Lineage for Species: Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId: 10090]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.07
  2. 2434694Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds)
  3. 2507025Fold c.69: alpha/beta-Hydrolases [53473] (1 superfamily)
    core: 3 layers, a/b/a; mixed beta-sheet of 8 strands, order 12435678, strand 2 is antiparallel to the rest
  4. 2507026Superfamily c.69.1: alpha/beta-Hydrolases [53474] (42 families) (S)
    many members have left-handed crossover connection between strand 8 and additional strand 9
  5. 2507027Family c.69.1.1: Acetylcholinesterase-like [53475] (6 proteins)
    automatically mapped to Pfam PF00135
  6. 2507362Protein automated matches [190065] (7 species)
    not a true protein
  7. 2507487Species Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId:10090] [187006] (54 PDB entries)

PDB entries in Species: Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId: 10090]:

  1. Domain(s) for 2c0p:
    1. 2507528Domain d2c0pa_: 2c0p A: [129600]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2c0pb3
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with atj
    2. 2507529Domain d2c0pb2: 2c0p B:4-543 [129601]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2c0pb3
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with atj
  2. Domain(s) for 2c0q:
    1. 2507536Domain d2c0qa_: 2c0q A: [129602]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2c0qb3
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with ntj, p6g
    2. 2507537Domain d2c0qb2: 2c0q B:4-543 [129603]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2c0qb3
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with ntj, p6g
  3. Domain(s) for 2h9y:
    1. 2507506Domain d2h9ya_: 2h9y A: [136270]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with naf, nag, p6g, pg4
    2. 2507507Domain d2h9yb_: 2h9y B: [136271]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with naf, nag, p6g, pg4
  4. Domain(s) for 2ha0:
    1. 2507496Domain d2ha0a_: 2ha0 A: [136272]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with chh, iod, nag, nwa, p6g
    2. 2507497Domain d2ha0b_: 2ha0 B: [136273]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with chh, iod, nag, nwa, p6g
  5. Domain(s) for 2ha2:
    1. 2507488Domain d2ha2a_: 2ha2 A: [136274]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with fuc, nag, p6g, sck, scu
    2. 2507489Domain d2ha2b_: 2ha2 B: [136275]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with fuc, nag, p6g, sck, scu
  6. Domain(s) for 2ha3:
    1. 2507500Domain d2ha3a_: 2ha3 A: [136276]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with cht, nag, p6g
    2. 2507501Domain d2ha3b_: 2ha3 B: [136277]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with cht, nag, p6g
  7. Domain(s) for 2ha4:
    1. 2507532Domain d2ha4a_: 2ha4 A: [165027]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with ach, act, p6g; mutant
    2. 2507533Domain d2ha4b_: 2ha4 B: [165028]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with ach, act, p6g; mutant
  8. Domain(s) for 2ha5:
    1. 2507490Domain d2ha5a_: 2ha5 A: [165029]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with act, at3, etm, nag, p6g; mutant
    2. 2507491Domain d2ha5b_: 2ha5 B: [165030]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with act, at3, etm, nag, p6g; mutant
  9. Domain(s) for 2ha6:
    1. 2507502Domain d2ha6a_: 2ha6 A: [165031]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with acy, p6g, sck; mutant
    2. 2507503Domain d2ha6b_: 2ha6 B: [165032]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with acy, p6g, sck; mutant
  10. Domain(s) for 2ha7:
    1. 2507556Domain d2ha7a_: 2ha7 A: [165033]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with bch, bua, etm, iod, p6g; mutant
    2. 2507557Domain d2ha7b_: 2ha7 B: [165034]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with bch, bua, etm, iod, p6g; mutant
  11. Domain(s) for 2jey:
    1. 2507586Domain d2jeya_: 2jey A: [148026]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2jeyb3
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with hlo, p6g
    2. 2507587Domain d2jeyb2: 2jey B:4-543 [148027]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2jeyb3
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with hlo, p6g
  12. Domain(s) for 2jez:
    1. 2507564Domain d2jeza_: 2jez A: [166149]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2jezb2
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with hlo, p6g
    2. 2507565Domain d2jezb1: 2jez B:4-543 [166150]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2jezb2
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with hlo, p6g
  13. Domain(s) for 2jf0:
    1. 2507562Domain d2jf0a_: 2jf0 A: [166151]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2jf0b2
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with hbp, p6g
    2. 2507563Domain d2jf0b1: 2jf0 B:4-543 [166152]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2jf0b2
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with hbp, p6g
  14. Domain(s) for 2jge:
    1. 2507550Domain d2jgea_: 2jge A: [166176]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with p6g, pge
    2. 2507551Domain d2jgeb_: 2jge B: [166177]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with p6g, pge
  15. Domain(s) for 2jgf:
    1. 2507554Domain d2jgfa_: 2jgf A: [166178]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2jgfb2
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with nag, p6g, pge
    2. 2507555Domain d2jgfb1: 2jgf B:4-543 [166179]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2jgfb2
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with nag, p6g, pge
  16. Domain(s) for 2jgg:
    1. 2507566Domain d2jgga_: 2jgg A: [304130]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2jggb2
      automated match to d2wu3a_
      complexed with p6g, pge
    2. 2507567Domain d2jggb1: 2jgg B:4-543 [304131]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2jggb2
      automated match to d2wu3a_
      complexed with p6g, pge
  17. Domain(s) for 2jgh:
    1. 2507560Domain d2jgha_: 2jgh A: [304133]
      automated match to d2wu3a_
      complexed with ae3, p4g, p6g
    2. 2507561Domain d2jghb_: 2jgh B: [304134]
      automated match to d2wu3a_
      complexed with ae3, p4g, p6g
  18. Domain(s) for 2jgi:
    1. 2507588Domain d2jgia_: 2jgi A: [166180]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with ae3, nag
    2. 2507589Domain d2jgib_: 2jgi B: [166181]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with ae3, nag
  19. Domain(s) for 2jgj:
    1. 2507546Domain d2jgja_: 2jgj A: [166182]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2jgjb2
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with ae3, nag, p6g
    2. 2507547Domain d2jgjb1: 2jgj B:4-543 [166183]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2jgjb2
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with ae3, nag, p6g
  20. Domain(s) for 2jgk:
    1. 2507592Domain d2jgka_: 2jgk A: [166184]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with nag, p6g
    2. 2507593Domain d2jgkb_: 2jgk B: [166185]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with nag, p6g
  21. Domain(s) for 2jgl:
    1. 2507552Domain d2jgla_: 2jgl A: [166186]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2jglb2
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with nag, p4g, p6g, pge
    2. 2507553Domain d2jglb1: 2jgl B:4-543 [166187]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2jglb2
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with nag, p4g, p6g, pge
  22. Domain(s) for 2jgm:
    1. 2507582Domain d2jgma_: 2jgm A: [138312]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with nag
    2. 2507583Domain d2jgmb_: 2jgm B: [138313]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with nag
  23. Domain(s) for 2whp:
    1. 2507498Domain d2whpa_: 2whp A: [169353]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with co3, hi6, nag, p6g, peg
    2. 2507499Domain d2whpb_: 2whp B: [169354]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with co3, hi6, nag, p6g, peg
  24. Domain(s) for 2whq:
    1. 2507492Domain d2whqa_: 2whq A: [169355]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2whqb2
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with hi6, nag, p6g, peg, pge
    2. 2507493Domain d2whqb1: 2whq B:4-543 [169356]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2whqb2
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with hi6, nag, p6g, peg, pge
  25. Domain(s) for 2whr:
    1. 2507518Domain d2whra_: 2whr A: [169357]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2whrb2
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with br, co3, k27, nag, p4g, pe4, peg
    2. 2507519Domain d2whrb1: 2whr B:4-543 [169358]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2whrb2
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with br, co3, k27, nag, p4g, pe4, peg
  26. Domain(s) for 2wls:
    1. 2507540Domain d2wlsa_: 2wls A: [169435]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with nag, p6g, peg, x13
    2. 2507541Domain d2wlsb_: 2wls B: [169436]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with nag, p6g, peg, x13
  27. Domain(s) for 2wu3:
    1. 2507594Domain d2wu3a1: 2wu3 A:1-543 [169630]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2wu3a2
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with co3, hi6, nag, p6g
    2. 2507595Domain d2wu3b_: 2wu3 B: [169631]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2wu3a2
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with co3, hi6, nag, p6g
  28. Domain(s) for 2wu4:
    1. 2507512Domain d2wu4a_: 2wu4 A: [169632]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with hbp, nag, p6g
    2. 2507513Domain d2wu4b_: 2wu4 B: [169633]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with hbp, nag, p6g
  29. Domain(s) for 2xud:
    1. 2507538Domain d2xuda_: 2xud A: [170386]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with act, dme, p6g; mutant
    2. 2507539Domain d2xudb_: 2xud B: [170387]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with act, dme, p6g; mutant
  30. Domain(s) for 2xuf:
    1. 2507526Domain d2xufa_: 2xuf A: [170388]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with nag, p6g, tz4
    2. 2507527Domain d2xufb_: 2xuf B: [170389]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with nag, p6g, tz4
  31. Domain(s) for 2xug:
    1. 2507548Domain d2xuga_: 2xug A: [170390]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with nag, p6g, tz4
    2. 2507549Domain d2xugb_: 2xug B: [170391]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with nag, p6g, tz4
  32. Domain(s) for 2xuh:
    1. 2507558Domain d2xuha_: 2xuh A: [170392]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with tz4
    2. 2507559Domain d2xuhb_: 2xuh B: [170393]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with tz4
  33. Domain(s) for 2xui:
    1. 2507544Domain d2xuia_: 2xui A: [170394]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with nag, p6g, tz5
    2. 2507545Domain d2xuib_: 2xui B: [170395]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with nag, p6g, tz5
  34. Domain(s) for 2xuj:
    1. 2507568Domain d2xuja_: 2xuj A: [170396]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with nag, p6g, tz5
    2. 2507569Domain d2xujb_: 2xuj B: [170397]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with nag, p6g, tz5
  35. Domain(s) for 2xuk:
    1. 2507576Domain d2xuka_: 2xuk A: [170398]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with tz5
    2. 2507577Domain d2xukb_: 2xuk B: [170399]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with tz5
  36. Domain(s) for 2xuo:
    1. 2507578Domain d2xuoa_: 2xuo A: [170407]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with p6g, tz4; mutant
    2. 2507579Domain d2xuob_: 2xuo B: [170408]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with p6g, tz4; mutant
  37. Domain(s) for 2xup:
    1. 2507574Domain d2xupa_: 2xup A: [170409]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with nag, p6g, so3, tz5; mutant
    2. 2507575Domain d2xupb_: 2xup B: [170410]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with nag, p6g, so3, tz5; mutant
  38. Domain(s) for 2xuq:
    1. 2507570Domain d2xuqa_: 2xuq A: [170411]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with p6g, tz4; mutant
    2. 2507571Domain d2xuqb_: 2xuq B: [170412]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with p6g, tz4; mutant
  39. Domain(s) for 2y2u:
    1. 2507542Domain d2y2ua1: 2y2u A:1-543 [170550]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2y2ua2
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with nag, p33, peg
    2. 2507543Domain d2y2ub_: 2y2u B: [170551]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d2y2ua2
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with nag, p33, peg
  40. Domain(s) for 2y2v:
    1. 2507516Domain d2y2va_: 2y2v A: [170552]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with etx, me2, nag, p15, peg
    2. 2507517Domain d2y2vb_: 2y2v B: [170553]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with etx, me2, nag, p15, peg
  41. Domain(s) for 3zlt:
    1. 2507524Domain d3zlta_: 3zlt A: [218318]
      automated match to d3zlua_
      complexed with nag, pe4, pg0
    2. 2507525Domain d3zltb_: 3zlt B: [218319]
      automated match to d3zlua_
      complexed with nag, pe4, pg0
  42. Domain(s) for 3zlu:
    1. 2507530Domain d3zlua_: 3zlu A: [196876]
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with 1ka, p15
    2. 2507531Domain d3zlub_: 3zlu B: [201343]
      automated match to d3zlua_
      complexed with 1ka, p15
  43. Domain(s) for 4a16:
    1. 2507520Domain d4a16a1: 4a16 A:4-543 [195753]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4a16a2, d4a16b2, d4a16c2, d4a16d2
      automated match to d2wu3a_
      complexed with cl, h34, nag, so4
    2. 2507521Domain d4a16b1: 4a16 B:4-543 [195751]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4a16a2, d4a16b2, d4a16c2, d4a16d2
      automated match to d2wu3a_
      complexed with cl, h34, nag, so4
    3. 2507522Domain d4a16c1: 4a16 C:4-543 [195752]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4a16a2, d4a16b2, d4a16c2, d4a16d2
      automated match to d2wu3a_
      complexed with cl, h34, nag, so4
    4. 2507523Domain d4a16d1: 4a16 D:4-543 [201391]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4a16a2, d4a16b2, d4a16c2, d4a16d2
      automated match to d4a16b_
      complexed with cl, h34, nag, so4
  44. Domain(s) for 4a23:
    1. 2507504Domain d4a23a_: 4a23 A: [186696]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4a23b2
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with c56, c57, pe4, peg
    2. 2507505Domain d4a23b1: 4a23 B:4-543 [186697]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4a23b2
      automated match to d1maac_
      complexed with c56, c57, pe4, peg
  45. Domain(s) for 4ara:
    1. 2507510Domain d4araa_: 4ara A: [219116]
      automated match to d2c0pa_
      complexed with 1pe, c56, cl, edo, nag, peg
    2. 2507511Domain d4arab_: 4ara B: [219117]
      automated match to d2c0pb_
      complexed with 1pe, c56, cl, edo, nag, peg
  46. Domain(s) for 4arb:
    1. 2507494Domain d4arba_: 4arb A: [219118]
      automated match to d2c0pa_
      complexed with c57, nag, p6g, peg
    2. 2507495Domain d4arbb_: 4arb B: [219119]
      automated match to d2c0pb_
      complexed with c57, nag, p6g, peg
  47. Domain(s) for 4b7z:
    1. 2507534Domain d4b7za_: 4b7z A: [227635]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4b7zb2
      automated match to d2c0pa_
      complexed with nag, p6g, peg, q4q, so4
    2. 2507535Domain d4b7zb1: 4b7z B:4-543 [227636]
      Other proteins in same PDB: d4b7zb2
      automated match to d2c0pb_
      complexed with nag, p6g, peg, q4q, so4
  48. Domain(s) for 4b80:
    1. 2507580Domain d4b80a_: 4b80 A: [227642]
      automated match to d2c0pa_
      complexed with a36, edo, nag, ndg, p4c, peg, pge, so4
    2. 2507581Domain d4b80b_: 4b80 B: [227643]
      automated match to d2c0pa_
      complexed with a36, edo, nag, ndg, p4c, peg, pge, so4
  49. Domain(s) for 4b81:
    1. 2507590Domain d4b81a_: 4b81 A: [227648]
      automated match to d2c0pa_
      complexed with nag, p6g, peg, so4, zn4
    2. 2507591Domain d4b81b_: 4b81 B: [227647]
      automated match to d2c0pb_
      complexed with nag, p6g, peg, so4, zn4
  50. Domain(s) for 4b82:
    1. 2507514Domain d4b82a_: 4b82 A: [227649]
      automated match to d2c0pa_
      complexed with b3z, nag, peg, so4
    2. 2507515Domain d4b82b_: 4b82 B: [227650]
      automated match to d2c0pb_
      complexed with b3z, nag, peg, so4
  51. Domain(s) for 4b83:
    1. 2507572Domain d4b83a_: 4b83 A: [227645]
      automated match to d2c0pa_
      complexed with b3v, edo, nag, pe8, peg, pg4, so4
    2. 2507573Domain d4b83b_: 4b83 B: [227644]
      automated match to d2c0pa_
      complexed with b3v, edo, nag, pe8, peg, pg4, so4
  52. Domain(s) for 4b84:
    1. 2507584Domain d4b84a_: 4b84 A: [227646]
      automated match to d2ha3a_
      complexed with nag, p3g, p6g, so4, z5k
    2. 2507585Domain d4b84b_: 4b84 B: [234127]
      automated match to d4b84a_
      complexed with nag, p3g, p6g, so4, z5k
  53. Domain(s) for 4b85:
    1. 2507508Domain d4b85a_: 4b85 A: [227653]
      automated match to d2c0pa_
      complexed with b3w, nag, p6g, peg, so4
    2. 2507509Domain d4b85b_: 4b85 B: [227654]
      automated match to d2c0pb_
      complexed with b3w, nag, p6g, peg, so4
  54. Domain(s) for 5fkj:
    1. 2507596Domain d5fkja_: 5fkj A: [314427]
      automated match to d2xupa_
      complexed with cl, g0w, nag, so4
    2. 2507597Domain d5fkjb_: 5fkj B: [314410]
      automated match to d2xupa_
      complexed with cl, g0w, nag, so4
    3. 2507598Domain d5fkjc_: 5fkj C: [314420]
      automated match to d2xupa_
      complexed with cl, g0w, nag, so4
    4. 2507599Domain d5fkjd_: 5fkj D: [314404]
      automated match to d2xupa_
      complexed with cl, g0w, nag, so4

More info for Species Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId:10090] from c.69.1.1 automated matches

Timeline for Species Mouse (Mus musculus) [TaxId:10090] from c.69.1.1 automated matches: