Class b: All beta proteins [48724] (178 folds) |
Fold b.163: Pseudo beta-prism I [141657] (1 superfamily) beta-sandwich with one regular beta-sheet and the other beta-sheet bent in the middle with a set of aligned beta-bulges |
Superfamily b.163.1: Bacteriophage trimeric proteins domain [141658] (2 families) found in phage proteins that form trimers, but is not involved in the trimerisation |
Family b.163.1.2: Lactophage receptor-binding protein N-terminal domain [141662] (1 protein) automatically mapped to Pfam PF08931 |
Protein Receptor binding protein, rbp, N-terminal domain [141663] (1 species) includes extra N-terminal trimerization helix |
Species Lactococcus lactis phage p2 [TaxId:100641] [141664] (2 PDB entries) Uniprot Q71AW2 2-140 |
Domain d1zrua3: 1zru A:2-140 [125562] Other proteins in same PDB: d1zrua1, d1zrua2, d1zrub1, d1zrub2, d1zruc1, d1zruc2 complexed with gol |
PDB Entry: 1zru (more details), 1.73 Å
SCOPe Domain Sequences for d1zrua3:
Sequence, based on SEQRES records: (download)
>d1zrua3 b.163.1.2 (A:2-140) Receptor binding protein, rbp, N-terminal domain {Lactococcus lactis phage p2 [TaxId: 100641]} tiknftffspnstefpvgsnndgklymmltgmdyrtirrkdwssplntalnvqytntsii aggryfellnetvalkgdsvnyihanidltqtanpvslsaetannsngvdinngsgvlkv cfdivttsgtgvtstkpiv
>d1zrua3 b.163.1.2 (A:2-140) Receptor binding protein, rbp, N-terminal domain {Lactococcus lactis phage p2 [TaxId: 100641]} tiknftfgsnndgklymmltgmdyrtirrkdwssplntalnvqytntsiiaggryfelln etvalkgdsvnyihanidltqtanpvslsaetannsngvdinngsgvlkvcfdivttsgt gvtstkpiv
Timeline for d1zrua3: