Lineage for Species: Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId: 10090]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2923792Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (396 folds)
  3. 3001353Fold d.169: C-type lectin-like [56435] (1 superfamily)
    unusual fold
  4. 3001354Superfamily d.169.1: C-type lectin-like [56436] (9 families) (S)
  5. 3002276Family d.169.1.0: automated matches [191331] (1 protein)
    not a true family
  6. 3002277Protein automated matches [190159] (21 species)
    not a true protein
  7. 3002670Species Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId:10090] [187331] (26 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId: 10090]:

  1. Domain(s) for 2bpd:
    1. 3002674Domain d2bpda_: 2bpd A: [163138]
      automated match to d1ypqa1
    2. 3002675Domain d2bpdb_: 2bpd B: [163139]
      automated match to d1ypqa1
  2. Domain(s) for 2bpe:
    1. 3002712Domain d2bpea1: 2bpe A:117-244 [163140]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2bpea2, d2bpeb2
      automated match to d1ypqa1
      complexed with ca, cl, pg4
    2. 3002713Domain d2bpeb1: 2bpe B:117-244 [163141]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2bpea2, d2bpeb2
      automated match to d1ypqa1
      complexed with ca, cl, pg4
  3. Domain(s) for 2bph:
    1. 3002706Domain d2bpha1: 2bph A:117-244 [163142]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2bpha2, d2bphb2
      automated match to d1ypqa1
      complexed with mg
    2. 3002707Domain d2bphb1: 2bph B:117-244 [163143]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2bpha2, d2bphb2
      automated match to d1ypqa1
      complexed with mg
  4. Domain(s) for 2cl8:
    1. 3002718Domain d2cl8a1: 2cl8 A:117-244 [163439]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2cl8a2, d2cl8b2
      automated match to d1ypqa1
      complexed with ca, cl
    2. 3002719Domain d2cl8b1: 2cl8 B:117-244 [163440]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2cl8a2, d2cl8b2
      automated match to d1ypqa1
      complexed with ca, cl
  5. Domain(s) for 2m94:
  6. Domain(s) for 2mti:
  7. Domain(s) for 2ox9:
    1. 3002681Domain d2ox9a_: 2ox9 A: [166896]
      automated match to d1t8ca1
      complexed with ca
    2. 3002682Domain d2ox9b_: 2ox9 B: [166897]
      automated match to d1t8ca1
      complexed with ca
    3. 3002683Domain d2ox9c_: 2ox9 C: [166898]
      automated match to d1t8ca1
      complexed with ca
    4. 3002684Domain d2ox9d_: 2ox9 D: [166899]
      automated match to d1t8ca1
      complexed with ca
  8. Domain(s) for 3c8j:
    1. 3002701Domain d3c8ja_: 3c8j A: [156045]
      automated match to d1qo3c_
    2. 3002702Domain d3c8jb_: 3c8j B: [156046]
      automated match to d1qo3c_
    3. 3002703Domain d3c8jc_: 3c8j C: [156047]
      automated match to d1qo3c_
    4. 3002704Domain d3c8jd_: 3c8j D: [156048]
      automated match to d1qo3c_
  9. Domain(s) for 3ff8:
    1. 3002699Domain d3ff8c_: 3ff8 C: [175746]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ff8a1, d3ff8a2, d3ff8b1, d3ff8b2
      automated match to d1b6ea_
      complexed with ca
    2. 3002700Domain d3ff8d_: 3ff8 D: [175747]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ff8a1, d3ff8a2, d3ff8b1, d3ff8b2
      automated match to d1b6ea_
      complexed with ca
  10. Domain(s) for 3ff9:
    1. 3002685Domain d3ff9a1: 3ff9 A:75-189 [175748]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ff9a2, d3ff9b2
      automated match to d1b6ea_
    2. 3002686Domain d3ff9b1: 3ff9 B:75-189 [175749]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d3ff9a2, d3ff9b2
      automated match to d1b6ea_
  11. Domain(s) for 3m9z:
  12. Domain(s) for 3rs1:
    1. 3002676Domain d3rs1a_: 3rs1 A: [200506]
      automated match to d3rs1b_
      complexed with cl
    2. 3002677Domain d3rs1b_: 3rs1 B: [195442]
      automated match to d3hupa_
      complexed with cl
  13. Domain(s) for 3t3a:
    1. 3002687Domain d3t3aa_: 3t3a A: [185632]
      automated match to d1ypoa1
      complexed with po4; mutant
    2. 3002688Domain d3t3ab_: 3t3a B: [185633]
      automated match to d1ypoa1
      complexed with po4; mutant
  14. Domain(s) for 3vyj:
  15. Domain(s) for 3vyk:
  16. Domain(s) for 3zhg:
    1. 3002695Domain d3zhga_: 3zhg A: [239923]
      automated match to d3zhgb_
      complexed with ca, so4
    2. 3002696Domain d3zhgb_: 3zhg B: [236105]
      automated match to d1t8da1
      complexed with ca, so4
    3. 3002697Domain d3zhgc_: 3zhg C: [239924]
      automated match to d3zhgb_
      complexed with ca, so4
    4. 3002698Domain d3zhgd_: 3zhg D: [236106]
      automated match to d1t8da1
      complexed with ca, so4
  17. Domain(s) for 4c9f:
    1. 3002708Domain d4c9fa_: 4c9f A: [260297]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4c9fd2
      automated match to d3zhgd_
      complexed with ca, gq1, so4
    2. 3002709Domain d4c9fb_: 4c9f B: [260296]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4c9fd2
      automated match to d3zhgd_
      complexed with ca, gq1, so4
    3. 3002710Domain d4c9fc_: 4c9f C: [260299]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4c9fd2
      automated match to d3zhgd_
      complexed with ca, gq1, so4
    4. 3002711Domain d4c9fd1: 4c9f D:191-323 [260298]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4c9fd2
      automated match to d3zhgd_
      complexed with ca, gq1, so4
  18. Domain(s) for 4caj:
    1. 3002691Domain d4caja_: 4caj A: [260300]
      automated match to d1t8ca1
      complexed with ca, cl, sia, so4
    2. 3002692Domain d4cajb_: 4caj B: [260871]
      automated match to d1t8ca1
      complexed with ca, cl, sia, so4
    3. 3002693Domain d4cajc_: 4caj C: [260875]
      automated match to d1t8ca1
      complexed with ca, cl, sia, so4
    4. 3002694Domain d4cajd_: 4caj D: [260874]
      automated match to d1t8ca1
      complexed with ca, cl, sia, so4
  19. Domain(s) for 5k8y:
    1. 3002720Domain d5k8ya1: 5k8y A:194-327 [326983]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5k8ya2, d5k8yb2
      automated match to d3c22d_
      complexed with ca, gol, p6g
    2. 3002721Domain d5k8yb1: 5k8y B:194-327 [326976]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5k8ya2, d5k8yb2
      automated match to d3c22d_
      complexed with ca, gol, p6g
  20. Domain(s) for 5m62:
    1. 3002672Domain d5m62a1: 5m62 A:194-327 [327094]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5m62a2, d5m62b2
      automated match to d4cajb_
      complexed with bgc, ca, glc, gol, p6g
    2. 3002673Domain d5m62b1: 5m62 B:194-327 [327008]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5m62a2, d5m62b2
      automated match to d4cajb_
      complexed with bgc, ca, glc, gol, p6g
  21. Domain(s) for 5tzn:
    1. 3002714Domain d5tzna1: 5tzn A:91-215 [334578]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5tzna2
      automated match to d1yxja_
      complexed with iod
    2. 3002715Domain d5tznw_: 5tzn W: [334742]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d5tzna2
      automated match to d1yxja_
      complexed with iod
  22. Domain(s) for 6e7d:
    1. 3002722Domain d6e7da1: 6e7d A:76-194 [359228]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6e7da2, d6e7dc2, d6e7dd2, d6e7dg2, d6e7di2, d6e7dk2, d6e7dm2, d6e7do2
      automated match to d3rs1a_
      complexed with nag, so4
    2. 3002723Domain d6e7db_: 6e7d B: [359226]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6e7da2, d6e7dc2, d6e7dd2, d6e7dg2, d6e7di2, d6e7dk2, d6e7dm2, d6e7do2
      automated match to d3rs1a_
      complexed with nag, so4
    3. 3002724Domain d6e7dc1: 6e7d C:77-194 [359482]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6e7da2, d6e7dc2, d6e7dd2, d6e7dg2, d6e7di2, d6e7dk2, d6e7dm2, d6e7do2
      automated match to d3rs1a_
      complexed with nag, so4
    4. 3002725Domain d6e7dd1: 6e7d D:76-194 [359286]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6e7da2, d6e7dc2, d6e7dd2, d6e7dg2, d6e7di2, d6e7dk2, d6e7dm2, d6e7do2
      automated match to d3rs1a_
      complexed with nag, so4
    5. 3002726Domain d6e7de_: 6e7d E: [359486]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6e7da2, d6e7dc2, d6e7dd2, d6e7dg2, d6e7di2, d6e7dk2, d6e7dm2, d6e7do2
      automated match to d3rs1a_
      complexed with nag, so4
    6. 3002727Domain d6e7df_: 6e7d F: [359368]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6e7da2, d6e7dc2, d6e7dd2, d6e7dg2, d6e7di2, d6e7dk2, d6e7dm2, d6e7do2
      automated match to d3rs1a_
      complexed with nag, so4
    7. 3002728Domain d6e7dg1: 6e7d G:77-194 [359429]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6e7da2, d6e7dc2, d6e7dd2, d6e7dg2, d6e7di2, d6e7dk2, d6e7dm2, d6e7do2
      automated match to d3rs1a_
      complexed with nag, so4
    8. 3002729Domain d6e7dh_: 6e7d H: [359431]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6e7da2, d6e7dc2, d6e7dd2, d6e7dg2, d6e7di2, d6e7dk2, d6e7dm2, d6e7do2
      automated match to d3rs1a_
      complexed with nag, so4
    9. 3002730Domain d6e7di1: 6e7d I:77-194 [359223]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6e7da2, d6e7dc2, d6e7dd2, d6e7dg2, d6e7di2, d6e7dk2, d6e7dm2, d6e7do2
      automated match to d3rs1a_
      complexed with nag, so4
    10. 3002731Domain d6e7dj_: 6e7d J: [359352]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6e7da2, d6e7dc2, d6e7dd2, d6e7dg2, d6e7di2, d6e7dk2, d6e7dm2, d6e7do2
      automated match to d3rs1a_
      complexed with nag, so4
    11. 3002732Domain d6e7dk1: 6e7d K:79-194 [359337]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6e7da2, d6e7dc2, d6e7dd2, d6e7dg2, d6e7di2, d6e7dk2, d6e7dm2, d6e7do2
      automated match to d3rs1a_
      complexed with nag, so4
    12. 3002733Domain d6e7dl_: 6e7d L: [359227]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6e7da2, d6e7dc2, d6e7dd2, d6e7dg2, d6e7di2, d6e7dk2, d6e7dm2, d6e7do2
      automated match to d3rs1a_
      complexed with nag, so4
    13. 3002734Domain d6e7dm1: 6e7d M:77-194 [359433]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6e7da2, d6e7dc2, d6e7dd2, d6e7dg2, d6e7di2, d6e7dk2, d6e7dm2, d6e7do2
      automated match to d3rs1a_
      complexed with nag, so4
    14. 3002735Domain d6e7dn_: 6e7d N: [359348]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6e7da2, d6e7dc2, d6e7dd2, d6e7dg2, d6e7di2, d6e7dk2, d6e7dm2, d6e7do2
      automated match to d3rs1a_
      complexed with nag, so4
    15. 3002736Domain d6e7do1: 6e7d O:79-194 [359477]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6e7da2, d6e7dc2, d6e7dd2, d6e7dg2, d6e7di2, d6e7dk2, d6e7dm2, d6e7do2
      automated match to d3rs1a_
      complexed with nag, so4
    16. 3002737Domain d6e7dp_: 6e7d P: [359225]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6e7da2, d6e7dc2, d6e7dd2, d6e7dg2, d6e7di2, d6e7dk2, d6e7dm2, d6e7do2
      automated match to d3rs1a_
      complexed with nag, so4
    17. 3002738Domain d6e7dq_: 6e7d Q: [359365]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6e7da2, d6e7dc2, d6e7dd2, d6e7dg2, d6e7di2, d6e7dk2, d6e7dm2, d6e7do2
      automated match to d1yxja_
      complexed with nag, so4
    18. 3002739Domain d6e7dr_: 6e7d R: [359427]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6e7da2, d6e7dc2, d6e7dd2, d6e7dg2, d6e7di2, d6e7dk2, d6e7dm2, d6e7do2
      automated match to d1yxja_
      complexed with nag, so4
    19. 3002740Domain d6e7ds_: 6e7d S: [359315]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6e7da2, d6e7dc2, d6e7dd2, d6e7dg2, d6e7di2, d6e7dk2, d6e7dm2, d6e7do2
      automated match to d1yxja_
      complexed with nag, so4
    20. 3002741Domain d6e7dt_: 6e7d T: [359231]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6e7da2, d6e7dc2, d6e7dd2, d6e7dg2, d6e7di2, d6e7dk2, d6e7dm2, d6e7do2
      automated match to d1yxja_
      complexed with nag, so4
    21. 3002742Domain d6e7du_: 6e7d U: [359288]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6e7da2, d6e7dc2, d6e7dd2, d6e7dg2, d6e7di2, d6e7dk2, d6e7dm2, d6e7do2
      automated match to d1yxja_
      complexed with nag, so4
    22. 3002743Domain d6e7dv_: 6e7d V: [359443]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6e7da2, d6e7dc2, d6e7dd2, d6e7dg2, d6e7di2, d6e7dk2, d6e7dm2, d6e7do2
      automated match to d1yxja_
      complexed with nag, so4
    23. 3002744Domain d6e7dw_: 6e7d W: [359299]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6e7da2, d6e7dc2, d6e7dd2, d6e7dg2, d6e7di2, d6e7dk2, d6e7dm2, d6e7do2
      automated match to d1yxja_
      complexed with nag, so4
    24. 3002745Domain d6e7dx_: 6e7d X: [359232]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6e7da2, d6e7dc2, d6e7dd2, d6e7dg2, d6e7di2, d6e7dk2, d6e7dm2, d6e7do2
      automated match to d1yxja_
      complexed with nag, so4
  23. Domain(s) for 6jjj:
    1. 3002746Domain d6jjja_: 6jjj A: [372954]
      automated match to d1xpha_
      complexed with ca
    2. 3002747Domain d6jjjb_: 6jjj B: [373048]
      automated match to d1xpha_
      complexed with ca
    3. 3002748Domain d6jjjc_: 6jjj C: [372967]
      automated match to d1xpha_
      complexed with ca
    4. 3002749Domain d6jjjd_: 6jjj D: [372934]
      automated match to d1xpha_
      complexed with ca
    5. 3002750Domain d6jjje_: 6jjj E: [372953]
      automated match to d1xpha_
      complexed with ca
    6. 3002751Domain d6jjjf_: 6jjj F: [372946]
      automated match to d1xpha_
      complexed with ca
  24. Domain(s) for 6kzr:
    1. 3002716Domain d6kzra1: 6kzr A:78-207 [382610]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6kzra2, d6kzrb2
      automated match to d1ypof_
      complexed with ca, gol
    2. 3002717Domain d6kzrb1: 6kzr B:78-207 [382617]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6kzra2, d6kzrb2
      automated match to d1ypof_
      complexed with ca, gol
  25. Domain(s) for 6lfj:
    1. 3002679Domain d6lfja1: 6lfj A:78-207 [382612]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6lfja2, d6lfjb2
      automated match to d1ypof_
      complexed with b3p, ca, ipd, man
    2. 3002680Domain d6lfjb1: 6lfj B:78-207 [382640]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6lfja2, d6lfjb2
      automated match to d1ypof_
      complexed with b3p, ca, ipd, man
  26. Domain(s) for 6lkr:
    1. 3002689Domain d6lkra1: 6lkr A:78-207 [382627]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6lkra2, d6lkrb2
      automated match to d1ypof_
      complexed with b3p, ca
    2. 3002690Domain d6lkrb1: 6lkr B:78-207 [382621]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d6lkra2, d6lkrb2
      automated match to d1ypof_
      complexed with b3p, ca

More info for Species Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId:10090] from d.169.1.0 automated matches

Timeline for Species Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId:10090] from d.169.1.0 automated matches: