Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds) |
Fold c.14: ClpP/crotonase [52095] (1 superfamily) core: 4 turns of (beta-beta-alpha)n superhelix |
Superfamily c.14.1: ClpP/crotonase [52096] (5 families) |
Family c.14.1.0: automated matches [191346] (1 protein) not a true family |
Protein automated matches [190246] (71 species) not a true protein |
Species Mycobacterium abscessus [TaxId:561007] [189671] (6 PDB entries) |
Domain d3qxzc1: 3qxz C:3-260 [184687] Other proteins in same PDB: d3qxza2, d3qxzb2, d3qxzc2 automated match to d1uiya_ complexed with edo, gol, k |
PDB Entry: 3qxz (more details), 1.35 Å
SCOPe Domain Sequences for d3qxzc1:
Sequence, based on SEQRES records: (download)
>d3qxzc1 c.14.1.0 (C:3-260) automated matches {Mycobacterium abscessus [TaxId: 561007]} telheeirdgvavltlhgpstrnsftvelgrqlgaayqrldddpavrvivltgappafcs gaqisaaaetfaaprnpdfsaspvqpaafelrtpviaavnghaigigmtlalhadirila eegryaipqvrfgvapdalahwtlprlvgtavaaellltgasfsaqravetglanrclpa gkvlgaalrmahdiatnvapesaaltkrllwdaqmtgmsaaevaaretadhlrlmgsqda aegprafidgrpprwagq
>d3qxzc1 c.14.1.0 (C:3-260) automated matches {Mycobacterium abscessus [TaxId: 561007]} telheeirdgvavltlhgpstrnsftvelgrqlgaayqrldddpavrvivltgappafcs gaqisafsaspvqpaafelrtpviaavnghaigigmtlalhadirilaeegryaipqvrf gvapdalahwtlprlvgtavaaellltgasfsaqravetglanrclpagkvlgaalrmah diatnvapesaaltkrllwdaqmtgmsaaevaaretadhlrlmgsqdaaegprafidgrp prwagq
Timeline for d3qxzc1:
View in 3D Domains from other chains: (mouse over for more information) d3qxza1, d3qxza2, d3qxzb1, d3qxzb2 |