Lineage for Species: Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) [TaxId: 10116]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.01
  2. 1013083Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (376 folds)
  3. 1017615Fold d.15: beta-Grasp (ubiquitin-like) [54235] (14 superfamilies)
    core: beta(2)-alpha-beta(2); mixed beta-sheet 2143
  4. 1017616Superfamily d.15.1: Ubiquitin-like [54236] (9 families) (S)
  5. 1018289Family d.15.1.8: DIX domain [159926] (1 protein)
    Pfam PF00778
  6. 1018290Protein Axin 1 [159927] (1 species)
  7. 1018291Species Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) [TaxId:10116] [159928] (2 PDB entries)
    Uniprot O70239 745-827

PDB entries in Species: Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) [TaxId: 10116]:

  1. Domain(s) for 1wsp:
    1. 1018292Domain d1wspa1: 1wsp A:750-832 [145834]
      complexed with bez, hg
    2. 1018293Domain d1wspb_: 1wsp B: [145835]
      automated match to d1wspa1
      complexed with bez, hg
    3. 1018294Domain d1wspc_: 1wsp C: [145836]
      automated match to d1wspa1
      complexed with bez, hg
  2. Domain(s) for 2d5g:
    1. 1018295Domain d2d5ga1: 2d5g A:750-832 [146460]
      complexed with hg; mutant
    2. 1018296Domain d2d5gb1: 2d5g B:750-832 [146461]
      automatically matched to 2D5G A:750-832
      complexed with hg; mutant
    3. 1018297Domain d2d5gc1: 2d5g C:750-832 [146462]
      automatically matched to 2D5G A:750-832
      complexed with hg; mutant
    4. 1018298Domain d2d5gd1: 2d5g D:750-832 [146463]
      automatically matched to 2D5G A:750-832
      complexed with hg; mutant
    5. 1018299Domain d2d5ge1: 2d5g E:753-832 [146464]
      automatically matched to 2D5G A:750-832
      complexed with hg; mutant
    6. 1018300Domain d2d5gf1: 2d5g F:750-832 [146465]
      automatically matched to 2D5G A:750-832
      complexed with hg; mutant

More info for Species Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) [TaxId:10116] from d.15.1.8 Axin 1

Timeline for Species Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) [TaxId:10116] from d.15.1.8 Axin 1: