Lineage for d1xwrd_ (1xwr D:)

  1. Root: SCOPe 2.07
  2. 2299346Class a: All alpha proteins [46456] (289 folds)
  3. 2322501Fold a.35: lambda repressor-like DNA-binding domains [47412] (1 superfamily)
    core: 4 helices; folded leaf, closed
  4. 2322502Superfamily a.35.1: lambda repressor-like DNA-binding domains [47413] (14 families) (S)
  5. 2322889Family a.35.1.9: Bacteriophage CII protein [140520] (1 protein)
    Pfam PF05269; a compact helix-swapped dimer of the canonical fold; includes the extra C-terminal teramerisation region (alpha-helix); in the tetramer-DNA complex only two of the four HTH motifs interact with DNA
  6. 2322890Protein Regulatory protein cII [140521] (1 species)
  7. 2322891Species Bacteriophage lambda [TaxId:10710] [140522] (3 PDB entries)
    Uniprot P03042 2-80! Uniprot P03042 4-81
  8. 2322899Domain d1xwrd_: 1xwr D: [122409]
    automated match to d1xwra1
    complexed with ipa

Details for d1xwrd_

PDB Entry: 1xwr (more details), 2.56 Å

PDB Description: Crystal structure of the coliphage lambda transcription activator protein CII
PDB Compounds: (D:) Regulatory protein CII

SCOPe Domain Sequences for d1xwrd_:

Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)

>d1xwrd_ a.35.1.9 (D:) Regulatory protein cII {Bacteriophage lambda [TaxId: 10710]}

SCOPe Domain Coordinates for d1xwrd_:

Click to download the PDB-style file with coordinates for d1xwrd_.
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Timeline for d1xwrd_: