Class g: Small proteins [56992] (100 folds) |
Fold g.21: Methylamine dehydrogenase, L chain [57560] (1 superfamily) disulfide-rich; nearly all-beta |
Superfamily g.21.1: Methylamine dehydrogenase, L chain [57561] (2 families) |
Family g.21.1.1: Methylamine dehydrogenase, L chain [57562] (2 proteins) automatically mapped to Pfam PF02975 |
Protein automated matches [190303] (3 species) not a true protein |
Species Paracoccus denitrificans [TaxId:318586] [189284] (9 PDB entries) |
Domain d3rmzc1: 3rmz C:7-131 [185036] Other proteins in same PDB: d3rmzc2, d3rmzd_, d3rmzf_ automated match to d1mg2b_ complexed with act, ca, edo, hec, mes, na, p6g, peg, pg4 |
PDB Entry: 3rmz (more details), 1.72 Å
SCOPe Domain Sequences for d3rmzc1:
Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)
>d3rmzc1 g.21.1.1 (C:7-131) automated matches {Paracoccus denitrificans [TaxId: 318586]} tdprakwvpqdndiqacdywrhcsidgnicdcsggsltncppgtklataswvascynptd gqsyliayrdccgynvsgrcpclntegelpvyrpefandiiwcfgaeddamtyhctispi vgkas
Timeline for d3rmzc1: