Lineage for Species: Thermotoga maritima [TaxId: 2336]

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.06
  2. 2170735Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (385 folds)
  3. 2239280Fold d.218: Nucleotidyltransferase [81302] (1 superfamily)
    core: alpha-beta-turn-beta-X-beta-(alpha); mixed beta-sheet, order of core strands: 123
  4. 2239281Superfamily d.218.1: Nucleotidyltransferase [81301] (16 families) (S)
  5. 2239710Family d.218.1.11: TM1012-like [143239] (2 proteins)
    insert X in the core is an alpha-beta(2) unit; contains extra C-terminal structures; mixed 7-stranded sheet, order: 6712543;
  6. 2239711Protein Hypothetical protein TM1012 [143240] (1 species)
  7. 2239712Species Thermotoga maritima [TaxId:2336] [143241] (2 PDB entries)
    Uniprot Q9X0A5 1-157! Uniprot Q9X0A5 2-157

PDB entries in Species: Thermotoga maritima [TaxId: 2336]:

  1. Domain(s) for 2ewr:
  2. Domain(s) for 2fcl:

More info for Species Thermotoga maritima [TaxId:2336] from d.218.1.11 Hypothetical protein TM1012

Timeline for Species Thermotoga maritima [TaxId:2336] from d.218.1.11 Hypothetical protein TM1012: