Lineage for Species: Vibrio cholerae [TaxId: 666]

  1. Root: SCOP 1.73
  2. 631650Class a: All alpha proteins [46456] (258 folds)
  3. 641597Fold a.43: Ribbon-helix-helix [47597] (1 superfamily)
    core: 4 helices; array of 2 hairpins, opened
  4. 641598Superfamily a.43.1: Ribbon-helix-helix [47598] (8 families) (S)
    formerly Met repressor-like; dimeric proteins; the N-termini form a small beta-sheet ribbon
  5. 641760Family a.43.1.9: VCA0319-like [140553] (1 protein)
    COG4453; extended and extra C-terminal helices; potential component of the bi-partite system also including an acetyltransferase
  6. 641761Protein Hypothetical protein VCA0482 (VCA0319) [140554] (1 species)
    Proteins of identical sequence, VCA0482 VCA0319 are encoded by two different genes
  7. 641762Species Vibrio cholerae [TaxId:666] [140555] (1 PDB entry)

PDB entry in Species: Vibrio cholerae [TaxId: 666]:

More info for Species Vibrio cholerae [TaxId:666] from a.43.1.9 Hypothetical protein VCA0482 (VCA0319)

Timeline for Species Vibrio cholerae [TaxId:666] from a.43.1.9 Hypothetical protein VCA0482 (VCA0319):