Lineage for Protein: Riboflavin biosynthesis protein RibD

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.05
  2. 1815291Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (148 folds)
  3. 1871769Fold c.71: Dihydrofolate reductase-like [53596] (1 superfamily)
    3 layers: a/b/a; mixed beta-sheet of 8 strands, order 34251687; strand 8 is antiparallel to the rest
  4. 1871770Superfamily c.71.1: Dihydrofolate reductase-like [53597] (3 families) (S)
  5. 1872160Family c.71.1.2: RibD C-terminal domain-like [142701] (3 proteins)
    Pfam PF01872
  6. 1872164Protein Riboflavin biosynthesis protein RibD [142702] (2 species)


  1. 1872165Bacillus subtilis [TaxId:1423] [142703] (4 PDB entries)
    Uniprot P17618 146-359
    1. Domains for 2b3z:
      1. 1872166Domain d2b3za1: 2b3z A:146-359 [127807]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2b3za2, d2b3zb2, d2b3zc2, d2b3zd2
        complexed with zn
      2. 1872167Domain d2b3zb1: 2b3z B:146-359 [127809]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2b3za2, d2b3zb2, d2b3zc2, d2b3zd2
        automated match to d2b3za1
        complexed with zn
      3. 1872168Domain d2b3zc1: 2b3z C:146-359 [127811]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2b3za2, d2b3zb2, d2b3zc2, d2b3zd2
        automated match to d2b3za1
        complexed with zn
      4. 1872169Domain d2b3zd1: 2b3z D:146-359 [127813]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2b3za2, d2b3zb2, d2b3zc2, d2b3zd2
        automated match to d2b3za1
        complexed with zn
    2. Domains for 2d5n:
      1. 1872178Domain d2d5na1: 2d5n A:146-359 [131273]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2d5na2, d2d5nb2, d2d5nc2, d2d5nd2
        automated match to d2b3za1
        complexed with ndp, zn
      2. 1872179Domain d2d5nb1: 2d5n B:146-359 [131275]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2d5na2, d2d5nb2, d2d5nc2, d2d5nd2
        automated match to d2b3za1
        complexed with ndp, zn
      3. 1872180Domain d2d5nc1: 2d5n C:146-359 [131277]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2d5na2, d2d5nb2, d2d5nc2, d2d5nd2
        automated match to d2b3za1
        complexed with ndp, zn
      4. 1872181Domain d2d5nd1: 2d5n D:146-359 [131279]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d2d5na2, d2d5nb2, d2d5nc2, d2d5nd2
        automated match to d2b3za1
        complexed with ndp, zn
    3. Domains for 3ex8:
      1. 1872174Domain d3ex8a2: 3ex8 A:146-359 [209690]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ex8a1, d3ex8b1, d3ex8c1, d3ex8d1
        automated match to d2b3za1
        complexed with aif, zn
      2. 1872175Domain d3ex8b2: 3ex8 B:146-359 [209692]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ex8a1, d3ex8b1, d3ex8c1, d3ex8d1
        automated match to d2b3za1
        complexed with aif, zn
      3. 1872176Domain d3ex8c2: 3ex8 C:146-359 [209694]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ex8a1, d3ex8b1, d3ex8c1, d3ex8d1
        automated match to d2b3za1
        complexed with aif, zn
      4. 1872177Domain d3ex8d2: 3ex8 D:146-359 [209696]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d3ex8a1, d3ex8b1, d3ex8c1, d3ex8d1
        automated match to d2b3za1
        complexed with aif, zn
    4. Domains for 4g3m:
      1. 1872170Domain d4g3ma2: 4g3m A:146-360 [221682]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4g3ma1, d4g3mb1, d4g3mc1, d4g3md1
        automated match to d2b3za1
        complexed with ai9, aof, zn
      2. 1872171Domain d4g3mb2: 4g3m B:146-359 [221684]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4g3ma1, d4g3mb1, d4g3mc1, d4g3md1
        automated match to d2b3za1
        complexed with ai9, aof, zn
      3. 1872172Domain d4g3mc2: 4g3m C:146-359 [221686]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4g3ma1, d4g3mb1, d4g3mc1, d4g3md1
        automated match to d2b3za1
        complexed with ai9, aof, zn
      4. 1872173Domain d4g3md2: 4g3m D:146-359 [221688]
        Other proteins in same PDB: d4g3ma1, d4g3mb1, d4g3mc1, d4g3md1
        automated match to d2b3za1
        complexed with ai9, aof, zn
  2. 1872182Thermotoga maritima [TaxId:2336] [142704] (1 PDB entry)
    Uniprot Q9X2E8 148-345

More info for Protein Riboflavin biosynthesis protein RibD from c.71.1.2: RibD C-terminal domain-like

Timeline for Protein Riboflavin biosynthesis protein RibD from c.71.1.2: RibD C-terminal domain-like: