Class c: Alpha and beta proteins (a/b) [51349] (141 folds) |
Fold c.14: ClpP/crotonase [52095] (1 superfamily) core: 4 turns of (beta-beta-alpha)n superhelix |
Superfamily c.14.1: ClpP/crotonase [52096] (4 families) |
Family c.14.1.4: Biotin dependent carboxylase carboxyltransferase domain [89572] (6 proteins) Pfam PF01039 the active site is formed by two different homologous subunits or domains of this fold |
Protein Propionyl-CoA carboxylase complex B subunit, PccB [117466] (3 species) |
Species Thermotoga maritima [TaxId:2336] [142011] (1 PDB entry) |
Domain d1vrga1: 1vrg A:1-251 [120458] complexed with bct, mg |
PDB Entry: 1vrg (more details), 2.3 Å
SCOP Domain Sequences for d1vrga1:
Sequence; same for both SEQRES and ATOM records: (download)
>d1vrga1 c.14.1.4 (A:1-251) Propionyl-CoA carboxylase complex B subunit, PccB {Thermotoga maritima [TaxId: 2336]} mslrdkieelkkiekeieqgggpekvekqhragkltawerlellldpgtfveidkfvehr ntyfgldkvklprdgvitgvgeingrkvavfsqdftvmggslgemhakkivklldlalkm gipvigindsggariqegvdalagygeiflrntlasgvvpqitviagpcaggavyspalt dfivmvdqtarmfitgpnvikavtgeeisqedlggamvhnqksgnahfladndekamslv rtllsylpsnn
Timeline for d1vrga1: