Lineage for Protein: RuBisCo chaperone RbcX

  1. Root: SCOP 1.75
  2. 758332Class a: All alpha proteins [46456] (284 folds)
  3. 781293Fold a.280: RbcX-like [158614] (1 superfamily)
    5 helices per subunit; irregular array of short and long helices; swapping of the C-terminal helices in the dimer
  4. 781294Superfamily a.280.1: RbcX-like [158615] (1 family) (S)
  5. 781295Family a.280.1.1: RbcX-like [158616] (1 protein)
    Pfam PF02341 (note typo in the Pfam name: RcbX)
  6. 781296Protein RuBisCo chaperone RbcX [158617] (3 species)


  1. 781297Anabaena sp. [TaxId:1167] [158619] (1 PDB entry)
    Uniprot Q44212 1-115
  2. 781300Synechococcus sp. pcc 7002 [TaxId:32049] [158618] (9 PDB entries)
    Uniprot Q44177 2-111! Uniprot Q44177 3-109! Uniprot Q44177 3-111
    1. Domains for 2pei:
      1. 781306Domain d2peia1: 2pei A:3-109 [149405]
      2. 781307Domain d2peib1: 2pei B:3-108 [149406]
        automatically matched to 2PEI A:3-109
      3. 781308Domain d2peic1: 2pei C:3-107 [149407]
        automatically matched to 2PEI A:3-109
      4. 781309Domain d2peid1: 2pei D:3-109 [149408]
        automatically matched to 2PEI A:3-109
      5. 781310Domain d2peie1: 2pei E:3-108 [149409]
        automatically matched to 2PEI A:3-109
      6. 781311Domain d2peif1: 2pei F:3-108 [149410]
        automatically matched to 2PEI A:3-109
      7. 781312Domain d2peig1: 2pei G:3-109 [149411]
        automatically matched to 2PEI A:3-109
      8. 781313Domain d2peih1: 2pei H:3-109 [149412]
        automatically matched to 2PEI A:3-109
      9. 781314Domain d2peii1: 2pei I:3-108 [149413]
        automatically matched to 2PEI A:3-109
      10. 781315Domain d2peij1: 2pei J:3-108 [149414]
        automatically matched to 2PEI A:3-109
      11. 781316Domain d2peik1: 2pei K:4-108 [149415]
        automatically matched to 2PEI A:3-109
      12. 781317Domain d2peil1: 2pei L:3-109 [149416]
        automatically matched to 2PEI A:3-109
    2. Domains for 2pej:
      1. 781342Domain d2peja1: 2pej A:3-111 [149417]
      2. 781343Domain d2pejb1: 2pej B:3-110 [149418]
        automatically matched to 2PEJ A:3-111
      3. 781344Domain d2pejc1: 2pej C:3-110 [149419]
        automatically matched to 2PEJ A:3-111
      4. 781345Domain d2pejd1: 2pej D:3-109 [149420]
        automatically matched to 2PEJ A:3-111
      5. 781346Domain d2peje1: 2pej E:3-111 [149421]
        automatically matched to 2PEJ A:3-111
      6. 781347Domain d2pejf1: 2pej F:4-111 [149422]
        automatically matched to 2PEJ A:3-111
    3. Domains for 2pek:
      1. 781330Domain d2peka1: 2pek A:2-111 [149423]
      2. 781331Domain d2pekb1: 2pek B:3-111 [149424]
        automatically matched to 2PEK A:2-111
      3. 781332Domain d2pekc1: 2pek C:2-111 [149425]
        automatically matched to 2PEK A:2-111
      4. 781333Domain d2pekd1: 2pek D:2-109 [149426]
        automatically matched to 2PEK A:2-111
      5. 781334Domain d2peke1: 2pek E:3-111 [149427]
        automatically matched to 2PEK A:2-111
      6. 781335Domain d2pekf1: 2pek F:3-111 [149428]
        automatically matched to 2PEK A:2-111
    4. Domains for 2pem:
      1. 781336Domain d2pema1: 2pem A:2-111 [149429]
      2. 781337Domain d2pemb1: 2pem B:2-111 [149430]
        automatically matched to 2PEM A:2-111
      3. 781338Domain d2pemc1: 2pem C:2-110 [149431]
        automatically matched to 2PEM A:2-111
      4. 781339Domain d2pemd1: 2pem D:2-109 [149432]
        automatically matched to 2PEM A:2-111
      5. 781340Domain d2peme1: 2pem E:2-111 [149433]
        automatically matched to 2PEM A:2-111
      6. 781341Domain d2pemf1: 2pem F:3-111 [149434]
        automatically matched to 2PEM A:2-111
    5. Domains for 2pen:
      1. 781318Domain d2pena1: 2pen A:2-111 [149435]
        automatically matched to 2PEM A:2-111
      2. 781319Domain d2penb1: 2pen B:3-111 [149436]
        automatically matched to 2PEM A:2-111
      3. 781320Domain d2penc1: 2pen C:3-111 [149437]
        automatically matched to 2PEM A:2-111
      4. 781321Domain d2pend1: 2pen D:3-109 [149438]
        automatically matched to 2PEM A:2-111
      5. 781322Domain d2pene1: 2pen E:3-111 [149439]
        automatically matched to 2PEM A:2-111
      6. 781323Domain d2penf1: 2pen F:3-111 [149440]
        automatically matched to 2PEM A:2-111
    6. Domains for 2peq:
      1. 781301Domain d2peqa1: 2peq A:2-109 [149443]
        automatically matched to 2PEM A:2-111
      2. 781302Domain d2peqb1: 2peq B:2-109 [149444]
        automatically matched to 2PEM A:2-111
    7. Domain for 2z44:
    8. Domains for 2z45:
      1. 781303Domain d2z45a1: 2z45 A:3-111 [154028]
        automatically matched to 2PEM A:2-111
        complexed with zn
      2. 781304Domain d2z45b1: 2z45 B:3-110 [154029]
        automatically matched to 2PEM A:2-111
        complexed with zn
    9. Domains for 2z46:
      1. 781324Domain d2z46a1: 2z46 A:2-110 [154030]
        automatically matched to 2PEM A:2-111
      2. 781325Domain d2z46b1: 2z46 B:2-110 [154031]
        automatically matched to 2PEM A:2-111
      3. 781326Domain d2z46c1: 2z46 C:3-111 [154032]
        automatically matched to 2PEM A:2-111
      4. 781327Domain d2z46d1: 2z46 D:2-110 [154033]
        automatically matched to 2PEM A:2-111
      5. 781328Domain d2z46e1: 2z46 E:3-111 [154034]
        automatically matched to 2PEM A:2-111
      6. 781329Domain d2z46f1: 2z46 F:2-111 [154035]
        automatically matched to 2PEM A:2-111
  3. 781348Synechocystis sp., strain PCC 6803 [TaxId:1148] [158620] (1 PDB entry)
    Uniprot Q55670 4-123

More info for Protein RuBisCo chaperone RbcX from a.280.1.1: RbcX-like

Timeline for Protein RuBisCo chaperone RbcX from a.280.1.1: RbcX-like: