Lineage for d2hs3a4 (2hs3 A:508-603)

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.08
  2. 2923792Class d: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b) [53931] (396 folds)
  3. 2978140Fold d.139: PurM C-terminal domain-like [56041] (1 superfamily)
    3 layers: alpha/beta/alpha; partial topological similarity to the ferredoxin-like fold
  4. 2978141Superfamily d.139.1: PurM C-terminal domain-like [56042] (2 families) (S)
  5. 2978142Family d.139.1.1: PurM C-terminal domain-like [56043] (9 proteins)
  6. Protein Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase II, domain 4 [419053] (1 species)
    protein duplication: tandem repeats of two PurM-like units arranged like the PurM subunits in the dimer
  7. Species Thermotoga maritima [TaxId:2336] [419544] (7 PDB entries)
  8. 2978187Domain d2hs3a4: 2hs3 A:508-603 [136715]
    Other proteins in same PDB: d2hs3a1, d2hs3a2, d2hs3a3
    automated match to d1vk3a4
    complexed with fgr, po4

    missing some secondary structures that made up less than one-third of the common domain

Details for d2hs3a4

PDB Entry: 2hs3 (more details), 2.3 Å

PDB Description: T. maritima PurL complexed with FGAR
PDB Compounds: (A:) Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase II

SCOPe Domain Sequences for d2hs3a4:

Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)

>d2hs3a4 d.139.1.1 (A:508-603) Phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase II, domain 4 {Thermotoga maritima [TaxId: 2336]}

SCOPe Domain Coordinates for d2hs3a4:

Click to download the PDB-style file with coordinates for d2hs3a4.
(The format of our PDB-style files is described here.)

Timeline for d2hs3a4: