Lineage for d3df1c1 (3df1 C:1-105)

  1. Root: SCOP 1.75
  2. 849709Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (376 folds)
  3. 860188Fold d.52: Alpha-lytic protease prodomain-like [54805] (10 superfamilies)
    core: alpha-beta(2)-(alpha)-beta; 2 layers: alpha/beta
  4. 860215Superfamily d.52.3: Prokaryotic type KH domain (KH-domain type II) [54814] (1 family) (S)
    Prokaryotic and eukaryotic domains share a KH-motif but have different topologies
  5. 860216Family d.52.3.1: Prokaryotic type KH domain (KH-domain type II) [54815] (4 proteins)
  6. 860229Protein Ribosomal protein S3 N-terminal domain [54816] (4 species)
  7. 860232Species Escherichia coli [TaxId:562] [160236] (24 PDB entries)
    Uniprot P0A7V3 1-105
  8. 860238Domain d3df1c1: 3df1 C:1-105 [157603]
    Other proteins in same PDB: d3df1b1, d3df1c2, d3df1d1, d3df1e1, d3df1e2, d3df1f1, d3df1g1, d3df1h1, d3df1i1, d3df1j1, d3df1k1, d3df1l1, d3df1m1, d3df1n1, d3df1o1, d3df1p1, d3df1q1, d3df1r1, d3df1s1, d3df1t1, d3df1u1
    automatically matched to 2AVY C:1-105
    complexed with hyg, mg

Details for d3df1c1

PDB Entry: 3df1 (more details), 3.5 Å

PDB Description: Crystal structure of the bacterial ribosome from Escherichia coli in complex with hygromycin B. This file contains the 30S subunit of the first 70S ribosome, with hygromycin B bound. The entire crystal structure contains two 70S ribosomes.
PDB Compounds: (C:) 30S ribosomal protein S3

SCOP Domain Sequences for d3df1c1:

Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)

>d3df1c1 d.52.3.1 (C:1-105) Ribosomal protein S3 N-terminal domain {Escherichia coli [TaxId: 562]}

SCOP Domain Coordinates for d3df1c1:

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(The format of our PDB-style files is described here.)

Timeline for d3df1c1: