Class h: Coiled coil proteins [57942] (7 folds) |
Fold h.1: Parallel coiled-coil [57943] (33 superfamilies) this is not a true fold; includes oligomers of shorter identical helices |
Superfamily h.1.32: Heterotrimerisation domain of extracellular hemoglobin linker subunits [144276] (1 family) |
Family h.1.32.1: Heterotrimerisation domain of extracellular hemoglobin linker subunits [144277] (3 proteins) |
Protein Extracellular hemoglobin linker l2 subunit [144278] (1 species) |
Common earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris) [TaxId:6398] [144279] (1 PDB entry) |
Timeline for Protein Extracellular hemoglobin linker l2 subunit from h.1.32.1: Heterotrimerisation domain of extracellular hemoglobin linker subunits: