Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (178 folds) |
Fold b.61: Streptavidin-like [50875] (8 superfamilies) barrel, closed; n=8, S=10; meander |
Superfamily b.61.1: Avidin/streptavidin [50876] (2 families) |
Family b.61.1.1: Avidin/streptavidin [50877] (3 proteins) |
Protein automated matches [190191] (2 species) not a true protein |
Species Chicken (Gallus gallus) [TaxId:9031] [186931] (28 PDB entries) |
Domain d1vyoa_: 1vyo A: [161871] automated match to d1rava_ complexed with gol |
Domain d1vyob_: 1vyo B: [161872] automated match to d1rava_ complexed with gol |
Domain d1wbia_: 1wbi A: [161939] automated match to d1rava_ complexed with btn, gol, so4 |
Domain d1wbib_: 1wbi B: [161940] automated match to d1rava_ complexed with btn, gol, so4 |
Domain d1wbic_: 1wbi C: [161941] automated match to d1rava_ complexed with btn, gol, so4 |
Domain d1wbid_: 1wbi D: [161942] automated match to d1rava_ complexed with btn, gol, so4 |
Domain d1wbie_: 1wbi E: [161943] automated match to d1rava_ complexed with btn, gol, so4 |
Domain d1wbif_: 1wbi F: [161944] automated match to d1rava_ complexed with btn, gol, so4 |
Domain d1wbig_: 1wbi G: [161945] automated match to d1rava_ complexed with btn, gol, so4 |
Domain d1wbih_: 1wbi H: [161946] automated match to d1rava_ complexed with btn, gol, so4 |
Domain d1y52x1: 1y52 X:3-121 [162149] Other proteins in same PDB: d1y52x2, d1y52y2 automated match to d1rava_ complexed with btn, nag |
Domain d1y52y1: 1y52 Y:203-321 [162150] Other proteins in same PDB: d1y52x2, d1y52y2 automated match to d1rava_ complexed with btn, nag |
Domain d1y53x1: 1y53 X:3-121 [162151] Other proteins in same PDB: d1y53x2, d1y53y2 automated match to d1rava_ complexed with fmt |
Domain d1y53y1: 1y53 Y:203-321 [162152] Other proteins in same PDB: d1y53x2, d1y53y2 automated match to d1rava_ complexed with fmt |
Domain d1y55x1: 1y55 X:3-121 [162154] Other proteins in same PDB: d1y55x2, d1y55y2 automated match to d1rava_ complexed with btn, fmt; mutant |
Domain d1y55y1: 1y55 Y:203-321 [162155] Other proteins in same PDB: d1y55x2, d1y55y2 automated match to d1rava_ complexed with btn, fmt; mutant |
Domain d2a5ba_: 2a5b A: [126168] automated match to d1avdb_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with 8hg, nag |
Domain d2a5bb_: 2a5b B: [126169] automated match to d1avdb_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with 8hg, nag |
Domain d2a5ca_: 2a5c A: [126170] automated match to d1ij8b_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with 8da, nag |
Domain d2a5cb_: 2a5c B: [126171] automated match to d1ij8b_ protein/DNA complex; complexed with 8da, nag |
Domain d2a8ga_: 2a8g A: [126400] automated match to d1avda_ complexed with gng, nag |
Domain d2a8gb_: 2a8g B: [126401] automated match to d1avda_ complexed with gng, nag |
Domain d2fhla1: 2fhl A:3-121 [164389] Other proteins in same PDB: d2fhla2, d2fhlb2 automated match to d1rava_ complexed with bni, fmt |
Domain d2fhlb1: 2fhl B:203-321 [164390] Other proteins in same PDB: d2fhla2, d2fhlb2 automated match to d1rava_ complexed with bni, fmt |
Domain d2fhnx_: 2fhn X: [164391] automated match to d1rava_ complexed with bni, fmt; mutant |
Domain d2fhny_: 2fhn Y: [164392] automated match to d1rava_ complexed with bni, fmt; mutant |
Domain d2mf6a1: 2mf6 A:1-128 [258685] Other proteins in same PDB: d2mf6a2, d2mf6b2, d2mf6c2, d2mf6d2 automated match to d4i60a_ |
Domain d2mf6b1: 2mf6 B:1-128 [262218] Other proteins in same PDB: d2mf6a2, d2mf6b2, d2mf6c2, d2mf6d2 automated match to d2mf6a_ |
Domain d2mf6c1: 2mf6 C:1-128 [262219] Other proteins in same PDB: d2mf6a2, d2mf6b2, d2mf6c2, d2mf6d2 automated match to d2mf6a_ |
Domain d2mf6d1: 2mf6 D:1-128 [262220] Other proteins in same PDB: d2mf6a2, d2mf6b2, d2mf6c2, d2mf6d2 automated match to d2mf6a_ |
Domain d2of8a1: 2of8 A:3-121 [166666] Other proteins in same PDB: d2of8a2, d2of8b2 automated match to d1rava_ complexed with bni, fmt |
Domain d2of8b1: 2of8 B:203-321 [166667] Other proteins in same PDB: d2of8a2, d2of8b2 automated match to d1rava_ complexed with bni, fmt |
Domain d2of9a1: 2of9 A:3-121 [166668] Other proteins in same PDB: d2of9a2, d2of9b2 automated match to d1rava_ complexed with fmt |
Domain d2of9b1: 2of9 B:203-321 [166669] Other proteins in same PDB: d2of9a2, d2of9b2 automated match to d1rava_ complexed with fmt |
Domain d2ofaa1: 2ofa A:3-121 [166670] Other proteins in same PDB: d2ofaa2, d2ofab2 automated match to d1rava_ complexed with fmt |
Domain d2ofab1: 2ofa B:204-321 [166671] Other proteins in same PDB: d2ofaa2, d2ofab2 automated match to d1rava_ complexed with fmt |
Domain d2ofba1: 2ofb A:3-121 [166672] Other proteins in same PDB: d2ofba2, d2ofbb2 automated match to d1rava_ complexed with bni, fmt |
Domain d2ofbb1: 2ofb B:204-321 [166673] Other proteins in same PDB: d2ofba2, d2ofbb2 automated match to d1rava_ complexed with bni, fmt |
Domain d3fdca_: 3fdc A: [246091] automated match to d4i60a_ complexed with btf |
Domain d3fdcb_: 3fdc B: [246092] automated match to d4i60a_ complexed with btf |
Domain d3mm0a_: 3mm0 A: [181391] automated match to d1rava_ |
Domain d3mm0b_: 3mm0 B: [181392] automated match to d1rava_ |
Domain d3mm0c_: 3mm0 C: [181393] automated match to d1rava_ |
Domain d3mm0d_: 3mm0 D: [181394] automated match to d1rava_ |
Domain d3mm0e_: 3mm0 E: [181395] automated match to d1rava_ |
Domain d3mm0f_: 3mm0 F: [181396] automated match to d1rava_ |
Domain d3mm0g_: 3mm0 G: [181397] automated match to d1rava_ |
Domain d3mm0h_: 3mm0 H: [181398] automated match to d1rava_ |
Domain d3mm0i_: 3mm0 I: [181399] automated match to d1rava_ |
Domain d3mm0k_: 3mm0 K: [181400] automated match to d1rava_ |
Domain d3mm0m_: 3mm0 M: [181401] automated match to d1rava_ |
Domain d3mm0n_: 3mm0 N: [181402] automated match to d1rava_ |
Domain d3vgwa_: 3vgw A: [186487] automated match to d1rava_ complexed with nag, nvz, so4 |
Domain d3vgwb_: 3vgw B: [186488] automated match to d1rava_ complexed with nag, nvz, so4 |
Domain d3vgwc_: 3vgw C: [186489] automated match to d1rava_ complexed with nag, nvz, so4 |
Domain d3vgwd_: 3vgw D: [186490] automated match to d1rava_ complexed with nag, nvz, so4 |
Domain d3vgwe_: 3vgw E: [186491] automated match to d1rava_ complexed with nag, nvz, so4 |
Domain d3vgwf_: 3vgw F: [186492] automated match to d1rava_ complexed with nag, nvz, so4 |
Domain d3vgwg_: 3vgw G: [186493] automated match to d1rava_ complexed with nag, nvz, so4 |
Domain d3vgwh_: 3vgw H: [186494] automated match to d1rava_ complexed with nag, nvz, so4 |
Domain d3vhha_: 3vhh A: [186499] automated match to d1rava_ complexed with nag, so4, vhh |
Domain d3vhhb_: 3vhh B: [186500] automated match to d1rava_ complexed with nag, so4, vhh |
Domain d3vhhc_: 3vhh C: [186501] automated match to d1rava_ complexed with nag, so4, vhh |
Domain d3vhhd_: 3vhh D: [186502] automated match to d1rava_ complexed with nag, so4, vhh |
Domain d3vhia_: 3vhi A: [186503] automated match to d1rava_ complexed with nag, so4, vhi |
Domain d3vhib_: 3vhi B: [186504] automated match to d1rava_ complexed with nag, so4, vhi |
Domain d3vhic_: 3vhi C: [186505] automated match to d1rava_ complexed with nag, so4, vhi |
Domain d3vhid_: 3vhi D: [186506] automated match to d1rava_ complexed with nag, so4, vhi |
Domain d3vhma_: 3vhm A: [186507] automated match to d1rava_ complexed with nag, npk, so4 |
Domain d3vhmb_: 3vhm B: [186508] automated match to d1rava_ complexed with nag, npk, so4 |
Domain d3vhmc_: 3vhm C: [186509] automated match to d1rava_ complexed with nag, npk, so4 |
Domain d3vhmd_: 3vhm D: [186510] automated match to d1rava_ complexed with nag, npk, so4 |
Domain d4bcsa_: 4bcs A: [228290] automated match to d4i60a_ complexed with act, btn, peg, po4; mutant |
Domain d4bcsb_: 4bcs B: [234149] automated match to d4bcsa_ complexed with act, btn, peg, po4; mutant |
Domain d4i60a_: 4i60 A: [222948] automated match to d1wbia_ complexed with b1r |
Domain d4jhqa_: 4jhq A: [229094] automated match to d4i60a_ complexed with b6f, nag |
Domain d4jhqb_: 4jhq B: [229093] automated match to d4i60a_ complexed with b6f, nag |
Domain d5hlma_: 5hlm A: [328573] automated match to d4i60a_ complexed with b9f, nag |
Domain d5hlmb_: 5hlm B: [328774] automated match to d4i60a_ complexed with b9f, nag |
Domain d5hlmc_: 5hlm C: [328682] automated match to d4i60a_ complexed with b9f, nag |
Domain d5hlmd_: 5hlm D: [328580] automated match to d4i60a_ complexed with b9f, nag |
Domain d5irua_: 5iru A: [323941] automated match to d4i60a_ complexed with b9p, nag |
Domain d5irub_: 5iru B: [323944] automated match to d4i60a_ complexed with b9p, nag |
Domain d5iruc_: 5iru C: [323983] automated match to d4i60a_ complexed with b9p, nag |
Domain d5irud_: 5iru D: [323942] automated match to d4i60a_ complexed with b9p, nag |
Domain d5irwa_: 5irw A: [323939] automated match to d4i60a_ complexed with d9p, nag |
Domain d5irwb_: 5irw B: [323931] automated match to d4i60a_ complexed with d9p, nag |
Domain d5irwc_: 5irw C: [323953] automated match to d4i60a_ complexed with d9p, nag |
Domain d5irwd_: 5irw D: [323956] automated match to d4i60a_ complexed with d9p, nag |
Domain d5myqa_: 5myq A: [346654] automated match to d4i60a_ complexed with hbf, iod, nag |
Domain d5myqb_: 5myq B: [346546] automated match to d4i60a_ complexed with hbf, iod, nag |
Domain d5myqc_: 5myq C: [346612] automated match to d4i60a_ complexed with hbf, iod, nag |
Domain d5myqd_: 5myq D: [346579] automated match to d4i60a_ complexed with hbf, iod, nag |
Timeline for Species Chicken (Gallus gallus) [TaxId:9031] from b.61.1.1 automated matches: