Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds) |
Fold c.108: HAD-like [56783] (1 superfamily) 3 layers: a/b/a; parallel beta-sheet of 6 strands, order 321456 |
Superfamily c.108.1: HAD-like [56784] (26 families) usually contains an insertion (sub)domain after strand 1 |
Family c.108.1.0: automated matches [191369] (1 protein) not a true family |
Protein automated matches [190447] (55 species) not a true protein |
Species Lactobacillus delbrueckii [TaxId:1584] [187809] (1 PDB entry) |
Domain d2hi0a1: 2hi0 A:1-239 [165115] Other proteins in same PDB: d2hi0a2 automated match to d2hsza1 complexed with act, cl, edo, na |
Domain d2hi0b_: 2hi0 B: [165116] Other proteins in same PDB: d2hi0a2 automated match to d2hsza1 complexed with act, cl, edo, na |
Timeline for Species Lactobacillus delbrueckii [TaxId:1584] from c.108.1.0 automated matches: