Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (174 folds) |
Fold b.36: PDZ domain-like [50155] (1 superfamily) contains barrel, partly opened; n*=4, S*=8; meander; capped by alpha-helix |
Superfamily b.36.1: PDZ domain-like [50156] (7 families) peptide-binding domain |
Family b.36.1.0: automated matches [191362] (1 protein) not a true family |
Protein automated matches [190436] (4 species) not a true protein |
Species Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) [TaxId:10116] [187666] (5 PDB entries) |
Domain d2egkb_: 2egk B: [164010] automated match to d1gq5a_ complexed with po4 |
PDB Entry: 2egk (more details), 2.85 Å
SCOPe Domain Sequences for d2egkb_:
Sequence, based on SEQRES records: (download)
>d2egkb_ b.36.1.0 (B:) automated matches {Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) [TaxId: 10116]} qrkvltlekgdnqtfgfeiqtyglhhreeqrvemvtfvarvhesspaqlagltpgdtias vnglnvegirhreivdiikasgnvlrletlygteesql
>d2egkb_ b.36.1.0 (B:) automated matches {Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) [TaxId: 10116]} qrkvltlekgdnqtfgfeiqtyglhhvemvtfvarvhesspaqlagltpgdtiasvngln vegirhreivdiikasgnvlrletlyesql
Timeline for d2egkb_: