, d2ianp2, d2ianq1, d2ianq2, d2ians2, d2iant2 automated match to d1qrnd1 mutant |
Domain d2ianj1: 2ian J:2-112 [198050] Other proteins in same PDB: d2iana1, d2iana2, d2ianb1, d2ianb2, d2iand2, d2iane2, d2ianf1, d2ianf2, d2iang1, d2iang2, d2iani2, d2ianj2, d2iank1, d2iank2, d2ianl1, d2ianl2, d2iann2, d2iano2, d2ianp1, d2ianp2, d2ianq1, d2ianq2, d2ians2, d2iant2 automated match to d1qrne1 mutant |
Domain d2iann1: 2ian N:1-109 [198052] Other proteins in same PDB: d2iana1, d2iana2, d2ianb1, d2ianb2, d2iand2, d2iane2, d2ianf1, d2ianf2, d2iang1, d2iang2, d2iani2, d2ianj2, d2iank1, d2iank2, d2ianl1, d2ianl2, d2iann2, d2iano2, d2ianp1, d2ianp2, d2ianq1, d2ianq2, d2ians2, d2iant2 automated match to d1qrnd1 mutant |
Domain d2iano1: 2ian O:3-112 [198054] Other proteins in same PDB: d2iana1, d2iana2, d2ianb1, d2ianb2, d2iand2, d2iane2, d2ianf1, d2ianf2, d2iang1, d2iang2, d2iani2, d2ianj2, d2iank1, d2iank2, d2ianl1, d2ianl2, d2iann2, d2iano2, d2ianp1, d2ianp2, d2ianq1, d2ianq2, d2ians2, d2iant2 automated match to d1qrne1 mutant |
Domain d2ians1: 2ian S:1-109 [198056] Other proteins in same PDB: d2iana1, d2iana2, d2ianb1, d2ianb2, d2iand2, d2iane2, d2ianf1, d2ianf2, d2iang1, d2iang2, d2iani2, d2ianj2, d2iank1, d2iank2, d2ianl1, d2ianl2, d2iann2, d2iano2, d2ianp1, d2ianp2, d2ianq1, d2ianq2, d2ians2, d2iant2 automated match to d1qrnd1 mutant |
Domain d2iant1: 2ian T:3-112 [198058] Other proteins in same PDB: d2iana1, d2iana2, d2ianb1, d2ianb2, d2iand2, d2iane2, d2ianf1, d2ianf2, d2iang1, d2iang2, d2iani2, d2ianj2, d2iank1, d2iank2, d2ianl1, d2ianl2, d2iann2, d2iano2, d2ianp1, d2ianp2, d2ianq1, d2ianq2, d2ians2, d2iant2 automated match to d1qrne1 mutant |
Domain d2jb5l1: 2jb5 L:3-112 [198100] Other proteins in same PDB: d2jb5h1, d2jb5h2, d2jb5l2 automated match to d1lgva1 complexed with t5c |
Domain d2jb6a1: 2jb6 A:3-112 [198102] Other proteins in same PDB: d2jb6a2, d2jb6b1, d2jb6b2, d2jb6h1, d2jb6h2, d2jb6l2 automated match to d1lgva1 complexed with t5c |
Domain d2jb6l1: 2jb6 L:4-112 [198104] Other proteins in same PDB: d2jb6a2, d2jb6b1, d2jb6b2, d2jb6h1, d2jb6h2, d2jb6l2 automated match to d1lgva1 complexed with t5c |
Domain d2jjsa_: 2jjs A: [205062] automated match to d2i26o_ complexed with iod, nag |
Domain d2jjsb_: 2jjs B: [205063] automated match to d2i26o_ complexed with iod, nag |
Domain d2jjta_: 2jjt A: [205064] automated match to d2i26o_ complexed with nag |
Domain d2jjtb_: 2jjt B: [205065] automated match to d2i26o_ complexed with nag |
Domain d2jjua_: 2jju A: [205066] automated match to d2jjwa_ complexed with cl, so4 |
Domain d2jjub_: 2jju B: [205067] automated match to d2jjwa_ complexed with cl, so4 |
Domain d2jjva_: 2jjv A: [205068] automated match to d2i26o_ complexed with cl, so4 |
Domain d2jjvb_: 2jjv B: [205069] automated match to d2i26o_ complexed with cl, so4 |
Domain d2jjwa_: 2jjw A: [195721] automated match to d1igml_ |
Domain d2kdga_: 2kdg A: [242469] automated match to d3puca_ |
Domain d2kkqa_: 2kkq A: [242545] automated match to d1g1ca_ |
Domain d2mq0a_: 2mq0 A: [257959] automated match to d2edka_ |
Domain d2mq3a_: 2mq3 A: [257956] automated match to d2edka_ mutant |
Domain d2nmsa_: 2nms A: [166307] automated match to d1xeda_ |
Domain d2ntsp1: 2nts P:3-118 [148392] Other proteins in same PDB: d2ntsa1, d2ntsa2, d2ntsp2 automated match to d1kgce1 |
Domain d2nw2a1: 2nw2 A:1-117 [205197] Other proteins in same PDB: d2nw2a2 automated match to d2esvd1 |
Domain d2nw2b1: 2nw2 B:1-118 [205199] Other proteins in same PDB: d2nw2a2 automated match to d1lp9f1 |
Domain d2nw2b2: 2nw2 B:119-247 [205200] Other proteins in same PDB: d2nw2a2 automated match to d1lp9f2 |
Domain d2olda1: 2old A:1-112 [205282] Other proteins in same PDB: d2olda2, d2oldb2 automated match to d1aqkl1 complexed with iph, po4 |
Domain d2oldb1: 2old B:1-112 [205284] Other proteins in same PDB: d2olda2, d2oldb2 automated match to d1aqkl1 complexed with iph, po4 |
Domain d2om5a1: 2om5 A:4-99 [243349] automated match to d1cs6a1 |
Domain d2om5a2: 2om5 A:100-204 [243350] automated match to d1cs6a2 |
Domain d2om5a3: 2om5 A:205-295 [243351] automated match to d1cs6a3 |
Domain d2om5a4: 2om5 A:296-384 [243352] automated match to d1cs6a4 |
Domain d2omba1: 2omb A:1-112 [205294] Other proteins in same PDB: d2omba2, d2ombb2, d2ombc2, d2ombd2 automated match to d1aqkl1 complexed with iph, so4 |
Domain d2ombb1: 2omb B:1-112 [205296] Other proteins in same PDB: d2omba2, d2ombb2, d2ombc2, d2ombd2 automated match to d1aqkl1 complexed with iph, so4 |
Domain d2ombc1: 2omb C:1-112 [205298] Other proteins in same PDB: d2omba2, d2ombb2, d2ombc2, d2ombd2 automated match to d1aqkl1 complexed with iph, so4 |
Domain d2ombd1: 2omb D:1-112 [205300] Other proteins in same PDB: d2omba2, d2ombb2, d2ombc2, d2ombd2 automated match to d1aqkl1 complexed with iph, so4 |
Domain d2omna1: 2omn A:1-112 [205304] Other proteins in same PDB: d2omna2, d2omnb2 automated match to d1aqkl1 complexed with iph, so4 |
Domain d2omnb1: 2omn B:1-112 [205306] Other proteins in same PDB: d2omna2, d2omnb2 automated match to d1aqkl1 complexed with iph, so4 |
Domain d2otpa1: 2otp A:3-95 [205364] Other proteins in same PDB: d2otpa2, d2otpb2 automated match to d1g0xa1 |
Domain d2otpb1: 2otp B:3-95 [205366] Other proteins in same PDB: d2otpa2, d2otpb2 automated match to d1g0xa1 |
Domain d2oz4a1: 2oz4 A:283-366 [149099] Other proteins in same PDB: d2oz4h1, d2oz4l2 automated match to d2oz4a1 complexed with nag, so4, trs, zn |
Domain d2oz4a2: 2oz4 A:186-282 [149100] Other proteins in same PDB: d2oz4h1, d2oz4l2 automated match to d1p53a2 complexed with nag, so4, trs, zn |
Domain d2oz4a3: 2oz4 A:367-450 [149101] Other proteins in same PDB: d2oz4h1, d2oz4l2 automated match to d2oz4a3 complexed with nag, so4, trs, zn |
Domain d2pyfa1: 2pyf A:1-115 [205692] Other proteins in same PDB: d2pyfa2, d2pyfb1, d2pyfb2 automated match to d1qrnd1 complexed with pg4, pge, so4 |
Domain d2q87a_: 2q87 A: [198290] automated match to d2q87b_ |
Domain d2q87b_: 2q87 B: [193367] automated match to d2nmsa_ |
Domain d2q87c_: 2q87 C: [198291] automated match to d2q87b_ |
Domain d2qqkl1: 2qqk L:1-107 [205870] Other proteins in same PDB: d2qqkl2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with nag |
Domain d2qqll1: 2qql L:1-106 [243632] Other proteins in same PDB: d2qqll2 automated match to d1dn0a1 |
Domain d2uv3a_: 2uv3 A: [206164] automated match to d2i26o_ complexed with mes, so4 |
Domain d2uv3b_: 2uv3 B: [206165] automated match to d2i26o_ complexed with mes, so4 |
Domain d2v9ta_: 2v9t A: [231317] Other proteins in same PDB: d2v9tb_ automated match to d1ie5a_ |
Domain d2vlmd1: 2vlm D:3-112 [198450] Other proteins in same PDB: d2vlmd2 automated match to d1qrnd1 |
Domain d2vlme1: 2vlm E:5-115 [153293] Other proteins in same PDB: d2vlmd2 automated match to d3q5ya1 |
Domain d2vlme2: 2vlm E:116-244 [153294] Other proteins in same PDB: d2vlmd2 automated match to d3q5ya2 |
Domain d2vxql1: 2vxq L:1-107 [198455] Other proteins in same PDB: d2vxqa_, d2vxql2 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d2vxsl1: 2vxs L:1-108 [206518] Other proteins in same PDB: d2vxsl2, d2vxsm2, d2vxsn2, d2vxso2 automated match to d1adql1 complexed with so4 |
Domain d2vxsm1: 2vxs M:1-108 [206520] Other proteins in same PDB: d2vxsl2, d2vxsm2, d2vxsn2, d2vxso2 automated match to d1adql1 complexed with so4 |
Domain d2vxsn1: 2vxs N:1-108 [206522] Other proteins in same PDB: d2vxsl2, d2vxsm2, d2vxsn2, d2vxso2 automated match to d1adql1 complexed with so4 |
Domain d2vxso1: 2vxs O:2-108 [206524] Other proteins in same PDB: d2vxsl2, d2vxsm2, d2vxsn2, d2vxso2 automated match to d1adql1 complexed with so4 |
Domain d2vxvl1: 2vxv L:1-107 [206530] Other proteins in same PDB: d2vxvl2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with cxs, gol |
Domain d2wbja2: 2wbj A:82-180 [244085] Other proteins in same PDB: d2wbja1, d2wbjb1, d2wbjb2, d2wbjc2, d2wbje1, d2wbjf1, d2wbjf2, d2wbjg2 automated match to d1ieaa1 complexed with nag, so4 |
Domain d2wbjc1: 2wbj C:8-113 [244088] Other proteins in same PDB: d2wbja1, d2wbjb1, d2wbjb2, d2wbjc2, d2wbje1, d2wbjf1, d2wbjf2, d2wbjg2 automated match to d2f54d1 complexed with nag, so4 |
Domain d2wbje2: 2wbj E:82-180 [244091] Other proteins in same PDB: d2wbja1, d2wbjb1, d2wbjb2, d2wbjc2, d2wbje1, d2wbjf1, d2wbjf2, d2wbjg2 automated match to d1ieaa1 complexed with nag, so4 |
Domain d2wbjg1: 2wbj G:10-113 [244094] Other proteins in same PDB: d2wbja1, d2wbjb1, d2wbjb2, d2wbjc2, d2wbje1, d2wbjf1, d2wbjf2, d2wbjg2 automated match to d2f54d1 complexed with nag, so4 |
Domain d2wp3t_: 2wp3 T: [206943] automated match to d2y9rt_ complexed with gol, so4 |
Domain d2wqra1: 2wqr A:228-330 [244212] automated match to d1o0va1 complexed with gol, pg4, so4, trs |
Domain d2wqra2: 2wqr A:331-438 [244213] automated match to d1o0va2 complexed with gol, pg4, so4, trs |
Domain d2wqra3: 2wqr A:439-545 [244214] automated match to d1o0va3 complexed with gol, pg4, so4, trs |
Domain d2wqrb1: 2wqr B:225-330 [244215] automated match to d1o0va1 complexed with gol, pg4, so4, trs |
Domain d2wqrb2: 2wqr B:331-438 [244216] automated match to d1o0va2 complexed with gol, pg4, so4, trs |
Domain d2wqrb3: 2wqr B:439-546 [244217] automated match to d1o0va3 complexed with gol, pg4, so4, trs |
Domain d2wubl1: 2wub L:1-107 [207026] Other proteins in same PDB: d2wubl2, d2wubq2 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d2wubq1: 2wub Q:1-107 [207028] Other proteins in same PDB: d2wubl2, d2wubq2 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d2wucl1: 2wuc L:1-107 [207030] Other proteins in same PDB: d2wucl2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with nag |
Domain d2wwkt_: 2wwk T: [207053] automated match to d2y9rt_ complexed with gol, so4; mutant |
Domain d2wwmd_: 2wwm D: [207054] automated match to d2y9rt_ |
Domain d2wwmt_: 2wwm T: [207055] automated match to d2y9rt_ |
Domain d2xa8l1: 2xa8 L:1-111 [207168] Other proteins in same PDB: d2xa8l2 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d2xnaa1: 2xna A:2-111 [207273] Other proteins in same PDB: d2xnaa2, d2xnac1, d2xnac2 automated match to d1qrnd1 complexed with gol, na |
Domain d2xnab1: 2xna B:3-115 [207275] Other proteins in same PDB: d2xnaa2, d2xnac1, d2xnac2 automated match to d1lp9f1 complexed with gol, na |
Domain d2xnab2: 2xna B:116-243 [207276] Other proteins in same PDB: d2xnaa2, d2xnac1, d2xnac2 automated match to d1lp9f2 complexed with gol, na |
Domain d2xqbl1: 2xqb L:5-107 [198611] Other proteins in same PDB: d2xqba_, d2xqbl2 automated match to d1adql1 complexed with so4 |
Domain d2xtjd_: 2xtj D: [207337] Other proteins in same PDB: d2xtja_, d2xtjb_ automated match to d3k80a_ complexed with ca |
Domain d2xwtb1: 2xwt B:2-107 [198666] Other proteins in same PDB: d2xwtb2, d2xwtc_ automated match to d2j6el1 complexed with nag |
Domain d2xy1a1: 2xy1 A:207-300 [244618] automated match to d3kvqa_ complexed with nag |
Domain d2xy1a2: 2xy1 A:301-398 [244619] automated match to d3kvqa_ complexed with nag |
Domain d2xy2a1: 2xy2 A:19-113 [207430] automated match to d1epfa1 complexed with gol, nag |
Domain d2xy2a2: 2xy2 A:114-207 [207431] automated match to d1epfa2 complexed with gol, nag |
Domain d2xzal1: 2xza L:1-109 [207441] Other proteins in same PDB: d2xzal2 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d2xzcl1: 2xzc L:1-109 [207443] Other proteins in same PDB: d2xzcl2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with cl, xop |
Domain d2y9rt_: 2y9r T: [196372] automated match to d1u2ha_ complexed with 12p |
Domain d2ybrb_: 2ybr B: [198703] Other proteins in same PDB: d2ybra_, d2ybrc_, d2ybrd_, d2ybrf_, d2ybrg_, d2ybri_ automated match to d4jvpa_ |
Domain d2ybre_: 2ybr E: [198705] Other proteins in same PDB: d2ybra_, d2ybrc_, d2ybrd_, d2ybrf_, d2ybrg_, d2ybri_ automated match to d4jvpa_ |
Domain d2ybrh_: 2ybr H: [198707] Other proteins in same PDB: d2ybra_, d2ybrc_, d2ybrd_, d2ybrf_, d2ybrg_, d2ybri_ automated match to d4jvpa_ |
Domain d2yd3a1: 2yd3 A:29-123 [244732] automated match to d2v9ta_ complexed with cl, na |
Domain d2yd3a2: 2yd3 A:124-228 [244733] automated match to d2v9ta_ complexed with cl, na |
Domain d2yd5a1: 2yd5 A:30-124 [244734] automated match to d2v9ta_ |
Domain d2yd5a2: 2yd5 A:125-228 [244735] automated match to d2v9ta_ |
Domain d2yd8a1: 2yd8 A:30-124 [244736] automated match to d2v9ta_ complexed with scr |
Domain d2yd8a2: 2yd8 A:125-227 [244737] automated match to d2v9ta_ complexed with scr |
Domain d2yk1l1: 2yk1 L:4-107 [207653] Other proteins in same PDB: d2yk1l2 automated match to d1aqkl1 complexed with nct |
Domain d2ykll1: 2ykl L:4-107 [207655] Other proteins in same PDB: d2ykll2 automated match to d1aqkl1 complexed with nld |
Domain d2yr3a_: 2yr3 A: [244801] automated match to d3q5oa_ |
Domain d2yssb_: 2yss B: [198778] Other proteins in same PDB: d2yssa_, d2yssc_ automated match to d4aq1b_ mutant |
Domain d2yuva_: 2yuv A: [244834] automated match to d2yxma_ |
Domain d2yxma_: 2yxm A: [170915] automated match to d1pd6a_ |
Domain d2znwa1: 2znw A:1-106 [207888] Other proteins in same PDB: d2znwy_, d2znwz_ automated match to d1h8na1 complexed with 1pg |
Domain d2znwa2: 2znw A:124-236 [207889] Other proteins in same PDB: d2znwy_, d2znwz_ automated match to d1h8na2 complexed with 1pg |
Domain d2znwb1: 2znw B:1-106 [207890] Other proteins in same PDB: d2znwy_, d2znwz_ automated match to d1h8na1 complexed with 1pg |
Domain d2znwb2: 2znw B:124-236 [207891] Other proteins in same PDB: d2znwy_, d2znwz_ automated match to d1h8na2 complexed with 1pg |
Domain d2znxa1: 2znx A:1-106 [207894] Other proteins in same PDB: d2znxy_, d2znxz_ automated match to d1h8na1 complexed with 1pg |
Domain d2znxa2: 2znx A:124-236 [207895] Other proteins in same PDB: d2znxy_, d2znxz_ automated match to d1h8na2 complexed with 1pg |
Domain d2znxb1: 2znx B:1-106 [207896] Other proteins in same PDB: d2znxy_, d2znxz_ automated match to d1h8na1 complexed with 1pg |
Domain d2znxb2: 2znx B:124-236 [207897] Other proteins in same PDB: d2znxy_, d2znxz_ automated match to d1h8na2 complexed with 1pg |
Domain d3aazb1: 3aaz B:1-112 [208188] automated match to d1dqdl1 |
Domain d3aazb2: 3aaz B:113-229 [208189] automated match to d1dqdl2 |
Domain d3aazl1: 3aaz L:1-112 [208190] automated match to d1dqdl1 |
Domain d3aazl2: 3aaz L:113-228 [208191] automated match to d1dqdl2 |
Domain d3auva1: 3auv A:12-117 [208378] automated match to d1dzba2 |
Domain d3auva2: 3auv A:135-253 [208379] automated match to d1dzba1 |
Domain d3auvb1: 3auv B:11-117 [208380] automated match to d1dzba2 |
Domain d3auvb2: 3auv B:135-252 [208381] automated match to d1dzba1 |
Domain d3auvc1: 3auv C:11-117 [208382] automated match to d1dzba2 |
Domain d3auvc2: 3auv C:135-252 [208383] automated match to d1dzba1 |
Domain d3auvd1: 3auv D:11-118 [208384] automated match to d1dzba2 |
Domain d3auvd2: 3auv D:135-253 [208385] automated match to d1dzba1 |
Domain d3auve1: 3auv E:11-117 [208386] automated match to d1dzba2 |
Domain d3auve2: 3auv E:135-252 [208387] automated match to d1dzba1 |
Domain d3auvf1: 3auv F:11-117 [208388] automated match to d1dzba2 |
Domain d3auvf2: 3auv F:136-252 [208389] automated match to d1dzba1 |
Domain d3b2ud1: 3b2u D:1-107 [199009] Other proteins in same PDB: d3b2ua1, d3b2ua2, d3b2ub1, d3b2ub2, d3b2uc1, d3b2uc2, d3b2ue1, d3b2ue2, d3b2uf1, d3b2uf2, d3b2uh1, d3b2uh2, d3b2ui1, d3b2ui2, d3b2uj1, d3b2uj2, d3b2um1, d3b2um2, d3b2un1, d3b2un2, d3b2up1, d3b2up2, d3b2uq1, d3b2uq2, d3b2us1, d3b2us2, d3b2ut1, d3b2ut2, d3b2uv1, d3b2uv2, d3b2uw1, d3b2uw2 automated match to d1f3dj1 complexed with nag, so4 |
Domain d3b2ud2: 3b2u D:108-213 [199010] Other proteins in same PDB: d3b2ua1, d3b2ua2, d3b2ub1, d3b2ub2, d3b2uc1, d3b2uc2, d3b2ue1, d3b2ue2, d3b2uf1, d3b2uf2, d3b2uh1, d3b2uh2, d3b2ui1, d3b2ui2, d3b2uj1, d3b2uj2, d3b2um1, d3b2um2, d3b2un1, d3b2un2, d3b2up1, d3b2up2, d3b2uq1, d3b2uq2, d3b2us1, d3b2us2, d3b2ut1, d3b2ut2, d3b2uv1, d3b2uv2, d3b2uw1, d3b2uw2 automated match to d1f3dj2 complexed with nag, so4 |
Domain d3b2ug1: 3b2u G:1-107 [199011] Other proteins in same PDB: d3b2ua1, d3b2ua2, d3b2ub1, d3b2ub2, d3b2uc1, d3b2uc2, d3b2ue1, d3b2ue2, d3b2uf1, d3b2uf2, d3b2uh1, d3b2uh2, d3b2ui1, d3b2ui2, d3b2uj1, d3b2uj2, d3b2um1, d3b2um2, d3b2un1, d3b2un2, d3b2up1, d3b2up2, d3b2uq1, d3b2uq2, d3b2us1, d3b2us2, d3b2ut1, d3b2ut2, d3b2uv1, d3b2uv2, d3b2uw1, d3b2uw2 automated match to d1f3dj1 complexed with nag, so4 |
Domain d3b2ug2: 3b2u G:108-213 [199012] Other proteins in same PDB: d3b2ua1, d3b2ua2, d3b2ub1, d3b2ub2, d3b2uc1, d3b2uc2, d3b2ue1, d3b2ue2, d3b2uf1, d3b2uf2, d3b2uh1, d3b2uh2, d3b2ui1, d3b2ui2, d3b2uj1, d3b2uj2, d3b2um1, d3b2um2, d3b2un1, d3b2un2, d3b2up1, d3b2up2, d3b2uq1, d3b2uq2, d3b2us1, d3b2us2, d3b2ut1, d3b2ut2, d3b2uv1, d3b2uv2, d3b2uw1, d3b2uw2 automated match to d1f3dj2 complexed with nag, so4 |
Domain d3b2uk1: 3b2u K:1-107 [199013] Other proteins in same PDB: d3b2ua1, d3b2ua2, d3b2ub1, d3b2ub2, d3b2uc1, d3b2uc2, d3b2ue1, d3b2ue2, d3b2uf1, d3b2uf2, d3b2uh1, d3b2uh2, d3b2ui1, d3b2ui2, d3b2uj1, d3b2uj2, d3b2um1, d3b2um2, d3b2un1, d3b2un2, d3b2up1, d3b2up2, d3b2uq1, d3b2uq2, d3b2us1, d3b2us2, d3b2ut1, d3b2ut2, d3b2uv1, d3b2uv2, d3b2uw1, d3b2uw2 automated match to d1f3dj1 complexed with nag, so4 |
Domain d3b2uk2: 3b2u K:108-213 [199014] Other proteins in same PDB: d3b2ua1, d3b2ua2, d3b2ub1, d3b2ub2, d3b2uc1, d3b2uc2, d3b2ue1, d3b2ue2, d3b2uf1, d3b2uf2, d3b2uh1, d3b2uh2, d3b2ui1, d3b2ui2, d3b2uj1, d3b2uj2, d3b2um1, d3b2um2, d3b2un1, d3b2un2, d3b2up1, d3b2up2, d3b2uq1, d3b2uq2, d3b2us1, d3b2us2, d3b2ut1, d3b2ut2, d3b2uv1, d3b2uv2, d3b2uw1, d3b2uw2 automated match to d1f3dj2 complexed with nag, so4 |
Domain d3b2ul1: 3b2u L:1-107 [199015] Other proteins in same PDB: d3b2ua1, d3b2ua2, d3b2ub1, d3b2ub2, d3b2uc1, d3b2uc2, d3b2ue1, d3b2ue2, d3b2uf1, d3b2uf2, d3b2uh1, d3b2uh2, d3b2ui1, d3b2ui2, d3b2uj1, d3b2uj2, d3b2um1, d3b2um2, d3b2un1, d3b2un2, d3b2up1, d3b2up2, d3b2uq1, d3b2uq2, d3b2us1, d3b2us2, d3b2ut1, d3b2ut2, d3b2uv1, d3b2uv2, d3b2uw1, d3b2uw2 automated match to d1f3dj1 complexed with nag, so4 |
Domain d3b2ul2: 3b2u L:108-213 [199016] Other proteins in same PDB: d3b2ua1, d3b2ua2, d3b2ub1, d3b2ub2, d3b2uc1, d3b2uc2, d3b2ue1, d3b2ue2, d3b2uf1, d3b2uf2, d3b2uh1, d3b2uh2, d3b2ui1, d3b2ui2, d3b2uj1, d3b2uj2, d3b2um1, d3b2um2, d3b2un1, d3b2un2, d3b2up1, d3b2up2, d3b2uq1, d3b2uq2, d3b2us1, d3b2us2, d3b2ut1, d3b2ut2, d3b2uv1, d3b2uv2, d3b2uw1, d3b2uw2 automated match to d1f3dj2 complexed with nag, so4 |
Domain d3b2uo1: 3b2u O:1-107 [199017] Other proteins in same PDB: d3b2ua1, d3b2ua2, d3b2ub1, d3b2ub2, d3b2uc1, d3b2uc2, d3b2ue1, d3b2ue2, d3b2uf1, d3b2uf2, d3b2uh1, d3b2uh2, d3b2ui1, d3b2ui2, d3b2uj1, d3b2uj2, d3b2um1, d3b2um2, d3b2un1, d3b2un2, d3b2up1, d3b2up2, d3b2uq1, d3b2uq2, d3b2us1, d3b2us2, d3b2ut1, d3b2ut2, d3b2uv1, d3b2uv2, d3b2uw1, d3b2uw2 automated match to d1f3dj1 complexed with nag, so4 |
Domain d3b2uo2: 3b2u O:108-213 [199018] Other proteins in same PDB: d3b2ua1, d3b2ua2, d3b2ub1, d3b2ub2, d3b2uc1, d3b2uc2, d3b2ue1, d3b2ue2, d3b2uf1, d3b2uf2, d3b2uh1, d3b2uh2, d3b2ui1, d3b2ui2, d3b2uj1, d3b2uj2, d3b2um1, d3b2um2, d3b2un1, d3b2un2, d3b2up1, d3b2up2, d3b2uq1, d3b2uq2, d3b2us1, d3b2us2, d3b2ut1, d3b2ut2, d3b2uv1, d3b2uv2, d3b2uw1, d3b2uw2 automated match to d1f3dj2 complexed with nag, so4 |
Domain d3b2ur1: 3b2u R:1-107 [199019] Other proteins in same PDB: d3b2ua1, d3b2ua2, d3b2ub1, d3b2ub2, d3b2uc1, d3b2uc2, d3b2ue1, d3b2ue2, d3b2uf1, d3b2uf2, d3b2uh1, d3b2uh2, d3b2ui1, d3b2ui2, d3b2uj1, d3b2uj2, d3b2um1, d3b2um2, d3b2un1, d3b2un2, d3b2up1, d3b2up2, d3b2uq1, d3b2uq2, d3b2us1, d3b2us2, d3b2ut1, d3b2ut2, d3b2uv1, d3b2uv2, d3b2uw1, d3b2uw2 automated match to d1f3dj1 complexed with nag, so4 |
Domain d3b2ur2: 3b2u R:108-213 [199020] Other proteins in same PDB: d3b2ua1, d3b2ua2, d3b2ub1, d3b2ub2, d3b2uc1, d3b2uc2, d3b2ue1, d3b2ue2, d3b2uf1, d3b2uf2, d3b2uh1, d3b2uh2, d3b2ui1, d3b2ui2, d3b2uj1, d3b2uj2, d3b2um1, d3b2um2, d3b2un1, d3b2un2, d3b2up1, d3b2up2, d3b2uq1, d3b2uq2, d3b2us1, d3b2us2, d3b2ut1, d3b2ut2, d3b2uv1, d3b2uv2, d3b2uw1, d3b2uw2 automated match to d1f3dj2 complexed with nag, so4 |
Domain d3b2uu1: 3b2u U:1-107 [199021] Other proteins in same PDB: d3b2ua1, d3b2ua2, d3b2ub1, d3b2ub2, d3b2uc1, d3b2uc2, d3b2ue1, d3b2ue2, d3b2uf1, d3b2uf2, d3b2uh1, d3b2uh2, d3b2ui1, d3b2ui2, d3b2uj1, d3b2uj2, d3b2um1, d3b2um2, d3b2un1, d3b2un2, d3b2up1, d3b2up2, d3b2uq1, d3b2uq2, d3b2us1, d3b2us2, d3b2ut1, d3b2ut2, d3b2uv1, d3b2uv2, d3b2uw1, d3b2uw2 automated match to d1f3dj1 complexed with nag, so4 |
Domain d3b2uu2: 3b2u U:108-213 [199022] Other proteins in same PDB: d3b2ua1, d3b2ua2, d3b2ub1, d3b2ub2, d3b2uc1, d3b2uc2, d3b2ue1, d3b2ue2, d3b2uf1, d3b2uf2, d3b2uh1, d3b2uh2, d3b2ui1, d3b2ui2, d3b2uj1, d3b2uj2, d3b2um1, d3b2um2, d3b2un1, d3b2un2, d3b2up1, d3b2up2, d3b2uq1, d3b2uq2, d3b2us1, d3b2us2, d3b2ut1, d3b2ut2, d3b2uv1, d3b2uv2, d3b2uw1, d3b2uw2 automated match to d1f3dj2 complexed with nag, so4 |
Domain d3b2ux1: 3b2u X:1-107 [199023] Other proteins in same PDB: d3b2ua1, d3b2ua2, d3b2ub1, d3b2ub2, d3b2uc1, d3b2uc2, d3b2ue1, d3b2ue2, d3b2uf1, d3b2uf2, d3b2uh1, d3b2uh2, d3b2ui1, d3b2ui2, d3b2uj1, d3b2uj2, d3b2um1, d3b2um2, d3b2un1, d3b2un2, d3b2up1, d3b2up2, d3b2uq1, d3b2uq2, d3b2us1, d3b2us2, d3b2ut1, d3b2ut2, d3b2uv1, d3b2uv2, d3b2uw1, d3b2uw2 automated match to d1f3dj1 complexed with nag, so4 |
Domain d3b2ux2: 3b2u X:108-213 [199024] Other proteins in same PDB: d3b2ua1, d3b2ua2, d3b2ub1, d3b2ub2, d3b2uc1, d3b2uc2, d3b2ue1, d3b2ue2, d3b2uf1, d3b2uf2, d3b2uh1, d3b2uh2, d3b2ui1, d3b2ui2, d3b2uj1, d3b2uj2, d3b2um1, d3b2um2, d3b2un1, d3b2un2, d3b2up1, d3b2up2, d3b2uq1, d3b2uq2, d3b2us1, d3b2us2, d3b2ut1, d3b2ut2, d3b2uv1, d3b2uv2, d3b2uw1, d3b2uw2 automated match to d1f3dj2 complexed with nag, so4 |
Domain d3bdyl1: 3bdy L:1-107 [199088] Other proteins in same PDB: d3bdyl2, d3bdyv_ automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with gol |
Domain d3bj91_: 3bj9 1: [193896] automated match to d2cd0a_ complexed with edo |
Domain d3bn3b1: 3bn3 B:1-87 [199107] Other proteins in same PDB: d3bn3a_ automated match to d1zxqa2 complexed with gol, mg, nag |
Domain d3bn3b2: 3bn3 B:88-196 [199108] Other proteins in same PDB: d3bn3a_ automated match to d1zxqa1 complexed with gol, mg, nag |
Domain d3bn9c1: 3bn9 C:1-107 [199109] Other proteins in same PDB: d3bn9a_, d3bn9b_, d3bn9c2, d3bn9d1, d3bn9d2, d3bn9e2, d3bn9f1, d3bn9f2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with edo, so4 |
Domain d3bn9e1: 3bn9 E:1-107 [199111] Other proteins in same PDB: d3bn9a_, d3bn9b_, d3bn9c2, d3bn9d1, d3bn9d2, d3bn9e2, d3bn9f1, d3bn9f2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with edo, so4 |
Domain d3bw9a1: 3bw9 A:182-276 [155680] Other proteins in same PDB: d3bw9a2, d3bw9b_ automated match to d1a9ea1 |
Domain d3bwaa1: 3bwa A:182-276 [155683] Other proteins in same PDB: d3bwaa2, d3bwab_ automated match to d1a9ea1 |
Domain d3c08l1: 3c08 L:4-106 [199142] Other proteins in same PDB: d3c08h1, d3c08h2, d3c08l2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with so4 |
Domain d3eo9l1: 3eo9 L:1-107 [209569] Other proteins in same PDB: d3eo9l2 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d3eyoa1: 3eyo A:1-108 [209737] Other proteins in same PDB: d3eyoa2, d3eyoc2 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d3eyoc1: 3eyo C:1-108 [209739] Other proteins in same PDB: d3eyoa2, d3eyoc2 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d3fn0l1: 3fn0 L:3-107 [210012] automated match to d1c5da1 |
Domain d3fn0l2: 3fn0 L:108-211 [210013] automated match to d1c5da2 |
Domain d3fzud1: 3fzu D:1-107 [210257] Other proteins in same PDB: d3fzud2, d3fzul2 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d3fzul1: 3fzu L:1-107 [210259] Other proteins in same PDB: d3fzud2, d3fzul2 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d3g04a1: 3g04 A:1-107 [199426] Other proteins in same PDB: d3g04c_ automated match to d1etza1 complexed with nag, zn |
Domain d3g04a2: 3g04 A:108-208 [199427] Other proteins in same PDB: d3g04c_ automated match to d1etza2 complexed with nag, zn |
Domain d3g6aa1: 3g6a A:1-108 [210415] Other proteins in same PDB: d3g6aa2, d3g6al2 automated match to d1adql1 |
Domain d3g6al1: 3g6a L:1-108 [210417] Other proteins in same PDB: d3g6aa2, d3g6al2 automated match to d1adql1 |
Domain d3g6je1: 3g6j E:1-106 [246236] Other proteins in same PDB: d3g6je2, d3g6jg2 automated match to d1dn0a1 complexed with ca |
Domain d3g6jg1: 3g6j G:1-106 [246238] Other proteins in same PDB: d3g6je2, d3g6jg2 automated match to d1dn0a1 complexed with ca |
Domain d3gbml1: 3gbm L:3-105 [199436] Other proteins in same PDB: d3gbma_, d3gbmb_, d3gbmc_, d3gbmd_, d3gbml2, d3gbmm2 automated match to d1aqkl1 complexed with bma, edo, gol, nag |
Domain d3gbmm1: 3gbm M:3-106A [199438] Other proteins in same PDB: d3gbma_, d3gbmb_, d3gbmc_, d3gbmd_, d3gbml2, d3gbmm2 automated match to d1aqkl1 complexed with bma, edo, gol, nag |
Domain d3gbnl1: 3gbn L:3-106A [199440] Other proteins in same PDB: d3gbna_, d3gbnb_ automated match to d1aqkl1 complexed with cl, edo, etx, gol, nag, unl |
Domain d3gizl1: 3giz L:1-107 [210544] Other proteins in same PDB: d3gizl2 automated match to d3fcta1 complexed with zn |
Domain d3gjea1: 3gje A:1-110 [210546] Other proteins in same PDB: d3gjea2, d3gjel2 automated match to d2j6el1 |
Domain d3gjel1: 3gje L:1-110 [210548] Other proteins in same PDB: d3gjea2, d3gjel2 automated match to d2j6el1 |
Domain d3gkwl1: 3gkw L:1-107 [210568] Other proteins in same PDB: d3gkwl2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with 1pe, peg |
Domain d3grwa1: 3grw A:150-247 [210646] Other proteins in same PDB: d3grwl2 automated match to d1djsa1 complexed with nag, so4 |
Domain d3grwa2: 3grw A:248-355 [210647] Other proteins in same PDB: d3grwl2 automated match to d1djsa2 complexed with nag, so4 |
Domain d3grwl1: 3grw L:1-107 [210648] Other proteins in same PDB: d3grwl2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with nag, so4 |
Domain d3h0ta1: 3h0t A:1-111 [210776] Other proteins in same PDB: d3h0ta2, d3h0tc_ automated match to d1adql1 |
Domain d3h3ph_: 3h3p H: [210846] automated match to d3ebaa_ complexed with ca |
Domain d3h3pi_: 3h3p I: [210847] automated match to d3ebaa_ complexed with ca |
Domain d3h3pl_: 3h3p L: [210848] automated match to d1mqkh_ complexed with ca |
Domain d3h3pm_: 3h3p M: [210849] automated match to d1mqkh_ complexed with ca |
Domain d3hc0b1: 3hc0 B:1-107 [210991] Other proteins in same PDB: d3hc0b2, d3hc0l2 automated match to d3fcta1 complexed with act |
Domain d3hc0l1: 3hc0 L:1-107 [210993] Other proteins in same PDB: d3hc0b2, d3hc0l2 automated match to d3fcta1 complexed with act |
Domain d3hc3l1: 3hc3 L:1-107 [210997] Other proteins in same PDB: d3hc3l2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with act, zn; mutant |
Domain d3hc4l1: 3hc4 L:1-107 [210999] Other proteins in same PDB: d3hc4l2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with act, zn; mutant |
Domain d3hi5l1: 3hi5 L:1-106 [211066] Other proteins in same PDB: d3hi5l2 automated match to d3fcta1 |
Domain d3hmwl1: 3hmw L:1-106 [246514] Other proteins in same PDB: d3hmwl2 automated match to d1dn0a1 complexed with cd |
Domain d3hmxl1: 3hmx L:1-106 [246517] Other proteins in same PDB: d3hmxb_, d3hmxl2 automated match to d1dn0a1 |
Domain d3huje1: 3huj E:1-117 [199528] Other proteins in same PDB: d3huja1, d3huja2, d3hujb_, d3hujc1, d3hujc2, d3hujd_, d3huje2, d3hujf2, d3hujg2, d3hujh2 automated match to d1qrnd1 complexed with agh, mg, nag, ndg |
Domain d3hujf1: 3huj F:2-118 [199530] Other proteins in same PDB: d3huja1, d3huja2, d3hujb_, d3hujc1, d3hujc2, d3hujd_, d3huje2, d3hujf2, d3hujg2, d3hujh2 automated match to d1ktke1 complexed with agh, mg, nag, ndg |
Domain d3hujg1: 3huj G:1-117 [199532] Other proteins in same PDB: d3huja1, d3huja2, d3hujb_, d3hujc1, d3hujc2, d3hujd_, d3huje2, d3hujf2, d3hujg2, d3hujh2 automated match to d1qrnd1 complexed with agh, mg, nag, ndg |
Domain d3hujh1: 3huj H:1-118 [199534] Other proteins in same PDB: d3huja1, d3huja2, d3hujb_, d3hujc1, d3hujc2, d3hujd_, d3huje2, d3hujf2, d3hujg2, d3hujh2 automated match to d1ktke1 complexed with agh, mg, nag, ndg |
Domain d3idxl1: 3idx L:1-107 [199547] Other proteins in same PDB: d3idxg_, d3idxl2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with epe, gol, nag, so4 |
Domain d3inul1: 3inu L:1-107 [211827] Other proteins in same PDB: d3inul2, d3inun2 automated match to d3fcta1 complexed with gol, so4 |
Domain d3inun1: 3inu N:1-107 [211829] Other proteins in same PDB: d3inul2, d3inun2 automated match to d3fcta1 complexed with gol, so4 |
Domain d3juya1: 3juy A:1-125 [212103] automated match to d1dzba1 |
Domain d3juya2: 3juy A:143-249 [212104] automated match to d1dzba2 |
Domain d3juyb1: 3juy B:1-125 [212105] automated match to d1dzba1 |
Domain d3juyb2: 3juy B:143-250 [212106] automated match to d1dzba2 |
Domain d3juyc1: 3juy C:1-125 [212107] automated match to d1dzba1 |
Domain d3juyc2: 3juy C:143-250 [212108] automated match to d1dzba2 |
Domain d3juyd1: 3juy D:1-125 [212109] automated match to d1dzba1 |
Domain d3juyd2: 3juy D:143-249 [212110] automated match to d1dzba2 |
Domain d3juye1: 3juy E:1-125 [212111] automated match to d1dzba1 |
Domain d3juye2: 3juy E:143-249 [212112] automated match to d1dzba2 |
Domain d3juyf1: 3juy F:1-125 [212113] automated match to d1dzba1 |
Domain d3juyf2: 3juy F:143-249 [212114] automated match to d1dzba2 |
Domain d3jwdl1: 3jwd L:1-107 [212123] Other proteins in same PDB: d3jwdc1, d3jwdc2, d3jwdd1, d3jwdd2, d3jwdl2, d3jwdo2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with gol, nag |
Domain d3jwdo1: 3jwd O:1-107 [212125] Other proteins in same PDB: d3jwdc1, d3jwdc2, d3jwdd1, d3jwdd2, d3jwdl2, d3jwdo2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with gol, nag |
Domain d3k2ul1: 3k2u L:1-107 [212157] Other proteins in same PDB: d3k2ul2 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d3kdma1: 3kdm A:3-111 [212299] automated match to d1sy6l1 complexed with tes |
Domain d3kdma2: 3kdm A:112-218 [212300] automated match to d1z3gl2 complexed with tes |
Domain d3kdml1: 3kdm L:3-111 [212301] automated match to d1sy6l1 complexed with tes |
Domain d3kdml2: 3kdm L:112-218 [212302] automated match to d1z3gl2 complexed with tes |
Domain d3knba_: 3knb A: [212431] automated match to d3q5ob_ complexed with so4 |
Domain d3kr3l1: 3kr3 L:1-108 [199673] Other proteins in same PDB: d3kr3d_, d3kr3l2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with edo |
Domain d3kvqa_: 3kvq A: [179737] automated match to d1fhga_ |
Domain d3kyma1: 3kym A:1-107 [212588] Other proteins in same PDB: d3kyma2, d3kymc2, d3kyme2, d3kymg2, d3kymi2, d3kymk2, d3kymm2, d3kymo2 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d3kymc1: 3kym C:1-107 [212590] Other proteins in same PDB: d3kyma2, d3kymc2, d3kyme2, d3kymg2, d3kymi2, d3kymk2, d3kymm2, d3kymo2 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d3kyme1: 3kym E:1-107 [212592] Other proteins in same PDB: d3kyma2, d3kymc2, d3kyme2, d3kymg2, d3kymi2, d3kymk2, d3kymm2, d3kymo2 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d3kymg1: 3kym G:1-107 [212594] Other proteins in same PDB: d3kyma2, d3kymc2, d3kyme2, d3kymg2, d3kymi2, d3kymk2, d3kymm2, d3kymo2 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d3kymi1: 3kym I:1-107 [212596] Other proteins in same PDB: d3kyma2, d3kymc2, d3kyme2, d3kymg2, d3kymi2, d3kymk2, d3kymm2, d3kymo2 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d3kymk1: 3kym K:1-107 [212598] Other proteins in same PDB: d3kyma2, d3kymc2, d3kyme2, d3kymg2, d3kymi2, d3kymk2, d3kymm2, d3kymo2 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d3kymm1: 3kym M:1-107 [212600] Other proteins in same PDB: d3kyma2, d3kymc2, d3kyme2, d3kymg2, d3kymi2, d3kymk2, d3kymm2, d3kymo2 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d3kymo1: 3kym O:1-107 [212602] Other proteins in same PDB: d3kyma2, d3kymc2, d3kyme2, d3kymg2, d3kymi2, d3kymk2, d3kymm2, d3kymo2 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d3l5xl1: 3l5x L:1-107 [199696] Other proteins in same PDB: d3l5xa_, d3l5xl2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with gol, mes |
Domain d3l7fa1: 3l7f A:1-107 [212749] Other proteins in same PDB: d3l7fa2, d3l7fd2, d3l7fl2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with ca, so4 |
Domain d3l7fd1: 3l7f D:1-107 [212751] Other proteins in same PDB: d3l7fa2, d3l7fd2, d3l7fl2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with ca, so4 |
Domain d3l7fl1: 3l7f L:1-107 [212753] Other proteins in same PDB: d3l7fa2, d3l7fd2, d3l7fl2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with ca, so4 |
Domain d3lh2h_: 3lh2 H: [212877] automated match to d3ebaa_ |
Domain d3lh2i_: 3lh2 I: [212878] automated match to d3ebaa_ |
Domain d3lh2j_: 3lh2 J: [212879] automated match to d3ebaa_ |
Domain d3lh2k_: 3lh2 K: [212880] automated match to d3ebaa_ |
Domain d3lh2l_: 3lh2 L: [212881] automated match to d1mqkh_ |
Domain d3lh2m_: 3lh2 M: [212882] automated match to d1mqkh_ |
Domain d3lh2n_: 3lh2 N: [212883] automated match to d1mqkh_ |
Domain d3lh2o_: 3lh2 O: [212884] automated match to d1mqkh_ |
Domain d3lhph_: 3lhp H: [212890] automated match to d3ebaa_ complexed with edo |
Domain d3lhpi_: 3lhp I: [212891] automated match to d3ebaa_ complexed with edo |
Domain d3lhpl_: 3lhp L: [212892] automated match to d1mqkh_ complexed with edo |
Domain d3lhpm_: 3lhp M: [212893] automated match to d1mqkh_ complexed with edo |
Domain d3lmjl1: 3lmj L:1-112 [212936] Other proteins in same PDB: d3lmjl2 automated match to d1aqkl1 complexed with mpd |
Domain d3lrsb1: 3lrs B:3-107 [212991] Other proteins in same PDB: d3lrsb2, d3lrsd2, d3lrsf2, d3lrsl2 automated match to d1lgva1 complexed with nag |
Domain d3lrsd1: 3lrs D:3-107 [212993] Other proteins in same PDB: d3lrsb2, d3lrsd2, d3lrsf2, d3lrsl2 automated match to d1lgva1 complexed with nag |
Domain d3lrsf1: 3lrs F:3-107 [212995] Other proteins in same PDB: d3lrsb2, d3lrsd2, d3lrsf2, d3lrsl2 automated match to d1lgva1 complexed with nag |
Domain d3lrsl1: 3lrs L:3-107 [212997] Other proteins in same PDB: d3lrsb2, d3lrsd2, d3lrsf2, d3lrsl2 automated match to d1lgva1 complexed with nag |
Domain d3lzfl1: 3lzf L:2-107 [199765] Other proteins in same PDB: d3lzfa_, d3lzfb_, d3lzfl2 automated match to d1lgva1 complexed with nag |
Domain d3m8oh1: 3m8o H:1-118 [213149] Other proteins in same PDB: d3m8ol2 automated match to d1mcph1 complexed with cl, gol |
Domain d3m8oh2: 3m8o H:119-221 [213150] Other proteins in same PDB: d3m8ol2 automated match to d1mcph2 complexed with cl, gol |
Domain d3m8ol1: 3m8o L:1-112 [213151] Other proteins in same PDB: d3m8ol2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with cl, gol |
Domain d3ma9l1: 3ma9 L:2-109 [213164] automated match to d1h0da1 complexed with na |
Domain d3ma9l2: 3ma9 L:110-210 [213165] automated match to d1h0da2 complexed with na |
Domain d3macl1: 3mac L:2-109 [213166] automated match to d1h0da1 |
Domain d3macl2: 3mac L:110-211 [213167] automated match to d1h0da2 |
Domain d3mffa1: 3mff A:11-121 [213214] Other proteins in same PDB: d3mffa2, d3mffb2, d3mffc2, d3mffd2 automated match to d1qrnd1 complexed with arg, gol, ure |
Domain d3mffb1: 3mff B:2-115 [213216] Other proteins in same PDB: d3mffa2, d3mffb2, d3mffc2, d3mffd2 automated match to d1fyte1 complexed with arg, gol, ure |
Domain d3mffc1: 3mff C:11-121 [213218] Other proteins in same PDB: d3mffa2, d3mffb2, d3mffc2, d3mffd2 automated match to d1qrnd1 complexed with arg, gol, ure |
Domain d3mffd1: 3mff D:2-115 [213220] Other proteins in same PDB: d3mffa2, d3mffb2, d3mffc2, d3mffd2 automated match to d1fyte1 complexed with arg, gol, ure |
Domain d3mfgb_: 3mfg B: [213224] Other proteins in same PDB: d3mfga1, d3mfga2 automated match to d1h5bb_ complexed with gol, so4 |
Domain d3mlrl1: 3mlr L:1-111 [213328] Other proteins in same PDB: d3mlrl2 automated match to d2dd8l1 |
Domain d3mlsl1: 3mls L:1-111 [213330] Other proteins in same PDB: d3mlsl2, d3mlsm2, d3mlsn2, d3mlso2 automated match to d2dd8l1 |
Domain d3mlsm1: 3mls M:1-111 [213332] Other proteins in same PDB: d3mlsl2, d3mlsm2, d3mlsn2, d3mlso2 automated match to d2dd8l1 |
Domain d3mlsn1: 3mls N:1-111 [213334] Other proteins in same PDB: d3mlsl2, d3mlsm2, d3mlsn2, d3mlso2 automated match to d2dd8l1 |
Domain d3mlso1: 3mls O:1-111 [213336] Other proteins in same PDB: d3mlsl2, d3mlsm2, d3mlsn2, d3mlso2 automated match to d2dd8l1 |
Domain d3mlta1: 3mlt A:1-111 [213338] Other proteins in same PDB: d3mlta2, d3mltd2, d3mltg2, d3mltl2 automated match to d2dd8l1 |
Domain d3mltd1: 3mlt D:1-111 [213340] Other proteins in same PDB: d3mlta2, d3mltd2, d3mltg2, d3mltl2 automated match to d2dd8l1 |
Domain d3mltg1: 3mlt G:1-111 [213342] Other proteins in same PDB: d3mlta2, d3mltd2, d3mltg2, d3mltl2 automated match to d2dd8l1 |
Domain d3mltl1: 3mlt L:1-111 [213344] Other proteins in same PDB: d3mlta2, d3mltd2, d3mltg2, d3mltl2 automated match to d2dd8l1 |
Domain d3mlul1: 3mlu L:2-112 [213346] Other proteins in same PDB: d3mlul2 automated match to d1q1jl1 |
Domain d3mlvl1: 3mlv L:2-112 [213348] Other proteins in same PDB: d3mlvl2, d3mlvm2 automated match to d1q1jl1 |
Domain d3mlvm1: 3mlv M:1-112 [213350] Other proteins in same PDB: d3mlvl2, d3mlvm2 automated match to d1q1jl1 |
Domain d3mlxl1: 3mlx L:2-108 [213356] Other proteins in same PDB: d3mlxl2, d3mlxm2 automated match to d1q1jl1 |
Domain d3mlxm1: 3mlx M:2-108 [213358] Other proteins in same PDB: d3mlxl2, d3mlxm2 automated match to d1q1jl1 |
Domain d3mlyl1: 3mly L:1-107 [213360] Other proteins in same PDB: d3mlyl2, d3mlym2 automated match to d1lgva1 |
Domain d3mlym1: 3mly M:1-107 [213362] Other proteins in same PDB: d3mlyl2, d3mlym2 automated match to d1lgva1 |
Domain d3mlzl1: 3mlz L:1-107 [213364] Other proteins in same PDB: d3mlzl2 automated match to d1lgva1 |
Domain d3muga1: 3mug A:2-107 [213576] Other proteins in same PDB: d3muga2, d3mugc2, d3muge2, d3mugg2, d3mugi2, d3mugk2 automated match to d1aqkl1 complexed with nag |
Domain d3mugc1: 3mug C:2-107 [213578] Other proteins in same PDB: d3muga2, d3mugc2, d3muge2, d3mugg2, d3mugi2, d3mugk2 automated match to d1aqkl1 complexed with nag |
Domain d3muge1: 3mug E:3-107 [213580] Other proteins in same PDB: d3muga2, d3mugc2, d3muge2, d3mugg2, d3mugi2, d3mugk2 automated match to d1aqkl1 complexed with nag |
Domain d3mugg1: 3mug G:2-107 [213582] Other proteins in same PDB: d3muga2, d3mugc2, d3muge2, d3mugg2, d3mugi2, d3mugk2 automated match to d1aqkl1 complexed with nag |
Domain d3mugi1: 3mug I:1-107 [213584] Other proteins in same PDB: d3muga2, d3mugc2, d3muge2, d3mugg2, d3mugi2, d3mugk2 automated match to d1aqkl1 complexed with nag |
Domain d3mugk1: 3mug K:3-107 [213586] Other proteins in same PDB: d3muga2, d3mugc2, d3muge2, d3mugg2, d3mugi2, d3mugk2 automated match to d1aqkl1 complexed with nag |
Domain d3muhl1: 3muh L:2-107 [247752] Other proteins in same PDB: d3muhl2 automated match to d1aqkl1 |
Domain d3mxwl1: 3mxw L:1-107 [199902] Other proteins in same PDB: d3mxwa_, d3mxwl2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with ca, so4, zn |
Domain d3n9gl1: 3n9g L:1-111 [213830] Other proteins in same PDB: d3n9gl2 automated match to d1aqkl1 |
Domain d3na9l1: 3na9 L:1-107 [213840] Other proteins in same PDB: d3na9l2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with act, gol, zn |
Domain d3naal1: 3naa L:1-107 [213842] Other proteins in same PDB: d3naal2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with act, gol, zn |
Domain d3nabl1: 3nab L:1-107 [213844] Other proteins in same PDB: d3nabl2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with act, zn |
Domain d3nacl1: 3nac L:1-107 [213846] Other proteins in same PDB: d3nacl2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with act, gol, zn |
Domain d3ncjl1: 3ncj L:1-107 [213879] Other proteins in same PDB: d3ncjl2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with act, gol, zn |
Domain d3nfsl1: 3nfs L:1-106 [213921] Other proteins in same PDB: d3nfsl2 automated match to d3fcta1 |
Domain d3ngbc1: 3ngb C:1-107 [213926] automated match to d1sy6l1 complexed with bgc, nag, trs |
Domain d3ngbc2: 3ngb C:108-216 [213927] automated match to d1z3gl2 complexed with bgc, nag, trs |
Domain d3ngbf1: 3ngb F:3-107 [213928] automated match to d1sy6l1 complexed with bgc, nag, trs |
Domain d3ngbf2: 3ngb F:108-216 [213929] automated match to d1z3gl2 complexed with bgc, nag, trs |
Domain d3ngbk1: 3ngb K:1-107 [213930] automated match to d1sy6l1 complexed with bgc, nag, trs |
Domain d3ngbk2: 3ngb K:108-216 [213931] automated match to d1z3gl2 complexed with bgc, nag, trs |
Domain d3ngbl1: 3ngb L:3-107 [213932] automated match to d1sy6l1 complexed with bgc, nag, trs |
Domain d3ngbl2: 3ngb L:108-216 [213933] automated match to d1z3gl2 complexed with bgc, nag, trs |
Domain d3nh7l1: 3nh7 L:2-109 [213943] Other proteins in same PDB: d3nh7a_, d3nh7b_, d3nh7c_, d3nh7d_ automated match to d1h0da1 |
Domain d3nh7l2: 3nh7 L:110-211 [213944] Other proteins in same PDB: d3nh7a_, d3nh7b_, d3nh7c_, d3nh7d_ automated match to d1h0da2 |
Domain d3nh7m1: 3nh7 M:2-109 [213945] Other proteins in same PDB: d3nh7a_, d3nh7b_, d3nh7c_, d3nh7d_ automated match to d1h0da1 |
Domain d3nh7m2: 3nh7 M:110-211 [213946] Other proteins in same PDB: d3nh7a_, d3nh7b_, d3nh7c_, d3nh7d_ automated match to d1h0da2 |
Domain d3nh7n1: 3nh7 N:2-109 [213947] Other proteins in same PDB: d3nh7a_, d3nh7b_, d3nh7c_, d3nh7d_ automated match to d1h0da1 |
Domain d3nh7n2: 3nh7 N:110-211 [213948] Other proteins in same PDB: d3nh7a_, d3nh7b_, d3nh7c_, d3nh7d_ automated match to d1h0da2 |
Domain d3nh7o1: 3nh7 O:2-109 [213949] Other proteins in same PDB: d3nh7a_, d3nh7b_, d3nh7c_, d3nh7d_ automated match to d1h0da1 |
Domain d3nh7o2: 3nh7 O:110-211 [213950] Other proteins in same PDB: d3nh7a_, d3nh7b_, d3nh7c_, d3nh7d_ automated match to d1h0da2 |
Domain d3npsc1: 3nps C:3-106A [199958] Other proteins in same PDB: d3npsa_, d3npsc2 automated match to d3fcta1 complexed with cl, edo, na |
Domain d3ntcl1: 3ntc L:1-107 [214043] automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with act, edo, so4 |
Domain d3ntcl2: 3ntc L:108-213 [214044] automated match to d1rhha2 complexed with act, edo, so4 |
Domain d3nzhl1: 3nzh L:1-107 [214093] Other proteins in same PDB: d3nzhl2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with co, gol |
Domain d3o4ld1: 3o4l D:7-111 [200008] Other proteins in same PDB: d3o4la1, d3o4la2, d3o4lb_, d3o4ld2 automated match to d1qrnd1 complexed with gol, mes, so4 |
Domain d3o4le1: 3o4l E:2-117 [200010] Other proteins in same PDB: d3o4la1, d3o4la2, d3o4lb_, d3o4ld2 automated match to d1beca1 complexed with gol, mes, so4 |
Domain d3o4le2: 3o4l E:118-246 [200011] Other proteins in same PDB: d3o4la1, d3o4la2, d3o4lb_, d3o4ld2 automated match to d1beca2 complexed with gol, mes, so4 |
Domain d3o6fc1: 3o6f C:1-110 [214202] Other proteins in same PDB: d3o6fa1, d3o6fa2, d3o6fc2, d3o6fd2, d3o6fe1, d3o6fe2, d3o6fg2, d3o6fh2 automated match to d1nfda1 |
Domain d3o6fd1: 3o6f D:1-115 [214204] Other proteins in same PDB: d3o6fa1, d3o6fa2, d3o6fc2, d3o6fd2, d3o6fe1, d3o6fe2, d3o6fg2, d3o6fh2 automated match to d1ktke1 |
Domain d3o6fg1: 3o6f G:1-110 [214208] Other proteins in same PDB: d3o6fa1, d3o6fa2, d3o6fc2, d3o6fd2, d3o6fe1, d3o6fe2, d3o6fg2, d3o6fh2 automated match to d1nfda1 |
Domain d3o6fh1: 3o6f H:1-115 [214210] Other proteins in same PDB: d3o6fa1, d3o6fa2, d3o6fc2, d3o6fd2, d3o6fe1, d3o6fe2, d3o6fg2, d3o6fh2 automated match to d1ktke1 |
Domain d3oayk1: 3oay K:1-107 [214274] Other proteins in same PDB: d3oayk2, d3oayl2 automated match to d3fcta1 complexed with bdf, mli |
Domain d3oayl1: 3oay L:1-107 [214276] Other proteins in same PDB: d3oayk2, d3oayl2 automated match to d3fcta1 complexed with bdf, mli |
Domain d3oazk1: 3oaz K:1-107 [214278] Other proteins in same PDB: d3oazk2, d3oazl2 automated match to d3fcta1 complexed with 2m5, cl, gol |
Domain d3oazl1: 3oaz L:1-107 [214280] Other proteins in same PDB: d3oazk2, d3oazl2 automated match to d3fcta1 complexed with 2m5, cl, gol |
Domain d3ob0k1: 3ob0 K:1-107 [214282] Other proteins in same PDB: d3ob0k2, d3ob0l2 automated match to d3fcta1 complexed with 2m6 |
Domain d3ob0l1: 3ob0 L:1-107 [214284] Other proteins in same PDB: d3ob0k2, d3ob0l2 automated match to d3fcta1 complexed with 2m6 |
Domain d3of6a1: 3of6 A:2-119 [214328] Other proteins in same PDB: d3of6a2, d3of6b2, d3of6c2 automated match to d1qrne1 complexed with nag |
Domain d3of6b1: 3of6 B:2-119 [214330] Other proteins in same PDB: d3of6a2, d3of6b2, d3of6c2 automated match to d1qrne1 complexed with nag |
Domain d3of6c1: 3of6 C:1-119 [214332] Other proteins in same PDB: d3of6a2, d3of6b2, d3of6c2 automated match to d1qrne1 complexed with nag |
Domain d3oj2c2: 3oj2 C:251-359 [200092] Other proteins in same PDB: d3oj2a_, d3oj2b_, d3oj2c1, d3oj2d1 automated match to d1ev2g2 complexed with so4; mutant |
Domain d3oj2d2: 3oj2 D:251-359 [200094] Other proteins in same PDB: d3oj2a_, d3oj2b_, d3oj2c1, d3oj2d1 automated match to d1ev2g2 complexed with so4; mutant |
Domain d3ojmb2: 3ojm B:251-361 [214380] Other proteins in same PDB: d3ojma_, d3ojmb1 automated match to d1ev2g2 complexed with so4; mutant |
Domain d3ojvc1: 3ojv C:147-249 [214401] Other proteins in same PDB: d3ojva_, d3ojvb_ automated match to d1djsa1 |
Domain d3ojvc2: 3ojv C:250-359 [214402] Other proteins in same PDB: d3ojva_, d3ojvb_ automated match to d1djsa2 |
Domain d3ojvd1: 3ojv D:147-249 [214403] Other proteins in same PDB: d3ojva_, d3ojvb_ automated match to d1djsa1 |
Domain d3ojvd2: 3ojv D:250-359 [214404] Other proteins in same PDB: d3ojva_, d3ojvb_ automated match to d1djsa2 |
Domain d3omza1: 3omz A:11-116 [248313] automated match to d4mayc1 |
Domain d3omza2: 3omz A:139-250 [248314] automated match to d4mayc1 |
Domain d3omzc1: 3omz C:11-116 [248315] automated match to d4mayc1 |
Domain d3omzc2: 3omz C:139-250 [248316] automated match to d4mayc1 |
Domain d3omze1: 3omz E:13-116 [248317] automated match to d4mayc1 |
Domain d3ov6a1: 3ov6 A:1000-1093 [248352] Other proteins in same PDB: d3ov6a2 automated match to d1onqa1 complexed with d12, mk0, nag |
Domain d3ov6a3: 3ov6 A:185-280 [248354] Other proteins in same PDB: d3ov6a2 automated match to d1onqa1 complexed with d12, mk0, nag |
Domain d3p0vl1: 3p0v L:1-107 [214614] Other proteins in same PDB: d3p0vl2, d3p0vm2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with ca |
Domain d3p0vm1: 3p0v M:1-107 [214616] Other proteins in same PDB: d3p0vl2, d3p0vm2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with ca |
Domain d3p0yl1: 3p0y L:1-107 [214618] Other proteins in same PDB: d3p0ya1, d3p0ya2, d3p0yl2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with gol |
Domain d3p2ta1: 3p2t A:2-96 [214633] automated match to d1ovzb1 complexed with so4 |
Domain d3p2ta2: 3p2t A:97-195 [214634] automated match to d1ovzb2 complexed with so4 |
Domain d3pgfl1: 3pgf L:1-107 [214768] Other proteins in same PDB: d3pgfa_, d3pgfl2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with gol, imd |
Domain d3puca_: 3puc A: [214949] automated match to d1fhga_ complexed with so4 |
Domain d3q1sl1: 3q1s L:3-107 [200273] Other proteins in same PDB: d3q1si_ automated match to d1c5da1 complexed with gol, ipa |
Domain d3q1sl2: 3q1s L:108-211 [200274] Other proteins in same PDB: d3q1si_ automated match to d1c5da2 complexed with gol, ipa |
Domain d3q5oa_: 3q5o A: [200287] automated match to d3q5ob_ complexed with so4 |
Domain d3q5ob_: 3q5o B: [196076] automated match to d1u2ha_ complexed with so4 |
Domain d3qctl2: 3qct L:108-213 [215170] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qctl1 automated match to d1t66c2 complexed with pge, so4 |
Domain d3qcul2: 3qcu L:108-213 [215172] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qcul1, d3qcum1 automated match to d1t66c2 complexed with nkn |
Domain d3qcum2: 3qcu M:108-213 [215174] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qcul1, d3qcum1 automated match to d1t66c2 complexed with nkn |
Domain d3qcvl2: 3qcv L:108-213 [215176] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qcvl1, d3qcvm1 automated match to d1t66c2 complexed with 18l |
Domain d3qcvm2: 3qcv M:108-213 [215178] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qcvl1, d3qcvm1 automated match to d1t66c2 complexed with 18l |
Domain d3qehb1: 3qeh B:1-106 [215194] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qehb2, d3qehd2, d3qehf2, d3qehh2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with cl, gol, so4 |
Domain d3qehd1: 3qeh D:1-106 [215196] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qehb2, d3qehd2, d3qehf2, d3qehh2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with cl, gol, so4 |
Domain d3qehf1: 3qeh F:1-106 [215198] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qehb2, d3qehd2, d3qehf2, d3qehh2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with cl, gol, so4 |
Domain d3qehh1: 3qeh H:2-106 [215200] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qehb2, d3qehd2, d3qehf2, d3qehh2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with cl, gol, so4 |
Domain d3qeqd1: 3qeq D:2-109 [200323] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qeqa1, d3qeqa2, d3qeqb_, d3qeqd2 automated match to d1qrnd1 |
Domain d3qeqe1: 3qeq E:1-114 [200325] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qeqa1, d3qeqa2, d3qeqb_, d3qeqd2 automated match to d1lp9f1 |
Domain d3qeqe2: 3qeq E:115-243 [200326] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qeqa1, d3qeqa2, d3qeqb_, d3qeqd2 automated match to d1lp9f2 |
Domain d3qeub1: 3qeu B:4-117 [215204] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qeua1, d3qeua2, d3qeub2, d3qeud1, d3qeud2, d3qeue2 automated match to d1qrne1 complexed with gol, li |
Domain d3qeue1: 3qeu E:3-117 [215208] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qeua1, d3qeua2, d3qeub2, d3qeud1, d3qeud2, d3qeue2 automated match to d1qrne1 complexed with gol, li |
Domain d3qh3b1: 3qh3 B:1-116 [215228] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qh3a1, d3qh3a2, d3qh3b2, d3qh3c1, d3qh3c2, d3qh3d2 automated match to d1ktke1 complexed with edo, gol |
Domain d3qh3d1: 3qh3 D:1-116 [215232] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qh3a1, d3qh3a2, d3qh3b2, d3qh3c1, d3qh3c2, d3qh3d2 automated match to d1ktke1 complexed with edo, gol |
Domain d3qhfl1: 3qhf L:1-107 [215234] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qhfl2 automated match to d1aqkl1 |
Domain d3qhzl1: 3qhz L:2-107 [215236] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qhzl2, d3qhzm2 automated match to d1lgva1 |
Domain d3qhzm1: 3qhz M:4-107 [215238] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qhzl2, d3qhzm2 automated match to d1lgva1 |
Domain d3qnxa1: 3qnx A:1-112 [215309] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qnxa2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with gol |
Domain d3qnxb1: 3qnx B:3-118 [215311] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qnxa2 automated match to d1mcph1 complexed with gol |
Domain d3qnxb2: 3qnx B:119-221 [215312] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qnxa2 automated match to d1mcph2 complexed with gol |
Domain d3qnya1: 3qny A:2-112 [215313] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qnya2, d3qnyc2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with gol |
Domain d3qnyb1: 3qny B:3-118 [215315] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qnya2, d3qnyc2 automated match to d1mcph1 complexed with gol |
Domain d3qnyb2: 3qny B:119-221 [215316] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qnya2, d3qnyc2 automated match to d1mcph2 complexed with gol |
Domain d3qnyc1: 3qny C:1-112 [215317] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qnya2, d3qnyc2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with gol |
Domain d3qnyd1: 3qny D:4-118 [215319] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qnya2, d3qnyc2 automated match to d1mcph1 complexed with gol |
Domain d3qnyd2: 3qny D:119-221 [215320] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qnya2, d3qnyc2 automated match to d1mcph2 complexed with gol |
Domain d3qo1a1: 3qo1 A:1-112 [215321] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qo1a2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with gol |
Domain d3qosa1: 3qos A:1-113 [215336] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qosa2, d3qosl2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with gol, so4 |
Domain d3qosl1: 3qos L:1-113 [215338] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qosa2, d3qosl2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with gol, so4 |
Domain d3qotl1: 3qot L:0-113 [215340] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qotl2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with gol |
Domain d3qpqc1: 3qpq C:1-107 [215349] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qpqc2, d3qpqe2, d3qpqi2, d3qpql2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with gol, so4 |
Domain d3qpqe1: 3qpq E:1-107 [215351] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qpqc2, d3qpqe2, d3qpqi2, d3qpql2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with gol, so4 |
Domain d3qpqi1: 3qpq I:1-107 [215353] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qpqc2, d3qpqe2, d3qpqi2, d3qpql2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with gol, so4 |
Domain d3qpql1: 3qpq L:1-107 [215355] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qpqc2, d3qpqe2, d3qpqi2, d3qpql2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with gol, so4 |
Domain d3qpxl1: 3qpx L:1-106 [215357] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qpxl2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with cd, cl, gol, so4 |
Domain d3qq9c1: 3qq9 C:1-111 [215359] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qq9c2, d3qq9l2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with so4 |
Domain d3qq9l1: 3qq9 L:1-111 [215361] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qq9c2, d3qq9l2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with so4 |
Domain d3qrgl1: 3qrg L:1-111 [215379] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qrgl2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with btb, gol, so4 |
Domain d3r1gl1: 3r1g L:1-107 [200428] Other proteins in same PDB: d3r1gb_, d3r1gl2 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d3reva1: 3rev A:3-117 [215782] Other proteins in same PDB: d3reva2, d3revb1, d3revb2 automated match to d1qrnd1 complexed with edo |
Domain d3rpib1: 3rpi B:3-96 [215969] Other proteins in same PDB: d3rpib2, d3rpil2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with nag |
Domain d3rpil1: 3rpi L:3-96 [215971] Other proteins in same PDB: d3rpib2, d3rpil2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with nag |
Domain d3s6ca1: 3s6c A:1001-1093 [249299] Other proteins in same PDB: d3s6ca2 automated match to d1onqa1 complexed with gol |
Domain d3s6ca3: 3s6c A:177-277 [249301] Other proteins in same PDB: d3s6ca2 automated match to d1onqa1 complexed with gol |
Domain d3s97c1: 3s97 C:133-237 [233521] Other proteins in same PDB: d3s97a_, d3s97b_ automated match to d1cs6a2 complexed with nag |
Domain d3s97d1: 3s97 D:133-237 [233519] Other proteins in same PDB: d3s97a_, d3s97b_ automated match to d1cs6a2 complexed with nag |
Domain d3s97d2: 3s97 D:238-329 [233520] Other proteins in same PDB: d3s97a_, d3s97b_ automated match to d1cs6a3 complexed with nag |
Domain d3sdxa2: 3sdx A:184-280 [249372] Other proteins in same PDB: d3sdxa1, d3sdxb_, d3sdxc1, d3sdxd_, d3sdxe2, d3sdxg2 automated match to d3hujc2 complexed with gcy |
Domain d3sdxc2: 3sdx C:184-277 [249375] Other proteins in same PDB: d3sdxa1, d3sdxb_, d3sdxc1, d3sdxd_, d3sdxe2, d3sdxg2 automated match to d3hujc2 complexed with gcy |
Domain d3sdxe1: 3sdx E:1-114 [249377] Other proteins in same PDB: d3sdxa1, d3sdxb_, d3sdxc1, d3sdxd_, d3sdxe2, d3sdxg2 automated match to d4eura1 complexed with gcy |
Domain d3sdxf1: 3sdx F:2-118 [249379] Other proteins in same PDB: d3sdxa1, d3sdxb_, d3sdxc1, d3sdxd_, d3sdxe2, d3sdxg2 automated match to d2nw2b1 complexed with gcy |
Domain d3sdxf2: 3sdx F:119-247 [249380] Other proteins in same PDB: d3sdxa1, d3sdxb_, d3sdxc1, d3sdxd_, d3sdxe2, d3sdxg2 automated match to d2nw2b2 complexed with gcy |
Domain d3sdxg1: 3sdx G:1-114 [249381] Other proteins in same PDB: d3sdxa1, d3sdxb_, d3sdxc1, d3sdxd_, d3sdxe2, d3sdxg2 automated match to d4eura1 complexed with gcy |
Domain d3sdxh1: 3sdx H:1-118 [249383] Other proteins in same PDB: d3sdxa1, d3sdxb_, d3sdxc1, d3sdxd_, d3sdxe2, d3sdxg2 automated match to d2nw2b1 complexed with gcy |
Domain d3sdxh2: 3sdx H:119-247 [249384] Other proteins in same PDB: d3sdxa1, d3sdxb_, d3sdxc1, d3sdxd_, d3sdxe2, d3sdxg2 automated match to d2nw2b2 complexed with gcy |
Domain d3se8l1: 3se8 L:1-107 [216359] Other proteins in same PDB: d3se8l2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with edo, nag, so4, trs |
Domain d3se9l1: 3se9 L:1-107 [216361] Other proteins in same PDB: d3se9l2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with bu3, cl, gol, nag, so4, trs |
Domain d3skjl1: 3skj L:1-107 [216434] Other proteins in same PDB: d3skje_, d3skjl2, d3skjm2 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d3skjm1: 3skj M:1-107 [216436] Other proteins in same PDB: d3skje_, d3skjl2, d3skjm2 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d3skna1: 3skn A:2-124 [216440] Other proteins in same PDB: d3skna2, d3sknb2, d3sknc2, d3sknd2, d3skne2, d3sknf2, d3skng2, d3sknh2 automated match to d1qrnd1 |
Domain d3sknb1: 3skn B:3-126 [216442] Other proteins in same PDB: d3skna2, d3sknb2, d3sknc2, d3sknd2, d3skne2, d3sknf2, d3skng2, d3sknh2 automated match to d1ktke1 |
Domain d3sknc1: 3skn C:2-124 [216444] Other proteins in same PDB: d3skna2, d3sknb2, d3sknc2, d3sknd2, d3skne2, d3sknf2, d3skng2, d3sknh2 automated match to d1qrnd1 |
Domain d3sknd1: 3skn D:3-126 [216446] Other proteins in same PDB: d3skna2, d3sknb2, d3sknc2, d3sknd2, d3skne2, d3sknf2, d3skng2, d3sknh2 automated match to d1ktke1 |
Domain d3skne1: 3skn E:2-124 [216448] Other proteins in same PDB: d3skna2, d3sknb2, d3sknc2, d3sknd2, d3skne2, d3sknf2, d3skng2, d3sknh2 automated match to d1qrnd1 |
Domain d3sknf1: 3skn F:3-126 [216450] Other proteins in same PDB: d3skna2, d3sknb2, d3sknc2, d3sknd2, d3skne2, d3sknf2, d3skng2, d3sknh2 automated match to d1ktke1 |
Domain d3skng1: 3skn G:2-124 [216452] Other proteins in same PDB: d3skna2, d3sknb2, d3sknc2, d3sknd2, d3skne2, d3sknf2, d3skng2, d3sknh2 automated match to d1qrnd1 |
Domain d3sknh1: 3skn H:3-126 [216454] Other proteins in same PDB: d3skna2, d3sknb2, d3sknc2, d3sknd2, d3skne2, d3sknf2, d3skng2, d3sknh2 automated match to d1ktke1 |
Domain d3sm5l1: 3sm5 L:2-108 [249503] Other proteins in same PDB: d3sm5a_, d3sm5b_, d3sm5c_, d3sm5d_, d3sm5e_, d3sm5f_ automated match to d4m1dl1 complexed with man, nag, so4 |
Domain d3sm5l2: 3sm5 L:109-211 [249504] Other proteins in same PDB: d3sm5a_, d3sm5b_, d3sm5c_, d3sm5d_, d3sm5e_, d3sm5f_ automated match to d4m1dl2 complexed with man, nag, so4 |
Domain d3sm5m1: 3sm5 M:2-108 [249505] Other proteins in same PDB: d3sm5a_, d3sm5b_, d3sm5c_, d3sm5d_, d3sm5e_, d3sm5f_ automated match to d4m1dl1 complexed with man, nag, so4 |
Domain d3sm5m2: 3sm5 M:109-211 [249506] Other proteins in same PDB: d3sm5a_, d3sm5b_, d3sm5c_, d3sm5d_, d3sm5e_, d3sm5f_ automated match to d4m1dl2 complexed with man, nag, so4 |
Domain d3sm5n1: 3sm5 N:2-108 [249507] Other proteins in same PDB: d3sm5a_, d3sm5b_, d3sm5c_, d3sm5d_, d3sm5e_, d3sm5f_ automated match to d4m1dl1 complexed with man, nag, so4 |
Domain d3sm5n2: 3sm5 N:109-211 [249508] Other proteins in same PDB: d3sm5a_, d3sm5b_, d3sm5c_, d3sm5d_, d3sm5e_, d3sm5f_ automated match to d4m1dl2 complexed with man, nag, so4 |
Domain d3sobl1: 3sob L:1-107 [216491] automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with ca |
Domain d3sobl2: 3sob L:108-213 [216492] automated match to d1rhha2 complexed with ca |
Domain d3sqol1: 3sqo L:2-107 [216516] automated match to d1c12a1 |
Domain d3sqol2: 3sqo L:108-214 [216517] automated match to d1c12a2 |
Domain d3t0va_: 3t0v A: [216628] automated match to d2e7lc_ complexed with 1pe, edo, pe3, so4, trs |
Domain d3t0wa_: 3t0w A: [216629] automated match to d2e7lc_ complexed with cl, diw, pe3 |
Domain d3t0wb_: 3t0w B: [216630] automated match to d2e7lc_ complexed with cl, diw, pe3 |
Domain d3t0xa_: 3t0x A: [216631] automated match to d2e7lc_ complexed with diw, edo, so4 |
Domain d3t0xb_: 3t0x B: [216632] automated match to d2e7lc_ complexed with diw, edo, so4 |
Domain d3t2nl1: 3t2n L:1-108 [216646] Other proteins in same PDB: d3t2nl2, d3t2nm2 automated match to d1aqkl1 |
Domain d3t2nm1: 3t2n M:1-108 [216648] Other proteins in same PDB: d3t2nl2, d3t2nm2 automated match to d1aqkl1 |
Domain d3tclb1: 3tcl B:1-107 [216736] Other proteins in same PDB: d3tclb2, d3tcll2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with imd |
Domain d3tcll1: 3tcl L:1-107 [216738] Other proteins in same PDB: d3tclb2, d3tcll2 automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with imd |
Domain d3thml1: 3thm L:1-111 [216823] Other proteins in same PDB: d3thml2 automated match to d1aqkl1 complexed with edo |
Domain d3tjel1: 3tje L:1-111 [216837] Other proteins in same PDB: d3tjel2 automated match to d1aqkl1 complexed with cd, cl, edo |
Domain d3tnmb1: 3tnm B:4-107 [216892] Other proteins in same PDB: d3tnmb2, d3tnml2 automated match to d1aqkl1 complexed with act, cl |
Domain d3tnml1: 3tnm L:4-107 [216894] Other proteins in same PDB: d3tnmb2, d3tnml2 automated match to d1aqkl1 complexed with act, cl |
Domain d3tnnb1: 3tnn B:4-108 [216896] Other proteins in same PDB: d3tnnb2, d3tnnd2, d3tnnf2, d3tnnl2 automated match to d1aqkl1 complexed with cl, gol, so4 |
Domain d3tnnd1: 3tnn D:4-108 [216898] Other proteins in same PDB: d3tnnb2, d3tnnd2, d3tnnf2, d3tnnl2 automated match to d1aqkl1 complexed with cl, gol, so4 |
Domain d3tnnf1: 3tnn F:4-108 [216900] Other proteins in same PDB: d3tnnb2, d3tnnd2, d3tnnf2, d3tnnl2 automated match to d1aqkl1 complexed with cl, gol, so4 |
Domain d3tnnl1: 3tnn L:4-108 [216902] Other proteins in same PDB: d3tnnb2, d3tnnd2, d3tnnf2, d3tnnl2 automated match to d1aqkl1 complexed with cl, gol, so4 |
Domain d3to4c1: 3to4 C:1-117 [249968] Other proteins in same PDB: d3to4a1, d3to4b_, d3to4c2, d3to4d2 automated match to d4eura1 complexed with agh, nag |
Domain d3to4d1: 3to4 D:3-121 [249970] Other proteins in same PDB: d3to4a1, d3to4b_, d3to4c2, d3to4d2 automated match to d1ogae1 complexed with agh, nag |
Domain d3tv3l1: 3tv3 L:3-107 [217038] Other proteins in same PDB: d3tv3l2 automated match to d1lgva1 complexed with aml, epe, gol |
Domain d3twcl1: 3twc L:3-107 [217061] Other proteins in same PDB: d3twcl2 automated match to d1aqkl1 complexed with aml |
Domain d3tzva1: 3tzv A:1-114 [250049] Other proteins in same PDB: d3tzva2, d3tzvc1, d3tzvd_, d3tzvg2 automated match to d2pyfa1 complexed with d12, gol, hex, lsc |
Domain d3tzvb1: 3tzv B:2-118 [250051] Other proteins in same PDB: d3tzva2, d3tzvc1, d3tzvd_, d3tzvg2 automated match to d3q5ya1 complexed with d12, gol, hex, lsc |
Domain d3tzvb2: 3tzv B:119-246 [250052] Other proteins in same PDB: d3tzva2, d3tzvc1, d3tzvd_, d3tzvg2 automated match to d3q5ya2 complexed with d12, gol, hex, lsc |
Domain d3tzvc2: 3tzv C:184-278 [250054] Other proteins in same PDB: d3tzva2, d3tzvc1, d3tzvd_, d3tzvg2 automated match to d3hujc2 complexed with d12, gol, hex, lsc |
Domain d3tzvg1: 3tzv G:1-114 [250056] Other proteins in same PDB: d3tzva2, d3tzvc1, d3tzvd_, d3tzvg2 automated match to d2pyfa1 complexed with d12, gol, hex, lsc |
Domain d3tzvh1: 3tzv H:2-118 [250058] Other proteins in same PDB: d3tzva2, d3tzvc1, d3tzvd_, d3tzvg2 automated match to d3q5ya1 complexed with d12, gol, hex, lsc |
Domain d3tzvh2: 3tzv H:119-246 [250059] Other proteins in same PDB: d3tzva2, d3tzvc1, d3tzvd_, d3tzvg2 automated match to d3q5ya2 complexed with d12, gol, hex, lsc |
Domain d3u1sl1: 3u1s L:2-107 [217152] automated match to d1rhha1 complexed with gol, so4 |
Domain d3u1sl2: 3u1s L:108-213 [217153] automated match to d1rhha2 complexed with gol, so4 |
Domain d3u2sb1: 3u2s B:2-107 [217158] Other proteins in same PDB: d3u2sb2, d3u2sl2 automated match to d1aqkl1 complexed with bu3, nag, so4 |
Domain d3u2sl1: 3u2s L:2-107 [217160] Other proteins in same PDB: d3u2sb2, d3u2sl2 automated match to d1aqkl1 complexed with bu3, nag, so4 |
Domain d3u46b1: 3u46 B:1-107 [217175] Other proteins in same PDB: d3u46b2, d3u46l2 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d3u46l1: 3u46 L:1-107 [217177] Other proteins in same PDB: d3u46b2, d3u46l2 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d3u4bl1: 3u4b L:1-107 [217183] Other proteins in same PDB: d3u4bl2 automated match to d1rhha1 |
Domain d3u4eb1: 3u4e B:2-107 [217187] Other proteins in same PDB: d3u4eb2, d3u4el2 automated match to d1aqkl1 complexed with so4 |
Domain d3u4el1: 3u4e L:1-107 [217189] Other proteins in same PDB: d3u4eb2, d3u4el2 automated match to d1aqkl1 complexed with so4 |
Domain d3u6ra_: 3u6r A: [217206] automated match to d1ap2b_ complexed with so4 |
Domain d3u6rb_: 3u6r B: [217207] automated match to d1sjxa_ complexed with so4 |
Domain d3u6rh_: 3u6r H: [217208] automated match to d1ap2b_ complexed with so4 |
Domain d3u6rl_: 3u6r L: [217209] automated match to d1sjxa_ complexed with so4 |
Domain d3u7wl1: 3u7w L:1-105 [217216] automated match to d1sy6l1 complexed with gol, nag, so4 |
Domain d3u7wl2: 3u7w L:106-214 [217217] automated match to d1z3gl2 complexed with gol, nag, so4 |
Domain d3u7yl1: 3u7y L:3-101 [217218] automated match to d1sy6l1 complexed with cl, flc, nag |
Domain d3u7yl2: 3u7y L:102-210 [217219] automated match to d1z3gl2 complexed with cl, flc, nag |
Domain d3utpd1: 3utp D:2-112 [217515] Other proteins in same PDB: d3utpd2, d3utpe2, d3utpk2, d3utpl2 automated match to d1qrnd1 complexed with btb, gol, so4 |
Domain d3utpe1: 3utp E:1-117 [217517] Other proteins in same PDB: d3utpd2, d3utpe2, d3utpk2, d3utpl2 automated match to d1ktke1 complexed with btb, gol, so4 |
Domain d3utpk1: 3utp K:2-112 [217519] Other proteins in same PDB: d3utpd2, d3utpe2, d3utpk2, d3utpl2 automated match to d1qrnd1 complexed with btb, gol, so4 |
Domain d3utpl1: 3utp L:1-117 [217521] Other proteins in same PDB: d3utpd2, d3utpe2, d3utpk2, d3utpl2 automated match to d1ktke1 complexed with btb, gol, so4 |
Domain d3ux9b1: 3ux9 B:4-111 [233810] Other proteins in same PDB: d3ux9a_, d3ux9c_ automated match to d3esvg1 |
Domain d3ux9b2: 3ux9 B:136-254 [233811] Other proteins in same PDB: d3ux9a_, d3ux9c_ automated match to d3esvf2 |
Domain d3ux9d1: 3ux9 D:4-111 [233808] Other proteins in same PDB: d3ux9a_, d3ux9c_ automated match to d3esvg1 |
Domain d3ux9d2: 3ux9 D:136-255 [233809] Other proteins in same PDB: d3ux9a_, d3ux9c_ automated match to d3esvf2 |
Domain d3vwja2: 3vwj A:184-278 [250712] Other proteins in same PDB: d3vwja1, d3vwjb_, d3vwjc2 automated match to d3hujc2 complexed with db3, mg, nag |
Domain d3vwjc1: 3vwj C:1-117 [250714] Other proteins in same PDB: d3vwja1, d3vwjb_, d3vwjc2 automated match to d2pyfa1 complexed with db3, mg, nag |
Domain d3vwjd1: 3vwj D:3-118 [250716] Other proteins in same PDB: d3vwja1, d3vwjb_, d3vwjc2 automated match to d3q5ya1 complexed with db3, mg, nag |
Domain d3vwjd2: 3vwj D:119-246 [250717] Other proteins in same PDB: d3vwja1, d3vwjb_, d3vwjc2 automated match to d3q5ya2 complexed with db3, mg, nag |
Domain d3vwkc1: 3vwk C:2-117 [218128] Other proteins in same PDB: d3vwka1, d3vwka2, d3vwkb_, d3vwkc2, d3vwkd2 automated match to d1qrnd1 complexed with 4gh, mg, nag |
Domain d3vwkd1: 3vwk D:3-118 [218130] Other proteins in same PDB: d3vwka1, d3vwka2, d3vwkb_, d3vwkc2, d3vwkd2 automated match to d1ktke1 complexed with 4gh, mg, nag |
Domain d3vxqa1: 3vxq A:1-113 [233876] Other proteins in same PDB: d3vxqa2, d3vxqd2 automated match to d3vxqd1 |
Domain d3vxqb1: 3vxq B:2-114 [233878] Other proteins in same PDB: d3vxqa2, d3vxqd2 automated match to d3vxqe1 |
Domain d3vxqb2: 3vxq B:115-243 [233893] Other proteins in same PDB: d3vxqa2, d3vxqd2 automated match to d3vxqe2 |
Domain d3vxqd1: 3vxq D:1-113 [228562] Other proteins in same PDB: d3vxqa2, d3vxqd2 automated match to d2pyfa1 |
Domain d3vxqe1: 3vxq E:2-114 [228564] Other proteins in same PDB: d3vxqa2, d3vxqd2 automated match to d3q5ya1 |
Domain d3vxqe2: 3vxq E:115-243 [228565] Other proteins in same PDB: d3vxqa2, d3vxqd2 automated match to d3q5ya2 |
Domain d3vxta1: 3vxt A:2-111 [233877] Other proteins in same PDB: d3vxta2, d3vxtc2 automated match to d3vxtc1 |
Domain d3vxtb1: 3vxt B:1-112 [233879] Other proteins in same PDB: d3vxta2, d3vxtc2 automated match to d3vxtd1 |
Domain d3vxtb2: 3vxt B:113-241 [233890] Other proteins in same PDB: d3vxta2, d3vxtc2 automated match to d3vxtd2 |
Domain d3vxtc1: 3vxt C:2-111 [228558] Other proteins in same PDB: d3vxta2, d3vxtc2 automated match to d2pyfa1 |
Domain d3vxtd1: 3vxt D:1-112 [228560] Other proteins in same PDB: d3vxta2, d3vxtc2 automated match to d3q5ya1 |
Domain d3vxtd2: 3vxt D:113-241 [228561] Other proteins in same PDB: d3vxta2, d3vxtc2 automated match to d3q5ya2 |
Domain d3w9db1: 3w9d B:1-107 [233937] Other proteins in same PDB: d3w9db2, d3w9dd2 automated match to d3w9eb1 |
Domain d3w9dd1: 3w9d D:1-107 [233935] Other proteins in same PDB: d3w9db2, d3w9dd2 automated match to d3w9eb1 |
Domain d3w9eb1: 3w9e B:1-107 [228144] Other proteins in same PDB: d3w9eb2, d3w9ec_ automated match to d1g9ml1 complexed with nag |
Domain d3wd5l1: 3wd5 L:1-106 [250742] Other proteins in same PDB: d3wd5a_, d3wd5l2 automated match to d4fnll1 |
Domain d3wexa2: 3wex A:83-181 [258589] Other proteins in same PDB: d3wexa1, d3wexc1, d3wexe1, d3wexg1 automated match to d1f3ja1 complexed with nag |
Domain d3wexc2: 3wex C:83-181 [258593] Other proteins in same PDB: d3wexa1, d3wexc1, d3wexe1, d3wexg1 automated match to d1f3ja1 complexed with nag |
Domain d3wexe2: 3wex E:83-181 [258591] Other proteins in same PDB: d3wexa1, d3wexc1, d3wexe1, d3wexg1 automated match to d1f3ja1 complexed with nag |
Domain d3wexg2: 3wex G:83-181 [258587] Other proteins in same PDB: d3wexa1, d3wexc1, d3wexe1, d3wexg1 automated match to d1f3ja1 complexed with nag |
Domain d3wjja1: 3wjj A:233-341 [229037] Other proteins in same PDB: d3wjjc1, d3wjjc2 automated match to d1igtb3 |
Domain d3wjja2: 3wjj A:342-444 [229038] Other proteins in same PDB: d3wjjc1, d3wjjc2 automated match to d1igtb4 |
Domain d3wjjb1: 3wjj B:238-341 [229039] Other proteins in same PDB: d3wjjc1, d3wjjc2 automated match to d1igtb3 |
Domain d3wjjb2: 3wjj B:342-443 [229040] Other proteins in same PDB: d3wjjc1, d3wjjc2 automated match to d1igtb4 |
Domain d3wjla1: 3wjl A:232-341 [229035] Other proteins in same PDB: d3wjlc1, d3wjlc2 automated match to d1igtb3 complexed with nag |
Domain d3wjla2: 3wjl A:342-443 [229036] Other proteins in same PDB: d3wjlc1, d3wjlc2 automated match to d1igtb4 complexed with nag |
Domain d3wjlb1: 3wjl B:237-341 [233979] Other proteins in same PDB: d3wjlc1, d3wjlc2 automated match to d3wjla1 complexed with nag |
Domain d3wjlb2: 3wjl B:342-444 [233980] Other proteins in same PDB: d3wjlc1, d3wjlc2 automated match to d3wjla2 complexed with nag |
Domain d3zl4l1: 3zl4 L:3-110 [236681] Other proteins in same PDB: d3zl4l2 automated match to d2mcg11 complexed with mes |
Domain d3ztnl1: 3ztn L:1-106 [250844] Other proteins in same PDB: d3ztna_, d3ztnb_ automated match to d1dn0a1 complexed with gol, nag, so4 |
Domain d4acpa1: 4acp A:238-341 [218795] automated match to d1igyb3 complexed with nag |
Domain d4acpa2: 4acp A:342-444 [218796] automated match to d1igyb4 complexed with nag |
Domain d4acpb1: 4acp B:237-341 [218797] automated match to d1igyb3 complexed with nag |
Domain d4acpb2: 4acp B:342-444 [218798] automated match to d1igyb4 complexed with nag |
Domain d4aena2: 4aen A:84-180 [218814] Other proteins in same PDB: d4aena1, d4aenb1, d4aenb2 automated match to d1muja1 complexed with gol |
Domain d4ah2a2: 4ah2 A:84-180 [218859] Other proteins in same PDB: d4ah2a1 automated match to d1muja1 complexed with gol |
Domain d4aiza_: 4aiz A: [218900] automated match to d1cd0b_ complexed with 88q, cit, so4 |
Domain d4aizb_: 4aiz B: [218901] automated match to d1cd0b_ complexed with 88q, cit, so4 |
Domain d4aizc_: 4aiz C: [218902] automated match to d1cd0b_ complexed with 88q, cit, so4 |
Domain d4aizd_: 4aiz D: [218903] automated match to d1cd0b_ complexed with 88q, cit, so4 |
Domain d4al8l1: 4al8 L:1-107 [201447] Other proteins in same PDB: d4al8c_, d4al8l2 automated match to d2fatl1 complexed with gol |
Domain d4bm7a1: 4bm7 A:237-341 [234197] automated match to d1igtb3 complexed with cl; mutant |
Domain d4bm7a2: 4bm7 A:342-443 [234198] automated match to d1igtb4 complexed with cl; mutant |
Domain d4bm7b1: 4bm7 B:238-341 [234199] automated match to d1igtb3 complexed with cl; mutant |
Domain d4bm7b2: 4bm7 B:342-445 [234200] automated match to d1igtb4 complexed with cl; mutant |
Domain d4bsva1: 4bsv A:236-341 [219548] automated match to d1igyb3 complexed with edo, iod |
Domain d4bsva2: 4bsv A:342-445 [219549] automated match to d1igyb4 complexed with edo, iod |
Domain d4bsvb1: 4bsv B:236-341 [219550] automated match to d1igyb3 complexed with edo, iod |
Domain d4bsvb2: 4bsv B:342-445 [219551] automated match to d1igyb4 complexed with edo, iod |
Domain d4bswa1: 4bsw A:236-341 [219552] automated match to d1igyb3 complexed with edo, iod |
Domain d4bswa2: 4bsw A:342-445 [219553] automated match to d1igyb4 complexed with edo, iod |
Domain d4bswb1: 4bsw B:236-341 [219554] automated match to d1igyb3 complexed with edo, iod |
Domain d4bswb2: 4bsw B:342-445 [219555] automated match to d1igyb4 complexed with edo, iod |
Domain d4byha1: 4byh A:238-341 [234285] automated match to d1igtb3 complexed with cl |
Domain d4byha2: 4byh A:342-444 [234286] automated match to d1igtb4 complexed with cl |
Domain d4byhb1: 4byh B:236-341 [240043] automated match to d4byha1 complexed with cl |
Domain d4byhb2: 4byh B:342-444 [240044] automated match to d4byha2 complexed with cl |
Domain d4c4ko_: 4c4k O: [259754] automated match to d3puca_ complexed with edo |
Domain d4c4kt_: 4c4k T: [259753] automated match to d2wwmd_ complexed with edo |
Domain d4cmma_: 4cmm A: [237121] automated match to d2jjwa_ complexed with nag |
Domain d4cnib1: 4cni B:1-106 [256635] Other proteins in same PDB: d4cnib2, d4cnic_, d4cnid_ automated match to d1dn0a1 complexed with so4, tam |
Domain d4d9ll1: 4d9l L:1-108 [219620] Other proteins in same PDB: d4d9ll2, d4d9lm2, d4d9ln2, d4d9lo2 automated match to d1q1jl1 |
Domain d4d9lm1: 4d9l M:1-108 [219622] Other proteins in same PDB: d4d9ll2, d4d9lm2, d4d9ln2, d4d9lo2 automated match to d1q1jl1 |
Domain d4d9ln1: 4d9l N:1-108 [219624] Other proteins in same PDB: d4d9ll2, d4d9lm2, d4d9ln2, d4d9lo2 automated match to d1q1jl1 |
Domain d4d9lo1: 4d9l O:1-108 [219626] Other proteins in same PDB: d4d9ll2, d4d9lm2, d4d9ln2, d4d9lo2 automated match to d1q1jl1 |
Domain d4d9qd1: 4d9q D:1-107 [201646] Other proteins in same PDB: d4d9qa_, d4d9qb_, d4d9qd2, d4d9ql2 automated match to d3fcta1 complexed with gol, so4, zn |
Domain d4d9ql1: 4d9q L:1-107 [201648] Other proteins in same PDB: d4d9qa_, d4d9qb_, d4d9qd2, d4d9ql2 automated match to d3fcta1 complexed with gol, so4, zn |
Domain d4depb1: 4dep B:7-104 [251430] Other proteins in same PDB: d4depa_, d4depd_ automated match to d4gafb1 complexed with nag |
Domain d4depb2: 4dep B:105-207 [251431] Other proteins in same PDB: d4depa_, d4depd_ automated match to d4gafb2 complexed with nag |
Domain d4depb3: 4dep B:208-310 [251432] Other proteins in same PDB: d4depa_, d4depd_ automated match to d1iray3 complexed with nag |
Domain d4depe1: 4dep E:6-104 [251434] Other proteins in same PDB: d4depa_, d4depd_ automated match to d4gafb1 complexed with nag |
Domain d4depe2: 4dep E:105-207 [251435] Other proteins in same PDB: d4depa_, d4depd_ automated match to d4gafb2 complexed with nag |
Domain d4depe3: 4dep E:208-314 [251436] Other proteins in same PDB: d4depa_, d4depd_ automated match to d1iray3 complexed with nag |
Domain d4dkfl1: 4dkf L:1-106 [219823] Other proteins in same PDB: d4dkfl2, d4dkfm2 automated match to d1dn0a1 |
Domain d4dkfm1: 4dkf M:1-106 [219825] Other proteins in same PDB: d4dkfl2, d4dkfm2 automated match to d1dn0a1 |
Domain d4dqol1: 4dqo L:1-107 [219944] Other proteins in same PDB: d4dqol2 automated match to d1aqkl1 |
Domain d4dtgl1: 4dtg L:1-111 [201735] Other proteins in same PDB: d4dtgk_, d4dtgl2 automated match to d1dn0a1 complexed with gol, mes, pge |
Domain d4dzba1: 4dzb A:1-110 [220119] Other proteins in same PDB: d4dzba2, d4dzbb2 automated match to d2f54d1 |
Domain d4dzbb1: 4dzb B:2-117 [220121] Other proteins in same PDB: d4dzba2, d4dzbb2 automated match to d1ktke1 |
Domain d4e41d1: 4e41 D:1-110 [220252] Other proteins in same PDB: d4e41a1, d4e41a2, d4e41b1, d4e41b2, d4e41d2, d4e41e2, d4e41f1, d4e41f2, d4e41g1, d4e41g2, d4e41i2, d4e41j2 automated match to d2f54d1 complexed with na; mutant |
Domain d4e41e1: 4e41 E:1-110 [220254] Other proteins in same PDB: d4e41a1, d4e41a2, d4e41b1, d4e41b2, d4e41d2, d4e41e2, d4e41f1, d4e41f2, d4e41g1, d4e41g2, d4e41i2, d4e41j2 automated match to d2ak4e1 complexed with na; mutant |
Domain d4e41i1: 4e41 I:1-110 [220260] Other proteins in same PDB: d4e41a1, d4e41a2, d4e41b1, |