Lineage for Species: Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.03
  2. 1287432Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (174 folds)
  3. 1313473Fold b.40: OB-fold [50198] (16 superfamilies)
    barrel, closed or partly opened n=5, S=10 or S=8; greek-key
  4. 1313712Superfamily b.40.2: Bacterial enterotoxins [50203] (3 families) (S)
  5. 1313713Family b.40.2.1: Bacterial AB5 toxins, B-subunits [50204] (7 proteins)
  6. 1314172Protein automated matches [190381] (4 species)
    not a true protein
  7. 1314195Species Escherichia coli [TaxId:562] [187229] (6 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562]:

  1. Domain(s) for 2o2l:
    1. 1314241Domain d2o2ld_: 2o2l D: [148554]
      automated match to d1b44d_
    2. 1314242Domain d2o2le_: 2o2l E: [148555]
      automated match to d1b44d_
    3. 1314243Domain d2o2lf_: 2o2l F: [148556]
      automated match to d1b44d_
    4. 1314244Domain d2o2lg_: 2o2l G: [148557]
      automated match to d1b44d_
    5. 1314245Domain d2o2lh_: 2o2l H: [148558]
      automated match to d1b44d_
    6. 1314246Domain d2o2li_: 2o2l I: [148559]
      automated match to d1b44d_
    7. 1314247Domain d2o2lj_: 2o2l J: [148560]
      automated match to d1b44d_
    8. 1314248Domain d2o2lk_: 2o2l K: [148561]
      automated match to d1b44d_
    9. 1314249Domain d2o2ll_: 2o2l L: [148562]
      automated match to d1b44d_
    10. 1314250Domain d2o2lm_: 2o2l M: [148563]
      automated match to d1b44d_
  2. Domain(s) for 4fnf:
    1. 1314221Domain d4fnfa_: 4fnf A: [202065]
      automated match to d4fnfe_
      complexed with act; mutant
    2. 1314222Domain d4fnfb_: 4fnf B: [202066]
      automated match to d4fnfe_
      complexed with act; mutant
    3. 1314223Domain d4fnfc_: 4fnf C: [202067]
      automated match to d4fnfe_
      complexed with act; mutant
    4. 1314224Domain d4fnfd_: 4fnf D: [202068]
      automated match to d4fnfe_
      complexed with act; mutant
    5. 1314225Domain d4fnfe_: 4fnf E: [193370]
      automated match to d1qb5d_
      complexed with act; mutant
    6. 1314226Domain d4fnff_: 4fnf F: [202069]
      automated match to d4fnfe_
      complexed with act; mutant
    7. 1314227Domain d4fnfg_: 4fnf G: [202070]
      automated match to d4fnfe_
      complexed with act; mutant
    8. 1314228Domain d4fnfh_: 4fnf H: [202071]
      automated match to d4fnfe_
      complexed with act; mutant
    9. 1314229Domain d4fnfi_: 4fnf I: [202072]
      automated match to d4fnfe_
      complexed with act; mutant
    10. 1314230Domain d4fnfj_: 4fnf J: [202073]
      automated match to d4fnfe_
      complexed with act; mutant
  3. Domain(s) for 4fo2:
    1. 1314201Domain d4fo2a_: 4fo2 A: [202074]
      automated match to d4fo2j_
      complexed with act, na; mutant
    2. 1314202Domain d4fo2b_: 4fo2 B: [202075]
      automated match to d4fo2j_
      complexed with act, na; mutant
    3. 1314203Domain d4fo2c_: 4fo2 C: [202076]
      automated match to d4fo2j_
      complexed with act, na; mutant
    4. 1314204Domain d4fo2d_: 4fo2 D: [202077]
      automated match to d4fo2j_
      complexed with act, na; mutant
    5. 1314205Domain d4fo2e_: 4fo2 E: [202078]
      automated match to d4fo2j_
      complexed with act, na; mutant
    6. 1314206Domain d4fo2f_: 4fo2 F: [202079]
      automated match to d4fo2j_
      complexed with act, na; mutant
    7. 1314207Domain d4fo2g_: 4fo2 G: [202080]
      automated match to d4fo2j_
      complexed with act, na; mutant
    8. 1314208Domain d4fo2h_: 4fo2 H: [202081]
      automated match to d4fo2j_
      complexed with act, na; mutant
    9. 1314209Domain d4fo2i_: 4fo2 I: [202082]
      automated match to d4fo2j_
      complexed with act, na; mutant
    10. 1314210Domain d4fo2j_: 4fo2 J: [193369]
      automated match to d1qb5d_
      complexed with act, na; mutant
    11. 1314211Domain d4fo2k_: 4fo2 K: [202083]
      automated match to d4fo2j_
      complexed with act, na; mutant
    12. 1314212Domain d4fo2l_: 4fo2 L: [202084]
      automated match to d4fo2j_
      complexed with act, na; mutant
    13. 1314213Domain d4fo2m_: 4fo2 M: [202085]
      automated match to d4fo2j_
      complexed with act, na; mutant
    14. 1314214Domain d4fo2n_: 4fo2 N: [202086]
      automated match to d4fo2j_
      complexed with act, na; mutant
    15. 1314215Domain d4fo2o_: 4fo2 O: [202087]
      automated match to d4fo2j_
      complexed with act, na; mutant
    16. 1314216Domain d4fo2p_: 4fo2 P: [202088]
      automated match to d4fo2j_
      complexed with act, na; mutant
    17. 1314217Domain d4fo2q_: 4fo2 Q: [202089]
      automated match to d4fo2j_
      complexed with act, na; mutant
    18. 1314218Domain d4fo2r_: 4fo2 R: [202090]
      automated match to d4fo2j_
      complexed with act, na; mutant
    19. 1314219Domain d4fo2s_: 4fo2 S: [202091]
      automated match to d4fo2j_
      complexed with act, na; mutant
    20. 1314220Domain d4fo2t_: 4fo2 T: [202092]
      automated match to d4fo2j_
      complexed with act, na; mutant
  4. Domain(s) for 4fp5:
    1. 1314196Domain d4fp5d_: 4fp5 D: [194306]
      automated match to d1tiid_
      complexed with so4; mutant
    2. 1314197Domain d4fp5e_: 4fp5 E: [194305]
      automated match to d1tiid_
      complexed with so4; mutant
    3. 1314198Domain d4fp5f_: 4fp5 F: [194304]
      automated match to d1tiid_
      complexed with so4; mutant
    4. 1314199Domain d4fp5g_: 4fp5 G: [194303]
      automated match to d1tiid_
      complexed with so4; mutant
    5. 1314200Domain d4fp5h_: 4fp5 H: [194302]
      automated match to d1tiid_
      complexed with so4; mutant
  5. Domain(s) for 4l63:
    1. 1314231Domain d4l63b_: 4l63 B: [235280]
      automated match to d4l6tb_
      complexed with epe, zn
    2. 1314232Domain d4l63c_: 4l63 C: [235279]
      automated match to d4l6tb_
      complexed with epe, zn
    3. 1314233Domain d4l63d_: 4l63 D: [235281]
      automated match to d4l6tb_
      complexed with epe, zn
    4. 1314234Domain d4l63e_: 4l63 E: [235283]
      automated match to d4l6tb_
      complexed with epe, zn
    5. 1314235Domain d4l63f_: 4l63 F: [235282]
      automated match to d4l6tb_
      complexed with epe, zn
  6. Domain(s) for 4l6t:
    1. 1314236Domain d4l6tb_: 4l6t B: [228793]
      automated match to d1jr0d_
      complexed with zn
    2. 1314237Domain d4l6tc_: 4l6t C: [235292]
      automated match to d4l6tb_
      complexed with zn
    3. 1314238Domain d4l6td_: 4l6t D: [228794]
      automated match to d1jr0d_
      complexed with zn
    4. 1314239Domain d4l6te_: 4l6t E: [235295]
      automated match to d4l6tb_
      complexed with zn
    5. 1314240Domain d4l6tf_: 4l6t F: [235296]
      automated match to d4l6tb_
      complexed with zn

More info for Species Escherichia coli [TaxId:562] from b.40.2.1 automated matches

Timeline for Species Escherichia coli [TaxId:562] from b.40.2.1 automated matches: